Lösung 1 - Lehrstuhl für Praktische Informatik III

Lehrstuhl für Praktische Informatik III
Prof. Dr. Guido Moerkotte
Email: [email protected]
Norman May
B6, 29, Raum C0.05
68131 Mannheim
Telefon: (0621) 181–2517
Email: [email protected]
Sommersemester 2005
1. Übungsblatt
27. April 2005
Aufgabe 1
Schreiben Sie ein Programm, das eine partielle Ordnung (einen gerichteten Graph)
topologisch sortiert. Welche Komplexität hat Ihr Programm?
package infra;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util. Iterator ;
import java.util.Set;
∗ Sort a directed acyclic graph topologically .
public class TopologicalSort {
/∗∗ the graqph to sort topologically ∗/
private Set theGraph;
/∗∗ holds the toplogically ordered nodes ∗/
private Node[] theResult;
/∗∗ the write position ∗/
private int theWritePos;
/∗∗ the set of inserted nodes ∗/
private Set theDoneNodes;
public TopologicalSort(Set graph) {
theGraph = graph;
theWritePos = theGraph.size();
theResult = new Node[theWritePos];
theDoneNodes = new HashSet();
/∗∗ do sort the graph, based on the incident edges ∗/
public Node[] sort() {
if (theWritePos == 0 &&
theDoneNodes.size() == theGraph.size()) { // already sorted
return theResult;
for ( Iterator iter = theGraph.iterator() ; iter .hasNext(); ) {
insert ((Node) iter.next()) ;
return theResult;
/∗∗ insert node n into theResult ∗/
private void insert(Node n) {
if (theDoneNodes.contains(n)) {
for (int i = 0; i < n.theEdges.length; ++i) {
insert (n.theEdges[i ]) ;
theResult[theWritePos] = n;
package infra;
∗ a node in a directed graph
public class Node {
/∗ the edges denoted by the Node reached from following the edge ∗/
Node[] theEdges;
public Node(Node[] edges) {
theEdges = edges;
public Node(int noEdges) {
theEdges = new Node[noEdges];
/∗∗ @see Object#equals(Object) ∗/
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == this)
return true;
if (!( obj instanceof Node))
return false;
Node n = (Node) obj;
if (n.theEdges.length != theEdges.length)
return false;
for (int index = 0; index < theEdges.length; ++index) {
if (theEdges[index] != n.theEdges[index])
return false;
return true;
/∗∗ @see Object#hashCode() ∗/
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < theEdges.length; ++index)
hash += System.identityHashCode(theEdges[index]);
return hash;
Komplexität: O(|V | + |E|)
Aufgabe 2
Erkunden sie folgende Konzepte der Java-Programmiersprache:
• kritischer Abschnitt
• Thread, Monitor
• Process
• Semaphore
• Locking
Seit Java 1.0 (java.lang)
• kritischer Abschnitt synchronized (Statement, Methode)
• Thread: Runnable, Thread
• Process: Process
• Monitor: Thread
• synchronized block / Methode
Seit Java 2 1.5 (java.util.concurrency.*):
• Semaphore
• Lock (auch Read-Write-Lock!)
Aufgabe 3
Das Readers and Writers Problem ist ein klassisches Problem bei gleichzeitiger
Ausführung mehrerer Prozesse oder Threads:
• mehrere Prozesse teilen sich eine Ressource.
• gleichzeitige Lesen von der Ressorce durch verschiedene Prozesse ist möglich.
• nur genau ein schreibender Prozeß darf auf die Ressource zugreifen. Währenddessen darf kein weiterer Prozeß auf die Ressource zugreifen.
Diskutieren Sie Lösungen zu diesem Problem.
package ReadersWriters;
∗ @author Norman May
∗ a syncronized reader for the reader−writers problem. Synchronization is done using a
public class RWMonitor {
/∗∗ the shared data item ∗/
private int theSharedData;
/∗∗ the read operation ∗/
public void doReadData() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
System.out.println(”read: ” + theSharedData);
/∗ the write operation ∗/
public void doWriteData() {
startWrite() ;
System.out.println(”write : old value : ” + theSharedData);
theSharedData = (int) (Math.random() ∗ Integer.MAX VALUE);
System.out.println(”write : new value: ” + theSharedData);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
/∗∗ for the protocol : number of concurrent readers ∗/
private int readCnt = 0;
/∗∗ for the protocol : number of writers (0 or 1) ∗/
private int writeCnt = 0;
/∗∗ the protocol to request a read operation ∗/
private synchronized void startRead() {
while (writeCnt > 0) {
try {
wait() ;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
/∗∗ the protocol to finish a read operation ∗/
private synchronized void endRead() {
notify () ;
/∗∗ the protocol to request a write operation ∗/
private synchronized void startWrite() {
while(writeCnt > 0 || readCnt > 0) {
wait() ;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
/∗∗ the protocol to finish a write operation ∗/
private synchronized void endWrite() {
notify () ;
/∗∗ start 5 concurrent thread that read or write ∗/
public static void main(String[] args) {
RWMonitor theData = new RWMonitor();
ReaderWriter rw[] = { new ReaderWriter(theData),
new ReaderWriter(theData),
new ReaderWriter(theData),
new ReaderWriter(theData),
new ReaderWriter(theData) };
for (int i = 0; i < rw.length; ++i) {
rw[i ]. start () ;
package ReadersWriters;
∗ @author Norman May
∗ a thread that randomly reads or writes
public class ReaderWriter extends Thread {
/∗∗ the monitor that protects the shared data item ∗/
RWMonitor theData;
/∗∗ constructor ∗/
ReaderWriter(RWMonitor aData) {
theData = aData;
/∗∗ do access the data in read or write mode ∗/
public void run() {
for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
double r = Math.random();
if ( r < 0.1) {
} else {