OVERVIEW 12 th MONDAY - JUNE 19, 2017 LOOKING BEYOND HORIZONS AGENDA 11:00 Field Trip IIoT Test Bed HTW Dresden 13:30 Registration Ground Floor Keynote Session Session Chair: Heinz Martin Esser | fabmatics GmbH & Silicon Saxony Board 2nd Floor - Großer Saal 14:00 Welcome Heinz Martin Esser | fabmatics GmbH & Silicon Saxony Board 14:05 Conference Opening Barbara Meyer | Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport 14:15 „Watson for Business“ Ralf Buksch | Business Unit Executive Technical Sales and Architects IBM Software DACH at IBM Deutschland GmbH 14:45 „Augmented reality and virtual reality: what can be the impact on the semiconductor industry?“ Jean-Christophe Eloy | President and CEO of Yole Développement 15:15 „Connect – Learn – Optimize How KUKA supports your path to a smart production“ Dirk Engelbrecht | Program Manager Industrie 4.0 at KUKA AG 15:45 Coffee Break 16:30 „Smart, connected products and operations change how we do business and how we monetize“ Kent Eriksson | Senior Advisor IoT Transformations at PTC Inc. 17:00 „From Digital Transformation To Becoming A Digital Business“ Pascal Matzke | Vice President & Research Director, CIO Practice Leader, Forrester Research 17:30 Meet the Silicon Saxony Board Club Night 18:30 Club Night at MY HOUSE Complete Agenda: www.silicon-saxony-day.de OVERVIEW TUESDAY - JUNE 20, 2017 09:00 Registration starts CONNECTED WEARABLES iCOOL SMART HEALTH INTERNET OF THINGS Workshop-Room 1 Workshop-Room 2 Workshop-Room 3 Workshop-Room 4 12:00 LUNCH BREAK 14:00 MANUFACTURING SUPPORT WITH SMART MOBILE DEVICES AUTOMOTIVE MEGATRENDS DRONE TECHNOLOGIES TRAILS THROUGH THE SMART SYSTEMS HUB Workshop-Room 1 Workshop-Room 2 Workshop-Room 3 Workshop-Room 4 16:00 COFFEE BREAK 16:30 SCIENCE PITCH 1st Floor - Kleiner Saal 17:30 GET TOGETHER SPEED DATING EXHIBITION (GROUND FLOOR) 10:00 OVERVIEW 12 th TUESDAY - MORNING JUNE 20, 2017 LOOKING BEYOND HORIZONS Connected Wearables - Enabling IoT and Augmented-Reality (AR) Session Chair: Dr. Uwe Vogel | Fraunhofer FEP Workshop Room 1 10:00 „Augmented Reality in Production and Facility Management“ Romina Kühn | Technische Universität Dresden 10:20 „IR sensors for wearables“ Dongwoo Suh | ETRI Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (Korea) 10:40 „Digital continuous improvement using wearables - How connected wearables help save costs and motivate employees“ Yannick Müller | etventure Startup Hub GmbH 11:00 „Knitty-fi“ Michael Rink | IMMS Institut für Mikroelektronik- und Mechatronik-Systeme gemeinnützige GmbH 11:20 „Supply Chain mit Blockchain Showcase RFID“ Olaf Stöwer | faizod GmbH & Co. KG 11:40 „Spatially aware connectivity for wearables using Li-Fi technology“ Dr. Alexander Noack | Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems IPMS iCool Project Idea Pitches and Matchmaking Session Chair: Frank Bösenberg | Silicon Saxony Management GmbH Workshop Room 2 09:00 Welcome 09:05 Workshop Intro Part I 09:10 Introduction of Project Ideas Pecha Kuch 09:30 Ideas workshop Speed Ideation 09:50 Selection of project ideas and formation of consortia Voting / Connecting & Matching 10:00 Break 10:20 Workshop Intro Part II 10:30 Development of project sketches World Café, Canvas, Roadmap 11:45 Wrap Up project sketches Elevator Pitch Complete Agenda: www.silicon-saxony-day.de OVERVIEW 12 th TUESDAY - MORNING JUNE 20, 2017 LOOKING BEYOND HORIZONS Smart Health Session Chair: Dr. Martina Vogel | Fraunhofer ENAS Workshop Room 3 10:00 „Wound documentation 4.0 with XotoCAM 1.1“ Michél Kaiser | XotonicsMED GmbH 10:20 „Research for health – Innovations made by Miniaturization“ Dr. Mario Baum | Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems 10:40 „Molecular Acoustics – Shaping the Future of Brain Monitoring“ Rafael Salzberger | Sonovum AG 11:00 n.n. 11:20 „Bedside disease diagnosis; science fiction or reality?“ Dr. Joeri Kint | Biotype Diagonostic GmbH 11:40 „Technologies for wireless in-body and on-body communication“ Dr. Niels Neumann | Technische Universität Dresden Creating Sustainable Customer Value with the Internet of Things Session Chair: Christoph Kögler | T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH Workshop Room 4 10:00 „Electro-optical platform for data centers enabling the internet of things“ Dr. Niels Neumann | Technische Universität Dresden 10:20 „From the sensor into the cloud and back: Real world use cases from students“ Students under supervision of Prof. Dr. Dirk Reichelt | Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden 10:40 „IoT requires fit-for-purpose connectivity“ Rudolf von Stokar | Wirepas GmbH 11:00 „Digital Independence: Successful real time integration and evaluation of quality data“ Stefan Ehrlich | SQL Projekt AG 11:20 „Big Data Architecture for the Semantic Analysis of Complex Events in Manufacturing“ Martin Voigt | Ontos GmbH Leipzig 11:40 „Business models for the Internet of things“ Matthias Walter | T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH Complete Agenda: www.silicon-saxony-day.de OVERVIEW 12 th TUESDAY - AFTERNOON JUNE 20, 2017 LOOKING BEYOND HORIZONS Manufacturing Support with Smart Mobile Devices Session Chair: Jochen Kinauer | camLine GmbH Prof. Dr. Dirk Reichelt | Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden Workshop Room 1 14:00 Introduction to the World Café format of this session Jochen Kinauer | camLine GmbH 14:10 Overview about RFID with integrated sensors Jochen Kinauer | camLine GmbH 14:20 Overview about wearables Dr. Uwe Vogel | Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP 14:30 Overview about indoor navigation Prof. Dr. Dirk Reichelt | Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden & Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems 14:40 Workshop World Café session to address the presented topics: Session 1: indoor navigation (Prof. Dr. Reichelt) Session 2: wearables (Dr. Vogel) Session 3: RFID with integrated sensors (J. Kinauer) 15:40 Summary of Session 1: indoor navigation Prof. Dr. Dirk Reichelt | Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden & Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems 15:45 Summary of Session 2: wearables Dr. Uwe Vogel | Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP 15:50 Summary of Session 3: RFID with integrated sensors & wrap up Jochen Kinauer | camLine GmbH Automotive Megatrends Session Chair: David Rabe | Preh Car Connect GmbH Workshop Room 2 14:00 „Intelligent Transportation Systems – Challenges & Opportunities“ Andreas Schanzenbach | Cromatics GmbH 14:30 „Vehicle Networking Architecture“ Matthias Rudolf, Preh Car Connect GmbH 15:00 „A flexible software framework for sensor fusion“ Prof. Dr. Sven Rzepka 15:30 „Functional Safety of the Electronics Systems fur Fully Automated Vehicles Assured by Integrated Smart Features for Prognostics Health Management“ Prof. Dr. Sven Rzepka, Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems Complete Agenda: www.silicon-saxony-day.de OVERVIEW 12 th TUESDAY - AFTERNOON JUNE 20, 2017 LOOKING BEYOND HORIZONS Drone Technologies - Research and Applications Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Hardt | Technische Universität Chemnitz Workshop Room 3 14:00 „UAVs for Communication Purposes / SkySAIL UAV Platform“ Prof. Dr. Andreas Mitschele-Thiel |Technische Universität Ilmenau 14:20 „Sensor Data Fusion for Quadrocopters“ Dr. Sven Lange | Technische Universität Chemnitz 14:40 „Concept of Drones for the Inspection of the ISS External Structures“ Tomasz Balcerzak | Wademekum Consulting LTD 15:00 „Using UAS in the Maintenance Process - Airborne Thermal Imaging“ Friedrich Wilhelm Bauer, Hochschule Hannover 15:20 „From Trial to Business - A new technology becomes Professional“ Michael Wieland, COPTERview airDATA UG 15:40 „Commercial Drones and their Impact on Tomorrow’s Economy“ Kay Wackwitz, Drone Industry Insights UG Trails through the Smart Systems Hub Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Uwe Aßmann | Technische Universität Dresden Workshop Room 4 14:00 „Industrial IoT Test Bed“ Prof. Dr. Dirk Reichelt | HTW Dresden „Robotic Co-Working“ Prof. Dr. Uwe Aßmann | Technische Universität Dresden „Smart Sensor and Production Systems Trail“ Dr. Jan Reimann, Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology (IWU) „Li-Fi Trail“ Dr. Alexander Noack / Dr. Frank Deicke | Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems „Knowledge-based IoT Design“ Prof. Dr. Klaus Kabitzsch |Technische Universität Dresden „Hitchhiker`s Guide to the IoT“ (IoT Showcases) Heike Vocke, iSAX GmbH & Co. KG „Virtual Humans Trail“ Prof. Dr. Guido Brunnett, Technische Universität Chemnitz Complete Agenda: www.silicon-saxony-day.de