The Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology Department of Molecular Embryology Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg Identification of novel regulators of neuronal programmed cell death Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Biology Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg im Breisgau to obtain the degree of Doctor rerum naturalium Presented by Judith Sophie Koszinowski Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Krieglstein Freiburg, 2014 Table of contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Programmed Cell Death during Development 9 1.1.1 The discovery of genes involved in Programmed Cell Death 1.1.2 Vertebrate Programmed Cell Death 10 a) The extrinsic apoptotic pathway 12 b) The intrinsic apoptotic pathway 12 Autophagy 13 1.1.3 2 9 9 1.2 Retinoic acid in the regulation of cell death and differentiation 14 1.3 The chicken embryo as a model organism in developmental studies 18 1.3.1 Development of the chicken embryo 18 1.3.2 The avian ciliary ganglion 19 1.3.3 Development of the avian ciliary ganglion 21 1.3.4 Programmed cell death during ciliary ganglion development 21 a) Synapse formation and cell death in the ciliary ganglion 21 b) Trophic factors and their effects on neuronal survival and differentiation 22 c) The role of TGFp in neuronal survival and death 25 1.4 RCAS vectors in the study of chicken development 26 1.5 Aim of the study 29 Materials and Methods 2.1 30 Materials 30 2.1.1 Chemicals and reagents 30 2.1.2 Solutions and buffers 32 2.1.3 Kits 2.1.4 Vectors 33 2.1.5 Cells 33 2.1.6 Polymerases 33 2.1.7 Restriction enzymes 33 2.1.8 Antibodies 34 2.1.9 Equipment 34 2.1.10 Consumables 35 2.1.11 Software 35 2.2 Methods 2.2.1 Embryos.. ! 33 36 36 2.2.2 Cell counts during programmed cell death in the chicken ciliary ganglion....... 36 2.2.3 Hematoxylin and eosin staining 36 2.2.4 Dissection of chicken ciliary ganglia for the microarray 36 2.2.5 RNA extraction for the microarray 37 2.2.6 Gene expression analysis 38 2.2.7 Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) 38 a) RNA extraction for qP.CR 38 b) Reverse Transcription of RNA 39 c) Primers for qPCR 40 d) Primer quality test 41 e) Primer efficiency tests f) Validation of gene expression by qPCR 42 In situ hybridization 43 a) In situ hybridization probe design 43 b) In situ probe PCR 43 c) DNA Gel Extraction 45 d) A-addition 45 e) Ligation 46 f) Transformation of competent cells 46 g) Bacterial culture and Mini-Prep 46 h) Sequencing 47 2.2.8 '. 42 ". i) Glycerol stocks 47 j) Linearization of plasmids 47 k) 48 1) . m) Purification of linearized plasmids In vitro transcription of linearized plasmids 48 In situ hybridization 49 2.2.9 Culture of DF-1 cells 50 2.2.10 Verification of BID and RARB expression in DF-1 cells 51 2.2.11 siRNA experiments 51 a) siRNA design 51 b) Splitting of DF-1 cells for siRNA experiments 52 c) Transfection of DF-1 cells with siRNA d) Fixation of cells 53 e) RNA extraction from DF-1 cells 53 : 52 f) qPCR of BID and RARB expression in DF-1 cells 53 In vivo shRNA knockdown of candidate genes 54 a) shRNA oligo design and PCR 54 b) Ligation of shRNA oligos into pRFPRNAiC 56 c) Cloning of the MOEC into RCASB 57 d) Transfection of DF-1 cells with RCAS virus 57 e) Concentration of RCAS virus 58 f) Infection of chicken embryos with RCAS virus 58 2.2.13 Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) injection 58 2.2.14 Immunohistochemistry 59 2.2.15 Cell counts of infected ganglia 59 2.2.16 Statistical procedures 60 2.2.12 Results 61 3.1 Neuron numbers during programmed cell death in the chicken ciliary ganglion 61 3.2 Gene expression data analysis 62 3.3 Validation of candidate gene expression in the ciliary ganglion by qPCR 68 3.4 Validation of transcript localization to the ciliary ganglion 70 3.5 siRNA-mediated knockdown of BID and RARB in DF-1 cell culture 72 3.6 Transfection of DF-1 cells with RCAS virus 74 3.7 In vivo shRNA-knockdown of candidate genes 76 3.7.1 Construction and injection of shRNA-expressing virus 76 3.7.2 Validation of successful virus-infection of the ciliary ganglion 77 3.7.3 Ciliary ganglion neuron counts of RCASBshRNA injected embryos 77 3.7.4 Investigation of developmental alterations after BID knockdown 78 a) Decrease in neuronal apoptosis after BID knockdown 79 b) Proliferation in the CG after BID knockdown 80 Investigation of developmental alterations after ACVR2B knockdown 81 a) Decrease in neuronal apoptosis after ACVR2B knockdown 81 b) Proliferation in the CG after ACVR2B knockdown 82 c) Differentiation-related changes after ACVR2B knockdown 84 Investigation of developmental alterations after RARB knockdown 85 a) Morphological abnormalities after RARB knockdown 85 b) Delay in neuronal apoptosis after RARB knockdown 87 c) Proliferation in the CG after RARB knockdown 88 3.7.5 3.7.6 4 d) Increased Cash1-expression in E14 ciliary ganglia after RARB knockdown.... 90 e) ChAT-expression after RARB knockdown 91 f) Decrease in somatostatin-like immunoreactivity after RARB knockdown 92 Discussion 4.1 94 Differential gene expression in the chicken CG during programmed cell death 4.1.1 94 Analysis of gene expression 94 a) Microarray setup 94 b) Gene expression analysis 96 c) Genes selected for further analysis 98 4.1.2 Validation of gene expression regulation 100 4.1.3 Validation of transcript expression levels and neuronal localization 101 4.2 In vitro siRNA-mediated knockdown of BID and RARB 102 4.3 Design and evaluation of the RCAS RNAi approach 102 4.4 Effects of candidate gene knockdown in vivo 104 4.4.1 Knockdown of ATG2B has no effect on CG neuron number.... 104 4.4.2 Knockdown of BCL-XL has no effect on CG neuron number 104 4.4.3 BID knockdown inhibits neuronal PCD 105 4.4.4 ACVR2B knockdown affects CG neuron differentiation and cell death 106 4.4.5 RARB knockdown leads to a delay in cell death 109 4.4.6 RARB knockdown affects neuronal differentiation in the CG 110 5 Conclusions 114 6 Summaiy 115 7 References 117 8 Appendix 128 9 Acknowledgements i 129