26/02/2014 First-line Therapy According to Patient Group Kontroverse: “immer Cetuximab” GROUP 1: GROUP 2: GROUP 3: Patients with initially non-resectable metastasis Patients with non-resectable metastases high tumor load or tumor-related symptoms Patients with definitively non-resectable metastases, asymptomatic and less aggressive disease or comorbidity Resectability Symptoms Control Volker Heinemann Comprehensive Cancer Center Klinikum Grosshadern, Med Klinik III LMU München Intensive therapy Duration of Survival and QoL less intensive therapy ? Schmoll H-J et al: ESMO Guidelines. Ann Oncol 2012 Relevanz der Erstlinientherapie Palliative Behandlungslinien des mCRC Eine systemische Therapie erhalten: [%] Patienten [%] Tod 1st line 2nd line 100% <70% mCRC Patienten mCRC Patienten 3rd line <50% mCRC Patienten Eine richtige Entscheidung in der Erstlinientherapie hat den größten Einfluss auf das Gesamtüberleben Weniger als 50% der mCRC Patienten erhalten eine 3rd-Line Chemotherapie. Tumorregister Kolorektales Karzinom I , iOMEDICO März 2012 Effektivität der Erstlinientherapie im Vergleich mit späteren Therapielinien Parameter* Response rate Progression-free survival 1st line 2nd line later lines 38–64%1,2 10–35%5,6 1–13%8,9 8–11 months3,4 4–7 months5,7 2–3 months8,10 Effektivität der Kombinationstherapie auch bei reduziertem Performance Status 6286 Patienten *Range of results for targeted treatment arms of key Phase II and III trials (KRAS wt exon 2 for EGFR inhibitor trials) Ansprechen in der Erstlinientherapie ist eine kritische Determinante des Gesamtüberlebens 1. Maughan TS, et al. Lancet 2011;377:2103–2114; 2. Saltz LB, et al. J Clin Oncol 2008;26:2013–2019; 3. Bokemeyer C, et al. Ann Oncol 2011;22:1535–1546; 4. Hurwitz H, et al. New Engl J Med 2004;350:2335–2342; 5. Langer C, et al. ESMO 2008 (Abstract No. 385P); 6. Peeters M, et al. J Clin OncoI 2010;28:4706–4713; 7. Giantonio BJ, et al. J Clin Oncol 2007;25:1539‒1544; 8. Grothey A, et al. Lancet 2013;38:303–312; 9. Karapetis CS, et al. N Engl J Med 2008;359:1757‒1765; 10. Amado RG, et al. J Clin Oncol 2008;26:1626–1634 1 26/02/2014 Effektivität einer optimalen 2nd-line Chemotherapie FOLFIRI FOLFOX R primary end point = 15-mo PFS FOLFOX FOLFIRI N = 220 Gesamtüberleben in Phase III Studien Sequenzielle vs. wenig intensive vs. intensivierte Therapie Sequential therapy no antibodies Non-intensive therapy plus antibodies Intensified therapy plus antibodies 1st-line FOLFIRI 2nd-line FOLFOX Crossover 1st-line FOLFOX 2nd-line FOLFIRI 74% 62% ORR 56% 15% 54% 4% PFS 8.5 Mo 4.2 Mo 8.0 Mo 2.5 Mo OS 21.5 mo Overall survival, months N = 111 N = 109 20.6 mo 5FU → FOLFOX/ FOLFIRI Cape → Irinotecan Tournigand C, et al. JCO 2004 Tournigand C, et al. JCO 2004 * KRAS-wt, retrospektive Analyse 5FU → Irinotecan 5FU + Bevacizumab Cape + Bevacizumab FOLFOX + FOLFIRI + FOLFOX + FOLFIRI + Bevacizumab Cetxuximab Panitumumab Cetuximab FOLFIRI + Cetuximab Seymour et al., Lancet 2007; Koopman et al., Lancet 2007; Cunningham et al., Ann Oncol 2009; Kabbinavar et al., JCO 2005; Price et al., JCO 2011; Saltz et al., JCO 2008; Van Cutsem et al., JCO 2011; Köhne et al., ASCO 2011; Heinemann et al., ASCO 2013; Heinemann et al., ESMO 2013 1st-line Therapie: Ergebnisse bei unselektierten Patienten FOLFIRI plus Bevacizumab Kann man die Ergebnisse der palliativen Therapie verbessern? Therapieergebnisse bei unselektierten Patienten n ORR (%) PFS (months) OS (months) Hellenic COG 2012 142 40 10.8 25.3 FNCLCC/ACCORD 2013 73 59 9.0 23.0 TRIBE 2013 256 53 9.7 25.8 ( FIRE-3 2013* 295 58 10.3 25.0 ) Study * Pts with KRAS wt tumors 1. Pectasides D, et al BMC Cancer 2012;12:271–281; 2. Ducreux M, et al. EJC 201;49:1236–1245; 3. Falcone A, et al. ASCO 2013 (Abstract No. 3505); 4. Heinemann V, et al. ASCO 2013 (Abstract No. LBA3506 1st-line Therapie: Ergebnisse bei unselektierten Patienten Maintenance und optimierte Bev-basierte Sequenz Regimen PFS (months) OS (months) MACRO1 CAPOX + Bev 10.4 23.4 CAIRO-32 Chemo + Bev 11.8 19.8 + 4.5 ? SAKK 41/063 Chemo + Bev 9.5 25.1 TML4 Chemo + Bev Study 4Ausschlusskriterien: Effektivität von anti-EGFR moAbs nur bei KRAS-WT 23.9 - 1st-line PFS < 3 Monate - Applikation von Bev < 3 Monate 1. Tabernero, et al. ASCO 2010 (Abstract No. 3501); 2. Koopmann M, et al. ASCO 2013 (Abstract No. 3502); 3. Koeberle D, et al. ASCO 2013 (Abstract No. 3503); 4. Bennouna J, et al. Lancet Oncol 2013;14:29–37 Normanno N, et al. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2009;6:519–527 2 26/02/2014 FIRE-3: First head-to-head study of targeted agents in patients with mCRC Overall survival Cetuximab + FOLFIRI R Bevacizumab + FOLFIRI 28.7 months 25.0 months 1.0 0.75 OS estimate Open-label, randomized, multicenter Phase III Patients with untreated KRAS wt (exon2) mCRC N=592 FIRE-3 study results Bevacizumab + CT (FOLFIRI) (n=295) ∆ = 3.7 months 0.50 HR=0.77 p=0.017 0.25 ● Primary endpoint: Overall response rate ● Secondary endpoints: Progression-free survival, overall survival, time to failure of strategy, depth of response, secondary resection rate, safety Cetuximab + CT (FOLFIRI) (n=297) 0.0 12 48 36 24 Months since start of treatment Overall response rate (primary endpoint not met) Progression-free survival 72 Cetuximab + CT Bevacizumab + CT 62% 58% 0.183 10.0 months 10.3 months 0.547 Heinemann V, et al. ASCO 2013 (Abstract No. LBA3506) Gezielte Therapie bei selektierten Patienten versus ungezielte Therapie 60 p value Heinemann V, et al. ASCO 2013 (Abstract No. LBA3506) Distribution of mutations in mCRC: A new definition New RAS mt ~10% 100% • Selektion in Richtung höherer Sensitivität gegenüber einer antiEGFR Therapie KRAS mt ~40% • Im Bevacizumab Arm cross-over zur 2nd-line Therapie mit Cetuximab bei 41% der Patienten 41% RAS wt ~50% • 2/3 der Patiuenten im Bev-arm erhielten keine anti-EGFR-Therapie FIRE-3: Greater selection of patients further improves OS benefit to 7.5 months with cetuximab (RAS wt) Tested Mutations Overall survival KRAS exon 2 wild-type subset NRAS BRAF EXON 1 EXON 1 EXON 11 EXON 2 12 13 61 wt 4.3% EXON 2 59 61 3.8% 2% EXON 15 10% EXON 4 146 4.9% EXON 3 12 13 600 0% EXON 3 EXON 4 16% mutations in KRAS (exon 3-4) and NRAS Bevacizumab + CT (FOLFIRI) (n=171) ∆ = 7.5 months 0.50 HR=0.70 p=0.011 0.25 117 146 0% Cetuximab + CT (FOLFIRI) (n=171) 33.1 25.6 months months 0.75 OS estimate KRAS 1.0 0.0 0 12 48 24 36 Months since start of treatment 60 72 Cetuximab + CT Bevacizumab + CT Overall response rate primary endpoint not met 65.5% 59.6% p value 0.32 Progression-free survival 10.4 months 10.2 months 0.54 Stintzing S, et al. ECC 2013 (Abstract No. LBA17) 3 26/02/2014 FIRE-3: Patients with any RAS mutation (mutations in KRAS or NRAS exons 2, 3 or 4) Overall survival 1.0 20.3 months Bevacizumab + CT (FOLFIRI) (n=86) 20.6 months 0.75 OS estimate Cetuximab + CT (FOLFIRI) (n=92) Ergebnisoptimierung durch RAS-Testung ? 0.50 = Selektion HR=1.09 p=0.60 0.25 0.0 0 48 36 24 Months since start of treatment 12 N = 178 60 72 Cetuximab + CT Bevacizumab + CT 38% 51.2% 0.097 7.5 months 10.1 months 0.085 Overall response rate Progression-free survival *Compared with bevacizumab containing regimen p value Stintzing S, et al. ECC 2013 (Abstract No. LBA17) PRIME Study: Overall Survival Optimierung der Therapieergebnisse durch Selektion Improved benefit with patient selection by RAS Panitumumab + CT (FOLFOX) alle Patienten CT (FOLFOX4) KRAS wt (exon 2) 100% 0.8 RAS wt 0.4 HR=0.83 p=0.03 0.2 50% 0.8 ∆ = 4.4 mo 0.6 0.0 0 8 16 20.2 months months 1.0 OS estimate OS estimate . 25.8 23.8 months 19.4 months 1.0 KRAS wt 60% RAS wt (KRAS and NRAS wt) ∆ = 5.6 mo 0.6 0.4 HR=0.77 p=0.009 0.2 24 32 40 Months 48 56 0.0 64 0 12 24 48 36 Months 60 72 Douillard J-Y, et al. N Engl J Med 2013;369:1023–1034 FOLFOX + Pan R N = 285 WT KRAS exon 2 FIRE-3: OS (KRAS wt exon 2 vs RAS wt) 1.0 60 50 40 30 20 HR* = 0.62 (95% CI, 0.44–0.89) P = 0.01 10 ∆ = 12.4 mo 80 70 50 40 30 20 HR* = 0.63 (95% CI, 0.39–1.02) P = 0.06 10 0 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 Months Events n (%) Median (95% CI) months Panitumumab + mFOLFOX6 (n = 142) 52 (37) 34.2 (26.6–NR) Bevacizumab + mFOLFOX6 (n = 143) 78 (55) 24.3 (21.0–29.2) Karthaus M, et al. EJC 2013; 49 (suppl 3):abstract 2262 (and poster). 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 Months Events n (%) Median (95% CI) months Panitumumab + mFOLFOX6 (n = 88) 30 (34) 41.3 (28.8–41.3) Bevacizumab + mFOLFOX6 (n = 82) 40 (49) 28.9 (23.9–31.3) *Stratified Cox proportional hazards model; No formal hypothesis testing was planned; WT RAS, WT KRAS & NRAS exons 2/3/4; NR, not reached ∆ = 3.7 months 25.0 months 0.75 60 OS estimate 70 Proportion alive (%) ∆ = 9.9 mo 80 1.0 28.7 months 90 90 RAS* wt (KRAS and NRAS wt)2 KRAS wt (exon 2)1 WT RAS 100 100 Proportion alive (%) Prim. Endpoint = PFS FOLFOX + Bev HR 0.77 (95% CI: 0.62–0.96) p=0.017 0.50 ∆ = 7.5 months HR 0.70 (95% CI: 0.53–0.92) p=0.011 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.0 0 33.1 months 25.6 months 0.75 OS estimate PEAK study RAS analysis OS (longer follow-up analysis) 0.0 12 24 36 48 60 Months since start of treatment ─ Cetuximab + FOLFIRI (n=297) ─ Bevacizumab + FOLFIRI (n=295) *Wild-type at KRAS exon 2, 3 4 and NRAS exon 2, 3, 4 72 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 Months since start of treatment ─ Cetuximab + FOLFIRI (n=171) ─ Bevacizumab + FOLFIRI (n=171) 1. Heinemann V, et al. ASCO 2013 (Abstract No. LBA3506) 2. Stintzing S, et al. ECC 2013 (Abstract No. LBA17) 4 26/02/2014 First-line Therapy According to Patient Group GROUP 1: GROUP 2: GROUP 3: Patients with initially non-resectable metastasis Patients with non-resectable metastases high tumor load or tumor-related symptoms Patients with definitively non-resectable metastases, asymptomatic and less aggressive disease Resectability Symptoms Control Duration of Survival and QoL Intensive therapy according to RAS mutation status Schmoll H-J & Sargent D. Lancet 2007;370:105–107 TRIBE Study Design FIRE-3 versus TRIBE FOLFIRI + Cetuximab vs FOLFOXIRI + Bevacizumab FOLFIRI+bev 508 mCRC pts 1st line unresectable stratified by center PS 0/1-2 adjuvant CT (up to 12 cycles) 5-FU/LV +Bev R PD FOLFOXIRI+bev (up to 12 cycles) INDUCTION 5-FU/LV +Bev MAINTENANCE FIRE-3 TRIBE FOLFOXIRI FOLFOXIRI + Bev Ras-Wildtyp keine Selektion n 171 250 ORR (%) 66 65 PFS (mo) 10.4 12.1 OS (mo) 33.1 31.0 - Diarrhoe (%) 11.5 18 - Neutropenie (%) 24.2 49 - Febr. Neutrop (%) 1.7 8 - 60-d-Mortalität (%) 0 3.2 Grad 3-4 Toxizität Heinemann et al. ASCO 2013 Falcone ASCO 2013 FIRE-3 versus TRIBE FOLFIRI + Bevacizumab Zusammenfassung/ Hypothesen FIRE-3 TRIBE FOLFIRI + Bev FOLFIRI + Bev Ras-Wildtyp keine Selektion n 171 254 ORR (%) 60 53 PFS (mo) 10.2 9.7 OS (mo) 25.6 25.8 - Diarrhoe (%) 13.6 11 - Neutropenie (%) 22.8 20 - Febr. Neutrop (%) 1.0 6 - 60-d-Mortalität (%) 1.7 2.3 Grad 3-4 Toxizität Die Erstlinientherapie beeinflusst alle weiteren Therapien Die Erstlinientherapie ist die effektivste Therapie Zweitlinientherapien (und further-lines) können eine ineffektive Erstlinientherapie nicht kompensieren. FIRE-3, PRIME, PEAK (und TRIBE) zeigen: intensive Regime in der 1st-line ermöglichen ein prolongiertes OS. Heinemann et al. ASCO 2013 Falcone ASCO 2013 5 26/02/2014 Therapie in Abhängigkeit vom RAS-Mutationsstatus mCRC Cetuximab Panitumumab sensitiv Cetuximab Panitumumab resistent RAS-wt RAS mut 50% 50% anti-EGFR Therapie anti-VEGF Therapie FOLFIRI + Cet FOLFIRI + Bev FOLFOX + Pan FOLFOXIRI + Bev bei gutem AZ 6