MLS1 Seminar

Seminar Entwicklungsgenetik (MLS1)
Nachbesprechung zum Praktikum 10. Januar 2014
Seminar Tag 1 am Freitag dem 17. Januar 2014
Seminar Tag 2 am Freitag dem 24. Januar 2014
Freitag 17. Januar 2014:
Blüte Entwicklung / Flower development:
Elisabeth Laaser
The Origin of floral asymmetry in Antirrhinum. Luo et al., Nature (1995) 383,
Nathan Innard
The stem cell population of Arabidopsis shoot meristems is maintained by a
regulatory loop between the CLAVATA and WUSCHEL genes. Schoof et al.,
Cell (2000) 100, 635-644
Bianca Klee
A molecular Link between stem cell regulation and floral patterning in
Arabidopsis. Lohmann et al., Cell (2001) 105, 793-803
Sebastian Rückert
Direct regulation of the floral homeotic APETALA1 gene by APETALA3 and
POSTILLATA in Arabidopsis. Sundström et al., The Plant Journal (2006) 46,
Alexander Kirbis
Termination of stem cell maintenance in Arabidopsis floral meristems by
interactions between WUSCHEL and AGAMOUS. Lenhard et al., Cell (2001)
105, 805-814
Drosophila Entwicklung / Drosophila Development:
Daniela Krater
Mutations affecting segment number and polarity in Drosophila. NüssleinVolhard & Wieschaus, Nature (1980) 287, 795-801
Georg Back
A non-radioactive in situ hybridization method for the localization of specific
RNAs in Drosophila embryos reveal translational control of the segmentation
gene hunchback. Tautz and Pfeifle, Chromosoma (1989), 98: 81-85
Johannes Krug
The bicoid protein determines position in the Drosophila embryo in a
concentration-dependent manner. Driever and Nüsslein-Volhard, Cell (1988) 54,
(sehe auch: A gradient of bicoid protein in Drosophila embryos. Driever and
Nüsslein-Volhard, Cell (1988) 54, 83-93)
Freitag 24. Januar 2014:
Antonia Wolf
Transcriptional regulation of a pair-rule stripe in Drosophila. Small et al. Genes
Dev (1991) 5, 827-839
Regulation of a segmentation stripe by overlapping activators and repressors in
the Drosophila embryo. Stanojevic et al., Science (1991) 254, 1385-1387
Elisa Reinicke
Gehring, W. J., & Ikeo, K. (1999). Pax 6: mastering eye morphogenesis and eye
evolution. Trends in Genetics, 15(9), 371–377. doi:10.1016/S01689525(99)01776-X
Halder, G., Callaerts, P., & Gehring, W. (1995). Induction of ectopic eyes by
targeted expression of the eyeless gene in Drosophila. Science (New York, NY),
267(5205), 1788–1792. doi:10.1126/science.7892602
Lena Hölzen
Rödel, C. J., Gilles, A. F., & Averof, M. (2013). MicroRNAs Act as Cofactors in
Bicoid-Mediated Translational Repression. Current Biology.
Nils Benger
Spirov, A., Fahmy, K., Schneider, M., Frei, E., Noll, M., & Baumgartner, S.
(2009). Formation of the bicoid morphogen gradient: an mRNA gradient dictates
the protein gradient. Development (Cambridge, England), 136(4), 605.
Annemarie Jäkel
Ochoa-Espinosa, A., Yu, D., Tsirigos, A., Struffi, P., & Small, S. (2009). Sackler
Special Feature: Anterior-posterior positional information in the absence of a
strong Bicoid gradient. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Lisa-Marie Görke
Cheung, D., Miles, C., Kreitman, & Ma, J. (2011). Scaling of the Bicoid
morphogen gradient by a volume-dependent production rate. Development
(Cambridge, England), 138(13), 2741–2749. doi:10.1242/dev.064402
Priska Streicher
Porcher, A., Abu-Arish, A., & Huart, S. (2010). The time to measure positional
information: maternal Hunchback is required for the synchrony of the Bicoid
transcriptional response at the onset of zygotic …. Development (Cambridge,
Ivan Gyulev
Little, S., Tkačik, G., Kneeland, T., Wieschaus, E., Gregor, & Desplan, C.
(2011). The Formation of the Bicoid Morphogen Gradient Requires Protein
Movement from Anteriorly Localized mRNA. PLoS Biology, 9(3), 1–47