Dr. Jörg Großhans 01/06/1966, Heidenheim/Brenz

Dr. Jörg Großhans
Universität Heidelberg
D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Phone: 06221-546884
Fax: 06221-545892
E-mail: [email protected]
01/06/1966, Heidenheim/Brenz
1985 –1987
1987 –1992
civil service
study of physiological chemistry and biochemistry (Diplom) at the University of
Tübingen and University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (1990/91)
1992 –1993 diplom project (Zebra fish genetics, C. Nüsslein-Volhard, MPI Tübingen)
1993 – 1997 doctoral project (Dorsoventral pattern formation in Drosophila embryos, C.
Nüsslein-Volhard, MPI für Entwicklungsbiologie Tübingen)
1997 – 2001 HFSP and HHMI visiting research fellow (Ventral furrow formation in
Drosophila embryos, E. Wieschaus, Princeton University, USA)
2001 – now research group leader at the ZMBH
2001 – 2006 Emmy-Noether research group of the DFG
Developmental cell biology, molecular mechanisms of morphogenesis
Emmy-Noether group (2001-2006)
DFG Forschungsstipendium (Annely Brandt)
DAAD doctoral fellowship (H.W. Sung)
Current members of the laboratory: 1 diploma student, 3 doctoral students, 3 post-docs
Brandt, A., F. Papagiannouli, N. Wagner, M. Wilsch-Bräuninger, M. Braun, E. E. Furlong, S.
Loserth, C. Wenzl, F. Pilot, N. Vogt, T. Lecuit, G. Krohne, J. Großhans. 2006.
Developmental control of nuclear size and shape by kugelkern and kurzkern. Curr. Biol. 16:
Großhans, J.*, C. Wenzl, H.-M. Herz, S. Bartoszewski, F. Schnorrer, N. Vogt, H. Schwarz,
A. Müller. 2005. RhoGEF2 and the formin Dia control the formation of the furrow canal by
directed actin assembly during Drosophila cellularisation. Development 132: 1009-1020.
Großhans, J.*, A. Müller, and E. Wieschaus. 2003. Control of cleavage cycles in Drosophila
embryos by frühstart. Dev. Cell 5: 285-294.
Großhans, J.* and E. Wieschaus. 2000. A genetic link between morphogenesis and cell
division during formation of the ventral furrow in Dorsophila. Cell 101: 523-531.
Großhans, J.*, F. Schnorrer, and C. Nüsslein-Volhard. 1999. Oligomerisation of Tube and
Pelle leads to nuclear localisation of Dorsal. Mech. Devel. 81: 139-150.
Großhans, J.*, A. Bergmann, P. Haffter, and C. Nüsslein-Volhard. 1994. Activtion of the
kinase Pelle by Tube in the dorsoventral signal transduction pathway of Drosophila embryo.
Nature 372: 563-566.
* corresponding author