Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) - Gepris

Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
69120 Heidelberg
+49 6221 42-0
+49 6221 42-2995
[email protected]
Research Grants
Current projects
Direct consequences of chromosomal instability in pre-malignant human adenoma
(Applicant Jung, Peter )
Identification and characterization of a novel mechanism resulting in DNA Mismatch
repair defects
(Applicant Hombauer, Ph.D., Hans )
Impact of elevated pre- and afterload on production of reactive oxygen species in
cardiac myocytes
(Applicant Maack, Christoph )
Restoration for RF Induced Spatial Intensity Non-uniformities in MRI Data with
Statistical, Structural, and Physical Constraints
(Applicant Bock, Michael )
SoSexOT - Deciphering Oxytocin Circuitries Orchestrating Socio-Sexual Behavior
(Applicant Grinevich, Ph.D., Valery )
Completed projects
Acclimation of Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 to metabolic stresses: A
moecular biology system-wide analysis of an obligate oxygenic photoautotrophic
(Applicants Forchhammer, Karl ; Michel, Klaus-Peter )
Analyse zu Veränderungen in der Transkription von Genen und des Proteoms in
Monolayern und Kokulturen von PDL-Fibroblasten und Osteoblasten unter dem
Einfluss mechanischer Kräfte
(Applicants Alonso, Angel ; Tomakidi, Pascal )
Anatomical and functional characterization of fear-activated oxytocin neurons
(Applicant Grinevich, Ph.D., Valery )
Auflösungsphantome und deren Anwendungen in der diffusionsgewichteten
Bildgebung: Fibertracking, Kreuzungen, Anisotropien
(Applicant Laun, Frederik B. )
Bedeutung molekularer und tumorpathophysiologischer Parameter für den Effekt
einer kombinierten Bestrahlung und EGFR Inhibition in humanen
Plattenepithelkarzinomen in Nacktmäusen
(Applicant Baumann, Michael )
Dreidimensionale biologische Modellierung des Tumorwachstums sowie der
Tumorkontrolle nach Strahlentherapie, Computersimulation von Tumoren,
Verifikation des Modells anhand experimenteller und klinischer Daten
(Applicant Harting, Christine )
Einfluss der Elektrokonvulsionstherapie auf Hirnmorphologie und -funktion:
Untersuchungen mit multimodaler MRT-Bildgebung
(Applicants Maier-Hein, Klaus H. ; Stieltjes, Ph.D., Bram ; Thomann, Philipp )
Evaluation neuer funktioneller MR-Techniken zum Therapiemonitoring beim
Rektum-Karzinom unter Radiochemotherapie
(Applicant Ganten, Maria Katharina )
Functional analysis of the protein IdiC (ORF5) being expressed in elevated amounts
in Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 in the late growth phase or under iron
(Applicant Staiger, Dorothee )
Identification and regulation of neural stem cells in the adult mammalian
(Applicant Liu, Ph.D., Haikun )
Keratin-assoziierte Proteine, KAP, des humanen Haarfollikels: Genstruktur,
Expression und Pathologie
(Applicant Schweizer, Jürgen )
On the role of the homeoprotein HOXC13 on the regulation of human hair keratin
gene expression
(Applicant Schweizer, Jürgen )
Oxytocin brain circuits in lactating rats
(Applicant Grinevich, Ph.D., Valery )
Radiobiological and histological hypoxia of human squamous cell carcinoma in
nude mice and their relevance for the outcome of fractionated radiotherapy
(Applicant Baumann, Michael )
Radiobiologische und histologische Hypoxie humaner Plattenepithelkarzinome in
Nacktmäusen und deren Relevanz für die fraktionierte Strahlentherapie
(Applicant Baumann, Michael )
Redoxregulation der MHC-Klasse I-Peptidbeladung
(Applicant Dick, Tobias )
Regulation of hepatic lipid homeostasis by transcriptional co-factor complexes
(Applicant Herzig, Stephan )
Regulation of self-reactive B cells in human and mice
(Applicants Ehlers, Marc ; Wardemann, Hedda )
Regulatorische Tyrosin-Phosphorylierungen von Vav und ADAP bei der
T-Zell-Rezeptor-vermittelten Integrinadhäsion
(Applicant Freund, Christian )
Role of corticotropin-releasing hormone in stress-induced inhibition of the
hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis
(Applicant Grinevich, Ph.D., Valery )
Statistische Strukturmodelle zur automatisierten Erstellung individueller,
neuronaler Vernetzungsprofile für die Demenzforschung
(Applicants Essig, Marco ; Maier-Hein, Klaus H. ; Wolf, Ivo )
The intestinal and peripheral plasma cell antibody repertoire in mice
(Applicant Wardemann, Hedda )
To unravel the epigenetic regulation pathway of hippocampal neurogenesis in the
adult mammalian brain, provide molecular insights of relevant human disease
(Applicant Liu, Ph.D., Haikun )
Transcriptional programming and reprogramming of inflammatory T helper 1 cells
(Applicants Höfer, Thomas ; Löhning, Max )
Ultrafractionated radiotherapy of human malignant glioms xenografts in nude mice.
(Applicant Baumann, Michael )
Untersuchung der Entwicklung von Mastzellen und Basophilen mit Hilfe einer
Mastzell-Protease-Gen "Knock-in" Maus
(Applicant Rodewald, Hans-Reimer )
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
KFO 214: Heavy Ion Therapy in Radiation Oncology
(Spokesperson Debus, Jürgen )
Completed projects
Die Rolle von Thymus-Epithelzell-Progenitoren bei der Thymus-Alterung
(Applicant Rodewald, Hans-Reimer )
HPV und Tumorgenese: Signaltransduktion und Zell-Zell-Kommunikation in
zervikalen intraepithelialen Neoplasien (CIN)
(Applicant Dürst, Matthias )
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Role of the cellular antioxidant glutathione in skin morphogenesis, repair and
(Applicant Epp, Nikolas )
The first high-resolution DNA promoter "methylome" in colorectal cancer tissue
(Applicant Wirtenberger, Michael )
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Genetically encoded probes for the real-time observation of intracellular
hydropersulfide generation
(Applicant Dick, Tobias )
Completed projects
Genetically defined and selectively mast cell-deficient mouse model to unravel the
immunological roles of mast cells
(Applicant Rodewald, Hans-Reimer )
Retinsäure modulierte Keratingenexpression: Charakterisierung von
DNA-Elementen und Proteinfaktoren
(Applicant Winter, Hermelita )
Research Units
Current projects
Binding adaptability of calciumviruses to histo-blood group antigens
(Applicant Hansman, Ph.D., Grant )
Dissecting molecular basis and cellular heterogeneity of slow progressing
'smoldering' AMLs of the elderly
(Applicants Dierks, Christine ; Trumpp, Andreas )
Exploration of the role of neural-type receptors and the ECM proteins SPARC and
Tenascin C in the bone marrow HSC-niche unit
(Applicants Nowak, Daniel ; Trumpp, Andreas )
FOR 2033: The Hematopoietic Niches
(Spokesperson Oostendorp, Robert A.J. )
FOR 2327: VIROCARB: Glycans Controlling Non-Enveloped Virus Infections
(Spokesperson Stehle, Thilo )
FOR 2674: Aging-related epigenetic remodeling in acute myeloid leukemia
(Spokesperson Lübbert, Ph.D., Michael )
Current projects
Impact of mast cell activation on T-helper polarization and adaptive immune
responses in the skin
(Project leaders Feyerabend, Thorsten ; Rodewald, Hans-Reimer )
Investigation of bone defects and microcirculation with volume computed
tomography and dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging
(Project leaders Bäuerle, Tobias ; Delorme, Stefan ; Hillengaß, Jens ; Komljenovic,
Dorde )
Quantitative studies of metabolism (F-18-deoxyglucose) and bone metabolism
(F-18-fluoride) with dynamic positron emission tomography-computed tomography
(Project leaders Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss, Antonia ; Goldschmidt, Hartmut )
TRR 79: Materials for Tissue Regeneration within Systemically Altered Bone
(Spokespersons Heiß, Christian ; Schnettler, Reinhard )
TRR 156: The skin as a sensor and effector organ orchestrating local and systemic
immune responses
(Spokesperson Enk, Alexander )
TRR 179: Determinants and dynamics of elimination versus persistence of hepatitis
virus infection
(Spokesperson Bartenschlager, Ralf )
TRR 186: Molecular Switches: Spatio-temporal Control of Cellular Signal
(Spokesperson Nickel, Walter )
TRR 209: Liver Cancer - New mechanistic and therapeutic concepts in a solid tumor
(Spokesperson Schirmacher, Peter )
Completed projects
Adaptive Photon Therapy in the Treatment of Lung and Liver Tumors
(Project leaders Bendl, Rolf ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Jäkel, Oliver ; Oelfke, Uwe ;
Sterzing, Florian )
Biological and Time Adaptive Therapy of Pancreatic Carcinoma
(Project leaders Bendl, Rolf ; Debus, Jürgen ; Jäkel, Oliver ; Oelfke, Uwe )
Chromatin structure and control of the rDNA locus
(Project leader Grummt, Ingrid )
Direct and functional in vivo analysis of intrahepatic HCC metastasis
(Project leaders Geffers, Ph.D., Robert ; Zender, Lars )
Function of HMGB1-RAGE signalling in inflammation- associated liver
(Project leaders Angel, Peter ; Heß, Jochen )
HCC and the hepatic vascular niche: Analysis of angiocrine and adhesive vascular
(Project leaders Augustin, Hellmut G. ; Goerdt, Sergij )
Identification and characterization of target genes for the Drosophila MBD2/3
(Project leader Lyko, Frank )
Knowledge-based liver surgery
(Project leaders Maier-Hein, Ph.D., Lena ; Mehrabi, Arianeb )
Knowledge-based multispectral tissue characterization
(Project leader Maier-Hein, Klaus H. )
Knowledge-based reconstructive mitral valve surgery
(Project leaders De Simone, Ph.D., Raffaele ; Wolf, Ivo )
Knowledge-Based Segmentation
(Project leader Maier-Hein, Klaus H. )
MR-fingerprinting of the abdomen
(Project leaders Hackert, Thilo ; Klauß, Miriam ; Laun, Frederik B. )
Non-coding RNAs in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
(Project leader Diederichs, Sven )
Non-invasive assessment of tissue micro-morphology, vessel function and cell
migration in vivo with contrast-enhanced MRI, VCT and hybrid imaging
(Project leaders Bäuerle, Tobias ; Kiessling, Fabian ; Komljenovic, Dorde ; Müller,
Margareta M. )
Regulation of homeostatic T cell proliferation
(Project leader Schüler, Thomas )
Role of Junb and Junb target genes in vascular morphogenesis and homeostasis
(Project leaders Angel, Peter ; Schorpp-Kistner, Marina )
Role of the Angiopoietin/Tie system in controlling vascular morphogenesis and
(Project leader Augustin, Hellmut G. )
The human intestinal antibody repertoire in inflammatory bowel disease
(Project leader Wardemann, Hedda )
The influence of bone substitute biomaterial on angiogenesis applied at bone
defects caused by benign and malignant diseases
(Project leaders Möhler, Thomas ; Schwartz-Albiez, Reinhard ;
Willhauck-Fleckenstein, Martina )
The role of Notch ligands during blood vessel development
(Project leader Fischer, Andreas )
The Role of Reactive Oxygen in chronic Liver Diseases
(Project leaders Gülow, Karsten ; Krammer, Peter H. )
TRR 23: Vascular Differentiation and Remodelling
(Spokespersons Augustin, Hellmut G. ; Plate, Karl Heinz )
TRR 52: Transcriptional Programming of Individual T Cell Subsets
(Spokesperson Schmitt, Edgar )
TRR 77: Liver Cancer - From Molecular Pathogenesis to Targeted Therapies
(Spokesperson Schirmacher, Peter )
TRR 125: Cognition-Guided Surgery
(Spokesperson Büchler, Markus W. )
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central oxytocin effects on acute and chronic pain processing
(Project leaders Grinevich, Ph.D., Valery ; Herpertz, Sabine C. )
Fate mapping of hematopoietic stem cell activity under steady state and challenges
(Project leader Rodewald, Hans-Reimer )
Identified neuronal ensembles subserving spatial coding in the medial entorhinal
(Project leader Monyer, Hannah )
Molecular control of cellular heterogeneity within the hematopoietic stem cell
(Project leader Trumpp, Andreas )
Molecular mechanisms of DNA damage-induced cell fate decisions
(Project leader Hofmann, Thomas G. )
Molecular mechanisms of peroxide sensing and stress signalling
(Project leader Dick, Tobias )
Oxytocin in the prefrontal cortex: from neuromodulation of the local circuit to fear
(Project leader Grinevich, Ph.D., Valery )
Regulation of MG detoxification via GloI and its physiological impact
(Project leader Teleman, Aurelio A. )
Role of Dnmt3a2 in the establishment and stability of experience-dependent cell
(Project leaders Allen, Kevin ; Oliveira, Ana M. M. )
SFB 873: Maintenance and Differentiation of Stem Cells in Development und
(Spokespersons Ho, Anthony D. ; Lohmann, Jan )
SFB 1036: Cellular Surveillance and Damage Response
(Spokesperson Bukau, Bernd )
SFB 1118: Reactive Metabolites as a Cause for Diabetic Complications
(Spokesperson Nawroth, Peter P. )
SFB 1134: Functional ensembles: cellular components, patterned activity and
plasticity of co-active neurons in local networks
(Spokesperson Draguhn, Andreas )
SFB 1158: From nociception to chronic pain: Structure-function properties of neural
pathways and their reorganisation
(Spokesperson Kuner, Rohini )
Surveillance of amino acid levels by mTORC1
(Project leader Teleman, Aurelio A. )
The effect of synaptic short-term plasticity on granule cell activity in the dentate
gyrus microcircuit
(Project leader von Engelhardt, Jakob )
Transcriptional and epigenetic control by Sirtuins in response to stress
(Project leaders Grummt, Ingrid ; Voit, Renate )
Completed projects
Control of Tumor Tolerance and Immunity by the Microenvironment
(Project leaders Garbi, Natalio G. ; Hämmerling, Günter J. )
Determinants of the spatial compartimentalization and functional activity of
intratumoral immune infiltrates in colorectal carcinoma
(Project leaders Beckhove, Philipp ; Jäger, Dirk )
Development of a DNA vaccine against Schistosoma japonicum
(Project leaders Ruppel, Andreas ; Schirrmacher, Volker )
Ectopic expression of tissiue-restricted antigens in human thymic epithelial cells:
regulation and inter-.individual variations.
(Project leader Kyewski, Bruno )
Ektopische Genexpression in Thymusepithelzellen: Bedeutung für T-Zell Toleranz
und Autoimmunität
(Project leader Kyewski, Bruno )
Flightless-1 as a redox sensor in immune cells
(Project leader Dick, Tobias )
Functional characterization of a novel Wnt regulator in the central nervous system
(Project leaders Niehrs, Christof ; Sirrenberg-Cruciat, Cristina-Maria )
Genetische Analysen zur Organogenese und Funktion des Thymus
(Project leader Rodewald, Hans-Reimer )
Induktion von Immunsuppression und peripherer Toleranz durch apoptotische
(Project leader Krammer, Peter H. )
Integration of signal transduction and cytokine expression in T helper lymphocytes
(Project leaders Höfer, Thomas ; Löhning, Max ; Radbruch, Andreas )
Intrinsic and microenvironment factors regulating the stem cell maintenance and
the niche in normal and neoplastic epidermal cells
(Project leader Boukamp, Petra )
Modulation of chronic fibrosing inflammation: The role of lipid-activated nuclear
receptors LXR¿/¿ and Dickkopf 3 (DKK3) in epithelial cells.
(Project leaders Gröne, Hermann-Josef ; Porubsky, Stefan )
Modulation of T Cell Reactivity by Tissue Cells
(Project leader Arnold, Bernd )
Molecular analysis of glucocorticoid action underlying hippocampal neurogenesis
and synaptic plasticity
(Project leader Schütz, Günther )
Optimierung und Weiterentwicklung der 3D-Segmentierung sowie Integration in
eine Open-Source Plattform zur Veröffentlichung der innerhalb des SFB
erarbeiteten Erkenntnisse
(Project leaders Meinzer, Hans-Peter ; Wolf, Ivo )
Origin and functional analyses of tissue-resident macrophages
(Project leader Rodewald, Hans-Reimer )
Oszillationen und Wellen in interagierenden Zellen
(Project leader Höfer, Thomas )
Regulatory phosphorylation of scaffolding proteins of the inside-out-signaling
(Project leaders Freund, Christian ; Höfer, Thomas )
SFB 405: Immune Tolerance and its Disturbances
(Spokesperson Meuer, Stefan )
SFB 488: Molecular and Cellular Bases of Neural Development
(Spokespersons Unsicker, Klaus ; Wittbrodt, Joachim )
SFB 618: Theoretical Biology: Robustness, Modularity and Evolutionary Design of
Living Systems
(Spokesperson Hammerstein, Peter )
SFB 636: Learning, Memory and Brain Plasticity: Implications for Psychopathology
(Spokesperson Flor, Herta )
SFB 938: Environment Specific Control of Immunological Reactivity
(Spokesperson Meuer, Stefan )
The role of the nuclear receptor ´tailless´ in development and adult neural stem cells
(Project leader Schütz, Günther )
Toleranzinduktion in peripheren T-Lymphozyten
(Project leader Arnold, Bernd )
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 1653: Spatio/Temporal Probabilistic Graphical Models and Applications in
Image Analysis
(Spokesperson Schnörr, Christoph )
GRK 2099: Mechanismen des Hautkrebses: Metastasierung, primäre Resistenz und
neue Zielstruktturen
(Spokesperson Goerdt, Sergij )
Completed projects
GRK 214: 3D Tumor Diagnostics and Therapy Using Radiological Methods and
Laser Medicine
(Spokesperson Wannenmacher, Michael )
GRK 230: Molecular Cell Biology
(Spokesperson Dobberstein, Bernhard )
GRK 268: Dynamics and Evolution of Cellular and Macromolecular Systems
GRK 300: Pathogenic Microorganisms: Molecular Mechanisms and Genomic
(Spokesperson Clayton, Christine Elizabeth )
GRK 388: Biotechnology: Biochemical and Molecular Foundation
(Spokesperson Wink, Michael )
GRK 484: Signalling Systems and Gene Expression in Developmental Model
(Spokesperson Pollerberg, Gabriele Elisabeth )
GRK 793: Epidemiology of Communicable and Chronic Non-Communicable
Diseases and their Interrelationship
(Spokesperson Becher, Heiko )
GRK 886: Molecular imaging methods for the analysis of gene + protein expression
(Spokesperson Gretz, Norbert )
GRK 1121: Genetic and Immunologic Determinants of Pathogen-Host-Interactions
(Spokesperson Lucius, Richard )
GRK 1126: Development of New Computer-based Methods for the Future Working
Environment in Visceral Surgery
(Spokesperson Büchler, Markus W. )
Major Equipment Action
Current projects
MR-guided biologically individualized real-time adaptive high-precision
radiotherapy (bio-iMRgRT)
(Applicant Zips, Daniel )
Clusters of Excellence
Current projects
EXC 81: Cellular Networks: From Analysis of Molecular Mechanisms to a
Quantitative Understanding of Complex Functions (CellNetworks)
(Spokesperson Kräusslich, Hans-Georg )
Graduate Schools
Current projects
GSC 249: The Hartmut Hoffmann-Berling International Graduate School of Molecular
and Cellular Biology
(Spokesperson Wittbrodt, Joachim )
Deutsches Konsortium für Translationale Krebsforschung
Forschungsschwerpunkt Bildgebung und Radioonkologie
Abteilung für Medizinische Physik in der Radiologie
AG Röntgenbildgebung und Computertomographie
Abteilung Medizinische Physik in der Strahlentherapie
Abteilung Medizinische und Biologische Informatik
Abteilung Radiologie
Abteilung Radiopharmazeutische Chemie
DKFZ-Juniorgruppe Medizinische Bildverarbeitung
Klinische Kooperationseinheit Strahlentherapie
Max-Eder-Nachwuchsgruppe Translationale Radioonkologie
Forschungsschwerpunkt Funktionelle und strukturelle Genomforschung
Abteilung Biophysik der Makromoleküle
Abteilung Funktionelle Genomanalyse
Abteilung Krebs- und stoffwechselassoziierte Signaltransduktion
Abteilung Molekulare Genetik
Abteilung Molekulare Genomanalyse
Abteilung Pädiatrische Neuroonkologie
Abteilung Signalwege und funktionelle Genomik (B110)
Abteilung Systembiologie der Signaltransduktion
Abteilung Theoretische Bioinformatik (B080)
Arbeitsgruppe Genomorganisation und Funktion (B066)
Arbeitsgruppe Mikromilieu der Tumorzellinvasion
Arbeitsgruppe Neuroblastom-Genomik
CHS Nachwuchsgruppe Proteostase neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen
Forschungsschwerpunkt Infektion, Entzündung und Krebs
Abteilung Genomveränderungen und Karzinogenese
Abteilung Tumorvirologie
Abteilung Virale Transformationsmechanismen
Abteilung Virus-assoziierte Karzinogenese
Arbeitsgruppe Tumorvirus-spezifische Vakzinierungsstrategien
Arbeitsgruppe Zellzykluskontrolle und Carcinogenese
Forschungsschwerpunkt Krebsrisikofaktoren und Prävention
Abteilung Biostatistik
Abteilung Epidemiologie von Krebserkrankungen
Abteilung Epigenomik und Krebsrisikofaktoren
Abteilung Klinische Epidemiologie und Alternsforschung
Abteilung Molekulargenetische Epidemiologie
Forschungsschwerpunkt Translationale Krebsforschung
Abteilung Angewandte Bioinformatik
Abteilung Medizinische Informatik in der Translationalen Onkologie
Abteilung Translationale Onkologie
Abteilung Zelluläre und Molekulare Pathologie
Klinische Kooperationseinheit Dermato-Onkologie
Klinische Kooperationseinheit Pädiatrische Onkologie
Forschungsschwerpunkt Tumorimmunologie
Abteilung Translationale Immunologie
Arbeitsgruppe Antigenpräsentation und T-Zell-Aktivierung
Abteilung Zelluläre Immunologie
Forschungsschwerpunkt Zell- und Tumorbiologie
Abteilung Epigenetik
Abteilung Molekulare Neurobiologie
Abteilung Molekulare Stoffwechselkontrolle
Abteilung Signaltransduktion und Wachstumskontrolle
Helmholtz-Hochschul-Nachwuchsgruppe Vaskuläre Signaltransduktion und Krebs
Helmholtz-Professur Molekularbiologie der Zelle I
Helmholtz-Professur Molekularbiologie der Zelle II
Helmholtz-Professur Zellbiologie
HI-STEM-Nachwuchsgruppe Experimentelle Hämatologie
Nachwuchsgruppe Zelluläre Seneszenz
Nationales Centrum für Tumorerkrankungen (NCT) Heidelberg
NCT Partnerstandort Dresden
Stabsstelle Krebsprävention, WHO-Kollaborationszentrum für Tabakkontrolle
Zentrum für Präklinische Forschung
Zentrales Tierlabor
GEPRIS is a project of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Contact GEPRIS at
(c) 1999 - 2017 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (