REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany Frequency of Viruses in Arthropods Coleoptera other viruses nucleopolyhedrovirus Hymenoptera granulovirus Diptera Lepidoptera other insects Acari Crustacea 0 100 200 300 400 500 number of host species REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany 600 700 800 NPV Lepidoptera GV (Lepidoptera) NPV Hymenoptera NPV Diptera REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany Lyse Freisetzung neuer Einschlusskörper EinschlussOcclusion körper bodies PM Microvilli Mitteldarmzelle Midgut cell Zellkern Nucleus Nervenzellen, … PRIMARY INFECTION Budded PRIMÄRINFEKTION Virus (BV) REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Blutzellen, e.g. Fettkörper, Fatbody cell Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany SECONDARY INFECTION SEKUNDÄRINFEKTION REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany Conclusions and Recommendations Baculoviruses represent a very unique and uniform group and they differ in many aspects from other microbial biocontrol agents. The whole virus family is generally regarded as safe for environment and vertebrates, including man. For this reasons members of the Baculoviridae could be treated in a more relaxed way in the registration process: REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany Conclusions and Recommendations Major differences between individual viruses from the family Baculoviridae relevant for registration can arise only from differences in (1) particle size (mechanical qualities only) (2) host range (specificity) and (3) the way they are produced (possible source of contamination with chemicals and microorganisms). Therefore, the data requirements for the registration of new baculoviruses could be limited to these three traits without jeopardizing any safety issues. REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany Conclusions and Recommendations For registration of baculoviruses, the principle that each strain (=isolate ?) of a given microorganism has to be regarded as a new active ingredient could be abandoned – as long as the production method for the virus is not altered. With this, the exchange of the virus-isolate(s) used in a registered preparation would be facilitated (e.g. in case of resistance problems). REBECA / microbials Innsbruck 2006 Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, Germany