1. Janetschek G., Reissigl A., Peschel R., Hobisch A. and Bartsch G.
Buchbeitrag in Laparoskopische Urologie (D. Fahlenkamp, S. A. Loening; Blackwell
Tierexperimentelle Studie und erste klinische Erfahrungen. (1993) 79 - 88
2. Klocker H., Culig Z., Hobisch A., Cato A.C.B., Cronauer M.V., Radmayr C.,
Hittmair A., Kaspar F., Eberle J., Reissigl A., Bartsch G.
Androgen Receptor Structure and Prostate Cancer.
Chapter in "Basic Research in Urological Oncology" Eds; Luciani L., Debruyne
F.M.J., Schalken J.A.; S. Karger AG (1994)
3. Hobisch A., Colleselli K., Ennemoser O., Horninger W., Janetschek G., Poisel
S., Bartsch G.
Modified Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection for Testicular Tumor: Open and
Laparoscopic Approach, Operative Technique and Results.
Advances in the Biosciences, Vol. 91, 335-336, (1994) Pergamon Press
4. Culig Z., Hobisch A., Bartsch G., Klocker H.
Androgenrezeptormutation in einem fortgeschrittenen Prostatakarzinom: Charakterisierung des mutierten Rezeptors.
Jahrbuch der Urologie (1994) 159-160, Biermann Verlag FRG
5. Janetschek G., Hobisch A., Bartsch G.
Laparaskopische retroperitoneale Lymphadenektomie im Stadium I.
Buchbeitrag: Hodentumore, Blackwell (1994) 59 - 69; Hrsg. Schnorr D., Loening S.A.,
Weißbach L.
6. Janetschek G., Hobisch A., Bartsch G.
Laparoscopic Retroperitoneal Lymphadenektomy (RPLA) for Testis Cancer.
Advances in Laparoscopic Urology, Bleckwell (1995) 115 - 123; Edited by D.
Fahlenkamp, S.A. Loening and H.N. Winfield
7. Klocker H., Culig Z., Hobisch A., Peterziel H., Cato ACB., Hittmair A., Bartsch
Androgen receptor alterations in prostatic carcinoma.
Podium Urologie, Band 1, Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer T3/C, Blackwell (1995)
57-67; Edited by D. Schnorr, S.A. Loening et al.
8. Hobisch A., Tönnemann J., Janetschek G., Höltl L., Kinzl J., Kemmler G.,
Bartsch G., Biebl W.
Morbidity and quality of life after open versus laparoscopic retroperitoneal
lymphadenectomy for testicular tumour - the patient´s view.
Germ Cell Tumours IV, John Libbey & Co. Ltd. (1998) 277 - 279; Edited by W.G.
Jones, I. Appleyard, P. Harnden, J.K. Joffe.
9. Hobisch A., Höltl L., Hittmair A., Peschel R., Bartsch G., Janetschek G.
Retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy after chemotherapy for low-volume stage II
nonseminomatous testicular tumour: laparoscopy versus open surgery.
Germ Cell Tumours IV, John Libbey & Co. Ltd. (1998) 257 - 260; Edited by W.G.
Jones, I. Appleyard, P. Harnden, J.K. Joffe.
10. Hobisch A., Janetschek G., Weissbach L.
Tumoren des Hodens.
Andrologie, Krankheiten der männlichen Geschlechtsorgane, Ferdinand Enke Verlag
(1998) 167 – 183; Edited by W. Krause and W. Weidner
11. Klocker H., Culig Z., Hobisch A., Thurnher M., Bartsch G.
New trends in prostate cancer research.
Carcinoma of the prostate, Edited by L. Luciani
12. Hobisch A., Janetschek G., Peschel R, Höltl L, Hittmair A, Rogatsch H.,
Georg Bartsch.
Surgery for Testicular Cancer – Indications, Technique and Results.
Up-Date on Bladder, Renal, Prostate and Testicular Cancer, Parthenon Publishing
(2001) ; Edited by F.H. Schröder