Bibliographie Postmodernism Anthologies and introductions

Bibliography Postmodernism
Anthologies and introductions
Acheson, James (ed.). The British and Irish Novel Since 1960. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1991. HN 1295 LD
5580 (articles on Barnes, Carter, Lodge and Swift)
Childs, Peter. Contemporary Novelists. British Fiction since 1970. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2005. 45/HN 1295
LI 27311 (articles on Amis, Barnes, Carter, Swift)
Connor, Steven (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Postmodernism. Cambridge: CUP, 2004. 41/HC 5194
LI 26935
Head, Dominic (ed.). The Cambridge Introduction to Modern British Fiction, 1950-2000. Cambridge: CUP,
2002. 41/HN 1295 LI 20984
Janik, Del Ivan. “No End of History: Evidence from the Contemporary English Novel,” Twentieth
Century Literature 41.2 (1995), Questia, 7 Feb 2006
Leitch, Vincent B. et al (eds.). The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. New York and London: W.
W. Norton, 2001. 45/EC 1465 LI 20154
Malpas, Simon. The Postmodern. Routlegde The New Critical Idiom. London: Routledge, 2005. 41/EC
5194 LI 27760
Bran, Nicol (ed.). Postmodernism and the Contemporary Novel. A Reader. Edinburgh: EUP2002. 45/EC
6667 LI 26573
Rennison, Nick. Contemporary British Novelists. Abingdon: Routledge, 2005. 45/HN 1295 LI 27761
Sim, Stuart (ed.). The Routledge Critical Dictionary of Postmodern Thought. New York: Routledge, 1999.
20/IC 12455
Woods, Tim. Beginning Postmodernism. Manchester and New York: MUP, 1999. 41/EC 5184 LI 23291
Key texts
Assman, Jan. Das kulturelle Gedächtnis. Schrift, Erinnerung und politische Identität in frühen Hochkulturen.
München: Beck, 1992. 40/ER 751 LD 9671(99)
Baudrillard, Jean. 1981. “The Precession of Simulacra.” In: Baudrillard, Jean. Simulacra and Simulation.
Trans. Sheila Faria Glaser. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1994. 40/IH 14900 LF
Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble.Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. London: Routledge, 1990. 40/IH
54211 LF 5603 (dt.)
Derrida, Jacques. 1976. Of Grammatology. Trans. Gayatri Spivak. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1998.
Eagleton, Terry. The Illusions of Postmodernism. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996. 40/EC 1740 LG 3374
Eco, U., Postscript to The Name of the Rose, New York: Harcourt, 1984.
Foucault, Michel. 1978. “The Repressive Hypothesis.” In: The History of Sexuality: An Introduction. Vol. 1.
London: Penguin, 1984, 1-49.
Foucault, Michel. 1969. “What is an Author?” In: Davis, Robert Con and Schleifer, Ronald (eds.).
Contemporary Literary Criticism. Literary and Cultural Studies. 4th ed. New York: Longman, 1998.
342-353. 41/EC 1720 FP 8735(4)
Harvey, David. The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change. Oxford:
Blackwell, 1989. 50/NW 1950 DY 1339
Hutcheon, Linda. A Poetics of Postmodernism. New York: Routledge, 1988.
Hutcheon, Linda. The Politics of Postmodernism. New York: Routledge, 1989.
Jameson, Fredric. Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. Durham: Duke University Press,
1991. 45/EC 2400 LD 7031
Jencks, Charles. “Postmodernism Defined” (1986). In: Nicol, 113-120. 45/EC 6667 LI 26573
Kristeva, Julia. 1968. “Semiotics: A Critical Science and/or a Critique of Science.” In: Davis, Robert
Con and Schleifer, Ronald (eds.). Contemporary Literary Criticism. Literary and Cultural Studies. 4th
ed. New York: Longman, 1998. 273-282. 41/EC 1720 FP 8735(4)
Lyotard, Jean-Francois. 1979. The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. Minnealpolis: University of
Minneapolis Press, 1993. 31/MS 6950 WU 8346
Said, Edward. Orientalism, New York: Vintage, 1979. 41/EC 5910 FA 8012
Sontag, Susan. “Against Interpretation.” In: Against Interpretation and Other Essays. New York: Farrar,
Strauss & Giroux, 1966, 4-14. 40/HU 8501 FB 3068 oder
White, Hayden. 1974. “The Historical Text as Literary Artefact.” In: NATC, 1709-1729.
David Lodge, Small World
Lodge, David. 1977. “Postmodernist Fiction.” In: Nicol, 250-277. 45/EC 6667 LI 26573
Ahrens, Rüdiger. “Satirical Norm and Narrative Technique in the Modern University Novel: David
Lodge’s Changing Places and Small World.” In: Schwend, Joachim et al (eds.). Literatur im
Kontext/Literature in Context. Scottish Studies 14. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1992, 277-95. 40/HD 140
LD 9001
Ammann, Daniel. David Lodge and the Art-and-reality Novel. Heidelberg: Winter, 1991. 40/HN 5646 LD
Coelsch-Foisner, Sabine. “Sex-Maniacs, Errant Knights and Lady Professors: Romance and Satire in
Lodge’s University Novels.” In: Coelsch-Foisner, Sabine et al (eds.). Trends in English and American
Studies: Literature and the Imagination. Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1996, 333-49. 40/HD 140 LH 1093
Galster, Christin. Literaturtheorie und Wissenschaftsbetrieb im britischen Universitätsroman. Campus Novels von
David Lodge, Malcolm Bradbury und A. S. Byatt. Regensburg: Pustet. 1997.
Holmes, Frederick M. “The Reader as Discoverer in David Lodge’s Small World.” Critique: Studies in
Contemporary Fiction 32:1 (1990), 47-57.
Kühn, Thomas. Two Cultures, Universities, and Intellectuals. Der Englische Universitätsroman der 70er und 80er
Jahre im Kontext des Hochschuldiskurses. Tübingen: Narr, 2002.
Laing, Stuart. “The Three Small Worlds of David Lodge.” Critical Survey 3:3 (1991), 324-30.
Lambertsson Björk, Eva. Campus Clowns and the Canon. David Lodge’s Campus Fiction. Stockholm:
Almqvist & Wiksell, 1993. 40/HN 5646 LF 5591
Louw, William. “Irony in the Text or Insincerity in the Writer? The Diagnostic Potential of Semantic
Prosodies.” In: Sampson, Geoffrey and McCarthy, Diana (eds.). Corpus Linguistics: Readings in a
Widening Discipline. London: Continuum, 2004, 229-41. 40/ES 965 LI 30009
Mews, Siegfried. “The Professor’s Novel: David Lodge’s Small World.” MLN 104:3 (1989), 713-26.
45/.ZP 6120-104,2
Morace, Robert A. The Dialogic Novels of Malcolm Bradbury and David Lodge. Carbondale: Southern Illinois
UP, 1989. 40/HN 2295 LB 8920
Pfandl-Buchegger, Ingrid. David Lodge als Literaturkritiker, Theoretiker und Romanautor Heidelberg: Winter,
1993. 40/HN 9990 LF 4323
Showalter, Elaine. Faculty Towers. The Academic Bovel and its Discontents. Oxford: OUP, 2005.
Soler, Pascual and Nieves, Ma. “The Anxiety of Influence in the Academic Novel: A Trap for Fools
and Small World.” Grove: Working Papers on English Studies 1 (1996), 131-46.
Wolf, Werner. „Literaturtheorie in der Literatur: David Lodges Small World als kritische
Auseinandersetzung mit dem Dekonstruktivismus.” Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 14:1
(1989), 19-37. 45/.ZP 0657-12/14
Womack, Kenneth. “The Professoriate of Love: David Lodge’s Academic Trilogy and the Ethics of
Romance.” In: Womack, Kenneth. Postwar Academic Fiction. Satire, Ethics, Community. Houndmills:
Peter Ackroyd, The Last Testament
Palgrave, 2002. 41/HN 1301 LI 26231
of Oscar Wilde
Fokkema, Aleid. “The Author: Postmodernism’s Stock Character. In: Franssen, Paul and Hoenselaars,
Ton (eds.). The Author as Character: Representing Historical Writers in Western Literature. Madison,
NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1999, 39-51. 40/EC 2200 LI 21950
Fokkema, Aleid. “Abandoning the Postmodern? The Case of Peter Ackroyd.” In: D’haen, Theo and
Bertens, Hans (eds.). British Postmodern Fiction. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1993, XX. 40/HN 1331
LE 9210
Höfele, Andreas. “The Writer on Stage: Some Contemporary British Plays about Authors.” In: Reitz,
Bernhard and Zapf, Hubert (eds.). British Drama in the 1908s. New Perspectives. anglistik und
englischunterricht 41 (1990), 79-91. 45/HN 1600 LD 2197
Maack, Annegret. „Der Roman als ‘Echokammer’: Peter Ackroyds Erzählstrategien” In: Foltinek,
Herbert et al (eds.) Tales and „their telling difference”: Zur Theorie und Geschichte der Narrativik.
Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Franz K. Stanzel. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag,
1999, 319-35. 40/HD 140 LE 6035
Maack, Annegret. „Das Leben der toten Dichter. Fiktive Biographien.” In: Maack, Annegret (ed.).
Radikalität und Mäßigung. Der englische Roman seit 1960. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche
Buchgesellschaft 1993, XX. 41/HN 1295 LE 4818 (verstellt)
Middeke, Martin. “Oscar, the Proto-Postmodern? Peter Ackroyd’s The Last Testament of Oscar
Wilde.” In: Böker, Uwe et al (eds.). The Importance of Reinventing Oscar: Versions of Wilde during the
Last 100 Years. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002, 207-17. 45/HL 4865 LI 21840
Middeke, Martin and Huber, Werner (eds.). Biofictions: The Rewriting of Romantic Lives in Contemporary
Fiction and Drama. Rockester, NY: Camden House, 1999. 40/HN 1301 LH 7488
Schabert, Ina. In Quest of the Other Person: Fiction as Biography. Tübingen: Francke, 1990. 40/HG 725 LC
Moran, Joe. “’Simple Words’: Peter Ackroyd’s Autobiography of Oscar Wilde.” Biography: An
Interdisciplinary Quarterly 22:3 (1999), 356-69.
Nünning, Ansgar. Von historischer Fiktion zu historiographischer Metafiktion. Vol. 1: Theorie, Typologie und
Poetik des historischen Romans. Trier: WVT, 1995. 45/HN 1301 LF 6764-1
Onega, Susana. Peter Ackroyd. Plymoth: Northcote House, 1998.
Onega, Susana. Metafiction and Myth in the Novels of Peter Ackroyd. Rockester, NY: Camden House, 1999.
Schabert, Ina. “Fictional Biography, Factual Biography, and Their Contaminations.” biography 5:1.
1992, 1-16.
Martin Amis, Time’s Arrow
Diedrick, James. Understanding Martin Amis. Columbia: U of South Carolina Press, 1995.
41/HN 1761 LG 1914
Harris, Greg. “Men Giving Birth to New World Orders: Martin Amis’s Time’s Arrow.” Studies
in the Novel 31:4 (1999), 489-505. 45/.ZP 9100-31
Henke, Christoph.”Remembering Selves, Constructing Selves: Memory and Identity in
Contemporary British Fiction.” Journal for the Study of British Cultures 10:1 (2003), 77100. 45/.ZP 4284-7/10
Menke, Richard. “Narrative Reversals and the Thermodynamics of History in Martin Amis’s
Time’s Arrow.” Modern Fiction Studies 44 (1998). pp. 959-980. 45/.ZP 5960-44
Mecklenburg, Susanne. Martin Amis und Graham Swift. Erfolg Durch Bodenlosen Moralismus im
Zeitgenössischen Britischen Roman. Heidelberg: Winter, 2000. 40/HN 1761 LI 26386
Ryan, Kiernan. “Sex, Violence and Complicity: Martin Amis and Ian McEwan.” In: Mengham,
Rod (ed.). An Introduction to Contemporary Fiction. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1999, 203218.
Sauerberg, Lars Ole. Fact into Fiction. Documentary Realism in the Contemporary Novel. Basingstok:
Macmillan, 1991. 40/HU 1819 LD 4290
Schoenbeck, Oliver. Their Versions of the Facts. Text und Fiktion in den Romanen von Iain Banks,
Kazuo Ishiguro, Martin Amis und Jeanette Winterson. Trier: WVT, 2000. 40/HN 1331 LI
12156 (derzeit SA Dommer)
Stokes, Peter. “Martin Amis and the Postmodern Suicide: Tracing the Postnuclear Narrative at
the Fin de Millenium.” Critique. Studies in Contemporary Fiction 38:4 (1997), 300-311.
45/.ZP 1760-37/38
Tredell, Nicolas (ed.). The Fiction of Martin Amis. Cambridge: Icon Books, 2000.
Angela Carter, Nights at the Circus
Armitt, Lucy. Contemporary Women’s Fiction and the Fantastic. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.
41/HN 1312 LH 9979
Benedikz, Margret. Storming the Sadeian Citadel. Disturbing Gender in Angela Carter’s Fiction of
Transition. Diss. Stockholm: Dept. of English, Univ., 2002. 40/.XE 4151
Boehm, Berth A. “Feminist Metafiction and Androcentric Reading Strategies: Angela Carter’s
Reconstructed Reader in Nights at the Circus.” Critique. Studies in Contemporary Fiction 37:1
(1995), 35-49. 45/.ZP 1760-37/38
Carroll, Rachel. “Return of the Century: Time, Modernity, and the End of History in Angela
Carter’s Nights at the Circus.” Yearbook of English Studies, 30. Time and Narrative (2000),
187-201. 45/.ZP 9730-30
Day, Aidan. Angela Carter. The Rational Glass. Manchester: MUP, 1998. 41/HN 2593 LI
Easton, Alison. Angela Carter. Contemporary Critical Essays. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000.
40/HN 2593 LI 10376
Kendrick, Walter. “The Real Magic of Angela Carter.” In: Hosmer, Robert E. Jr. (ed.).
Contemporary British Women Writers. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1993, 66-84. 45/HN 1301
LF 9514
Lee, Alison. Angela Carter. New York: Twayne, 1997. 41/HN 2593 LG 8076
Macperhson, Heidi Slettedahl. “Prison, Passion, and the Female Gaze: Twentieth-Century
Representations of Nineteenth-Century Panopticons.” In: Fludernik, Monika (ed.). In
the Grip of the Law. Trials, Prisons and the Space Between. Frankfurt a. M.: Lang, 2004, 20521. 41/HG 435 LI 26621
Martinsson, Yvonne. Eroticism, Ethics and Reading. Angela Carter in Dialogue with Roland Barthes.
Diss. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1996. 40/HN 2593 LG 6148
Morrison, Jago. Contemporary Fiction. London: Routledge, 2003.
Müller, Anja. Angela Carter. Identity Constructed, Deconstructed. Heidelberg: Winter, 1997. 40/HN
2593 LI 29467
Peach, Linden. Angela Carter. Macmillan Modern Novelists. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998.
40/HN 2593 LH 4398
Sage, Lorna. Flesh and the Mirror. Essays on the Art of Angela Carter. London:Virago Press, 1994.
40/HN 2593 LF 2554
Sage, Lorna. Angela Carter. Plymouth: Northcote House, 1994. 45/HN 9990 LF 1704
Julian Barnes, Flaubert’s Parrot
Antor, Heinz. „(Post-)Moderne Historiographie und Biographie im englischen Roman des 20.
Jahrhunderts: Virginia Woolf und Julian Barnes.” In: Ahrens, Rüdiger and Neumann,
Fritz-Wilhelm (eds.). Fiktion und Geschichte in der anglo-amerikanischen Literatur. Anglistische
Forschungen. 256. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1998, 415-30. 40/HD 140 LH 1639
Brooks, Neil. “Interred Textuality: The Good Soldier and Flaubert’s Parrot.” Critique: Studies in
Contemporary Fiction 41:1 (1999), 45-51.
Cox, Emma. “‘Abstain, and Hide Your Life’: The Hidden Narrator of Flaubert’s Parrot.”
Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 46:1 (2004), 53-62. 45/ZP 1760
Higdon, David Leon. “‘Unconfessed Confessions:’ The Narrators of Graham Swift and Julian Barnes.”
In: Acheson, James (ed.). The British and Irish Novel since 1960. Basingstoke and London:
Macmillan, 1991, 174-191. 45/HN 1295 LD 5580
Kotte, Christina. Ethical Dimensions in British Historiographic Metafiction. Julian Barnes, Graham Swift, Penelope
Lively. Trier: WVT, 2001. 40/HN 1295 LI 16687
Moseley, Merritt. “Julian Barnes’s Flaubert’s Parrott.” In: Shaffer, Brian W. (ed.). A Companion
to the British and Irish Novel, 1945-2000. Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture
28. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2005, 481-92. 45/HN 1295 LI 28409
Moseley, Merritt. Understanding Julian Barnes. Columbia: Univ. of South Carolina Press, 1997.
41/HN 1887 LG 8173
Reckwitz, Erhard. “Intertextualität postmodern: J.M. Coetzee, Foe; John Fowles, A Maggot;
Julian Barnes, Flaubert’s Parrot.” In: Bering, Kinibert und Hohmann, W. L. (eds.). Wie
postmodern ist die Postmoderne? Essen: Die Blaue Eule, 1990, 121-156. 20/CI 1100 IA 3090
Scott, James B. “Parrot as Paradigms: Infinite Deferral of Meaning in Flaubert’s Parrot.” Ariel
21 (1990), 57-68. 45/.ZP 0800-21
Sesto, Bruce. Language, History and Metanarrative in the Fiction of Julian Barnes. New York: Lang,
2001. 40/HN 1887 LI 19260
A. S. Byatt, The Biographer’s Tale
Kelly, Kathleen Coyne. A. S. Byatt. New York: Twayne, 1996. 41/HN 2571 LG 5100
Todd, Richard. A. S. Byatt. Plymouth: Northcote, 1997. 41/HN 2571 LH 5500
Tönnies, Merle. “A New Self-Conscious Turn at the Turn of the Century? Postmodernist Metafiction
in Recent Works by’Established’ British Writers.” Anglistik und Englischunterricht 66 (2005), 5782. (Reihe nur bis 2003 vorhanden)
Nünning, Ansgar. “Fictional Metabiographies and Metaautobiographies: Towards a Definition,
Typology and Analysis of Self-Reflexive Hybrid Metagenres.” In: Huber, Werner et al (eds.).
Self-Reflexivity in Literature. Text & Theorie 6. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2005,
195-209. (noch nicht vorhanden)
O’Connor, Erin. “Reading The Biographer’s Tale” Victorian Studies 44:3 (2002), 379-87. 45/.ZP
9420-44 oder
Sorensen, Sue. “Something of the Eternal: A.S. Byatt and Vincent Van Gogh.” Mosaic. 37:1 (2004),
Questia, 7 Feb 2006 <>.
Christine Brooke-Rose, Textermination
Birch, Sarah. Christine Brooke-Rose and Contemporary Fiction. Oxford: Clarendon, 1994. 40/HN 2455 LE
Friedman, Ellen J. (ed.). Utterly Other Discourse. The Texts of Christine Brooke-Rose. Normal, Ill.: Dalkey
Archive Press, 1995. 40/HN 2455 LG 1235
Lawrence, Karen R. “Saving the Text: Cultural Crisis in Textermination and Masterpiece Theatre.”
Narrative 5:1 (1997), 108-16.
Graham Swift, Waterland
Acheson, James. “Historia and Guilt: Graham Swift’s Waterland.” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction
47:1 (2005), 90-100. 45/ZP 1760
Alphen, Ernst van. “The Performativity of Histories: Graham Swift’s Waterland as a Theory of
History.” In: Bal, Mieke et al (eds.). The Point of Theory: Practices of Culture Analysis. New York:
Continuum, 1994, 202-210. 40/LB 19015 LF 1380
Bormann, Daniel Candel. “Transgression and Stability in Graham Swift’s Waterland.” Zeitschrift für
Anglistik und Amerikanistik 48:4 (2000), 354-63. 45/.ZP 9800-48
Champion, Margrét Gunnarsdóttir. “Cracked Voices: Identification and Ideology in Graham Swift’s
Waterland.” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 45:1 (2003), 34-42. 45/ZP 1760
Cooper, Pamela. “Imperial Topographies: The Spaces of History in Waterland.” Modern Fiction Studies 42
(1996), 371-396. 45/.ZP 5960-42
Decoste, Damon Marcel. “Question and Apocalypse: The Endlessness of Historia in Graham Swift’s
Waterland.” Contemporary Literature 43:2 (2002), 377-99. 45/.ZP 1640-43
Haefner, Gerhard. „Geschichte und Natur in Graham Swifts Waterland.” In: Groß, Konrad (eds.). Das
Natur/Kultur-Paradigma in der englischsprachigen Erzählliteratur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts: Festschrift
zum 60. Geburtstag von Paul Goetsch. Tübingen: Narr, 1994, 208-221. 40/HD 140 LE 7235
Irish, Robert K. “’Let me tell you’: About Desire and Narrativity in Graham Swift’s Waterland.” Modern
Fiction Studie, 44 (1998), 917-934. 45/.ZP 5960-44
Janik, Del Ivan. “History and the ‘Here and Now’: The Novels of Graham Swift.” Twentieth Century
Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal 35:1 (1989), 74-88. 45/.ZP 9360-35
Kotte, Christina. Ethical Dimensions in British Historiographic Metafiction. Julian Barnes, Graham Swift, Penelope
Lively. Trier: WVT, 2001. 40/HN 1295 LI 16687
Landow, George P. “History, His Story, and Stories in Graham Swift’s Waterland.” Studies in the Literary
Imagination 23:2 (1990), 197-211. 40/.ZP 9090-22/23
McKinney, Ronald H. “The Greening of Postmodernism: Graham Swift’s Waterland.” New Literary
History 28:4 (1997), 821-832. 45/.ZP 6640-28
Mecklenburg, Susanne. Martin Amis und Graham Swift. Erfolg Durch Bodenlosen Moralismus im
Zeitgenössischen Britischen Roman. Heidelberg: Winter, 2000. 40/HN 1761 LI 26386
Sandbach-Dahlström, Catherine. “Waterland: History upon History.” In: Robertson, David (ed.).
English Studies and History. Tampere English Studies 4. Tampere: Univ. of Tampere, 1994, 165-175.
40/HG 260 LG 9256
Schad, John. “The End and the End of History: Graham Swift’s Waterland.” Modern Fiction Studies 38
(1992), 911-925. 45/.ZP 5960-38
Stierstorfer, Klaus. “Wobbly Grounds: Postmodernism’s Precarious Footholds in Novels by Malcolm
Bradbury, David Parker, Salman Rushdie, Graham Swift.” In: Stierstorfer, Klaus (ed.). Beyond
Postmodernism: Reassessments in Literature, Theory, and Culture. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2003, 213-234.
40/EC 5149 LI 24984a
Todd, Richard. “Narrative Trickery and Performative Historiography: Fictional Representation of
National Identity in Graham Swift, Peter Carey, and Mordecai Richler.” In: Zamora, Lois
Parkinson and Faris, Wendy B. (eds.). Magical Realism: Theory, History, Community. Durham: Duke
UP, 1995, 307-328. 40/EC 5194 LF 7978
Widdowson, Peter. Graham Swift. Tavistock: Northcote House, 2004. bestellt
Winnberg, Jakob. An Aesthetics of Vulnerability. The Sentimentum and the Novels of Graham Swift. Göteborg:
Göteborg Univ., Dep. of Engl., 2003. 40/HN 8235 LI 25626