040393 UK Armut

040393 UK Armut
2 Stunden, 4,0 ECTS, Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung
DI 13.00-14.30
Ort: Hörsaal 29 Hauptgebäude
Beginn: 6. 10.
Zielgruppe: StudentInnen Bakkalaureatsstudiums der Volkswirtschaftslehre und des
Diplomstudiums der Volkswirtschaftslehre im zweiten Studienabschnitt.
Inhalt: Analyse von Armut. Politik zur Reduzierung von Armut.
1. Definition von Armut
2. Individuum und Haushalt
3. Dauer von Armut
4. Messung von Armut
5. Armut in Österreich
6. Wirtschaftswachstum und Armut
7. Internationale Messungen.
8. Armutspolitik
1. Drei kurze Darstellungen (ca. 6000 Zeichen) einer der angeführten Arbeiten aus
jeweils unterschiedlichen Gebieten. (siehe downloads) (15%)
2. Eine Seminararbeit über alle der bei einem Thema angeführten Arbeiten. (25%)
3.Gruppenarbeiten: Darstellung eines Armutsproblems aus Österreich an Hand eigener
Recherchen. Diese sollen in den Jännerterminen vorgetragen werden (10%).
4. Klausur über den von mir bis Dezember vorgetragenen Stoff im ersten Jännertermin
Themen für die Arbeiten unter 3:
1. Sozialhilfe
2. Arbeitende Arme
3. Armut und Kinder
4. Asylanten
5. Wohnungslose
Einführende Literatur:
Ravallion, Martin: Poverty Comparisons harwood academic publishers, 1994.
Rosner, Peter: The Economics of Social Policy, Chapter 8, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar,
Condouel, Aline, Jesko S. Hentschel and Quentin T. Wodon, Poverty Measurement and
Analysis http://povlibrary.worldbank.org/files/5467_chap1.pdf und
Weitere Literatur :
Jean-Yves Duclos und Abdelkrim Adaar
Poverty and Equity: Measurement, Policy and Estimation with DAD
New York: Springer
Zu finden bei:
Wichtige Journale:
Journal of Development Economics
Journal of Human Resources
Journal of Social Policy
Review of Income and Wealth
Sonstige Quellen:
Webseite der Weltbank und dort Forschungsberichte zur Armut. Vor allem über Länder
der Dritten Welt
Webseite von Luxemburg Income Study. In diesen Studien werden in erster Linie die
OECD Länder untersucht.
Für die Vorlesung:
Abhijit V. Bannerjee and Esther Duflo, The Economic Lives of the Poor, Journal of
Economic Perspectives, vol. 21(2007), Winter, pp.141–168.
Tim Callan, Brian Nolan and Christopher T. Whelan, Resources, Deprivation and the
Measurement of Poverty, Journal of Social Policy, vol. 22(1993), pp. 141–172.
P.P.L. McGregor and V.K. Borooah, Is Low Spending or Low Income a Better Indicator
of Whether or Not a Household is Poor: Some Results from The 1985 Family
Expenditure Survey, Journal of Social Policy, vol. 21(1992) pp.53 – 69.
Robert J. Waldmann.: Income Distribution and Infant Mortality, Quarterly Journal of
Economics, vol. 107(1992), pp.1283–1302.
Amartya Sen, Poor, Relatively Speaking, Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 35(1983), pp.
Amartya Sen, Commodities and Capabilities, Amsterdam and New York: North Holland,
Theo Goedhart, Victor Halberstadt, Arie Kapteyn, Bernard van Praag, The Poverty Line:
Concept and Measurement, Journal of Human Resources, vol. 12(1977), pp. 503–519.
Aldi Hagenaars, Klas de Vos, The Definition and Measurement of Poverty, The Journal
of Human Resources, vol. 23(1988), pp. 211–221.
Clair Vickery, The Time-Poor: A New Look at Poverty, The Journal of Human
Resources, vol. 12(1977), pp. 27–48.
Angus S. Deaton and John Muellbauer, On Measuring Child Costs, Journal of Political
Economy, vol. 94(1986), pp. 720–744.
Brigitte Buhmann, Lee Rainwater; Günther Schmaus und Timothy M Smeeding,
Equivalence Scales, Well-Being, Inequality, and Poverty: Sensitivity Estimates Across
Ten Countries Using the Luxembourg Income (LIS) Database, Review of Income and
Wealth, vol. 34(1988), pp. 115–142.
Panos Pashardes, Equivalent expenditure vs. equivalent income scales, Journal of Public
Economics, vol 45(1991), pp. 191–213.
Bane, Mary Jo, and David T. Ellwood (1986), Slipping Into and Out of Poverty: The
Dynamics of Spells, Journal of Human Resources, vol. 21, pp.1-23.
Ann Huf Stevens, The Dynamics of Poverty Spells: Updating Bane and Ellwood,
American Economic Review, vol. 84,(1994) pap. proc., pp. 34 – 37.
Buhr, Petra (1995), Dynamik von Armut, Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.
Für Österreich:
Christine Stelzer-Orthofer, Armut und Zeit, Opladen: Leske und Buderich, 1997.
Für eine einfache Darstellung der statistischen Konzepte der Dauer:
Kiefer, Nicolas N. (1988), Economic Duration Data and Hazard Functions, Journal of
Economic Literature, vol. 26, pp. 646–679.
Sen, Amarty (1976), Poverty: An Ordinal Approach to Measurement. Econometrica, vol.
44, pp. 219-31.
Clark, Stephen, Richard Hemming and David Ulph (1981), On Indices for the
Measurement of Poverty, Economic Journal, vol. 91, pp. 515–25.
Haddad, Lawrence and Ravi Kanbur (1990), ‘How Serious is the Neglect of IntraHousehold Inequality?’, Economic Journal, 100, pp. 866–81.
Jenkins, Stephen P. (1991), Poverty Measurement and the Within-Household Distribution: Agenda for Action, Journal of Social Policy, vol.20, pp. 457–83.
Sara Cantillon and Brian Nolan (2001), Poverty within households: Measuring gender
differences using nonmonetary indicators, Feminist Economics, vol 7, pp. 5–23.
Foster, James E. und Anthony F. Shorrocks (1988): Poverty Orderings, Econometrica,
vol. 56, pp. 173 – 177.
Atkinson, Anthony B. und François Bourguignon (1987), Income Distributions and
Differences in Needs, in George R. Feiwel (ed.): ‘Arrow and the Foundations of the
Theory of Economic Policy, New York: New York University Press, pp. 350 – 370.
Atkinson, Anthony B. (1992), Measuring Poverty and Differences in Family
Composition, Economica, vol. 58, pp. 1 – 16.
Jenkins, Stephen P. und Lambert Peter J. (1993), Ranking Income Distributions when
Needs Differ, Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 39, p. 337 – 356.
Bishop, John A, John B. Fromby, Lester A. Zeager (1996), The Impact of Food Stamps
on US Poverty in the 1980s: A Marginal Dominance Analysis, Economica, vol. 63,
pp. S141–S162.
8) Die Armutsberichte, wie in den Unterlagen angegeben.
Ravallion, Martin, Gaurav Datt, and Dominique van de Walle, Quantifying Absolute
Poverty in the Developing World, Review of Income and Wealth, Vol. 37(1991), pp.
Chen Shaohua and Martin Ravallion, How did the World’s Poorest Fare in the 1990s?,
Review of Income and Wealth, Vol. 47(2001), pp. 283–300.
Datt, Gaurav and Martin Ravallion (1992), Growth and Redistribution Components of
Changes in Poverty Measures, Journal of Development Economics, 38, pp. 275–95.
Sala-i-Martin, Xavier The world distribution of income,
Branko Milanovic: The Ricardian Vice: Why Sala-i-Martin’s calculations of world
income inequality are wrong,
Kakwani, Nanak, Poverty and Economic Growth with application to Côte d’Ivoire,
Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 39, 1993, pp. 121–139.
Atkinson Anthony: On Targeting Social Security: Theory and Western Experience with
Family Benefits, in: D. Van de Walle, K. Nead (eds.), ‘Public Spending and the Poor’.
Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1995, pp. 25–67.
Moffitt, Robert, Estimating the Value of an In-Kind Transfer: The Case of Food Stamps,
Econometrica, vol. 57(1989), pp. 385–409.
Jacoby, Hanan F, Self-Selection and the Redistributive Impact of in-Kind Transfers: An
Econometric Analysis, Journal of Human Resources, vol. 32(1997), pp. 244–249.
Craig, Peter, Costs and Benefits: A Review of Research on Take-up of Income-Related
Benefits, Journal of Social Policy, vol. 20(1991) p. 537–565.
Moffitt, Robert, An Economic Model of Welfare Stigma, American Economic Review
vol. 73(1983), pp. 1023-1035.
Blank, Rebecca M.; Patricia Ruggles, When Do Women Use Aid to Families with
Dependent Children and Food Stamps? The Dynamics of Eligibility Versus
Participation, Journal of Human Resources, vol, 31(1996), pp. 57–89.
Liste der für die Referate relevanten Artikel
20. 10. Armutsschranke:
Pradhan, Menno, Asep Suryahadi, Sudarno Sumarto and Lant Pritchett (2001), Eating Like Which
“Jones’s”? An Iterative Solution to the Choice of a Poverty Line “Reference Group”, Review of
Income and Wealth, vol. 47, pp. 473 – 488.
Haveman, Robert and Andrew Bershadker (2001), The “Inability to be Self-Reliant” as an Indicator of
Poverty: Trends for the U.S., 1975–1997, Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 47, pp. 335-360.
27. 10. Vergleich von relativen und absoluten Armutsschranken:
Blackburn, McKinley L. (1998), The Sensitivity of International Poverty Comparisons, Review of Income
and Wealth, vol. 44, pp. 449 – 472.
Madden, David (2000), Relative or Absolute Poverty Lines: A New Approach, Review of Income and
Wealth, vol. 46, pp. 181 – 199.
3. 11. Äquivalenzskalen:
Conniffe, Denis (1992), The Non-Constancy of Equivalence Scales, Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 37,
pp. 429 – 444.
Koulovatianos Christos,, Carsten Schröder, Ulrich Schmidt (2007), On the Income Dependence of
Equivalence Scales, Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 89(5-6), pp. 967-996
10. 11. Unterschiedliche Preise für Arme und nicht-Arme:
Macdonald, J. M. and P. E. Nelson (1991), Do the Poor Still Pay More? Food Price Variations in Large
Metropolitan Areas, Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 30, pp. 344-359.
Rao, Vijayendra (2000), Price Heterogeneity and “Real” Inequality: A Case Study of Prices and Poverty in
Rural South India, Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 46, pp. 201 – 211.
17. 11. Dauer von Armut:
Ruggles Patricia, Williams Roberton (1989), Longitudinal Measures of Poverty: Accounting for Income
and assets over Time, Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 35, pp.225 – 243.
Chauduri Shubham, Ravallion Martin (1994), How well do static indicators identify the chronically poor?
Journal of Public Economics, vol. 53, pp. 367 – 394.
Stevens Ann Huff (1999), Climbing Out of Poverty, Falling Back In, Journal of Human Ressources, vol.
34, pp. 557 – 588.
24. 11. Armutsmessung:
Klasen, Stephan, (2000), Measuring Poverty and Deprivation in South Africa, Review of Income and
Wealth, vol. 46, pp. 33 – 58.
Van den Bosch, Karel (1998), Poverty and Assets in Belgium, Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 44,
pp.215 – 228.
Forby, John P., Hoseong Kim and Buhong Zheng (2001), Sen Measures of Poverty in the United States:
Cash versus Comprehensive Incomes in the 1990s, Pacific Economic Review, vol. 6, pp. 193– 10.
1. 12. Armut und Allokation im Haushalt:
Lundberg, Shelly J., Robert A. Pollak and Terence J. Wales, (1996), Do Husbands and Wives Pool Their
Resources?, Journal of Human Ressources, vol. 32, pp. 463–480.
Pitt, Mark M., Mark R. Rosenzweig and Nazmul Hassan (1990), Productivity, Health, and Inequality in the
Intrahousehold Distribution of Food in Low-Income Countries, American Economic Review vol. 80,
pp. 1139–1156.
15. 12. Kinderarbeit:
Basu, Kaushik and Pham Hoand Van (1998), The Economics of Child Labor, American Economic Review,
vol. 88, pp. 412 – 427.
Basu, Kaushik (2000), The Intriguing Relation between Adult Minimum Wage and Child Labour,
Economic Journal, vol. 110, pp. C50 – C61.
Ravallion, Martin and Quentin Wodon (2000), Does Child Labour Displace Schooling? Evidence in
Behavioural Responses to an Enrolment Subsidy, Economic Journal, vol.110, pp. C158 – C175.
12. 1 Zielgenauigkeit:
Kanbur, Ravi, Michael Keen and Matti Tumola (1995), Labor Supply and Targeting in Poverty Alleviation
Programs, in: D. van de Valle and K. Nead, ‘Public Spending and the Poor’, Baltimore: John Hopkins
Press, pp. 91 – 113.
Ravallion, Martin and Gaurav Datt (1995), Is Targeting through Work Requirement Efficient? Some
Evidence for Rural India, in: D. van de Valle and K. Nead, ‘Public Spending and the Poor’, Baltimore:
John Hopkins Press, pp. 413 – 444.
Ravallion, Matin and Chaudhuri Datt (1993), Does Maharashta’s Employment Guarantee Scheme
Guarantee employment? Effects of the 1988 Wage Increase. Economic Development and Cultural
Change, vol. 41, pp. 251 – 275.
14. 1. Inanspruchnahme von Leistungen:
Blank, Rebecca M and Patricia Ruggles (1996), When Do Women Use Aid to Families with Dependent
Children, Journal of Human Resources, vol. 31, pp. 57 – 89.
Riphahn Regina T. (2001), Rational Poverty or Poor Rationality? The Take-up of Social Assistance
Benefits, Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 47, pp.379 – 398.