Literaturverzeichnis MobiAssist

Literaturverzeichnis MobiAssist
IKT-basierter Mobilisierungsassistent für Patienten mit Demenz und deren Angehörige
Literaturverzeichnis MobiAssist
1) Abowd, G.D., Hayes, G.R., Kientz, J.A., Mamykina, L., Mynatt, E.D. (2006). Challenges and
Opportunities for Collaboration Technologies for Chronic Care Management. The Human-Computer
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2) Adler, C., Gunzelmann, T., Machold, C., Schumacher, J. & Wilz, G. (1996). Belastungserleben
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3) Becker, S., Kruse, A., Schroder, J., Seidl, U. (2005). [The Heidelberg instrument for the assessment
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4) Bickel, H. (2001). Demenzen im höheren Lebensalter: Schätzungen des Vorkommens und der
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5) Brod, M., Stewart, A.L., Sands, L., Walton, P. (1999). Conceptualization and measurement of quality
of life in dementia: the dementia quality of life instrument (DQoL). Gerontologist 39 (1), 25-35.
6) Brooks, L.G., Loewenstein, D.A. (2010). Assessing the progression of mild cognitive impairment to
Alzheimer's disease: current trends and future directions. Alzheimers Res Ther, 2(5), 28.
7) Budweg, S., Lewkowicz, M., Müller, S., Schering, S. (2012): Fostering Social Interaction in AAL:
Methodological reflections on the coupling of real household Living Lab and SmartHome
approaches. In: Richter, A., Müller, C., Lewkowicz, M., Budweg, S.: Special Issue on Ambient
Assisted Living. i-com: Vol. 11(3), 30-35.
8) Christensen, L.R., Grönvall, E. (2011): Challenges and Opportunities for Collaborative Technologies
for Home Care Work. In the proceedings of CSCW 2011, the European Conference on ComputerSupported Cooperative Work 2011, Aarhus, Denmark, 24-28 September, 2011.
9) Coughlin, J.F. (2006): New Expectations from Older Users: Five Lessons for Product Design and
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13) Dijkstra, A., Buist, G., Dassen, T. (1996). Nursing-care dependency. Development of an assessment
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14) Dijkstra, A., Yont, G.H., Korhan, E.A., Muszalik, M., Kedziora-Kornatowska, K., Suzuki, M. (2012).
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15) Eggermont, L., Scherder, E. (2006). Physical activity and behavior in dementia: A review of the
literature and implications for psychosocial Intervention in primary care. Dementia, 5, 411-428.
16) Fitzpatrick, G., Ellingsen, G. (2012). "A Review of 25 Years of CSCW Research in Healthcare:
Contributions, Challenges and Future Agendas". Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
(Juni 21). doi:10.1007/s10606-012-9168-0.
17) Forbes, D., Thiessen, E.J., Blake, C.M., Forbes, S.C., Forbes, S. (2012). Exercise programs for
people with dementia (Review). The Cochrane Library, Issue 12.
18) Friedman, B., Kahn, P. (2003): Human values, ethics and design. In: Jacko, J., Sears, A. (Eds.). The
human computer interaction handbook, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates, S. 11771201.
Literaturverzeichnis MobiAssist
IKT-basierter Mobilisierungsassistent für Patienten mit Demenz und deren Angehörige
19) Gavin, T. S. & Myers, A. M. (2003). Characteristics, enrollment, attendance, and dropout patterns of
older adults in beginner Tai-Chi and life-dancing programs. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity,
11, 123-141.
20) Gerling, K.M., Livingston, I.J., Nacke, L.E., Mandryk, R.L (2012). Full-body motion-based game
interaction for older adults. Proc. of CHI 2012, 1873-1882. ACM New York, NY, USA.
21) Graessel, E., Berth, H., Lichte, T., Grau, H. (2014). Subjective caregiver burden: validity of the 10item short version of the Burden Scale for Family Caregivers BSFC-s. BMC Geriatr, 14, 23.
22) Gräßel, E. (1998). Häusliche Pflege dementiell und nicht dementiell Erkrankter. Teil I und Teil II.
Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 31, 52-62.
23) Guralnik, J.M., Simonsick, E.M., Ferrucci, L., Glynn, R.J., Berkman, L.F., Blazer, D.G., Scherr, P.A.,
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association with self-reported disability and prediction of mortality and nursing home admission.
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 49 (2), M85-M94.
24) Harper, R., Randall, D., Smyth, N., Evans, C., Heledd, L., Moore, R. (2008). The past is a different
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25) Hauer, K., Schwenk, M., Zieschang, T., Essig, M., Becker, C., Oster, P. (2012). Physical training
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American Geriatrics Society, 60(1), 8-15.
26) Heyn, P., Abreu, B. C., Ottenbacher, K. J. (2004). The effects of exercise training on elderly persons
with cognitive impairment and dementia: A meta-analysis. Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, 85, 1694-1704.
27) Hill, K., Smith, R., Fearn, M., Rydberg, M., Oliphant, R. (2007). Physical and psychological outcomes
of a supported physical activity program for older carers. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity,
15(3), 257-271.
28) Hofmann, F., Stössel, U., Michaelis, M., BNübling, M. & Siegel, A. (2002). Low back pain and
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29) Horneij, E. L., Jensen, I. B., Holmstrom, E. B. & Ekdahl, C. (2004). Sick leave among home-care
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30) Ihl, R., Frölich, L. (1991). Die Reisberg-Skalen. Deutschsprachige Bearbeitung der Global
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31) King, A. C., Baumann, K., O'Sullivan, P., Wilcox, S., Castro, C. (2002). Effects of moderate-intensity
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controlled trial. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 57(1), M26-M36.
32) Kitwood, T. (2000): Der person-zentrierte Ansatz im Umgang mit verwirrten Menschen. Huber, Bern
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33) Klein, T. (1998). Der Heimeintritt alter Menschen und Chancen seiner Vermeidung. Zeitschrift für
Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 31(6), 407-416.
34) Landau, R., Auslander, G.K., Werner, S., Shoval, N., Heinik, J. (2010). Families' and Professional
Caregivers' Views of Using Advanced Technology to Track People with Dementia. Qual Health Res,
20(3), 409-419.
35) Lindley, S.E., Harper, R., Sellen, A. (2009). Desiring to be in touch in a changing communications
landscape: attitudes of older adults. In Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Human
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36) Lindsay, S., Brittain, K., Jackson, D., Ladha, C., Ladha, K., Olivier, P. (2012). Empathy, Participatory
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37) Matter, C. & Späth, C. (1998). Belastung und Belastungserleben pflegender Angehöriger durch TagNacht-Rhythmus-Störungen Demenzkranker. Zeitschrift für Gerontopsychologie und -psychiatrie,
11(2), 51-59.
38) Mechling, H. (2005). Körperlich-sportliche Aktivität und erfolgreiches Altern. Bundesgesundheitsblatt,
48(8), 899-905.
Literaturverzeichnis MobiAssist
IKT-basierter Mobilisierungsassistent für Patienten mit Demenz und deren Angehörige
39) Mittelman, M. S., Ferris, S. H., Shulman, E., Steinberg, G., Levin, B. (1996). A family intervention to
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Journal of the American Medical Association, 276, 1725-1731.
40) Müller, C., Wan, L. & Wulf, V. (2013): Dealing with wandering in institutional care: Exploring the field.
7th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth
2013). Venice, Italy, 5-8 May, 2013, 101-104.
41) Müller, C., Neufeldt, C., Randall, D., Wulf, V. (2012). ICT-Development in Residential Care Settings:
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05-10 2012, Austin, TX, USA.
42) Müller, C.; Wan, L.; Hrg, D. (2010): Dealing with Wandering: A Case Study on Caregivers' Attitudes
towards Privacy and Autonomy when Reflecting the Use of LBS. Proceedings of GROUP
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43) Müller, C., Neufeldt, C., Randall, D., Wulf, V. (2012). ICT-Development in Residential Care Settings:
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44) O'Connell, B., Bailey, S. & Walker, A. (2003). Promoting the health and well being of older carers: A
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45) Pipek, V., Wulf, V. (2009). Infrastructuring: Towards an integrated perspective on the design and use
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46) Podsiadlo, D., Richardson, S. (1991). The Timed "Up & Go": A test of basic functional mobility for
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48) Rainer, M., Jundwirth, S., Krüger-Rainer, C., Cray, A., Gatterer, G. & Haushofer, M. (2002).
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49) Reitan, R.M. (1958). Validity of the Trail Making test as an indicator of organic brain damage.
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50) Rice, M., Carmichael, A. (2013). Factors facilitating or impeding older adults' creative contributions in
the collaborative design of a novel DTV-based application. Universal Access in the Information
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51) Romero B., Wenz M. (2002). Konzept und Wirksamkeit eines Behandlungsprogrammes für
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52) Schulz, R. & Martire, L. M. (2004). Family caregiving of persons with dementia. American Journal of
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54) Tsai, J., Kelley, P., Drielsma, P., Cranor, L., Hong, J., Sadeh, N. (2009). Who's Viewed You? The
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55) Shibata, T., Wada, K. (2011). Robot Therapy: A New Approach for Mental Healthcare of the Elderly A Mini-Review. Gerontology, 57, 378-386.
56) Silveira, P., van de Langenberg, R., van het Reve, E., Daniel, F., Casati, F., & de Bruin, E. D. (2013).
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57) Tellio?lu, H., Lewkowicz, M., de Carvalho, A. F. P., Breskovic, I., Schorch, M. (2014) "Collaboration
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Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported
Cooperative Work & Social Computing, pp 339-342, ACM New York, NY, USA.
Literaturverzeichnis MobiAssist
IKT-basierter Mobilisierungsassistent für Patienten mit Demenz und deren Angehörige
58) van Dijk, B., Dadlani, P., van Halteren, A., Biemans, M. (2010). Life changes, connection stays:
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59) Wan, L., Müller, C., Wulf, V. & Randall, D. (2014): Addressing the Subtleties in Dementia Care:
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60) Wechsler, D. A. (1997a). Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III. New York: Psychological Corporation.
61) Wilz, G., Adler, C., Gunzelmann, T. & Brähler, E. (1999). Auswirkungen chronischer Belastungen auf
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63) Wulf, V., Rohde, M., Pipek, V., Stevens, G. (2011). Engaging with Practices: Design Case Studies
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