CLOJURE A PRACTICAL LISP FOR THE JVM LT 54 - Ralph Guderlei WARUM CLOJURE? Lisp REPL zur interaktiven Entwicklung sehr gute Java-Interop funktional dynamisch typisiert Lisp is worth learning for the profound enlightenment experience you will have when you finally get it; that experience will make you a better programmer for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use Lisp itself a lot. Eric S. Raymond LISP LISt Processor Lots of Irritating Silly Parenthesis Erste Version: 1958 Dialekte: Scheme (1975), Common Lisp (1984), Clojure (2007) Einfluß auf viele Sprachen: Ruby, Javascript, Smalltalk, ... REPL SYMBOLIC EXPRESSIONS (operator operand1 operand2 ...) Operand: Literal (Variable, Datenstruktur, ...) oder SExpression Präfix-Notation Code ist gültige Clojure-Datenstuktur (Homoikonizität) -> Makros BEISPIEL: IF (if (< i 0) 0 (do-sth-with i)) DATENSTRUKTUREN Booleans, Strings, Characters, Zahlen, Keywords Maps {:foo true "bar" 12/3} Listen, Vektoren, Sets FUNKTIONEN (defn multiply "multiplies two numbers x and y" [x y] (* x y)) implizite returns Docstring JAVA INTEROP (def s (.toUpperCase "foo")) ;; => "FOO" (doto (new MyEntity) (.setA "foo") (.setB 42)) JAVA INTEROP - GOODIES Definition und Implementierung von Interfaces (defprotocol) Polymorphic dispatch (defmulti), (defmethod) Definition von Typen (deftype), (defrecord) REALES BEISPIEL (defroutes app-routes (context "/items" [] (defroutes items-routes (GET "/" [] (get-all-items)) (POST "/" {body :body} (create-item body)) (context "/:id" [id] (defroutes item-routes (PUT "/" {body :body} (update-item id body)) (DELETE "/" [] (delete-item id))))))) (def app (-> (handler/api app-routes) (middleware/wrap-json-body) (middleware/wrap-json-response))) REALES BEISPIEL (defn get-all-items [] (let [conn (mg/connect) db (mg/get-db conn "lt")] {:body (mc/find-maps db "items")})) (defn create-item [todo-item] (let [conn (mg/connect) db (mg/get-db conn "lt") oid (ObjectId.)] (mc/insert db "items" (merge todo-item {:_id oid})) {:status 201})) FAZIT sehr einfache und konsistente Syntax REPL: schelles Feedback bei der Entwicklung interessante Bibliotheken (REST, core.async, core.logic) gute Ergänzung zu Java (funktional, dynamische Typisierung) optionale Features: Typisierung, AOT-Compiler, Java-Interop ClojureScript Nachteil: IDE-Support Online: Clojure for the Brave and True