terna Pioniere ANATOMIE DER SCHILDDRÜSE «PITFALLS AND PEARLS» Martin Gerber, Spital Chur Mai 2011 © by mg made on a mac Anatomie Anatomie Basisanatomie Basisanatomie R. colli n. facialis V. jugularis interna Mandibula A. laryngea sup. N. hypoglossus A. carotis comm. Parotis N. laryngeus sup. M. thyrohyoideus Platysma Lamina superficialis fasciae cervicalis Lamina pretrachealis fasciae cervicalis V. jugularis externa A. thyroidea sup. M. sternocleidomastoideus V. jugularis externa M. sternothyroideus M. sternohyoideus Caput sternale M. sternoclaidomastoideus Arcus venosus jugularis Plexus thyroideus impar V. jugularis externa Basisanatomie Arterien A. thyroidea sup. N. laryngeus sup. R. externus A. carotis interna A. carotis externa A. thyroidea sup. N. phrenicus N. vagus A. carotis comm. Plexus brachialis V. jugularis interna A. thyroidea inf. Tr. thyrocervicalis A. thyroidea inf. A. subclavia A. subclavia V. subclavia N. laryngeus inf. Tr. brachiocephalicus Plexus thyroideus impar Aorta Chirurgischer Zugang Venen V. facialis V. jugularis int. V. thyroidea sup. V. thyroidea med. Plexus thyroideus impar V. subclavia V. brachiocephalica V. thyroidea inf. V. cava sup. «Helferlein» Ductus lymphaticus Chirurgischer Zugang Kocher‘scher Kragenschnitt Chirurgischer Zugang Chirurgischer Zugang M. sternocleidomastoideus Platysma Mobilisierung Haut- und Platysmalappen Oberflächliche Halsfaszie Mittlere Halsfaszie OHF mit Venen Subcutis Platysma M. sternohyoideus (MHF) OHF mit Venen Längsspalten der OHF und der MHF in der Medianen M. sternothyreoideus (MHF) Subplatysmale Lappenbildung, Längsspaltung Quere Durchtrennung Chirurgischer Zugang «Pitfalls and Pearls» Capsula Propria der Schilddrüse M. sternohyoideus (MHF) M. sternothyreoideus (MHF) V. jugularis int. Capsula Propria der Schilddrüse «Pitfalls and Pearls» Resektionsausmass Nervus laryngeus superior Nervus laryngeus reccurens (inferior) Tuberculum Zuckerkandl Ligamentum Berry Parathyroideae Enukleation Subtotale Resektion Subtotal mit Belassen des Oberpols (Hemi) - Thyroidektomie Resektionsausmass Resektionsausmass Universitätsklinik Halle 1995 - 2007 n=1555 OHF OHF «Kapseldissektion» «Kapseldissektion» OHF MHF Präparation Capsula Propria SD NLR Grenzlamelle Parathyroidea A. thyroidea inf. N. laryngeus superior A. carotis ext. A. thyroidea sup. Obere Polgefässe Ramus ext. N. laryngeus sup. N. laryngeus inferior «Reccurens» Reccurens Verlauf der NLR im Bezug zur ITA rechts 15% 37% NLR hinter ATI NLR vor ATI links 26% 23% 9% NLR ant ITA NLR post ITA NLR betw ITA other 25% 14% NLR zwischen ATI Reccurens intraoperativ Neuromonitoring N. Vagus Darstellen, Stimulieren Stimulation NLR OHF Reccurens «Nerves at risk» 120‘000 Recurrensparese ohne Darstellung 3.5% Recurrensparese mit Darstellung 1.01% «High volume surgeon» (50 Eingriffe / Jahr): deutlich < 1% «Low volume surgeon»: 1-4% «Zuckerkandl» 52% OHF OHF «Zuckerkandl» «Berry-Ligament» Enge anatomische Beziehungen ITTT; i rn ITTT; i rn 'kTTTTT D"C TD A FTTU.Sn1'TT rtirntn lln A1JiLKf"T AU1IUJ. In A TD A FTTU.Sn1'TT 'kTTTTT D"C rtirntn lln A1JiLKf"T AU1IUJ. In A 493 493 illustrate two varieties of what may be called the first type. of what may bethecalled illustrate two varieties the first type.of posterior border parathyroid lies along Here the upper posterior liessomewhat along the above Here the upper of the thyroid the lateral lobe ofparathyroid theborder mid-point the lower thyroid" poles somewhat the lateral mid-point "; theabove lowertheglandule lies between the lobe upperof and OHF " poles the lower and lower lies between upper pole. It is glandule not unlikely thyroid margin or "; near the the lower It isoccurring not unlikely margin will or pole. nearthis theparticular lower thyroid be found most arrangement that be found occurring most arrangement will that this particular often in a large series of cases. In Fig. i, the lower paraoften in a large series of cases. In Fig. i, the lower para- OHF «Berry-Ligament» Parathyroidea W. S. HALSTED AND H. M. EVANS. 44 494tL.>tsrs. -r-. -tL.>tsrs. the inferior thyroid, while the upper one happens to be a branch of the uppermost cesophageal ramus. Figs. 3 and 4 will illustrate a type but little removed THE PARATHYROID GLANDULES. ' 495 are from that just discussed, but one in which the parathyroids of the thyroid. Here unusual it is notthe find a relatively rather symmetrically disposed, one toabove, the otherlong below parathyroid artery.the thyroid poles. The condition shown the mid-point between ..s'Al, ANNALS OF SURGERY VOL. XLVI OCTOBER, I907 No. 4 ORIGINAL MEMOIRS. BY WILLIAM S. HALSTED, M.D., AND OF MODESTO, CAL. THE BLOOD SUPPLY OF THE HUMAN PARATHYROID GLANDULES. HERBERT M. EVANS. The vascular injections and studies herein reported were made to determine accurately the exact source and position of the blood supply to the parathyroid glands in man. Another aim, that of knowing more of the angiology of the parathyroid gland itself, was also served, but this subject will be reported separately at a later date. I would here express my indebtedness to Professor Halsted at whose suggestion the problem was undertaken, to Professor Mall in whose laboratory the injections were made, to Professor W. G. MacCallum, Dr. H. E. Helmholz and espe;. cially Dr. Marshall Fabyan who have kindly given me many opportunities to secure fresh human material, and to Mr. Broedel whose advice I found invaluable in the execution of the Plexus thyroideus drawings. I7 A. 14t., 14t.,fkifki., ., j.1 tLtizA...I-I-i.i.1.,Z.. t1. .,Z.. ...... OF BALTIMORE, HERBERT M. EVANS, S.B., Arteria thyroidea inferior ' Various other modifications in the exact plan of blood supply were found, but, in general, the figures given illustrate the chief conditions. THE PARATHYROID GLANDULES. THEIR BLOOD SUPPLY, AND THEIR PRESERVATION IN OPERATION UPON THE THYROID GLAND. Nervus laryngeus reccurens . t,t,II I I I *a *a I .sr - seen to to arise arise from from the thyroidartery arteryisis seen the prominent lateralbranch branch prominentlateral thyroid inferior thyroid artery which supplies most ofofthe outer theinferior ofof the thyroid artery which supplies most the outer surface of the lateral thyroid lobe. The upper parathyroid of the lateral lobe.anastomosing surface The upper channel parathyroid fromthyroid bearises the strong artery here beanastomosing channel arisesandfrom thethyroid strongvessels artery the upper along lower which courses tween here the upper and lower along vesselsInwhich tween border of thethyroid Fig. courses 2, the lower the posterior lateral lobe. borderfrom of theonelateral Fig. 2, the the posterior of thelobe. of little lateralInglandular ramilower artery comes little artery comes from one of the lateral glandular rami of 489 ;;.;E. .I O.W. r1 la A lif '91. F,- s-. 9 f''1. s- It is without the purpose of this communication to follow the behavior of the parathyroid artery after it enters the glandular hilus, but it may be said here that, in general, this vessel a central course, off obliquely directedvessels since giving here both branchescame in Fig. pursues 4 is interesting parathyroid which ramify peripherally, givingthyroid, origin to which capil- in branch ofeventually same the inferior from the large This picture may besuperior seen beautifully in cleared the communicated with this caselaries. thyroid artery. specimens of the glandule and, it may be pointed out, is in In the third type, shown in the remaining two figures and 6), is depicted the arrangement seen in those cases in (5OHF which the lower gland is appreciably below the lower margin OHF Parathyroidea Gl. parathyroideae sup. Gl. parathyroideae inf. Realität OHF OHF Realität Realität OHF «Take Home» Quellen Lupenbrille Neuromonitoring (N. vagus) Darstellen Reccurens Kapseldissektion, Grenzlamelle Nervus laryngeus reccurens Parathyroideae Tuberculum Zuckerkandl Ligamentum Berry med-education.ch © by mg