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Dr. Esther Lipokatic-Takacs
Communication between neurons and astrocytes in
the SCN
Professional and scientific career
Since 4.2007
Research assistant at the Institute of Zoology, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
11.2002 - 3.2006
Research assistant at the Institute of Neuroanatomy, Hannover Medical School
Promotion (Dr. rer. nat.). Title: Funktionelle und histologische Untersuchungen der FGF-2-Isoformen im Regenerationsmodell des
Nervus ischiadicus der adulten Ratte (Rattus norvegicus)- Transplantation genetisch modifizierter Schwann-Zellen at the
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät of the University of Hannover
1996 - 2002
Study of Biology at the University of Hannover
Awards & grants
Student Travel Award des 9 International congress on neural transplantation and repair Komitees
I. Articles in peer reviewed journals
Jungnickel J, Eckhardt M, Haastert-Talini K, Claus P, Bronzlik P, Lipokatic-Takacs E, Maier H,
Gieselmann V, Grothe C: Polysialyltransferase overexpression in Schwann cells mediates different
effects during peripheral nerve regeneration. Glycobiology. 2012 Jan;22(1):107-15. DOI: 10.1093/glycob/cwr113.
Lipokatic-Takacs E, Steinlechner S: Mögliche Wege der Kommunikation und Synchronisation zwischen Neuronen und
Astrozyten im Nucleus suprachiasmaticus bei Phodopus sungorus. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 114, 389,
227-230 (2011)
5. Jungnickel J, Haastert K, Grzybek M, Thau N, Lipokatic-Takacs E, Ratzka A, Nölle A, Claus P, Grothe C. (2009): Mice lacking
basic fibroblast growth factor showed faster sensory recovery. Exp Neurol. 2010 May;223(1):166-72. Epub 2009 Jun 9.
4. Jungnickel J, Brämer C, Bronzlik P, Lipokatic-Takacs E, Weinhold B, Gerardy-Schahn R, Grothe C. (2009) Level and
localization of polysialic acid is critical for early peripheral nerve regeneration. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2009 Mar;40(3):374-81.
3. Timmer M, Cesnulevicius K, Winkler C, Kolb J, Lipokatic-Takacs E, Jungnickel J, Grothe C. (2007): Fibroblast growth factor
Fibroblast growth factor
(FGF)-2 and FGF receptor 3 are required for the development of the substantia nigra, and FGF-2 plays a crucial role for
the rescue of dopaminergic neurons after 6-hydroxydopamine lesion. J Neurosci. 2007 Jan 17;27(3):459-71.
2. Haastert, K and Lipokatic E, Fischer M, Timmer M, Grothe C (2005): Differentially promoted peripheral nerve regeneration
by grafted Schwann cells over-expressing different FGF-2-isoforms. Neurobiology of Disease 2005, 21 (1): 138-53
1. Dallmann, R, Lipokatic E, Zimmermann E, Steinlechner S. Effect of ophthalmopathy on the activity rhythms in grey mouse
lemurs (Microcebus murinus) Folia Primatologica 2003. 74 (4) : 187-188
II. Abstracts of international conferences
Lipokatic-Takacs, E; Steinlechner, S (2013). The perfect wave- Communication between neurons and
astrocytes by calcium waves in the Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of Dsungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). 106
Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society, München, 13. 16.9.; 2013, S. 348
Lipokatic E., Steinlechner S. (2009). Synchronise watches! Possible mechanism of communication between neurons and
astrocytes in the Suprachiasmatic nucleus of Phodopus sungorus. XI. Congress of the European Biological Rhythms Society,
Strasbourg, Frankreich
Spezielle Zoologie für Tiermediziner
Physiologische Übungen für Tiermediziner
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