Vorlesung Sozialpsychologie I:

Vertiefung Grundlagen Sozialpsychologie WiSe15/16 (050887)
Donnerstag 12 Uhr, R. 401a
Einführung: Programm, Literatur, Organisatorisches
ab 05.11.15
Theorie, Forschung und Anwendung in der Sozialpsychologie und Politischen
Pettigrew, T.F. (1996). How to think like a social scientist. New York, NY: Harper
Collins Publishers.
Turner, J.C. (1981). Some considerations in generalizing experimental social
psychology. In: G.M. Stephenson and J.M. Davis (Eds.) Progress in Applied Social
Psychology, Vol. 1. Chichester: Wiley.
Mögliche Themen
Simon, B. (2004). Identity in modern society. Oxford: Blackwell.
Chapter 2: The social psychology of identity: Sociological and psychological contributions
(pp. 20-42)
Chapter 3: Identity in modern society: An integrative approach (pp. 43-72)
Simon, B. & Oakes, P. (2006). Beyond dependence: An identity approach to social power
and domination. Human Relations, 59 (1), 105-139.
Simon, B. (2007). Respect, equality, and power: A social psychological perspective.
Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung – Zeitschrift für angewandte Sozialpsychologie, 38, 309-326.
Engagement und Politisierung:
Simon, B. (2011). Collective identity and political engagement. In A. Azzi, X. Chryssochoou,
B. Klandermans & B. Simon (Eds.) Identity and participation in culturally diverse societies:
A multidisciplinary perspective. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.