SM945 AE Database Knowledge Workshop Engl. Kurzbeschreibung: Ziele: Workshop for Automic Automation Engine database queries This workshop explains the database scheme for Automation Engine, showing techniques and Best Practices for Automation Engine database queries. You will learn how to receive data from the Automation Engine database - using an SQL client as well as directly via the user interface - for analysis purposes, optimisation of your workflows, or simply extraction of data for your individual applications and solutions. Focus of the training/workshop is set on enabling the participants to carve out queries by themselves, for their own requirements. Zielgruppe: Experienced users of Automation Engine, having access to the database Voraussetzungen: - Experience in usage of Automation Engine - Access to the Automation Engine database - Basic SQL knowledge, especially about SELECT statements The automation engine courses are conducted and invoiced by Automic Software. You can find all class dates as well as the registration form at the Automicwebsite. The registration can only be done on the Automic Website thru the online registration form. qSkills cannot accept any registrations forwarded directly to qSkills. Sonstiges: Dauer: 3 Tage Termine Preis: 2250 Euro plus Mwst. Course schedule: first day: 11:00 - 16:30 regular day: 8:30 - 16:30 last day: 8:30 - 15:00 The automation engine courses are conducted and invoiced by Automic Software. You can find all class dates as well as the registration form at the Automic webseite. The registration can only be done on the Automic Website thru the online registration form. qSkills cannot accept any registrations forwarded directly to qSkills. Inhalte/Agenda: • Short introduction into Relational Databases and database SELECT queries. This contains aggregates, joins, sub-selects, functions and common table expressions. It may be possible and likely that participants without any previous SQL knowledge will not be able to follow this speedy introduction. • Explanation about Automics Automation Engine database scheme. Usage of existing documentation. Extended documentation as part of the training material. • Best practices for queries • Queries using SQL client and the UserInterface • Query examples on: ♦ object definitions ♦ statistics ♦ reports ♦ workflow structure ♦ folder hierarchy • Includes recursive queries • Workshop using examples from the participants. This is used to train skills in query creation on user requests. • The course fee includes a docu package with following content: ♦ Training material and three cheat sheets in PDF format ♦ Database changelog in xlsx format, documenting any database scheme changes from V8 to V11 ♦ Subscription on all updates for the documents above, for one year ♦ Delivery of the appropriate V11 training documentation as soon as it is available Empfänger: qSkills GmbH & Co. KG Südwestpark 65 90449 Nürnberg Fax: 0911 - 80 10 339 eMail: [email protected] Absender: Firma:_________________________ Strasse:_________________________ PLZ/Ort:_________________________ Anmeldung zum Workshop SM945 AE Database Knowledge Workshop Engl. Termin: Von _________________________ bis _________________________ Dauer: 3 Tage Preis: 2250 EUR + MWST. pro Teilnehmer Teilnehmer 1: Name: Abteilung: Telefon: Telefax: eMail: eMail2: _________________________ Vorname: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Mobil: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Teilnehmer 2: Name: Abteilung: Telefon: Telefax: eMail: eMail2: _________________________ Vorname: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Mobil: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Hotelwunsch: Bitte zutreffendes Ankreuzen: [ ] Ja | [ ] Nein An- Abreise Teilnehmer 1: Von_________________________bis_________________________ An- Abreise Teilnehmer 2: Von_________________________bis_________________________ Rechnungsanschrift: Firma: Ansprechpartner: Abteilung: Strasse: Ort: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Hiermit bestätige ich die verbindliche Anmeldung zu o.g. Workshop. Ich besitze die notwendigen Vorkenntnisse. Es gelten die AGB der UC4 Software GmbH. Ort, Datum____________ Unterschrift________________________________