PUBLIKATIONEN CHIRURGIE 2008 – 2012 2012 Pfannschmidt J, Dienemann H Invited commentary on M Hamaji et al: Is lymph node resection required in pulmonary metastasectomy for colorectal adenocarcinoma Ann Thorac Surg 94: 1800-1801 Pfannschmidt J, Egerer G, Bischof M, Thomas M, Dienemann H Lungenmetastasen – Möglichkeiten chirurgischer Intervention Dtsch Arztebl 109: 645-651 Schneider T, Puderbach M, Kunz J, Bischof A, Giesel FL, Dienemann H, Herth FJ, Schnabel PA, Safi S, Hoffmann H, Heussel CP Simultaneous computed tomography-guided biopsy and radiofrequency ablation of solitary pulmonary malignancy in high-risk patients Respiration 84: 501-508 Scherf DB, Sarkisyan N, Jacobsson H, Claus R, Bermejo JL, Peil B, Gu L, Muley T, Meister M, Dienemann H, Plass C, Risch A Epigenetic screen identifies genotype-specific promoter DNA methylation and oncogenic potential of CHRNB4 Oncogene Sept 2012 [Epub ahead of print] Timofeeva MN, Hung RJ, Rafnar T, Christiani DC, Field JK, Bickeböller H, Risch A, McKay JD, Wang Y, Dai J, Gaborieau V, McLaughlin J, Brenner D, Narod SA, Caporaso NE, Albanes D, Thun M, Eisen T, Wichmann HE, Rosenberger A, Han Y, Chen W, Zhu D, Spitz M, Wu X, Pande M, Zhao Y, Zaridze D, Szeszenia-Dabrowska N, Lissowska J, Rudnai P, Fabianova E, Mates D, Bencko V, Foretova L, Janout V, Krokan HE, Gabrielsen ME, Skorpen F, Vatten L, Njølstad I, Chen C, Goodman G, Lathrop M, Benhamou S, Vooder T, Välk K, Nelis M, Metspalu A, Raji O, Chen Y, Gosney J, Liloglou T, Muley T, Dienemann H, Thorleifsson G, Shen H, Stefansson K, Brennan P, Amos CI, Houlston R, Landi MT; Transdisciplinary Research in Cancer of the Lung (TRICL) Research Team Influence of common genetic variation on lung cancer risk: meta-analysis of 14 900 cases and 29 485 controls Hum Mol Genet 21: 4980-4995 Lederlin M, Puderbach M, Muley T, Schnabel PA, Stenzinger A, Kauczor HU, Heussel CP, Herth FJ, Hoffmann H, Dienemann H, Weichert W, Warth A Correlation of radio- and histomorphological pattern of pulmonary adenocarcinoma Eur Respir J Jul 2012 [Epub ahead of print] Dienemann H, Hoffmann H VATS-Lobektomie beim Stadium-I-Lungenkarzinom: Standard oder Experiment Zentralbl Chir 137: 228-233 Westhoff M, Herth F, Albert M, Dienemann H, Eberhardt R A new method to predict values for postoperative lung function and surgical risk of lung resection by quantitative breath sound measurements Am J Clin Oncol April 2012 [Epub ahead of print] Becker N, Motsch E, Gross ML, Eigentopf A, Heussel CP, Dienemann H, Schnabel PA, Pilz L, Eichinger M, Optazaite DE, Puderbach M, Tremper J, Delorme S Randomized study on early detection of lung cancer with MSCT in Germany: study design and results of the first screening round J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 138:1475-1486 Herpel E, Schnabel PA, Steins M, Dienemann H, Herth FJ, Thomas M, Schirmacher P, Warth A Assessment of thymidylate synthase expression in biopsy specimens and corresponding resection specimens of non-small-cell lung cancer Histopathology 61:465-472 Eichhorn F, Heussel CP, Storz K, Dreher S, Dienemann H Luftnot, Husten und Tachykardie Med Klin Intensivmed Notfmed 107:285-288 Heye T, Ley S, Heussel CP, Dienemann H, Kauczor HU, Hosch W, Libicher M Detection and size of pulmonary lesions: how accurate is MRI? A prospective comparison of CT and MRI Acta Radiol 53:153-160 Muley T, Herth FJF, Schnabel PA, Dienemann H, Meister M From tissue to molecular phenotyping: Pre-analytical requirements – Heidelberg experience Transl Lung Cancer Res 1: 111-121 Reinmuth N, Stumpf A, Stumpf P, Muley T, Kobinger S, Hoffmann H, Herth FJ, Schnabel PA, Warth A, Bischoff H, Thomas M Characteristics and outcome of patients with second primary lung cancer Eur Respir J Oct 2012 (E-pub ahead of print) Peifer M, Fernández-Cuesta L, Sos ML, George J, Seidel D, Kasper LH, Plenker D, Leenders F, Sun R, Zander T, Menon R, Koker M, Dahmen I, Müller C, Di Cerbo V, Schildhaus HU, Altmüller J, Baessmann I, Becker C, de Wilde B, Vandesompele J, Böhm D, Ansén S, Gabler F, Wilkening I, Heynck S, Heuckmann JM, Lu X, Carter SL, Cibulskis K, Banerji S, Getz G, Park KS, Rauh D, Grütter C, Fischer M, Pasqualucci L, Wright G, Wainer Z, Russell P, Petersen I, Chen Y, Stoelben E, Ludwig C, Schnabel P, Hoffmann H, Muley T, Brockmann M, Engel-Riedel W, Muscarella LA, Fazio VM, Groen H, Timens W, Sietsma H, Thunnissen E, Smit E, Heideman DA, Snijders PJ, Cappuzzo F, Ligorio C, Damiani S, Field J, Solberg S, Brustugun OT, Lund-Iversen M, Sänger J, Clement JH, Soltermann A, Moch H, Weder W, Solomon B, Soria JC, Validire P, Besse B, Brambilla E, Brambilla C, Lantuejoul S, Lorimier P, Schneider PM, Hallek M, Pao W, Meyerson M, Sage J, Shendure J, Schneider R, Büttner R, Wolf J, Nürnberg P, Perner S, Heukamp LC, Brindle PK, Haas S, Thomas RK Integrative genome analyses identify key somatic driver motations of small-cell lung cancer Nat Genet 44: 1104-1110 Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network Comprehensive genomic charaterization of squamous cell lung cancers Nature 489: 519-525 Warth A, Muley T, Herpel E, Meister M, Herth FJ, Schirmacher P, Weichert W, Hoffmann H, Schnabel PA Large-scale comparative analyses of immunomarkers for diagnostic subtyping on non-small-cell lung cancer biopsies Histopathology 61:1017-1025 Hartz SM, Short SE, Saccone NL, Culverhouse R, Chen L, Schwantes-An TH, Coon H, Han Y, Stephens SH, Sun J, Chen X, Ducci F, Dueker N, Franceschini N, Frank J, Geller F, Gubjartsson D, Hansel NN, Jiang C, Keskitalo-Vuokko K, Liu Z, Lyytikäinen LP, Michel M, Rawal R, Rosenberger A, Scheet P, Shaffer JR, Teumer A, Thompson JR, Vink JM, Vogelzangs N, Wenzlaff AS, Wheeler W, Xiao X, Yang BZ, Aggen SH, Balmforth AJ, Baumeister SE, Beaty T, Bennett S, Bergen AW, Boyd HA, Broms U, Campbell H, Chatterjee N, Chen J, Cheng YC, Cichon S, Couper D, Cucca F, Dick DM, Foroud T, Furberg H, Giegling I, Gu F, Hall AS, Hällfors J, Han S, Hartmann AM, Hayward C, Heikkilä K, Hewitt JK, Hottenga JJ, Jensen MK, Jousilahti P, Kaakinen M, Kittner SJ, Konte B, Korhonen T, Landi MT, Laatikainen T, Leppert M, Levy SM, Mathias RA, McNeil DW, Medland SE, Montgomery GW, Muley T, Murray T, Nauck M, North K, Pergadia M, Polasek O, Ramos EM, Ripatti S, Risch A, Ruczinski I, Rudan I, Salomaa V, Schlessinger D, Styrkársdóttir U, Terracciano A, Uda M, Willemsen G, Wu X, Abecasis G, Barnes K, Bickeböller H, Boerwinkle E, Boomsma DI, Caporaso N, Duan J, Edenberg HJ, Francks C, Gejman PV, Gelernter J, Grabe HJ, Hops H, Jarvelin MR, Viikari J, Kähönen M, Kendler KS, Lehtimäki T, Levinson DF, Marazita ML, Marchini J, Melbye M, Mitchell BD, Murray JC, Nöthen MM, Penninx BW, Raitakari O, Rietschel M, Rujescu D, Samani NJ, Sanders AR, Schwartz AG, Shete S, Shi J, Spitz M, Stefansson K, Swan GE, Thorgeirsson T, Völzke H, Wei Q, Wichmann HE, Amos CI, Breslau N, Cannon DS, Ehringer M, Grucza R, Hatsukami D, Heath A, Johnson EO, Kaprio J, Madden P, Martin NG, Stevens VL, Stitzel JA, Weiss RB, Kraft P, Bierut LJ Increased genetic vulnerability to smoking at CHRNA5 in early-onset smokers Arch Gen Psychiatry 69:854-860 Kahn N, Meister M, Eberhardt R, Muley T, Schnabel PA, Bender C, Johannes M, Keitel D, Sültmann H, Herth FJ, Kuner R Early detection of lung cancer by molecular markers in endobronchial epitheliallining fluid J Thorac Oncol 7:1001-1008 Gottschling S, Herpel E, Eberhardt WE, Heigener DF, Fischer JR, Köhne CH, Kortsik C, Kuhnt T, Muley T, Meister M, Bischoff HG, Klein P, Moldenhauer I, Schnabel PA, Thomas M, Penzel R The gefitinib long-term responder (LTR)-A cancer stem-like cell story? 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Was gibt es Neues in der Chirurgie? Ecomed, Landsberg: 201-207 Pfannschmidt J, Hoffmann H, Schneider T, Dienemann H Pulmonary metastasectomy for soft tissue sarcomas: is it justified? Recent Results Cancer Res. 179: 321-336 Schneider T, Warth A, Herpel E, Schnabel PA, von Deimling A, Eberhardt R, Herth FJ, Dienemann H, Hoffmann H Intraoperative radiofrequency ablation of lung metastases and histologic evaluation Ann Thorac Surg 87: 379-384 Pfannschmidt J Invited commentary on M. W. Onaitis et al.: Prognostic factors for recurrence after pulmonary resection of colorectal cancer metastases Ann Thorac Surg 87: 1688-1689 Kahn N, Kuner R, Eberhardt R, Meister M, Muley, T, Winteroll S, Schnabel PA, Ishizaka A, Herth FJF, Poustka A, Sültmann H, Hoffmann H Gene expression analysis of endobronchial epithelial lining fluid in the evaluation of indeterminate pulmonary nodules J Thorac Cardivasc Surgery 138: 474-479 Singer S, Malz M, Herpel E, Warth A, Bissinger M, Keith M, Muley T, Penzel R, Meister M, Ehmann V, Schnabel PA, Kuner R, Hoffmann H, Huber P, Häring P, Schirmacher P, Breuhahn K Coordinated overexpression of stathmin family members by far upstream sequence element (FUSE)-binding protein (FBP)-1 increased motility in non-small cell lung cancer Cancer Res 69: 2234-2243 Kuner R, Muley T, Meister M, Ruschhaupt M, Buness A, Xu EC, Schnabel P, Warth A, Poustka A, Sültmann H, Hoffmann H Global gene expression analysis reveals specific patterns of cell junctions in nonsmall cell lung cancer subtypes Lung Cancer 63: 32-38 Kuner R, Sülmann H, Hoffmann H Genexpressionsstudien beim Lungenkarzinom. Experimentelle Forschung und klinische Anwendung Dtsch Med Wochenschr 134: 519-521 Warth A, Herpel E, Krysa S, Hoffmann H, Schnabel PA, Schirmacher P, Mechtersheimer G, Bläker H Chromosomal instability is more frequent in metastasized than in nonmetastasized pulmonary carcinoids but is not a reliable predictor of metastatic potential Exp Mol Med 41: 349-53 Sporn JC, Kustatscher G, Hothorn T, Collado M, Serrano M, Muley T, Schnabel P, Ladurner AG Histone macroH2A isoforms predict the risk of lung cancer recurrence Oncogene 28: 3423-3428 Muley T, Traschütz C, Hoffmann H, Dienemann H, Thomas M, Herth FJ, Meister M: Tumor Marker Index (TMI) based on CYFRA 21-1 and CEA predicts recurrencefree survival in P-Stage I J Thoracic Oncol 4 (Suppl 1): 920-921 Ostroff RM., Brody EN., Zichi DA., Stewart A Stanton M, Muley T, Meister M SLaptamer-based proteomic arrays for serum biomarker discovery in lung cancer J Thoracic Oncol 4 (Suppl 1): 871-872 Jassem E, Szymanowska A, Skrzypski M, Rosel, R, Taron M, Muley T, Dienemann H, Meister M, Rzyman W, Rzepko R, Jarzab M, Jassem J Expression of sex hormones in tumor and normal lung tissue in smoking vs. nonsmoking non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients (pts) J Thoracic Oncol 4 (Suppl 1): 624 Gottschling S, Jauch A, Granzow M, Kuner R, Muley T, Chang Xu E, Hoffmann H, Dienemann H, Eckstein V, Ho A, Herth F, Thomas M, Meister M Stromal cells derived from non-small cell lung cancer and normal lung tissue display mesenchymal stem cell characteristics and differ in their gene expression profiles and functional behaviour J Thoracic Oncol 4 (Suppl 1): 557 Van Zandwijk N, Roepman P, Burgers S, Smit E, Muley T, Jassem J, Niklinski J, Mooi WJ Expression of thymidylate synthase (TYMS) and insulin growth factor 1 (IGF1) in completely resected NSCLC patients: associations with histological subtype and prognosis J Thoracic Oncol 4 (Suppl 1): 507 Gottschling S, Kuner R, Granzow M, Jauch A, Chang Xu E, Muley T, Hoffmann H, Dienemann H, Eckstein V, Ho A, Herth FJ, Thoma, M, Meiste, M The individuality of tumor-stroma interaction in non-small cell lung cancer: insights from functional and molecular analyses J Thoracic Oncol 4 (Suppl 1): 388 Szymanowska A, Skrzypski M, Rosell R, Taron M, Muley T, Dienemann H., Meister M. Rzyman W, Rzepko R, Jarzab M, Jassem E, Jassem J Gene expression profiles in tumor and normal lung tissue in smoking vs. nonsmoking non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients (pts) J Thoracic Oncol 4 (Suppl 1): 327 Herth FJF, Dienemann H, Klopp M Keine Angst beim Pneumothorax Der Chirurg BDC 2: 23-26 Timofeeva M, Kropp S, Sauter W, Beckmann L, Rosenberger A, Illig T, Jäger B, Mittelstrass K, Dienemann H, The LUCY-Consortium, Bartsch H, Bickeböller H, ChangClaude J, Risch A, Wichmann HE CYP 450 polymorphisms as risk factors of early-onset lung cancer: gender-specific differences Carcinogenesis 30: 1161-1169 2008 Riedel K, Kremer T, Hoffmann H, Pfannschmidt J, Reimer P, Dienemann H, Germann G, Sauerbier M Plastisch-chirurgische Rekonstruktion von Defekten der Thoraxwand nach onkologischen Resektionen Chirurg 79: 164-174 Muley T, Fetz TH, Dienemann H, Hoffmann H, Herth FJ, Meister M, Ebert W Tumor volume and tumor marker index based on CYFRA 21-1 and CEA are strong prognostic factors in operated early stage NSCLC Lung Cancer 60: 408-415 Klopp M, Pfannschmidt J, Dienemann H Behandlung des Pleuraempyems Chirurg 79: 83-89 Warth A, Herpel E, Schmähl A, Hoffmann H, Herth FJ, Schirmacher P, Dienemann H, Schnabel PA Mediastinal angiomyolipomas in a male patient affected by tuberous sclerosis Eur Respir 31: 678-680 Ehemann V, Kern MA, Breinig M, Schnabel PA, Gunawan B, Schulten HJ, Schlaeger C, Radlwimmer B, Steger CM, Dienemann H, Lichter P, Schirmacher P, Rieker RJ Establishment, characterization and drug sensitivity testing in primary cultures of human thymoma and thymic carcinoma Int J Cancer 122: 2719-2725 Rieker RJ, Muley T, Klein C, Schnabel PA, Herpel E, Meister M, Schirmacher P, Dienemann H, Pfannschmidt J An institutional study on thymomas and thymic carcinomas: experience in 77 patients Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 56: 143-147 Mittelstrass K, Sauter W, Rosenberger A, Illig T, Timofeeva M, Klopp M, Dienemann H, Meese E, Sybrecht G, Woelke G, Cebulla M, Degen M, Morr H, Drings P, Groeschel A, Kreymborg KG, Haeussinger K, Hoeffken G, Schmidt C, Jilge B, Schmidt W, Ko YD, Taeuscher D, Chang-Claude J, Wichmann HE, Bickeboeller H, Risch A Early onset lung cancer, cigarette smoking and the SNP309 of the murine double minute-2 (MDM2) gene BMC Cancer 8: 113 Schneider T, Pfannschmidt J, Muley T, Reimer P, Eberhardt R, Herth FJ, Dienemann H, Hoffmann H A retrospective analysis of short and long-term survival after curative pulmonary resection for lung cancer in elderly patients Lung Cancer 62: 221-227 Reinmuth N, Jauch A, Chang Xu E , Muley T, Granzow M, Hoffmann H, Dienemann H, Herpel E, Schnabel PA, Herth FJ, Gottschling S, Lahm H, Steins M, Thomas M, Meister M Correlation of EGFR mutations with chromosomal alterations and expression of EGFR, ErbB3 and VEGF in tumor samples of lung adenocarcinoma patients Lung Cancer 62: 193-201 Sauter W, Rosenberger A, Beckmann L, Kropp S, Mittelstrass K, Timofeeva M, Wölke G, Steinwachs A, Scheiner D, Meese E, Sybrecht G, Kronenberg F, Dienemann H; LUCYConsortium, Chang-Claude J, Illig T, Wichmann HE, Bickeböller H, Risch A Matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP1) is associated with early-onset lung cancer Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 17: 1127-1135 Dienemann H, Eberhardt W, Fietkau R, Reck M Therapie des älteren Patienten Onkologie 31 (Suppl 3): 15-22 Schneider T, Dienemann H Radiofrequenzablation als "minimal-invasive Technik" zur Tumorbehandlung?: Ein Kommentar zu K.-H. 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