User Defined Data Types in DB2 User Defined Functions in DB2 Integration, Migration und Evolution Dipl.Inf. Frank Kramer 28. Mai 2013 Dipl.Inf. Frank Kramer Integration, Migration und Evolution User Defined Data Types in DB2 User Defined Functions in DB2 Quelle Das Material stammt aus dem Buch SQL in a nutshell von Kevin E. Kline, Brand Hunt und Daniel Kline und der offiziellen DB2 Dokumentation Dipl.Inf. Frank Kramer Integration, Migration und Evolution User Defined Data Types in DB2 User Defined Functions in DB2 Programm für heute 1 User Defined Data Types in DB2 2 User Defined Functions in DB2 Dipl.Inf. Frank Kramer Integration, Migration und Evolution User Defined Data Types in DB2 User Defined Functions in DB2 DB2 Syntax Es gibt fünf verschiedenen Arten von CREATE TYPE Statements in DB2 Dipl.Inf. Frank Kramer Integration, Migration und Evolution User Defined Data Types in DB2 User Defined Functions in DB2 DB2 Syntax Es gibt fünf verschiedenen Arten von CREATE TYPE Statements in DB2 array Statement cursor Statement distinct Statement row Statement structured Statement Dipl.Inf. Frank Kramer Integration, Migration und Evolution User Defined Data Types in DB2 User Defined Functions in DB2 DB2 Syntax CREATE TYPE [DISTINCT] type name [UNDER supertype name] [AS [new udt name] datatype [WITH COMPARISONS] [[NOT] INSTANTIABLE] [INLINE LENGTH int] [WITHOUT COMPARISONS] [NOT FINAL] MODE DB2SQL [WITH FUNCTION ACCESS] [REF USING datatype] [CAST {(SOURCE AS REF ) | (REF AS SOURCE)} WITH identifier] [[OVERRIDING] METHOD method definition [,...]] Dipl.Inf. Frank Kramer Integration, Migration und Evolution User Defined Data Types in DB2 User Defined Functions in DB2 Beispiele CREATE DISTINCT TYPE Bezahlung AS DECIMAL(10,2) WITH COMPARISONS Dipl.Inf. Frank Kramer Integration, Migration und Evolution User Defined Data Types in DB2 User Defined Functions in DB2 Beispiele CREATE DISTINCT TYPE Bezahlung AS DECIMAL(10,2) WITH COMPARISONS CREATE TYPE Person AS ( Vorname varchar(30), Nachname varchar(30) ) NOT FINAL MODE DB2SQL Dipl.Inf. Frank Kramer Integration, Migration und Evolution User Defined Data Types in DB2 User Defined Functions in DB2 Beispiele CREATE DISTINCT TYPE Bezahlung AS DECIMAL(10,2) WITH COMPARISONS CREATE TYPE Person AS ( Vorname varchar(30), Nachname varchar(30) ) NOT FINAL MODE DB2SQL CREATE TYPE Institut AS ( Name varchar(20), max mitarbeiter varchar(30) ) REF USING INT MODE DB2SQL Dipl.Inf. Frank Kramer Integration, Migration und Evolution User Defined Data Types in DB2 User Defined Functions in DB2 Beispiele CREATE TYPE Mitarbeiter UNDER Person AS ( Mitarbeiternummer integer Institut REF(Institut) Gehalt Bezahlung ) MODE DB2SQL Dipl.Inf. Frank Kramer Integration, Migration und Evolution User Defined Data Types in DB2 User Defined Functions in DB2 DB2 Syntax Es gibt fünf verschiedenen Arten von CREATE FUNCTION Statements in DB2 Dipl.Inf. Frank Kramer Integration, Migration und Evolution User Defined Data Types in DB2 User Defined Functions in DB2 DB2 Syntax Es gibt fünf verschiedenen Arten von CREATE FUNCTION Statements in DB2 external scalar Statement external table Statement OLE DB external table Statement source or template Statement SQL scalar, table or row Statement Dipl.Inf. Frank Kramer Integration, Migration und Evolution User Defined Data Types in DB2 User Defined Functions in DB2 DB2 Syntax CREATE [OR REPLACE] FUNCTION function name parameter declaration RETURNS data type|ROW [column list]|TABLE [column list] [SQL FUNCTION BODY] Dipl.Inf. Frank Kramer Integration, Migration und Evolution User Defined Data Types in DB2 User Defined Functions in DB2 Beispiele CREATE FUNCTION availableDutchAuctions (auctionDate date ) RETURNS TABLE (auctionId integer, owner varchar(50), title varchar(100), startPrice DECIMAL(10,2), reservePrice DECIMAL(10,2) ) LANGUAGE SQL READS SQL DATA NO EXTERNAL ACTION DETERMINISTIC RETURN SELECT AS auctionId, a.owner AS owner, a.title AS title, d.start price as startPrice, a.reserve price AS reservePrice FROM Auction a JOIN Dutch d on = WHERE CURRENT TIME BETWEEN a.start time AND s.end time AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM Bid b WHERE = id); Dipl.Inf. Frank Kramer Integration, Migration und Evolution User Defined Data Types in DB2 User Defined Functions in DB2 Beispiele CREATE FUNCTION proofProduct( productName varchar(50), manufacturer varchar(50) ) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE SQL NO EXTERNAL ACTION DETERMINISTIC BEGIN ATOMIC DECLARE uid INT; DECLARE pid INT; SET pid = 1; SET uid = (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM Product WHERE name = productName AND Product.manufacuter = manufacturer); IF uid == 0 THEN SET pid = 0; END IF; RETURN VALUES pid; END Dipl.Inf. Frank Kramer Integration, Migration und Evolution