Python Wrapper Silicon Software Runtime V 5.5.0 Documentation Imprint Silicon Software GmbH Steubenstraße 46 68163 Mannheim, Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 621 789507 0 Fax: +49 (0) 621 789507 10 © 2017 Silicon Software GmbH. All rights reserved. Document Version: 1.0 Document Language: en (US) Last Change: March 2017 SiliconSoftware 2 Python SDK Wrapper Contents 1 2 3 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 5 1.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Getting Started ................................................................................................................. 5 1.3 Supported Python Versions............................................................................................... 5 SDK Wrapping ......................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Function Mapping ............................................................................................................. 6 2.2 Call back ........................................................................................................................... 7 Python Wrapper API List.......................................................................................................... 8 3.1 fgrab ................................................................................................................................. 8 3.1.1 New defined functions ................................................................................................. 8 (description) = Fg_getErrorDescription (errorNumber) .......................................... 8 (error, Value) = Fg_getParameterWith… (Fg_Struct, ParameterNr, DmaIndex) ...... 8 (error) = Fg_setParameterWith…(Fg_Struct, ParameterNr, Value, DmaIndex) ....... 9 3.1.2 Functions with different arguments ........................................................................... 10 3.2 gbe.................................................................................................................................. 10 3.2.1 Functions with reordered arguments ......................................................................... 10 3.3 clser ................................................................................................................................ 11 3.3.1 Functions with reordered arguments ......................................................................... 11 3.4 siso_auxport ................................................................................................................... 12 3.4.1 Functions with reordered arguments ......................................................................... 12 3.4.2 New defined functions ............................................................................................... 12 3.5 (error, value) = SisoAuxPortGetPropertyWith…( handle, property, size) .............. 12 (error) = SisoAuxPortSetPropertyWith…( handle, property, value, size) ............... 12 siso_genicam .................................................................................................................. 13 3.5.1 Functions with reordered arguments ......................................................................... 13 SiliconSoftware 3 Python SDK Wrapper 3.6 SisoDisplay ...................................................................................................................... 14 3.6.1 Functions with different arguments ........................................................................... 14 3.7 SisoIo.h ........................................................................................................................... 14 3.7.1 Functions with reordered arguments ......................................................................... 14 3.7.2 Functions with different return data types................................................................. 16 SiliconSoftware 4 Python SDK Wrapper 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview Python Wrapper wraps the Software Development Kit (SDK) functionality into a Python module. It is created such that all C SDK functions are wrapped in one Python module SiSoPyInterface. The main usage and function declaration is defined mostly as described in the SDK documentation, the differences are detailed in this document. 1.2 Getting Started Before using the wrapper, you may need to download Python and install it if you do not already have it on your machine. NumPy package is also required for using the wrapper. WinPython, containing already NumPy, can be used directly instead. The Python SDK Wrapper consists of 2 files; and _SiSoPyRt.pyd. is the wrapping module. _SiSoPyRt.pyd is the dll that communicates with the SDK. To get started using the wrapper: Import in your Python project. The SDK can be accessed through the imported module. Make sure that _SiSoPyRt.pyd is in your path directory before running your program. Some python examples are provided to easily get started with the image acquisition using the wrapper. 1.3 Supported Python Versions Different Wrapper versions are available to support Python versions 2.7, 3.5, 3.6 on Windows. Both 32-bit and 64-bit compilations of Python are supported. SiliconSoftware 5 Python SDK Wrapper 2 SDK Wrapping 2.1 Function Mapping Each function of the SDK has a corresponding function in the Module SiSoPyRt. SDK functions that creates a reference to a struct and returns an error code, are modified such that they return both the reference directly (or None if an error occurred), and the error code. For example, the function Gbe_initBoard is defined as: SDK definition: int Gbe_initBoard(int board, int init_flag, struct BoardHandle** board_handle_ptr); Where the return value is the result error code, and board_handle_ptr is the created reference. Python Wrapper definition: (BoardHandle, errorCode) = Gbe_initBoard(board, init_flag) Where the return values are the created reference and the error code. SDK functions that modifies their arguments, are wrapped such that the modified values are returned together with the original return value. For example the function Fg_getParameterInfoXML is defined as: SDK definition: int Fg_getParameterInfoXML(Fg_Struct *Fg, int port, char * infoBuffer, size_t *infoBufferSize); Python Wrapper definition: (errorCode, infoBufferSize) = Fg_getParameterInfoXML(Fg_Struct, port, infoBuffer, infoBufferSize) SDK functions that uses some if their arguments just as an out argument, are wrapped such that those arguments are not passed at all to the function, and only returned together with the original return value. For example the function clGetNumSerialPorts is defined as: SDK definition: int clGetNumSerialPorts(unsigned int *numSerialPorts); Python Wrapper definition: SiliconSoftware 6 Python SDK Wrapper (errorCode, numSerialPorts) = clGetNumSerialPorts() SDK functions that require creating string buffer to be filled, are wrapped such that the buffer is created internally and directly returned, without need to create it from the Python code. It’s done this way because passing the buffer from Python to C is not possible with Python versions 3.x. For example the function Fg_getSystemInformation is defined as: SDK definition: int Fg_getSystemInformation(Fg_Struct *Fg, const enum Fg_Info_Selector selector, const enum FgProperty propertyId, int param1, void* buffer, unsigned int* bufLen); Python Wrapper definition: (errorCode, buffer, bufLen) = Fg_getSystemInformation(Fg_Struct, selector, propertyId, param1) 2.2 Call back Call Back functions should be defined with same number and types of arguments as defined in the SDK call back functions. They can then be simply passed as an argument. For example, the following code is used to register an APC handler (From example): #Define FgApcControl instance to handle the callback apcCtrl = s.FgApcControl(5, s.FG_APC_DEFAULTS) data = MyApcData(fg, camPort, memHandle, dispId0) s.setApcCallbackFunction(apcCtrl, apcCallback, data) #Register the FgApcControl instance to the Fg_Struct instance err = s.Fg_registerApcHandler(fg, camPort, apcCtrl, s.FG_APC_CONTROL_BASIC) The function apcCallback must have the same signature as Fg_ApcFunc_t, an example implementation is: # Callback function definition def apcCallback(imgNr, userData): s.DrawBuffer(userData.displayid, s.Fg_getImagePtrEx(userData.fg, imgNr, userData.port, userData.mem), imgNr, "") SiliconSoftware 7 Python SDK Wrapper return 0 The declaration of Fg_ApcFunc_t looks as follows, typedef int(* Fg_ApcFunc_t)(frameindex_t imgNr, struct fg_apc_data *data) 3 Python Wrapper API List Basically the API of the Wrapper is the same as that of the SDK. This chapter contains only the definitions of the functions that are renamed or have different order of arguments. For the detailed usage, as well as for the rest of the API, refer to the SDK documentation. 3.1 fgrab 3.1.1 New defined functions (description) = Fg_getErrorDescription (errorNumber) This function replaces both of the following functions: const char *const Fg_getErrorDescription (Fg_Struct *Fg, int ErrorNumber) const char *const getErrorDescription (int ErrorNumber) (error, Value) = Fg_getParameterWith… (Fg_Struct, ParameterNr, DmaIndex) List of overloaded functions that are used to get frame grabber parameters with information of different types. They replace the SDK function Fg_getParameterWithType, according to the passed type as following: FgParamTypes FG_PARAM_TYPE_INT32_T FG_PARAM_TYPE_UINT32_T FG_PARAM_TYPE_INT64_T FG_PARAM_TYPE_UINT64_T FG_PARAM_TYPE_DOUBLE FG_PARAM_TYPE_CHAR_PTR Python Wrapper function Fg_getParameterWithInt Fg_getParameterWithUInt Fg_getParameterWithLong Fg_getParameterWithULong Fg_getParameterWithDouble Fg_getParameterWithString Fg_getParameterWithUInt / Fg_getParameterWithULong Fg_getParameterWithIntArray / FG_PARAM_TYPE_SIZE_T FG_PARAM_TYPE_STRUCT_SiliconSoftware 8 Python SDK Wrapper FIELDPARAMACCESS Fg_getParameterWithUIntArray / Fg_getParameterWithLongArray / Fg_getParameterWithULongArray FG_PARAM_TYPE_STRUCT_Fg_getParameterWithFieldParameterInt FIELDPARAMINT FG_PARAM_TYPE_STRUCT_Fg_getParameterWithFieldParameterDouble FIELDPARAMDOUBLE FG_PARAM_TYPE_COMPLEX_DATATYPE Not implemented (error) = Fg_setParameterWith…(Fg_Struct, ParameterNr, Value, DmaIndex) List of overloaded functions that are used to set frame grabber parameters with information of different types. They replace the SDK function Fg_setParameterWithType, according to the passed type as following: FgParamTypes FG_PARAM_TYPE_INT32_T FG_PARAM_TYPE_UINT32_T FG_PARAM_TYPE_INT64_T FG_PARAM_TYPE_UINT64_T FG_PARAM_TYPE_DOUBLE FG_PARAM_TYPE_CHAR_PTR Python Wrapper function Fg_setParameterWithInt Fg_setParameterWithUInt Fg_setParameterWithLong Fg_setParameterWithULong Fg_setParameterWithDouble Fg_setParameterWithString Fg_setParameterWithUInt / Fg_setParameterWithULong Fg_setParameterWithIntArray / Fg_setParameterWithUIntArray / Fg_setParameterWithLongArray / Fg_setParameterWithULongArray FG_PARAM_TYPE_SIZE_T FG_PARAM_TYPE_STRUCT_FIELDPARAMACCESS FG_PARAM_TYPE_STRUCT_Fg_setParameterWithFieldParameterInt FIELDPARAMINT FG_PARAM_TYPE_STRUCT_Fg_setParameterWithFieldParameterDouble FIELDPARAMDOUBLE FG_PARAM_TYPE_COMPLEX_DATATYPE Not implemented SiliconSoftware 9 Python SDK Wrapper 3.1.2 Functions with different arguments Python SDK Wrapper SDK SisoImage Fg_getImagePtr(Fg_Struct, void *Fg_getImagePtr(Fg_Struct *Fg, const PicNr, DmaIndex) frameindex_t PicNr, const unsigned int DmaIndex) SisoImage void *Fg_getImagePtrEx(Fg_Struct *Fg, Fg_getImagePtrEx(Fg_Struct, PicNr, const frameindex_t PicNr, const unsigned DmaIndex, memHandle) int DmaIndex, dma_mem *pMem) In Fg_getImagePtr and Fg_getImagePtrEx function, the return type is changed from void pointer, which directly represents the image bytes, in the SDK into SisoImage instance. To get again the byte array (NumPy array) from SisoImage, the function (imageArray) = SiSoPyInterface. getArrayFrom(img, width, height) can be called. SisoImage can be used directly with DrawBuffer function. 3.2 gbe 3.2.1 Functions with reordered arguments In the following functions, The created handle/string is returned together with the error code from the function instead of being passed as an argument. If an error occurred, errorCode will have a value other than 0, and the return value will be null. Python SDK Wrapper SDK (BoardHandle, errorCode) = int Gbe_initBoard(int board, int Gbe_initBoard(board, init_flag) init_flag, struct BoardHandle** board_handle_ptr) (CameraHandle, errorCode) = int Gbe_getFirstCamera(struct BoardHandle Gbe_getFirstCamera(board_handle, port) *board_handle, int port, struct CameraHandle **camera_handle_ptr) (CameraHandle, errorCode) = int Gbe_getCameraByIndex(struct Gbe_getCameraByIndex(board_handle, BoardHandle *board_handle, int port, port, index) SiliconSoftware unsigned int index, struct CameraHandle 10 Python SDK Wrapper **camera_handle_ptr); (CameraHandle, errorCode) = int Gbe_getCameraByMac(struct Gbe_getCameraByMac(board_handle, port, BoardHandle *board_handle, int port, mac) uint8_t mac[6], struct CameraHandle **camera_handle_ptr) (CameraHandle, errorCode) = int Gbe_getCameraByIp(struct Gbe_getCameraByIp(board_handle, port, BoardHandle *board_handle, int port, ip) uint32_t ip, struct CameraHandle **camera_handle_ptr) (CameraHandle, errorCode) = int Gbe_getCameraByUserName(struct Gbe_getCameraByUserName(board_handle, BoardHandle *board_handle, int port, port, user_name) char* user_name, struct CameraHandle **camera_handle_ptr) (string, errorCode) = int Gbe_getStringValue(struct Gbe_getStringValue(camera_handle, CameraHandle *camera_handle, const name) char* name, const char** value_ptr) (string, errorCode) = int Gbe_setEnumerationValue(struct Gbe_getEnumerationValue(camera_handle, CameraHandle *camera_handle, const name) char* name, const char* value) 3.3 clser 3.3.1 Functions with reordered arguments In the following function, The created handle is returned together with the error code from the function instead of being passed as an argument. If an error occurred, errorCode will have a value other than 0, and the return value will be null. Python SDK Wrapper SDK (CLSerialRef, errorCode) = int clSerialInit(unsigned int clSerialInit(serialIndex) serialIndex, void **serialRefPtr) SiliconSoftware 11 Python SDK Wrapper 3.4 siso_auxport 3.4.1 Functions with reordered arguments In the following function, The created handle is returned together with the error code from the function instead of being passed as an argument. If an error occurred, errorCode will have a value other than 0, and the return value will be null. Python SDK Wrapper SDK (SisoAuxPort, errorCode) = int SisoAuxPortInit(unsigned int SisoAuxPortInit(board_id, port_num, board_id, unsigned int port_num, type) SisoAuxPortType type, SisoAuxPort * handle_ptr) 3.4.2 New defined functions (error, value) = SisoAuxPortGetPropertyWith…( handle, property, size) List of overloaded functions that are used to get port properties with information of different types. They are replacing the SDK function SisoAuxPortGetProperty, according to the passed type as following: Python Wrapper function SisoAuxPortGetPropertyWithInt SisoAuxPortGetPropertyWithFloat SisoAuxPortGetPropertyWithString SisoAuxPortGetPropertyWithByteArray SisoAuxPortPropertyType_Enum SISO_AUX_PORT_PROPERTY_TYPE_INT SISO_AUX_PORT_PROPERTY_TYPE_FLOAT SISO_AUX_PORT_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING SISO_AUX_PORT_PROPERTY_TYPE_BINARY (error) = SisoAuxPortSetPropertyWith…( handle, property, value, size) List of overloaded functions that are used to set port properties with information of different types. They are replacing the SDK function SisoAuxPortSetProperty, according to the passed type as following: Python Wrapper function SisoAuxPortSetPropertyWithInt SisoAuxPortSetPropertyWithFloat SisoAuxPortSetPropertyWithString SisoAuxPortSetPropertyWithByteArray SiliconSoftware 12 SisoAuxPortPropertyType_Enum SISO_AUX_PORT_PROPERTY_TYPE_INT SISO_AUX_PORT_PROPERTY_TYPE_FLOAT SISO_AUX_PORT_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING SISO_AUX_PORT_PROPERTY_TYPE_BINARY Python SDK Wrapper 3.5 siso_genicam 3.5.1 Functions with reordered arguments In the following functions, The result values are returned together with the error code from the function instead of being passed as arguments. If an error occurred, errorCode will have a value other than 0. Python SDK Wrapper SDK (SgcBoardHandle, errorCode) = int Sgc_initBoard(Fg_Struct* fg, int Sgc_initBoard(Fg_Struct, initFlag) initFlag, SgcBoardHandle** boardHandle) (SgcBoardHandle, errorCode) int Sgc_initBoardEx(Fg_Struct* fg, =Sgc_initBoardEx(Fg_Struct, initFlag, unsigned int initFlag, SgcBoardHandle** portMask, slaveMode) boardHandle, unsigned int portMask, unsigned int slaveMode) (SgcCameraHandle, errorCode) = int Sgc_getCamera(SgcBoardHandle* Sgc_getCamera(boardHandle, port) boardHandle, const unsigned int port, SgcCameraHandle** cameraHandle) (SgcCameraHandle, errorCode) = int Sgc_getCameraByIndex(SgcBoardHandle* Sgc_getCameraByIndex(boardHandle, boardHandle, const unsigned int index, index) SgcCameraHandle** cameraHandle) (SgcConnectionProfile, errorCode) = int Sgc_LoadConnectionProfile(Fg_Struct* Sgc_LoadConnectionProfile(Fg_Struct, fg, const char* boardConfigurationFilePath) boardConfigurationFilePath, SgcConnectionProfile** connectionProfilePtr) (stringValue, errorCode) = int Sgc_getStringValue(SgcCameraHandle* Sgc_getStringValue(cameraHandle, cameraHandle, const char* name, const name) char** stringValuePtr) (stringValue, errorCode) = int Sgc_getEnumerationValueAsString(camer Sgc_getEnumerationValueAsString(SgcCamer aHandle, name) aHandle* cameraHandle, const char* name, const char** stringValuePtr) SiliconSoftware 13 Python SDK Wrapper 3.6 SisoDisplay 3.6.1 Functions with different arguments Python SDK Wrapper SDK DrawBuffer(nId, ulpBuf, nNr, cpStr) void DrawBuffer(int nId, const void *ulpBuf, const int nNr, const char *cpStr) In DrawBuffer function, the ulpBuf argument type is changed from void pointer, which directly represents the image bytes, in the SDK into SisoImage instance. SisoImage is created using Fg_getImagePtr and Fg_getImagePtrEx functions. 3.7 SisoIo.h 3.7.1 Functions with reordered arguments In the following functions, The created handle is returned together with the error code from the function instead of being passed as an argument. If an error occurred, errorCode will have a value other than 0, and the return value will be null. Python SDK Wrapper SDK (AviRef, errorCode) = int IoCreateAVIGray(void **AviRef, IoCreateAVIGray(filename, width, const char *filename, int width, int height, fps) height, double fps) (AviRef, errorCode) = int IoCreateAVIGrayW(void **AviRef, IoCreateAVIGrayW(filename, width, const LPCWSTR filename, int width, int height, fps) height, double fps) (AviRef, errorCode) = int IoCreateAVIColor(void **AviRef, IoCreateAVIColor(filename, width, const char *filename, int width, int height, fps) height, double fps) (AviRef, errorCode) = int IoCreateAVIColorW(void **AviRef, IoCreateAVIColorW(filename, width, const LPCWSTR filename, int width, int height, fps) height, double fps) (AviRef, width, height, bitDepth, int IoOpenAVI(void **AviRef, const errorCode) = IoOpenAVI(fileName) char *fileName, int *width, int *height, int *bitDepth) SiliconSoftware 14 Python SDK Wrapper (SeqRef, errorCode) = int IoCreateSeq(void **SeqRef, const IoCreateSeq(string pFilename, width, char *pFilename, int width, int height, bitdepth, format) height, int bitdepth, int format) (SeqRef, width, height, bitDepth, int IoOpenSeq(void **SeqRef, const errorCode) = IoOpenSeq(pFilename, char *pFilename, int* width, int* mode) height, int* bitdepth, int mode) (SisoIoImageEngine, errorCode) = int IoImageOpen(const char *filename, IoImageOpen(filename) SisoIoImageEngine **handle) (SisoIoImageEngine, errorCode) = int IoImageOpenEx(const char IoImageOpenEx(filename, RGBSequence) *filename, SisoIoImageEngine **handle, int RGBSequence) SiliconSoftware 15 Python SDK Wrapper 3.7.2 Functions with different return data types In the following functions, the return type is changed from void pointer, which directly represents the image bytes in the SDK, into SisoImage instance. To get again the byte array from SisoImage, the function SisoImage.toByteArray(uint imageSize) can be called. Python SDK Wrapper SDK (SisoImage, width, height, bitPerSample, void *IoReadTiff(const char samplePerPixel) = IoReadTiff(filename, *filename, unsigned char**data, int data) *width, int *height, int *bitPerSample, int *samplePerPixel) (SisoImage, width, height, bitPerSample, void *IoReadTiffW(const LPCWSTR samplePerPixel) = IoReadTiffW(filename, filename, unsigned char**data, int data) *width, int *height, int *bitPerSample, int *samplePerPixel) (SisoImage, width, height, bitPerSample, void *IoReadTiffEx(const char samplePerPixel) = IoReadTiffEx(filename, *filename, unsigned char**data, int data, RGBSequence) *width, int *height, int *bitPerSample, int *samplePerPixel, int RGBSequence) (SisoImage, width, height, bitPerSample, void *IoReadTiffExW(const LPCWSTR samplePerPixel) = filename, unsigned char**data, int IoReadTiffExW(filename, data, *width, int *height, int RGBSequence) *bitPerSample, int *samplePerPixel, int RGBSequence) (SisoImage, width, height, bits) = void *IoReadBmp(const char IoReadBmp(filename, data) *filename,unsigned char **data,int *width,int *height,int *bits) SiliconSoftware 16 Python SDK Wrapper Contact Details SiliconSoftware GmbH SiliconSoftware Inc. Steubenstrasse 46 1 Tara Boulevard, Suite 200 D - 68163 Mannheim, Germany Nashua, NH 03062, USA Phone: +49(0)621.789 507 0 Phone: +1 603 324 7172 Fax: Fax: +49(0)621.789 507 10 +1 603 324 7101 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: Web: Disclaimer While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, Silicon Software GmbH assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Silicon Software GmbH reserves the right to change the specification of the product described within this manual and the manual itself at any time without notice and without obligation of Silicon Software GmbH to notify any person of such revisions or changes. Trademarks All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Copyright Note © Copyright 2017 Silicon Software GmbH. All rights reserved. This document may not in whole or in part, be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in any electronic medium or machine readable form, or translated into any language or computer language without the prior written consent of Silicon Software GmbH. SiliconSoftware 17 Python SDK Wrapper