
PA Dutch 101
Video 39: Conjunctions.
Coordinating Conjunctions
• Coordinating Conjunctions are used to
connect two words, phrases or clauses.
• The addition of a coordinating conjunction
does NOT affect the word order of the two
main clauses joined together.
Coordinating Conjunctions
• awwer – but
• odder – or
• un - und
Coordinating Conjunctions
• Ich will laenger bleiwe, awwer ich hab ken
• Fliegscht du nooch Waschington odder
faahrscht du mit der Maschien?
• Der Tom grickt en Buch un der Bill grickt en
Subordinating Conjunctions
• Subordinating Conjunctions are used to connect a
main clause and a dependent clause.
• A SC does affect word order in PD. The SC forces
the conjugated verb to the end of the clause.
• Subject – VERB – other stuff, SUB CON – Subject
– other stuff – VERB.
• SUB CON – Subject – other stuff – VERB, VERB,
Subject – other stuff.
Subordinating Conjunctions
as – that
bis – until, till, by the time
eb – before, whether
so as – so that, in order that
vun wege as – because, because of the fact
wann – when, if
weil – because
wie – when, how
zidder as - since
Subordinating Conjunctions
• Mir gehne in der Essblatz, weil mir hungrig
• Wann ich Zeit hab, waerr ich eppes kaafe.
• *** NOTE: When the conjunction WANN is
followed by MIR, the two are combined to
• Wammer Zeit hen....
Iewing - Practice
Der Bill drinkt Tee. Die Fraa drinkt Kaffi. (awwer)
Der Bill drinkt Tee awwer die Fraa drinkt Kaffi.
Mir esse Pizza. Mir esse Kuche. (odder)
Mir esse Pizza odder mir esse Kuche.
Er kaaft en nei-i Maschien. Er hot viel Geld. (weil)
Er kaaft en nei-i Maschien, weil er viel Geld hot.
Ich hab Zeit. Ich les en Buch. (wann)
Wann ich Zeit hab, les ich en Buch.
Bis die naegschde Video,
Macht’s gut un schwetzt Deitsch!
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