I. Bibliographies and Encyclopaedias

WS 2006/07
Mi 10-12, E6
Prof. Dr. R. Borgmeier
HS: Shakespeare's Great Tragedies – Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear,
Please note: If in the following bibliography there is no explicit mentioning of where an article or a certain book is located they are available in the university or departmental library and can be found in the OPAC. The folder is in Room 339.
I. Bibliographies and Encyclopaedias
Berman, Ronald. A Reader's Guide to Shakespeare's Plays: A Discoursive Bibliography. Chicago: Scott, Forseman & Co., 1969.
KS 742
Campbell, Ascar James (ed.). A Shakespeare Encyclopaedia. London: Methuen, 1974 (Nachdruck).
Crystal, David; Crystal, Ben (eds.). Shakespeare's Words. A Glossary and Language Companion. London: Penguin, 2002.
KS 810
Dobson, Michael (ed.). The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005.
FH ang Cs 2.34
Grazia, Margreta de (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002.
Hodgdon, Barbara; Worthen, W. B. (eds.) A Companion to Shakespreare and Performance.
Malden: Blackwell, 2005.
KS 823
Spevack, Marvin. A Complete and Systematic Concordance to the Works of William Shakespeare. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1968.
ang Cs 1/1
Wells, Stanley (ed.). Shakespeare: A Bibliographical Guide. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1990
KS 745
Wells, Stanley (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Stage. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002.
II. Journals and Yearbooks
Shakespeare Quarterly. Ed. Shakespeare Association of America, Folger Shakespeare Library
New York.
Z 103
Shakespeare Studies. An Annual Gathering of Research, Criticism, and Reviews. Ed. J. Leeds
Barroll, Cincinatti.
Z 105
Shakespeare Survey. An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production. Cambridge.
Z 102
Shakespeare-Jahrbuch West. Hg. im Auftrag der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft West.
Z 101
Shakespeare-Jahrbuch. Published by the Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft Weimar.
Z 100
III. General Works on Shakespeare and the Elizabethan (St)Age
Alvis, John (ed.). Shakespeare as Political Thinker. Durham, NC: Carolina Acad. P., 1981.
KS Alv
Aronson, Alex. Psyche and Symbol in Shakespeare. Bloomington, London: Indiana UP, 1072
KS Aro
Brennan, Anthony. Shakespeare's Dramatic Structures. London, Boston, Henley: Routledge
& Kegan Paul, 1986.
KS Bre
Chapman, Gerald W. (ed.). Essays on Shakespeare. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1965.
Clemen, Wolfgang. The Development of Shakespeare's Imagery. London: Methuen, 1977.
KS Cle
Elizabethan Theatre. (Stratford-Upon-Avon-Studies 9). London: Arnold, 1966.
Z 106
Evans, Malcom. Signifying Nothing: Truth's Time. Contents in Shakespeare's Text. Brighton,
Sussex: Harvester Press, 1986.
Garber, Marjorie B. Shakespeare's Ghost Writers: Literature as Uncanny Casuality. New
York: Methuen, 1987.
Gar 3
Greenblatt, Stephen. Verhandlungen mit Shakespeare. Berlin: Wagenbach, 1990.
ang Cs 2/21
Gurr, Andrew. "The State of Shakepeare's Audiences." Shakespeare and the Sense of Performance. Eds. Marvin and Ruth Thompson Newark, London: University of Delaware
Press, 1989. 162-179.
Harris, Laurie Lanzen und Mark W. Scott (ed.). Shakespearean Criticism. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1986.
KS 883
Holland, Peter (ed.) Shakespeare and Religions. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2001.
Z 102/54
Laroque, François. Shakespeare: Abenteuer Geschichte. Wiss. Bearb. Raimund Borgmeier.
Ravensburg: Maier, 1994.
KS Lar
Matthews, Honor. Character and Symbol in Shakespeare's Plays. A Study in Certain Christian and Prechristian Elements in Their Structure and Imagery. London: Chatto &
Windus, 1969.
KS Mat
Naumann, Walter. Die Dramen Shakespeares. Darmstadt: Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 1978.
KS Nau
Orgel, Stephen. The Authentiv Shakespeare and Other Problems of the Early Modern Stage.
New York: Routledge, 2002.
Paster, Gail Kern. Humoring the Body: Emotions and the Shakespearean Stage. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2004.
Sted BM
Rutter, Carol Chillington. Enter the Body: Women and Representation on Shakespeare's
Stage. London: Routledge, 2001.
Ryan, Kiernan. Shakespeare. 3rd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002.
Schabert, Ina. Shakespeare Handbuch. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1972.
KS 805&865
Suerbaum, Ulrich. Das elisabethanische Zeitalter. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1989.
F KA 1157
Suerbaum, Ulrich. Shakespeares Dramen. Düsseldorf: Bagel, 1985.
KS Sue
Tillyard, E. M. W. The Elizabethan World Picture. London: Chatto & Windus, 1943.
F KA 621.
Wells, Stanley (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1987.
KS Wel 3
IV. General Works on Shakespeare's Tragedies
Battenhouse, Roy W. Shakespearean Tragedy: Its Art and its Christian Premises. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1969.
KS Bat
Charlton, H. B. Shakespearean Tragedy. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1961.
KS Cha III 3
Frye, Northrop. Fools of Time: Study in Shakespearean Tragedy. Ontario: U of Ontario P,
Harbage, Alfred (ed.). Shakespeare: The Tragedies. A Collection of Critical Essays. Eaglewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1964.
KS Har 3
Harrison, G. B. Shakespeare's Tragedies. London: Routledge & Paul, 1961
KS Har III 2
Jorgensen, Paul A. William Shakespeare: The Tragedies. Boston: Twayne, 1985. KS Jor 4
Leech, Clifford (ed.). Shakespeare: The Tragedies. A Collection of Critical Essays. Chicago:
U of Chicago P, 1965.
KS Lee II 2
Lerner, Laurence. Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.
KS Ler
McDonald, Russ (ed.). Shakespeare Reread: The Texts in New Contexts. Ithaca: Cornell UP,
McEachern, Claire (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Tragedy. Cambridge:
Cambridge UP, 2002.
Marsh, Derick, R. C. Passion Lends Them Power: A Study of Shakespeare's Love Tragedies.
Manchester: Manchester UP, 1976.
Mehl, Dieter. Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986.
KS Meh
Mucciolo, John M., Steven J. Doloff, Edward A. Rauchut, and Angus Fletcher (eds.). Shakespeare's Universe: Renaissance Ideas and Conventions. Hants: Scolar, 1996.
Ramm, Dieter. Die Phasenstruktur der Shakespeareschen Tragödien. Frankfurt: Akad. Verlagsgesellschaft, 1974.
KS Ram
Reynolds, Peter. "Unlocking the Box: Shakespeare on Film and Video." Shakespeare in the
Changing Curriculum. Eds. Lesley Aers and Nigel Wheale. London and New York:
Routledge, 1991. 189-203.
Ribner, Irving. Patterns in Shakespearean Tragedy. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1963.
KS Will II
Sternberg, Doug. "Tom's a-cold: Transformation and Redemption in King Lear and the Fisher
King." Literature-Film Quarterly 22.3 (1994): 160-169.
Susan Zimmerman (ed.). Shakespeare's Tragedies. New York: St Martin's, 1998.
V. Hamlet (Selection)
Ackerman, Alan L. Jr. "Visualizing Hamlet's Ghost: The Spirit of Modern Subjectivity."
Theatre Journal, 2001 Mar; 53 (1): 119-44.
online access
Ahrens, Rüdiger. "Invertierte Welten bei William Shakespeare und Tom Stoppard: Das
Beispiel Hamlet." Exempla: Studien zur Bedeutung und Funktion exemplarischen
Erzählens. Ed. Bernd Engler and Kurt Müller. Berlin: Duncker&Humblot, 1995. 425448.
Aldus, P.J. Mousetrap. Structure and Meaning in Hamlet. Toronto & Buffalo: Toronto University Press, 1977.
Alexander, Nigel. Poison, Play, and Duel. A Study in Hamlet. London: Routledge & Kegan
Paul, 1971.
Alut, C. Thomas. "Shakespeare's Hamlet." Explicator 49.4 (1991): 204-207.
Amtower, Laurel. "The Ethics of Subjectivity in Hamlet." Studies in the Humanities 21.2
(1994): 120-133.
Anderson, Judith H. "Translating Investments: The Metaphoricity of Language, 2 Henry IV,
and Hamlet." Texas Studies in Literature and Language 40.3 (1998): 231-267.
Ardolino, Frank. "The Bearing of Deadly Letters: 'Uriah's Letter' in Marlowe, Kyd, and
Shakespeare." Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 6.3-4 (1985): 292-301.
Asher, Lyell. "'To Consider Things too Curiously': Hamlet's Moral Wonder." Hamlet Studies
10.1-2 (1988): 137-143.
Ashley, Leonard R. N. "Hamlet as Opera." Points of View, 2004 Summer; 11 (1): 11-28.
Ashley, Leonard R. N. "The Observed of All Observers: Hamlet on the Stage." Hamlet Stud
ies: An International Journal of Research on The Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke, 2002; 24: 39-55.
Atchley, Clinton P. E. "Reconsidering the Ghost in Hamlet: Cohesion or Coercion?" Philoogical Review, 2002 Fall; 28 (2): 5-20.
Baker, Susan. "Hamlet's Bloody Thoughts and the Illusion of Inwardness." Comparative
Drama 21.4 (1987-1988): 303-317.
Beckwith, Sarah. "Stephen Greenblatt's Hamlet and the Forms of Oblivion." Journal of Me
dieval and Early Modern Studies, 2003 Spring; 33 (2): 261-80.
online access
Bertoldi, Andreas. "Shakespeare, Psychoanalysis and the Colonial Encounter: The Case of
Wulf Sach's Black Hamlet." Post-Colonial Shakespeares. Ed. Ania Loomba [a.o.].
London: Routledge, 1998. 235-258.
Bentley, Greg. "Melancholy, Madness, and Syphilis in Hamlet." Hamlet Studies 6.1-2 (1984):
Berkeley, David Shelley. "Claudius the Villein King of Denmark." Hamlet Studies 11.1-2
(1989): 9-21.
Berry, Philippa. "Hamlet's Ear." Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production 50 (1997): 57-64.
Z 102
Bevington, David (Ed.). 20th Century Interpretations of Hamlet. A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1968.
Bonnefoy, Yves, and John T. Naughton. "Readiness, Ripeness: Hamlet, Lear." New Literary
History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretaion 17.3 (1986): 477-491. Z 78
Bronfen, Elisabeth. "The Conspiracy of Gender: Hamlet's and Ophelia's Passionate Histrion
ics." Shakespeare Jahrbuch, 2004; 140: 66-80.
Bullough, Geoffrey (ed.). Narrative and Dramatic Source od Shakespeare's Majot Tragedies:
Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth. London: 1975.
KS 940
Burks, Zachary. "'My Soul's Idol': Hamlet's Love for Ophelia." Hamlet Studies 13.1-2 (1991):
Coddon, Karin S. "'Suche Strange Desygns': Madness, Subjectivity, and Treason in Hamlet
and Elisabethan Culture." Renaissance Drama 20 (1989): 51-75.
Crowl, Samuel. "Hamlet 'Most Royal': An Interview with Kenneth Branagh." Shakespeare
Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism and Scholarship 12.4 (1994): 5-8.
Crowl, Samuel. "Zefirelli's Hamlet: The Golden Girl and a Fistful of Dust." Cineaste: America's Leading Magazine on the Art and Politics of the Cinema 24.1 (1998): 56-61.
Davidson, Hilda R. Ellis. "The Hero as a Fool: The Northern Hamlet." The Hero in Tradition
and Folklore. Ed. Hilda R. Ellis Davidson. London: Folklore Society, 1984. 30-45.
De Grazia, Margreta. "Teleology, Delay, and the 'Old Mole.'" Shakespeare Quarterly 50.3
(1999): 251-267.
Z 103
De Grazia, Margreta. "Hamlet Before its Time." Modern Language Quarterly: A Journal of
Literary History, 2001 Dec; 62 (4): 355-75.
online access
De Grazia, Margreta. "When Did Hamlet Become Modern?" Textual Practice, 2003 Winter;
17 (3): 485-503, 612.
Desai, R.W. "Hamlet as 'Minister of God to Take Vengeance." English Language Notes 31.2
(1993): 22-27.
Dewis, C. L. Barney. "East Texas Cockfighting and Hamlet." Journal of Men's Studies: A
Scholarly Journal about Men and Masculinities 2.3 (1994): 253-267.
Draudt, Manfred. "The Comedy of Hamlet." Atlantis: Revista de la Asociación Española de
Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos, 2002 June; 24 (1): 71-83.
online access
Edelman, Charles. "Shakespeare's 'Brawl Ridiculous'." Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production 42 (1990): 111-118.
Z 102
Edwards, Philip (ed.). Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP;
Egan, Robert. "A Thin Beam of Light: The Purpose of Playing on Rosenkrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead." Theatre Journal 31 (1978): 59-69.
Egan, Gabriel (ed. and introd.). "Hamlet on Screen." EnterText: An Interactive Interdiscipli
nary E-Journal for Cultural and Historical Studies and Creative Work, 2001 Spring; 1
(2): 171-341.
online access
England, Eugene. "Hamlet Against Revenge." Literature and Relief 7 (1987): 49-62.
Erzgräber, Willi. "Das Gewissen bei Shakespeare." Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch im
Auftrage der Görres-Gesellschaft 40 (1999): 95-114.
Verlagsgesellschaft, 1977.
Erzgräber, Willi. "Shakespeares Hamlet als Rachetragödie." Literaturwissenschaftliches
Jahrbuch im Auftrage der Görres-Gesellschaft 35 (1994): 101-119.
Evans, Robert C. "Friendship in Hamlet." Comparative Drama 33.1 (1999): 88-124.
Flaherty, Kate. "Theatre and Metatheatre in Hamlet." Sydney Studies in English, 2005; 31: 320.
Fleissner, Robert F. "Dr. Faustus as a Source for Hamlet." Literatur in Wissenschaft und
Unterricht 23.1 (1990): 68-71.
Z 63
Fleissner, Robert F. The Prince and the Professor. Heidelberg: Winter, 1986.
ang Cs 2/24
Foakes, R. A. "'Armed at Point Exactly': The Ghost in Hamlet." Shakespeare Survey: An An
nual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2005; 58: 34-47.
FBB: Z102
Garnier, Marie-D. "Hamlet: Selected Letters between Derrida and Deleuze." Oxford Literary
Review, 2003; 25: 63-77.
Gorfain, Phyllis. "Towards a Theory of Plays and the Carnivalesque in Hamlet." Shakespeare
and Carnival: After Bakhtin. Ed. Ronald Knowles. Houndmills/New York: Macmillan/St. Martin's, 152-176.
Greenblatt, Stephen. Hamlet in Purgatory. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP; 2001.
Guntner, Lawrence J. "Expressionist Shakespeare: The Gade/Nielsen Hamlet (1920) and the
History of Shakespeare on Film." Post Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities 17.2
(1998): 90-102.
Günther Frank. "Sein oder nicht sein – was ist hier die Frage? Vom Abbild der Zeiten im
Spiegel Hamlet." Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft West: Jahrbuch 1988. 25-43.
Z 101
Halverson, John. "Ethos and Transcendence." Anglia: Zeitschrift für englische Philologie
106.1-2 (1988): 44-73.
Hamana, Emi. "Let Women Voices be Heard: A Feminist Re-Vision of Ophelia." Shakespeare
Studies 26 (1988): 21-40.
Z 105
Hamilton, R.W. "The Instability of Hamlet." Critical Survey 3.2 (1991): 170-177.
Hapgood, Robert. "Popularizing Shakespeare: The Artistry of Franco Zefirelli." Shakespeare,
the Movie: Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV, and Video. Ed. Lynda E. Boose [a.o.].
London: Routledge, 1997. 80-94.
Room 339
Hassel, R. Chris Jr. "Mouse and Mousetrap in Hamlet." Shakespeare Jahrbuch 135 (1999):
Z 101
Hassel, R. Chris, Jr. "The Accent and Gait of Christians: Hamlet's Puritan Style." Religion and
the Arts, 2003; 7 (1-2): 103-27.
online access
Held, George F. "Hamlet's Other Purpose." Anglia: Zeitschrift für englische Philologie 106.34 (1988): 315-337.
Hillman, Richard. "Hamlet and Death: A Recasting of the Play Within the Player." Essays in
Literature 13.2 (1986): 201-218.
Hirschfield, Heather. "Hamlet's 'first Corse': Repetition, Trauma, and the Displacement of
Redemptive Typology." Shakespeare Quarterly, 2003 Winter; 54 (4): 424-48.
online access
Holbrook, Peter. "Nietzsche's Hamlet." Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production 50 (1997): 171-186 .
Z 102
Hopkins, Lisa. "'Denmark's a Prison': Branagh's Hamlet and the Paradoxes of Intimacy." En
terText: An Interactive Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Cultural and Historical Studies
and Creative Work, 2001 Spring; 1 (2): 226-46.
online access
Huelin, Scott. "Reading, Writing, and Memory in Hamlet." Religion and Literature, 2005
Spring; 37 (1): 25-44.
Hughes, Peter. "Painting the Ghost: Wittgenstein, Shakespeare, and Textual Representation."
New Literary History. A Journal of Theory and Interpretation 19.2 (1988): 371-384.
Z 76
Hunt, Maurice. "Art of Judgement, Art of Compassion: The Two Arts of Hamlet." Essays in
Literature 18.1 (1991): 3-20.
Hunt, Maurice. "Impregnating Ophelia." Neophilologus, 2005 Oct; 89 (4): 641-63.
Hunt, Maurice. "'Forward Backward' Time and the Apocalypse in Hamlet." Comparative
Drama, 2004-2005 Winter; 38 (4): 379-99.
UB: FH lit Z
Hutson, William. "Elizabethan Stagings of Hamlet." Theatre Research International 12.3
(1987): 253-260.
Imhof, Rüdiger. "Fortinbras Ante Portas: The Role and Significance of Fortinbras in Hamlet."
Hamlet Studies 8.1-2 (1986): 8-29.
Jenkins, Harold. "'To be, or not to be': Hamlet's Dilemma." Hamlet Studies 13.1-2 (1991): 824.
Joyce, Elisabeth. "From Prince to Punk: Student Reception and the English Hamlet of the
Mid-century." New Comparison 2 (1986): 31-41.
Kaaber, Lars. "What Happened to Hamlet? Text and Tradition." Angles on the EnglishSpeaking World, 2005; 5: 97-107.
Kerrigan, John. "Hieronimo, Hamlet and Remembrance." Essays in Criticism 31.2 (1981):
Z 60
Kesler, R. L. "Subjectivity, Time, and Gender in Titus Andronicus, Hamlet, and Othello." Enacting Gender on the English Renaissance. Eds. Vivana Comensoli and Anne Russell.
Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1999. 114-132.
Kinney, Arthur F. (ed.). Hamlet: New Critical Essays. London: Routledge, 2002. KS KIN III
Lenhoff, Leslee. "Life Within the Limits: Stoppard on the HMS Hamlet." Arizona Quarterly
38/1 (1982): 44-61.
Levy, Eric P. "'Defeated Joy': Melancholy and Eudaemonia in Hamlet." Upstart Crow 18
(1998): 95-109.
Levy, Eric P. "'In Our Circumstance and Course of Thought': The Problematics of Conceptual
Scheme in Hamlet." Modern Language Studies, 2002 Fall; 32 (2): 91-108.
Levy, Eric P. "Universal versus Particular: Hamlet and the Madness in Reason." Exemplaria:
A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2002 Spring; 14 (1): 99125.
Lidz, Theodore. Hamlets Feind: Mythos und Manie in Shakespeares Drama. Frankfurt: Fischer, 1980.
Liebler, Naomi Conn. "Hamlet's Hobby Horse." Cahiers Elisabethains: Late Medieval and
Renaissance Studies 45 (1994): 33-45.
Loberg, Harmonie. "Queen Gertrude: Monarch, Mother, Murderer." Atenea, 2004 June; 24
(1): 59-71.
online access
Lucking, David. "'Each Word Made True and Good': Narrativity in Hamlet." Dalhousie Review 76.2 (1996): 177-196.
Lupton, Julia Reinhard and Kenneth Reinhard. After Oedipus: Shakespeare in Psychoanalysis.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1993.
McCoy, Richard C. "A Wedding and Four Funerals: Conjunction and Commemoration in
Hamlet." Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2001; 54: 122-39.
FBB: Z 102
Milward, Peter. "G. K. Chesterton: 'The Orthodoxy of Hamlet'." Chesterton Review: The
Journal of the G. K. Chesterton Institute, 2003 Fall; 29 (3): 375-85.
Mussil, Stephan. "Why Hamlet Delays: Reflexivity in Literature and Criticism." European
Journal of English Studies, 2001 Dec; 5 (3): 321-34.
online access
Nardo, Anna K. "'Here's to Thy Health': The Pearl in Hamlet's Wine." English Language
Notes 23.2 (1985): 36-42.
Z 10
Nath, Prem. "Hamlet in the Eighteenth Century, 1701-1750: From John Dennis to Arthur
Murphy." Hamlet Studies 6.1-2 (1984): 41-67.
Neely, Carol Thomas. "'Documents in Madness': Reading Madness and Gender in Shakespeare's Tragedies and Early Modern Culture." Shakespearean Tragedy and Gender.
Ed. Shirley Nelson Garner and Madelon Sprengnether. Bloomington: Indiana UP,
1996. 75-104.
Nochimson, Richard L. "The Establishment of Tragic and Untragic Patterns in the Opening
Scenes of Hamlet, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra, and Triolus and Cressida." Entering the Maze: Shakespeare's Art of Beginnning. Ed. Robert F. Wilson Jr. New York:
Peter Lang, 1995. 74-94.
O'Meara, John. "Hamlet and the Tragedy of Sexuality." Hamlet Studies 10.1-2 (1988): 117125.
Patterson, Annabel. "'The very age and body of the time his form and pressure': Rehistoricizing Shakespeare's Theatre." New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation 20.1 (1988): 83-104.
Z 76
Pfister, Manfred. "Germany is Hamlet: The History of a Political Interpretation." New Comparison 2 (1986): 106-126.
Pfister, Manfred. "Enigma Variations: Performing 'To Be or Not to Be'." Poetica: Zeitschrift
für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, 2005; 37 (3-4): 349-71.
FBB Klass. Philologie Haus G: Zs 300
Ratcliffe, Stephen. "What doesn't Happen in Hamlet: The Ghost's Speech." Modern Language
Studies 28.3 (1998): 125-150.
Roberts, Katherine. "The Wandering Womb: Classical Medical Theory and the Formation of
Female Characters in Hamlet." Classical and Modern Literature: A Quarterly 15.3
(1995): 223-232.
Romanska, Magda. "Ontology and Eroticism: Two Bodies for Ophelia." Women's Studies: An
Interdisciplinary Journal, 2005 Sept; 34 (6): 485-513.
Rozett, Martha Tuck. "'How Now Horatio, You Tremble and Look Pale': Verbal Cues and the
Supernatural in Sheakespeare's Tragedies." Theatre Survey: The Journal of the American Society for Theatre Research 29.2 (1988): 127-138.
Sacks, Peter. "Where Words Prevail Not: Grief, Revenge, and Language in Kyd and Shakespeare." ELH 49.3 (1982): 576-601.
Z 52
Salinger, Hellmut. Hamlet und sein Dichter. Heidelberg: Stein, 1976.
P 9 75.51 (Ger)
Samolsky, Russell. "Ghostly Letters: Hamlet, Derrida and Apocalyptic Discourse." Oxford
Literary Review, 2003; 25: 79-101.
Scott, William O. "The Liar Paradox as Self-Mockery: Hamlet's Postmodern Cogito." Mosaic:
A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 24.1 (1991): 13-30.
Shafer, Ronald. "Hamlet: Christian or Humanist?" Studies in the Humanities 17.1 (1990): 2135.
Shaheen, Naseeb. "A Warning for Fair Women and the Ur-Hamlet." Notes and Queries 30,
No 229/2 (1983): 126-127.
Z 90
Shaheen, Naseeb. "The Incest Theme in Hamlet." Notes and Queries 32.230/1 (1985): 51.
Z 90
Showalter, Flaine. "Representing Ophelia: Women, Madness, and the Responsibilities of
Feminist Criticism." Shakespeare and the Question of Theory. Eds. Patricia Parker and
Geoffrey Hartmann. New York: Methuen, 1985. 77-94.
Simard, Rodney. "The Logic of Unicorns: Beyond Absurdism in Stoppard." Arizona Quarterly 38/1 (1982): 37-44.
Simmons, James R. Jr. "'In the Rank Sweat of an Enseamed Bed': Sexual Aberration and the
Paradigmatic Screen Hamlets." Literature Film Quaterly 25.2 (1997): 111-118.
Smith, Kay H. "'Hamlet, Part Eight, the Revenge'; or, Sampling Shakespeare in a Postmodern
World." College Literature, 2004 Fall; 31 (4): 135-49.
online access
Spinrad, Phoebe S. "The Fall of the Sparrow and the Map of Hamlet's Mind." Modern Philol
ogy: A Journal Devoted to Research in Medieval and Modern Literature, 2005 May;
102 (4): 453-77.
FH lit Z
Stallybrass, Peter. "Hamlet's Tables and the Technologies of Writing in Renaissance Eng
land." Shakespeare Quarterly, 2004 Winter; 55 (4): 379-419.
online access
Taylor, Mark. "'The Rest Is Silence,' Or Is It? Hamlet's Last Words." Upstart Crow 17 (1997):
Steinmetz, Horst. "Hamlet oder die lange Nacht der Intertextualität." Internationales Alfred
Döblin Kolloquium, Leiden 1995. Ed. Gabriele Sander. Bern: Peter Lang, 1997. 237246.
Thorn, Lee. "Kyd Caps Revenge: Hamlet as Rite of Passage." Hamlet Studies 10.1-2 (1988):
Tiffany, Grace. "Anti-Theatricalism and Revolutionary Desire in Hamlet." Upstart Crow 15
(1995): 61-74.
Tiffany, Grace. "Hamlet, Reconciliation, and the Just State." Renascence: Essays on Values in
Literature, 2005 Winter; 58 (2): 111-33.
ZZ 80/225
Vey-Miller, Marguerite M., and Ronald J. Miller. "Degrees of Psychopathology in Hamlet."
Hamlet Studies 7.1-2 (1985): 81-87.
Watson, Elizabeth S. "Old King, New King, Eclipsed Sons, and Abandoned Altars in Ham
let." Sixteenth Century Journal: Journal of Early Modern Studies, 2004 Summer; 35
(2): 475-91.
Histor. Institut
Watson, Robert N. "Giving up the Ghost in a World of Decay: Hamlet, Revenge, and Denial."
Renaissance Drama 21 (1990): 199-223.
Weedon, Margaret. "Hawk, Handsaw, and Ganza." Notes and Queries 33.231/3 (1986): 356357.
Z 90
Wehrs, Donald R. "Moral Physiology, Ethical Prototypes, and the Denaturing of Sense in
Shakespearean Tragedy." College Literature, 2006 Winter; 33 (1): 67-92.
online access
Weller, Philip. "Freud's Footprints in Films of Hamlet." Literature Film Quaterly 25.2 (1997):
Werstine, Paul. "The Textual Mastery of Hamlet." Shakespeare Quarterly 39.1 (1988): 1-26.
Z 105
Wilks, John S. "The Discourse of Reason: Justice and the Erroneous Conscience in Hamlet."
Shakespeare Studies 18 (1986): 177-144.
Z 105
Wilson, Luke. "Hamlet: Equity, Intention, Performance." Studies in the Literary Imagination
24.2 (1991): 91-113.
Young, Alan R. Hamlet and the Visual Arts, 1709-1900. Newark, DE; London, England: U of
Delaware P; Associated UP; 2002.
Zimmerman, Susan. "Killing the Dead: The Ghost of Hamlet's Desire." Shakespeare Jahr
buch, 2004; 140: 81-96.
Zivanovic, Judith. "Meeting Death Already There: The Failure to Choose in Rosencrantz and
Guildenstern Are Dead." Liberal and Fine Arts Revue 1/1 (1981): 44-56. folder
VI. Macbeth (Selection)
Aep, Carolyn. "'Be bloody, bold and resolute': Tragic Action and Sexual Stereotyping in Macbeth." SPh 78/ii (1982): 153-169.
Z 20
Berger, Harry jr. "The Early Scenes of Macbeth: Preface to a New Interpretation." ELH 47
(1980): 1-31.
Z 52
Biggihs, Dennis. "Sexuality, Witchcraft, and Violence in Macbeth." Shakespeare Studies 8
(1976): 255-277.
Z 105
Breuer, Horst. "Disintegration of Time in Macbeth's Soliloquy "Tomorrow, and tomorrow,
and tomorrow'." Modern Language Review 71 (1976): 256-271.
Z 23
Bullough, Geoffrey (ed.). Narrative and Dramatic Source od Shakespeare's Majot Tragedies:
Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth. London, 1975.
KS 940
Bünsch, Iris; Hanke, Michael. William Shakespeare, Macbeth: Erläuterungen und
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online access
Hunter, William B jr. "A Decorous Macbeth." English Language Notes 8 (1971): 169-173.
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Kinney, Arthur F. "Macbeth's Knowledge." Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2004; 57: 11-26.
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Lamont, Rosette C. "From Macbeth to Macbett." Modern Drama 15 (1972): 231-253.
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Lyle, E.B. "Act-Division in Macbeth." Notes and Queries 20 (1973): 140-141. Z 90
McLuskie, Kathleen. "Humane Statute and the Gentle Weal: Historical Reading and Historical
Allegory." Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2004; 57: 1-10.
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VII. King Lear (Selection)
Adelman, Janet (ed.). Twentieth Century Interpretations of King Lear: A Collection of Critical
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online access
Armstrong, Philip. "Spheres of Influence: Cartography and the Gaze in Shakespearean Tragedy and History." Shakespeare Studies, Cranbury 23 (1995): 146-186.
Armstrong, Philip. "Uncanny Spectacles: Psychoanalysis and the Texts of King Lear." Textual
Practice 8.3 (1994): 414-434.
Bartlett, Bruce R. "Bearing the 'Waight': Double-Entendre in Richard III, Othello, and King
Lear." Shakespeare Newsletter 49.1.240 (1999): 7-8.
Bennett, Susan. "Godard and Lear: Trashing the Can(N)non." Theatre Survey: A Journal of
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Berger, Thomas L. "The (Play) Text's the Thing: Teaching the Blinding of Gloucester in King
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Bergeron, David M. "Deadly Letters in King Lear." Philological Quarterly 72.2 (1993): 157176.
Berley, Marc. "The 'Idea' of King Lear." In: Berley, Marc (ed. and introd.); Tayler, Edward
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Boose, Lynda E. and Richard Burt (eds.). Shakespeare, the Movie: Popularizing the Plays on
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Breen, John. "Gloucester's Proclamation." Notes and Queries 41.239.4 (239): 493-494.
Bristol, Michael D. "Humanist Interpretations." In: Wells, Stanley (ed.); Orlin, Lena Cowlin
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Brown, Dennis. "King Lear: The Lost Leader; Group Disintegration, Transformation and Suspended Reconsolidation." Critical Survey, 2001; 13 (3): 19-39.
Cantor, Paul. "Nature and Convention in King Lear." Poets, Princes, and Private Citizens.
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Carpenter, Peter. "King Lear, Macbeth, and the Use of Memory." Critical Survey 3.2 (1991):
Carroll, William C. "Songs of Madness: The Lyric Afterlife of Shakespeare's Poor Tom."
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Cavanagh, Dermot. "'Bereaved Sense': Problems of Definition in King Lear." Critical Survey
3.2 (1991): 157-162.
Collins, Michael J. "Teaching King Lear." Teaching Shakespeare into the Twenty-First Century. Eds. Ronald E. Salomone and James Davis. Athens, OH: Ohio UP, 1997. 166171.
Cox, Catherine S. "'An Excellent Thing in Woman': Virgo and Viragos in King Lear." Modern Philology: A Journal Devoted to Research in Medieval and Modern Literature
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Craig, Leon Harold. Of Philosophers and Kings: Political Philosophy in Shakespeare's Macbeth and King Lear. Toronto, ON: U of Toronto P; 2001.
de Grazia, Margreta. "The Ideology of Superfluous Things: King Lear as Period Piece."
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Dodd, William. "Impossible Worlds: What Happens in King Lear, Act 1, Scene 1?" Shakespeare Quarterly 50.4 (1999): 477-507.
Doloff, Steven. "Foolish Death in King Lear." English Language Notes 32.2 (1994): 17-19.
Foakes, R. A. "French Leave, or Lear and the King of France." Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production 49 (1996): 217-223.
Foakes, R. A. "Reviving Shakespearean Character Criticism." In: Jansohn, Christa (ed. and
preface); In the Footsteps of William Shakespeare. Münster, Germany: LIT; 2005. pp.
Foakes, R. A. "Shakespeare's Other Historical Plays." In: Hattaway, Michael (ed.); The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare's History Plays. Cambridge, England: Cambridge
UP; 2002. pp. 214-28.
Graham, Kenneth. "'Without the Form of Justice': Plainness and the Performance of Love in
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Greer, David. "'Sleepest or Walkest Thou Iolly Shepard'." Shakespeare Quarterly 43.2 (1992):
Guilfoyle, Cherrell. "The Redemption of King Lear." Comparative Drama 23.1 (1989): 50-69.
Gulstad, William. "Mock Trial or Witch Trial in King Lear." Notes and Queries 41.239.4
(1994): 494-497.
Hadfield, Andrew. "The Power and Rights of the Crown in Hamlet and King Lear: 'The Kingthe King's to Blame'." Review of English Studies: The Leading Journal of English Literature and the English Language, 2003 Nov; 54 (217): 566-86.
online access
Halio, Jay. "Gloucester's Blinding." Shakespeare Quarterly 43.2 (1992): 221-223.
Halio, Jay L. (ed.); The Tragedy of King Lear. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP; 2005.
Halter, Peter. "The Endings of King Lear." On Strangeness. Ed. Margaret Bridges. Tübingen:
Narr, 1990. 85-98.
Hammond, Paul. "James I's Homosexuality and the Revision of the Folio of King Lear." Notes
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Harvey, Paul A. S. "Shakespeare at the Globe, London, Summer 2001: King Lear, Macbeth,
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University, 2003 Mar; 43: 93-127 (left).
Hasenberg, Peter. By what you see them act: Probleme der Handlung in Shakespeares Macbeth, Othello und King Lear. Amsterdam: Gruener, 1981.
Heinemann, Margot. "'Demystifying the Mystery of State': The Maternal Subtext Tying Sydney's Arcadia to Shakespreare's King Lear." Shakespeare Survey 44 (1992): 85-90.
Hicks, Penelope. "Did Goneril Look 'Black,' or 'Blank' upon Her Father?" Notes and Queries
42.240.3 (1995): 322.
Holahan, Michael. "'Look, Her Lips': Softness of Voice, Construction of Character in King
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Holderness, Graham and Naomi Carter. "The King's Two Bodies: Text and Genre in King
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Hopkins, Lisa. "'Lear, Lear, Lear!' Marlowe, Shakespeare, and the Third." Upstart Crow 16
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Ioppolo, Grace (ed.); William Shakespeare's King Lear. London, England: Routledge; 2003.
Joughin, John J. "Lear's Afterlife." Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare
Studies and Production, 2002; 55: 67-81.
Kennedy, Thomas C. "Lear: Olot and Theme." Studia Neophilologica: A Journal of Germanic
and Romanic Languages and Literature 71.1 (1999): 51-61.
Kershaw, Baz. "King Real's King Lear: Radical Shakespeare for the Nuclear Age." Critical
Survey 3.3 (1991): 249-259.
Knowles, Richard. "How Shakespeare Knew King Leir." Shakespeare Survey: An Annual
Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2002; 55: 12-35.
Koch, Mark. "The Shaking of the Superflux: King Lear, Charity, Value, and the Tyranny of
Equivalence." The Upstart Crow 10 (1990): 86-100.
Loomba, Ania and Martin Orkin (eds.). Post-Colonial Shakespeares. London: Routledge,
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McCoy, Richard C. "'Look upon Me, Sir': Relationships in King Lear." Representations, 2003
Winter; 81: 46-60.
online access
Milne, Drew. "What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted: King Lear and the Dissociation of Sensibility." Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production, 2002; 55: 53-66.
Miola, Robert S. "New Comedy in King Lear." Philogical Quarterly 73.3 (1994): 329-346.
Mitchell, Juliet. "From King Lear to Anna O and Beyond: Some Speculative Theses on Hysteria and the Traditionless Self." The Yale Journal of Criticism: Interpretation in the
Humanities 5.2 (1992): 91-107.
Muir, Kenneth. "The Rehabilitation of King Lear and Troilus and Cressida." Shakespeare's
Universe: Renaissance Ideas and Conventions. Eds. John M. Mucciolo, Steven J. Doloff, Edward A. Rauchut, and Angus Fletcher. Hants: Scolar, 1996. 253-257.
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Peterson, Kaara L. "Historica Passio: Early Modern Medicine, King Lear, and Editorial Practice." Shakespeare Quarterly, 2006 Spring; 57 (1): 1-22.
online access
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VII. Othello (Selection)
Adelman, Janet. "Iago's Alter Ego: Race as Projection in Othello." Shakespeare Quarterly
48.2 (1997): 125-144.
Aldama, Frederick Luis. "Race, Cognition, and Emotion: Shakespeare on Film." College Literature, 2006 Winter; 33 (1): 197-213.
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Bradshaw, Graham (ed. and preface); Bishop, Tom (ed.); Turner, Mark (ed.); Elton,
W. R. (founding ed.); Mucciolo, John M. (founding ed.). Shakespeare Studies Today.
Aldershot, England: Ashgate; 2004. 235-63.
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Boose, Lynda. "Othello's Handkerchief: 'The Recognizance and Pledge of Love'." Critical
Essays on Sheakespeare's Othello. Ed. Anthony Gerard Barthelemy. New York [a.o.]:
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Orlin, Lena Cowen (ed. and introd.). New Casebooks: Othello. Basingstoke, England:
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Fortin, Rene E. "Allegory and Genre in Othello." Genre 4 (1971): 153-172.
Freeman, Donald C. "Othello and the 'Ocular Proof'." In: Bradshaw, Graham (ed. and preface); Bishop, Tom (ed.); Turner, Mark (ed.); Elton, W. R. (founding ed.); Mucciolo,
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Grady, Hugh. "Iago and the Dialectic of Enlightenment: Reason, Will, and Desire in Othello."
Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts 37.4 (1995): 537-558.
Hasenberg, Peter. By what you see them act: Probleme der Handlung in Shakespeares Macbeth, Othello und King Lear. Amsterdam: Gruener, 1981.
Hirsh, James. "Othello and Perception." Shakespearean Criticism Yearbook: A Selection of
the Year's Most Noteworthy Studies of William Shakespeare's Plays and Poetry 19
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Howard, Jean E. "Feminist Criticism." In: Wells, Stanley (ed.); Orlin, Lena Cowlin (ed.). An
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Jones, Eldred. "Othello — An Interpretation." Critical Essays on Sheakespeare's Othello. Ed.
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