CZ - Freepages

by Greg Heberle
“Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008” by Greg Heberle. Submitted to
publisher September 2008.
Published by
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be produced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise
without the permission of the copyright owner.
© Greg Heberle, 2008
Published by Ocean Publishing
Printed and bound in Western Australia
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
CZ.doc 27.8.2008
Cover photos: Top: Marktkirche (Market Church), Clausthal. Bottom: Graves/Gräber of Oskar
Heberle 1927-1995 and Hildegard Heberle 1924-1995 in Clausthal cemetery/friedhof.
This book provides details of some 1100 Heberle with ancestors who lived in ClausthalZellerfeld, Germany and belong to the CZ branch of the Heberle family. This includes anyone
who has used the name at any time in their life. There are possibly a further 700+ Heberles
with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld, mainly German Heberles born in the last 100 years,
for which personal details are confidential. Unnamed babies (died at birth or soon after) not
This booklet has been typed in English. As such, umlauts (German) and graves (French) are
difficult to type. Most Haberles have an umlaut (“) over the a = (ä) (this is often typed as ae in
English) and many French Heberles have graves(/) over one or both e’s = (é). In general,
umlauts and graves have not been used, except where computer translated. The German
sections in this book (in Italic) have been computer translated from English (apologies for the
poor German).
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Dieses Buch versorgt Details einigen 1100 Heberle mit Vorfahren, die haben gelebt in
Clausthal-Zellerfeld und der CZ Zweig der Heberle Familie gehört. Dies schließt
irgendjemanden mitein, der den Namen jederzeit in ihrem Leben benutzt hat. Es gibt vielleicht
eine weiteren 700 + Heberles mit Vorfahren von Clausthal-Zellerfeld, hauptsächlich deutsch
Heberles geboren, für welche persönlichen Details vertraulich in den letzten 100 Jahren sind.
Namenlose Babys (an Geburt ist oder nach bald gestorben) nicht miteingeschlossen. Diese
Druckschrift ist auf englisch getippt worden. Als solch, umlauts (Deutsch) und Gräber
(Französisch) sind schwierig zu tippen. Der meist Haberles hat einen umlaut ( ") über dem
einem a = (ä) (dies wird während ae auf englisch oft getippt) und vieler französisch Heberles
hat Gräber (/) über Ein oder beides e’s = (é). Im allgemeinen sind umlauts und Gräber nicht
benutzt worden, außer wo Computer übersetzt hat. Die deutschen Abschnitte in diesem Buch
(In Kursiv) sind computer übersetzt von Englisch (Entschuldigungen für das arme Deutsch)
Greg Heberle, 95 Moyup Way, South Yunderup 6208, West Australia.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Internet webpage:
Thanks to everyone who provided data used in this book, notably:
Karl-Heinz Hage, Ahnenforscher, Marktkirchengemeinde Clausthal, Hindenburgplatz 3, 38678
Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany; who extracted birth, death, marriage and occupation data from
records held in Clausthal (2770 Deutsch Marks=$Australian2550) and Heinz Gobert of Ev-luth
Kirchengemeinde Zellerfeld Pfarramt 1: Bornhardtstr. 3, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld who
extracted similar data in Zellerfeld (265 Deutsch Marks = $Australian230). Thanks to Hans
Heberle, Horst Stiefel, Jurgen Heberle.
Thanks to Colleen Irving, Ronda Brown and Yvonne Hancock for providing genealogical data
for South Australia, Phyllis Merson for providing numerous photographs; Noel Hurley for
providing photographs and copies of documents; Susan Heberle of Waaia and Alan and Kaye
Heberle of Myrtleford, for providing data and photographs for the Victorian Heberles. Thanks
to Pam Blackman, Leonard Fletcher, Fred Harwood, Ron Baker, Lorraine Fowler. Thanks to
Ron Heberle senior and junior, Merilyn Heberle, Patricia Heberle, Merilyn Heberle, Rosalene
Morrison, Jennifer Adams, Ian & Marilyn Heberle, Ross & Kathy Heberle, Ken Heberle.
Klaus H Heberle.
circa, approximate
New South Wales
Neu Südlich Wales
South Australia
Südlicher Australien
West Australia
Westlicher Australien
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
United States of America
World War I
World War II
Vereinigten Staaten
Welt Kreig I
Welt Kreig II
book keeper
brick layer, mason
carrier (goods haulier) carter
coach (sport)
day labourer
engine driver
factory worker
farm worker
forest guard
furniture dealer
reinemachefrau gebäudereiniger
bauer, landwirt, ackersmann
mobel handler
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
hair dresser
insurance agent
joiner, woodworker
machinist machine operator
machine fitter
metal worker
music teacher
pastor, rector, priest
postal worker
public servant
restaurant owner
shop worker, shop steward
sports trainer
wood merchant
musik lehrer/in
sport trainerin
holz kaufmann
There are numerous surnames spelt similarly to Heberle, including Häberle, Haberle and
Haeberle. Many surnames have different spellings. Some family members changed the
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
spelling or pronunciation of their surname, eg by adding an e or deleting the umlaut or graves,
due to change of language. In past times, carelessness and a high degree of illiteracy (many
people could not spell their names) compounded the number of ways a name was spelt. Often
government officials spelt the name the way it sounded to them. As a result, surnames were
often spelt differently on various documents.
The origin of the name Heberle is uncertain. In some places it was in use in 1550, before
which church books (of births, deaths and marriages) are not available for most places.
 It may be occupational in origin, associated with the Germans and Jews, meaning “one
who grew or dealt in oats”, from the early German word “Haber” for oats (Hanks & Hodges
 It is possible that Heberle comes from “Eber”, which is wild boar in German (Gonzalez
 It could be derived from “Heber” which is a loader or carrier (Jones 1990).
 According to Heintze & Cascorbi (1933), Hattu/Hadu, which is war in gothic, developed
into Hadaperth, Habbert, Habert, Hebert, Heberling, Heberle and other names.
 It is possible that Heberle has more than one origin and all of the above may apply.
In a few places the name Heberle was in use in 1550 but many of the branches had ancestors
recorded with other surnames. Family tree data shows that some Heberles had ancestors with
names such as Heberlin, Häberlin, Häberle, Heberlein, Eberle, Heberlig, Haberling. The most
common recorded ancestor is Heberlin (c35% of the branches before 1700) but its possible
that Heberlin is latin for Heberle. Many early church books were in latin. There is evidence that
some Heberle evolved from names such as Epperlein, Eberlini, Ebirlein, Eberlinus, Hepperle.
Family tree data shows that a number of names evolved from Heberle, including Häberle,
Haberle, Heberly, Haberly, Heverly, Haverly, Hebrlee, Heberling, Haberl, Heberl, in some
places. In other places these names could have evolved from other names, such as Haber,
Haver, Heber.
Names such as Heberlee, Heberlie, Heberley, Habberley, Hebley, Heaberle, Haberley,
Heberly, Haberly, Heverly, Haverly, Hebrlee as found in Great Britain, USA, Australia and New
Zealand may be anglicised versions of Heberle/ Häberle/Haberle.
There are a number of Haber/Heber/Eber type names, which may not be closely related to
Heberle. These include Aberle, Eberhart, Heberhart, Epple, Eple, Haberer, Haberar, Haberma,
Haberman, Habermann, Havermann. Hebert is a common name, perhaps originating from
France and probably not closely related to Heberle (may be related to Herbert). The same can
be said of Ebert. Some of the Hebers and Hubers are British or Jewish origin and not related
to Heberle.
Es gibt zahlreiche Familiennamen mit Schreibweisen, die Heberle ähneln, Einschließlich
Häberle, Haberle und Haeberle. Viele Familiennamen schreiben sich unterschiedlich.
Aufgrund eines Sprachenwechsels haben manche Familienmitglieder die Schreibweise oder
Betonung ihres Familiennamens durch Hinzufügen des Buchstaben e oder Weglassen des
Umlauts oder Akzents geändert. In der Vergangenheit haben auch Nachlässigkeit und eine
hohe Analphabetenrate (viele Menschen konnten nicht ihre Namen schreiben) zu den vielen
unterschiedlichen Schreibweisen beigetragen. In vielen Fällen zeichneten Beamte die Namen
nach Gehör auf. Infolgedessen wurden Familiennamen in verschiedenen Dokumenten oftmals
unterschiedlich geschrieben.
Der Ursprung des Heberle Namens ist ungewiss. An manchen Orten kam er bereits im Jahr
1550 vor, allerdings sind vor diesem Zeitpunkt für die meisten Orte keine Kirchenbücher
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
 Möglicherweise leitet sich der Name vom Berufsstand ab und hängt mit den Deutschen
zusammen, wo er nach dem frühen Wort für Hafer „jemanden, der Hafer anbaute oder mit
diesem handelte“ bezeichnete (Hanks & Hodges 1988).
 Es ist auch möglich, dass der Name Heberle seinen Ursprung in der Bezeichnung “Eber”,
bzw. Wildschwein, hat (Gonzalez 2001).
 Er könnte von dem Wort “Heber”, einem Lade- oder Tragegerät, abgeleitet sein (Jones
 Nach Heintze & Cascorbi (1933), Hattu/Hadu, was im Gotischen Krieg bedeutet,
entwickelten sich daraus Heberle und andere Namen.
 Es ist möglich, dass Heberle mehrere Ursprünge hat und es könnten alle obengenannten
An einigen Orten wurde der Name Heberle bereits im Jahr 1550 gebraucht, aber zahlreiche
Familienzweige hatten Ahnen, die unter anderen Familiennamen aufgezeichnet wurden. Es
geht aus vorhandenen Daten hervor, dass einige der Heberles Ahnen hatten, die Namen wie
Heberlin, Häberlin, Häberle, Heberlein, Eberle, Heberlig, Haberling trugen. Der am häufigsten
aufgezeichnete Ahne ist Heberlin (circa 35 % der Familienzweige <1700), wobei es allerdings
möglich ist, dass es sich bei Heberlin um das lateinische Wort für Heberle handelt. Viele
frühzeitliche Kirchenbücher waren in lateinischer Sprache. Es gibt erwiesene Hinweise, dass
Heberle aus Namen wie Epperlein, Eberlini, Ebirlein, Eberlinus, Hepperle entstanden ist.
Daten zufolge sind aus Heberle eine Reihe von Namen, darunter Häberle, Haberle, Heberly,
Haberly, Heverly, Haverly, Hebrlee, Heberling, Haberl, Heberl, entstanden. Diese Namen
könnten allerdings ebenso von anderen Namen, wie beispielsweise Haber, Haver, Heber
abgeleitet sein.
Namen wie Heberlee, Heberlie, Heberley, Habberley, Hebley, Heaberle, Haberley, Heberly,
Haberly, Heverly, Haverly, Hebrlee sind möglicherweise anglisierte Versionen von Heberle/
Es gibt eine Reihe von Namen des Typus Haber/Heber/Eber, die möglicherweise nicht eng mit
Heberle verwandt sind. Zu diesen zählt Aberle, Eberhart, Heberhart, Epple, Eple, Haberer,
Haberar, Haberma, Haberman, Habermann, Havermann. Hebert ist ein gebräuchlicher Name,
der vielleicht aus Frankreich stammt und wahrscheinlich nicht eng mit Heberle verwandt ist
(jedoch mit Herbert verwandt sein könnte). Dasselbe lässt sich über den Namen Ebert sagen.
Einige der Hebers und Hubers sind britischer oder jüdischer Herkunft und nicht miteinander
This book provides details of c1100 Heberle with ancestors who lived in Clausthal-Zellerfeld.
Ancestors possibly came from the Meissen Erzgebirge mining area near Dresden, in the
central-east of Germany, between c1520 and c1580 (C Heberle 1935). Some initially used the
name Heberlein. Some Heberle/Heberlein lived near Swarzenberg in the 1500s. Based on the
family tree, the numbers of Heberle in the Clausthal-Zellerfeld area since 1600 may have been
of the following order.
Dieses Buch versorgt Details von c1100 Heberle mit Vorfahren, die in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
gelebt haben. Vorfahren sind vielleicht vom Meissen Erzgebirge Bergbau Gebiet nahem
Dresden, im zentral-Osten dem Deutschland, zwischen c1520 und c1580 (C Heberle 1935)
gekommen. Einige haben anfänglich der NamenHeberlein benutzt. Irgendein
Heberle/Heberlein hat nah Swarzenberg im 1500s gelebt. Auf der Basis auf dem Familie
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Baum, die Anzahl Heberle im Clausthal-Zellerfeld Gebiet, da 1600 von der folgenden
Reihenfolge gewesen sein können.
Heberle in CZ
Estimated total 4000
population in CZ
German 80%
Heberle in CZ
Note: before 1600 most Heberle were using other names, including Heberlin, Heberlein.
Anmerkung: bevor 1600 der meist Heberle andere Namen, Heberlin, Heberlein benutzten.
Houses where Heberle lived 1600-1900s is unknown. Probably wooden houses, many
destroyed in fires. Adresses for CZ Heberle in recent times shown in telephone directories.
Only 1 Heberle in 2008 telephone book, Cordula Heberle at Am Silbersegen Strasse 12.
There are 2 cemeteries in CZ, 1 in Clausthal, 1 in Zellerfeld. Few of the headstones show
deaths before 1900. There must be hundreds of Heberle in these cemeteries but I found only
3 Heberle headstones. Probably the older burials are under the more recent burials.
No Heberle businesses in CZ in 2008.
No Heberle strasse or place names in CZ.
Häusern, wo Heberle hat gelebt 1600-1900s unbekannt ist. Wahrscheinlich hölzerne Häuser,
viele zerstört in Feuern. Adresses für CZ Heberle in neuen Zeiten, die in Telephon
Verzeichnissen gezeigt werden. Nur 1 Heberle in 2008 Telephonbuchern, Bin Cordula Heberle
an Silbersegen Strasse 12.
Gibt die es 2 Friedhöfe in CZ, 1 in Clausthal, 1 in Zellerfeld. Wenig vom headstones Schau
Toden vor 1900. Es muß Hunderte von Heberle in diesen Friedhöfen geben aber ich habe nur
3 Heberle headstones gefunden. Wahrscheinlich sind die älteren Beerdigungen unter den
neueren Beerdigungen.
Kein Heberle Geschäfte in CZ in 2008.
Kein Heberle strasse oder Ort Namen in CZ.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
CLAUSTHAL-ZELLERFELD 38678 51’48”N latitude, 10’20”E longitude
Twin towns in the SE of Lower Saxony State of Germany, in the W part of the Harz mountains,
c20 km from the former East German border, 80km SSE of Hannover, 40km NE of Gottingen.
Zellerfeld was founded in 1532, Clausthal in 1554. Altitude is 534-600m above sea level.
Population 16000 (1985). Religion 85% evangelist (protestant). Clausthal-Zellerfeld was the
main mining centre of the upper Harz area, until the last mine closed in 1931. Underground
mining of silver, copper, zinc and lead ores commenced c1532. Clausthal-Zellerfeld has a
Technical University, including a school of mines (founded 1769). There were 1000 students
enrolled at the university in 1965 and 3500 in 1995. Many of the students are from outside
Germany. One of the world’s largest collections of minerals is held in the university. The town
is a tourism (winter sports) and forestry centre. Manufactures include textiles and wood
products. The market church (Marktkirche) has a seating capacity of 2200 and is Germany’s
largest wooden church.
Located 8km E of CZ. Population 3000 (2005). Altitude 420-560m.
Located 7km N of CZ. Mining commenced by 1569. Population 1300 (2005). Now tourist town,
with over 100000 visitors per year.
Located 8km NNW of CZ. Mining commenced c1227 and ceased 1957. Silver
smelters continued until 1967. Has a mining museum, including a train into a mine.
Located 6km SSW of CZ. Old mining town. Population 1200 (2005).
Retirement village, 2km S of CZ. Population 650 (2005). Altitude 550-600m.
Located 4km NW of CZ. Population 1400 (2005). Altitude 380-615m. Old mining town. Parts of
one mine can be visited by tourists.
Goslar is 12km NNE of CZ, founded in 922. At the northern foot of the Harz Mountains, it
became a residence of the early Holy Roman emperors. There is also a town called Hahndorf
c10 km north of Goslar, which possibly gave its name to the Hahndorf near Adelaide, South
Australia, where many early German migrants settled. Rammelsberg mine just S of the city,
produced silver, lead, copper, zinc and small quantities of gold, from 968 until its closure in
1988. A mining museum was established at the mine site in 1989. Other mines in the area
date from the 1st century. For the smelting of the ores, large quantities of wood were required
from the forests in the area. The deciduous hardwoods native to the area were converted to
charcoal and replaced by fast growing fir (softwood). The Reichstag (legislative assembly) met
in Goslar in the 11th and 12th centuries. The city was undamaged in World War II, because of
its historical importance. Parts of the old city walls remain, including 16th century towers.
There are stone and half timbered buildings from the 13-16th centuries. The Imperial Palace
(c1040) Kaiserpfalz, restored late 19th century, is still standing. The cathedral (c1050) was
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
demolished 1819 but medieval monastery and parish churches remain, including the 12th
century Market Church. There is a State Archive and museums of natural science, art, history,
hunting and forestry. Goslar is an important tourist base for the Harz Mountains. There is a
large clothing factory and chemical plants. Population 52000 (1983). Religion 67% evangelist
The central plateau of the Harz mountains averages 600m elevation and features deep cut
ravines at its borders. The formation of the mountains began some 400 million years ago in
the Silurian period. The Harz area was then a shallow sea, which accumulated sediment,
which over millions of years sunk some 5000-6000m, was heated and melted. Folding took
place some 300 million years ago. Granites and ores containing lead, zinc, copper etc
developed during a number of cycles of erosion, sedimentation and orogenesis. Glaciation
occurred in the area some 15000 years ago. Limestone caves are found in a number of
locations, including at Bad Grund c10 km W of Clausthal-Zellerfeld.
The climate of the Harz is very severe. Clausthal-Zellerfeld is some 200 km inland from the
North Sea, at c52 degrees latitude, the latitude of the S part of Hudson Bay in Canada,
Falkland Islands off South America, or 1000 km S of Tasmania, Australia. The highest peak in
the Harz (Brocken is c1142 m, c20 km E of CZ) has an average temperature of 2.6 degrees C,
the same as Iceland. CZ is at a lower elevation and considerably warmer, but the winters are
long and rich in snow. Snow falls some 60 days per year in CZ.
Climate data Clausthal-Zellerfeld area (Klima Datenclausthal-Zellerfeld Gebiet)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Hours sun per 2
Stunden Sonne
pro Tag
Wet days
Nasse Tage
mean minimum
* in Goslar (Rammelsburg) degrees Centigrade.
Elements of interest included silver, lead, copper and zinc. Silver was primarily extracted from
Galena (PbS). The silver content of Galena rarely exceeds 0.5%. There are 100s of mine
shafts in the CZ region. The surface installations of one shaft have been preserved. This is the
Ottiliae shaft, which is a branch of the mining museum. This branch is open on weekends
during the tourist season (May-October). Tourists can ride on an old mine train between this
shaft and the former railway station. CZ mines utilised ore from depths of up to c1000m.
Before the development of water wheels, hand operated and horse powered winches were
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
used to move ore and water. Later, steam engines were used. Later still electric power was
introduced. Near CZ there are slag heaps from mining and processing. Some contain heavy
metals and are poorly vegetated.
The mines required water power (water wheels) and a system of reservoirs and canals was
developed from the 16th century on. There are 66 ponds, constructed by the miners, near CZ.
The water wheels, some 12m in diameter, drove machines for transporting ore to the surface,
pumped water out of the mines, drove crushers and mills. There are hydro-electric power
stations in the area.
The Harz national park of c22000 ha was created in c1990. It includes the high country around
Brocken (1142m). The Harz has long been used for recreation. The high Harz area around
Brocken attracts some 3000000 visitors/year. Ski resorts include Braunlage c20 km SE of
Clausthal-Zellerfeld. There is a Harz narrow gauge railway network, used by tourists.
Tourist spots in Zellerfeld include:
St Salvatoris Church (Lutheran) 1672. Goslarsche Strasse.
Fratzenapotheke pharmacy 1674. Bornhardstrasse 12.
Mining museum 1892. Bornhardstrasse 16.
Chimes with moving characters. Thomas-Merten-Platz 1.
Dietzelhaus tourist information centre 1673. Bergstrasse 31.
Library in former railway station. Bahnhofstrasse.
Tourist spots in Clausthal include:
Market church (Lutheran) 1642. An der Marktkirche, near Adolph-Roemer-Strasse.
Town hall 1730. An der Marktkirche 8.
Office of the President of the mining administration, Oberbergamt. An der
Marktkirche 9.
Technical University entrance building 1903, including mineral musem. AdolphRoemer-Strasse 2.
Robert Koch birthplace 1843. Osteroder Str 13.
Ottiliae shaft 1876. Off Sorge Strasse.
Kaiser Wilhelm II shaft, waterworks. Erzstrasse 24.
In contrast to inhabitants of most rural towns, residents of proclaimed mountain towns had
mountain freedoms, which included ability to hold free markets, elect judges and town council
and not required to do military service. Clausthal qualified for mountain freedoms in 1554.
CZ is not easy to access by public transport, as it is not on the railway network. From Frankfurt
airport, it required 3 trains and 3 buses, via Northeim. Via Goslar required 1 bus and 4 trains.
On weekends there are many fewer trains and buses than Monday to Friday.
CLAUSTHAL-ZELLERFELD 38678 51'48"N Breite, 10'20"O Länge
Zwillingsstädte im SO von Nieder Sachsen Staat dem Deutschland, im W Teil des Harz Berge,
c20 km vom ehemaligen Östlichen Deutsch Rand, 80km SSO von Hannover, 40km NE von
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Göttingen. Zellerfeld war gegründet in 1532, Clausthal in 1554. Höhe ist 534-600m über See
Höhe. Bevölkerung 16000 (1985). Religion 85% Evangelist. Clausthal-Zellerfeld war das haupt
minierende Mitte des oberen Harz Gebiet, bis den Leisten 1931 miniert hat eingeschlossen.
Untergrund Bergbau des Silbers, Kupfers, Zinks und Bleis Erze hat c1532 begonnen.
Clausthal-Zellerfeld hat eine Technische Universität, einer Schule der Minen (1769 gründet).
Es gab 1000 Studenten, die an der Universität in 1965 und 3500 in 1995 immatrikuliert worden
sind. Viele von den Studenten sind von äußerem Deutschland. Eine werden die größten
Sammlungen der Welten der Mineralien in der Universität gehalten. Die Stadt ist ein tourism
(Winter Sport) und forestry Mitte. Herstellungen schließen Gewebe und Holz Produkte mitein.
Die Markt Kirche hat eine setzende Kapazität von 2200 und ist Deutschlands die größte
hölzerne Kirche.
Hat 8km E von CZ Gefunden. Bevölkerung 3000 (2005). Höhe 420-560m.
Hat 7km N von CZ Gefunden. Bergbau, der von 1569 begonnen wird. Bevölkerung 1300
(2005). Jetzt Tourist Stadt, mit über 100000 Besuchern pro Jahr.
Hat 8km NNW von CZ Gefunden. Bergbau begonnen c1227 und hat aufgehört 1957. Silbern
smelters hat bis 1967 fortgesetzt. Ein minierendes Museum hat, eines Zugs in eine Mine.
Hat 6km SSW von CZ Gefunden. Alte minierende Stadt. Bevölkerung 1200 (2005).
Ruhestand Dorf, 2km S von CZ. Bevölkerung 650 (2005). Höhe 550-600m.
Hat 4km NW von CZ Gefunden. Bevölkerung 1400 (2005). Höhe 380-615m. Alte minierende
Stadt. Teil einer Mine durch Touristen kann besucht werden.
Goslar ist 12km NNE von CZ, gegründet in 922. Am nördlichen Fuß dem Harz Bergen ist es
ein Wohnsitz der frühen Heiligen römischen Kaiser geworden. Es gibt auch einen Stadt
gerufenen Hahndorf c10 km Norden von Goslar, der vielleicht dem Hahndorf nahem Adelaide,
Südlichem Australien seinen Namen gegeben hat, wo vieler früh deutsch migrants beseitigt
hat. Rammelsberg miniert nur S die Stadt, hergestellten Silber, Blei, Kupfer, Zink und kleine
Quantitäten des Golds, von 968 bis seinen Verschluß in 1988. Ein minierendes Museum
wurde an der Mine Stelle in 1989 eingerichtet. Andere Minen im Gebiet Datum vom 1st
Jahrhundert. Für den smelting der Erze, großer Quantitäten des Holzes von den Wäldern im
Gebiet wurden erfordert. Der abfallende hardwoods Eingeborener zum Gebiet wurde in
Holzkohle umgewandelt und hat durch schnellen wachsenden fir (softwood) ersetzt. Der
Reichstag (legislative Versammlung) hat sich in Goslar in den 11th und 12th Jahrhunderten
getroffen. Die Stadt war unbeschädigt in Weltkreig II, wegen seiner historischen Wichtigkeit.
Teil der alten Stadt bleiben Wände, 16th Jahrhunderts Türme. Es gibt stein und halben
timbered Gebäude vom 13-16th Jahrhunderten. Der Kaiserliche Palast (c1040 steht)
Kaiserpfalz, der spätes 19th Jahrhundert wiederhergestellt wird, noch. Der Dom (c1050
wurde) 1819 niedergerissen aber medieval monastery und Gemeinde Kirchen bleiben, des
12th Jahrhunderts Markt Kirche. Es gibt ein Staatliches Archiv und Museen natürlicher
Wissenschaft, Kunst, Geschichte, Jagens und forestry. Goslar ist eine wichtige Tourist Basis
für den Harz Berge. Es gibt eine große Kleidung Fabrik und Chemikalie Fabriken. Bevölkerung
52000 (1983). Religion 67% Evangelist.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Die zentrale plateau der Harz Berge Durchschnitte 600m Erhöhung und tiefen Schnitt
Hohlwege an seinen Rändern kennzeichnet. Die Formung der Berge hat einige 400 Million in
der Silurian Periode vor Jahren begonnen. Das Harz Gebiet wurde eine seichte See, die hat
angesammelt Ablagerung, die über Millionen der Jahre die einiger 5000-6000m gesunken
worden sind, dann erhitzt war und wurde geschmolzen. Falten hat einige 300 Million vor
Jahren stattgefunden. Granite und Erze, die Blei, Zink enthalten, hat Kupfer usw während
eines Anzahl Zyklen der Erosion, sedimentation und orogenesis entwickelt. Glaciation hat im
Gebiet vor einigen 15000 Jahren stattgefunden. Kalk Höhlen werden in einem Anzahl Orten,
an Schlechtem Grund c10 km W des Clausthal-Zellerfeld gefunden.
Das Klima des Harz ist sehr schwer. Clausthal-Zellerfeld ist einiges 200 km Inland von der
Nördlich See, an c52 Graden Breite, die Breite des S Teil Hudson Bucht in Kanada, Falkland
Inseln ab Südliches Amerika, oder 1000 km S von Tasmania, Australien. Die höchste Spitze
im Harz hat (Brocken ist c1142 m, c20 km E von CZ) eine durchschnittliche Temperatur von
2.6 Graden C, genau wie Iceland. CZ ist an einer unter Erhöhung und beträchtlich warmer,
aber die Winter sind lang und reich in Schnee. Schnee fällt einige 60 Tage pro Jahr in CZ.
Elemente des Interesses haben Silber, Blei, Kupfer und Zink miteingeschlossen. Silber wurde
hauptsächlich von Galena (PbS) extrahiert. Der silberne Inhalt von Galena überschreitet
selten 0.5%. Es gibt 100s von Schäfte im CZ Gebiet miniert. Die äußerlichen Installationen
eines Schafts sind bewahrt worden. Dies ist der Ottiliae Schaft, der ein Zweig des minierenden
Museums ist. Dieser Zweig ist offen auf Wochenenden während der Touristen Jahreszeit
(Mai-Oktober). Touristen können auf einem alten Mine Zug zwischen diesem Schaft und der
ehemaligen Eisenbahnstation fahren. CZ miniert verwendeten Erz von Tiefen von bis zu
c1000m. Bevor die Entwicklung von Wasser Rädern, hat Hand bedient und Pferd wurde
betrieben winches benutzt, Erz und Wasser zu bewegen. Später wurden, Dampf Maschinen
benutzt. Spätere stille elektrische Kraft wurde vorgestellt. Nah CZ, den es Schlacke Haufen
von Bergbau und Verarbeitung gibt. Irgendein Enthalten schwere Metalle und schlecht werden
Sie Die Minen erforderliche Wasser Kraft (Wasser Räder) und ein System von Behältern und
Kanäle wurden auf vom 16th Jahrhundert entwickelt. Es gibt 66 Teiche, die von den
Bergarbeitern, nahem CZ gebaut werden. Das Wasser Räder, irgendein 12m in Durchmesser,
haben Maschinen zum Transportieren von Erz zur Oberfläche, gepumptem Wasser aus den
Minen, crushers und Mühlen getrieben hat getrieben. Es gibt Hydro-elektrischen Kraft
Stationen im Gebiet.
Der Harz nationaler Park von c22000 ha wurde in c1990 geschaffen. Es schließt das hohe
Land um Brocken (1142m mitein). Der Harz hat lang benutzt für Entspannung ist gewesen.
Das hohe Harz Gebiet um Brocken zieht einiges 3000000 Besucher/Jahr an. Schi Zufluchten
schließen Braunlage c20 km SE von Clausthal-Zellerfeld mitein. Es gibt ein Harz Meßgerät
Eisenbahnnetz einengt, das von Touristen benutzt wird.
Tourist Flecke in Zellerfeld schließen mitein:
St Salvatoris Kirche (Lutheran) 1672. Goslarsche Strasse.
Fratzenapotheke pharmacy 1674. Bornhardstrasse 12.
Minierenden Museum 1892. Bornhardstrasse 16.
Glockenspiele mit Bewegen von Charakteren. Thomas-Merten-Platz 1.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Dietzelhaus zentrieren Tourist Informationen 1673. Bergstrasse 31.
Bibliothek in ehemaliger Eisenbahnstation. Bahnhofstrasse.
Tourist Flecke in Clausthal schließen mitein:
Bringen Sie auf den Markt Kirche (Lutheran) 1642. Ein der Marktkirche, nah AdolphRoemer-Strasse. Stadt Halle 1730. Ein der Marktkirche 8.
Oberbergamt. Ein der Marktkirche 9.
Technisches Universität Eingang Bauen 1903, Minerals musem. Adolph-RoemerStrasse 2.
Robert Koch Geburtsort 1843. Osteroder Str 13.
Ottiliae Schaft 1876. Ab Sorge Strasse.
Kaiser Wilhelm II Schaft, waterworks. Erzstrasse 24.
Haben im Gegensatz zu Einwohnern von den ländlichsten Städten, Einwohner Städte
proklamierten Bergs Berg Freiheiten, die Fähigkeit zu halten freie Märkte miteingeschlossen
haben, Richter und Stadt Rat gehabt wählt und hat nicht erfordert, Militärdienst zu machen.
Clausthal hat für Berg Freiheiten in 1554 qualifiziert.
Ist nicht leicht, auf durch öffentlichen Transport, zuzugreifen, während es nicht auf dem
Eisenbahnnetz ist. Von Frankfurt Flughafen hat es 3 Züge und 3 Busse, über Northeim
erfordert. Über Goslar hat 1 Bus und 4 Züge erfordert. Auf Wochenenden gibt es viele
wenigere Züge und Busse als Montag zum Freitag.
700-800 Galena extracted and smelt in Zellerfeld area.
c1240 First documented significant mining settlement in the CZ region was near the St
Matthias monastery. This monastery, or Cella was in a valley between Clausthal and
1350 Mining ceased in Clausthal-Zellerfeld area. Reasons included exhaustion of surface rich
silver and copper ores and plague epidemic of 1347.
1524 Mining of silver and lead restarted at Grund, Wildemann, Bleifeld and Zellerfeld.
1570 First church built in Clausthal.
1624 Plague epidemic Clausthal. Some 1350 die, 20% of the population.
1639 Construction of the Marktkirche begins.
1672 Big fire in Zellerfeld destroys 465 houses (82% of total), 2 churches, town hall. There
were other fires in CZ, meaning that few of the original wooden houses remain.
1675 Construction of St Salvatoris Church in Zellerfeld commenced.
1775 Establishment of the School of Mines in Clausthal, which became the Academy of Mines
and later the Technical University.
1777-1799 Construction of a 19km gallery, at about 290m depth, to drain the CZ mines.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
1831-1834 Wire cable (wire rope) was invented and tested by mining engineer Wilhelm Albert
in Clausthal. Used in mining from this time onwards.
1833 Moveable ladders, fahrkunst, were developed in CZ, to transport miners up and down
the mine. Before this, miners needed 1-2 hours to go down to the mining area and back up. A
working model of this system is in the mining museum.
1843 Robert Koch, famous medico and bacteriologist born in Clausthal. In 1905 he won the
Nobel Prize for Medicine.
1844, 1854 Big fires in Clausthal, destroyed many houses.
1848-1854 Down turn in mining. Government assists miners to emigrate from CZ to USA,
Brazil, Australia. Over 1100 emigrated to South Australia 1848-1854.
1851-1864 Construction of a 26km gallery, at about 400m depth, to drain the CZ mines.
1892 Mining museum founded in former town hall of Zellerfeld.
1924 Clausthal and Zellerfeld are united. Zellerfeld was controlled by the Duke of Brunswick
and Clausthal by the duke/King of Hannover until 1778.
1930 Mining stopped in CZ during the depression. Has not restarted since. Smelting plants in
Clausthal and Lautenthal continued working until the 1950s, using imported ores.
1936 An explosives factory was set up in CZ. During the war foreign forced labourers worked
1953-1992 Military garrison of troops based in CZ.
1976 Railway from CZ to Langelsheim and Altenau closed. Library now located in former
railway station.
MULLER (2001)
700-800 Galena extrahiert und hat in Zellerfeld Gebiet gerochen.
c1240 Hat Zuerst bedeutsame minierende Siedlung im CZ Gebiet nahe der St Matthias
monastery dokumentiert war. Dieser monastery, oder Cella war in einem Tal zwischen
Clausthal und Zellerfeld.
1350 Hat Minierend in Clausthal-Zellerfeld Gebiet aufgehört. Gründe haben Erschöpfung von
äußerlich reich silbern und Kupfer Erze und Plage Epidemie von 1347 miteingeschlossen.
1524 Die von Silber Minieren, und Blei hat an Grund, Wildemann, Bleifeld und Zellerfeld
1570 Zuerst Kirche hat in Clausthal gebaut.
1624 Plagen epidemisch Clausthal. Einige 1350 sterben, 20% von der Bevölkerung.
1639 Konstruktionen des Marktkirche beginnt.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
1672 Großes Feuer in Zellerfeld zerstört 465 Häuser (82% von Summe), 2 Kirchen, Stadt
Halle. Es gab andere Feuer in CZ, bedeuten daß wenig von den ursprünglichen hölzernen
Häusern bleibt.
1675 Konstruktionen von St Salvatoris Kirche in Zellerfeld haben begonnen.
1775 Einrichtungen der Schule von Minen in Clausthal, der die Akademie von Minen und
später die Technische Universität geworden ist.
1777-1799 Konstruktionen einer 19km Gallerie, an ungefähr 290m Tiefe, den CZ Minen
1831-1834 Drahtkabel (Drahtseil) wurden erfunden und wurden durch Minieren von Ingenieur
Wilhelm Albert in Clausthal geprüft. Benutzt beim Bergbau von diesmal vorwärts.
1833 Fahrkunst, wurden in CZ entwickelt, Bergarbeiter auf und ab die Mine zu transportieren.
Bevor dies, haben Bergarbeiter 1-2 Stunden, zum minierenden Gebiet hinabzugehen,
gebraucht und haben sichergestellt. Ein arbeitendes Modell dieses Systems ist im
minierenden Museum.
1843 Robert Koch, berühmt medico und bacteriologist die geboren sind in Clausthal. In 1905
hat er den Nobel Preis für Medizin gewonnen.
1844, 1854 Große Feuer in Clausthal, haben viele Häuser zerstört.
1848-1854 Hinunter Drehung beim Bergbau. Regierung hilft Bergarbeitern, von CZ nach
Vereinigten Staaten, Brasilien, Australien auszuwandern. Über 1100 zu Südlichem Australien
1848-1854 ist ausgewandert.
1851-1864 Konstruktionen einer 26km Gallerie, an ungefähr 400m Tiefe, den CZ Minen
1892 Minierendes Museum gründet in ehemaliger Stadt Halle von Zellerfeld.
1924 Clausthal und Zellerfeld werden vereint. Zellerfeld wurde vom Herzog dem Brunswick
und dem Clausthal durch den Herzog/König von Hannover bis 1778 kontrolliert.
1930 Minierend aufgehalten in CZ während der Depression. Nicht hat seit wiedergestartet.
Smelting pflanzt in Clausthal und Lautenthal Arbeiten bis den 1950s, Gebrauch importierte
Erze hat fortgesetzt.
1936 Die Eine explosive Fabrik in CZ aufgestellt wurde. Während des Kriegs hat ausländisch
gezwungen labourers hier gearbeitet.
1953-1992 Militärgarnisonen der Truppen haben in CZ basiert.
1976 Eisenbahn von CZ zu Langelsheim und Altenau hat geschlossen. Bibliothek hat sich in
ehemaliger Eisenbahnstation jetzt befunden.
Joachim Heberle b c1550, d CZ 3.11.1624. Marriage/children details not known.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Joachim Heberle b c1570, m unknown x.12.1638, d CZ 1.5.1639. Probably a son of Joachim.
No children ?
Wolff Heberle b c1570, d CZ x.5.1637. Marriage details not known. Children: Christoph b
c1590, Wolff b c1600, Toffel b c1600, Valentin b c1605, Nickel b c1610, Michel b c1615,
Martin b c1615, Samuel b c1620, Caspar b x.2.1625 CZ.
Christian Heberle b c1645 Schwarzenberg Saxony ? Child: Christian b c1670.
FAMILY OF WOLFF HEBERLE (son of Joachim ? b c1570)
Christoph Heberle b c1590, m Paul Fuchs 1617, m M. Lippert 1629 CZ, d 20.2.1648 CZ.
Children: Magdalena b 1645, Matthias b 1646, Catharina b 1647.
Paul Fuchs b c 1592, m Christoph Heberle 31.8.1617 CZ.
Magdalena Lippert b c1595, m Christoph Heberle x.11.1629 CZ.
Wolff Heberle b c1600, m L Nurnberger 1624, d 12.5.1650 CZ. Children: Maria b 1630,
Magdalena b 1632, Steffen b 1635, Orthia b 1638, Anna C b 1642, Catharina b 1643.
Lisa Nurnberger b c1605, m Wolff Heberle 14.12.1624 CZ.
Toffel Heberle b c1600, m A Schwabe 1627, m C. Ehlers 1639. Children: Maria b 1630, Maria
b 1632, Cachare b 1635, Catharina M b 1639, Maria M b 1641, Hans b 1642, Ilblet b 1643,
Hans Georg b 1652, Caspar 1672.
Anna Schwabe b c1605, m Toffel Heberle 1.7.1627 CZ.
Carache Ehlers b c1610, m Toffel Heberle x.9.1639 CZ.
Valtin/Valentin Heberle/Heberlein b c1605 m M.Krons 1637. Children: Hans J b 1638, Anna
C b 1640, Christopher b 1642, Margaretha C b 1645, Anna C b 1647, Margaretha E b 1649,
Rose b 1652.
Margaretha Krons b c1605, m Valtin Heberle x.4.1637 CZ, d 19.3.1682 CZ.
Nickel Heberle b c1610, m A Stahks 1638, d 11.6.1643 CZ. Children: Ostwald b 1640.
Anna Stahks b c1615, m Nickel Heberle x.12.1638 CZ.
Michel/Michael Heberle b c1615, m C.Frisch 1640, d 6.1.1658 CZ. Children: Hans J b 1641,
Valtin b 1642, Orthia b 1643, Margaretha b 1645, Zansentius M b 1647, Hartmann b 1649,
Daniel b 1651, Catharina b 1653, Elias b 1655.
Cathare/Catharina Frisch b 23.1.1614 CZ, d 9.6.1685 CZ, m Michel/Michael Heberle
26.4.1640 CZ.
Martin Heberle /Heberlein b c1615, m M Zopt 1643 CZ. Children: Hans b 1644, Catharina b
1647, Maria b 1649, Anna b 1651, Erhardt b 1654, Johann P b 1659, Johann M b 1663,
Johann W b 1666.
Maria Zopt b c1620, m Martin Heberle x.9.1643 CZ.
Samuel David? Heberle b c1620, m R Sheltzner 1638 CZ, d 13.4.1651 CZ. Children: Ottilia b
Rose Sheltzner b c1620, m Samuel Heberle x.11.1638 CZ.
Caspar Heberle b x.2.1625 CZ, m D. Hott 1671 CZ, d 5.3.1693. CZ. Children: David A b
Dorothea Hott b c1630, d 9.10.1711 CZ? m Caspar Heberle 7.5.1671 CZ.
FAMILY OF CHRISTOPH HEBERLE (son of Wolff, b c1590, m Lippert 1629)
Magdalena Heberle b 23.3.1645 CZ, d x.4.1647.
Matthias Heberle b 25.10.1646 CZ, d 20.2.1648 CZ.
Catharina Lisabeth Heberle b x.12.1647 CZ.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
FAMILY OF WOLFF HEBERLE (son of Wolff, b c1600, m Nurnberger 1623)
Maria Heberle b 6.1.1630 CZ.
Magdalena Heberle b 5.7.1632 CZ.
Steffen Heberle b 26.5.1635 CZ.
Orthia Heberle b 14.1.1638 CZ.
Anna Catharina Heberle b 28.6.1642 CZ.
Catharina Heberle b 8.11.1643 CZ.
FAMILY OF TOFFEL HEBERLE (son of Wolff, b c1600, m Ehlers 1639)
Maria Heberle b 8.10.1630 CZ.
Maria Heberle b 22.1.1632 CZ.
Cachare Heberle b 26.4.1635 CZ.
Catharina Margaretha Heberle b 22.9.1639 CZ.
Maria Magdalena Heberle b 17.10.1641 CZ.
Hans Heberle/Heberlein b 11.5.1642 CZ, m C Luddecken 1675, d 21.3.1680 CZ. Children:
Maria M b1683, Henrich P b 1685, Maria D b 1709.
Catharina Luddecken b c1643, m Hans Heberle ? 31.1.1675 CZ.
Ilbeth Heberle b 2.7.1643 CZ.
Hans Georg Heberle/Herbelein/Haberlein b 1.10.1652, m M Kern 1677, m D Hollenstedt
1702, m A Muller 1709. Children: Andreas L b 1678, Johann E b 1682, Christina C b 1684,
Dorothea C b 1688, Emerita M b 1689, Dorothea c b1703, Heinrich D b1709, Georg Z b 1711,
unknown b 1715, Margaretha C b 1718.
Margaretha Magdalena Kern b c1654, m Georg Heberle/Haberlein 29.4.1677 CZ, d
30.12.1719 CZ.
Dorothea ? Hollenstedt b c1654, m Hans Georg Heberle 1702 CZ.
Anna Elisabeth Muller b c 1654, m Hans Georg Heberle 27.1.1709 CZ, d 31.12.1747 CZ.
Caspar Heberle b 15.9.1672 CZ.
Hans Joachim Heberle b 6.6.1638 CZ, m A Wajner 1669. Children: Johann c b 1670, Hans C
b 1671, Lisabeth M b1674, Georg M b 1676, Jurgen M b 1678, Barbara C b 1679.
Anna Wajner b c1640, m Hans Heberle ? 25.4.1669 CZ.
Anna Cachare Heberle b 3.1.1640 CZ.
Christoph Heberle/Heberlay/Heberlein b 26.12.1642 CZ, m M Zilliax 1665. Children:
Zacharius b 1666, Catharina L b 1669, Valentin G b 1678.
Margaretha Elisabeth Zilliax b c1644, m Christoph Heberle/Heberlay/Heberlein 19.2.1665
Margaretha Catharina Heberle b x.4.1645 CZ.
Anna Catharina Heberle b 1647 CZ.
Margaretha Elisabeth Heberle b x.4.1649 CZ.
Rose Heberle b 13.6.1652 CZ.
FAMILY OF NICKEL HEBERLE (son of Wolff, b c1610, m Stahks 1638)
Ostwald Heberle b 18.2.1640. Children: Margaretha L b 1676.
FAMILY OF MICHEL/MICHAEL HEBERLE (son of Wolff, b c1615, m Frisch)
Hans Jost Heberle b 17.2.1641 CZ, d 14.3.1641 CZ.
Valentin/Valtin Heberle/Heberlein/Eberle Steiger Mine pit foreman, b 26.12.1642, m Maria
Killian 1670, m M Pfeistner 1702, d 30.5.1723 CZ. Children ? : Johann J b 1672, Johann T b
1674, Johann E b 1675, Georg C b 1678, Anna C b 1683.
Maria Catharina Killian b c1644, m Valtin Heberle 26.6.1670 CZ, d 19.3.1682 CZ.
Maria Magdalena Pfeistner b c1644, m Valtin/Valentin Heberle 12.2.1702 CZ, d 18.5.1758
Orthia Heberle b 15.9.1644 CZ, d 14.5.1646 CZ.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Margaretha Heberle b 28.9.1645 CZ.
Laurentius Michel Heberle/Heberley b 19.7.1647 CZ, d 14.6.1685 CZ, m E Roder 1677.
Children: Johann C b 1678, Dorothea M b 1680, Johann L b 1682, Samuel A b 1685.
Elisabeth Roder b c1650, m Laurentius M Heberle 30.9.1677 CZ.
Hartmann Heberle/Eberle Obersteiger mine pit foreman, b 3.1.1649 CZ, m Catharina
Rimeier 1673, d 22.7.1694. Children: Catharina E b 1674, Margaretha b 1675, Johann J b
1677, Valentin b 1678, Agneta M b 1680, Christian M b 1684, Michael A b 1686, Dorothea C b
1687, Catharina M b 1689, Michael H b c1690 Gottingen.
Catharina Rimeier b c1651 Gottingen, m Hartmann Heberle 19.5.1673 Gottingen, d
13.3.1725 CZ.
Daniel Heberle/Heberlay b 2.4.1651 CZ, m M Papst 1677, d 9.12.1694 CZ. Children:
Christian J b 1678, Heinrich A b 1681, Jurg (Georg) M b 1684, Jurg (Georg) M b 1686, Lisa M
b 1692.
Maria Papst b 11.7.1652, m Daniel Heberle 1.10.1677 CZ, d 8.3.1711 CZ.
Catharina Heberle b 5.6.1653 CZ, d 22.4.1715 CZ, m Hans Meissner 11.3.1677 CZ.
Elias Heberle b 8.1.1655 CZ, m M Habisch 1679. Children: Anna M b 1684, Elias A b 1686.
Margaretha Habisch b c1657, m Elias Heberle 12.10.1679 CZ.
FAMILY OF MARTIN HEBERLE (son of Wolff, b c1615, m Zopt 1643)
Hans Heberle/Heberlay b 7.7.1644 CZ, m C Muller 1665 ? d 28.12.1690 CZ. Children:Sophia
M b 1668, Anna M b 1669, Peter H b 1672, Thomas b 1674, Andreas M b 1677, Elizabeth b
Catharina Muller b c1645, m Hans Heberle/Heberlay ? 19.2.1665 CZ.
Catharina Heberle b 24.1.1647 CZ.
Maria Heberle b 2.2.1649 CZ
Anna Heberle b 13.5.1651 CZ.
Erhardt Heberle b 1.1.1654 CZ, m M Alenbauer 1677 CZ , d 26.9.1706 CZ.
Margaretha Elisabeth Neubauer b c1657, m Erhardt Heberle 10.6.1677 CZ.
Johann Philipp Heberle b 17.1.1659 CZ.
Johann Matthias Heberle b 10.12.1663 CZ.
Johann Wulff Heberle b 9.9.1666 CZ.
FAMILY OF SAMUEL DAVID? HEBERLE (son of Wolff, b c1620, m Sheltzner 1638)
Ottilia Heberle b 27.10.1644 CZ.
FAMILY OF CASPAR HEBERLE (son of Wolff, b 1625, m Hott)
David Andreas Heberle b 6.1.1666 CZ, d 5.3.1692 CZ.
Henrich Heberle b c1650. Children: Wolfgang J b 1680 CZ.
FAMILY OF HANS HEBERLE (son of Toffel ? b 1642, m Wajner 1669)
Maria Margaretha Heberle b 26.1.1683 CZ.
Heinrich Philipp Heberle b 22.5.1685 CZ.
Maria Dorothea Heberle b 1.9.1709 CZ.
FAMILY OF HANS GEORG HEBERLE (son of Toffel, b 1652, m Kern)
Andreas Leopold Heberle b 21.3.1678 CZ.
Christina Catharina Heberle b 23.7.1684 CZ, d 22.7.1685 ?
Dorothea Catharina Heberle b 7.12.1686 CZ.
Johann Ernst Heberle b 12.2.1687 CZ, d 5.10.1704 CZ.
Emerita Margaretha Heberle b 5.4.1689 CZ.
Dorothea Catharina Heberle b 28.10.1703 CZ.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Heinrich David Heberle b 17.10.1709 CZ.
Georg Zacharius Heberle Bergmann miner, b 26.9.1711 CZ, m H E Oppern 1734 CZ, m M
Marchhausen 1780, d 22.7.1781 CZ. Children: Andreas L b 1735, Margaretha C b 1737,
Johanna C b 1740, Just H b 1742, Heinrich C b 1745, Dorothea C b 1750.
Hedwig Christina Augustine Oppern b 3.3. 1711, m Georg Z Heberle 8.10.1734 CZ, d
17.5.1772 CZ.
Maria Elisabeth Marchausen b 1724, d 25.4.1800 CZ, m Georg Z Heberle 29.9.1780 CZ.
Margaretha Christina Heberle b 10.4.1718 CZ.
FAMILY OF HANS JOACHIM HEBERLE (son of Valentin, b 1638)
Johann Christian/Christoph Heberle Steiger mine pit foreman, b 17.1.1670 CZ, m D E
Ambrecht 1694, m A Humm 1715, m M Polstor 1718, d 25.7.1717 CZ. Children Johann B b
1695, Anna M b 1698, Johann C b 1702, Margaretha E b 1705, Catharina S b 1713, Johann H
b 1716.
Dorothea Elisabeth Ambrecht b c1673, m Johann Christoph Heberle x.4.1694 CZ
Anna Elisabeth Humm/Hummern b c1673, m Johann Christoph Heberle 2.2.1715 CZ, d
25.6.1717 CZ.
Maria Magdalena Polstor b c1673, m Johann Christoph Heberle 29.9.1718 CZ.
Hans Christian Heberle b 17.9.1671 CZ. Children: Heinrich C b 1708, Margaretha M b 1719.
Liesabeth Magdalena Heberle b 25.1.1674 CZ.
Georg Michel Heberle b 20.8.1676 CZ.
Jurgen Mathias Heberle b 12.3.1678 CZ.
Barbara Christine Heberle b 15.1.1679 CZ.
Eillas 1665)
Zacharius Heberle b 13.9.1666 CZ, m A.Reschen 1687 d 5.8.1731 CZ Children: Sophia C b
Anna Catharina Reschen b c1668 nee Mulhahn ? m Zacharius Heberle 28.8.1687 CZ.
Catharina Lisabeth Heberle b 2.6.1669 CZ.
Valentin Gunther Heberle b 2.5.1678 CZ, m M Pfeisner 1702. Children: Dorothea A b 1704,
unknown b 1706, Dorothea M b 1709, Margaretha E b 1711, Johanne C b 1714, Georg C b
1717, Heinrich C b 1720.
Maria Magdalena Pfeisner b c1670, m Valentin Gunther Heberle 12.2.1702 CZ.
Margaretha Liese Heberle b 13.8.1676.
m Pfeistner)
Johann Jacob Heberle b 27.2.1672 CZ, d 23.8.1729 CZ. Children: Georg C b 1704, Johann
E b 1707, Johann C b 1714.
Johann Toffel Heberle b 21.6.1674 CZ.
Johann Ernst Heberle b 29.8.1675 CZ. Child: Cecilia C b 1709.
Georg (or Henrich) Christian Heberle b 29.9.1678 CZ, d 4.8.1717 CZ. Child: Johann M b
Anna Catharina Heberle b 5.12.1683 CZ.
FAMILY OF LAURENTIUS M HEBERLE (son of Michael, b c1647, m Roder)
Johann Caspar Heberle b 15.5.1678 CZ.
Dorothea Margaretha Heberle b 4.1.1680 CZ.
Johann Lorentz Heberle b 22.10.1682 CZ.
Samuel Andreas Heberle b 13.11.1685 CZ. Children: Catharina C b 1717, Johann A b 1722.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
FAMILY OF HARTMANN HEBERLE (son of Michael, b 1649)
Catharina Elizabeth Heberle b 2.3.1674 CZ.
Margaretha Heberle b 13.5. 1675 CZ.
Johann Jost Heberle b 4.2.1677 CZ.
Valtin/Valentin Heberle b 27.1.1678 CZ.
Agneta Maria Heberle b 27.9.1669 CZ.
Christian Michel Heberle b 11.2.1684 CZ, m I M HeBler 1717, d 23.11.1750 CZ. Children:
Maria M b 1717, August C b 1719, Georg A b 1722, Christian M b 1725.
Ilsa Maria HeBler b c1688, m Christian Michel Heberle 4.1.1717 CZ.
Michael Adam Heberle b 9.11.1686 CZ.
Dorothea Catharina Heberle b x.1.1687 CZ.
Catharina Maria Heberle b 23.7.1689 CZ.
Michael Heinrich Heberle/Eberle b c1690 Gottingen, m M Mertens 1714 CZ, d 16.5.1744
CZ. Children: Johann H b 1714, Heinrich F b 1717, Friedrich J b 1720, Maria E b 1723,
Johann F b 1726.
Margaretha Elisabeth Mertens b c1692, m Michael Heinrich Heberle 24.7.1714 CZ, d
3.4.1748 CZ.
FAMILY OF DANIEL HEBERLE (son of Michael, b 1651, m Papst 1658?)
Christian Jurgen Heberle b 29.9.1678 CZ, d 4.8.1717 CZ. Children: Johann M b 1705,
Margaretha M b 1708, Sophie C b 1717.
Heinrich Andreas Heberle Berggesell mine worker ? b 15.6.1681 CZ, m M. Elstner 1714 CZ
d 31.10.1739 CZ. Children: Georg A b 1714, Johann N b 1717, Maria E b 1723.
Maria Elizabeth Elstner b c1683, m Heinrich Andreas Heberle 12.2.1714 CZ.
Jurg (Georg) Andreas Heberle b 16.3.1684 CZ, m A Heinen c1716, m A Strubig 1737, d
2.7.1749 CZ. Children: Manuel b 1717, Anna E b 1724, Jost A b 1728.
Anna Maria Heinen b c1686 m Jurg (Georg) Andreas Heberle c1716, d 23.8.1753 CZ.
Anna Margaretha Strubig b c1686 m Jurg A Heberle 25.2.1737 CZ.
Georg/Jurgen Matthias Heberle b 28.11.1686 CZ, m C.Dreschler 1708, d 1.11.1731 CZ.
Children: Catharina E b 1709, Adam L b 1711, Marie C b 1716, Heinrich A b 1720.
Catharina Margaretha Drechsler b 22.11.1683 CZ, m Georg Matthias Heberle 21.10.1708
CZ, d 26.11.1747 CZ.
Lisa Margarethe Heberle b 30.10.1692 CZ, d 18.6.1693 CZ.
FAMILY OF ELIAS HEBERLE (son of Michael, b 1655, m Habisch)
Anna Catharina Heberle b 10.7.1681 CZ, d 24.2.1695 CZ ?
Anna Margaretha Heberle b 20.8.1684 CZ.
Elias Andreas Heberle b 26.11.1686 CZ.
FAMILY OF HANS HEBERLE (son of Martin, b 1644, m Muller 1665)
Sophia Maria Heberle b 15.10.1668 CZ.
Anna Margaretha Heberle b 27.9.1669 CZ.
Peter Hinrich Heberle b 27.12.1672 CZ.
Thomas Heberle b 4.3.1674 CZ.
Andreas Michel /Michael Heberle b 13.6.1677 CZ.
Elizabeth Heberle b 23.2.1681 CZ, d 25.1.1690 ?
FAMILY OF HENRICH HEBERLE (father unknown, b c1650)
Wolfgang Jacob Heberle b 26.8.1680 CZ.
FAMILY OF CHRISTIAN HEBERLE (son of Christian of Schwartzenberg, b c1640)
Christian Heberle/Haberle/Heberlein Untersteiger mine pit worker bergmann miner b c1670
Schwartzenberg in Saxony ? m A Rodax 31.10.1692 CZ, d 26.4.1722 CZ. Children: Johann J
b 1693, Catharina M b 1696, Hans C b 1698, Maria E b 1701, Catharina L b 1706, Anna R b
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
1708, Barba D b 1710, Dorothea E b 1714. Father was a handelsmann businessman ?
Anna Lisa Rodax b c1672, m Christian Heberle 31.10.1692 CZ.
Lucas Heberle b c1685, m S Siefers 1690. Children: Anna M b 1691, Christoph C b 1693,
Christian L b 1696.
Sybilla Dorothea Seifers b c1690, m Lucas Heberle 26.12.1690 CZ.
Gottfried Heberle c1680, m D Fleischer 14.7.1709 CZ, d 5.10.1720 CZ. Children: Anna D b
1712, Andreas G b 1716, Johanne C b 1718
Dorothea Margaretha Fleischer b c1685, m Gottfried Heberle 14.7.1709 CZ.
Just Julius Heberle b c1680.
Christian Michel Heberle b c1690, m I Hessen 1717. Children: unknown b 1721.
Ilsa Maria Hessen b c1692, m Christian M Heberle 4.1.1717 CZ.
Christoph Heberle/Eberle b c1674, d 6.11.1717 CZ, m Margaretha Eberle 1696. Children:
Heinrich R b 1701, Friedrich A b 1709.
Margaretha Eberle b c1676, m Christoph Heberle 16.2.1696 CZ.
Christian Andreas Heberle b c1700, d 23.1.1740 CZ, m M Strubig 1725.
Maria Dorothea Strubig b c1702, m Christian Andreas Heberle 20.8.1725 CZ, d 28.7.1735
Georg Just Heberle b c1700, m A Kutscher 1727, d 16.8.1739 CZ.
Anna Margaretha Kutscher b c1702, m Georg Just Heberle 2.12.1727 CZ.
FAMILY OF GEORG ZACHARIUS HEBERLE (son of Hans Georg, b 1711 m Oppern 1734)
Andreas Leopold Heberle b 25.9.1735 CZ, d 23.3.1741 CZ ?
Margaretha Catharina Heberle b 11.8.1737 CZ, d 14.12.1741 CZ ?
Johanna Catharina Heberle b 23.4.1740 CZ, d 23.9.1745 CZ ?
Just Heinrich Heberle Bergmann miner b 28.10.1742 CZ, m A Brauns 1768, d ? not in CZ.
Children: Johann G b 1769, Johann C b 1771, Heinrich A b 1772, Sophia H b 1775, Johanne
C b 1777, Johann C b 1779, Gottlieb F b 1780.
Anna Dorothea Brauns b 9.8.1740, m Just H Heberle 13.10.1768 CZ, d 29.4.1814 CZ.
Heinrich Christian Heberle b 22.2.1745 CZ, m J Rodax 1774, d 28.12.1786 CZ.
Johanne Elisabeth Rodax b c1747, m Heinrich C Heberle 23.10.1774 CZ.
Dorothea Catharina Heberle b 30.5.1750 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN CHRISTIAN HEBERLE (son of Hans J, b 1670, m Ambrecht)
Johann Bestian Heberle b 9.6.1695 CZ.
Anna Margaretha Heberle b 8.11.1696 CZ.
Johann Christian Heberle Bergmann miner, b 6.8.1702 CZ. Children: Sophia C b 1721,
Johann Andreas b 1728, Johann D b 1732.
Margaretha Elisabeth Heberle b 3.12.1705 CZ.
Catharina Sophia Heberle b 27.11.1715 CZ.
Johann Heinrich Heberle b 7.8.1716 CZ.
Heinrich Christian Heberle b 12.5.1708 CZ.
Margaretha Magdalena Heberle b 10.4.1719 CZ.
FAMILY OF ZACHARIUS HEBERLE (father Christoph, m Reschen 1687)
Sophia Christiane Heberle b 29.3.1692 CZ, d 1741 CZ ?
Dorothea Agnetha Heberle b 15.12.1704 CZ.
Dorothea Magdalena Heberle b 27.5.1709 CZ.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Margaretha Elisabeth Heberle b 10.11.1711 CZ.
Johanne Christina Heberle b 20.7.1714 CZ.
Georg Christian Heberle b 25.3.1717 CZ, m S Waldhunter 1745, m C Seidel 1766, d
27.3.1772 CZ. Children: Johann C b 1745, Margaretha H b 1747, Georg H b 1750, Johann T
b1751, Georg L b 1754, Johanna C b 1757, Johann H b 1758, Johann A b 1760, Friedrich J b
1762, Carl L b 1764, Johann A b 1766, Friedrich C b 1768.
Sophie Elisabeth Waldhunter b c1720, m Georg Christian Heberle 4.3.1745 CZ.
Catharina Hedwig Seidel b c1721, m Georg Christian Heberle 1766, d 28.11.1792 CZ.
Heinrich Christian Heberle b 7.10.1720 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN JACOB HEBERLE (father Valentin, b 1672)
Georg Christian Heberle b 28.7.1704 CZ, m C Friedeln 1765.
Catharina Hedewij Friedeln b c1706, m Georg C Heberle 31.12.1765 CZ.
Johann Ernst Heberle b 10.1.1707 CZ, m R Jahn 1738, d 16.4.1772 CZ. Children: Johanne
M b 1739, Just H b 1742, Andreas C b 1744, Johanna F b1748.
Regina Magdalena Jahn b c1709, m Johann Ernst Heberle 13.2.1738 CZ, d 17.12.1783 CZ.
Johann Christian Heberle b 26.12.1714 CZ. Children: Margaretha E b1735, Johann D b
FAMILY OF JOHANN ERNST HEBERLE (father Valentin, b1675)
Cecilia Charlotte Heberle b 15.8.1709 CZ, d 20.11.1742 CZ ?
FAMILY OF GEORG CHRISTIAN HEBERLE (father Valentin, b 1678, d 1717, m ?)
Johann Mathias Heberle b 27.5.1705 CZ, d 21.12.1787 CZ.
FAMILY OF SAMUEL ANDREAS HEBERLE (father Laurentius, b 1685)
Catharina Charlotte Heberle b24.9.1717 CZ.
Johann August Heberle b 26.7.1722 CZ, m D Leschen. Children: Heinrich L b 1745, Julius C
b 1747, Georg A b 1748.
Dorothea Catharina Leschen/Losch b 1720, m Johann August Heberle, d 22.10.1775 CZ.
FAMILY OF CHRISTIAN MICHEL HEBERLE (father Hartmann, b1684, m HeBler)
Maria Margaretha Heberle b 27.9.1717 CZ.
August Christoph Heberle b 14.1.1719 CZ.
Georg Andreas Heberle b 20.11.1722 CZ.
Christian Matthias Heberle b 25.6.1725 CZ, m D Eichler 1756, d 21.5.1800 CZ Children:
Johann A b 1756, Johann C b 1760, Maria H b1762, August C b 1763, Johann E b 1768,
Johanna E 1770.
Dorothea Christiane Eichler b c1730, m Christian Michel Heberle 29.4.1756.
FAMILY OF MICHEL HEINRICH HEBERLE (b c1690, father Hartmann, m Mertens)
Johann Heinrich Heberle b 10.12.1714 CZ.
Heinrich Friedrich Heberle b 25.9.1717 CZ.
Friedrich Jans Heberle b 6.2.1720 CZ
Maria Elisabeth Heberle b 13.8.1723 CZ.
Johann Friedrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 10.3.1726 CZ, d 3.11.1784 CZ. Children:
Caspar H b 1757.
Johann Mathias Heberle b 27.7.1705 CZ, m M Muller 1740, d 14.1.1759 CZ. Children:
Christian F b 1741, Christian L b 1745, Johanna M b 1751.
Margaretha Elizabeth Muller b 24.11.1705 CZ, m Johann M Heberle 1.2.1740 CZ, d
24.11.1775 CZ.
Margaretha Elisabeth Heberle b 5.12.1708 CZ.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Sophie Caroline Heberle b 8.6.1717 CZ.
FAMILY OF HENRICH ANDREAS HEBERLE (father Daniel, b 1681, m Elstner)
Georg Andreas Heberle b 22.9.1714 CZ d 14.1.1750 CZ ?
Johann Nikolaus Heberle/Eberle b 24.1.1717CZ, m C Tonnies 1745, d 23.4.1780 CZ.
Children: Johann A b 1745, Ann E b 1748, Johann C b 1752, Christian F b 1759, Friedrich H b
Catharina Christiane Tonnies b c1720, m Johann Nikolaus Heberle 7.1.1745 CZ, d
2.3.1777 CZ.
Maria Elisabeth Heberle b 16.6.1723 CZ.
Manuel/Emmanuel Heberle Nachtschichten mine night stacker ? b 18.7.1717 CZ, m M D
Oppen 1736. Children: Georg A b 1738, Johann G b 1743.
Margaretha Dorothea Oppen b 1707, m Manuel Heberle 6.8.1736 CZ, d 21.1.1772 CZ.
Anna Elizabeth Heberle b 16.1.1724 CZ.
Jost Adam Heberle b 11.7.1728 CZ, d 1736 CZ ?
FAMILY OF GEORG/JURGEN MATTHIAS HEBERLE (father Daniel, b 1686, m Drechsler)
Catharina Elisabeth Heberle b 10.11.1709 CZ.
Adam Lippold (Leopold) Heberle b 22.7.1711 CZ, m Dorothea Wagner 1736 d 8.1.1760
CZ Children: Sophia C b 1738, Margaretha E b 1740, Johann H b 1742, Maria L b 1744, Carl
H b 1747.
Dorothea Elisabeth Wagner b c1713, m Adam Lippold Heberle 20.11.1736 CZ.
Marie Christiane Heberle b 9.1.1716 CZ d 4.2.1723 CZ.
Heinrich August Heberle Puchsteiger mine crusher foreman and miner, b 13.10.1720 CZ, m
J Ludewigs, d 19.12.1764 CZ. Children: Henriette W b 1750, Ludewij C b 1752, Friedrich L b
1755, Dorothea H b 1758, Johann J b 1761.
Juliane Margaretha Elisabetha Ludewigs b 1720, m Heinrich A Heberle c1749, d 29.3.1802.
FAMILY OF CHRISTIAN HEBERLE (son of Christian, b c1670, m Rodax)
Johann Jacob Haberle/Heberle b 26.12.1693 CZ.
Catharina Magdalena Heberle b 29.3.1696 CZ.
Hans Christoph Haberle/Heberle b 19.12.1698 CZ d x.1.1700 CZ.
Maria Elisabeth Heberle b 12.6.1701 CZ, d x.12.1701 CZ.
Catharina Lisa Heberlein/Heberle b 19.5.1706 CZ.
Anna Rosina Heberlein/Heberle b 14.11.1708 CZ, d 1709 CZ ?
Barba Dorothea Heberlein/Heberle b 29.9.1710 CZ, d 14.1.1714 CZ.
Dorothea Elisabeth Heberlein/Heberle b 3.3.1714 CZ, d 17.5.1717 CZ.
FAMILY OF LUCAS HEBERLE (father unknown, b c1665, m Seifers 1690)
Anna Magdalena Heberle b 4.10.1691 CZ.
Christoph Conrad Heberle b 10.9.1693 CZ. Children: Johann B d 1721, Dorothea E b 1725,
Anna E b 1731, Wilhelm A b 1736.
Christian Lippold Heberle b 1.3.1696 CZ.
FAMILY OF GOTTFRIED HEBERLE (father unknown b ? m Fleischer)
Anna Dorothea Heberle b 5.8.1712 CZ, d 5.8.1712 CZ.
Andreas Gottfried Heberle b 13.9.1716 CZ, d 15.8.1717 CZ.
Johanne Catharina Heberle b 29.10.1718 CZ.
FAMILY OF CHRISTOPH HEBERLE/EBERLE (father unknown, b c1674, m Eberle)
Heinrich Reinhard Heberle b 31.8.1701 CZ, d 20.12.1738 CZ. Children: Friedrich A b 1733,
Johann P b 1735.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Friedrich Andreas Eberle/Heberle b 15.6.1709 CZ, d 1.4.1760 CZ, m M Erlemann 1734.
Children: Johanne D b 1734, Margaretha C b 1738, Georg C b 1740.
Maria Catharina Erlemann nee Schumm, b c1712, m Friedrich A Heberle 21.6.1734 CZ, d
2.4.1760 CZ.
Christian Michael Heberle b c1720, d 23.10.1750 CZ. Child: Georg A b c1745.
Heinrich August Heberle b c1720. Child: Julius C b c1745.
Johann Mathias Heberle b x.7.1715 CZ, d 30.8.1788 CZ.
Christian Ludewij Heberle b x.2.1745 CZ, d 15.4.1790 CZ.
Georg Christian Heberle b 1739, d 18.11.1795 CZ.
Heinrich Andreas Heberle b 1743, d 29.5.1802 CZ.
Georg Andreas Heberle b c1700, d 16.12.1730 CZ.
FAMILY OF JUST HEINRICH HEBERLE (son of Georg Z, b1742, m Brauns 1768)
Johann Georg Heberle b 8.10.1769 CZ.
Johann Conrad Heberle b 5.5.1771 CZ.
Heinrich Andreas Heberle Bergmann, zimmerjesell miner, carpenter, b 28.8.1772 CZ, m J
Kittler 1797, d 23.6.1819. Children: Henriette F b 1793, Ernst J b 1797, Christiane F b 1802,
Heinrich A b 1804, Henriette A b 1808, Johanne C b 1810, Christiane H b 1814, Dorothea C b
Johanne Christiane Kittler b x.10.1774, m Heinrich A Heberle 31.12.1797 CZ, d 20.3.1842
Sophia Henrietta Heberle b 15.4.1775 CZ.
Johanne Carolina Heberle b 17.10.1777 CZ.
Gottlieb Friedrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 26.11.1780 CZ, m C Breitkopf 1807 CZ, d
29.1.1837 CZ. Children: Carl F b 1808, Friedrich L b 1810, August F b 1812, Georg H b 1814,
Christiane F b 1816, Dorothea W b 1818, Augusta J b 1820, Johanne C b 1823, Heinrich C b
Carolina Louise Henriette Breitkopf b 10.2.1785 CZ, d 25.4.1851 CZ, m Gottlieb Friedrich
Heberle 7.6.1807 CZ.
FAMILY OF HEINRICH CHRISTIAN HEBERLE (son of Georg Z, b17425, m Rodax)
Marie Christiane Heberle b 17.8.1776 CZ.
Johann Christian Heberle b 8.3.1779 CZ, d 27.4.1779 CZ.
Heinrich Christian Heberle b 18.6.1780 CZ, d 21.12.1632 CZ ?
Johanne Albertine Heberle b 4.4.1783 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN CHRISTIAN HEBERLE (father Johann C, b 1702 m ? d ?)
Sophia Catharina Heberle b 8.3.1721 CZ.
Johann Andreas Heberle b 2.6.1726 CZ, d 19.4.1749 CZ ?
Johann David Heberle Hallenaufseher tailings supervisor, b 1732, d 18.3.1774 CZ, m M
Albrecht 1762.
Maria Christina Albrecht b 1738, m Johann David Heberle 12.8.1762 CZ, d 8.10.1776 CZ.
FAMILY OF GEORG CHRISTIAN HEBERLE (father Valentin Gunther, b 1717, m
Waldhunter, m Seidel)
Johann Christian Heberle b 25.12.1745 CZ 20.9.1787 CZ.
Margaretha Henriette Heberle b 20.9.1747 CZ.
Georg Heinrich Heberle b 31.1.1750 CZ d 14.12.1752 CZ.
Johann Tobias Heberle b 28.11.1751 CZ.
Georg Ludewij Heberle Geschworener juror, b 27.3.1754 CZ, m S Oppermann, m J Hartwij
1821, d 12.5.1822 CZ. Children: Christian H b 1786.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Sophie Henriette Oppermann b c1760, m Georg Ludewij Heberle.
Johanne Sophie Hartwij nee Voigt, b c1762, m Georg L Heberle 2.1.1821 CZ.
Johanna Carolina Heberle b 28.12.1757 CZ, d 7.1.1758 CZ.
Johann Heinrich Heberle b 22.12.1758 CZ, d 9.1.1759 CZ.
Johanne Friedericia Heberle b 22.1.1758 CZ, d 3.1.1759 CZ.
Johann August Heberle b 19.1.1760 CZ, m D Kramer, d 10.5.1818 CZ. Children: Heinrich W
b 1793, Julius H b 27.12.1795, August C b 1797, Ernst F b 1800, Johanne D b 1803.
Dorothea Christiane Kramer b 1767, m Johann August Heberle, d 6.11.1841 CZ.
Friedrich Josua Heberle b 27.3.1762 CZ.
Carl Leopold Heberle b 24.7.1764 CZ.
Johann Adam Heberle b 5.3.1766 CZ.
Friedrich Christian Heberle b 8.10.1768 CZ, m H Teifel 1793. Children: Johanna A b 1795,
Christian F b 1798.
Henrietta Eleonora Juliane Teifel b c1770, m Friedrich Christian Heberle 17.2.1793 CZ
FAMILY OF JOHANN ERNST HEBERLE (father Johann Jacob, b 1707)
Johanne Margarethe Heberle b 23.5.1739 CZ.
Just Heinrich Heberle b 14.4.1742 CZ.
Andreas Christoph Heberle b 16.2.1744 CZ, m J Glasner 1775, d 22.10.1800 CZ Children:
Heinrich A b 1776, Dorothea F b 1778, Dorothea J b 1781.
Johanne Maria Glasner b 1741, m Andreas Christoph Heberle 6.6.1775 CZ, d 15.12.1800
Johanna Friedericia Heberle b 19.7.1748 CZ, d 9.2.1751 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN CHRISTIAN HEBERLE (father Johann Jacob, b 1714)
Johann David Heberle Haldenaufsehr mine tailings supervisor, b 1732, m M Albrecht, d
18.3.1774 CZ. Children: Anna M b 1763, Carl H b 1769.
Maria Christiane Albrecht b x.9.1738, m Johann David Heberle 12.8.1762 CZ, d 8.10.1776
Margaretha Elisabeth Heberle b 19.7.1735 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN AUGUST HEBERLE (father Samuel Andreas, b 1722, m Leschen)
Henrietta Wilhelmina Heberle b c 1744, d 8.9.1751 CZ.
Heinrich Leopold Heberle b 31.10.1745 CZ.
Julius Carl Heberle b 12.10.1747 CZ.
Georg Andreas Heberle b 21.4.1748 CZ, m A Selbreuter 1782 CZ, d 18.3.1813 CZ. Children:
Friedrich H b 1772, Christian L b 1774, Johanne C b 1776, Georg H b 1782, Johanne C b
1784, Johanne L b 1787, Johanne D b 1789, Johanne D b 1793, Georg H b 1796, Johanne E
b 1799.
Auguste Charlotta Selbreuter b c1762, m Georg Andreas Heberle, d 25.7.1799 CZ.
FAMILY OF CHRISTIAN MATTHIAS HEBERLE (father Christian M, b 1725, m Eichler)
Johann Adam Heberle b 9.11.1758 CZ, d 3.3.1813 CZ.
Johann Christoph Heberle b 6.4.1760 CZ, d 27.12.1760 CZ.
Maria Henriette Heberle b 1.7.1762 CZ, d 19.8.1766 CZ.
August Christian Heberle Pucharbeiter mine crusher labourer, b 3.11.1763 CZ, m D Meyer
1790, m F Lattman 1799, m J Losch. Children: Johann C b 1790, Carl H b 1791, Georg F b
1794, Johanne C b 1798, August C b 1799, Johanne H b 1799, Johanne F b 1800, Marie H b
1803, Christiane H b 1804, Georg A b 1805.
Dorothea Juliane Meyer b c1768, m August Christian Heberle 24.5.1790 CZ.
Friederike Henriette Lattman b c1768, m August Christian Heberle 7.10.1799 CZ.
Juliane Friedericia Losch b c1768, m August Christian Heberle.
Johann Elias Heberle b 27.10.1765 CZ, d 23.2.1796 CZ.
Johanne Eleonora Friedericia Heberle b 30.10.1770 CZ, d 23.2.1772 CZ.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Johann Christian Heberle Bergmann miner, b 29.12.1773 CZ, m A Lowen 1802, d 1.7.1849
CZ. Children: Christiane F b 1804, Johanne C b 1807, Carl A b 1810, Georg F b 1812.
Augustine Lowen b c1778, m Johann Christian Heberle 21.11.1802 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN FRIEDRICH HEBERLE (father Michael, b 1726, m ? d 1784)
Caspar Heinrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 1757, d 2.6.1821 CZ, m M Kierig 1782.
Children: Johann C b 1783, Johann C b 1785, Johanne C b 1788, Johann H b 1789, Johanna
E b 1792.
Maria Catharina Kiereg nee WeiBkopt, b x.1.1750, d 3.1.1803 CZ, m Caspar H Heberle
24.10.1782 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN MATTHIAS HEBERLE (father Christian Jurgen, b 1705, m Muller)
Christian Friedrich Heberle b 5.11.1741 CZ, d 25.3.1771 CZ.
Christian Ludewij Heberle b 7.2.1745 CZ, d 15.4.1790 CZ, m J Zeuner 18.11.1770 CZ.
Children: Catharina J b 1771, Johanna F b 1773, Christina L b 1776, Christian G b 1782,
Johann F b 1786.
Johanne Eleonora Zeuner b c1747, m Christian F Heberle 18.11.1770 CZ.
Johanna Maria Heberle b 21.9.1751 CZ, d 7.8.1813 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN NIKOLAUS HEBERLE (father Heinrich Andreas, b 1717 m Tonnies)
Johann Andreas Heberle b 23.9.1745 CZ, m M Schmidt, m S Ritter. Children: Johanne E b
1774, Johann C b 1777, Johanne C b 1779, Dorothea L b 1786, Christian C b 1789.
Maria Sophia Schmidt b x.3.1748, m Johann Andreas Heberle 22.4.1773 CZ, d 19.4.1780
Sophie Eleonora Ritter b c1750, m Johann Andreas Heberle 7.12.1780 CZ.
Anna Elisabeth Heberle b 4.4.1748 CZ.
Johanne Charlotta Heberle b 18.2.1752 CZ, d 20.8.1754 CZ.
Christian Friedrich Heberle Oberschlammer mine processing worker ? b 3.5.1759 CZ, d
23.5.1815 CZ, m I Bremmer, m J Muller. Children: Georg A b 1785, Johanne F b 1787, Georg
C b 1792, Heinrich C b 1795.
Ilsa Maria Bremmer b 20.7.1784 Lonau, m Christian Friedrich Heberle 26.12.1784 Lonau,
Johanne Sophie Muller b c1760, m Christian Friedrich Heberle 28.9.1806 CZ.
Friedrich Heinrich Conrad Heberle b 10.3.1765 CZ, d 28.11.1765 CZ.
FAMILY OF MANUEL/EMMANUEL HEBERLE (father Jurgen Andreas, b 1717)
Georg Andreas Heberle b 2.5.1738 CZ, m C Morgenstein, d 10.2.1789 CZ. Children: Georg
P b 1767, Johanne C b 1769.
Catharina Charlotta Morgenstein b 1736, m Georg Andreas Heberle, d 1.2.1801 CZ.
Johann Gottlieb Heberle b 16.3.1743 CZ, d 12.6.1746 CZ ?
FAMILY OF ADAM LEOPOLD HEBERLE (father Georg Matthias, b 1711)
Sophie Catharine Heberle b 2.2.1738 CZ, d 1744 CZ ?
Margaretha Elisabeth Heberle b 4.8.1740 CZ, d 1746 CZ ?
Johann Heinrich Heberle/Eberle b 16.12.1742 CZ, d 19.3.1819 CZ.
Marie Luisa Heberle b 26.11.1744 CZ.
Carl Heinrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 28.12.1747 CZ, m D Bohm 1771. Children: Georg
H b 1786, Johann H b 1788.
Dorothea Elisabeth Bohm b c1750, m Carl Heinrich Heberle 26.9.1771 CZ
FAMILY OF HEINRICH AUGUST HEBERLE (father Georg Matthias, b 1720, m Ludewigs)
Henriette Wilhelmine Heberle b 7.1.1750 CZ.
Ludewij Conrad Heberle b 7.7.1752 CZ.
Friedrich Ludewij Heberle Untersteiger mine pit leading hand ? b 16.4.1755 CZ, m C
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Beckmann 1780 CZ, d 27.3.1806 CZ. Children: Christian F b 1780, Georg C b 1782, Carl W b
1785, Johanna C b 1788, Johann A b 1790, Johann C b 1793, Christian J b 1796.
Catharina Maria Beckmann b c1757, m Friedrich Ludewij Heberle 13.1.1780 CZ.
Dorothea Henriette Heberle b 20.12.1758 CZ, d 11.9.1762 CZ.
Johann Julius Heberle Bergmann miner b 18.10.1781 CZ, d 3.10.1786 CZ.
Johann Burchare Heberle b 19.10.1721 CZ.
Dorothea Elisabeth Heberle b 2.9.1725 CZ.
Anna Elisabeth Heberle b 12.5.1731 CZ.
Wilhelm August Carl Heberle b 26.7.1736 CZ.
Johanne Dorothea Heberle b 13.10.1734 CZ.
Margaretha Christiane Heberle b 8.3.1738 CZ.
Georg Christian Heberle b 18.9.1740 CZ, d 18.11.1795 CZ.
Friedrich Andreas Heberle b 9.9.1733 CZ.
Johann Philipp Heberle b 3.9.1735 CZ, m J Thiele d 9.6.1796 CZ. Children: Heinrich F b
1759, Johanna C b 1762, Carl A b 1765, Johanna C b 1767, Johann F b 1770, Dorothea C b
1774, Georg A b 1776.
Juliane Henriette Thielen b c1737, m Johann Philipp Heberle 15.2.1759 CZ.
Georg Andreas Heberle b c1745 d 18.4.1749 CZ.
FAMILY OF HEINRICH AUGUST HEBERLE (father unknown, b c1720)
Julius Carl Heberle b c1745, d 2.3.1750 CZ.
Georg Christian Heberle b c1760, m C Liebegeld 1793. Children: Sophie E b 1793, Johann
H b 1800.
Catharina Elisabeth Liebegeld b x.11.1763, m Georg Christian Heberle 1.4.1793 CZ, d
14.5.1837 CZ.
Johann Andreas JuliusHeberle b x.7.1794, d 4.8.1852 CZ.
Johann Caspar Heberle b x.7.1785 CZ, d 3.2.1845 CZ.
Johann Heinrich Friedrich Heberle b 1759, d 10.8.1823 CZ.
August Christian Heberle Pucharbeiter mine crusher labourer ? b 1765, m J Lattman 1799,
d 27.3.1827 CZ.
Johanna Friedericia Lattman b 1767, m August C Heberle 7.10.1799 CZ, d 13.1.1812 CZ.
Carl Wilhelm Heberle b x.4.1786, d 22.4.1828 CZ
Johanne Augustine Eleonora Heberle b x.3.1796, d 5.8.1796 CZ.
Dorothea Johanne Henriette Heberle b 1768, d 27.12.1790 CZ.
Johanne Catharina Christiane Heberle b 1776, d 21.1.1777 CZ.
Johann Friedrich Heberle b c1764, m C Bartram 1803.
Catharina Eleonore Bartram b 1764, m Johann F Heberle 27.2.1803, d 2.6.1834 CZ.
FAMILY OF GOTTLIEB FRIEDRICH HEBERLE (son of Friedrich L, b1780, m Brietkopf)
Carl Friedrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 21.5.1808 CZ, m J Hille 1833. Children: Sophie C
b 1833, Carl H b 1835, Carl L b 1837, Johanne M b 1839. Migrated to USA 1854 ?
Justine Henriette Hille b 14.8.1807 CZ, m Carl F Heberle 27.5.1833 CZ, d 4.7.1854 CZ.
Migrated to USA 1854 ?
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Friedrich Ludwij Heberle Bergmann miner b 2.2.1810 CZ. Migrated to Australia 1851.
Johanne Christiane Grossheim/GroBheim b 1812, m Friedrich Ludwij Heberle 17.7.1836
CZ. Migrated to Australia 1851.
August Friedrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 21.5.1812 CZ. Migrated to Australia 1851.
Augustine Georgine Ernestine (Carolina) Papst b 31.7.1837 CZ, m August Friedrich
Heberle 15.10.1837. Migrated to Australia 1851.
Georg Heinrich Friedrich Julius Heberle Bergmann miner, b 17.2.1814 CZ, m J Kuhhorn
1839. Children: Carl G b 1840, Wilhelm A b 1845, Ludwij F b 1849, Adolph C b 1849. Migrated
to USA 1854 ?
Johanne Caroline Kuhhorn b 26.6.1811 CZ, m Georg H Heberle 6.10.1839 CZ. Migrated to
USA 1854 ?
Christiane Friederike Henriette Heberle b 6.10.1816 CZ, d 18.2.1817 CZ.
Dorothea Wilhelmine Henriette Heberle b 26.8.1818 CZ
Auguste Juliane Wilhelmine Heberle b 25.8.1820 CZ
Johanne Christiane Augustine Wilhelmine Heberle b 25.8.1823 CZ, d 29.6.1890 CZ.
Heinrich Christian Theodor Heberle b 22.12.1827 CZ.
Georg Ludowij Wilhelm Heberle b 3.6.1830 CZ, d 30.3.1833 CZ.
FAMILY OF HEINRICH ANDREAS HEBERLE (son of Andreas C, b 1776, m Kittler)
Henriette Augustina Elisabeth Heberle b 6.9.1793 CZ, d 8.4.1809 CZ.
Ernst Joshua Leopold Heberle b 11.6.1797 CZ, d 21.4.1800 CZ.
Christiane Friedericia Heberle b 9.4.1802 CZ, d 9.6.1879 CZ.
Heinrich Andreas Heberle b 18.11.1804 CZ, d 13.3.1806 CZ.
Henriette Antoinette Heberle b 5.2.1808 CZ, d 11.2.1879 CZ.
Johanne Christiane Wilhelmine Heberle b 3.7.1810 CZ, d 6.4.1851 CZ.
Christiane Henriette Heberle b 13.5.1814 CZ, d 16.8.1814 CZ.
Dorothea Christiane Friederike Heberle b 22.8.1819 CZ, d 28.3.1820 CZ.
FAMILY OF GEORG LUDEWIJ HEBERLE (son of Georg Christian, b1754, m Oppermann)
Christian Heinrich Heberle Schichtmeister mine shiftworker/stacker ? b 26.11.1766 CZ, m D
Gotthard 1820, d 21.12.1832 CZ.
Dorothea Henriette Gotthard b1768, m Christian H Heberle 14.9.1820 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN AUGUST HEBERLE (son of Georg Christian, b1760, m Kramer)
Heinrich Wilhelm Heberle b 6.5.1793 CZ, d 18.1.1794 CZ.
Julius Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Heberle b 27.12.1795 CZ, d 25.1.1809 CZ.
August Carl Heberle b 10.6.1797 CZ, d 8.6.1838 CZ, m J Himmler 1823. Children:Carl A b
1823, Ernst L b 1827, Carl C b 1832, Caroline A b 1835, Carl A b 1838.
Johanne Christiane Henriette Himmler b x.2.1804, m August Carl Heberle 5.1.1823 CZ, d
16.3.1875 CZ.
Ernst Friedrich Ludwij Heberle b 25.6.1800 CZ, d 19.12.1837 CZ, m J Stopp 1830. Children:
Ernst J b 1831, Ernst F b 1832, Ernst C b 1833, Friedrich J b 1835.
Juliane Henriette Stopp b c1802, m Ernst Friedrich Heberle 17.10.1830 CZ.
Johanne Dorothea Henriette Heberle b 26.7.1803 CZ, d 27.5.1804 CZ.
FAMILY OF FRIEDRICH CHRISTIAN HEBERLE (son of Georg Christian, b1768, m Teifel)
Johanna Augustina Heberle b 14.6.1795 CZ, d 6.3.1872 CZ.
Christian Friedrich Leopold Heberle b 21.1.1798 CZ.
FAMILY OF ANDREAS CHRISTOPH HEBERLE (son of Johann Ernst, b1744 m Glasner)
Heinrich Andreas Heberle b 8.3.1776 CZ, d 23.10.1777 CZ.
Dorothea Friedericia Heberle b 10.9.1778 CZ, d 4.7.1853 CZ.
Dorothea Juliane Heberle b 28.4.1781 CZ, d 9.8.1854 CZ.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
FAMILY OF JOHANN DAVID HEBERLE (father unknown, b c1732, m Albrecht)
Anna Margarethe Henriette Heberle b 3.7.1763 CZ.
Carl Heinrich Heberle b 15.2.1769 CZ, d 21.5.1770 CZ.
FAMILY OF GEORG ANDREAS HEBERLE (son of Johann August, b 1748, m Selbreuter)
Georg Heinrich Christoph Heberle b 18.2.1782 CZ, m S Mahnert 1797, d 14.12.1852 CZ.
Children: Johann G b 1798, Johanna C b 1799, Sophie J b 1800, Georg G b 1803.
Sophie Juliane Mahnert b x.9.1773, m Georg Heinrich Heberle 17.4.1797 CZ, d 23.12.1840
Johanne Charlotta Heberle b 20.5.1784 CZ, d 11.9.1787 CZ.
Johanne Luisa Henrietta Heberle b 4.4.1787 CZ.
Johanne Dorothea Eleonora Heberle b 10.7.1789 CZ.
Johanne Dorothea Henrietta Heberle b 5.10.1793 CZ, d 16.11.1799 CZ.
Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Heberle Bergmann miner, b 27.5.1796 CZ, d 12.9.1858 CZ, m H
Gutkas. Children: Carl H b 1823.
Henriette Christiane Caroline Gutkas b 1798, m Georg Heinrich Heberle, d 6.1.1832 CZ.
Johanne Eleonora Henrietta Heberle b 16.3.1799 CZ, d 2.1.1800 CZ.
FAMILY OF AUGUST CHRISTIAN HEBERLE (son of Christian Matthias, b 1763, m Meyer,
Lattman, Losch)
Johann Caspar Friedrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 25.10.1790 CZ, m J Heyer 1809.
Children: Carl A b 1809, Carl A b 1811, Augustine W b 1813, Johanne J b 1816, Carl H b
1818, Caroline H b 1818, Caroline A b 1821, Johanne M b 1824, Carl A b 1826, Dorothea W b
Johanne Charlotte Heyer b c1792, m Johann Caspar T Heberle 19.2.1809 CZ, d 18.9.1869
Carl Heinrich Christian Heberle Bergmann miner, b 27.8.1791, m J Oppermann 1815, d
13.12.1863 CZ. Children: Caroline H b 1814, Augustine J b 1816, Carl H b 1818, Caroline H b
1820, Carl W b 1822, Johanne C b 1825, Johann A b 1827, Johanne C b 1829.
Johanne Sophie Oppermann b c1794, m Carl Heinrich Heberle 30.6.1815 CZ.
Georg Friedrich Heberle b 25.3.1794 CZ, d 3.6.1857 CZ.
Carl Christoph Friedrich Heberle b 9.3.1795 CZ, d 16.4.1795 CZ.
Johanne Christiane Charlotte Heberle b 24.7.1796 CZ.
August Christian Heberle b 9.1.1799 CZ, d 12.11.1799 CZ.
Johanne Henriette Christiane Heberle b 11.10.1799 CZ.
Johanne Friedericia Heberle b 9.12.1800 CZ, d 17.2.1880 CZ.
Marie Henriette Juliane Heberle b 29.9.1803 CZ, d 8.4.1854 CZ.
Christiane Henriette Catharina Heberle b 16.1.1804 CZ.
Carl Friedrich Heberle b 21.5.1808 CZ.
Georg August Julius Heberle Bergmann miner, b 5.2.1805 CZ, d 19.8.1869 CZ m H Kolle
1831. Children: August W b 1833, Caroline J b 1835, Adolphine W b 1837, Caroline J b 1839,
Juliane C b 1841, Carl E b 1843, Caroline H b 1845, Caroline J b 1847, Georg A b 1849,
Auguste J b 1856.
Henriette Wilhelmine Kolle b c1808, m Georg August Heberle 17.11.1831 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN CHRISTIAN HEBERLE (son of Christian Matthias, b1773 m Lowen)
Christiane Friedericia Wilhelmine Heberle b 16.10.1804 CZ, d 9.4.1865 CZ.
Johanne Christiane Henriette Heberle b 9.6.1807 CZ, d 18.1.1815 CZ.
Carl August Theodor Heberle b 19.12.1810 CZ, d 20.1.1815 CZ.
Georg Friedrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 13.6.1812 CZ, d 21.10.1848 CZ, m C Kutscher
1837. Children: August C b 1839, Caroline G b 1845, Caroline G b 1847.
Christiane Henriette Kutscher b c1814, m Georg Friedrich Heberle 8.10.1837 CZ.
FAMILY OF CASPAR HEINRICH HEBERLE (father Johann Friedrich, b 1757, m Kierig)
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Johann Carl Ludewij Heberle Bergmann miner, b 17.7.1783 CZ, m J Bergener 1809, m J
Pein 1833, d 27.11.1836 CZ.
Johanne Magdalene Bergener b c1785, m Johann C L Heberle 27.8.1809 CZ.
Johanne Christiane Pein b x.11.1786, m Johann C L Heberle 1.9.1833 CZ, d 5.12.1859 CZ.
Johann Caspar Heberle b 8.6.1785 CZ, d 3.2.1845 CZ.
Johanna Christiane Henriette Heberle b 11.5.1788 CZ, d 20.1.1807 CZ.
Johann Heinrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 10.1.1789 CZ, d 27.9.1830 CZ, m J Pein
1814. Children: Georg C b 1815, Johanne H b 1818, Georg Carl b 1821, Heinrich A b b 1824,
Georg C b 1826, Heinrich L b 1830.
Johanne Catharine Henriette Pein b c1791, m Johann Heinrich Heberle 1814.
Johanna Eleonora Henrietta Heberle b 12.7.1792 CZ.
FAMILY OF CHRISTIAN LUDEWIJ HEBERLE (son of Johann Matthias, b 1745, m Zeuner)
Catharina Jacobina Heberle b 14.9.1771 CZ, d 3.1.1831 CZ.
Johanna Friedericia Heberle b 2.2.1773 CZ, d 3.11.1779 CZ.
Christina Luisa Henriette Heberle b 18.5.1776 CZ, d 22.6.1776 CZ.
Christian Gottlieb Wilhelm Heberle b 31.3.1782 CZ, d 8.5.1782 CZ.
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Heberle b 8.4.1786 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN ANDREAS HEBERLE (son of Johann Nikolaus, b1745, m Schmidt,
Johanne Elisabeth Heberle b 11.3.1774 CZ.
Johann Christian Ludewij Heberle b 9.2.1777 CZ, d 17.10.1777 CZ.
Johanne Christiane Heberle b 21.10.1779 CZ.
Dorothea Luisa Friedericia Heberle b 2.2.1786 CZ.
Christian Carl Friedrich Heberle b 17.8.1789 CZ, d 1.12.1790 CZ.
FAMILY OF CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH HEBERLE (son of Johann Nikolau, b1759, m
Bremmer, Muller)
Georg Andreas Heberle b 23.12.1785 CZ.
Johanne Friedericia Heberle b 12.8.1787 CZ, d 8.11.1861 CZ.
Georg Christian Heberle b 1.5.1792 CZ, m L Pichelmeyer 1821, m W Deppen 1838, d
1.2.1839 CZ
Louise Henriette Pichelmeyer b x.12.1794 CZ, m Georg Christian Heberle 11.6.1821 CZ, d
7.5.1837 CZ.
Wilhelmine Louise Deppen b c1794, m Georg Christian Heberle 7.10.1838 CZ.
Heinrich Carl August Heberle Bergmann miner, b 17.9.1795 CZ, d 12.3.1875 CZ, m J
Schlinker 1821. Children: Johanne C b 1829, Johanne C b 1831, Carl A b 1833, Johanne C b
1835, Georg K b 1837, Johanne C b 1840, August E b 1843, Johanne A b 1845.
Johanne Elisabeth Schlinker b x.1.1803, m Heinrich Carl A Heberle 3.6.1821 CZ , d
8.5.1882 CZ.
FAMILY OF GEORG ANDREAS HEBERLE (son of Manuel, b1738, m Morgenstein)
Georg Philipp Heberle b 21.5.1767 CZ, d 4.3.1806 CZ, m D Drobel 1793. Children:Johann A
b 1794, Johanne A b 1795, Catharina H b 1797, Carolina L b 1800, Heinrich C b 1802.
Dorothea Henriette DroBel/Drossel b c1770, m Georg Philipp Heberle 2.6.1793 CZ.
Johanne Christiane Henriette Heberle b 25.4.1769 CZ.
Friedrich Heinrich Heberle b 15.2.1772 CZ, d 18.8.1772 CZ.
Christian Leopold Heberle b 9.5.1774 CZ, d 8.1.1777 CZ.
Johanna Catharina Christiana Heberle b 11.8.1776 CZ, d 21.1.1777 CZ.
FAMILY OF CARL HEINRICH HEBERLE (son of Adam Leopold, b1747, m Bobin)
Johann Heinrich Julius Eberle/Heberle b 6.5.1773 CZ, m C Osten 1794. Children: Johanna
H b 1795, Johann C b 1798, Georg H b 1799, Juliane W b 1801, Carl A b 1804.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Christiane Sophia Osten b c1775, m Johann H J Heberle 4.3.1794 CZ.
Johann Friedrich Heberle b 6.5.1773 CZ, d 17.8.1831 CZ.
Henriette Friedericia Heberle b 26.2.1778 CZ, d 23.12.1857 CZ.
Ernestine Henriette Heberle b 18.11.1780 CZ, d 9.6.1838 CZ.
Georg Christian Heberle b 15.2.1784 CZ, d 12.10.1788 CZ.
Georg Heinrich Heberle b 12.10.1786 CZ, d 24.3.1787 CZ.
Johann Heinrich Heberle b 24.11.1788 CZ.
FAMILY OF FRIEDRICH LUDEWIJ HEBERLE (son of Heinrich, b 1755, m Beckmann
Christian Friedrich Ludewij Heberle Oberschlammer haldenaufseher mine processing
worker, tailings supervisor, b 3.10.1780 CZ, m S H Muller 1806, d 7.6.1869 CZ. Children:
Carl L b 1815.
Sophie Henriette Muller b c1782, m Christian F Heberle 28.9.1806 CZ.
Georg Carl Julius Heberle b 23.11.1782 CZ, d 13.2.1798 CZ.
Carl Wilhelm Heberle Bergmann miner b 8.4.1785 CZ m J Ruhen 1806, d 22.4.1828 CZ.
Children: Friedrich W b 1815, Friedrich W b 1820, Auguste W b 1822, Dorothe C b 1825.
Johanna Dorothe Augustine Ruhen b c1787, m Carl Wilhelm Heberle 26.5.1806 CZ.
Johanna Charlotte Juliane Heberle b 22.1.1788 CZ, m G A Muller 23.4.1810 CZ, d
29.10.1846 CZ.
Johann August Wilhelm Heberle Bergmann miner b 5.9.1790 CZ, m H Becker 1818, d
13.1.1840 CZ. Children: Ernst W b 1818, Augustine W b 1820, Johanne C b 1823, Auguste J
b 1825, Heinrich L b 1828, Carl W b 1830, Carl F b 1833, Cecile L b 1835.
Henriette Wilhelmine Becker b 15.3.1790 CZ, m Johann A W Heberle 6.6.1818 Karlshafen
d 16.6.1870 CZ.
Johann Christian Wilhelm Heberle b 8.8.1793 CZ, d 17.8.1817 CZ.
Christian Julius Heberle b 28.3.1796 CZ, d 12.5.1796 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN PHILIPP HEBERLE (son of Heinrich Reinhard, b 1735, m Thiele)
Heinrich Friedrich Heberle b 27.12.1759 CZ, m D Marten. Children: Johanne D b 1787,
Johanne C b 1788, Johann C b 1791.
Dorothea Henriette Marten b c1764, m Heinrich Friedrich Heberle, d 23.1.1816 CZ.
Johanna Carolina Heberle b 31.7.1762 CZ d 15.9.1847 CZ.
Carl August Heberle b 12.4.1765 CZ, m J Meyer 1794, m D Bergmann 1812. Children: Carl
C b 1795, Carl F b 1799, Heinrich A b 1808.
Johanne Charlotte Henriette Meyer b 1759, m Carl August Heberle 6.3.1794 CZ, d
25.12.1811 CZ.
Dorothea Caroline Bergmann b c1760, m Carl August Heberle 26.12.1812 CZ.
Johanna Carolina Heberle b 25.8.1767 CZ, d 15.9.1847 CZ.
Johann Friedrich Heberle b 30.5.1770 CZ.
Dorothea Christiane Henriette Heberle b 7.1.1774 CZ, d 9.5.1844 CZ.
Georg August Heberle b 20.9.1776 CZ, d 28.3.1839 CZ.
FAMILY OF GEORG CHRISTIAN HEBERLE (father unknown, b c1770)
Sophie Elisabeth Heberle b 27.11.1793 CZ, d 25.7.1868 CZ.
Johann Heinrich Andreas Julius Heberle Bergmann miner, b 17.8.1800 CZ, m J Drossel
1820, d 17.2.1851 CZ. Children: Christiane F b 1821, Heinrich C b 1823, Heinrich C b 1827.
Johanne Catharina Drossel/DroBel b c1802, m Johann Heinrich Heberle 20.8.1820 CZ.
Georg Friedrich Heberle b x.4.1794, d 3.6.1851 CZ.
Heinrich Julius Heberle b x.9.1795, d 25.1.1809 CZ.
Georg Christian Heberle b x.1.1786, d 29.2.1788 CZ.
Johann Heinrich Heberle b x.7.1788, d 31.12.1788 CZ.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Carl Heinrich Heberle b 1755, d 10.12.1795 CZ.
Johann Caspar Heberle b x.10.1790, d 7.11.1790 CZ.
Christina Augustine Heberle b x.1.1793, d 13.2.1794 CZ.
Karl August Christian Heberle Bergmann miner, b 22.3.1823 CZ, m E Sattermann 1864, d
28.1.1877 CZ. Children: Henriette W b 1872, Karl L b c1874.
Ernestine Henriette Friederike Sattermann b 7.3.1821, m Karl A Heberle 29.9.1864 CZ, d
25.8.1876 CZ.
Georg August Christian Heberle b x.5.1849 CZ, d 27.3.1852 CZ.
Johann Carl Ludewij Heberle b x.1.1808, d 16.10.1810 CZ.
Heinrich Wilhelm Heberle b x.10.1805, d 18.4.1822 CZ.
Johann Gottlieb Heberle b 1800, d 22.2.1823 CZ.
Heinrich Wilhelm Heberle b x.2.1807, d 27.2.1816 CZ.
Caroline Henriette Heberle b x.12.1820 CZ, d 22.5.1821 CZ.
FAMILY OF CARL FRIEDRICH HEBERLE (son of Gottlieb b 1808, m Hille)
Sophie Caroline Heberle b 20.11.1833 CZ. Migrated to USA 1854.
Carl Heinrich Friedrich Heberle b 1.2.1835 CZ. Migrated to USA 1854.
Carl Ludwij Heberle b 16.12.1837 CZ. Migrated to USA 1854.
Johanne Marie Henriette Heberle b 13.10.1839 CZ. Migrated to USA 1854.
Johanne Auguste Juliane Adolphine Heberle b 15.10.1842 CZ. Migrated to USA 1854
FAMILY OF FRIEDRICH LUDWIJ HEBERLE (son of Gottlieb b 1810, m Grossheim)
Auguste Georgine Emilie Henriette (Augusta) Heberle b 12.6.1836 CZ. Migrated to South
Australia 1855.
Heinrich Carl Christian Carl (Carl) Heberle b 4.8.1838 CZ. Migrated to South Australia
Caroline Sophia Pilz b c 1839 Germany ? m Heinrich Carl Christian (Carl) Heberle 1.3.1859
South Australia. Migrated to South Australia 1855.
Johanne Juliane Georgina Ernestine (Johanne) Heberle b 15.10.1842 CZ. Migrated to
South Australia 1855.
Carl Christian Friedrich Ludwig Heberle b 14.12.1844 CZ, d 20.6.1846 CZ.
Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm (William Henry Frederick) Heberle b 6.5.1848 CZ. Migrated to
South Australia 1855.
FAMILY OF AUGUST FRIEDRICH HEBERLE (son of Gottlieb, b 1812, m Papst)
Carl August Wilhelm (William) Heberle b 18.7.1838 CZ. Migrated to South Australia 1851.
Carl Christian Friedrich August (Carl) Heberle b 18.10.1840 CZ. Migrated to South
Australia 1851.
Auguste Wilhelmine Heberle b 2.2.1843 CZ, d 4.2.1849 CZ.
Carl August Hermann Ludwig (Herman) Heberle b 24.12.1846 CZ. Migrated to South
Australia 1851.
Friedrich August (Frederick) Heberle b 22.7.1849 CZ. Migrated to South Australia 1851.
Rebecca Horsell b c 1850 Germany ? m Frederick Heberle 25.12.1875 South Australia.
Carl (Charles) Heberle b 1851 Germany ? Migrated to South Australia 1851.
Other children born in Australia.
FAMILY OF GEORG HEINRICH FJ HEBERLE (son of Gottlieb Friedrich, b 1814, m
Carl Georg Ernst Ludwij Heberle b 12.7.1840 CZ. Migrated to USA 1854.
Wilhelm August Ferdinand Heberle b 11.7.1845 CZ. Migrated to USA 1854.
Ludwij Friedrich Eduard Heberle b 15.1.1849 CZ. Migrated to USA 1854.
Adolph Carl Wilhelm Zwillinge Heberle b 15.1.1849, d 7.7.1849 CZ.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
FAMILY OF AUGUST CARL HEBERLE (son of Johann August, b 1797, m Himmler)
Carl August Christian Heberle Puchsteiger mine crusher foreman ? b 22.3.1823 CZ m T
Liebegeld 1848, m E Satterman 29.9.1864 CZ, d 28.1.1877 CZ. Children: Louise J b 1861,
Henriette WK b 1872, Karl L b 1874.
Thusmald Antonie Auralia Liebegeld m Carl A C Heberle 9.11.1848 CZ.
EHF Satterman m Carl AC Heberle 29.9.1864 CZ.
Ernst Ludewij Theodor Heberle b 1.8.1827 CZ, d 8.12.1893 CZ.
Carl Christian Friedrich Julius Heberle b 14.9.1832 CZ, d 31.3.1882 CZ.
Caroline Auguste Ernestine Henriette Heberle b 22.8.1835 CZ, d 15.9.1885 CZ. Child:
Charlotte A b 1861.
Carl August Theodor Heberle b 3.4.1838 CZ.
FAMILY OF ERNEST FRIEDRICH L HEBERLE (son of Johann August b 1797, m Stopp)
Ernst Julius Theodor Heberle b 2.7.1831 CZ, d 13.7.1831 CZ.
Ernst Friedrich Heberle b 3.1.1832 CZ, d 3.1.1832 CZ.
Ernst Christian Julius Heberle Bergmann miner, b 27.5.1833 CZ, m J Tost 1860CZ. Child:
Karl-H b 1862.
Johanne Karoline Adolfine Tost b 23.12.1835, m Ernst C J Heberle 26.12.1860 CZ.
Friedrich Julius Theodor Heberle b 26.10.1835 CZ, d 9.9.1836 CZ.
FAMILY OF GEORG HEINRICH C HEBERLE (son of Georg Andreas, b 1782)
Johann Georg Gottlieb Heberle b 28.12.1798 CZ, d 31.12.1800 CZ.
Johanna Christiane Henriette Heberle b 10.6.1799 CZ, d 25.7.1799 CZ.
Sophie Juliane Henriette Heberle b 25.8.1800 CZ, d 6.4.1885 CZ.
Georg Gottlieb Heberle b 24.11.1803 CZ, d 7.3.1806 CZ.
FAMILY OF GEORG HEINRICH G HEBERLE (son of Georg Andreas, b 1796, m Gutkas)
Carl Heinrich Christian Heberle Bergmann miner, Ingenieur Engineer at Friedrichssegen
mine c1885-1900, b 11.1.1823 CZ, d 23.11.1909 Oberlahnstein, m Agnes Emilie Schorler
4.5.1848 CZ. Children: Gottlieb H b 1849, August F b 1864.
FAMILY OF JOHANN CASPAR HEBERLE (son of August Christian, b 1790, m Heyer)
Carl August Wilhelm Heberle b 27.4.1809 CZ, d 22.2.1811 CZ.
Carl August Wilhelm Heberle b 10.8.1811 CZ, d 7.8.1812 CZ.
Augustine Wilhelmine Heberle b 23.7.1813 CZ, d 12.5.1816 CZ.
Johanne Juliane Henriette Heberle b 17.2.1816 CZ.
Carl Heinrich Heberle b 6.11.1818 CZ, m M Aselmeyer. Children: Georg H b 1842, Johanne
M b 1849, Heinrich F b 1851, Marianne W b 1854, Auguste b 1855.
Maria Catharina Aselmeyer b c1825, m Carl Heinrich Heberle.
Caroline Henriette Heberle b 6.11.1818 CZ, d 15.6.1820 CZ.
Caroline Augustine Heberle b 30.5.1821 CZ, d15.8.1847 CZ.
Johanne Marie Henriette Heberle b 15.7.1824 CZ, d 16.10.1878 CZ.
Carl August Wilhelm Heberle Bergmann miner, b 5.12.1826 CZ, m J Schwabe 1854, d
16.10.1878 CZ. Children: Friederike J b1852, Carl A b 1856, August F b 1859, Louise H b
1861, Karl W b 1864, Albrecht W b 1870.
Johanne Juliane Luise Schwabe b 17.11.1828, m Carl August W Heberle 18.6.1854 CZ.
Dorothea Wilhelmine Louise Heberle b 31.12.1830 CZ, d 19.6.1903 CZ.
FAMILY OF CARL HEINRICH C HEBERLE (son of August Christian, b 1791, m
Caroline Henriette Heberle b 14.12.1814 CZ, d 16.11.1815 CZ.
Augustine Johanne Juliane Heberle b 29.8.1816 CZ, d 28.3.1895 CZ.
Carl Heinrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 9.10.1818 CZ, m A Bartram 1844 CZ. Children:
Carl H b 1845, Carl H b 1854, Auguste J b 1860.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Augustine Christiane Friederike Bartram b x.12.1818, m Carl Heinrich Heberle 21.4.1844
CZ, d 28.8.1872 CZ.
Caroline Henriette Heberle b 2.12.1820 CZ, d 20.5.1821 CZ.
Carl Wilhelm Heberle b 28.5.1822 CZ, d 4.7.1845 CZ.
Johanne Christiane Juliane Heberle b 8.1.1825 CZ, d 16.6.1826 CZ.
Johann August Heberle b 15.3.1827 CZ, d 21.4.1828 CZ.
Johanna Christiane Louise Heberle b 18.10.1829 CZ, m J Rebentisch 19.3.1854 CZ, d
13.12.1901 CZ.
FAMILY OF GEORG AUGUST J HEBERLE (son of August Christian, b 1805, m Kolle)
August Wilhelm Heberle Bergmann miner, b 11.1.1833 CZ, m J Degen 1859, d 1.2.1890
CZ. Children: Gustav A b 1860, Johanne K b 1862, Johanne K b 1864, Karoline W b 1869,
Julia W b 1874, Auguste W b 1879.
Johanne Caroline Charlotte Degen b 28.4.1837, m August W Heberle 7.4.1859 CZ.
Caroline Juliane Augustine Christiane Heberle b 24.1.1835 CZ, d 18.7.1916 CZ.
Adolphine Wilhelmine Friederike Caroline Sophie Heberle b 25.3.1837 CZ, d 16.3.1839
Caroline Juliane Henriette Heberle b 26.1.1839 CZ, d 29.4.1910 CZ.
Juliane Christiane Wilhelmine Heberle b 15.2.1841 CZ, d 12.5.1842 CZ.
Karl Ernst Heinrich Wilhelm Heberle Bergmann miner, b 23.9.1843 CZ, m J Schiefler 1870,
d 8.8.1906 CZ. Children: Friederike W b 1870, Georg H b 1874, Fritz L b 1878, Ernst L b
1880, Karoline b 1882, Theodor E b 1884, Carl A b 1886.
Johanne Auguste Wilhelmine Schiefler b 8.11.1850, m Carl EHW Heberle 8.5.1870 CZ.
Caroline Henriette Anna Heberle b 21.10.1845 CZ.
Caroline Juliane Emilie Louise Heberle b 6.7.1847 CZ, d 8.9.1919 CZ.
Georg August Christian Hugo Heberle b 3.5.1849 CZ, d 27.3.1852 CZ.
Auguste Juliane Caroline Wilhelmine Heberle b 7.6.1856 CZ.
FAMILY OF GEORG FRIEDRICH HEBERLE (son of Johann Christian, b 1812, m
August Christian Friedrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 13.1.1839 CZ, m J Diener 1867, d
9.11.1893 CZ. Children: Karl C b 1868, Louise J b 1870, Carl A b 1873, Friederike L b 1875,
Ernst A b 1882.
Johanne Eleonora Henriette Diener b 2.10.1841, m August C F Heberle 26.12.1867 CZ.
Caroline Georgine Christiane Heberle b 19.4.1845 CZ. Child: Karl A b 1869.
Caroline Georgine Juliane Auguste Heberle b 19.3.1847 CZ, d 6.8.1926 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN HEINRICH HEBERLE (son of Caspar Heinrich, b 1789, m Pein)
Georg Carl Heinrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 31.3.1815 CZ, d 11.11.1843 CZ, m J
Reinecke 1840. Children: Caroline W b 1837, Carl H b 1839, Heinrich A b 1840, Johanne C b
1841, Georg C b 1844.
Juliane Louise Reinecke b c1817, m Georg Carl H Heberle x.7.1840 CZ.
Johanne Henriette Caroline Heberle b 1.9.1818 CZ.
Georg Carl Julius Heberle Bergmann miner, b 5.4.1821 CZ, m J Cramer 1853, d 24.11.1874
CZ Children: Caroline W b 1854, Johann K b 1862, Georg K b 1865.
Johanne Augustine Henriette Karoline Cramer b 8.10.1821, m Georg Carl J Heberle
9.6.1853 CZ.
Heinrich August Wilhelm Heberle Bergmann miner, b 18.12.1824 CZ, d 15.1.1883 CZ, m C
Muller. Children: Christian J b 1853, Auguste C b 1854, Henriette A b 1856, Henriette J b
Caroline Reinhardine Henriette Erasme Muller b c1842, m Heinrich AW Heberle.
Georg Carl Wilhelm Heberle Bergmann miner, b 20.9.1826 CZ, m C Meyer 1867. Child:
Caspar A b 1869.
Caroline Henriette Georgine Meyer b 16.12.1843 CZ, m Georg Carl W Heberle 13.10.1867
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Heinrich Ludewij Theodor Heberle. Bergmann miner, b 1.5.1830 CZ, d 8.1.1870 CZ.
FAMILY OF HEINRICH CARL A HEBERLE(son of Christian Friedrich, b 1795, m
Johanne Christiane Friederike Heberle b 14.12.1823 CZ, d 29.7.1894 CZ.
Johanne Caroline Augustine Heberle b 21.3.1829 CZ, d 1.4.1830 CZ.
Johanne Caroline Christiane Heberle b 27.1.1831 CZ, d 21.10.1839 CZ.
Carl August Heberle b 26.4.1833 CZ, d 14.10.1839 CZ.
Johanne Christiane Henriette Heberle b 22.6.1835 CZ.
Georg Karl Wilhelm Heberle b 29.9.1837 CZ.
Johanne Caroline Philippine Elisabeth Heberle b 25.8.1840 CZ, d 29.4.1909 CZ.
August Eduard Wilhelm Heberle Bergmann miner, b 15.5.1843 CZ, m A Tost 1868, d
8.5.1888 CZ.
Auguste Henriette Wilhelmine Tost b 3.8.1844 CZ, m August E W Heberle 23.2.1868 CZ.
Johanne Auguste Wilhelmine Friederike Heberle b 19.7.1845 CZ.
FAMILY OF GEORG PHILIPP HEBERLE (son of Georg Andreas, b 1767, m Drobel)
Johann Andreas Julius Heberle b 19.6.1794 CZ, d 4.8.1852 CZ.
Johanne Auguste Eleonora Heberle b 8.3.1796 CZ.
Catharina Henriette Friedericia Heberle b 4.8.1797 CZ, d 25.10.1874 CZ.
Carolina Louise Heberle b 15.1.1800 CZ, d 14.6.1800 CZ.
Heinrich Christian Friedrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 1.1.1802 CZ, d 20.7.1849 CZ, m
AW Eichlor 1833. Children: Heinrich F b1836, Caroline E b 1838, Carl F b 1841, Ernst A b
Augustine Wilhelmine Eichlor b 27.12.1802 CZ, m Heinrich Christian Heberle 29.9.1833 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN HEINRICH J HEBERLE (son of Georg Christian, b1758, m Osten)
Johanna Henrietta Heberle b 3.2.1795 CZ.
Johann Carl Wilhelm Heberle b 23.12.1798 CZ, d 1798 CZ.
Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Heberle b 19.9.1799 CZ, d 14.3.1800 CZ.
Juliane Wilhelmine Heberle b 14.1.1801 CZ, d 26.2.1852 CZ.
Carl August Heberle b 18.2.1804 CZ, d 25.3.1837 CZ.
FAMILY OF CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH HEBERLE(son of Friedrich Ludewij, b 1780, m
Carl Ludwig/Ludewij Heberle Bergmann
miner, b 29.11.1815 m J Feyhe 1844, m F
Bohnstedt 1864, d 2.12.1904. Children: Carl F b 1846, Johann A b 1850, Carl W b 1852.
Johanne Sophie Feyhe b x.1.1825, m Carl L Heberle 27.10.1844 CZ, d 16.6.1862 CZ.
Friederike Marie Christiane Bohnstedt b 5.11.1826 CZ, m Carl L Heberle 2.10.1864 CZ.
Carl August Heberle b 9.5.1818 CZ, d 1893 Duisburg-Hochfield.
FAMILY OF CARL WILHELM HEBERLE (son of Friedrich Ludewij, b 1785, m Ruhen)
Georg Heinrich Friedrich Carl Heberle Bergmann miner, b 26.3.1806 CZ, d 29.8.1869 CZ,
m C Delert 1840. Children: Heinrich A b 1841, Christian F b1842, Heinrich W b 1846,
Christiane H b 1849.
Caroline Juliane Delert b c1820, m Heinrich Friedrich C Heberle 20.4.1840 CZ.
Friedrich Wilhelm Heberle b 27.12.1815 CZ, d 28.7.1817 CZ.
Friedrich Wilhelm Heberle b 13.7.1820 CZ, d 26.2.1821 CZ.
Auguste Wilhelmine Heberle b 11.3.1822 CZ.
Dorothea Caroline Heberle b 3.6.1825 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN AUGUST W HEBERLE(son of Friedrich Ludewij, b 1785, m Becker)
Ernst Wilhelm Heberle Oberschlammer mine processing worker ? b 27.10.1818 CZ. See
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Heberles who moved elsewhere
Augustine Wilhelmine Heberle b 14.9.1820 CZ, d 1.4.1831 CZ.
Henriette Luise Heberle b 30.12.1822 CZ, d 9.6.1830 CZ.
Johanne Christiane Friederike Heberle b 14.1.1823 CZ, d 29.7.1894 CZ.
Auguste Johanne Henriette Heberle b 13.4.1825 CZ, d 12.2.1907 CZ, m Friedrich Ey
9.9.1849 CZ.
Heinrich Ludewij Theodor Heberle b 4.1.1828 CZ. See Heberle who moved elsewhere
Carl Wilhelm Heberle b 7.10.1830 CZ. See Heberle who moved elsewhere
Carl Friedrich Hermann Heberle Handlungslehrlg mine apprentice worker, b 16.5.1833 CZ,
d 18.4.1852 CZ.
Cacilie Luise Heberle b 6.9.1835 CZ, d 11.11.1913, m Eduard Strauch x.12.1863.
Ernst August Heberle b 21.9.1839 CZ, d 25.11.1840 CZ.
FAMILY OF HEINRICH FRIEDRICH HEBERLE (son of Johann Philipp b 1759, m Marten)
Johanne Dorothea Henrietta Heberle b 14.5.1787 CZ.
Johanne Catharina Henrietta Heberle b 10.12.1788 CZ.
Johann Carl Julius Heberle b 27.4.1791 CZ, d 3.9.1834 CZ, m J Rademann 1812. Children:
Johann H b 1813, Carl F b 1816, Caroline J b 1823, Augustine F b 1825, Carl F b 1825,
Johanne C b 1830.
Johanne Henriette Friedericia Rademann b 1789, m Johann Carl Heberle 11.10.1812 CZ, d
16.11.1842 CZ.
FAMILY OF CARL AUGUST HEBERLE (son of Johann Philipp, b 1765, m Meyer)
Carl Christoph Friedrich Heberle b 9.3.1795 CZ.
Carl Friedrich Leopold Heberle Fuhrmann coachman wagoneer ? b 13.3.1799 CZ, m JJE
Moritz 1836, d 10.9.1870 CZ. Children: Heinrich C b 1838.
Johanne Juliane Eleonora Moritz b 3.3.1799, m Carl Friedrich L Heberle 23.10.1836 CZ , d
31.10.1877 CZ.
Heinrich August Friedrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 10.1.1808 CZ, m J Bergmann 1833,
d 20.9.1875 CZ. Children: Heinrich A b 1834, Heinrich A b 1836, Johanne A b 1838, Carl A b
1842, Henriette A b 1843, Henriette A b 1846, August F b 1848.
Johanne Auguste Caroline Bergmann b c1810, m Heinrich A F Heberle 3.11.1833 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN HEINRICH AJ HEBERLE (son of Georg Christian, b 1800, m
Christiane Friedericia Henriette Heberle b 19.1.1821 CZ, d 6.9.1908 CZ.
Heinrich Christian Julius Heberle b 12.9.1823 CZ, m L Hammer, d 23.6.1891 CZ. Children:
Georg C b 1850, Carl H b 1852, Friedrich E b 1855.
Luise Christiane Amalie Hammer, nee Waldhunter, b c1825, m Heinrich C J Heberle.
Heinrich Christian Julius Heberle Bergmann miner, b 20.12.1826 CZ, m C Schneider 1858,
m J Glasner 1874, d 10.1.1894 CZ. Child: Johanne A b 1859.
Charlotte Caroline Wilhelmine Schneider b 16.12.1825, m Heinrich C J Heberle 3.10.1858
CZ, d 16.9.1872 CZ.
Johanne Caroline Glasner b 14.1.1831, m Heinrich C J Heberle 1.2.1874 CZ.
FAMILY OF KARL AUGUST HEBERLE (father unknown, b 1823, m Sattermann)
Henriette Wilhelmine Karol Heberle b x.2.1872 CZ, d 29.4.1877 CZ.
Karl Louis Friedrich Heberle b c 1874, d 23.4.1878 CZ.
Georg Karl Friedrich Heberle b 3.8.1844, d 14.2.1865 CZ.
Georg Ludewij Wilhelm Heberle b 1829, d 30.3.1833 CZ.
Carl Wilhelm Heberle b x.2.1832, d 20.8.1833 CZ.
Friedrich Wilhelm Heberle b x.1.1818, d 28.7.1819 CZ.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Louisa Henriette Heberle b c 1810. Child: Albert A b 1833 CZ.
Carl August Heberle b x.5.1833, d 14.10.1839 CZ.
Georg Carl Anton Caspar Heberle b x.2.1844, d 26.11.1844 CZ.
Carl Christian Friedrich Ludwij Heberle b x.12.1844, d 20.6.1846 CZ.
Ernst Theodor Heberle b x.4.1846, d 11.2.1847 CZ.
Friedrich August Ferdinand Heberle b x.5.1811, d 25.2.1821 CZ.
Johann Christian Julian Heberle b 1818, d 16.6.1826 CZ.
Carl August Heinrich Heberle b x.12.1827, d 28.8.1829 CZ.
Heinrich Andreas Heberle b x.12.1804, d 17.3.1806 CZ.
Johanne Caroline Henriette Auguste Heberle b x.12.1844, d 13.5.1846 CZ.
Johanne Christiane Friederike Heberle b 8.10.1847, d 30.10.1847 CZ.
Auguste Wilhelmine Heberle b x.1.1843, d 4.2.1849 CZ.
Bertha Emma Elwine Amynta Heberle b x.11.1847, d 26.9.1851 CZ.
FAMILY OF CARL AUGUST C HEBERLE (son of AugustCarl, b 1823, m Liebegold, m
Louise Juliane Henriette Wilhelmine Heberle b 1.12.1861 CZ.
Henriette WK Heberle b x.2.1872 CZ, d 29.4.1877 CZ.
Karl Louis F Heberle b c1874, d 23.4.1878 CZ.
FAMILY OF CAROLINE HEBERLE (father August Carl, b 1835, d 1885)
Charlotte Augustina Emma Heberle b 23.9.1861 CZ.
FAMILY OF ERNST CHRISTIAN J HEBERLE (son of Ernst Friedrich, b 1833, m Tost)
Carl/Karl Heinrich Ludwij Heberle Huttenmann metallurgist ? b 8.3.1862 CZ, m S Giesecke
1887. Children: Juliane J b 1887, Wilhelmine O b 1888.
Sophie Dorothee Ottilie Giesecke m Karl H L Heberle 14.5.1887 CZ.
FAMILY OF CARL AUGUST W HEBERLE (son of Johann Caspar, b 1826, m Schwabe)
Friederike Johanne Louise Anna Heberle b 23.4.1852 CZ, d 19.12.1935 CZ, m Karl
Friedrich Wilhelm Schubert.
Carl August Albert Ludwij Heberle Bergmann miner b 30.10.1856 CZ (or 25.3.1857 ?) m A
Wedemeyer 1891, d 8.3.1923 CZ. Child: Luise J b 1891.
Antoinette Luise Julie Hermine Auguste Wedemeyer m Carl A A L Heberle 12.9.1891 CZ.
August Friedrich Adolph Heberle b 19.4.1859 CZ.
Loise Henriette Heberle b 22.2.1861 CZ.
Karl Wilhelm Adolf Heberle b 3.11.1864 CZ, d 4.5.1865 CZ.
Albrecht Wilhelm Ernst Heberle b 5.9.1870 CZ.
FAMILY OF CARL HEINRICH HEBERLE (son of Carl Heinrich, b 1818, m Bartram)
Carl Heinrich Friedrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 26.2.1845 CZ, m J Zimmer 1869, m G
Hauenschild 1873, d 8.3.1895 CZ. Child: Helene J b 1871.
Friederike Mathilde Zimmer b 1.6.1849, m Carl H F Heberle 9.5.1869 CZ, d 4.5.1871 CZ.
Georgine Henriette Auguste Hauenschild b 7.9.1842 CZ, m Carl H F Heberle 26.1.1873
Carl Heinrich August Friedrich Heberle b 14.8.1854 CZ. Moved to Goslar.
Auguste Juliane Armalie Wilhelmine Heberle b 9.2.1860 CZ.
FAMILY OF AUGUST WILHELM HEBERLE (son of Georg August b 1833, m Degen)
Gustav August Heinrich Wilhelm Heberle b 8.3.1860 CZ, m ASC Schreyer 17.7.1888 CZ.
Child: Albert J b 1893.
A S C Schreyer b c1862, m Gustav August Heberle.
Johanne Karoline Wilhelmine Heberle b 25.4.1862 CZ.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Johanne Karoline Henriette Auguste Heberle b 4.11.1864 CZ.
Karoline Wilhelmine Auguste Heberle b 5.2.1869 CZ.
Julia Wilhelmine Ida Heberle b 2.6.1874 CZ.
Auguste Wilhelmine Marie Sophie Heberle b 24.3.1879 CZ, d 12.6.1962 CZ.
FAMILY OF KARL ERNST H HEBERLE (son of Georg August, b 1843, m Schiefler)
Friederike Wilhelmine Henriette Mathilde Heberle b 2.7.1870 CZ, d 13.8.1951 CZ.
Georg Heinrich Wilhelm Friedrich Arnold Heberle b 5.6.1874 CZ.
Fritz Louis Karl Martin Heberle b 23.6.1878 CZ, d 2.10.1878 CZ.
Ernst Louis Theodor Johann Heberle b 9.2.1880 CZ, d 16.4.1880 CZ.
Karoline Heberle b 9.12.1882 CZ.
Theodor Ernst Wilhelm Fritz Karl Heberle b 4.12.1884, d 24.3.1885 CZ
Carl August Fritz Johann Heberle b 26.2.1886, d 14.11.1957 CZ.
FAMILY OF AUGUST CHRISTIAN (son of Georg Friedrich b 1839, m Diener)
Karl Christian Julius Heberle b 20.10.1868 CZ.
Louise Juliane Karoline Heberle b 12.1.1870 CZ, d 8.11.1872 CZ.
Carl August Julius Heberle b 7.9.1873 CZ.
Friederike Loise Caroline Heberle b 5.4.1875 CZ, d 3.2.1943 CZ.
Ernst August Johanne Heberle b 2.3.1882 CZ.
FAMILY OF CAROLINE G C HEBERLE (father Georg Friedrich, b 1845)
Karl August Julius Heberle b 10.9.1869 CZ.
FAMILY OF GEORG CARL H HEBERLE (son of Johann Heinrich, b 1815, m Reinecke)
Caroline Wilhelmine Henriette Heberle b 10.8.1837 CZ, d 6.7.1838 CZ.
Carl Heinrich Wilhelm August Heberle b 21.2.1839 CZ, d 7.11.1839 CZ.
Heinrich August Heberle b 23.8.1840, d 27.8.1840 CZ.
Johanne Caroline Georgine Henriette Heberle b 4.10.1841 CZ.
Georg Carl Anton Caspar Heberle b 5.1.1844 CZ, d 26.10.1844 CZ.
FAMILY OF GEORG CARL J HEBERLE (son of Johann Heinrich, b 1821, m Cramer)
Caroline Wilhelmine Theodora Cathrin Heberle b 19.9.1854 CZ, d 14.4.1930 CZ.
Johann Karl August Heberle b 25.7.1862 CZ, d 23.1.1863 CZ.
Georg Karl Friedrich Heberle b 18.5.1865 CZ.
FAMILY OF HEINRICH AUGUST W HEBERLE (father Johann H, b 1824, m Muller)
Christian Julius Wilhelm Albert Heberle b 25.2.1853 CZ, d 19.10.1930 CZ.
Auguste Caroline Wilhelmine Georgia Henriette Heberle b 16.1.1854 CZ. Children: Marie
A b 1875, August E b 1878.
Henriette Auguste Mathilde Heberle b 5.10.1856 CZ, d 31.7.1932 CZ. Children: Ernst A b
1869, Wilhelm A b 1880.
Caroline Wilhelmine Bertha Heberle b 26.9.1860 CZ.
Karoline Friederike Henriette Heberle b 29.12.1863 CZ.
Henriette Johanna Julie Heberle b 16.12.1866 CZ, m Heinrich Mueller 26.8.1890 CZ d
13.4.1943 CZ.
Heinrich August Wilhelm Heberle Bergmann miner, b 13.8.1870 CZ, m Caroline W A
Heberle? Child: Anna M b 1908CZ.
FAMILY OF HEINRICH CHRISTIAN F HEBERLE (son of Georg Philipp, b 1802, m Eichlor)
Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Heberle b 26.11.1836 CZ.
Caroline Ernestine Henriette Heberle b 7.9.1838 CZ
Carl Friedrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 4.8.1841 CZ, m J Strauch 1867, d 14.9.1907 CZ.
Children: Ernst K b 1868, Karoline W b 1871.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Johanne Christiane Georgine Strauch b 16.8.1835, m Carl Friedrich Heberle 22.4.1867 CZ.
August Friedrich Ernst Heberle Fuhrmann coachman wagoneer ? b 26.5.1846 CZ, m A
Dorpmund 1873, d 30.11.1905 CZ. Children: Ernst M b 1873, Auguste L b 1875, Georg K b
1877, Wilhelm G b 1879, August K b 1882, Frieda H b 1885, Erich L b 1888, Ernst W b 1903,
Carl L b 1905.
Auguste Caroline Wilhelmine Louise Dorpmund b 4.3.1850, m Ernst A F Heberle 2.2.1873
FAMILY OF CARL LUDEWIG HEBERLE (son of Christian F, b 1815, m Feye 1844)
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Ludewij Heberle Kaufmann shopkeeper, bar and restaurant owner, b
6.12.1846, m A Leunig 1877, d 2.7.1908. Children Lissi b 1878, Hermann b 1879, Willy b
Auguste Karoline Wilhelmine Leunig b 9.6.1855, d 13.5.1922, m Carl Friedrich Wilhelm
Heberle 27.11.1877 CZ.
Johann August Elias Adolph Heberle b 1.1.1850 CZ, d 25.7.1870 CZ.
Carl Wilhelm Ludwig Heberle b 24.7.1852 CZ, d 12.11.1898 CZ.
FAMILY OF HEINRICH FRIEDRICH C HEBERLE (son of Johann Heinrich, b 1823)
Heinrich August Friedrich Heberle Schneidermeister tailor ? b 28.1.1841 CZ, m J
Maschmeiyer 1869.
Johanne Caroline Mathilde Bertha Rebecca Maschmeiyer nee Rehlock, b c1843, m
Heinrich A F Heberle 9.7.1869 CZ.
Christian Friedrich Heberle Bergmann
miner, b 17.12.1842 CZ, m J Kierig 1868, d
14.10.1870 CZ. Child: Auguste K b 1869.
Johanne Christiane Karoline Kierig b 5.10.1844, m Christian F Heberle 23.2.1868 CZ.
Heinrich Wilhelm Heberle b 21.3.1846 CZ, d 17.9.1908 CZ.
Christiane Henriette Heberle b 9.3.1849 CZ, d 16.7.1916 CZ. Child: Henriette W b 1872.
FAMILY OF ERNST WILHELM HEBERLE (son of Johann, b 1818, m Brummer 1851)
Marie Ernestine Henriette Wilhelmine Heberle b 10.3.1853 CZ. See Swedish Heberle.
Ernst August Wilhelm Engelbert Heberle b 7.8.1854 CZ. See Swedish Heberles.
Other children born elsewhere.
FAMILY OF CARL HEINRICH C HEBERLE (son of Georg Heinrich, b 1823, m Aselmeyer)
Georg Heinrich August Heberle b 10.1.1842 CZ.
Johanne Marie Caroline Heberle b 21.4.1849 CZ.
Heinrich Friedrich Elias Heberle b 21.12.1851 CZ.
Marianne Wilhelmine Caroline Heberle b 2.4.1854 CZ.
Auguste Johanne Henriette Heberle b 18.3.1855 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN CARL J HEBERLE (son of Heinrich Friedrich, b 1791, m
Johann Heinrich Christian Heberle Bergmann miner, b 1.12.1813 CZ, m L Winter 1837, d
10.6.1869 CZ. Children: Carl A b 1838 CZ
Louise Juliane Winter b c1814 CZ, m Johann Heinrich C Heberle 1.12.1837 CZ.
Carl Friedrich Heberle b 5.12.1816 CZ, d 20.11.1819 CZ.
Caroline Juliane Heberle b 18.12.1823 CZ, d 18.12.1823 CZ.
Augustine Friederike Juliane Heberle b 18.4.1825 CZ, d 5.12.1893 CZ.
Carl Friedrich Julius Heberle Bergmann miner, b 18.4.1825 CZ, m A Grasler d 9.6.1896
CZ. Children: Johann C b 1849, Johanne G b 1851, Auguste C b 1854, Carl A b 1859.
Augustine Wihelmine Grasler b x.8.1826 CZ, m Carl Friedrich J Heberle 26.7.1849 CZ, d
14.2.1875 CZ.
Johanne Caroline Friederike Heberle b 6.11.1830 CZ, d9.10.1866 CZ.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
FAMILY OF CARL FRIEDRICH L HEBERLE (son of Carl August, b 1799, m Moritz)
Heinrich Christian Friedrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 25.5.1838 CZ, m C Stolze 1837.
Children: Johann C b 1866, Karl H b 1870.
Christiane Henriette Mathilde Stolze b 23.6.1839, m Heinrich C F Heberle 9.7.1865 CZ.
FAMILY OF HEINRICH AUGUST F HEBERLE (son of Carl August, b 1808, m Bergmann)
Heinrich August Ferdinand Heberle b 24.7.1834 CZ, m F Bartholomaeus 1862
30.1.1867 CZ. Children: Johann C b 1862, Minna M b 1864.
Friederike Louise Charlotte Bartholomaeus m Heinrich A F Heberle 2.2.1862 CZ.
Heinrich August Friedrich Heberle b 14.9.1836 CZ, d 15.1.1845 CZ.
Johanne Auguste Christiane Heberle b 3.12.1838 CZ.
Carl August Julius Heberle b 2.4.1842 CZ.
Henriette Auguste Heberle b 16.10.1843 CZ.
Henriette Auguste Ernestine Heberle b 4.7.1846 CZ.
August Friedrich Wilhelm Heberle b 4.12.1848 CZ, d 19.1.1849 CZ.
FAMILY OF HEINRICH CHRISTIAN J HEBERLE (son of Johann H b 1823, m Hammer)
Georg Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Heberle b 15.7.1850 CZ, d 18.12.1850 CZ.
Carl Heinrich August Heberle b 3.7.1852 CZ, d 30.7.1904 CZ.
Friedrich Emil Heberle b 15.3.1855 CZ.
FAMILY OF HEINRICH CHRISTIAN J HEBERLE (son of Johann H b 1827, m Schneider)
Johanne Auguste Emma Heberle b 24.8.1859 CZ.
FAMILY OF LOUISA H HEBERLE ( father ? b c1810, d ?)
Albert August Fritz Wilhelm Heberle b 10.10.1833 CZ.
Johann Albert Martin Heberle b 14.3.1893 CZ, d 15.3.1916 WWI. Soldat (Musketier WWI)
August Heinrich Wilhelm Heberle b 8.3.1860 CZ, m A Schreyer 1888. Child: Albert J b
Auguste Sophie Caroline Schreyer b 25.6.1868, m August H W Heberle 1888.
Ernst August Johann Heberle Bergmann miner, b c1880, m F Schultz. Children: Ernst W b
1903, Carl L b 1905.
Frieda Agnes Wilhelmine Auguste Schultz b c1882, m Ernst A J Heberle.
Johanne Georgina Auguste Caroline Heberle b 28.10.1851 CZ. Child: Caroline A b 1874.
Ernst Ludwig Theodor Heberle Bergmann miner, b c1850, m K Woltenmann 1877.
Karoline Friederike Wilhelmine Woltenmann b c1852, m Ernst L T Heberle 8.5.1877 CZ.
August Emil Theodor Heberle Fuhrmann coachman wagoneer ? b c1875, m H HeB 1896.
Children: Wilhelm M b 1897, Wilhelm A b 1901.
Hermine Minna Bertha HeB (Hess) b c1877, m August E T Heberle 6.4.1896 CZ.
Karl Christian Julius Heberle b x.11.1868, d18.3.1871 CZ.
Karl Wilhelm August Heberle b x.11.1864, d 4.5.1865 CZ.
Johann Christian Friedrich Heberle b x.11.1850, d 19.6.1857 CZ.
Georg Carl Friedrich Heberle b x.7.1850, d 18.12.1850 CZ.
Helene Johanna Amalie Minna Mathilde Heberle b x.4.1871, d 22.12.1871 CZ.
Marianne Wilhelmine Caroline Heberle b x.3.1854, d 30.4.1854 CZ.
FAMILY OF KARL HEINRICH L HEBERLE (son of Ernst Christian, b 1862, m Giesecke)
Juliane Johanne Hedwig Erna Heberle b 11.4.1887 CZ
Wilhelmine Ottilie Luise Heberle b 30.11.1888 CZ.
FAMILY OF CARL AUGUST A L HEBERLE (son of Carl August, b 1856 m Wedemeyer)
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Luise Julie Hermine Auguste Heberle b 27.12.1891 CZ.
FAMILY OF CARL HEINRICH F HEBERLE (son of Carl Heinrich, b 1845, m Zimmer)
Helene Johanne Amalie Minna Mathilde Heberle b 21.4.1871 CZ, d 27.12.1871 CZ.
FAMILY OF GUSTAV AUGUST HW HEBERLE (son of August Wilhelm, b 1860, m
Albert Johann M Heberle b 14.3.1893 CZ.
FAMILY OF AUGUSTE C W H HEBERLE (daughter of Heinrich August, b 1854)
Marie Amalie Auguste Karoline Heberle b 1.9.1875 CZ, d 14.9.1875 CZ.
August Ernst Berthold Wilhelm Julius Heberle b 12.3.1878 CZ, d 18.4.1878 CZ.
FAMILY OF HENRIETTE A HEBERLE (daughter of Heinrich August, b 1856)
Ernst August Louis Heberle Bergmann miner, b 15.8.1869 CZ, m 3.6.1893 CZ, m J Jordan
1893, d 5.7.1913 CZ. Children: August A b 1893, Karl M b 1895, Albert L b 1898, Julius F b
Johanne Sophie Wilhelmine Jordan b c1871, m Ernst A L Heberle 3.6.1893 CZ.
Wilhelm August Friedrich Martin Heberle b 27.6.1880 CZ.
FAMILY OF HEINRICH AUGUST HEBERLE (son of Heinrich August, b 1870, m Heberle
Anna Mathilde Marie Heberle b 20.12.1908 CZ.
FAMILY OF KARL FRIEDRICH HEBERLE (son of Heinrich Christian, b 1841, m Strauch)
Ernst Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 14.2.1868 CZ, m H Kastenbein.
Children: Friedrich C b 1893, Johanne A b 1897, Ernst H b 1899.
Henni Georgine Charlotte Kastenbein b 4.2.1867, m Ernst K W F Heberle.
Karoline Wilhelmine Auguste Heberle b 7.2.1871 CZ, d 29.2.1888 CZ.
FAMILY OF AUGUST FRIEDRICH HEBERLE (son of Heinrich Chrn, b 1846, m
Ernst Martin Carl Heberle Bergmann miner, b 14.5.1873 CZ, m H Brinkmann 1897.
Children: Erich E b 1902, William L b 1905.
Henriette Auguste Antonia Brinkmann b c1875, m Ernst M C Heberle 28.8.1897 CZ.
Auguste Louise Frieda Heberle b 20.6.1875 CZ. Children: Ernestine B b 1896, Wilhelm E b
Georg Karl Louis Friedrich Heberle b 1.10.1877 CZ.
Wilhelm Georg Hermann Heberle Bergmann miner, b 24.10.1879 CZ, m F Fischer, d
6.1.1956 CZ. Children: Auguste W b 1907, Anna E b 1909.
Friederike Caroline Johanne Fischer b c1881, m Wilhelm G H Heberle
August Karl Heinrich Friedrich Heberle b 21.6.1882 CZ, d 28.11.1883 CZ.
Frieda Henriette Emilie Caroline Heberle b 3.5.1885 CZ, d 13.8.1954 CZ.
Erich Luis Martin Heberle b 31.7.1888 CZ.
FAMILY OF CARL FRIEDRICH W HEBERLE (son of Carl Ludewig, b 1846, m Liedig)
Sophia Friederike Louise (Lissi) Charlotte Heberle b 14.8.1878 CZ, m August B Lutter, d
13.9.1966 CZ.
Johannes Julius Ludwij Hermann Heberle Mine management, b 7.9.1879 CZ, m A
Maschmeier, d 16.8.1948 CZ. Children: Ludwig b 1915, Hilde b 1913.
Anna Maschmier b 27.1.1886, m Hermann Heberle, d 27.6.1962.
Wilhelm Karl Friedrich Hermann Heberle b 8.3.1882 CZ, m M Barrmann, d 23.10.1916
Argonnerwald World War II. Children: Ernst A b 1913 CZ.
Minna Barrmann b 5.11.1885, m Wilhelm K F Heberle.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
FAMILY OF CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH HEBERLE (son of Heinrich Frdh, b 1842, m Kierig)
Auguste Karoline Henriette Dorothe Heberle b 1.12.1869 CZ.
FAMILY OF CHRISTIANE H HEBERLE (daughter of Heinrich Friedrich, b 1849, d 1916)
Henriette Wilhelmine Emilie Karoline Heberle b 18.2.1872 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN HEINRICH C HEBERLE (son of Johann Carl, b 1813, m Winter)
Carl August Christian Friedrich Heberle b 10.2.1838 CZ. Migrated to Australia c1854. See
Australian Heberles
FAMILY OF CARL FRIEDRICH J HEBERLE (son of Johann Carl, b 1825, m Grasler)
Johann Christian Friedrich August Wilhelm Heberle b 17.11.1849 CZ d 19.6.1857 CZ.
Johanne Georgine Auguste Caroline Heberle b 28.10.1851 CZ.
Auguste Caroline Wilhelmine Georgine Heberle b 1.2.1854 CZ.
Carl August Wilhelm Heberle Bergmann miner b 18.7.1859 CZ, m A Rossing 1883 CZ.
Children: Karl A b 1884, August W b 1886, Wilhelm C b 1891, Sabine H b 1894.
Auguste Friederike Doris Rossing b 1.12.1863, m Carl A W Heberle 8.11.1883 CZ.
FAMILY OF HEINRICH CHRISTIAN F HEBERLE (son of Carl Friedrich, b 1838, m Stolze)
Johann Conrad August Wilhelm Heberle b 26.3.1866 CZ.
Karl Heinrich Wilhelm Heberle b 20.8.1870 CZ.
Johann Carl August Heberle Bergmann miner, b 21.6.1862 CZ, m M Rusack 1887, d
25.7.1912 Schulenberg. Children: Karl A b 1888, August W b 1889.
Marie Wilhelmine Caroline Rusack b c1864, m Johann C A Heberle 24.9.1887 CZ.
Minna Marie Auguste Heberle b 29.12.1864 CZ.
FAMILY OF AUGUST HEINRICH C HEBERLE (son of ?, b 1860 m Schreyer, d ?)
Albert Johann Martin Heberle b 14.3.1893 CZ.
FAMILY OF ERNST AUGUST J HEBERLE (son of ? b c1880, m Schutz)
Ernst Wilhelm Friedrich Heberle b 16.10.1903 CZ.
Carl/Karl Ludwij Erich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 2.6.1905 CZ, m H Sauerbrey c1928.
Children: Luise A b 1930, Martha H b 1934, Horst W b 1936, Gerhard b 1939.
Hedwig Elisabeth Ella Sauerbrey b c1907, m Karl L E Heberle c1928 in Lerbach ?
FAMILY OF JOHANNE G A C HEBERLE (daughter of ? b 1851)
Caroline Auguste Louise Wilhelmine Heberle b 8.2.1874 CZ.
Wilhelm Martin Emil Heberle b 20.1.1897 CZ.
Wilhelm August Martin Willi Heberle b 30.12.1901 Hannover, d 6.3.1984. Children: KarlHeinz b 1938.
Wilhelm Hermann Friedrich Heberle Bergmann miner in Rammelsburg mine Goslar, b
Goslar, m U Dunkel 1947. Separated 1950. Child: Werner.
Ursula Dunkel m Wilhelm H F Heberle 21.7.1947.
Annaliese Heberle In 1994 lived at Zelweg 11, Clausthal-Zellerfeld.
Ema Heberle In 1994 lived at Buntenbocker Str. 36, Clausthal-Zellerfeld.
Oskar Heberle b c1927? d 1995, buried with headstone in Clausthal cemetery? m Gerda
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Muller c1949, divorced 1953. In 1995 lived at Am Schlagbaum 5, Clausthal-Zellerfeld.
Gerda Muller b c1926? m Oskar Heberle c1949. In 1995 lived at Sorge 4 Clausthal-Zellerfeld.
Hildegard … b 1924 d 1995, m Oskar Heberle ? buried with headstone in Clausthal cemetery.
Helmut Heberle Unteroffizier under-officer (1942 WW II) b c1915, m L Wiehr 1940 CZ, m L
Eichhorn 1942 Schulenberg.
Lieschen Wiehr b c1917, m Helmut Heberle 8.6.1940 CZ.
Liselotte Eichhorn b c1917, m Helmut Heberle 19.12.1942 in Schulenberg.
Cordula Heberle lived at Am Silbersegen 12, Clausthal in 2008.
FAMILY OF ERNST AUGUST L HEBERLE (son of Henriette, b 1869, m Jordan)
August Albert Friedrich Heberle Bergmann miner, b 21.9.1893 CZ, m H Bohm 1917. Child:
Anna L b 1918.
Hermine Minna Henriette Bohm b c1895, m August A F Heberle 7.1.1917 Schulenberg.
Karl Martin Adolf Emil Heberle Bergmann miner, b 23.11.1895 CZ d 19.8.1966 CZ.
Albert Louis August Hermann Heberle b 11.2.1898 CZ.
Julius Ferdinand Wilhelm Heberle b 15.8.1905 CZ.
FAMILY OF ERNST KARL W HEBERLE (son of Carl Friedrich, b 1868, m Kastenbein)
Friedrich Carl Ludwij Heberle b 14.6.1893 CZ.
Johanne Adolphine Ernestine Heberle b 3.11.1897 CZ.
Ernst Hermann Adolf Heberle b 14.6.1899 CZ, d 11.5.1961 CZ.
FAMILY OF ERNST MARTIN HEBERLE (son of Ernst August, b 1873, m Brinkmann)
Erich Ernst Emil Eduard Heberle b 16.10.1902 CZ.
William Ludewij Ernst Heberle b 15.9.1905 CZ
FAMILY OF AUGUSTE L HEBERLE (daughter of Ernst August, b 1875, d ?)
Ernestine Bertha Emilie Helene Heberle b 4.1.1896 CZ.
Wilhelm Ernst Heberle b 22.5.1898 CZ.
FAMILY OF WILHELM GEORG H HEBERLE (son of Ernst August, b 1879, m Fischer)
Auguste Wilhelmine Marie Heberle b 9.8.1907 CZ.
Anna Emma Dora Heberle b 23.6.1909 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANNES J HERMANN HEBERLE (son of Carl F, b 1879, m Maschmeier)
Ludwig Heberle b 6.11.1915 CZ. See Heberle who moved to elsewhere in Germany.
Hilde Heberle b 7.2.1913 CZ, m Hans Finke c 1933. Lived in CZ.
FAMILY OF WILHELM KARL F HEBERLE (son of Carl Friedrich, b 1882, m Barmann)
Ernst August Heberle b 30.9.1913, d c1.6.1944 Russia (WWII). Possibly m … Oppermann.
FAMILY OF KARL AUGUST W HEBERLE (son of Carl Friedrich, b 1859, m Rossing)
Karl August Heinrich Fritz Wilhelm Julius Heberle b 11.8.1884 CZ
August Wilhelm Albert Gustav Heberle b 20.10.1886 CZ, d 1.5.1888 CZ.
Wilhelm Carl Gustav Albert Heberle b 9.4.1891 CZ.
Sabine Helene Louise Meta Heberle b 17.12.1894 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN CARL AUGUST HEBERLE (son of Heinrich A, b 1862, m Rusack)
Karl August Louis Heberle Steuerassistent steering assistant or tax assistant ? b 16.5.1888
CZ, d 6.11.1921 Hannover.
August Wilhelm Gustav Heberle b 8.6.1889 CZ.
FAMILY OF KARL LUDWIG ERICH HEBERLE (son of Ernst August J, b 1905, m
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle born in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Luise Anna Emma Heberle b CZ
Martha Helene Wilhelmine Heberle b CZ.
Horst Wilhelm Kurt Karl Heberle b CZ.
Gerhard Heberle b CZ, m 5.3.1987 in Windhausen ?
FAMILY OF AUGUST ALBERT F HEBERLE (son of Ernst August, b 1893, m Bohm)
Anna Lishen Minna Martha Heberle b 28.10.1918 CZ.
FAMILY OF JOHANN AUGUST W HEBERLE (son of Friedrich Ludewij, b 1790, m
Ernst Wilhelm Heberle Oberschlammer mine processing worker CZ, also ingenieur
engineer, b 27.10.1818 CZ, d 8.1.1886 Hannover, m M Brummer 1851, m A Maschmeier ?
Children: Marie E b 1853, Ernst A b 1854, Josef W b 1857. Lived in CZ until c1856, then
Rheinbretbach c1857-59, Bad Liebenstein c1860-62, Hannover 1886.
Maria Margaretha Brummer b 7.6.1824 Sulingen, m Ernst Wilhelm Heberle 5.10.1851 CZ, d
11.3.1903 Luttrighausen.
Heinrich Ludewij Theodor Heberle Bergmann miner, Bahnmeister railway master b
4.1.1828 CZ d 15.4.1906 Trier, m Mathilde Wellenbeck 1857. Children: Richard A b 1865,
Mathilde b 1867, Theodor K b 1869, Marie b 1872, Ernest W b 1873, Karl H b 1875, Ernst T b
1877. Lived in CZ 1828, Bembermuhle c1860-70, Trier c1871-1906, Wahlscheid 1876 ?
Mathilde Wellenbeck b 22.10.1834, d 12.9.1902, m Heinrich Ludwig Theodor Heberle
22.10.1857 Wahlscheid.
Carl Wilhelm Heberle Lehrer Teacher, school inspector, b 7.10.1830 CZ, d 17.4.1912 Goslar,
m Sophie Schorkopf 1859, m Ferdinandine Kruger 1866, m Helene Paul 1870. Children: Carl
W b 1860, Ernst K b 1862, Luise C b 1864, August W b 1864, Wilhelm E b 1867, Friedrich A b
1869, Elisabeth W b 1871, Anna M b 1873, Elisabeth M b 1880, Heinrich A b 1886. Lived in
CZ 1830-c1855, Altenau c1859-69, Goslar c1870-1912.
Sophie Schorkopf b 2.5.1825 d 13.8.1864, m Carl Wilhelm Heberle 10.7.1859 Altenau.
Catharine Helene Ferdinandine Kruger b 16.9.1842 Hameln, m Carl Wilhelm Heberle
17.4.1866 Hameln, d 20.10.1869 Goslar.
Karoline Luise Henriette Helene Paul b 22.10.1845, m Carl Wilhelm Heberle 18.10.1870
Goslar, d 7.1.1899 Goslar.
FAMILY OF GEORG HEINRICH G HEBERLE (son of Georg Andreas, b 1796, m Gutkas)
Carl Heinrich Christian Heberle Ingenieur Engineer at Friedrichssegen mine c1885-1900, b
11.1.1823 CZ, d 23.11.1909 Oberlahnstein, m Agnes Emilie Schorler 4.5.1848 CZ. Children:
Gottlieb H b 1849, August F b 1864.
FAMILY OF CARL HEINRICH HEBERLE (son of Carl Heinrich, b 1818, m Bartram)
Carl Heinrich August Friedrich Heberle Bergmann Miner in Goslar, b 14.8.1854 CZ, m JHF
Wehmeyer 11.11.1878 Goslar, m JMS Dorge 19.9.1881 Goslar. Children: Jenny F b 1879,
Erna L b 1881, Georgine C b 1882.
Johanne Henriette Friederike Wehmeyer b c1856, m Carl HAF Heberle 11.11.1878 Goslar,
d 31.5.1881 Goslar.
Johanne Marie Sophie Dorge b c1856, m Carl HAF Heberle 19.9.1881 Goslar.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle who moved to elsewhere in Germany
Gottlieb Heinrich Carl A Heberle b 10.8.1849 Korb, d 1935. Ingenieur Engineer,
Bergwerksgeneraldirektor General Director Niederlahnstein. At Friedrichssegen mine c18851900, m Wilhelmine Paul 1874. Children: Otto E b 1876, Frieda b 1879, Hilda b 1886.
Wilhelmine Emilie Paul b 20.9.1855, d 10.2.1919 Oberlahnstein, m Gottlieb HC Heberle
4.5.1874 Frucht.
August Friedrich Amadeus Heberle b 7.4.1864 Friedrichssegen, d Lahn. Direktor Director,
m Emma Boll 1887. Children: August C b 1888, Karl E b 1891, Walter G b 1896, Gunther R b
Emma Maria Karoline Boll b 30.5.1867 Diez, d Lahn, m August fA Heberle 7.12.1887.
FAMILY OF GEORG CARL W HEBERLE (son of Johann Heinrich, b 1826, m Meyer)
Caspar August Wilhelm Heberle b 17.5.1869 Wickede Unna.
FAMILY OF HEINRICH LUDEWIJ T HEBERLE (son of Johann August, b 1828, m
Selma Henriette Heberle b 22.7.1858 Schiffahrt, d 16.1.1937 Trier, m Robert Grosse
19.5.1894 Trier.
Luise Wilhelmine Heberle b 4.12.1859 Schiffahrt, d 27.1.1931 Duisburg-Ruhrort.
Auguste Heberle b 12.8.1861 Bembermuhle, d 24.4.1932 Mainz-Gustavsburg, m Ludwig
Edinge 2.5.1882
Laura Heberle b 26.8.1863 Bembermuhle, d 14.8.1918 Trier, m Heinrich Thorn 16.2.1886
Richard August Heberle Reichsbahnamtmann Rechnungsrat railway worker accountant ? b
19.4.1865 Bembermuhle, d 7.2.1953 Burgen, m Auguste FE Strauch 13.10.1891 Alfeld.
Children: Margarete C b 1893, Richard T b 1894. Lived in Bembermuhle 1865-c1870, Trier
1871, Cattenes 1890-94, Burgen 1953.
Auguste Ferdinandine Elisabeth Strauch b 17.12.1868 CZ, d 12.11.1942 Trier, m Richard
August Heberle 13.10.1891 Alfeld.
Mathilde Heberle b 11.8.1867 Bembermuhle, d 20.3.1952 Trier
Theodor Karl Ernest Christian Heberle Oberpostrat postal officer in Hamburg, b 21.8.1869
Bembermuhle, d 18.7.1962 Hamburg, m Antonie Wickop 1901. Children: Mathilde A b 1902,
Irmgard b 1903. Lived Bembermuhle 1869-70, Trier 1871, Dusseldorf 1902-03, Hamburg
Antonie Wickop b 4.8.1877 Duisburg-Ruhrort, d 25.11.1962 Hamburg, m Theodor Karl Ernst
C Heberle 19.11.1901.
Marie Heberle b 24.2.1872 Trier, d 2.1.1935 Duisburg-Ruhrort.
Ernst Wilhelm Heberle b 12.9.1873 Trier, d 13.1.1876 Wahlscheid. Lived in Koln.
Karl Hugo Heberle b 10.11.1875 Trier, d 13.1.1876 Trier.
Ernst Theodor Heberle Oberpostrat Postal officer in Berlin, b 6.7.1877 Trier, d 27.2.1954
Dusseldorf, m Bertha Stockius 1910. Children: Ernst T b 1911. Lived in Trier 1877, Frankfurt
1911, Berlin 1920s ? Dusseldorf 1954.
Bertha Johanna Katharina Stockius b 5.11.1886 Hamburg, d 4.4.1968 Dusseldorf, m Ernst
Theodor Heberle 4.5.1910
FAMILY OF CARL WILHELM HEBERLE (son of Johann August, b 1830, m Schorkopf, m
Kruger, m Paul)
Carl Wilhelm Otto Heberle Graduate of Uni of Gottingen, Gymnastik Lehrer gymnastics
teacher, Prof oberstudienrat Professor in Lubeck, b 5.7.1860 Altenau, d 7.12.1937 Lubeck, m
Ellen Feldmann 1888. Children: Otto R b 1896. Lived in Altenau 1860, Lubeck c1896-1937.
Ellen Mathilde Feldmann b 10.6.1865 Lubeck, d 2.12.1928, m Carl Wilhelm Otto Heberle
Ernst Karl Wilhelm Heberle b 24.10.1862, d 16.12.1862 Altenau ?
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle who moved to elsewhere in Germany
Luise Cacilie Anna Heberle b 6.8.1864, d 5.10.1864 Altenau ?
August William Heberle b 6.8.1864, d 7.10.1864 Altenau ?
Wilhelm Eduard Friedrich Ferdinand Heberle Oberbuchhalter book-keeper with Reichsbank
in Berlin, b 1.3.1867 Altenau, d 4.5.1915 Berlin, m Charlotte Wanda 1899. Children: Else WR
b 1901, Martha EE b 1902, Ferdinandine KU b 1912. Lived in Altenau 1867, Berlin c18991915.
Charlotte Dorothea Wanda Wohlfahrt b 5.1.1875, d x.1.1948 Berlin, m Wilhelm Eduard
Friedrich F Heberle 27.7.1899 Berlin.
Friedrich Adolf Heberle b 13.10.1869 Goslar d 27.3.1870 Goslar.
Philippine Elisabeth Wilhelmine Heberle Lehrerin teacher in Goslar, b 22.9.1871 Goslar, d
x.5.1946 Goslar.
Anna Margarethe Heberle b 12.6.1873 Goslar, d 7.7.1873 Goslar.
Mathilde Elisabeth Clara Heberle b 23.8.1880 Goslar, m Dr Erich Heyser (lawyer) 15.5.1912
Heinrich August Wilhelm Heberle Bergassessor mine assessor, b 16.6.1886 Goslar, m
Johanne Warnecke 1918 Magdeburg. Chidren: Helene H D b 1920, Sylva G b 1923. Lived in
Goslar 1886, Berlin 1920-23.
Johanne Warnecke b c1888, m Heinrich August W Heberle 22.10.1918 Magdeburg.
FAMILY OF GOTTLIEB HEINRICH C HEBERLE (son of Carl Heinrich C, b 1849, m Paul)
Otto Emil Heberle b 9.4.1876 Friedrichssegen, d 4.10.1952 Bremen, m Meta Zimmermann
1905. Children: Hedwig b 1906, Hans W b 1909, Jutta b 1911, Renate b 1916.
Meta Franziska Zimmermann b 20.2.1882, d 13.9.1969 Bremen, m Otto E Heberle 3.5.1905
Frieda Heberle b 11.3.1879 Friedrichssegen, m Jules Kunsch.
Hilda Heberle b 21.7.1886 Friedrichssegen, m August Stadelmann x.12.1907.
FAMILY OF AUGUST FRIEDRICH A HEBERLE (son of Carl Heinrich C, b 1864, m Boll)
August Carl Heberle b 27.5.1888 Friedrichssegen.
Karl Ernest Heberle b 15.5.1891 Friedrichssegen.
Walter Gotfried Heberle b 29.12.1896 Friedrichssegen, d 20.4.1968.
Gunther Rudolf August Heberle b 7.11.1904 Tilsit, d 12.6.1966 Krefeld, m Martha Dethier
1937. Child; Wolfgang.
Martha Johanna Katharina Dethier b 18.1.1908 Krefeld, d 15.1.1975, m Gunther RA
Heberle 23.8.1937.
FAMILY OF CARL HEINRICH AUGUST F HEBERLE (son of Carl Heinrich, b 1854, m
Jenny Friederike Auguste Erna Heberle b 24.4.1879 Goslar.
Erna Lina Marie Auguste Heberle b 17.5.1881 Goslar.
Georgine Christine Auguste Marie Emma Heberle b 24.4.1882 Goslar, d 10.7.1888 Goslar.
FAMILY OF RICHARD AUGUST HEBERLE (son of Heinrich Ludewij, b 1865, m Strauch)
Margarete Cacilie Heberle b 25.1.1893 Cattenes, d 25.9.1893 Durlach, m IH Gettert
6.11.1919 Duisburg.
Richard Theodore Heberle Reichbahn-maschinen ingenieur railway engineer, b 6.2.1894
Cattenes, d 31.1.1976 Bergisch Gladbach, m Erika Freudenberger 1926. Children: Theodor R
b 1927, Hans E b 1929, Ruth A b 1931. Lived in Cattenes 1894, Bergisch Gladbach 1976.
Erika Freudenberger b 9.7.1904 Karlsruhe, d 28.12.1955, m Richard Theodor Heberle
FAMILY OF THEODOR KARL ERNST C HEBERLE (son of Heinrich Ludewij, b 1869, m
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle who moved to elsewhere in Germany
Matilde Auguste Heberle Kaufmann angestellte shop employee, clerk in Hamburg, b
16.9.1902 Dusseldorf.
Irmgard Heberle b 27.10.1903 Dusseldorf, d 2.10.1964 Volksdorf, m Hugo Beyer, Hamburg
FAMILY OF ERNST THEODOR HEBERLE (son of Heinrich Ludewij, b 1877, m Stockius)
Ernst Theodor Otto Heberle Bergbaubeflissener mine worker, b 14.12.1911 Frankfurt, d
6.4.1945 Steinbergen, m Gretlies Dreyer 1941. Child: Barbel.
Lived in Frankfurt 1911.
Steinbergen 1945.
Gretlies Dreyer b 12.11.1921 Ibbenburen, m Ernst Theodor Otto Heberle 21.11.1941.
Else Wanda Ruth Heberle b 1.1.1901 Berlin, m Hermann Leue 14.4.1923 Berlin.
Martha Emilie Else Heberle b 6.7.1902 Berlin m Albert Wilkening 5.12.1925 Berlin.
Ferdinandine Klara Ursula Heberle b 22.9.1912 Berlin.
FAMILY OF HEINRICH AUGUST W HEBERLE (son of Carl Wilhelm, b1886, m Warnecke)
Helene Henriette Dagmar Heberle b 17.3.1920 Berlin.
Sylva Gerda Heberle b 11.7.1923 Berlin.
Wilhelm Hermann Friedrich Heberle Miner at Goslar Rammelsberg mine, b 5.7.1921 Goslar,
m Ursula Dunkel 1947, separated 1950. Children: Werner b Goslar ?
In 1996 lived at
Nussanger 29, 38640 Goslar.
Ursula Therese Ella Dunkel b Hildesheim, m Wilhelm Hermann F Heberle 21.6.1947 Goslar.
August Emil Theodor Heberle Mine worker, b c1875. Children: Wilhelm ME b 1897, Wilhelm
AMW b 1901.
FAMILY OF OTTO EMIL HEBERLE (son of Gottlieb HC, b 1876, m Zimmermann)
Hedwig Heberle b 19.5.1906 Einbeck, d 23.5.1994 Menslage, m August TC Schmidt
22.1.1969 Bremen.
Hans Werner Heberle b 23.1.1909, d 24.10.1909.
Jutta Heberle b 21.6.1911 Dolstheida, d 1.1.1993 Bremen, m Ernst Path 28.5.1937 Bremen.
Renate Heberle b 17.10.1916 Altenburg, d 24.8.1945 Bremen-Vegesack, m Gerhard Erich
Siegfried Hubrich 8.5.1943 Bremen-Burglesum. Children: Marion, Karin.
FAMILY OF GUNTHER RUDOLF A HEBERLE (son of August FA, b 1904, m Dethier)
Wolfgang Heberle b Krefeld, m Elfriede Marquardt 1973. Child: Yvonne. Lived in Willich
Elfriede Marquardt b Rheinhausen, m Wolfgang Heberle 10.8.1973.
FAMILY OF HERMANN HEBERLE (son of Carl, b 1879, m Maschmeier)
Ludwig Heberle b 6.11.1915 m Carola Friedrich d 21.3.1993. Lived in Hannover.
Carola Friedrich b c1917, m Ludwig Heberle.
FAMILY OF RICHARD THEODORE HEBERLE (son of Richard August, b 1865, m
Theodore Richard Heberle b 23.6.1927. Went missing 1944 World War II in Poland, d
31.12.1945 ?
Hans Ernst Heberle In c1966 lived in Leverkusen-Opladen, near Bergisch-Gladbach. In 1996
lived at Hoffeldstr 233, Stuttgart.
Ruth Anna Heberle m Erwin Peter Stiefel, son Horst. In 1996 lived at Albert-Dimmers Str 10,
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle who moved to elsewhere in Germany
FAMILY OF ERNST THEODORE OTTO HEBERLE (son of Ernst Theodore, b 1911, m
Barbel Heberle b Steinberg ?
FAMILY OF WILHELM HERMANN F HEBERLE (father unknown, b 1921, m Dunkel)
Werner Heberle b c1948 Goslar ? In 1996 lived at Bertholdstr 5, Holle.
Wilhelm Martin Emil Heberle b 20.1.1897 CZ.
Wilhelm August Martin Willi Heberle b 30.12.1901 Hannover, d 6.3.1984. Child: Karl H b
FAMILY OF WOLFGANG HEBERLE (son of Gunther Rudolf A, m Marquardt)
Yvonne Heberle b Willich.
FAMILY OF LUDWIG HEBERLE (son of Hermann, b 1915, m Friedrich)
Christel Heberle b CZ? m Uwe Heilbronner.
Peter Heberle b Hannover? m Renate .... Lived in Hannover. Children: Sylvia, Thorsten.
Renate ...? m Peter Heberle.
Jurgen Heberle b Hannover, m Gisela Schuchhardt. Separated, no children. In 1996 lived in
Rethelstrasse 38, Dusseldorf 40237, worked for IBM computers.
Gisela Schuchhardt m Jurgen Heberle. Separated. Lived in Northeim 2008.
FAMILY OF WILHELM AUGUST MW HEBERLE (son of August Emil, b 1901)
Karl-Heinz Heberle b Hannover, m Sunhild Lysk. Children: In 1996 lived at Argestorfer Str 9,
Sunhild Lysk b Wennigsen.
FAMILY OF KARL-HEINZ HEBERLE (son of Wilhelm August, m Lysk)
Kerstin Heberle b Wennigsen, teacher, m Michael Caspari, son Philip.
Sigrun Heberle b Wennigsen, nurse, m Joachim Hoffmann, m Thorsten Fehrens.
Maren Heberle b Wennigsen, stewardess, publicity. Partner Ralph Brier.
FAMILY OF PETER HEBERLE (son of Ludwig, b 1945)
Sylvia Heberle b Hannover, m Klaus Scheukelberg. Lived in Hannover.
Thorsten Heberle b Hannover.
Many of the following Heberle and their families who, according to telephone directories, in
1994 lived in the Lower Saxony State of Germany, are possibly descendents of Heberle from
Clausthal-Zellerfeld. All were written to at the addresses shown. Heberle in the 2008
telephone directory were also written to.
Albert Heberle Bischofsthal 22, 38685 Langelsheim
B Heberle Am Hang 3, 37181 Hardegsen
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heberle who moved to elsewhere in Germany
Christian Heberle Graesbecker Weg 20, 29664 Walsrode
Claus Heberle Schaupenstiel 19, 37154 Northeim
Cordula Heberle Am Hohnen Rott 9, 37170 Uslar
D Heberle Bernsteinweg 9, 30823 Garbsen
Elvira Heberle Drosselstieg 23, 37186 Moringen
Ema Heberle Koblenzer Str 27, 33613 Bielefeld
Erika Heberle Schildstr 22, 30455 Hannover
Ernst A Heberle Albrecht-Durer-Str 21, 37154 Northeim
Eva Heberle Im Reihpiepenfelde 19, 30455 Hannover
Frank Heberle Gerhardt-Hauptmann Str 5, 30826 Garbsen
Franz Heberle Halberstadter Str 21, 32049 Herford
Gerhard Heberle Am Knollen 9, 37539 Bad Grund
Gundmar Heberle Marshof 7, 30823 Garbsen
Gunter Heberle Sperbergasse 15, 31303 Burgdorf
Hannelore Heberle Reihwiesenweg 19, 31191 Algermissen
Heinrich Heberle Hauptstr 12, 35274 Kirchain
Henri Heberle Bremer Str 8, 30926 Seelze
Horst Heberle Fissekenstr 5, 37534 Eisdorf
Inge Heberle Wiemannbucht 2, 37539 Bad Grund
Johann Heberle Pestalozzistr 4, 30880 Laatzen
Karl-Heinz Heberle Schmedenstedter Weg 13D, 31241 Ilsede
Ludwig Heberle Ellernstr 19, 30890 Barsinghausen
Manfred Heberle Wiesenstr 8, 38102 Braunschweig
Otto Heberle Kotherberg 11, 38104 Braunschweig
P Heberle Schaumburger Weg 35, 31655 Stadthagen
P Heberle Walsroder Str 168, 30853 Langenhagen
R Heberle Eduard-Morike Str 88, 30880 Laatzen
Reinhard Heberle Heckenweg 20, 31246 Lahstedt
Renate Heberle Leuschnerstr 47, 30457 Hannover
Rolf Heberle Kolbestr 39, 30926 Seelze
Rosmarie Heberle Fissekenstr 4, 37534 Eisdorf
Sonja Heberle Kathe-Kollwitz-Weg 2, 34225 Baunatal
Sophie Heberle Im Zettelborn 1, 34225 Baunatal
Wilhelm Heberle NuBanger 29, 38640 Goslar
At least 3 Heberle families from the Clausthal-Zellerfeld Branch migrated to Australia.
About 85% of the Australian Heberle are descendants of August Friedrich Heberle (b
21.5.1812) a miner from CZ who arrived in Adelaide with wife Caroline (nee Papst) and 4 or 5
children, in the barque "Herder" on 21 9 1851.
August Friedrich's elder brother Friedrich Ludwig A Heberle (b 2.2.1810) arrived in Adelaide
on the “Johan Cesar” 2.1.1855, with wife Carol and 4 children,
Carl August Frederick (Charles) Heberle b 10.2.1838 CZ, arrived in Australia (Melbourne ?)
At least 4 Heberle families from the Clausthal-Zellerfeld Branch migrated to USA.
Georg Heberle, miner b 1814 CZ wife and 3 children arrived Baltimore 9.11.1854 on the
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
U.S.A. Heberle
“North Carolina”.
Carl Heberle b 1808 CZ, wife and 4 children, arrived Baltimore 9.11.1854 on the “North
Carl Heinrich Heberle, labourer, b 1854 CZ, arrived in New York 12.7.1880 on the “Schiedam”.
Otto Rudolf Heberle b Lubeck 1896, wife and 3 children arrived in USA June 1938, settled in
Baton Rouge Louisiana.
FAMILY OF GOTTLIEB FRIEDRICH HEBERLE (son of Friedrich L, b1780, m Brietkopf)
Carl Friedrich Heberle b 21.5.1808 CZ, m J Hille 1833. Children: Sophie C b 1833, Carl H b
1835, Carl L b 1837, Johanne M b 1839. Migrated to USA 1854.
Justine Henriette Hille b 14.8.1807 CZ, m Carl Friedrich Heberle 27.5.1833 CZ. Migrated to
USA 1854.
Georg Heinrich Friedrich J Heberle b 17.2.1814 CZ, m J Kuhhorn 1839. Children: Carl G b
1840, Wilhelm A b 1845, Ludwij F b 1849, Adolph C b 1849. Migrated to USA 1854.
Johanne Caroline Charlotte Christiane Kuhhorn b 26.6.1811 CZ, m Georg HFJ Heberle
6.10.1839 CZ. Migrated to USA 1854.
FAMILY OF CARL FRIEDRICH HEBERLE (son of Gottlieb Friedrich, b 1808, m Hille)
Sophie Caroline Heberle b 20.11.1833 CZ. Migrated to USA 1854.
Carl Heinrich Friedrich Heberle b 1.2.1835 CZ. Migrated to USA 1854.
Carl Ludwij Heberle b 16.12.1837 CZ. Migrated to USA 1854.
Johanne Marie Henriette Heberle b 13.10.1839 CZ. Migrated to USA 1854.
Johanne Auguste Juliane Adolphine Heberle b 15.10.1842 CZ. Migrated to USA 1854.
FAMILY OF GEORG HEINRICH FJ HEBERLE (son of Gottlieb Friedrich, b 1814, m
Carl Georg Ernst Ludwij Heberle b 12.7.1840 CZ. Migrated to USA 1854.
Wilhelm August Ferdinand Heberle b 11.7.1845 CZ. Migrated to USA 1854.
Ludwij Friedrich Eduard Heberle b 15.1.1849 CZ. Migrated to USA 1854.
Adolph Carl Wilhelm Zwillinge Heberle b 15.1.1849, d 7.7.1849 CZ.
FAMILY OF CARL WILHELM OTTO HEBERLE (son of Carl Wilhelm, b 1860, m Feldman)
Otto Rudolf Heberle Professor of sociology, b 3.7.1896 Lubeck, m Franziska Tonnies 1924.
Migrated to USA 1938, d 20.4.1991 U.S.A. Studied economics, sociology and law at
Universities in Gottingen, Konigsberg, Frieburg, Marburg, Kiel 1915-23. Doctor political
science Uni of Kiel 1923. In German army 1915-19. Uni Kiel 1929-38. From 1938 Professor of
sociology Louisiana State Uni Baton Rouge. Has written some 100 papers, books,
contributions to encyclopaedias etc. Topics included migration, political sociology,
demography, labor force, social change in South USA, elections. Children: Wilhelm Juergen b
1925, Klaus H b 1931, Antje E b 1935. Lived in Lubeck 1896, Konigsberg 1923-26, USA 192629, Kiel 1929-38, Baton Rouge 1938-?
Franziska Maja Hedwig Elisabeth Tonnies b 14.2.1900 Altona, m Otto Rudolf Heberle
6.6.1924 Kiel. Unitarian, governess in Norway. Migrated to USA 1938. Attended graduate
school Louisiana State Uni. Social worker, statistician, personnel technician, children’s
FAMILY OF OTTO RUDOLF HEBERLE (son of Carl Wilhelm, b 1896, m Tonnies)
Juergen Wilhelm Heberle b Konigsberg, m D.Lindsey 1958. Children: Thomas, Laura.
Migrated to USA 1938. PhD physics Columbia University, Professor of Physics State
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
U.S.A. Heberle
University New York Buffalo 1989. Has done research on hydrogen atom, molecular structure,
superconducting magnets, electrodynamics. Lived in Baton Rouge Louisiana 1937-41. At
Columbia University 1949-55, Yale University 1956-57, Argonne Illinois 1957-65, Worcester
Massachusetts 1965-67, Germany 1966-68 ? and 1974-75 ? Buffalo New York 1968-96 ?
Retired in Hawaii.
Dorothea Lindsey m Juergen Wilhelm Heberle 1958. Taught English in Belarus and Ukraine.
Klaus Hinrich Heberle b 7.1.1931 Kiel d 19.2.1998 Louisville, m Jeanne Marchesseau 1955.
Children: Denise, Julia, Renee, Lauren. Migrated to USA 1938. Columbia University South
Carolina 1949-55, Bachelor of Arts 1956 University of Chicago, Masters 1958, in Munchen
Germany 1967-68, Frieburg Germany 1974-75, PhD political science University of Chicago,
Associate Professor of political science Eastern Kentucky Uni 1972+ Lived in Chicago Illinois
1955-60, Syracuse New York 1960-64, Seattle 1965, Worcester Massachusetts 1965-67,
Stillwater Oklahoma 1967, Richmond Kentucky 1972-94. Jean lived Louisville Kentucky 199499, Buffalo New York 1991-96.
Jeanne Marchesseau m Klaus Hinrich Heberle 1955. Graduated from Louisiana State
University. Has MA in education from Eastern Kentucky University. Is an early childhood
education specialist.
Antje Elisabeth Heberle b Kiel, m Edward Kolodziej 1959. Children: Peter, Andrew, Mathew,
Daniel. Bachelor of Arts Mt Holyoke College. Lived in Baton Rouge 1938. In 1996 lived in
Champaign-Urbana, Illinois.
FAMILY OF JUERGEN WILHELM HEBERLE (son of Otto Rudolf, b 1925, m Lindsey)
Thomas Heberle Ships captain, pilot officer, m Paula Melnyk 1996. Lived in Snohomish
Washington, Hawaii 1996-2008.
Laura K Heberle m John P Lovincz 1990, 1 child. Lived in Buffalo New York, Mississaugua
FAMILY OF KLAUS HINRICH HEBERLE (son of Otto Rudolf, b 1931, m Marchesseau)
Denise Michele Heberle b Chicago, Illinois. Attorney, m Mark Finnegan 1987. Children:
Marguerite, Clio & Paula. Graduated from Swarthmore College, has JD from University of
Louisville College of Law. Lived in Toledo Ohio 1997-98, Ann Arbor Michigan 2002-08.
Julia Franziska Heberle b Syracuse, New York, m John Carpenter. Children: Robin, Eleanor.
Graduated from University of Chicago. Has PhD in Psychology from University of
Pennsylvania. Assistant Professor of Psychology Westchester State University in
Pennsylvania. Lived in Louisville Kentucky, Reading Pennsylvania.
Renee Jeanette Heberle b Syracuse, New York, m Bill Rose. Children: Hannah. Graduated
from Brandeis University. PhD from University of Massachusetts in Political Science. Assistant
Professor of Political Science at State University of New York in Potsdam New York. Assistant
Professor Political Science Toledo Ohio. Lived in Louisville Kentucky 1994, Greenfield
Massachusetts 1997, Chelsea Michigan, Toledo Ohio, Potsdam New York, Ann Arbor
Michigan 2008, West Whately Massachusetts, Holyoke Massachusetts, Belchertown
Lauren Carola Heberle b Stillwater, Oklahoma, m Jonathon Lowe. Graduated from University
of Chicago. Graduate student in Sociology at Rutgers University. Professor Sociology
University of Louisville Kentucky 2002. Lived in New Brunswick New Jersey, Highland Park
New Jersey, Louisville Kentucky 1994.
Hannah Heberle-Rose. In Ann Arbor, Michigan in 2008.
SWEDISH HEBERLES WITH ANCESTORS FROM CLAUSTHALHeberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Swedish Heberle
One family of Heberle migrated to Sweden c1867.
Ernst Wilhelm Heberle Aufbereitungsingenieur engineer Falun, Sweden, b 27.10.1818 CZ, d
8.1.1886 Hannover, m Maria Brummer 1851. Migrated to Sweden c1867. Children: Maria E b
1853, Ernst A b 1854, Josef W b 1857, Karl b 1859, Marie b 1862.
Maria Margarethe Brummer b 7.6.1824 Sulingen, d 11.3.1903 Luttringhausen, m Ernst W
Heberle 5.10.1851 CZ.
FAMILY OF ERNEST WILHELM HEBERLE (son of Johann, b 1818, m Brummer)
Maria Ernestine Henriette Wilhelmine Minna Heberle b 10.3.1853, CZ d 24.8.1922
Askersund, Sweden, m Josef Stollenwerk 25.7.1876.
Ernst August Wilhelm Engelburt Heberle Mining engineer in Sala, Director of silver mine,
business man b 7.8.1854 CZ, d 27.7.1907 Luttrighausen, Rhineland-Palatinate, m Sigrid
Moberg 18.6.1884 Sala. Lived in Djursholm.
Sigrid Helena Moberg b 28.6.1859, d 6.10.1946 Djursholm, m Ernst August WE Heberle
18.6.1884 Sala.
Josef Wilhelm Rudolf T Heberle Civil engineer, mining engineer, b 1857 Rheinbreitbach, d
1912 Sala.
Karl Heberle b 5.1.1859 Rheinbreitbach, d 2.12.1871 Falun Sweden.
Marie Auguste Dorothea Mathilde Heberle b 5.6.1862 Bad Liebenstein, d 23.4.1938 Sala.
FAMILY OF ERNEST AUGUST W HEBERLE (son of Ernst W, b 1854, m Moberg)
Margareta Wilhelmina Heberle b 2.3.1885 Sala d 5.6.1978, m Nils KO Grotenfelt 10.1.1908
Djursholm. Lived in Finland.
Ernst Wilhelm Engelbrecht Heberle Landlord (hotel ?) b 8.6.1886 Sala, m GG Dahl
Gunhild Gunner Dahl b c1888, m Ernst WE Heberle 4.2.1913 Djursholm.
Astri Sigrid Maria Heberle b 4.8.1888 Sala, d 8.7.1930 Falkenberg Sweden, m Ludwig Malm
24.3.1923 Askersund Sweden.
Gertrud Sigrid Ingeborg Henrietta Heberle b 4.9.1890 Sala, d 28.3.1938, m Nils AG
Grotenfelt in Helsingfors 29.5.1913.
Agnes Dagmar Helena Heberle b 6.2.1893 Sala, m Leonard B Eyre in Stockholm 10.7.1915.
Dorothea Lindsey Heberle, wife of Juergen Wilhelm Heberle, of Buffalo NY, USA, was
involved in Bridges for Education, a volunteer teaching program in which she taught English
conversation to teenagers, twice in the Ukraine and once in Belarus.
Ross William Heberle from Katanning WA, Australia did national service in Malaysia c196971.
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Geoffrey Harry Heberle from Myrtleford Vic, Australia served in New Guinea c1943-44.
August Friedrich A Heberle, wife Emma Maria K (nee Boll), children August C, Karl E,
Walter G and Gunther R, were in Tilsit, East Prussia in 1904, now part of Russia.
Ian John Heberle of Katanning WA, Australia served in Vietnam c1968-69.
The family of Willie Datson Heberle, from West Australia was in South Africa c1895-c1940.
Ronald Leslie Heberle of Perth Australia was with the Royal Australian Air Force in England
1944-45. Fiona Gail Heberle from Australia has lived in United Kingdom since 2000. Stacey
Olivia Heberle from Geraldton, Australia lived in United Kingdom during 2007-08.
Patricia Robin (Trish) Heberle from Perth Australia was the England womens hockey coach
2001-04. During that period, the team won the silver medal at the Commonwealth Games. In
2002, she was named England Coach of the Year at an awards ceremony in Manchester. She
was praised for the manner in which England conducted themselves after India snatched
victory with a controversial golden goal in extra time during the Commonwealth final. She
resigned after >3 years in charge, following Great Britain's failure to qualify for the Olympic
Games in Athens. A World Cup winner with Australia's Hockeyroos, she has been credited
with improving England's fortunes since taking over in 2001. She helped lift the side into the
world's top five.
Blackman, Pam (2000) “Colonial lives. The Gregor family”.
Gonzalez, Pierre Gabriel (2001) “Grand dictionnaire des noms de famille”.
Hanks, P and Hodges, F (1988) “A dictionary of surnames” Oxford University Press.
Heberle, Professor C (1935) Notes on the origin and significance of the name Heberle and
the origin of the family, compiled in Lubeck, December 1935.
Heberle, Greg 2005) “Heberle family 1500-2005”.
Heberle, Greg (2006) “Heberle fishing Western Australia 1929-2004”.
Heberle, Greg (2006) “Heberle in Australia 1851-2006”
Heberle, Ron; Heberle, Greg; Bowden, Graham; Watkinson, Tony (2006) “Ron Heberle orchid
photos Western Australia”.
Heintze, Albert; Cascorbi, Paul (1933) “Die deutschen familiennamen”, Halle/Salle.
International Genealogical Index (IGI) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Jones, G F (1990) “German American names”.
A S C Schreyer, 38
Adam Lippold (Leopold) Heberle, 23
Adolph Carl Wilhelm Zwillinge Heberle,
33, 51
Adolphine Wilhelmine Friederike Caroline
Sophie Heberle, 34
Agnes Dagmar Helena Heberle, 53
Agneta Maria Heberle, 20
Albert August Fritz Wilhelm Heberle, 41
Albert Johann M Heberle, 41
Albert Johann Martin Heberle, 43
Albert Louis August Hermann Heberle, 44
Albrecht Wilhelm Ernst Heberle, 38
Andreas Christoph Heberle, 25
Andreas Gottfried Heberle, 24
Andreas Leopold Heberle, 19, 21
Andreas Michel /Michael Heberle, 21
Anna Cachare Heberle, 17
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Anna Catharina Heberle, 17, 18, 20
Anna Catharina Reschen, 19
Anna Dorothea Brauns, 21
Anna Dorothea Heberle, 24
Anna Elisabeth Heberle, 26, 27
Anna Elisabeth Humm/Hummern, 19
Anna Elisabeth Muller, 17
Anna Elizabeth Heberle, 23
Anna Emma Dora Heberle, 44
Anna Heberle, 18
Anna Lisa Rodax, 21
Anna Lishen Minna Martha Heberle, 44
Anna Magdalena Heberle, 24
Anna Margaretha Heberle, 20, 21, 22
Anna Margaretha Kutscher, 21
Anna Margaretha Strubig, 20
Anna Margarethe Heberle, 46
Anna Margarethe Henriette Heberle, 29
Anna Maria Heinen, 20
Anna Maschmier, 42
Anna Mathilde Marie Heberle, 42
Anna Rosina Heberlein/Heberle, 24
Anna Schwabe, 16
Anna Stahks, 16
Anna Wajner, 17
Annaliese Heberle, 43
Antoinette Luise Julie Hermine Auguste
Wedemeyer, 38
Antonie Wickop, 46
Astri Sigrid Maria Heberle, 53
August Albert Friedrich Heberle, 43
August Carl Heberle, 29, 47
August Christian Friedrich Heberle, 35
August Christian Heberle, 26, 28, 30
August Christoph Heberle, 22
August Eduard Wilhelm Heberle, 35
August Emil Theodor Heberle, 41, 48
August Ernst Berthold Wilhelm Julius
Heberle, 41
August Friedrich Adolph Heberle, 38
August Friedrich Amadeus Heberle, 45
August Friedrich Ernst Heberle, 39
August Friedrich Heberle, 28
August Friedrich Wilhelm Heberle, 40
August Heinrich Wilhelm Heberle, 41
August Karl Heinrich Friedrich Heberle, 42
August Wilhelm Gustav Heberle, 44
August Wilhelm Heberle, 34
August William Heberle, 46
Auguste Caroline Wilhelmine Georgia
Henriette Heberle, 39
Auguste Caroline Wilhelmine Georgine
Heberle, 43
Auguste Caroline Wilhelmine Louise
Dorpmund, 39
Auguste Charlotta Selbreuter, 26
Auguste Ferdinandine Elisabeth Strauch,
Auguste Friederike Doris Rossing, 43
Auguste Georgine Emilie Henriette
(Augusta) Heberle, 32
Auguste Heberle, 46
Auguste Henriette Wilhelmine Tost, 35
Auguste Johanne Henriette Heberle, 36,
Auguste Juliane Armalie Wilhelmine
Heberle, 38
Auguste Juliane Caroline Wilhelmine
Heberle, 34
Auguste Juliane Wilhelmine Heberle, 28
Auguste Karoline Henriette Dorothe
Heberle, 42
Auguste Karoline Wilhelmine Leunig, 39
Auguste Louise Frieda Heberle, 42
Auguste Sophie Caroline Schreyer, 41
Auguste Wilhelmine Heberle, 33, 36, 37
Auguste Wilhelmine Marie Heberle, 44
Auguste Wilhelmine Marie Sophie
Heberle, 38
Augustine Christiane Friederike Bartram,
Augustine Friederike Juliane Heberle, 40
Augustine Georgine Ernestine (Carolina)
Papst, 28
Augustine Johanne Juliane Heberle, 34
Augustine Lowen, 26
Augustine Wihelmine Grasler, 40
Augustine Wilhelmine Eichlor, 35
Augustine Wilhelmine Heberle, 34, 36
Barba Dorothea Heberlein/Heberle, 24
Barbara Christine Heberle, 19
Barbel Heberle, 48
Bertha Emma Elwine Amynta Heberle, 37
Bertha Johanna Katharina Stockius, 46
Cachare Heberle, 17
Cacilie Luise Heberle, 36
Carache Ehlers, 16
Carl (Charles) Heberle, 33
Carl August Albert Ludwij Heberle, 38
Carl August Christian Friedrich Heberle,
Carl August Christian Heberle, 33
Carl August Fritz Johann Heberle, 38
Carl August Heberle, 32, 35, 36, 37
Carl August Heinrich Heberle, 37
Carl August Hermann Ludwig (Herman)
Heberle, 33
Carl August Julius Heberle, 38, 40
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Carl August Theodor Heberle, 33
Carl August Wilhelm (William) Heberle, 33
Carl August Wilhelm Heberle, 34, 43
Carl Christian Friedrich August (Carl)
Heberle, 33
Carl Christian Friedrich Julius Heberle, 33
Carl Christian Friedrich Ludwig Heberle,
Carl Christian Friedrich Ludwij Heberle, 37
Carl Christoph Friedrich Heberle, 29, 36
Carl Friedrich Heberle, 28, 30, 39, 40, 51
Carl Friedrich Hermann Heberle, 36
Carl Friedrich Julius Heberle, 40
Carl Friedrich Leopold Heberle, 36
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Ludewij Heberle,
Carl Georg Ernst Ludwij Heberle, 33, 51
Carl Heinrich August Friedrich Heberle,
38, 45
Carl Heinrich August Heberle, 40
Carl Heinrich Christian Heberle, 29, 33, 45
Carl Heinrich Friedrich Heberle, 32, 38, 51
Carl Heinrich Heberle, 27, 29, 32, 34
Carl Heinrich Wilhelm August Heberle, 39
Carl Leopold Heberle, 25
Carl Ludwig/Ludewij Heberle, 36
Carl Ludwij Heberle, 32, 51
Carl Wilhelm Heberle, 28, 31, 34, 36, 37
Carl Wilhelm Ludwig Heberle, 39
Carl Wilhelm Otto Heberle, 46
Carl/Karl Heinrich Ludwij Heberle, 37
Carl/Karl Ludwij Erich Heberle, 43
Carola Friedrich, 48
Carolina Louise Heberle, 35
Carolina Louise Henriette Breitkopf, 24
Caroline Auguste Ernestine Henriette
Heberle, 33
Caroline Auguste Louise Wilhelmine
Heberle, 43
Caroline Augustine Heberle, 34
Caroline Ernestine Henriette Heberle, 39
Caroline Georgine Christiane Heberle, 35
Caroline Georgine Juliane Auguste
Heberle, 35
Caroline Henriette Anna Heberle, 34
Caroline Henriette Georgine Meyer, 35
Caroline Henriette Heberle, 32, 34
Caroline Juliane Augustine Christiane
Heberle, 34
Caroline Juliane Delert, 36
Caroline Juliane Emilie Louise Heberle,
Caroline Juliane Heberle, 40
Caroline Juliane Henriette Heberle, 34
Caroline Reinhardine Henriette Erasme
Muller, 35
Caroline Sophia Pilz, 32
Caroline Wilhelmine Bertha Heberle, 39
Caroline Wilhelmine Henriette Heberle, 39
Caroline Wilhelmine Theodora Cathrin
Heberle, 39
Caspar August Wilhelm Heberle, 45
Caspar Heberle, 17
Caspar Heinrich Heberle, 26
Cathare/Catharina Frisch, 16
Catharina Charlotta Morgenstein, 27
Catharina Charlotte Heberle, 22
Catharina Christiane Tonnies, 23
Catharina Eleonore Bartram, 28
Catharina Elisabeth Heberle, 23
Catharina Elisabeth Liebegeld, 27
Catharina Elizabeth Heberle, 20
Catharina Heberle, 17, 18
Catharina Hedewij Friedeln, 22
Catharina Hedwig Seidel, 22
Catharina Henriette Friedericia Heberle,
Catharina Jacobina Heberle, 30
Catharina Lisa Heberlein/Heberle, 23
Catharina Lisabeth Heberle, 17, 19
Catharina Luddecken, 17
Catharina Magdalena Heberle, 23
Catharina Margaretha Drechsler, 20
Catharina Margaretha Heberle, 17
Catharina Maria Beckmann, 27
Catharina Maria Heberle, 20
Catharina Muller, 18
Catharina Rimeier, 18
Catharina Sophia Heberle, 22
Catharine Helene Ferdinandine Kruger,
Cecilia Charlotte Heberle, 22
Charlotte Augustina Emma Heberle, 37
Charlotte Caroline Wilhelmine Schneider,
Charlotte Dorothea Wanda Wohlfahrt, 46
Christel Heberle, 49
Christian Andreas Heberle, 21
Christian Carl Friedrich Heberle, 30
Christian Friedrich Heberle, 26, 39
Christian Friedrich Leopold Heberle, 29
Christian Friedrich Ludewij Heberle, 31
Christian Gottlieb Wilhelm Heberle, 30
Christian Heberle, 16
Christian Heberle/Haberle/Heberlein, 21
Christian Heinrich Heberle, 28
Christian Julius Heberle, 31
Christian Julius Wilhelm Albert Heberle,
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Christian Jurgen Heberle, 20
Christian Leopold Heberle, 31
Christian Lippold Heberle, 24
Christian Ludewij Heberle, 24, 26
Christian Matthias Heberle, 22
Christian Michael Heberle, 24
Christian Michel Heberle, 20, 21
Christiane Friedericia Heberle, 28
Christiane Friedericia Henriette Heberle,
Christiane Friedericia Wilhelmine Heberle,
Christiane Friederike Henriette Heberle,
Christiane Henriette Catharina Heberle,
Christiane Henriette Heberle, 28, 40
Christiane Henriette Kutscher, 30
Christiane Henriette Mathilde Stolze, 40
Christiane Sophia Osten, 31
Christina Augustine Heberle, 32
Christina Catharina Heberle, 19
Christina Luisa Henriette Heberle, 30
Christoph Conrad Heberle, 24
Christoph Heberle, 16
Christoph Heberle/Eberle, 21
Christoph Heberle/Heberlay/Heberlein, 17
Cordula Heberle, 43
CZ., 30
Daniel Heberle/Heberlay, 18
David Andreas Heberle, 18
Dorothea ? Hollenstedt, 17
Dorothea Agnetha Heberle, 22
Dorothea Caroline Bergmann, 32
Dorothea Caroline Heberle, 36
Dorothea Catharina Heberle, 19, 20, 21
Dorothea Catharina Leschen/Losch, 22
Dorothea Christiane Eichler, 23
Dorothea Christiane Friederike Heberle,
Dorothea Christiane Henriette Heberle, 32
Dorothea Christiane Kramer, 25
Dorothea Elisabeth Ambrecht, 19
Dorothea Elisabeth Bohm, 27
Dorothea Elisabeth Heberle, 27
Dorothea Elisabeth Heberlein/Heberle, 24
Dorothea Elisabeth Wagner, 23
Dorothea Friedericia Heberle, 29
Dorothea Henriette DroBel/Drossel, 31
Dorothea Henriette Gotthard, 28
Dorothea Henriette Heberle, 27
Dorothea Henriette Marten, 32
Dorothea Hott, 17
Dorothea Johanne Henriette Heberle, 28
Dorothea Juliane Heberle, 29
Dorothea Juliane Meyer, 26
Dorothea Lindsey, 53
Dorothea Luisa Friedericia Heberle, 30
Dorothea Magdalena Heberle, 22
Dorothea Margaretha Fleischer, 21
Dorothea Margaretha Heberle, 20
Dorothea Wilhelmine Henriette Heberle,
Dorothea Wilhelmine Louise Heberle, 34
EHF Satterman, 33
Elfriede Marquardt, 48
Elias Andreas Heberle, 20
Elias Heberle, 18
Elizabeth Heberle, 21
Ellen Mathilde Feldmann, 46
Else Wanda Ruth Heberle, 48
Ema Heberle, 43
Emerita Margaretha Heberle, 19
Emma Maria Karoline Boll, 45
Erhardt Heberle, 18
Erich Ernst Emil Eduard Heberle, 44
Erich Luis Martin Heberle, 42
Erika Freudenberger, 47
Erna Lina Marie Auguste Heberle, 47
Ernestine Bertha Emilie Helene Heberle,
Ernestine Henriette Friederike
Sattermann, 32
Ernst August Heberle, 36, 44
Ernst August Johann Heberle, 41
Ernst August Johanne Heberle, 38
Ernst August Louis Heberle, 41
Ernst August Wilhelm Engelbert Heberle,
Ernst August Wilhelm Engelburt Heberle,
Ernst Christian Julius Heberle, 33
Ernst Friedrich Heberle, 33
Ernst Friedrich Ludwij Heberle, 29
Ernst Hermann Adolf Heberle, 44
Ernst Joshua Leopold Heberle, 28
Ernst Julius Theodor Heberle, 33
Ernst Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Heberle, 42
Ernst Karl Wilhelm Heberle, 46
Ernst Louis Theodor Johann Heberle, 38
Ernst Ludewij Theodor Heberle, 33
Ernst Ludwig Theodor Heberle, 41
Ernst Martin Carl Heberle, 42
Ernst Theodor Heberle, 37, 46
Ernst Theodor Otto Heberle, 47
Ernst Wilhelm Engelbrecht Heberle, 53
Ernst Wilhelm Friedrich Heberle, 43
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Ernst Wilhelm Heberle, 36, 45, 46, 52
Ferdinandine Klara Ursula Heberle, 48
Fiona Gail, 53
Frieda Agnes Wilhelmine Auguste
Schultz, 41
Frieda Heberle, 47
Frieda Henriette Emilie Caroline Heberle,
Friederike Caroline Johanne Fischer, 42
Friederike Henriette Lattman, 26
Friederike Johanne Louise Anna Heberle,
Friederike Loise Caroline Heberle, 38
Friederike Louise Charlotte
Bartholomaeus, 40
Friederike Marie Christiane Bohnstedt, 36
Friederike Mathilde Zimmer, 38
Friederike Wilhelmine Henriette Mathilde
Heberle, 38
Friedrich Adolf Heberle, 46
Friedrich Andreas Eberle/Heberle, 24
Friedrich Andreas Heberle, 27
Friedrich August (Frederick) Heberle, 33
Friedrich August Ferdinand Heberle, 37
Friedrich Carl Ludwij Heberle, 44
Friedrich Christian Heberle, 25
Friedrich Emil Heberle, 40
Friedrich Heinrich Conrad Heberle, 26
Friedrich Heinrich Heberle, 31
Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm (William Henry
Frederick) Heberle, 33
Friedrich Jans Heberle, 23
Friedrich Josua Heberle, 25
Friedrich Julius Theodor Heberle, 33
Friedrich Ludewij Heberle, 27
Friedrich Ludwij Heberle, 28
Friedrich Wilhelm Heberle, 36, 37
Fritz Louis Karl Martin Heberle, 38
Georg (or Henrich) Christian Heberle, 20
Georg Andreas Heberle, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27,
Georg August Christian Heberle, 32
Georg August Christian Hugo Heberle, 34
Georg August Heberle, 32
Georg August Julius Heberle, 30
Georg Carl Anton Caspar Heberle, 37, 39
Georg Carl Friedrich Heberle, 41
Georg Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Heberle, 40
Georg Carl Heinrich Heberle, 35
Georg Carl Julius Heberle, 31, 35
Georg Carl Wilhelm Heberle, 35
Georg Christian Heberle, 22, 24, 27, 31, 32
Georg Friedrich Heberle, 29, 30, 32
Georg Gottlieb Heberle, 33
Georg Heinrich August Heberle, 40
Georg Heinrich Christoph Heberle, 29
Georg Heinrich Friedrich Carl Heberle, 36
Georg Heinrich Friedrich J Heberle, 51
Georg Heinrich Friedrich Julius Heberle,
Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Heberle, 29, 36
Georg Heinrich Heberle, 25, 31
Georg Heinrich Wilhelm Friedrich Arnold
Heberle, 38
Georg Just Heberle, 21
Georg Karl Friedrich Heberle, 37, 39
Georg Karl Louis Friedrich Heberle, 42
Georg Karl Wilhelm Heberle, 35
Georg Ludewij Heberle, 25
Georg Ludewij Wilhelm Heberle, 37
Georg Ludowij Wilhelm Heberle, 28
Georg Michel Heberle, 19
Georg Philipp Heberle, 31
Georg Zacharius Heberle, 19
Georg/Jurgen Matthias Heberle, 20
Georgine Christine Auguste Marie Emma
Heberle, 47
Georgine Henriette Auguste Hauenschild,
Gerda Muller, 43
Gerhard Heberle, 44
Gertrud Sigrid Ingeborg Henrietta
Heberle, 53
Gottlieb Friedrich Heberle, 24
Gottlieb Heinrich Carl A Heberle, 45
Gretlies Dreyer, 47
Gunhild Gunner Dahl, 53
Gunther Rudolf August Heberle, 47
Gustav August Heinrich Wilhelm Heberle,
Hans Christian Heberle, 19
Hans Christoph Haberle/Heberle, 23
Hans Ernst Heberle, 48
Hans Georg Heberle/Herbelein/Haberlein,
Hans Heberle/Heberlay, 18
Hans Heberle/Heberlein, 17
Hans Joachim Heberle, 17
Hans Jost Heberle, 18
Hans Werner Heberle, 48
Hartmann Heberle/Eberle, 18
Hedwig Christina Augustine Oppern, 19
Hedwig Elisabeth Ella Sauerbrey, 43
Hedwig Heberle, 48
Heinrich Andreas Heberle, 29
Heinrich Andreas Heberle, 20, 24, 28, 37
Heinrich August Ferdinand Heberle, 40
Heinrich August Friedrich Heberle, 37, 39,
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Heinrich August Heberle, 23, 24, 39
Heinrich August Wilhelm Heberle, 35, 39,
Heinrich Carl August Heberle, 31
Heinrich Carl Christian Carl (Carl)
Heberle, 32
Heinrich Christian Friedrich Heberle, 35,
Heinrich Christian Heberle, 21, 22, 25
Heinrich Christian Julius Heberle, 37
Heinrich Christian Theodor Heberle, 28
Heinrich David Heberle, 19
Heinrich Friedrich Elias Heberle, 40
Heinrich Friedrich Heberle, 23, 31
Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Heberle, 39
Heinrich Julius Heberle, 32
Heinrich Leopold Heberle, 25
Heinrich Ludewij Theodor Heberle, 35, 36,
Heinrich Philipp Heberle, 19
Heinrich Reinhard Heberle, 24
Heinrich Wilhelm Heberle, 29, 32, 40
Helene Henriette Dagmar Heberle, 48
Helene Johanna Amalie Minna Mathilde
Heberle, 41
Helene Johanne Amalie Minna Mathilde
Heberle, 41
Helmut Heberle, 43
Henni Georgine Charlotte Kastenbein, 42
Henrich Heberle, 19
Henrietta Eleonora Juliane Teifel, 25
Henrietta Wilhelmina Heberle, 25
Henriette Antoinette Heberle, 28
Henriette Auguste Antonia Brinkmann, 42
Henriette Auguste Ernestine Heberle, 40
Henriette Auguste Heberle, 40
Henriette Auguste Mathilde Heberle, 39
Henriette Augustina Elisabeth Heberle, 28
Henriette Christiane Caroline Gutkas, 29
Henriette Friedericia Heberle b 26.2.1778
CZ, d 23.12.1857 CZ., 31
Henriette Johanna Julie Heberle, 39
Henriette Luise Heberle, 36
Henriette Wilhelmine Becker, 31
Henriette Wilhelmine Emilie Karoline
Heberle, 42
Henriette Wilhelmine Heberle, 27
Henriette Wilhelmine Karol Heberle, 37
Henriette Wilhelmine Kolle, 30
Henriette WK Heberle, 37
Hermine Minna Bertha HeB (or Hess), 41
Hermine Minna Henriette Bohm, 43
Hilda Heberle, 47
Hilde Heberle, 44
Hildegard …, 43
Horst Wilhelm Kurt Karl Heberle, 44
Ilbeth Heberle, 17
Ilsa Maria Bremmer, 26
Ilsa Maria HeBler, 20
Ilsa Maria Hessen, 21
Irmgard Heberle, 47
Jenny Friederike Auguste Erna Heberle,
Joachim Heberle, 16
Johann Adam Heberle, 25, 26
Johann Albert Martin Heberle, 41
Johann Andreas Heberle, 25, 26
Johann Andreas Julius Heberle, 35
Johann Andreas JuliusHeberle, 28
Johann August Elias Adolph Heberle, 39
Johann August Heberle, 22, 25, 34
Johann August Wilhelm Heberle, 31
Johann Bestian Heberle, 22
Johann Burchare Heberle, 27
Johann Carl August Heberle, 43
Johann Carl Julius Heberle, 36
Johann Carl Ludewij Heberle, 30, 32
Johann Carl Wilhelm Heberle, 36
Johann Caspar Friedrich Heberle, 29
Johann Caspar Heberle, 20, 28, 30, 32
Johann Christian Friedrich August
Wilhelm Heberle, 42
Johann Christian Friedrich Heberle, 41
Johann Christian Heberle, 22, 25, 26
Johann Christian Julian Heberle, 37
Johann Christian Ludewij Heberle, 30
Johann Christian Wilhelm Heberle, 31
Johann Christian/Christoph Heberle, 19
Johann Christoph Heberle, 26
Johann Conrad August Wilhelm Heberle,
Johann Conrad Heberle, 24
Johann David Heberle, 25
Johann Elias Heberle, 26
Johann Elias Heberle b 27.10.1765 CZ, d
23.2.1796 CZ., 26
Johann Ernst Heberle, 19, 20, 22
Johann Friedrich Heberle, 23, 28, 31, 32
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Heberle, 30
Johann Georg Gottlieb Heberle, 33
Johann Georg Heberle, 24
Johann Gottlieb Heberle, 27
Johann Gottlieb Heberle b 1800, d
22.2.1823 CZ., 32
Johann Heinrich Andreas Julius Heberle,
Johann Heinrich Christian Heberle, 40
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Johann Heinrich Friedrich Heberle, 28
Johann Heinrich Heberle, 22, 23, 25, 30,
31, 32
Johann Heinrich Heberle/Eberle, 27
Johann Heinrich Julius Eberle/Heberle, 31
Johann Jacob Haberle/Heberle, 23
Johann Jacob Heberle, 20
Johann Jost Heberle, 20
Johann Julius Heberle, 27
Johann Karl August Heberle, 39
Johann Lorentz Heberle, 20
Johann Mathias Heberle, 22, 23, 24
Johann Matthias Heberle, 18
Johann Nikolaus Heberle/Eberle, 23
Johann Philipp Heberle, 18, 27
Johann Tobias Heberle, 25
Johann Toffel Heberle, 20
Johann Wulff Heberle, 18
Johanna Augustina Heberle, 29
Johanna Carolina Heberle, 25, 32
Johanna Catharina Christiana Heberle, 31
Johanna Catharina Heberle, 21
Johanna Charlotte Juliane Heberle, 31
Johanna Christiane Henriette Heberle, 30,
Johanna Christiane Louise Heberle, 34
Johanna Dorothe Augustine Ruhen, 31
Johanna Eleonora Henrietta Heberle, 30
Johanna Friedericia Heberle, 25, 30
Johanna Friedericia Lattman, 28
Johanna Henrietta Heberle, 35
Johanna Maria Heberle, 26
Johanne Adolphine Ernestine Heberle, 44
Johanne Albertine Heberle, 25
Johanne Auguste Caroline Bergmann, 37
Johanne Auguste Christiane Heberle, 40
Johanne Auguste Eleonora Heberle, 35
Johanne Auguste Emma Heberle, 41
Johanne Auguste Juliane Adolphine
Heberle, 32, 51
Johanne Auguste Wilhelmine Friederike
Heberle, 35
Johanne Auguste Wilhelmine Schiefler, 34
Johanne Augustine Eleonora Heberle, 28
Johanne Augustine Henriette Karoline
Cramer, 35
Johanne Carolina Heberle, 24
Johanne Caroline Augustine Heberle, 35
Johanne Caroline Charlotte Christiane
Kuhhorn, 51
Johanne Caroline Charlotte Degen, 34
Johanne Caroline Christiane Heberle, 35
Johanne Caroline Friederike Heberle, 40
Johanne Caroline Georgine Henriette
Heberle, 39
Johanne Caroline Glasner, 37
Johanne Caroline Henriette Auguste
Heberle, 37
Johanne Caroline Kuhhorn, 28
Johanne Caroline Mathilde Bertha
Rebecca Maschmeiyer, 39
Johanne Caroline Philippine Elisabeth
Heberle, 35
Johanne Catharina Christiane Heberle, 28
Johanne Catharina Drossel/DroBel, 32
Johanne Catharina Heberle, 24
Johanne Catharina Henrietta Heberle, 36
Johanne Catharine Henriette Pein, 30
Johanne Charlotta Heberle, 26, 29
Johanne Charlotte Henriette Meyer, 32
Johanne Charlotte Heyer, 29
Johanne Christiane Augustine Wilhelmine
Heberle, 28
Johanne Christiane Charlotte Heberle, 30
Johanne Christiane Friederike Heberle,
35, 36, 37
Johanne Christiane Georgine Strauch, 39
Johanne Christiane
Grossheim/GroBheim, 28
Johanne Christiane Heberle, 30
Johanne Christiane Henriette, 30
Johanne Christiane Henriette Heberle, 31,
Johanne Christiane Henriette Himmler, 29
Johanne Christiane Juliane Heberle, 34
Johanne Christiane Karoline Kierig, 40
Johanne Christiane Kittler, 24
Johanne Christiane Pein, 30
Johanne Christiane Wilhelmine Heberle,
Johanne Christina Heberle, 22
Johanne Dorothea Eleonora Heberle, 29
Johanne Dorothea Heberle, 27
Johanne Dorothea Henrietta Heberle, 29,
Johanne Dorothea Henriette Heberle, 29
Johanne Eleonora Henrietta Heberle, 29
Johanne Eleonora Henriette Diener, 35
Johanne Eleonora Zeuner, 26
Johanne Elisabeth Heberle, 30
Johanne Elisabeth Rodax, 21
Johanne Elisabeth Schlinker, 31
Johanne Friedericia Heberle, 25, 30, 31
Johanne Georgina Auguste Caroline
Heberle, 41
Johanne Georgine Auguste Caroline
Heberle, 42
Johanne Henriette Caroline Heberle, 35
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Johanne Henriette Christiane Heberle, 30
Johanne Henriette Friedericia Rademann,
Johanne Henriette Friederike Wehmeyer,
Johanne Juliane Eleonora Moritz, 36
Johanne Juliane Georgina Ernestine
(Johanne) Heberle, 32
Johanne Juliane Henriette Heberle, 34
Johanne Juliane Luise Schwabe, 34
Johanne Karoline Adolfine Tost, 33
Johanne Karoline Henriette Auguste
Heberle, 38
Johanne Karoline Wilhelmine Heberle, 38
Johanne Luisa Henrietta Heberle, 29
Johanne Magdalene Bergener, 30
Johanne Margarethe Heberle, 25
Johanne Maria Glasner, 25
Johanne Marie Caroline Heberle, 40
Johanne Marie Henriette Heberle, 32, 34,
Johanne Marie Sophie Dorge, 45
Johanne Sophie Feyhe, 36
Johanne Sophie Hartwij, 25
Johanne Sophie Muller, 26
Johanne Sophie Oppermann, 29
Johanne Sophie Wilhelmine Jordan, 41
Johanne Warnecke, 47
Johannes Julius Ludwij Hermann
Heberle, 42
Josef Wilhelm Rudolf T Heberle, 52
Jost Adam Heberle, 23
Juergen Wilhelm, 53
Julia Wilhelmine Ida Heberle, 38
Juliane Christiane Wilhelmine Heberle, 34
Juliane Friedericia Losch, 26
Juliane Henriette Stopp, 29
Juliane Henriette Thielen, 27
Juliane Johanne Hedwig Erna Heberle, 41
Juliane Louise Reinecke, 35
Juliane Margaretha Elisabetha Ludewigs,
Juliane Wilhelmine Heberle, 36
Julius Carl Heberle, 25, 27
Julius Ferdinand Wilhelm Heberle, 44
Julius Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Heberle,
Jurg (Georg) Andreas Heberle, 20
Jurgen Mathias Heberle, 19
Just Heinrich Heberle, 21, 25
Just Julius Heberle, 21
Justine Henriette Hille, 28, 51
Jutta Heberle, 48
Karl August Christian Heberle, 32
Karl August Julius Heberle, 38
Karl August Louis Heberle, 44
Karl Christian Julius Heberle, 38, 41
Karl Ernest Heberle, 47
Karl Ernst Heinrich Wilhelm Heberle, 34
Karl Heberle, 52
Karl Heinrich Wilhelm Heberle, 43
Karl Hugo Heberle, 46
Karl Louis F Heberle, 37
Karl Louis Friedrich Heberle, 37
Karl Martin Adolf Emil Heberle, 44
Karl Wilhelm Adolf Heberle, 38
Karl Wilhelm August Heberle, 41
Karl-Heinz Heberle, 49
Karoline Friederike Henriette Heberle, 39
Karoline Friederike Wilhelmine
Woltenmann, 41
Karoline Heberle, 38
Karoline Luise Henriette Helene Paul, 45
Karoline Wilhelmine Auguste Heberle, 38,
Kerstin Heberle, 49
Laura Heberle, 46
Laurentius Michel Heberle/Heberley, 18
Liesabeth Magdalena Heberle, 19
Lieschen Wiehr, 43
Lisa Margarethe Heberle, 20
Lisa Nurnberger, 16
Liselotte Eichhorn, 43
Loise Henriette Heberle, 38
Louisa Henriette Heberle, 37
Louise Henriette Pichelmeyer, 31
Louise Juliane Henriette Wilhelmine
Heberle, 37
Louise Juliane Karoline Heberle, 38
Louise Juliane Winter, 40
Lucas Heberle, 21
Ludewij Conrad Heberle, 27
Ludwig Heberle, 44, 48
Ludwij Friedrich Eduard Heberle, 33, 51
Luise Anna Emma Heberle, 44
Luise Cacilie Anna Heberle, 46
Luise Christiane Amalie Hammer, 37
Luise Julie Hermine Auguste Heberle, 41
Luise Wilhelmine Heberle, 46
Magdalena Heberle, 17
Magdalena Lippert, 16
Manuel/Emmanuel Heberle, 23
Maren Heberle, 49
Margareta Wilhelmina Heberle, 53
Margarete Cacilie Heberle, 47
Margaretha Catharina Heberle, 18, 21
Margaretha Christiane Heberle, 27
Margaretha Christina Heberle, 19
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Margaretha Dorothea Oppen, 23
Margaretha Eberle, 21
Margaretha Elisabeth Heberle, 22, 23, 25,
Margaretha Elisabeth Mertens, 20
Margaretha Elisabeth Neubauer, 18
Margaretha Elisabeth Zilliax, 17
Margaretha Elizabeth Muller, 23
Margaretha Habisch, 18
Margaretha Heberle, 18, 20
Margaretha Henriette Heberle, 25
Margaretha Krons, 16
Margaretha Liese Heberle, 19
Margaretha Magdalena Heberle, 22
Margaretha Magdalena Kern, 17
Maria Catharina Aselmeyer, 34
Maria Catharina Erlemann, 24
Maria Catharina Kiereg, 26
Maria Catharina Killian, 18
Maria Christiane Albrecht, 25
Maria Christina Albrecht, 25
Maria Dorothea Heberle, 19
Maria Dorothea Strubig, 21
Maria Elisabeth Heberle, 23
Maria Elisabeth Marchausen, 19
Maria Elizabeth Elstner, 20
Maria Ernestine HenrietteWilhelmine
Minna Heberle, 52
Maria Heberle, 17, 18
Maria Henriette Heberle, 26
Maria Magdalena Heberle, 17
Maria Magdalena Pfeisner, 19
Maria Magdalena Pfeistner, 18
Maria Magdalena Polstor, 19
Maria Margaretha Brummer, 45
Maria Margaretha Heberle, 19, 22
Maria Margarethe Brummer, 52
Maria Papst, 18
Maria Sophia Schmidt, 26
Maria Zopt, 17
Marianne Wilhelmine Caroline Heberle,
40, 41
Marie Amalie Auguste Karoline Heberle,
Marie Auguste Dorothea Mathilde
Heberle, 53
Marie Christiane Heberle, 23, 24
Marie Ernestine Henriette Wilhelmine
Heberle, 40
Marie Heberle, 46
Marie Henriette Juliane Heberle, 30
Marie Luisa Heberle, 27
Marie Wilhelmine Caroline Rusack, 43
Martha Emilie Else Heberle, 48
Martha Helene Wilhelmine Heberle, 44
Martha Johanna Katharina Dethier, 47
Martin Heberle /Heberlein, 17
Mathilde Elisabeth Clara Heberle, 46
Mathilde Heberle, 46
Mathilde Wellenbeck, 45
Matilde Auguste Heberle, 47
Matthias Heberle, 17
Meta Franziska Zimmermann, 47
Michael Adam Heberle, 20
Michael Heinrich Heberle/Eberle, 20
Michel/Michael Heberle, 16
Minna Barrmann, 42
Minna Marie Auguste Heberle, 43
Nickel Heberle, 16
Orthia Heberle, 17, 18
Oskar Heberle, 43
Ostwald Heberle, 18
Ottilia Heberle, 18
Otto Emil Heberle, 47
Patricia Robin, 53
Paul Fuchs, 16
Peter Heberle, 49
Peter Hinrich Heberle, 21
Philippine Elisabeth Wilhelmine Heberle,
Rebecca Horsell, 33
Regina Magdalena Jahn, 22
Renate Heberle, 48
Richard August Heberle, 46
Richard Theodore Heberle, 47
Ronald Leslie, 53
Rose Sheltzner, 17
Ruth Anna Heberle, 48
Sabine Helene Louise Meta Heberle, 44
Samuel Andreas Heberle, 20
Samuel David? Heberle, 17
Selma Henriette Heberle, 46
Sigrid Helena Moberg, 52
Sigrun Heberle, 49
Sophia Catharina Heberle, 25
Sophia Christiane Heberle, 22
Sophia Friederike Louise (Lissi) Charlotte
Heberle, 42
Sophia Henrietta Heberle, 24
Sophia Maria Heberle, 21
Sophie Caroline Heberle, 23, 32, 51
Sophie Catharine Heberle, 27
Sophie Dorothee Ottilie Giesecke, 38
Sophie Eleonora Ritter, 26
Sophie Elisabeth Heberle, 32
Sophie Elisabeth Waldhunter, 22
Sophie Henriette Muller, 31
Sophie Henriette Oppermann, 25
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008
Sophie Juliane Henriette Heberle, 33
Sophie Juliane Mahnert, 29
Sophie Schorkopf, 45
Steffen Heberle, 17
Sunhild Lysk, 49
Sybilla Dorothea Seifers, 21
Sylva Gerda Heberle, 48
Theodor Ernst Wilhelm Fritz Karl Heberle,
Theodor Karl Ernest Christian Heberle, 46
Theodore Richard Heberle, 48
Thomas Heberle, 21
Thusmald Antonie Auralia Liebegeld, 33
Toffel Heberle, 16
Trish, 53
Ursula Dunkel, 43
Ursula Therese Ella Dunkel, 48
Valentin Gunther Heberle, 19
Valentin/Valtin Heberle/Heberlein/Eberle,
Valtin/Valentin Heberle, 20
Valtin/Valentin Heberle/Heberlein, 16
Walter Gotfried Heberle, 47
Werner Heberle, 48
Wilhelm August Carl Heberle, 27
Wilhelm August Ferdinand Heberle, 33, 51
Wilhelm August Friedrich Martin Heberle,
Wilhelm August Martin Willi Heberle, 43,
Wilhelm Carl Gustav Albert Heberle, 44
Wilhelm Eduard Friedrich Ferdinand
Heberle, 46
Wilhelm Ernst Heberle, 44
Wilhelm Georg Hermann Heberle, 42
Wilhelm Hermann Friedrich Heberle, 43,
Wilhelm Karl Friedrich Hermann Heberle,
Wilhelm Martin Emil Heberle, 43, 49
Wilhelmine Emilie Paul, 45
Wilhelmine Louise Deppen, 31
Wilhelmine Ottilie Luise Heberle, 41
William Ludewij Ernst Heberle, 44
Willie Datson, 53
Wolff Heberle, 16
Wolfgang Heberle, 48
Wolfgang Jacob Heberle, 21
Yvonne Heberle, 49
Zacharius Heberle, 19
Heberle with ancestors from Clausthal-Zellerfeld c1580-2008