
Literatur zum SE Biopolitik heute
Agamben, Giorgio (2001). Mittel ohne Zweck. Noten zur Politik. Freiburg & Berlin:
diaphanes (v.a. rund um S. 46).
Agamben, Giorgio (2002). Homos Sacer. Die souveräne Macht und das nackte Leben.
Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp (v.a. S. 127-198).
Bunton, Robin and Petersen, Alan (eds.) (2005). Genetic Governance. Health, Risk and
Ethics in the Biotech Era. London & New York: Routledge.
Foucault, Michel (1976). Die Gesundheitspolitik im 18. Jahrhundert. In. Michel Foucault
(2003). Schriften, Dits et Ecrits, Band III, 1976-1979. Herausgegeben von Daniel Defert,
Francois Ewald et al. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, pp. 19-37.
Foucault, Michel (1983). Der Wille zum Wissen. Sexualität und Wahrheit. Erster Band.
Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp (v.a. ab S. 161).
Foucault, Michel (2001). In Verteidigung der Gesellschaft. Vorlesungen am Collège de
France (1975-76). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp (Vorlesung vom 17. März).
Fox Keller, Evelyn (2000). Das Jahrhundert des Gens. München & New York: Campus
(eventuell Kapitel 1).
Frank, Arthur W. & Jones, Therese (2003). Bioethics and the Later Foucault. In: Journal
of medical Humanities Vol. 24 (No. 3/4), pp.179-186.
Franklin, Sarah (2000). Life Itself. Global Nature and the Genetic Imaginary. In: Franklin,
Sarah, Lury, Celia and Stacey, Jackie (eds.): Global Nature, Global Culture. London: Sage
Publications, pp. 188-227.
Franklin, Sarah (2003). Ethical Biocapital: New Strategies of Cell Culture. In: Franklin,
Sarah and Lock, Margaret (eds.): Remaking Life & Death. Toward an Anthropology of
the Biosciences. Santa Fe & Oxford, pp. 97-127.
Franklin, Sarah (2005). Stem Cells R Us: Emergent Life Forms and the Global Biological.
In: Ong, Aihwa and Collier, Stephen J. (eds.): Global Assemblages. Technology, Politics,
and Ethics as Anthropological Problems. Malden & Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 59-78.
Gottweis, Herbert et al. (2004). Verwaltete Körper. Strategien der Gesundheitspolitik.
Wien, Köln & Weimar: Böhlau.
Gottweis, Herbert (2005). Emerging Forms of Governance in Genomics and Postgenomics: Structures, Trends, Perspectives. In: Bunton, Robin and Petersen, Alan (eds.)
(2005). Genetic Governance. Health, Risk and Ethics in the Biotech Era. London & New
York: Routledge, pp. 189-208.
Helén, Ilpo (2004). High-tech Medicine, Life Enhancement and the Economy of Hope.
In: Science Studies, Vol. 17 (1), pp. 3-19.
Helén, Ilpo (2004). Technics over Life: Risk, Ethics and the Existential Condition in
High-tech Antenatal Care. In: Economy and Society, Vol. 33 (1), pp. 28 – 51.
Hennen, Leonhard, Petermann, Thomas und Sauter, Arnold (2001). Das genetische
Orakel. Prognosen und Diagnosen durch Gentests – eine aktuelle Bilanz. Studien des
Büros für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung beim Deutschen Bundestag 10. Berlin: edition
Inda, Jonathan Xavier (ed.) (2005). Anthropologies of Modernity. Foucault,
Governmentality, and Life Politics. Malden & Oxford: Blackwell.
Lemke, Thomas (2004). Die politische Ökonomie des Lebens – Biopolitik und Rassismus
bei Michel Foucault und Giorgio Agamben. In: Ulrich Bröckling et al. (Hg.): Disziplinen
des Lebens: Zwischen Anthropologie, Literatur und Politik. Tübingen, pp. 257-274.
Lemke, Thomas (2004). Veranlagung und Verantwortung. Genetische Diagnostik
zwischen Selbstbestimmung und Schicksal. Bielefeld: Transcript.
Lemke, Thomas (2005). From Eugenics to the Government of Genetic Risks. In: Bunton,
Robin and Petersen, Alan (eds.) (2005). Genetic Governance. Health, Risk and Ethics in
the Biotech Era. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 95-105.
Petersen, Alan and Bunton, Robin (eds.) (1997). Foucault. Health and Medicine. London
& New York: Routledge.
Petersen, Alan (2004). The New Genetics and “Citizenship”. Verfügbar unter: Petersen.pdf
Petryna, Adriana (2002). Life Exposed: Biological Citizens After Chernobyl. Princeton:
Princeton University Press (Chapter 1).
Proctor, Robert (1988). Racial Hygiene: Medicine under the Nazis. Cambridge, Mass. et
al.: Harvard University Press.
Rabinow, Paul & Rose, Nikolas (2003). Thoughts on the Concept of Biopower Today.
Verfügbar unter: http//
Rabinow, Paul (2005). Artificiality and Enlightenment: From Sociobiology to Biosociality.
In: Inda Jonathan X. (ed.): Anthropology of Modernity. Foucault, Governmentality, and
Life Politics. Malden & Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 181-193.
Rapp, Rayna (1999). Testing Women, Testing the Fetus. The Social Impact of
Amniocentesis in America. New York & London: Routledge.
Rapp, Rayna (2003). Cell Life and Death, Child Life and Death: Genomic Horizons,
Genetic Diseases, Family Stories. In: Franklin, Sarah and Lock, Margaret (eds.): Remaking
Life & Death. Toward an Anthropology of the Biosciences. Santa Fe & Oxford, pp. 165192.
Rose, Nikolas & Novas, Carlos (2002 – 2005 in Buchform). Biological Citizenship.
Strathern, Marilyn (1992). Reproducing the Future: Anthropology, Kinship, and the New
Reproductive Technologies: Manchester University Press (Chapter 1).
Weir, Lorna (1996). Recent Developments in the Government of Pregnancy. In:
Economy and Society, Vol. 25 (3), pp. 372 – 392.