Leo Strauss

Leo Strauss
Das Erkenntnisproblem in der philosophischen Lehre Fr. H. Jacobis.
Unpublished dissertation, University of Hamburg. Pp. 1-71. Printed abstract.
"Antwort das 'Prinzipelle Wort' der Frankfurter." Juedische Rundschau
(Berlin) 28(9):45.
"Anmerkung zur Diskussion über 'Zionismus und Antisemitismus.'"
Juedische Rundschau (Berlin) 28(83/84):501.
"Das Heilige." Der Jude (Berlin) 7:240-42.
"Der Zionismus bei Nordau." Der Jude (Berlin) 7(10/11):657-60.
"Paul de Lagarde." Der Jude (Berlin) 8(1):8-15.
"Soziologische Geschichtsschreibung?" Review of S. M. Dubnow, Die
neueste Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes. III Band. Der Jude (Berlin)
"Cohens Analyse der Bibel-Wissenschaft Spinozas." Der Jude (Berlin)
Review of A. Levkowitz. Religiöse Denker der Gegenwart. Vom Wandel der
modernen Lebensanschauung. Der Jude (Berlin) 8(7):432.
"Zur Auseinandersetzung mit der europäischen Wissenschaft" Der Jude
(Berlin) 8(10):613-17.
"Biblische Geschichte und Wissenschaft." Juedische Runschau (Berlin)
"Zur Bibelwissenschaft Spinozas und seiner Vorläufer." Korrespondenzblatt
(des Vereins zur Gründung und Erhaltung einer Akademie für die
Wissenschaft des Judentums) 7:1-22. Reprinted in Kurt Wilhelm, ed.,
Wissenschaft des judentums im deutschen Sprachbereich. Ein Querschnitt.
Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr. 1967. 1:115-37.
Spinoza’s Critque of Religion. The University of Chicago Press
Moses Mendelssohn Gesmmelte Schriften: Jubiläumsausgabe. Coeditor. Vol.
2. Introductions to "Pope ein Metaphysiker!" "Sendschreiben an den Herrn
Magister Lessing in Leipzig," "Kommentar zu den 'Termini der Logik' des
Mose ben Maimon," and "Abhandlung über die Evidenz." Berlin: Akademie
Review of Julius Ebbinghaus, Über die Fortschritte der Metaphysik.
Deutsche Literaturzeitung, no. 52 (December 27), cols. 2451-53.
Moses Mendelssohn Gesammelte Schriften: Jubiläumsausgabe. Coeditor.
Vol. 3, pt. 1. Introductions to "Phädon," "Abhandlung von der
Unkörperlichkeit der menschlichen Seele," "Über einen schriftlichen Aufsatz
des Herrn de Luc," and "Die Seele." Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.
"Anmerkungen zu Carl Schmitt, Der Begriff des Politischen." Archiv für
Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik 67, no. 6 (August-September):732-49.
(See 1976.)
"Das Testament Spinozas." Bayerische Israelitische Gemeindezeitung
(Munich) 8, no. 21 (November 1):322-26.
"Quelques remarques sur la science politique de Hobbes." Recherches
Philosophiques 2: 609-22.
Philosophy and Law :Contributions to the
Understanding of Maimonides and His Predecessors.
Berlin: Schocken
The Political Philosophy of Hobbes: Its Basis and Its
"Eine vermisste Schrift Farabis." Monatsschrift für Geschichte und
Wissenschaft des Judentums 80:96-106.
"Der Ort der Vorsehungslehre nach der Ansicht Maimunis." Monatsschrift für
Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 81:93-105.
"On Abravanel's Philosophical Tendency and Political Teaching." In Issac
Abravanel, edited by J. B. Trend and H. Loewe, 93-129. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Review of Moses Hyamson's edition of Maimonides, The Mishneh Torah, book
1. Review of Religion 3, no. 4 (May): 448-56.
"The Spirit of Sparta or the Taste of Xenophon." Social Research 6, no. 4
Review of James T. Shotwell, The History of History. Social Research 8, no. 1
Review of John O. Riedl's edition of Giles of Rome, Errores Philosophorum.
Church History 15, no. 1 (March): 62-63.
"On a New Interpretation of Plato's Political Philosophy." Social Research 13,
no. 3 (September): 326-67.
"On the Intention of Rousseau." Social Research 14, no. 4 (December):
455-87. (A review article on George R. Havens' edition of Jean-Jacques
Rousseau, Discours sur les sciences et les arts.)
On Tyranny: An Interpretation of Xenophon's Hiero.
"On Xenophon and Dr. Strauss." New York: Political Science Classics.
I. Husik's Philosophical Essays: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern. Coeditor.
Introduction, "On Husik's Work in Medieval Jewish Philosophy." Oxford: Basil
"On Collingwood's Philosophy of History." Review of Metaphysics 5, no. 4
(June): 559-86.
Persecution and the Art of Writing. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press.
"Walker's Machiavelli." Review of Metaphysics 6, no. 3 (March): 437-46.
Natural Right and History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
"Social Science and Humanism." In The State of the Social Sciences, edited
by Leonard D. White, 415-25. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Review of J. L. Talmon, The Nature of Jewish History--Its Universal
Significance. Journal of Modern History 29, no. 3 (September): 306.
Thoughts on Machiavelli. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press.
What is Political Philosophy? Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press.
Comment on W. S. Hudson, "The Weber Thesis Re-examined." Church History
30, no. 1 (March): 100-102.
"'Relativism.'" In Relativism and the Study of Man, edited by Helmut Schoeck
and J. W. Wiggins, 135-57. Princeton: Van Nostrand.
"Zu Mendelssohns 'Sache Gottes oder die gerettete Vorsehung.'" In
Einsichten: Gerhard Krüger zum 60. Geburtstag, 361-75. Frankfurt am Main:
Vittorio Klostermann.
"Replies to Schaar and Wolin" (no. 2). American Political Science Review 57,
no. 1 (March): 152-55.
History of Political Philosophy. Chicago: Rand McNally.
The City and Man. Chicago: Rand McNally.
"The Crisis of Our Time" and "The Crisis of Political Philosophy." In The
Predicament Of Modern Politics, edited by Harold J. Spaeth, 41-54, 91-103.
Detroit: University of Detroit Press.
Review of C. B. Macpherson, The Political Theory of Possessive
Individualism. Southwestern Social Science Quarterly 45, no. 1 (June): 69-70.
Meditacion sobre Maquiavelo (Spanish translation of Thoughts on
Machiavelli). Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Politicos.
"On the Plan of the Guide of the Perplexed." In Harry Austryn Wolfson Jubilee
Volume, 775-91. Jerusalem: American Academy for Jewish Research.
Socrates and Aristophanes. New York: Basic Books.
"Jerusalem and Athens. Some Preliminary Reflections." (The Frank Cohen
Public Lecture in Judaic Affairs.) The City College Papers, no. 6. New York:
The Library, The City College, The City University of New York.
"Jerusalem and Athens. Some Introductory Reflections." Commentary
43:45-57. (Abridged from the Frank Cohen lecture cited above.)
"John Locke as 'Authoritarian.'" Intercollegiate Review 4, no. 1
(November-December): 46-48.
"Liberal Education and Mass Democracy." In Higher Education and Modern
Democracy, edited by Robert A. Goidwin, 73-96. Chicago: Rand McNally.
"A Note on Lucretius." In Natur und Geschichte: Karl Löwith zum 70.
Geburtstag, 322-32. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer Verlag.
"Notes on Maimonides' Book of Knowledge." In Studies in Mysticism and
Religion Presented to Gershom G. Scholem, 269-83. Jerusalem: Magnes
Press, Hebrew University.
"Natural Law." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences.
"Greek Historians." Review of Metaphysics 21, no. 4 (June): 656-66.
Liberalism Ancient and Modern. New York: Basic Books.
Xenophon's Socratic Discourse: An Interpretation of the
"Oeconomicus". Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
"Machiavelli and Classical Literature." Review of National Literatures 1, no.
1 (Spring): 7-25.
"On the Euthydemus." Interpretation 1, no. 1 (Summer): 1-20.
"A Giving of Accounts" with Jacob Klein. The College (Annapolis and Santa
Fe) 22, no. 1 (April): 1-5.
"Philosophy as Rigorous Science and Political Philosophy." Interpretation 2,
no. 1 (Summer): 1-9. (See 1969).
Xenophon's Socrates. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
"Machiavelli." In History of Political Philosophy, 2d ed., edited by Leo Strauss
and Joseph Cropsey. Chicago: Rand McNally.
"Introductory Essay." In Hermann Cohen, Religion of Reason Out of the
Sources of Judaism, xxiii-xxxviii. New York: Frederick Ungar.
"Note on the Plan of Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil. " Interpretation 3,
nos. 2-3 (Winter): 97-113.
"Preliminary Observations on the Gods in Thucydides' Work." Interpretation 4,
no. 1 (Winter): 1-16.
Moses Mendelssohn Gesammelte Schriften: Jubiläumsausgabe. Editor. Vol.
3, pt. 2. Introductions to "Sache Gottes oder die gerettete Vorsehung" (see
1962), "Morgenstunden," and "An die Freunde Lessings." Stuttgart-Bad
Cannstatt: Friedrich Frommann Verlag (Gunther Holzboog).
The Argument and the Action of Plato's Laws. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
"The Three Waves of Modernity." In Political Philosophy: Six Essays by Leo
Strauss, edited by Hilail Gildin, 81-98. Indianapolis and New York: Bobbs
"Xenophon's Anabasis." Interpretation 4 no. 3 (Spring): 117-47.
"Comments on Carl Schmitt's Der Begriff des Politischen" (translation of
"Anmerkungen zu Carl Schmitt, Der Begriff des Politischen"). In The Concept
of the Political by Carl Schmitt, edited and translated by George Schwab.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press. (See 1932.)
"On Plato's Apology of Socrates and Crito." In Essays in Honor of Jacob Klein.
Annapolis: St. John's College.
"Correspondence with Hans-Georg Gadamer Concerning Wahrheit und
Methode." in The Independent Journal of Philosophy / Unabhängige
Zeitschrift für Philosophie 2: 5-12. Vienna.
"Letter to Helmut Kuhn." In The Independent Journal of Philosophy /
Unabhängige Zeitschrift für Philosophie 2: 23-26. Vienna..
"The Mutual Influence of Theology and Philosophy." In The Independent
Journal of Philosophy / Unabhängige Zeitschrift für Philosophie 3: 111-18.
"La persécution et l'art d'écrire" and "Un art d'écrire oublié" (French
translations of "Persecution and the Art of Writing" and "On a Forgotten Kind
of Writing"). In Poétique: Revue de Théorie et d'Analyse Littéraires (April):
O tiraniji (Serbo-Croatian translation of On Tyranny, including A. Kojève,
"Tyranny and Wisdom" translated as "Tiranija i mudrost"). Zagreb: Graficki
zavod Hrvatske.
"On the interpretation of Genesis" with French translation. In L'Homme:
Revue française d'anthropologie (Paris) 21, no. 1:5-36.
"Progress or Return? The Contemporary Crisis in Western Civilization." In
Modern Judaism 1:17-45. (Two lectures delivered at the B'nai B'rith Hillel
Foundation, the University of Chicago, November 5 and 12, 1952.)
Die Religionskritik Spinozas als Grundlage seiner Bibelwissenschaft, with an
introduction to the reprinted edition by Norbert Altwicker. Hildesheim: Georg
Olms Verlag.
"Théologie et philosophie: leur influence réciproque" (French translation of
"The Mutual Influence of Theology and Philosophy"). In Le temps de la
réflexion, vol. 2. Paris: Gallimard.
Studies in Platonic Political Philosophy. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
"Correspondence Concerning Modernity" Exchange of letters with Karl
Löwith beginning October 1, 1946. In Independent Journal of Philosophy /
Revue Indépendante de Philosophie 4:105-19. Paris.
"Exoteric Teaching." Edited by Kenneth Hart Green. Interpretation 14, no. 1
(January 1986): 51-59.
"Correspondence between Karl Löwith and Leo Strauss."' The Independent
Journal of Philosophy 5/6 (1988): 177-92.
"Introduction à l'existentialisme de Heidegger." Commentaire 52 (1989): 767.
"Some Remarks on the Political Science of Maimonides and Farabi".
Translated by Robert Bartlett. Interpretation 18, no. 1 (Fall 1990): 3-30.
Philosophy and Law. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of
America. Translated from Philosophie und Gesetz, 1935.
"The Origins of Political Science and the Problem of Socrates: Six Public
Lectures". Interpretation 23, no. 2 (1996): 125-207.
"How to Study Medieval Philosophy". Interpretation 23, no. 3 (1996): 319-338.
"An Untitled Lecture on Plato's Euthyphron". Interpretation 24, no. 1 (1996):
"Why We Remain Jews". Lecture delivered at the Hillel House, University of
Chicago. Publication by State University of New York Press in The Jewish
Writings of Leo Strauss, edited by Kenneth Hart Green, 1997.
"Freud on Moses and Monotheism", Lecture delivered at the Hillel House,
University of Chicago. Publication by State University of New York Press in
The Jewish Writings of Leo Strauss, edited by Kenneth Hart Green, 1997.