Virtuelles Zentrum für Reproduktionsmedizin Niedersachsen an der Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover TAGUNGSPROGRAMM 44. Jahrestagung „Physiologie und Pathologie der Fortpflanzung“ gleichzeitig 36. Veterinär-Humanmedizinische Gemeinschaftstagung Hannover, 16. - 18. Februar 2011 TAGUNGSPROGRAMM Mittwoch, 16.02.2011 18:30 Get-Together Donnerstag, 17.02.2011 08:30-08:45 Eröffnung 08:45-09:15 Hauptvortrag 1 Mechanisms of infection and immunity in the female genital tract IM Sheldon, J Cronin; Swansea Kurzvorträge Sektion 1 Thema: Gynäkologie, Geburtshilfe 9:15-11:55 09:15-9:25 Associations between body condition, metabolic and endocrine aspects and fertility in high producing dairy cows during transition period F Becker et al.; Berlin, Sachsen-Anhalt 9:25 –9:35 Isolation of culturable commensal bacteria from the bovine uterus to examine their influence on endometrial cells M Bittel et al.; Berlin, Schönow 9:35-9:45 Primary and sub-culture of equine endometrial epithelial and stromal cells – preliminary results of morphofunctional characterization D Böttcher et al.; Leipzig 9:45-9:55 Monitoring of Physical Activity and on-farm Progesterone Measurements – in Accordance with Time of Estrus? A Boldt et al.; Dummerstorf, Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Saale 9:55-10:25 Kaffeepause und Industrieausstellung 10:25-10:35 Plasma progesterone concentrations in the mid-luteal phase are dependent on luteal size, but independent of luteal blood flow and gene expression in lactating dairy cows J Lüttgenau et al.; Hannover, Weihenstephan, München 10:35-10:45 Investigations on the effect of N-Acetylcystein (NAC) on the equine endometrium E Melkus et al.; Berlin, Wien, Neustadt (Dosse) 10:45-10:55 Evidence-Based Medicine: Quality and Comparability of Clinical Trials Concerning the Therapy of Bovine Endometritis with PGF2α P Haimerl et al.; Berlin 10:55-11:05 Identification of pathogenic agents in the uterus of the mare − in situ hybridisation as a diagnostic tool for the detection of bacteria? K. Jäger et al.; Leipzig, Hannover 11:05-11:15 Correlations between clinical parameters, blood parameters and uterine histology in bitches with pyometra S Goericke-Pesch et al.; Gießen 11:15-11:25 Comparison of forces occurring during the passage of calves through the cows´ pelvis by using simultaneous tractions on equilateral and displaced forelimbs or an alternate traction on both forelimbs U Kirchner et al.; Hannover, Thessaloniki 11:25-11:35 Effects on pregnancy and foaling rates after transvaginal ultrasound-guided twin reduction in the mare. J Klewitz et al.; Hannover 11:35-11:45 Localisation of galectins in bovine uterus and placentomes during pregnancy R Fröhlich et al.; Hannover; München 11:45-11:55 Luteal and placental function in the bitch: spatio-temporal expression of prolactin receptor during pregnancy and at parturition MP Kowalewski et al.; Zurich, Giessen 11:55-13:00 Postersession 1 Thema: Gynäkologie 13:00-14:15 Mittagspause 14:15-14:45 Hauptvortrag 2: In vitro production of equine embryos TAE Stout; Utrecht 14:45-15:45 Kurzvorträge Sektion 2 Thema: Biotechnologie 14:45-14:55 Influence of BMP-6 as potential oocyte secreted factor on steroid hormone synthesis of porcine cumulus cells during in vitro maturation S Ebeling et al.; Hannover, Dummerstorf 14:55-15:05 Differential amino acid metabolism in the bovine uterine lumen prior to implantation of an in vitro fertilized vs. cloned embryo AE Groebner et al.; Weihenstephan, München, Grub 15:05-15:15 Bovine oviductal cells do not metabolise β-hydroxybutyrate as an additional nutrient in vitro K Haase et al.; Berlin 15:15-15:25 Development of 3-dimensional (3D) trophoblast/fibroblast coculture spheroids J-D Haeger et al.; Hannover 15:25-15:35 Expression of the estrogen-specific sulfotransferase SULT1E1 in placentomes and other bovine organs G Schuler et al.; Giessen, Quebec 15:35-15:45 Specific seminal plasma proteins added to sex-sorted spermatozaos have no effect on mRNA expression of developmentally important gene transcripts in bovine IVP embryos H Stinshoff et al.; Hannover, Mariensee; Verden 15:45-16:00 Kaffeepause und Industrieausstellung 16:00-17:00 Postersession 2 Thema: Andrologie 17:00-18:30 Workshops: Kleintier-Reproduktion: Possible side effects of long-acting GnRH-agonists in bitches S Arlt, W Heuwieser, Berlin, Identification of ovarian remnant tissue in the bitch J Buschhaus et al.; Hannover, Leipzig The use of Deslorelin acetate for the suppression of heat in the bitch A retrospective study of 102 cases J Palm, IM Reichler; Zurich FBF: Ovarian influence on the uterine involution during the puerperium of the cow A Brömmling et al.; Hannover, Leipzig A simplified protocol to assess the specific response to bicarbonate in boar spermatozoa as a storage-sensitive parameter H Henning et al.; Hannover Physiology and pathology of sperm-oviduct interaction S Kölle et al.; Wien, Giessen Seminalplasma – ein besonderer Saft? S Meinecke-Tillmann; Hannover Development of a (Quick-) Sperm penetration test in bull for everyday use A Wehrend et al.; Gießen 19:30 Abendveranstaltung Freitag, 18.02.2011 08:00-08:30 Hauptvortrag 3 Physiological impact of neutrophils in the regulation of the corpus luteum development and regression in the cow A Miyamoto et al.; Obihiro, Hannover 8:30-12:00 Kurzvorträge Sektion 3 Thema: Gravidität, Corpus luteum, Andrologie 8:30-8:40 Effects of Human Interferon Alpha on Bovine Endometrium in Comparison to Early Pregnancy* S Bauersachs et al.; München, Weihenstephan, Freising, Grub, 8:40-8:50 Comparative analysis of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG) and progesterone (P4) in bovine serum samples for better reliability in pregnancy detection M. Friedrich et al.; Göttingen 8:50-9:00 Deep Sequencing of the Porcine Endometrial Transcriptome at Day 14 of Pregnancy A Samborski et al.; München, Badersfeld, Grub 9:00-9:10 Equilin sulfate as a parameter for a more precise characterisation of the physiological progress in pregnancy of the mare S Schlote; Beckedorf 9:10-9:20 Fetal 'messages' transmitted by non-invasive colour Doppler ultrasonic examinations of pregnant sheep and goats M Elmetwally, S Meinecke-Tillmann; Hannover 9:20-9:30 Effects of perinatal zearalenone exposure on the morphology of genital organs of female piglets J Kauffold et al.; New Bolton, Dummerstorf, Bernburg, Auburn 9:30-10:00 Kaffee und Industrieausstellung 10:00-10:10 Osmotic properties and volume regulation of cryopreserved bovine sperm and identification of the chloride ion channel protein ClC-3. A K Blässe et al.; Hannover 10:10-10:20 Overexpression of mouse Pxt1 results in male infertility P Grzmil et al.; Göttingen, Giessen 10:20-10:30 Ultrasound of the canine penis C Hoelscher et al.; Gießen 10:30-10:40 Membrane phase behavior of stallion sperm from ‘good’ and ‘poor’ freezers H Oldenhof et al; Hannover 10:40-10:50 Liposomes for cryopreservation of bull sperm T Röpke et al.; Hannover, Neustadt/Aisch 10:50-11:00 B-mode sonography and quantitative grey-scale analysis (qGSA) in stallion testes in correlation to different evaluations of spermatogenesis P Richterich et al.; Giessen 11:00-11:10 The systemic application of endotoxines causes transient decreases in progesterone level and size of the corpus luteum, but not a shortening of the estrous cycle in cows K Strüve et al.; Hannover 11:10-11:20 Establishment of a standard operating prediction of the time of calving in cattle D. Streyl et al.; München 11:20-11.30 Measuring the blood flow of teats of dairy cows by using Color-Angiography K Kuchler et al.; München 11:30-11:40 Felid Gametes Rescue Project: Improvement of culture and cryopreservation of feline ovarian cortex C Wiedemann et al.; Berlin procedure for 11:50-12:00 Semen quality and semen characteristics of large falcons with special emphasis on fertility rate after artificial insemination D Fischer et al.; Giessen 12:00-13:00 Postersession 3 + 4 Thema: Geburtshilfe, Biotechnologie, Bestandsbetreuung, Euterkrankheiten, Neonatologie 13:00-14:15 Mittagspause 14:15-15:45 Workshops: Biotechnologie Epithelial cell cultures in veterinary reproductive research: Oviduct, corpus and cervix uteri R Einspanier, et al.; Berlin Establishment and application of two- and three-dimensional in vitro culture systems for bovine placental cells - a never-ending story? N Hambruch et al.; Hannover Cryopreservation of oocytes and ovarian tissue for fertility preservation M Montag et al.; Bonn Membrane hydraulic permeability properties of sperm during freezing WF Wolkers; Hannover Genomische Selektion Genomic Selection—From Sampling to breed value A Kurz, M Jung; Bernau 15:45-16:00 Kaffee und Industrieausstellung 16:00-16:30 Hauptvortrag 4 Generation of Oocytes and Granulosa Cells from Murine Embryonic Stem Cells K Hübner et al.; Münster 16:30-17:50 Kurzvorträge Sektion 4 Thema: Endometrium, Follikel, Fütterung 16:30-16:40 DNA Methylation Analysis of Estrogen Receptor Alpha in Bovine Endometrium SE Ulbrich et al.; Weihenstephan, München, 16:40-16:50 Increased mRNA expression of the metabolic key enzyme phosphofructokinase 1 in the bovine endometrium after ovulation C Gabler et al.; Berlin 16:50-17:00 A unique truncated form of the mRNA cap-binding protein eIF4E differently regulates translation in the porcine endometrium during implantation K Wollenhaupt et al.; Dummerstorf 17:00-17:10 Ultrasound-mediated intrafollicular injection and aspiration of bovine follicles A Hanstedt et al.; Hannover, 17:10-17:20 Estrus Synchronization of gilts in an electronic sow feeding system J Kauffold, et al.; Pennsylvania 17:20-17:30 Schlusswort