ST917 NAS Advanced inkl. Multistore English Kurzbeschreibung: Ziele: Detailed knowledge about the protocols CIFS, NFS, iSCSI and FibreChannel (FCP) Gaining expertise of the protocols CIFS, NFS, iSCSI and FibreChannel. Zielgruppe: Systemadministrators and support-personnel of NetApp filers, who want to gain detailed knowledge of the different protocols and prepare for the NetApp NCDA certification Voraussetzungen: ST200/ST900 Data ONTAP 7-Mode Administration Sonstiges: Dauer: 5 Tage Preis: 4500 Euro plus Mwst. This training prepares for the certification/exam "Data ONTAP 8.0 7-Mode Administrator" (NS0-155). Termine Dieser Workshop findet in nächster Zeit leider nicht statt! Inhalte/Agenda: • Data ONTAP CIFS Administration ♦ Administration of CIFS shares: Shares, Groups und Permissions ♦ HomeDir Sharing, Quota Management ♦ Filesystem-Monitoring (Auditing) and Virus Scanning ♦ CIFS Troubleshooting and performance analysis • Data ONTAP NFS Administration ♦ NFS concepts & components ♦ Export of ressources to hosts, subnets, netgroups and DNS-domains ♦ Configuration and Controll of /etc/exports access options ♦ NFS Troubleshooting and performance analysis • Data ONTAP Multi Protocol Administration ♦ Windows- and Unix-Usermapping with the WAFL Credential Cache ♦ Symlink tracing with map- and widelink-translation tables • SAN: FCP and iSCSI ♦ Introduction in SAN, iSCSI and Fibre-Channel ♦ Creating, allocating and administrating of LUNs ♦ High availability and multipathing with FCP and iSCSI ♦ Advanced Filer SAN Features (LUN cloning, Snap Drive, LUN Security) ♦ SAN Troubleshooting- and performance analysis basics Empfänger: qSkills GmbH & Co. KG Südwestpark 65 90449 Nürnberg Fax: 0911 - 80 10 339 eMail: [email protected] Absender: Firma:_________________________ Strasse:_________________________ PLZ/Ort:_________________________ Anmeldung zum Workshop ST917 NAS Advanced inkl. Multistore English Termin: Von _________________________ bis _________________________ Dauer: 5 Tage Preis: 4500 EUR + MWST. pro Teilnehmer Teilnehmer 1: Name: Abteilung: Telefon: Telefax: eMail: eMail2: _________________________ Vorname: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Mobil: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Teilnehmer 2: Name: Abteilung: Telefon: Telefax: eMail: eMail2: _________________________ Vorname: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Mobil: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Hotelwunsch: Bitte zutreffendes Ankreuzen: [ ] Ja | [ ] Nein An- Abreise Teilnehmer 1: Von_________________________bis_________________________ An- Abreise Teilnehmer 2: Von_________________________bis_________________________ Rechnungsanschrift: Firma: Ansprechpartner: Abteilung: Strasse: Ort: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Hiermit bestätige ich die verbindliche Anmeldung zu o.g. Workshop. Ich besitze die notwendigen Vorkenntnisse. Es gelten die AGB der qSkills GmbH & Co. KG Ort, Datum____________ Unterschrift________________________________