
Berühmte Würmer:
Appendix vermiformis - Caenorhabditis elegans
(≈20.000 Pubmed Artikel)
Operative Behandlung der akuten Appendizitis inkl. der komplizierten postoperativen Verläufe
AstraZeneca Focus
Update: Rund um die Appendix
09. Juni 2016
Steffen Geuss
Klinik für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie
The research conundrum of acute appendicitis, Soreide S, BJS, 2015.
Berühmte Würmer:
Appendix vermiformis - Caenorhabditis elegans
(≈20.000 Pubmed Artikel)
• Timing: Notfall‐OP oder doch nicht so dringend? • OP Technik: laparoskopisch vs. offen • Weiterentwicklungen (SILS, NOTES)
• Postoperative Komplikationen:
• Drainagen & intraop Spülung
• postoperative Antibiotika
• Behandlung intraabomineller Abszesse
meist retrospektive Arbeiten
keine Grundlagenforschung
marginaler Wissenszuwachs
kein Nobelpreis
Zell- /Entwicklungsbiologie
Massgebliche Fortschritte
3 Nobelpreise (2002, 2006, 2008)
The research conundrum of acute appendicitis, Soreide S, BJS, 2015.
• Appendektomie à froid
Short-term complications and long-term morbidity of lap and open appendicectomy in a national cohort. Andersson RE, BJS 2014
Laparoscopic versus open surgery for suspected appendicitis. Sauerland S, Cochrane Database Syst Review 2010.
Ist die Appendektomie eine
Perforationsrate steigt mit Zeit
zwischen Schmerzbeginn und OP...
Ditillo MF
(USA 2006)
Schnüriger B (CH 2014)
Saar S
(EST 2016)
Jeon BG
(S.Korea 2016)
prosp. Kohorte
(SzBeginn ‐> OP)
6% vs. 33%
Sz Beginn vor:
30h (nicht perf.) vs. 74h (perf.)
3% vs. 25%
„Perforations rates increased with
longer prehospital delays“
Schnüriger B et al, Introduction of a new policy of no nighttime appendectomies, World J Surg 2014.
Saar S et al, Delay between onset of symptoms and surgery in acute appendicitis increases perioperative Morbidity, World J Surg 2016.
Ditillo MF et al, Is it safe to delay appendectomy in adults with acute appendicitis? Ann Surg 2006.
Jeon BG, Appendectomy: Should it be performed so quickly? Am Surg 2016
... aber keine höhere Perforationsrate
bei längerer OP Wartezeit...
Drake FT (USA 2014)
(inhospital delay)
Perforierte Appendizitis
Prospektive Kohorte
Nat Surg Res Coll
(UK 2014)
(11 Studien)
Nat Surg Res 2510
(UK 2014)
Prospektive Kohorte
Jeon BG
(Korea 2016)
Prospektive Kohorte
.. aber mehr post-op Komplikationen
Drake FT et al, Tim eto appendectomy and risk of perforation in acut eappendicitis, Jama Surg 2014.
The UK National Surgical Research Colaborative, Safety of short, in-hospital delays before surgery for acute appendicitis, Ann Surg 2014
Jeon BG et al, Appendectomy: Should it be performed so quickly? Am Surg 2016
Postoperative Komplikationen
Nat Surg
Res Coll
(UK 2014)
Meta‐analyse (11 Studien)
Nat Surg
Res Coll
(UK 2014)
Prospektive Kohorte
SSI: OR 2.24 Kompli: OR 1.71
Fair BA (USA 2015)
 (OR 1.6)
(USA 2016)
Nationales 265972
 (OR 1.26)
The UK National Surgical Research Colaborative, Safety of short, in-hospital delays before surgery for acute appendicitis, Ann Surg 2014
Fair BA et al, The impact of operative timing on outcomes of appendicitis, Am J Surg 2015
Al-Qurayshi et al, Risk and outcomes of 24-h delayed and weekend appendectomies, J Surg Research 2016
„No Nighttime Appendectomies“
am Inselspital
(23h00 – 8h00)
App Perforation
2006 – 2009
2010 – 2011 (n=135)
3.9 d
3.4 d
Schnüriger B et al, Introduction of a new policy of no nighttime appendectomies, World J Surg 2014.
Lap Appendektomie: Zugang
Lap Appendektomie in 1 Minute
Offene Appendektomie in 1 Minute
Offene Appendektomie: Zugang
Outcome: lap vs offene
Lap App: internationaler Vergleich
• Schweiz: • 1992‐2008 Swedish National Register (n=169 896)
• 2004: 44% (4267 Ops)
• 2014: 92% (10421 Ops) • Laparoskopie
• Holland 2014: 80%
• USA:
• weniger Wundinfekte (OR 0.54)
• weniger postoperative Schmerzen
• 2004: 43% • 2011: 75%
• Laparoskopie
• Schweden:
• mehr intraop. Darmverletzungen (OR 1.3)
• mehr intraabdominelle Abszesse (OR 1.6) Cochrane 2010: OR 1.8
• 2004: 38% • 2014: 55%
Masoomi H et al, Laparoscopic appendectomy trends and outcomes in the United States: data from NIS, 2004-2011, Ann Surg 2014.
Van Rossem et al, Prospective nationwide outcome audit of surgery for suspected appendicitis, BJS 2016.
Sundbom M et al, Use of laparoscopy in GI surgery in Sweden 1998-2014: a nationwide study, Scand J Surg 2016.
Bundesamt für Statistik Schweiz, Medizinische Statistik der Krankenhäuser 2004 und 2014,
Short-term complications and long-term morbidity of lap and open appendicectomy in a national cohort. Andersson RE, BJS 2014
Laparoscopic versus open surgery for suspected appendicitis. Sauerland S, Cochrane Database Syst Review 2010.
Von einer laparoskopischen Technik
profitieren auch...
Laparoskopische Appendektomie:
Historische Lernkurve ?
• Swiss Association of Lap & Thoracoscopic Surgery
• Patienten mit perforierter Appendizitis
• prospektive Datenbank 1995‐2006 (n=7446)
• Tiwari 2011, Galli 2013, Horvath 2016
• adipöse Patienten (BMI ≥30 kg/m2)
• Abnahme der Komplikationen:
• intraop
• Wundinfekte
• allgemeine
3,1 vs 0,7%
6,1 vs 1,9%
4,9 vs 3,5%
• Masoomi 2011, Mason 2012
intraoperative Komplikationen
• ältere Patienten (>60 J)
• Southgate 2012
Improving outcomes after lap appendectomy: a population-based, 12-yr trend analysis of 7446 pts. Brügger L, Ann Surg 2011.
Southgate E, Laparoscopic vs open appendectomy in older patients, Archi Surg 2012.
Masoomi H, Comparison of lap vs open app for acute nonperforated and perforated appendicitis in the obese population, Am J Surg 2011.
Tiwari MM, Comparison of outcomes of lap and open app in management of uncompl and comp appendicitis, Ann Surg 2011.
Galli R, Laparoscopic approach in perforated appendicitis: increased incidence of SSI? Surg Endosc 2013
Horvath P, Comparison of clinical outcome of laparoscopic versus open appendectomy for complicated app horvath, Surg Endosc 2016.
Mason RJ, Lap vs Open App in Obese Pts Outcomes Using the Am Coll of Surgeons Nati Surg Quality Improv Prog Database, J Am Coll Surg 2012.
Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery
Weiterentwicklung der
„Historische SILS“
SILS vs konventionelle lap Technik
• Allg. Komplikationen, SSI, LOS 
• „Hernie ombilicale et appendicectomie“
(Makar 2013, 7 RCT, n=1108) • 334 transumbilikale Appendektomien (Amar 1988)
• Wundinfekte
• „Lap app using a single umbilical puncture“ (Kim JH 2015, n=2587)
• 25 Fälle (Pelosi 1992)
• kompl. Appendizitis: Konversionsrate
• „One trocar appendectomy“ (Kang BM 2016, n=618)
• 55 Fälle (Esposito 2002)
• postop Schmerz
(RCT nach 75 pts gestoppt! Carter 2014)
Amar A, Hernie ombilicale et appendectomie, J Chir (Paris) 1988.
Pelosi MA, Laparoscopic appendectomy using a single umbilical puncture, J Reprod Med 1992,
Rispoli G, Esposito C, One trocar appendectomy, Surg Endosc 2002.
Natural Orifice
Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery
Markar SR, Systematic review and meta-analysis of single-incision versus conventional multiport appendicectomy, BJS 2013.
Kim JH, Single-incision laparoscopic appendectomy versus conventional laparoscopic appendectomy, Experiences from 1208 cases, Ann Surg 2015.
Kang BM, iSngle-port laparoscopic surgery in acute appendicitis retrospective comparative analysis for 618 patients, 2016 Surg Endosc.
Carter JT, A prosp RCT of SILvs Conventional 3-Port Lap Appendectomy for Tx of Acute Appendicitis , J Am Coll Surg 2014.
(Hybrid-)NOTES Appendektomien
• transvaginal vs transgastrisch (n=181 vs 36)
• Komplikationen: • OP Dauer: 3% vs 11%
35min vs 96min
• transvaginal vs lap (n=18 vs 22)
• postop Opiatbedarf 
• körperliche Aktivität schneller
• Arbeitsunfähigkeit kürzer
Bulian DR, Analysis of the first 217 appendectomies of the german NOTES registry, AnnSurg 2016.
Roberts KE, Pure transvaginal appendectomy versus traditional lap appendectomy more procedure time but less length of hospital stay, BJS 2012.
Postop Komplikationen
Postoperative Komplikationen
nicht perforiert
Postop Ileus 3
Wundinfekt 0.5
Allg. Komplikationen
(Pneumonie, HWI, Niereninsuff, MI,TVT, LE)
Komplikationsvermeidung (1):
postop Antibiotika
Margenthaler JA, Risk Factors for Adverse Outcomes After the Surgical Treatment of Appendicitis in Adults, AnnSurg 2003.pdf
Masoomi H, Comparison of lap ves open appendectomy for acute nonperf and perf appendicitis in the obese population, Am J Surg 2011
vanRossem CC, Duration of antibiotic treatment after appendicectomy for acute complicated appendicitis, BJS 2014.
Komplikationsvermeidung (2):
Drainagen und intraop Spülen?
• Wundinfekte / intraabdo Abszesse 
• NUR bei perforierter App u./o. eitriger Peritonitis
• Breitband AB
• Länge?
• Kein Unterschied zwischen 3d und 5d (vanRossem 2014)
• Kriterien: Leukozyten, Fieber, AZ ???
vanRossem CC, Duration of antibiotic treatment after appendicectomy for acute complicated appendicitis, BJS 2014.
Daskalakis K, The use of pre or post op antibiotics in surgery for appendicitis: a systematic review, Scand J Surg 2013.
Absaugen +/- peritoneale Spülung
bei perforierter App
Drainage bei komplizierter Appendizitis
• mehr Wundinfekte  mit Drainage (RR ≈1.7)
• Intra‐abdo Abszesse
mit Spülung (retrospektive Studien: Moore 2001, Akkoyun 2011, Hartwich 2013)
• Intra‐abdo Abszess 
• intra‐abdominelle Infekte Drainage ohne Effekt
mit Spülung (prospektiv randomisiert: StPeter 2012, Snow 2016)
• Hypothetische Power Calculation (α=80%, β=5%):
• 50% Reduktion intrabdomineller Infekte (10  5%)
• n=870
Abdominal drainage to prevent intra-peritoneal abscess after open appendectomy for complicated appendicitis, Cheng Y, Cochrane Lib 2015.
Evidence-based Value of Prophylactic Drainage in Gastrointestinal Surgery Sys Rev and Meta-analyses. Petrowsky H, Ann Surg 2004
Does use of intraop irrigation w/ open or laparoscopic app reduce post-op intra-abdominal abscess? Moore CB, Am Surg 2011.
Advantages of abandoning abdo cavity irrigation and drainage in operations performed on children with perforated appendicitis. Akkoyun I, J Pediatr Surg 2012.
The effects of irrigation on outcomes in cases of perforated appendicitis in children, Hartwich JE, J Surg Res 2013.
Irrigation vs suction alone during lap appendectomy for perforated appendicitis: a prospective RT, St Peter SD, Ann Surg 2012.
Irrigation versus suction alone during laparoscopic appendectomy; A randomized controlled equivalence trial, SnowHA , Int J Surg 2016.
Intraabomineller AbszessBehandlung
Perkutane Abszessdrainage
• Grösse >3‐5cm
• Antibiotika
• Kumar 2006: >6.5cm • Gasior 2013: >20cm2 (Kinder)
• Perkutane Drainage + Antibiotika
• Zugang: ventral/transgluteal
• Re‐operation
• Technik: CT (US)
• Dauer: klinisch (5‐7d)
• Erfolg: 70‐97%
Kumar RR, Factors affecting the successful manage. of intra-abdo abscesses wi/ ab & the need for percut drainage, Dis Colon Rectum 2006.
Robert B, Percutaneous transgluteal drainage of pelvic abscesses in interventional radiology: A safe alternative to surgery, J Visc Surg 2016.
To J, Image-guided drainage versus antibiotic-only treatment of pelvic abscesses: short-term and long-term outcomes, Fertil Steril 2014.
Brandt D, Percut CT scan-guided drainage vs. Ab-therapy alone for Hinchey II diverticulitis: a case-control study, Dis Colon Rect 2006
Gasior AC, To drain or not to drain: an analysis of abcess drains in the tx of app w abscess. Pediatr Surg Int 2013.
Appendektomie à froid
Appendektomie à froid
• Appendizitis Rezidivrisiko 5‐10%
nach konservativer Therapie
einer abszedierten Appendizitis
• Rezidiv meist innerhalb 6 Monate nach initialer Tx
• Rezidiv – prädiktive Indikatoren: (Castello GM 2014)
Initiale Grösse der entzündlichen RF Symptompersistenz Langsame Rückbildung der entzündlichen RF (Bildgebung)
Interval routine appendectomy following conservative tx of acute app: Is it really needed? Sakorafas GH, W J Gastrointest Surg 2012
Nonsurgical Treatment of Appendiceal Abscess or Phlegmon - A Sys Review and Meta-analysis. Andersson RE, Ann Surg 2007
Predictors of recurrent app after non-op management of children w/perforated app presenting w/an app inflammatory mass.
Castello GM, Arch Dis Child 2014
Appendektomie à froid
• Verzögerung der OP um 6‐12h: nicht wünschenswert, aber ohne Nachteil
• Laparoskopische OP Technik: Vorteile überwiegen
• Unerwartete Diagnosen nach Appendektomie à froid:
• 12% Neoplasien (11/89, 6 muzinöse TU, 5 Karzinoide, 1 Adeno‐CA) Wright GP, 2015
• 1,2% Malignome (32/2771) Andersson RE, 2007
• 0,7% benigne EK (17/2771) , v.a M. Crohn Andersson RE, 2007
• Fazit: Keine regelhafte Appendektomie à froid, aber Abklärung mittels • Bildgebung (CT) nach 2‐3 Monaten • +/‐ Koloskopie
• SILS/NOTES: innovativ, aber Fortschritt fraglich
• Drainage / Spülung bei perf. App:
Keine Evidenz
• Postop Antibiotika:
bei komp Appendizitis
• Perkut. Drainage intraabdo Abszesse: etablierte Methode • Appendektomie à froid: nach Abklärung
Nonsurgical Treatment of Appendiceal Abscess or Phlegmon - A Sys Review and Meta-analysis. Andersson RE, Ann Surg 2007
Is there truly an oncologic indication for interval appendectomy? Wright GP, Am J Surg 2015
Lap App: internationaler Vergleich
Offene Fragen?
• Holland 2014: 80%
• Schweiz: • 2004: 44% (4267 Ops)
• 2014: 92% (10421 Ops) • USA:
• 2004: 43% • 2011: 75%
• Schweden:
• 2004: 38% • 2014: 55%
Masoomi H et al, Laparoscopic appendectomy trends and outcomes in the United States: data from NIS, 2004-2011, Ann Surg 2014.
Van Rossem et al, Prospective nationwide outcome audit of surgery for suspected appendicitis, BJS 2016.
Sundbom M et al, Use of laparoscopy in GI surgery in Sweden 1998-2014: a nationwide study, Scand J Surg 2016.
Bundesamt für Statistik Schweiz, Medizinische Statistik der Krankenhäuser 2004 und 2014,
Postop Komplikationen:
Drainage bei komplizierter Appendizitis
Systematic Review 2004
• Pathologie:
kompliziert > unkompliziert (OR 1.3)
• OP Technik:
offen > laparoskopisch (OR 3.4)
Systematic Review 2015
• Schmerzbeginn: >1d (OR1.5), >7d (OR 2.3)
Intraabdo infections
• Patientenalter: /Jahr (OR 1.02)
Wound infections
Tsipolis C, Factors influencing the course of acute appendicitis in adults and children, Langenb Arch Surg 2013.
Abdominal drainage to prevent intra-peritoneal abscess after open appendectomy for complicated appendicitis, Cheng Y, Cochrane Lib 2015.
Evidence-based Value of Prophylactic Drainage in Gastrointestinal Surgery Sys Rev and Meta-analyses. Petrowsky H, Ann Surg 2004
Intraop Spülung bei perforierter App
Moore CB (2011)
Akkoyun I (2012)
Hartwich JE offen/lap
St Peter SD lap
post‐op (7d) min. 500ml
Snow HA (2016)
post‐op (5d)
... mittlerwerweile Trendumkehr ?
• 91.118 lap vs 97.496 offen (USA)
• Kinderchirurgie
• Klinikpräferenz: laparoskopische Technik
• komplizierter Appendizitis
• post‐op Komplikationsrisiko (OR 1.11)
Does use of intraop irrigation w/ open or laparoscopic app reduce post-op intra-abdominal abscess? Moore CB, Am Surg 2011.
Advantages of abandoning abdo cavity irrigation and drainage in operations performed on children with perforated appendicitis. Akkoyun I, J Pediatr Surg 2012.
The effects of irrigation on outcomes in cases of perforated appendicitis in children, Hartwich JE, J Surg Res 2013.
Irrigation vs suction alone during lap appendectomy for perforated appendicitis: a prospective RT, St Peter SD, Ann Surg 2012.
Irrigation versus suction alone during laparoscopic appendectomy; A randomized controlled equivalence trial, SnowHA , Int J Surg 2016.
Tashiro J, Hospital preference of laparoscopic versus open appendectomy: Effects on outcomes in simple and complicated appendicitis, J Ped Surg 2016.