Brustkrebs: genet. Erkrankung Bert Vogelstein (*1949) Johns-Hopkins-University ,The revolution in cancer research can be summed up in a single sentence: Cancer is, in essence, a genetic disease.’ Multiple Hit Theory Akkumulation von Mutationen Proto-Onkogene - Onkogene 6 Bereiche Wachstumsfaktoren, -rezeptoren G-Proteine Proteinkinasen nukl. Transkriptionsfaktoren tumorspez. Chromosomenaberrationen virale Onkogene (HPV, HTLV, RSV) Multiple Hit Theory Gene Syndrome Anomalies BRCA1 Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer Breast (female), ovarian, fallopian tube, testis BRCA2 Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer Breast (female + male), ovarian, fallopian tube, pancreas Li-Fraumeni Breast cancer, soft tissue and bone sarcomas, leukemia, brain, adrenocortical, choroid plexus , lung PTEN Cowden/PTEN hamartoma macrocephaly, breast, endometrial, nonmedullary thyroid, colon, renal cell CDH1 Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer Lobular breast cancer, diffuse gastric cancer STK11 Peutz-Jeghers Hamartomatous gastrointestinal tract polyps; mucocutaneous pigmentation; breast, small bowel, stomach, colorectal, pancreas, lung, endometrium and ovary; sex cord tumor MMR genes (MSH2, MLH1, MSH6, PMS2) Lynch (HNPCC) Colon, endometrial, ovarian, stomach TP53 Eigene Daten Eigene Daten BRCA - OC BRCA1 (~70%) andere Gene (~8%) HNPCC (~2%) BRCA2 (~20%) Häufigkeit von BRCA-Mutationen Erbgang von BRCA-Mutationen Risiko BRCA - OC Gesamtpopulation Ontario: BRCA1: 0.32%; BRCA2: 0.69% n=1171 OC; unselected: 13.2% BRCA1: OC, fBC, Hoden BRCA2: OC, f+mBC, PAN Risiko abhängig von Mutationsposition innerh. d. Gens BRCA - OC n=1421; CAN; unselected BRCA1: 8%; BRCA2: 5% 10-Jahres-Überlebensdaten Fazit: initiale Chemosensitivität kein Überlebensvorteil BRCA - OC Genes & OC n=209; OC; unselected; US 15%; BRCA1 n=20; BRCA2 n=12 keine BRCA-Mutationen in Boderline-Tumoren keine BRCA-Mutationen in muzinösen OCs 63% der BRCA+ OCs serös Genes & OC non-BRCA, non-familial OC n=360; US; unselected RAD51D: 0.8% fam. Belastung: n=449; RAD51D: 0% Fazit: RAD51D = 1% non-familial OC Genes & OC n=360 24% germline loss-of-function mutation 13 Tumorsuppressorgene BRCA1, BRCA2, CHEK2, RAD51D, BARD1, BRIP1, MRE11A, MSH6, NBN, PALB2, RAD50, RAD51C, TP53 Alter: 40-60 a höchste Frequenz Somat. Mut. n=235; US; unselected Frequenz in OC-Gewebe: n=44 (19%) BRCA1 n=31; BRCA2 n=13 von 28 Frauen germline DNA 9/21 BRCA1- u. 2/7 BRCA2Mutationen somatisch Fazit: 40% BRCA1, 30% BRCA2 somatische Mutationen BRCA - Mechanismus Turner et al. Nature Reviews Cancer 2004 BRCA - Mechanismus Banerjee, S. et al. (2010) Making the best of PARP inhibitors in ovarian cancer Nat. Rev. Clin. Oncol. BRCA - Mechanismus Polyak and Garber, Nature Medicine. 2011 Screening vs. Prävention Hochrisikopatientin Früherkennung=Screening Ziel: Senkung der Mortalität Vorsorge=Prävention Ziel: Senkung der Inzidenz Prävention: Adnexektomie Prävention Prävention: Adnexektomie Ergebnisse Ergebnisse Prävention: Adnexektomie Ergebnisse Prävention: Adnexektomie Morbidität: Adnexektomie Morbidität: Adnexektomie ASCO 2014: Women With BRCA Mutations Report Significant Side Effects Following Risk-Reducing Salpingo-Oophorectomy The majority of patients who had risk-reducing salpingooophorectomy reported suboptimal scores in sexual function, sleep, menopausal symptoms, and stress. 73% of patients reported sexual dysfunction, such as the absence of satisfaction and presence of pain; 61% had problems sleeping; 57% had symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness; and 56% had elevated levels of stress. Hormone replacement therapy did help mitigate symptoms, particularly in women with no cancer history who underwent oophorectomy prior to age 50. HRT nach rrAdnexektomie? Synchrone Hysterektomie? PRO CONTRA Tamoxifen Therapie Höhere Morbidität Hormonersatztherapie Längerer Spitalsaufenthalt Blutungen, Myome, etc Komplexerer Eingriff, Organverlust Wer macht das? Wer macht das? Wer macht das? TAM & BRCA Analyse NSABP-P1 n=288 getestet; 19 (7%) BRCA 1/2 BRCA1: RR 1.67 (0.3-10.7) BRCA2: RR 0.38 (0.06-1.6) Fazit: TAM verhindert BRCA2-, nicht jedoch BRCA1-abhängige BC King et al. JAMA 2001 Gewichtabnahme – Alternative?