Eliane Suter, Alix Wiegand Exam (Unit 5) November 2007 A: Form the simple past form of each verb. go play watch buy meet use stop study drive wear ( /10 p) B: Complete the text with the verbs in brackets in the past simple. Example: Yesterday, it was my birthday. (be +) Yesterday, it wasn’t my birthday. (be -) 1. I ________________ out with my friends last night. (go +) 2. We ________________ a Chinese restaurant. (choose -) 3. Instead, we ________________ dinner at an Italian restaurant. (have +) 4. I ________________ a pizza. (eat +) 5. My friends ________________ to have pasta. (decide +) 6. The waiter ________________ very nice. (be +) 7. At 10 o’clock, we ________________ the bill. (order +) 8. Unfortunately, we ________________ enough money to pay. ( have -) 9. We ________________ but ________________ in the kitchen instead. ( pay - / help +) 10. We ________________ a lot of fun, it _______________ a nice night out. (have + / be +) ( /12 p) 1 C: Complete the sentences with one of the five verbs below in the past time. be buy close not leave meet 1. She _____________________ her boyfriend at the night club. 2. I am sorry. The bar _____________________ half an hour ago. 3. She _____________________ work until 7 o’clock last Friday. 4. _____________________ a new jacket yesterday? (you) 5. _____________________ Jack at school this morning? ( /5 p) D: Fill in the gaps! YOU HEAR YOU SAY __________ I help you? How __________ is that T-shirt? It’s 15 pounds. Sorry, what ________ you say? 15 pounds. Thank you. E: Please translate the following sentences. (........../3 p) ( /12 p) 1. Sechs Stunden später landeten sie an einem grossen Flughafen. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Wir sprachen über Lalis Probleme mit ihrem Freund. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. In Moskau zahlen die Männer immer für die Getränke der Frauen. ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Hörten Sie etwas, als Sie in Ihrem Zimmer waren? ________________________________________________________________________ F: Write nine sentences about what you did last week. Use a different verb in each sentence. ( /18 p) 1. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________________________________________ 7. ________________________________________________________________________ 8. ________________________________________________________________________ 9. ________________________________________________________________________ 2