Technische Universität Berlin Department of Geoinformation Science Neue Entwicklungen zu CityGML und der 3DCityDB Prof. Dr. Thomas H. Kolbe Institut für Geodäsie und Geoinformationstechnik Technische Universität Berlin [email protected] 31. Januar 2012 Räumliche GDI und 3D-GIS-Technologien, Dresden 31. 1. 2012 Department of Geoinformation Science Aktuelle Entwicklungen 2 T. H. Kolbe – Neue Entwicklungen zu CityGML und der 3DCityDB 2011/06/08 CityGML Standards Working Group @ OGC Department of Geoinformation Science Mission: Revision of CityGML 1.0 Minor Revision (leads to version number 1.x) Major Revision (leads to version number 2.0) Basis for the revisions are Change Requests (CR) can be submitted by anybody (no OGC membership required) deadline for CityGML 1.1 was February 26, 2010 SWG must process every CR, rejection of CRs is possible First goal: CityGML 1.1 (appointed for autumn 2011) CityGML 1.1 will be fully backwards compatible valid CityGML1.0 documents remain valid CityGML 3 T. H. Kolbe – Neue Entwicklungen zu CityGML und der 3DCityDB 31. 1. 2012 Received Change Requests comprise... Department of Geoinformation Science New thematic modules for the representation Subsurface Structures like Tunnels Bridges Walls in cities of Extensions of existing modules Building module explicit representation of storeys (as own object class) additional thematic boundary surfaces additional attributes for openings, boundary surfaces Appearance module modelling of constant surface properties Miscellaneous Compressed archive format for CityGML (like KMZ) Topologic Network Model 4 T. H. Kolbe – Neue Entwicklungen zu CityGML und der 3DCityDB 31. 1. 2012 Tunnels and Bridges Department of Geoinformation Science are based on proposals of the SIG 3D modelled as CityGML Application Domain Extensions comprise UML diagrams, XML schema documents, example data Tunnels representation of man-made underground objects, which generally are accessible by persons car / railway / metro tunnels, underground buildings, etc. modelling of natural hollow spaces like caves or geological structures are not addressed Bridges comprehensive model for the representation of bridges 5 T. H. Kolbe – Neue Entwicklungen zu CityGML und der 3DCityDB 31. 1. 2012 CityGML 1.1: Tunnel Module Department of Geoinformation Science Metro station Above ground entry to the metro station (LOD3 building) Digital Terrain Model (LOD1) Connecting tunnel between two metro stations (LOD3 tunnel according to SubsurfaceStructureADE) Underground part of the metro station (underground LOD3 building) 6 T. H. Kolbe – Neue Entwicklungen zu CityGML und der 3DCityDB 31. 1. 2012 Bridge Module Department of Geoinformation Science 7 T. H. Kolbe – Neue Entwicklungen zu CityGML und der 3DCityDB 31. 1. 2012 Department of Geoinformation Science Neue Anwendungen und Erweiterungen in Entwicklung 8 T. H. Kolbe – Neue Entwicklungen zu CityGML und der 3DCityDB 2011/06/08 AP 3 Simulation von intersektoriellen Kaskadeneffekten bei Ausfällen von Versorgungsinfrastrukturen unter Verwendung des virtuellen 3D-Stadtmodells von Berlin Gefördertes BMBF-Projekt 2009-2012 SIMKAS-3D Motivation Department of Geoinformation Science Initiales Ereignis Pumpstation ist beschädigt und Wasser strömt aus Ausbreitung von Wasser verursacht Stromausfall 10 Wegen des Stromausfalls arbeiten die Pumpen nicht Motivation Department of Geoinformation Science Initiales Ereignis Hallo Störungsstelle, der Strom ist ausgefallen und die Wasserversorgung auch Pumpstation ist beschädigt und Wasser strömt aus Ausbreitung von Wasser verursacht Stromausfall 11 Wegen des Stromausfalls arbeiten die Pumpen nicht AP 3 Projektpartner 12 SIMKAS-3D AP 3 Integration der Versorgungsnetze in das 3D-Stadtmodell Ziel: Erstellung eines homogenisierten Netzmodells für die Simulation inkl. der relevanten Sachattribute (Nutzungsart, Material, Betriebsparameter, Einwohnerzahl etc.) SIMKAS-3D CityGML UtilityNetwork ADE Department of Geoinformation Science bereits fertig gestellt Download Dok.+ XML-Schema: CityGML_UtilityNetworkADE weitgehend fertig gestellt 14 T. H. Kolbe – Future Developments on CityGML 31. 1. 2012 Integrierte Versorgungsinfrastrukturen Department of Geoinformation Science 15 T. H. Kolbe – Neue Entwicklungen zu CityGML und der 3DCityDB 31. 1. 2012 Energieatlas Berlin Department of Geoinformation Science Kooperationsprojekt unter Förderung des neu gegründeten European Institute of Technology EIT angesiedelt im Knowledge & Innovation Center for Climate Change and Mitigation (Climate KIC) Partner: TU Berlin: Innovationszentrum Energie Institut für Geodäsie und Geoinformationstechnik Institut für Energietechnik Institut für Energie- und Automatisierungstechnik Institut für Architektur Institut für Technologie und Management (ITM) 17 Zentrum für Technik und Gesellschaft, TU Berlin Deutsches GeoForschungszentrum Potsdam (GFZ) Vattenfall Europe Berlin AG GASAG AG Berlin Partner GmbH Berliner Senat für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Frauen Bezirksamt CharlottenburgWilmersdorf in Berlin T. H. Kolbe – Neue Entwicklungen zu CityGML und der 3DCityDB 31. 1. 2012 Energieatlas Berlin: Ziele Department of Geoinformation Science • Entwicklung eines ganzheitlichen Werkzeuges zur Modellierung, Erfassung, Analyse und Visualisierung energetischer Zusammenhänge im räumlichen Kontext Planung und Entscheidungsfindung für energetische Fragestellungen • Basis ist das Berliner 3D-Stadtmodell strukturiert nach • Stadtmodellerweiterung durch Integration von: 18 Versorgungsinfrastrukturen Wärme-, Kälte- und Stromflüssen energetischen Gebäudeparametern (mikro-)klimatischen Einflüssen Geothermie, Verkehrsflüssen T. H. Kolbe – Neue Entwicklungen zu CityGML und der 3DCityDB 31. 1. 2012 Planungs- und Entscheidungswerkzeug Department of Geoinformation Science Kompetenzbereich Ebene Gestaltungs- und Planungsebene + Energy-ADE Starter Projekt Ingenieursebene 19 Räumliche Aggregation Zukunft Politische / unternehmerische Ebene Vorgaben Rahmenbedingungen Stadt - Stadtteile Räumliche Planung Konzepte Gebäude - Blöcke Energieeffiziente Komponenten Energiebilanz Energiequellen, Netze T. H. Kolbe – Neue Entwicklungen zu CityGML und der 3DCityDB 31. 1. 2012 Energet. Sanierungszustand von Gebäuden Department of Geoinformation Science Stadt 3D-Stadtmodell [CityGML] Reale Energieverbrauchswerte Energieversorger Characteristischer Energiewert Volumen [m³] • Nutzfläche [m²] • Gebäudetyp • Gebäudenutzung • Baujahr • Fläche/Volumen • Schätzung des Heizenergieverbrauchs [kWh/a] 20 [kWh/m²a] Heizklassen Heizenergieverbrauch [kWh] Sanierungszustand der Gebäude Differenz T. H. Kolbe – Neue Entwicklungen zu CityGML und der 3DCityDB Zeit- und Klimanormalisierter realer Heizenergieverbrauch [kWh/a] 31. 1. 2012 Energetisch relevante Gebäudeeigenschaften Department of Geoinformation Science Volumen (+ ableitbare Nutzfläche) berechenbar aus 3D-Stadtmodell Sanierungszustand Gebäudealter z.B. aus Kataster Materialien nicht bekannt – über Baujahr schätzbar durchgeführte Sanierungen nicht erfasst Gebäudetyp Freistehende Ein- & Zweifamilienhäuser Doppel- und Reihenhäuser Kleine Mehrfamilienhäuser ableitbar aus Liegenschaftskataster Große Mehrfamilienhäuser Hochhäuser Gebäudenutzung Wohn-, Gewerbe-, Industriegebäude 21 aus Kataster T. H. Kolbe – Neue Entwicklungen zu CityGML und der 3DCityDB 31. 1. 2012 Geschätzter Heizenergieverbrauch Department of Geoinformation Science Geschätzter Energieverbrauch [kwh/a] 22 T. H. Kolbe – Neue Entwicklungen zu CityGML und der 3DCityDB 31. 1. 2012 Integrationspotential Energieatlas Department of Geoinformation Science Sonneneinstrahlung LOD1 Wärmeabstrahlung Versorgungsstrukturen Bild: Hoegner / Stilla, TU München Energieatlas Wärmebedarf Geschätzter Energieverbrauch [kwh/a] Thermalfernerkundung Solarpotential 23 T. H. Kolbe – Neue Entwicklungen zu CityGML und der 3DCityDB 31. 1. 2012 Skalenbereiche des Energieatlas Department of Geoinformation Science Stadt Gebäude / Straße Wohnung Auflösung / Detaillierungsgrad Quartier / Block Generalisierung / Aggregation Stadtteil Raum 24 T. H. Kolbe – Neue Entwicklungen zu CityGML und der 3DCityDB 31. 1. 2012 Department of Geoinformation Science Aktuelle Entwicklungen Folienbeiträge von Javier Herreruela und Claus Nagel, IGG TU Berlin 25 T. H. Kolbe – Neue Entwicklungen zu CityGML und der 3DCityDB 2011/06/08 3D City Database | CityGML and KML/COLLADA Import/Export Tool Development goals for the 3D City Database 3DCityDB V2 is a free and Open Source 3D geo database to store, represent, and manage virtual 3D city models CityGML 1.0 (and 0.4.0) compliant • Support for all CityGML feature types • Representation of feature geometry in all 5 LODs • Support for CityGML’s appearance model Relational database schema for Oracle 10g R2 Spatial or higher • • • • Spatial data types and advanced processing of spatial data Efficient storage and management of raster data Sustainability through Workspace Manager (Version and History Management) Connection possibilities to commercial GIS Open Source and released under the terms of the LGPLv3 • Developed by IGG, TU Berlin in cooperation with IGG, Univ. of Bonn, lat/lon and 3DGeo (now: Autodesk) • direct 3DCityDB support in Autodesk LandXPlorer Professional • current developments are also supported by VirtualCitySystems January 25, 2012 Herreruela, Kolbe, Nagel, König | 3D City Database - 26 - 3D City Database | CityGML and KML/COLLADA Import/Export Tool Functionality of the 3D City Database CityGML properties Flexible 3D geometries in LOD0 - 4 Multirepresentation of objects wrt. LODs, time, appearance Generic (prototypical) 3D objects and attributes (recursive) aggregation of objects January 25, 2012 Herreruela, Kolbe, Nagel, König | 3D City Database Appearance information Exchange of DTM and aerial images (WebServices) Digital Terrain Models (DTM) Referencing of exterior data sources 2nd project phase Compliant with CityGML version 1.0.0 & 0.4.0 Version management and planning alternatives Import and export of CityGML files 1st project phase Support for all thematic CityGML modules additions - 27 - 3D City Database | CityGML and KML/COLLADA Import/Export Tool Characteristics of the CityGML Import/Export Tool Support for CityGML files of arbitrary size (>>4GB) Concurrency of data processing through multithreading • High performance on standard platforms Matching functionality • Identify and merge corresponding representations of the same building object within the database Support for XLink references (also within BRep geometries) Filter options enable user-defined import and export • GML ID, GML name • Bundled import and export for data tiling (classified by IDs or Bounding Boxes) • Selection of object classes January 25, 2012 Herreruela, Kolbe, Nagel, König | 3D City Database - 28 - 3D City Database | CityGML and KML/COLLADA Import/Export Tool Performance data All tests executed on an Intel® Xeon® QuadCore, Win7 64-Bit, 12 GB RAM (Client Computer). 3DCityDB Server: 2 Intel® Xeon® QuadCore, Enterprise Linux RedHat (Kernel: 2.6.18) , 32 GB RAM, 4 SAS disks (146 GB) and RAID array with 16 SSD disks (à 64GB), Oracle 10G R2 City Model Size in GB LoDs Import time without Textures Cologne (>1 Mio Buildings) 7.71 LoD1 37 Min Berlin (>500k Buildings) 6.23 LoD2, LoD3 20 Min City Model Size in GB LoDs Export time without Textures Cologne 7.71 LoD1 12 Min Berlin 6.23 LoD2, LoD3 8 Min January 25, 2012 Herreruela, Kolbe, Nagel, König | 3D City Database - 29 - 3D City Database | CityGML and KML/COLLADA Import/Export Tool KML/COLLADA Export: Motivation Make the 3D city model usable for a wide audience Extendable for professional work • Objects can be clicked on for information • Fast generation and visualization • Can be embedded into the city‘s geoinformation infrastructure Source: Solar Atlas Berlin, 2011 January 25, 2012 Herreruela, Kolbe | KML/COLLADA Export - 30 - 3D City Database | CityGML and KML/COLLADA Import/Export Tool Generating KML/COLLADA from CityGML KML/COLLADA model is the result of a portraying process applied to the CityGML-based data in the 3DCityDB Semantic information can be used to influence styling (e.g., coloring of surfaces) New extension of the 3DCityDB Import/Export Tool • Facilitates 3D visualization of the database contents with a broad range of applications supporting KML/COLLADA, e.g. Google Earth, ESRI ArcGIS Explorer & ArcGlobe • In order to convert CityGML to KML/COLLADA, the original CityGML data must be first imported into the 3DCityDB and then exported. This intermediate step is needed • Since KML/COLLADA focuses on visualization and not on semantics this conversion is bound to be lossy January 25, 2012 Herreruela, Kolbe | KML/COLLADA Export - 31 - 3D City Database | CityGML and KML/COLLADA Import/Export Tool KML/COLLADA Export basics: display styles Following display styles are possible depending on the CityGML LoD to export from : Footprint: buildings are represented by their footprint projected onto the earth surface all LoDs Geometry: shows the detailed geometry of ground, wall and roof surfaces of buildings + appearance information • Requires semantic information • Coloring of surfaces (textures are not supported by KML) From LoD1 upwards 100% KML Extruded: buildings are represented as blocks models by extruding their footprint to their measured height (thematic CityGML attribute) COLLADA: “Geometry” display style + support for textures From LoD2 upwards January 25, 2012 Herreruela, Kolbe | KML/COLLADA Export - 32 - 3D City Database | CityGML and KML/COLLADA Import/Export Tool Display styles: example January 25, 2012 Herreruela, Kolbe | KML/COLLADA Export - 33 - 3D City Database | CityGML and KML/COLLADA Import/Export Tool Several display styles in the same export January 25, 2012 Herreruela, Kolbe | KML/COLLADA Export - 34 - 3D City Database | CityGML and KML/COLLADA Import/Export Tool KML/COLLADA Export additional features Highlighting of model placemarks on mouse over • Up to release 6.0.1 Google Earth does not provide any mechanism to highlight model placemarks not being loaded from their own servers • In KML/COLLADA exports this is achieved by placing a hull geometry of the building around the building itself Dynamically filled information balloons • Placemarks may contain descriptions shown on a “speech bubble” when clicked on • The contents of this description can be dynamically filled at export time with building-specific information. Only an HTML template with embedded simple statements is needed • The balloons may have interactive links for further use (content management system) January 25, 2012 Herreruela, Kolbe | KML/COLLADA Export - 35 - 3D City Database | CityGML and KML/COLLADA Import/Export Tool Highlighting of model placemarks January 25, 2012 Herreruela, Kolbe | KML/COLLADA Export - 36 - 3D City Database | CityGML and KML/COLLADA Import/Export Tool Dynamic information balloon template BalloonSource.html […] <table width = 400> <tr><td><b>Address:</b></td></tr> <tr><td> <3DCityDB>ADDRESS/[FIRST]STREET</3DCityDB> <3DCityDB>ADDRESS/[FIRST]HOUSE_NUMBER</3DCityDB></td></tr> <tr><td> <3DCityDB>ADDRESS/CITY</3DCityDB></td></tr> […] <tr><td><b>Existing generic attributes (mouseOver for values):</b> <script type="text/javascript"> function ga_value_as_tooltip(counter, attrname, datatype, strval, intval, realval) { […] } […] <3DCityDB>FOREACH CITYOBJECT_GENERICATTRIB/ATTRNAME, DATATYPE,STRVAL,INTVAL,REALVAL</3DCityDB> ga_value_as_tooltip(%0, %1, %2, %3, %4, %5); <3DCityDB>END FOREACH</3DCityDB> </script></td></tr> […] January 25, 2012 Herreruela, Kolbe | KML/COLLADA Export - 37 - 3D City Database | CityGML and KML/COLLADA Import/Export Tool Dynamic information balloon result January 25, 2012 Herreruela, Kolbe | KML/COLLADA Export - 38 - 3D City Database | CityGML and KML/COLLADA Import/Export Tool Altitude problems in KML/COLLADA Exports Proper model placement on the ground • Height values in the 3DCityDB Coordinate Reference System may not match Google Earth’s (CRS WGS84 / EGM96 Geoid) Digital Terrain Model • As a result buildings (or their highlighting surfaces) may hover over or sink into the ground Solution: grounding algorithm • Use absolute altitude values (KML tag: <altitudeMode>) • Call Google’s Elevation API to get the point in the building’s footprint with the lowest elevation value of the DTM • Subtract this point’s z-coordinate from this point’s elevation value to get a z-offset value • Apply the z-offset value to all z-coordinates in the building January 25, 2012 Herreruela, Kolbe | KML/COLLADA Export - 39 - 3D City Database | CityGML and KML/COLLADA Import/Export Tool Altitude problems in KML/COLLADA Exports With grounding algorithm January 25, 2012 Herreruela, Kolbe | KML/COLLADA Export Without grounding algorithm - 40 - 3D City Database | CityGML and KML/COLLADA Import/Export Tool KML/COLLADA Export basics: further features In order to enhance the rendering performance (especially when using textured KML/COLLADA models) the exporter allows for • Packing all texture images into a single image (texture atlas) • Reducing texture image size by scaling Support for tiling • Facilitates automated (un)loading of parts of the models • Allows for applying LOD concepts for visualization • Reduces the file size of the exported KML/COLLADA files Exported files can be packed as KMZ archive Surface colors can be customized January 25, 2012 Herreruela, Kolbe | KML/COLLADA Export - 41 - 3D City Database | CityGML and KML/COLLADA Import/Export Tool 3DCityDB – What is available? 3D City Database (new version 2.0.5) • Oracle SQL scripts and PL/SQL functions • Comprehensive documentation 3D City Database Import/Export Tool (new version 1.3) • Executable Java binaries • Complete source code • Comprehensive documentation • KML/COLLADA exporter citygml4j (current version 1.0) • Java class library and API for reading and writing CityGML datasets • Library files for Java5 and Java6 • Source code, comprehensive documentation, tutorials January 25, 2012 Herreruela, Kolbe, Nagel, König | 3D City Database - 42 -