Publications Sept. 1 st , 2010

H. Otto Sibum
Uppsala University
Office for History of Science
Hans Rausing Professor of History of Science
Box 629, 75126 Uppsala
tel. + 46 18 471 1480
fax. + 46 18 50 44 22
email. [email protected]
SEPT. 1ST, 2010
Monographs and edited books:
An Old Hand in a New System. Experiment, Gestural Knowledge and Scientific
Change in the Age of Precision. University of Chicago Press
The Heavens on Earth. Observatories and Astronomy in Nineteenth-Century Science
and Culture (co-edited with David Aubin, Charlotte Bigg). Duke University Press,
385 p.
Science and the Changing Senses of Reality circa 1900. Special Issue of Studies in
History and Philosophy of Science, 39 (3), Amsterdam...: Elsevier, pp. 295 - 458
Scientific Personae. (co-edited with Lorraine Daston) Special issue of Science in
Context 16 (1/2) Cambridge University Press, 269 p.
Instruments, Travel and Science. Itineraries of Precision from the 17 th to the 20th
Century (co-edited with Marie-Noelle Bourguet, Christian Licoppe), London and
New York: Routledge, 303 p.
Physik aus ihrer Geschichte verstehen. Entstehung und Entwicklung
naturwissenschaftlicher Denk- und Arbeitsstile in der Elektrizitätsforschung des 18.
Jahrhunderts. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, 301 p.
Das fünfte Element. Wirkungen und Deutungen der Elektrizität (with J. Meya)
Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 279 p., publication series of the Deutsches Museum
„Kulturgeschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik."
Uppsala Studies in History of Science
vol. 35: Schaffer, Simon, Roberts, Lissa, Raj, Kapil, and Delbourgho, James eds., The
Brokered World: Go-Betweens and Global Intelligence 1780-1820. Sagamore Beach:
Watson Publishing International LLC, 560 p.
Salvia Småskrifter
no.13, Lorraine Daston, The Rise of Observation in Early Modern Europe. The Hans
Rausing Lecture 2010, Uppsala University
no.12, Evelyn Fox Keller, Self-Organization, Self-Assembly, and the Inherent Activity
of Matter. The Hans Rausing Lecture 2009, Uppsala University, pp. 7 – 26
no.11, Simon Schaffer, The Information Order of Isaac Newton’s Principia
Mathematica. The Hans Rausing Lecture 2008, Uppsala University, pp. 7 - 57
no.10, M. Norton Wise, Neo-Classical Aesthetics of Art and Science. Herman
Helmholtz and the Frog-Drawing Machine. The Hans Rausing Lecture 2007,
Uppsala University, pp. 7 - 49
Articles and book chapters:
"Experiencing Experiment - Gestural Knowledge and Scientific Change in Early 19th
Century Victorian Culture” (in Chinese), in Zhenhua Yu (ed.) Thought and Culture,
Si-Mian Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, vol. 10, 2010, pp.
The Heavens on Earth – Introduction (with David Aubin, Charlotte Bigg), in The
Heavens on Earth. Observatories and Astronomy in Nineteenth-Century Science and
Culture (co-edited with David Aubin, Charlotte Bigg). Duke University Press, pp. 132
Historians and the Study of Material Culture – AHR Conversation with L. Auslander,
Amy Bentley, H. Leor, H. O. Sibum, C. Witmore. The American Historical Review,
vol. 114, no. 5, 1355-1404
“Science and the Changing Senses of Reality circa 1900 - Introduction”, in Studies in
History and Philosophy of Science. 39 (3), Amsterdam...: Elsevier, pp. 295-297
“Machines, Bats, and Scholars: Experimental Knowledge in the Late Eighteenth and
Nineteenth Centuries” H. Schramm, L. Schwarte, J. Lazardzig (Eds.) Instruments in
Art and Science. On the Architectonics of Cultural Boundaries in the 17 th Century.
Berlin/New York: W. de Gruyter, pp. 280 - 295
Latente Bilder. Die Techniken wissenschaftlichen Beobachtens in den Werkstätten
des Viktorianischen Manchester, in Werner Busch (Hg.) Verfeinertes Sehen. Optik
und Farbe im 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert. Schriften des Historischen Kollegs,
Kolloquien 67. München: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Seite 185-199.
Maschinen, Fledermäuse, Schriftgelehrte. Experimentalwissen im späten 18. und 19.
Jahrhundert, in H. Schramm, L. Schwarte, J. Lazardzig (Hg.) Instrumente in
Wissenschaft und Kunst. Zur Architektonik kultureller Grenzen im 17. Jahrhundert.
Geplantes Erscheinen Berlin: De Gruyter Verlag, 302-318.
The Number of the Century. A History of a Scientific Fact. In: Wetenschap and
Samenleving, Science and Society. Praemium Erasmianum jaarboek 2005.
Amsterdam, 61-95
Wissen aus erster Hand. Mikro-Dynamik wissenschaftlichen Wandels im
frühviktorianischen England. Historische Anthropologie Dezember 2005, Heft 3:
What Kind of Science is Experimental Physics? Science, Vol. 306, Issue 5693, S. 6061.
Experience – Experiment. The Changing Experiential Basis of Physics, in Research
Report 2002 – 2003. Essays. Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte,
Berlin, S. 89-97.
Experimentalists in the Republic of Letters. Science in Context, 16/1-2, S. 89-120.
Introduction: Scientific Personae and Their Histories (mit Lorraine Daston). Science
in Context, 16, (1/2) S. 1-8.
Joule, James and Robert Mayer, in John L. Heilbron (Hg.) The Oxford Companion to
the History of Modern Science, Oxford University Press, New York, S. 428-429.
Narrating by Numbers. Keeping an Account of Early 19 th Century Laboratory
Experiences, in Frederic Lawrence Holmes, Jürgen Renn, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger
(Hg.) Reworking the Bench – Research Notebooks in the History of Science, Kluwer,
S. 141-158.
Exploring the Margins of Precision, in Marie-Noelle Bourguet, Christian Licoppe
und H. Otto Sibum (Hg.) Instruments, Travel and Science. Itineraries of Precision
from the 17th to the 20th Century. London, New York: Routledge, S. 216-242.
Instruments Travel and Science – Introduction, in Marie-Noelle Bourguet, Christian
Licoppe und H. Otto Sibum (Hg.) Instruments, Travel and Science. Itineraries of
Precision from the 17th to the 20th Century. London, New York: Routledge, S. 1-19.
Il numero d’oro del secolo. Storia di un fatto scientifico. Quaderni storici 108/3, S.
The Golden Number of the Century. The History of a Scientific Fact. Max-PlanckInstitut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Preprint Nr. 174 (Erweiterte englische Version
des Aufsatzes in Quaderni Storici).
Shifting Scales. Microstudies in Early Victorian Britain. Max-Planck-Institut für
Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Preprint 171 (Zur Publikation angenommen in ISIS).
Experimentelle Wissenschaftsgeschichte, in Christoph Meinel (Hg.) Instrument –
Experiment: Historische Studien. Verlag für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und
der Technik, S. 61-73.
Experimental History of Science, in Svante Lindqvist (Hg.) Museums of Modern
Science, Nobel Symposium 112, Science History Publications, S. 77-86.
Les gestes de la mesure. Joule, les pratiques de la brasserie et la science. Annales.
Histoire, Sciences Sociales 53/4-5, S. 745 -774.
An Old Hand in a New System, in Jean Paul Gaudellière und Illana Löwy (Hg.) The
Invisible Industrialist. Manufactures and the Production of Scientific Knowledge.
Basingstoke: Macmillan, S. 23 - 57.
Vosproizvedenie eksperimentor po opredeleniju mechaniceskogo ekvivalenta teploty:
tocnost' instrumentov i pravil'nost' izmepenij v ranneviktorianskoj Anglii. Voprosy
istorii estestvoznanija i techniki 1, S. 9 – 46 (Russische Übersetzung des SHPS
Artikels von 1995).
Die Sprache der Instrumente. Eine Studie zur Praxis und Repräsentation des
Experimentierens, in Michael Heidelberger und Friedrich Steinle (Hg.) Experimental
Essays – Versuche zum Experiment. Nomos Verlag, S. 141 - 156.
Mechanical Equivalent of Heat Apparatus, in Robert Bud und Deborah Warner (Hg.)
Instruments of Science. A Historical Encyclopaedia. New York & London: Garland
Publishing, S. 371 - 373.
Charles Augustin Coulomb. Einfache Maschinen in Theorie und Praxis, in Karl von
Meyenn (Hg.) Die großen Physiker, Volume 1. München: Beck, S. 241-262.
Reworking the Mechanical Value of Heat. Instruments of Precision and Gestures of
Accuracy in Early Victorian England. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
26/ 1, S. 73-106.
Working Experiments. A history of Gestural Knowledge. The Cambridge Review
116/2325, S. 25-37.
Working Experiments. Bodies, Machines and Heat Values, in Richard Staley (Hg.)
The Physics of Empire. Whipple Museum of the History of Science, S. 29-56.
The Bookkeeper of Nature. Benjamin Franklin's Electrical Research and the
Development of Experimental Natural Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century, in J. A.
Leo Lemay (Hg.) Reappraising Benjamin Franklin. A Bicentennial Perspective.
University of Delaware Press, S. 221-242.
Ladung, Ladungserhaltung, Stromkreis, Leitungsstrom – Benjamin Franklins
ökonomische Theorie der Elektrizität. Physica didactica 3/4, S. 82-102.
Exhibition Catalogues and Popular Writings:
The Friction of Fluids. Making Sense of Experiment. Laboratorium, ed. Hans-Ulrich
Obrist and Barbara Vanderlinden, DuMont, pp. 244-249.
Enquête sur les mystères d’une expérience. Les Cahiers de Science & Vie 29: 62-80.
1900: The New Age. ( with J. Bennett, R. Brain, S. Schaffer, R. Staley) Whipple
Museum of the History of Science, Cambridge.
Empires of Physics. A Guide to the Exhibition. (with J. Bennett, R. Brain, K. Bycroft,
S. Schaffer, R. Staley) Whipple Museum of the History of Science, Cambridge.