Kapitel 4, Lektion A

Kapitel 4, Lektion A
Know the school supplies with their articles: pp. 90, 101, 121
add: der Schrank = the cabinet
der Ordner = the binder
der Filzstift = the marker
der Projektor = the projector (Elmo, LCD projector)
die Schule:
Know how to talk about school.
classes: pp. 98, 117
grades (= die Noten) p. 106 in “Für dich”
Oral 1: “Mein Stundenplan” p. 98
With a partner, be able ask and answer questions about the schedule (see rubric).
Definite article usage in the nominative and accusative cases:
The Functions of a Noun
A noun can function as a subject, a direct object, an indirect object or an object of a preposition. When a noun functions as
the subject, it is assigned the nominative case. When it functions as a direct object, it is assigned the accusative case.
When it functions as an indirect object, it is assigned the dative case. A noun functioning as the object of the preposition
can be in the accusative or dative case. (We will discuss the dative case at a later time.)
Definite Articles
The English definite article is “the”. German nouns are catagorized into 3 genders, masculine, feminine and neuter. The
masculine definite article is der, the neuter definite article is das, and the feminine definite article is die. The plural
definite article is die. (This catagorization has nothing to do with the sexual gender of an object. It is determined by the
word itself.)
The function of the noun can change the definite article. For example, when a masculine noun is a direct object or follows
an accusative preposition, it changes to den.
| Mas | Neu | Fem | Plural|
Nom | der | das | die | die |
| den | das | die | die |
*Masculine N-Nouns add an -n in the accusative. Ich sehe den Jungen.
New Verb:
möchten = would like
ich- möchte
wir- möchten
du- möchtest
ihr- möchtet
er/sie/es- möchte
sie/Sie- möchten
Möchten is a
subjunctive form,
therefore the ich and
the er/sie/es forms are
Lektion B
Fächer und Noten:
Know how to talk about classes and grades (Klassen und Noten).
See Q and A on p. 102.
Review conjugation of sein: p. 111
Question words that replace nouns: p. 106
wer? wen? was?
Both question words wer (who) and wen (whom) ask about a person. Wer inquires about the subject
(nominative), whereas wen asks about the direct object (accusative). Was is used for both subjects and
direct objects.
Nom | der & wer |
| den & wen |
Wer ist müde?
Subject/ Nom.
Subject/ Nom.
Wen siehst du?
Direct Object / Acc.
Der Junge ist müde.
Subject/ Nom.
Ich sehe den Schüler.
Subject/ Nom.
Was ist in der Schultasche?
Subject/ Nom.
Der Kuli ist da.
Subject/ Nom.
Was hast du?
Direct Object / Acc.
Direct Object / Acc.
Subject/ Nom.
Ich habe den Kuli.
Subject/ Nom.
Direct Object / Acc