Lösungswege Infinitive

1. Infinitive nach bestimmten Verbarten
a. Verben des Sagens, Denkens, Vermutens
We think him the best man fort his job.
b. Verben, die den Grad der Wahrscheinlichkeit ausdrücken
We are likeky to get into trouble.
c. Verben des Wollens, Mögens, Zulassens, Befehlens
They want us to stay with them.
They ordered the vans to be loaded. (Infinitiv-Passiv)
d. Verb + Infinitiv oder Gerund mit Bedeutungsunterschied
I propose going to the cinema tonight. (=suggestion)
The local council proposes to build a new shopping centre in the town. (=intention)
2. Unterschiedliche Infinitive
a. Überflüssige Infinitive
Which of these roads is the proper one to take
b. Infinitiv + Präposition (v.a. in Umgangssprache häufig)
There are many colors to choose from. She has a brother to care for.
c. Infinitiv-Passiv
The key was nowhere to be found. She brought her car to be washed.
3. Spezifische Infinitivkonstruktionen
a. for/on/without + Substantiv + Infinitiv (dass, damit, wenn, um zu)
They’ve arranged for the electrician to come on Monday.
They would fall apart without God to hold them together.
It took three years for the rocket to reach Saturn.
b. so as (not) to (so dass/damit/um)
He spoke from the balcony so as to be seen by all.
She avoided the blazing sun so as not to harm her skin.
Achtung: der “um zu-Satz” im Deutschen bezieht sich grundsätzlich auf das Subjekt des
übergeordneten Satzes >> anders als im Englischen:
The plan is for participants to exchange experiences.
4. Adjektive + enough + Infinitiv (= Verstärkung)
Students did well enough to be calles the elite of their college.
The economy is going down, sure enough.
He is clever enough.