Ph.D. fellow "The influence of host social systems and local co-adaptation in hostparasite relationships" Initiative: Evolutionsbiologie (beendet) Bewilligung: 11.05.2010 Laufzeit: 3 Jahre 6 Monate The evolutionary arms race seen in host-parasite relationships serves as an ideal model system for studying coadaptation. Aside from the purely genetic factors such as gene flow and genetic drift that influence local adaptation of host or parasite, the behaviour and social system of vertebrate hosts can also alter coadaptation dynamics. Currently there is insufficient empirical data to evaluate the relationship between host social systems and host-parasite local coadaptation. Therefore the role of different host social systems in shaping the dynamics of host-parasite genetic covariation will be investigated through the comparison of several well-studied bat species (Bechstein's bat, brown long-eared bat) whose ectoparasite assemblages (S. bechsteini & B.nana; S. plecotini) can be studied and manipulated easily. To do so, genetic analysis of host and parasite population structure will be performed in combination with transplant experiments. This project will be among the first to test the effects of different host social systems on host-parasite co-variation and local adaptation. Projektbeteiligte Antoon Jacobus van Schaik Max-Planck-Institut für Ornithologie Verhaltensökologie und evolutionäre Genetik Seewiesen Priv.-Doz. Dr. Gerald Kerth Max-Planck-Institut für Ornithologie Verhaltensökologie und evolutionäre Genetik Seewiesen 1 Es werden die Institutionen genannt, an denen das Vorhaben durchgeführt wurde, und nicht die aktuelle Adresse. 07.04.2017 2