Ultrathin Dual 2.5A or Single 5A µModule Regulator Fits on the Ultrathin Dual 2.5A or Single 5A µModule Regulator Fits on the Ultraflacher µModule-Regler mit einem 5-A-Ausgang oder Backside of PCBs, Allowing Space on the Topside for Digital ICs 55V High Efficiency Buck-Boost Power Manager and Backside of PCBs, Allowing Space on the Topside for Digital ICs zwei 2,5-A-Ausgängen passt auf die Platinenrückseite und Design Note 546 Design Multi-Chemistry Battery Charger lässt Note auf 546 der Oberseite Platz für digitale ICs Sam Young, Afshin Odabaee Sam Young, Afshin Design Note 531 Design Note 546Odabaee Introduction Sam Young, Charlie Zhao Afshin Odabaee Introduction 2 Flexible Dual Supply in a Simple <0.5cm 2 Flexible Dual Supply in a Simple <0.5cm The top side of a typical system board, such as a Footprint Flexible Doppel-Stromversorgung mit unkompliziertem FootEinführung The top card, side of typicalpopulated system board, such as a Footprint PCIe is adensely with FPGAs/ASICs/ LTM4622 a wide input voltage rangeofofbattery 3.6V Introduction The charger is has easily optimized for a variety von weniger 0,5 input cm² voltage range of 3.6V Die Oberseiten typischer populated Systemplatinen (z.FPGAs/ASICs/ B. von PCIe-Karten)Theprint PCIe card, is densely with LTM4622 has aals wide to 20V, and it can be configured to operate down to microprocessors, transceivers, connectors, memory chemistries. For instance, it can follow a constantToday, battery chargers areMikroprozessoren, expected to easily supportto 20V, sind dicht mit FPGAs, ASICs, Transceivern, Der LTM4622 bietet einen weitentoEingangsspannungsbereich andoperation it can befrom configured operate down to microprocessors, transceivers, connectors, memory 3.1V for a 3.3V input supply. It regulates ICs and DC/DC regulators, while the backside is often current/constant-voltage (CC/CV) charge algorithm, aSteckverbindern, variety of battery chemistries and accept is a range of3.1Vvon Speicher-ICs und Gleichspannungswandlern V bis 20 from V und alässt für supply. den Betrieb bis 3,1 V herab for2,6 operation 3.3Vsich input It regulates ICs and DC/DC regulators, while backside often betwo voltages for3,3 a compact multi-rail solution, where unused. Thisdie isUnterseite a common sidethe effect ofbleibt. thepanels. significant with eitherfor C/10 or timed termination for lithium-based voltage inputs, including wide-ranging solar It is konfigurieren (bei V Eingangsspannung). Er regelt zwei Spanstückt, während häufig ungenutzt Dies ist ein two voltages a compact multi-rail solution, where unused. This is a common side effect of the significant each output can supply up to 2.5A (3A peak) andDabei is difference in topdervsunterschiedlichen side height restrictions, battery systems, a constant-current (CC) characteristic üblicher Nebeneffekt Höhenbeschränkunnungen und ergibt dann eine kompakte Multi-Rail-Lösung. increasingly common forback input voltage ranges to spaneach output can supply up to 2.5A 0.6V (3A peak) andwithin is difference in top vs back side height restrictions, capable of precisely regulating to 5.5V specifications maywährend allow topside devices with termination, 4-step, 3-stage kann timed jederprecisely Ausgang bis zu or 2,5an A optimized (maximal A) liefern, und die genwhere für and dieboard Oberund Unterseite: die Bauelemente above below thedieoutput battery voltage, requiring capable regulating 0.6V voltage to 35.5V within where board specifications may allow topside devices ±1.5%ofmaximum total DC output error over to reach a few centimeters, but restrict backside zwischen 0,6 V und 5,5 V liegende Ausgangsspannung wird auf der Oberseite gemäß den Leiterplatten-Spezifikationen einige lead-acid charge profile. step-down and step-up capability (buck-boost to-±1.5% maximum total DC output voltage error over mit toboth reach a few centimeters, but restrict backside line, load and temperature. For higher output current packages to less dürfen, than 2.3mm. Whatmanager if für functions einem maximalen Gesamtfehler von ±1,5 % über EingangsspanZentimeter emporragen ist die Gehäusehöhe Bauelepology). The LTC4020 buck-boost power andline,6.3A andsimply temperature. For higher output current packages to Unterseite lessonthan 2.3mm. if beschränkt. functions Charger fortie25.2V Battery Float Voltage upload toLast 5A, thegeregelt. outputs current sharing. mente auf der auf wenigersuch alsWhat 2,3 mm Wie nung, und Temperatur Fürfor höhere Ausgangsströme usually found the topside, as DC/DC regulator multi-chemistry battery-charging controller can take up to 5A, simply tie the outputs for current sharing. usually found on the topside, such as DC/DC regulator wäre es, wenn Funktionen etwa wie Gleichspannungswandler, die bis zu 5 A werden beide Ausgänge einfach zusammengeschaltet Figure 1 shows a 15V to 55V input, 25.2V/6.3A buckcircuits could be to thinner and moved to the bottom? The LTM4622 requires only three ceramic capacitors wide-ranging 4.5V 55V inputs and produce output circuits could be thinner and moved to the bottom? normalerweise auf der Oberseite der Leiterplatte platziert werden, (Current Sharing). The LTM4622 requires only three ceramic capacitors efficiency boost charger, featuring a highoccupying Real estate on55V. top Its would be available for expanding and twobattery resistors to complete a solution voltages upontodass buck-boost DC/DC controller Real estate top sie would beUnterseite available for expanding so memory flach wären, auf die verlagert kön-and4-switch Der LTM4622 benötigt lediglich drei Keramik-Kondensatoren und two resistors complete aorsolution (M2–M5) synchronous buck-boost DC/DC 2 to 2occupying or enhancing the board/given thewerden additional less than 1cm single-sided 0.5cm on a doublesupports battery system voltages above, 2 single-sided 2 on aalsdoublenen? Hierdurch wäre and an der Oberseite mehr the Fläche frei, below, um bei-lesszwei memory or enhancing the board/given additional Widerstände für eine Lösung, die weniger 1 cm² auf eithan 1cm or 0.5cm top side space. sided PCB. L, LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered or equal toden theSpeicher input voltage. spielsweise zu erweitern oder den Funktionsumfangsided top side space. ner PCB. einseitigen oder 0,5is cm² auf einer doppelseitigen Leiterplatte trademarks and PowerPath a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation. desThe Boards zu®vergrößern. 4622 is a dual 2.5A, or single two-phase All LTM beansprucht. other trademarks the property of theircircuit respective Figure 1 showsarethe LTM4622 inowners. a typical dual ® two-phase The LTM ® ® 4622 is a dual 2.5A, ®or single Figure 1 shows the LTM4622 circuit in a typicalsolution dual 4622 iststep-down ein als µModule (Power-Modul) implemenDer5A, LTMoutput (power module) µModule Bild 1 zeigt die LTM4622-Schaltung in einer typischen Dual-Outoutput application, illustrating the compact ® (power module) 5A, output step-down application, illustrating the compact solution tierter Abwärtswandler mit µModule zwei 2,5-A-Ausgängen oder einemoutput regulator in a 6.25mm × 6.25mm × 1.82mm ultrathin put-Anwendung und illustriert die Kompaktheit der Lösung. size. Efficiency and power loss for the circuit operatingDie regulator in a in6.25mm × 6.25mm ×6,25 1.82mm and power loss for the circuit 5-A-Ausgang einem ultraflachen, mm ×ultrathin 6,25 mm ×size. Effizienz und die Verluste der bei 12 operating V gehen aus Bild LGA package. atEfficiency 12V input are shown inSchaltung Figure 2. + At nearly the height of a soldered down LGA package. At nearly the height of a soldered down 1,82 mm messenden LGA-Gehäuse. Mit der ungefähren Höhe at 12V input are shown in Figure 2. 1206 case size capacitor, its ultralow height allows 2 hervor. 1206 case sizeoncapacitor, its im ultralow height allows eines aufgelöteten Kondensators lässt sich der Zuverlässige, Reliable High Performance Regulation + mounting the backside of1206-Format a PCB, freeing space High leistungsfähige PerformanceRegelung Regulation LTM4622 auf derthe Unterseite einerofLeiterplatte montieren, wodurchReliable mounting on backside a PCB, freeing space The LTM4622 LTM4622basiert features a controlled on-time currentmit auf einer Current-Mode-Architektur on the topside of the board. The thin profile allows it Der The LTM4622 features a controlled on-timeAnsprechverhalcurrentand aufthe dertopside OberseiteofPlatz wird. The Dankthin seines flachenallows Profils itkann geregelter on thefrei board. profile mode architecture a fast transient Einschaltzeit,forwas für ein schnellesresponse to meet demanding height restrictions such as those der Baustein ehrgeizige Höhenbeschränkungen einhalten, wie mode architecture for a fast transient response and to meet demanding height restrictions such as those required by PCIe and advanced mezzanine cards in L, LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology, the Linear logo and µModule are sie beispielsweise für PCIe-Karten und fortschrittliche Mezzanine LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology, the Linear logo and µModule are trademarks trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. All other required by PCIe and advanced mezzanine cards in L, registered embedded computing systems. registered Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks Cards in eingebetteten Rechnersystemen are thetrademarks property ofoftheir respective owners. embedded computing systems. gelten. are the property of their respective owners. C1, 0.1µF 100V, 0603 VIN 15V TO 55V C2 56µF 63V 63HVH56M R38 5.1Ω 0805 R1 100k C23 C16 4.7µF 100V 1210 C3 56µF 63V 63HVH56M GND PVIN R2 510k SHDN VIN_REG R4 51k C40 0.22µF 0603 R5 OPT C39 0.22µF 0603 VIN 3.6V VTO IN 20V 3.6V TO 20V VBAT MODE R14 10k 12/15/546 12/15/546 12/15/546 10/14/531 C4 100pF 0603 RNG/SS ILIMIT VOUT R8 226k 0603 0.1% R9 226k 0603 1% R10 24.9k 0.1% R11 24.9k 1% VFBMIN VFBMAX VFB FBG NTC CSOUT MODE TIMER RT SENSVIN SENSTOP LTC4020 INTVCC STAT2 STAT1 BST1 BST2 R13 100k C21 10µF 6.3V 0805 D1 SBR0560S1 R27 3k D3 RED D2 SBR0560S1 D4 GRN R26 3k C19 0.22µF 25V 0603 SW1 SW2 M2 SiR664DP TG1 L1 5.6µH C20 0.22µF 25V 0603 D6 B360A C14 VOUT110µF WÜRTH 7443556560 35V BG1 PGOOD1 M4 PGOOD2 VOUT1 1.5V, 2.5A 1210 SiR664DP 47µF SENSBOT PGOOD1 PGOOD2 1.5V, 2.5A V V R IN CBRB1 OUT1 0.002 Ω 4.7µF V C12 C18 M5 47µF V LTM4622 IN 0.033µF OUT1 RUN1 1W 10µF SiR422DP 4.7µF VOUT2 SENSGND 25V 2512 35V LTM4622 VOUT2 RUN2 VOUT2 25V BG2 RUN1 1.2V, 1210 2.5A V OUT2 47µF RUN2 1.2V, 2.5A INTVCC COMP1 TG2 47µF CSP INTV COMP1 CC SYNC/MODE COMP2 R20 R19 RCBAT1 C11 100Ω 0.008Ω 20Ω SYNC/MODE COMP2 TRACK/SS14.7µF 1W FB1 R18 6.3V 2512 TRACK/SS1 TRACK/SS20603 FB1 FB2 100Ω CSN TRACK/SS2 M1 BGATE FREQ GND FB2 60.4k 40.2k Si7145DP VBAT FREQ GND 60.4k 40.2k ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE C5 0.22µF 0603 RCBRT1 0.002Ω 1W 2512 M3 SiR422DP VC ITH R15 36k 0603 R16 47k 0603 C27 10µF 35V 1210 C28 10µF 35V 1210 BAT 25.2V FLOAT 6.3A MAX GND dn546 F01 dn546 F01 SGND SGND PGND C6 C5 Figure 1. Typical Application: 6.8nF 47pF 1.5V/2.5A, 1.2V/2.5A Dual 0603 Figure 1. Typical Application: 1.5V/2.5A, 1.2V/2.5A Dual Bild 1. Typische Anwendung mit 1,50603 V/2,5 V (Single) oder 1,2 V/2,5 V (Dual) dn531 F01 Figure 1. 15V to 55V Input, 25.2V/6.3A Buck-Boost Battery Charger + C15 220µF 35V 35HVH220M C17 220µF 35V 35HVH220M VOUT 21V TO 28V 8A MAX + GND EFFICIENCY (%) (%) EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY (%) POWER POWER LOSS LOSS (W) (W) (W) POWER LOSS 86 1.0 two outputs to be combined in parallel for load von 0,5reset. V übersteigt. die Spannung anschließend wieder Der MCB externer crowbar Crowbar-Baustein, der an den its MCB is ist anein external optional device residing These pins give added flexibility to to 86 optionaler 1.0 itsbeen two outputs to Fällt bethree combined ingive parallel forflexibility load unMCB is an been reset. These three pins added 84 external optional crowbar device residing 86 1.0 adjustable tertwo 0,5 the V,up wird das Schalten jedoch erst dann wieder ermöglicht, Ausgang angeschlossen wird. Sobaldexceeds die Ausgangsspannung ei- its currents to 5A. 84 outputs to be combined in parallel for load . If the output voltage an onon VOUT tailor behavior of the LTM4641. currents tobehavior 5A. Dietailor Bilderup 5 und 6 verdeutlichen die thermischen Eigenschaften If the outputüberschreitet voltage exceeds VOUT.8482 the of thewurde. LTM4641. 0.8an adjustable wenn das Latch zurückgesetzt Diese drei Pins bieten zunen einstellbaren Grenzwert (voreingestellt ist eine currents 82 0.8nominal— EFFICIENCY MCB is an external optional crowbar device residing been reset. These three pins give added flexibility to up to 5A. threshold —default value is 11% above und die Current-Sharing-Eigenschaften des LTM4622 in einer 80 EFFICIENCY Figures 55 and 66 demonstrate the thermal and current threshold8280 —default value is 11% above nominal— 0.8 sätzliche Flexibilität, um das Verhalten des LTM4641 individuell Ansprechschwelle von 11 % über der Nennspannung), legt der Figures and demonstrate the thermal and current V IN . If the output voltage exceeds an adjustable on V tailor the behavior of the LTM4641. thethe LTM4641 its CROWBAR output high EFFICIENCY OUT 78 pulls Konfiguration für zweiphasiges Current Sharing, wobei aus 5 V 0.6 logic Vperformance CIN(MLCC) +and IN sharing of the LTM4622 when configured LTM4641 pulls its CROWBAR output highFigures 80 5performance 6 demonstrate the thermal and current 78 CROWBAR-Ausgang 0.6 CIN(MLCC) einzustellen. LTM4641 seinen umgehend (d.nominal— h.logic mit einer +CIN(BULK) sharing ofAusgangsspannung the10µF LTM4622 when configured threshold —default value is 11% above 76 immediately (500ns response time, maximum) and Eingangsspannung eine von 3,3 V bei 5 A er10µF C 78 0.6 IN(BULK) for two-phase current sharing, generating ×2LTM4622 immediately (500ns500 response time,High maximum) andsharing 76 performance of the when configured Reaktionszeit von maximal ns) auf logisch und schaltet VINH a ×2 for two-phase current sharing, generating a 3.3V 3.3V Vwird IN 74 output 0.4 logic VINH zeugt (16,5 W). the LTM4641 pulls its CROWBAR output high VINL latches off its voltage: the power stage becomes C 76 + IN(MLCC) 74 0.4 output at from a 5V input. VINL latches off its outputdauerhaft voltage: theDie power stage becomes seine Ausgangsspannung ab. Leistungsstufe wird for two-phase current sharing, generating a 3.3V output at 5A 5A C(16.5W) (16.5W) from 10µFa 5V input. POWER LOSS 72 (500ns response TUV IN(BULK) R immediately time, maximum) and Gespiegeltes Layout ergibt kleinere Leiterplatte bei höherer 74 0.4 high impedance, with both internal andand bottom UVLO < 0.5V = OFF RTUV POWER LOSS top 72 der obere ×2UVLO hochohmig, und interne MOSFET wirdtop ebenso wie der output high impedance, with both internal bottom < 0.5V = OFF at 5A (16.5W) from a 5V input. VINH 70 0.2 UVLO POWER LOSS 72 VINL latches offlatched its voltage: the power stage becomes UVLO 70 output 0.2 MOSFETs off.off. The CROWBAR output turns onon Leistung untere abgeschaltet. Der CROWBAR-Ausgang MCB ein, RHYST LTM4641 MOSFETs The CROWBAR output turns 1.2V, 1MHzschaltet RBUV 68 latched 86 1.0 RTUV RHYST in angeordnet. LTM4641 R 70 0.2 1.2V, 1MHz its two outputs to be combined parallel forInload BUV 68 Die Pins des LTM4622 sind symmetrisch An1.5V, 1MHz high impedance, with both internal top and bottom UVLO < 0.5V = OFF HYST MCB, discharging the output capacitors and preventing wodurch die Ausgangskondensatoren entladen werden und ein 86 1.0 1.5V,1MHz 1MHz 0and preventing its two outputs to be combined in parallel 66 84 MCB, discharging the output capacitors for load HYST 1.2V, HYST PULLS UP WHEN UVLO 68 66 0 0 0.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 1.5 wendungen mit höherem Strombedarf, in denen für Ausgangscurrents up to 5A. HYST PULLS UP WHEN MOSFETs latched The output turns any further positive excursion the output voltage. weiteres Ansteigen der0.5off. Ausgangsspannung unterbunden wird. on ON, HYST PULLS DOWN 0 84 1.0 CROWBAR 2.0 1MHz 2.5 1.5 of1.5V, RHYST LTM4641 R 0.8 voltage. any further positive excursion LOAD CURRENT (A) of the output BUV currents upA to 5A.LTM4622 ON,WHEN HYST OFF PULLS DOWN 66 82 0 ströme bis 10 zwei parallelgeschaltet werden, lässt LOAD CURRENT (A) 2.0 0 82 ist0.5 1.0EFFICIENCY 2.5 1.5 MCB, discharging the output capacitors and preventing 0.8 WHEN OFF HYST and current R Der Baustein MSP zwischen die eingangsseitige SpannungsTOV 80 Figures 5 and 6 demonstrate the thermal R HYST PULLS UP WHEN EFFICIENCY IOVRETRY > 0.5V = OFF MSP is placed between the input TOV LOAD CURRENT (A) power source (VIN) sich einer der Bausteine an der Oberseite und der andere direkt 80 IOVRETRY > 0.5V = OFF ) MSP is placed between the input power source (V IOVRETRYand current 5 and 6 demonstrate the thermal any further positive excursion of) der the output Figure Efficiency, Power Loss at 12V Input quelle (VIN) und2. Eingangs-Pin (VINH Leistungsstufe desIN Figures ON,of HYST PULLS DOWN 78 0.6voltage. IOVRETRY sharing performance the LTM4622 configured Figure 2.den Efficiency, Power Loss at 12V Input gegenüber an derRMOV Unterseite platzieren, waswhen die benötigte Lei), and is and the LTM4641's power stage input pins (V WHEN OFF INH 78 0.6 Bild 2. Effizienz und Verluste bei 12 V ), and is and the LTM4641's power stage input pins (V (Figure 1 Design) sharing performance of the LTM4622 when configured LTM4641 geschaltet. Der Baustein dient RTOV INH elektRcurrent Figure 2.1 76 Efficiency, Power Lossals atrückstellbarer 12Vsource Input MOV OVLO > 0.5V =>LATCHOFF for two-phase sharing, generating a 3.3V (Figure Design) terplattenfläche minimiert, aber die Ausgangsleistung und die IOVRETRY 0.5V = OFF ) MSP is placed between the input power (V used as a resettable electronic power-interrupt switch. OVLO > 0.5V = LATCHOFF 76 OVLO IN Eingangsspannung (für die Sobald Schaltung aus Bild 1)switch. 0.4 SchaltunIOVRETRY used as a resettable power-interrupt ronischer Stromkreisunterbrecher. die internen for two-phase current sharing, generating a 3.3V OVLO (Figure 1 74 Design) electronic output at 5A (16.5W) from a 5V input. Leistungsdichte erhöht. SGND GND R 74 0.4 ), and is and the LTM4641's power stage input pins (V When a fault condition, such as an output overvoltage INH POWER LOSS RBOV 72 loop over wide voltage range. It provides RBOV MOV gen desstability LTM4641 einenaa Fehler wie etwa eine Überspannung am When a fault condition, asüber an output overvoltage output at 5A (16.5W) from a 5V input.SGND GND loop over wide such voltage range. provides OVLO > 0.5V = LATCHOFF ten undstability eine hohe72 Regelkreis-Stabilität einenItweiten Span- Figure POWER LOSS used as a resettable electronic power-interrupt switch. == 5V, V = 25°C 5. V (OOV) condition, is detected by the LTM4641’s 70 0.2 internal IN OUT Ausgang (Output Overvoltage – OOV) registrieren, wird das Gate short-circuit, overvoltage and overtemperature 3.3V/5A, TTAA == OVLO 25°C Thermals Thermals (OOV) condition, detected by the LTM4641’s internalFigure 5. VIN 5V, VOUT = 3.3V/5A, loop stability over aiswide voltage range. ItKurzschluss-, provides short-circuit, overvoltage and overtemperature nungsbereich sorgt. Der Baustein verfügt über 70 0.2 SGND GND 1.2V, 1MHz R 68 When a fault condition, such as an output overvoltage BOV circuitry, gate of of MSP is maximal discharged 2.6μs SGNDV CONNECTS TO GND INTERNAL MODULE. = 3.3V/5A, TA = TO 25°C Thermals des MSP in the einer Zeitspanne von 2,6 µswithin entladen, wo- Figure 5. VIN = 5V, protection and ensures monotonic output voltage OUT 1.5V, 1MHz circuitry, the gate MSP is discharged within 2.6μs short-circuit, overvoltage and overtemperature SGND CONNECTS TO GNDSEPARATE INTERNAL TO MODULE. 1.2V, 1MHz Überspannungsund Übertemperaturschutz und gewährleistet 68 KEEP SGND ROUTES/PLANES FROM GND protection and ensures monotonic output voltage 66 0 (OOV) condition, is detected by the LTM4641’s internal KEEP SGND ROUTES/PLANES SEPARATE FROM GND 1.5V, 1MHz 3.0 (maximum) and MSP The input source supdurch der MSP abschaltet. Damit wird dieThe Stromversorgung vom ON MOTHERBOARD 0ensures 0.5turns 1.0off. 2.0 2.5ability 1.5 ramping with tracking, soft-start and the to (maximum) and MSP off. input supprotection and monotonic output voltage 3.0 66 0source einen monotonen Anstieg derturns Ausgangsspannung mit Tracking, ON MOTHERBOARD ramping with tracking, soft-start and the ability to LOAD CURRENT (A) 0 0.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 1.5 Vply -Anschluss, dem Eingang der Leistungsstufe des LTM4641, circuitry, the gate of MSP is discharged within 2.6μs SGND CONNECTS TO GND INTERNAL TO MODULE. thus disconnected from the LTM4641’s power 3.0 INH is into start aader prebiased output. It places no limitation ramping with tracking,zum soft-start and the ability tounSoftstart und Fähigkeit Hochfahren anLTM4641’s einem bereits ply into is thus disconnected from the power 2.5 LOAD CURRENT (A) KEEP SGND ROUTES/PLANES SEPARATE FROM GND start prebiased output. Itthe places no limitation 2.5 Figure 2. 2. Circuit to to SetSet thethe Input UVLO, IOVRETRY getrennt. Die gefährliche Eingangsspannung kann auf diese (maximum) and MSP turns off. The input source sup), preventing hazardous (input) stage input (V ONCircuit MOTHERBOARD on input supply slew rate. Figure Input UVLO, IOVRETRY INH ter Spannung stehenden Ausgang. Die Anstiegsgeschwindigkeit start intoFigure a prebiased output. It places no12V limitation ), preventing the hazardous (input) stage input (V 2. Efficiency, Power Loss at Input INH 2.5 on input supply slew rate. and OVLO Thresholds Weise nicht mehr an den wertvollen Verbraucher gelangen. Zur 2.0 ply is thus disconnected from the LTM4641’s power voltage from reaching the precious load. LTM4641 and OVLO Thresholds Figure 2. Efficiency, Power Loss at 12V Input der Eingangsspannung unterliegt keinen Beschränkungen. 2.0 Design) on input(Figure rate. the voltage from reaching precious load.ferner LTM4641 Figures 3supply and 4411slew demonstrate the transient and Erzeugung des OOV-Grenzwerts nutzt derfast LTM4641 eine Figure 2. Circuit zum to Set the Input IOVRETRY Bild 2. Beschaltung Festlegen derUVLO, Ansprechschwellen (Figure Design) ), preventing the hazardous (input) stage input (V also uses an independent voltage to to gener2.0 Figures and demonstrate the fast transient and INH Die Bilder 33und 4 illustrieren dasreference schnelle Ansprechverhalten und 1.5 also uses an independent reference voltage generunabhängige Referenzspannung, die nicht mit der Bandlücken and OVLO Thresholds prebias start-up performance for the 1.5V output rail Efficiency 1.5 für UVLO, IOVRETRY und OVLO CHANNEL 2 Figures 3 and 4 demonstrate the fast transient and voltage from reaching the precious load. Efficiency CHANNEL 2 ate anan OOV threshold, from the control IC’s prebias start-up performance for the 1.5V output rail das Anlaufverhalten an einem bereits unter Spannung stehenden loop stability over aseparate wide voltage range. ItLTM4641 provides ate OOV threshold, separate from the control (bandgap) -Spannung des Regelungs-IC zusammenhängt. of the Figure 111,5-V-Ausgang circuit. Effizienz 1.0Thermisches prebias start-up performance for the 1.5V rail IC’s Figure Bild 5. Verhalten 31.5 below shows the efficiency forfor thethe loop stability over a wide voltage range. 1 = 5V, VOUT = 3.3V/5A, TA = curves 25°C Thermals Figure 5. V below CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL also uses an independent reference voltage generAusgang für den der Schaltung aus output BildItto 1.provides bandgap voltage. of the Figure circuit. Figure shows the curves 1.03 IN short-circuit, overvoltage and overtemperature CHANNEL 1 efficiency bandgap voltage. =Vtypical 5V, V3,3 = (bei 3.3V/5A, TA =TA25°C Thermals Figure 5. V5IN Efficiency bei V = V, = V 5 A) und = 25 °C OUT of the Figure 1 circuit. Bild 3 zeigt die typischen Wirkungsgradkurven des LTM4641 bei short-circuit, overvoltage and overtemperature LTM4641 for a 12V input voltage for the circuit IN OUT 1.0 ateprotection an OOV threshold, separate from the control IC’s and ensures monotonic output voltage LTM4641 for a typicalCHANNEL 12V 1input voltage for the circuit 0.5 waveforms Figure 1 shows the CROWBAR and V Bild 1 zeigt den Verlauf der CROWBAR-Spannung und von V , 0.51. OUT einer typischen Eingangsspannung von 12 V für die Schaltung aus Figure 3 below shows the efficiency curves for the OUT protection and ensures monotonic output voltage in Figure With all the protection circuits, LTM4641 waveforms Figure 1 shows the CROWBAR and V 3.0 bandgap voltage. OUT ramping with tracking, soft-start and the ability to in Figure 1. With all the protection circuits, LTM4641 VOUT 0.5 3.0 wenn der obere MOSFET (MTOP ausfällt undcausing es zuthe einem Kurzfails, aability shortwhen the top MOSFET M)TOP Bild 1.still Auch allen Schutzschaltungen kommt der auf 0 mit VOUT LTM4641 for a typical 12V input4 voltage forLTM4641 the circuit ramping with tracking, soft-start and to can achieve high efficiency. fails, causing a shortwhen the top MOSFET M 100mV/DIV TOP 0 3 0 1 2 5 start into a prebiased output. It places no limitation can still achieve high efficiency. 100mV/DIV AC-COUPLED schluss zwischen undCROWBAR demand Knoten SW kommt. Das CROW- eine waveforms Figure 1 shows the and V VOUT VIN 3 02.5 1 2 4 5 SW nodes. CROWBAR circuit between V hohe Effizienz. OUT IN TOTAL LOAD CURRENT (A) in Figure 1. With all the protection circuits, LTM4641 start into a prebiased output. It places no limitation AC-COUPLED 0 and SW nodes. CROWBAR circuit between the 100mV/DIV IN500 onhigh input supply slewVrate. CURRENT (A)4 3 0 2.5 1 TOTAL LOAD 2 5 BAR-Signal wechselt binnen nsfails, in den High-Status und 95 causing a to shortwhen the top MOSFET M goes within 500ns and turns on MCB to short TOP can still achieve high efficiency. LOAD STEP onAC-COUPLED input supply slew rate. 2.095 goes high within 500ns and turns on MCB short TOTAL LOAD CURRENT (A) LOAD STEP Figure 6. Accurate Current Sharing Over schaltet damit ein, der den Ausgang mit der Masse 1A/DIVden MCB and SW nodes. CROWBAR circuit between the V 2.0 exceeds of of the thethe output to3 ground. Figures and 4 demonstrate theexceeds fast 110% transient and INV never 6. 90 Accurate Current Sharing Over the the Entire Entire never 110% the Figure output LOAD1A/DIV STEPto ground.OUT OUT 90 Load Range [V = 5V, V = 3.3V at 5A] verbindet. V steigt zu keinem Zeitpunkt auf mehr als 110 % der Figures 3 and 4 demonstrate the fast transient and IN OUT 1.5 95 Figure 6. Accurate Current Sharing Over the Entire OUT 1A/DIV goes high within 500ns and turns on MCB to short Load Range [V = 5V, V = 3.3V at 5A] specified output voltage. prebias start-up performance for the 1.5V output rail IN OUT CHANNEL 2 specifiedstart-up output voltage. 851.5[V = 5V, V Nenn-Ausgangsspannung an. performance for theaus 1.5V output rail Load Range Bild Sprungantwort dernever Schaltung Bild 1 of the CHANNEL 2 = 3.3V at 5A] OUT 85 IN Figure 3. Load Step Response (Figure 11110% Design) exceeds theprebias to ground. VOUT ofoutput the 3.Figure 1 circuit. 90 1.0 CHANNEL 1 Figure 3. Load Step Response (Figure Design) Input Overvoltage and Undervoltage Protections Überund Unterspannungsschutz für den Eingang Mirrored Layout for Smaller PCB but (12 V Eingangsspannung, 1,5 V Ausgangsspannung of the Figure 1 circuit. [12V Input, 1.5V Output, 1.25A to 2.5A] 1.0 Input Overvoltage and Undervoltage Protections 80 CHANNEL 1 but specified output voltage. Mirrored Layout for Smaller PCB Figure 3. Load Step Response [12V Input, 1.5V Output, 1.25A(Figure to 2.5A]1 Design) 6.0V 80 OUT 85 6.0V und 1,5 A bis 2,5 A Ausgangsstrom) 0.5 Der Eingang des LTM4641 ist mit einem Überund UnterspanHigher Power OUT The LTM4641 has input undervoltage and overvoltage Mirrored Layout for Smaller PCB but 5.0V OUT [12V Input, 1.5V Output, 1.25A to 2.5A] The LTM4641 has input undervoltage and overvoltageHigher Power OUT 750.5 3.3V5.0V Input Overvoltage andthresholds Undervoltage Protections OUT nungsschutz versehen, dessen Ansprechschwellen vom Benutzer protections, whose trip cancan be setset byby thetheHigher 3.3V VOUT Power OUT is organized The LTM4622’s pin configuration 80 75 2.5V protections, whose trip thresholds be OUT 0 6.0V The LTM4622’s pin configuration is organized OUT 2.5V 100mV/DIV Vkönnen 1.8V gewählt werden (Bild 2). 2. OUT 3 OUT OUT 1 2 4 5 70 0 0 So for The LTM4641 has input undervoltage and overvoltage user. Please refer to Figure 5.0V symmetrically. higher current AC-COUPLED OUT 1.8V 70 OUT isapplications 100mV/DIV The LTM4622’s configuration organized user. Please refer to Figure 2. 1.5V LOAD CURRENT (A) OUT 3 1TOTAL 2 4 5 75 0 Sopin symmetrically. for higher current applications 3.3V OUT 1.5V AC-COUPLED OUT Der UVLO-Pin (UVLO = Undervoltage-Lockout) ist direkt mit dem VOUTwhose trip thresholds can be set by the protections, 1.2V OUT(A) where can paralleled for TOTAL LOAD be CURRENT 2.5V symmetrically. So for higher current VOUT OUTOUT applications 1.2V 1V/DIV where two two 65LTM4622s LTM4622s can be paralleled for up up to to LOAD STEP The UVLO pin feeds directly thethe inverting input 1.0V OUT 1.8V invertierenden Eingang Komparators verbunden, dessen 1V/DIV 70 65 The UVLO pin feeds directly into inverting inputwhere OUTOUT Over the Entire 1.0V user. Please refer toeines Figure 2.into Figure 6. Accurate Current Sharing VOUT 1A/DIV 0.9V , one device can be on the topside of PCB and 10A LOAD STEP OUT two LTM4622s can be paralleled for up to OUT 1.5V OUT 0.9V , one device can be on the topside of PCB and 10A of a comparator whose trip threshold is 0.5V. When OUT Over the Entire 1V/DIV 60 Figure 6. 60Accurate Current Sharing OUT 1A/DIV0,5 Vwhose Ansprechschwelle beträgt.trip Wennthreshold die Spannung am UVLORUN Bild 6. Präzises Current Sharing über den gesamten of a comparator is 0.5V. When10A Load Range =3 5V, =topside 3.3V 5A] 1.2V OUT IN 0 1[V 7 minimizing 10 2 the 4 V5OUT 6side, 8 at9 of the other mirrored on bottom PCB RUN 65 , one device be and 10V/DIV 0 [V 1can 3 on 51.0V 7minimizing 9 PCB 10 PCB 2 5V, 4 the 63.3V 8 5A] OUT The UVLO pin feeds directly into the inverting input the other mirrored on the bottom side, Load Range = V = at the UVLO pin falls below 0.5V, switching action is OUT Pin auf unter 0,5 V fällt, wird das Schalten des Wandlers unterIN OUT Laststrombereich. V = 5 V, V = 3,3 V (bei 5 A) 10V/DIV OUTPUT CURRENT (A) INOUTPUT CURRENT OUT the UVLO RUN pin falls below 0.5V, switching action is 0.9V (A) area while increasing output power and power density. OUT Figure 3. Load Step Response (Figure 1 Design) the other mirrored on the bottom side, minimizing PCB 10V/DIV of a comparator whose trip threshold is 0.5V. When area while increasing output power and power density. 60 inhibited; when UVLO exceeds 0.5V, switching bunden. Sobald die3.the Spannung anpin UVLO wieder(Figure über 0,5 ansteigt, Figure Load Step Response 1VDesign) inhibited; the UVLO pin exceeds 0.5V, switching Mirrored Layout 0 1 2 for 3 Smaller 7 8 but 9 10 4 5 6 PCB [12Vwhen Input, 1.5V Output, 1.25A to 2.5A] area whileBild increasing output power and power density. Fazit Figure 4. 12V , 1.8V Start-Up into the UVLO pin falls below 0.5V, switching action is 3. Wirkungsgrad-Kennlinien LTM4641 kann das Schalten wieder beginnen. Die Pins IOVRETRY und OVLO Figure 3. 3. Efficiency Curves LTM4641 action can resume. The IOVRETRY and OVLO pins each Mirrored Layout for Smaller PCB IN OUT Conclusion OUTPUT CURRENT (A)ofdes Bild 4. Anlaufverhalten der Schaltung mit 12 V [12V Input, 1.5V Output, 1.25A to 2.5A] Figure Efficiency Curves ofbut LTM4641 Figure 4. 12V 1.8VOUT Start-Up into pins eachConclusion action can resume. The and OVLO Higher Power IN, IOVRETRY Prebiased Output sind direkt an die nicht invertierenden Eingänge von KomparatoDer ultraflache LTM4622 ermöglicht die Anordnung eines inhibited; when the UVLO pin exceeds 0.5V, switching Fazit feed directly into of of comparators Eingangsspannung 1,8OUT Vinputs Ausgangsspannung Figure 4.noninverting 12V , 1.8V Start-Up into Higher Power Prebiased Output INund Conclusion The ultrathin LTM4622 makes itit possible put aaleisfeed directly into noninverting inputs comparators The LTM4622’s pinSingleconfiguration is to organized The ultrathin LTM4622 makes possible to put ren geführt, deren Ansprechschwellen ebenfalls 0,5 V betragen. tungsfähigen Reglers für und Multi-Rail-Anwendungen Figure 3. Efficiency Curves of LTM4641 Conclusion Prebiased Output an einem unter Spannung stehenden Ausgang action can resume. The IOVRETRY and OVLO pins each whose triptrip thresholds areare 0.5V. When thethe IOVRETRY Das µModule LTM4641 überwacht diepossible Eingangsspannung, The LTM4622’s pin configuration isapplications Conclusion high performance regulator for and multi-rail whose thresholds 0.5V. When IOVRETRY ultrathin LTM4622 makes toorganized put Platza die symmetrically. So for higher current high performance regulator for itsingle single and multi-rail Parallel Operation for Higher Current Steigt die Spannung am Pin IOVRETRY auf über 0,5 V an, so wird The an der Unterseite einer Leiterplatte oder unter knappen Ausgangsspannung und die Temperaturbedingungen. Derinput Baufeed directly into noninverting inputs of comparators pin exceeds 0.5V, switching action is inhibited; when The LTM4641 μModule regulator monitors Parallel Operation for Higher Current symmetrically. So for higher current applications applications on the backside of a PCB, or into tight VOUT pin exceeds 0.5V, switching action is inhibited; when high performance regulator forDer single and multi-rail The LTM4641 μModule regulator monitors input Parallelbetrieb für Anwendungen mit höherem Strombedarf where two LTM4622s can be paralleled for up to verhältnissen an der Oberseite. weite Spannungsbereich, applications on the backside of a PCB, or into tight das Schalten des Wandlers ebenfalls unterbrochen. Erst wenn die Applications Conclusion Parallel Operation for Higher Current 1V/DIV stein bietet Verbrauchern wie etwa Prozessoren, ASICs und anwhose trip thresholds 0.5V. When theaction IOVRETRY VOUT beloware IOVRETRY falls 0.5V, switching cancanapplications voltage, output voltage and temperature conditions. Applications where two LTM4622s can be paralleled for up to spaces on the topside. Its wide operating range, on the backside of a PCB, or into tight IOVRETRY falls below 0.5V, switching action voltage, output voltage and temperature conditions. 1V/DIV die gebotenen Features und die kleinen Lösungsabmessungen Die Current-Mode-Architektur des LTM4622 sorgt für eine verSpannung an IOVRETRY wieder mehr als 0,5 V beträgt, wird das , one device can be on the topside of PCB and 10A spaces on the topside. Its wide operating range, OUT spruchsvollen FPGAs einen umfassenden elektrischen und therApplications The LTM4622's current mode architecture yields pin exceeds 0.5V, switching action is0.5V, inhibited; when spaces The LTM4641 μModule regulator monitors input resume. When thethe OVLO pin exceeds switching It can provide comprehensive electrical thermal ,provide one device onsize the topside of PCB and 10A and compact solution make ititand aawie highly RUN The LTM4622's current mode architecture yields on the topside. Itsbe wide operating range, OUT resume. When OVLO pin exceeds 0.5V, switching It can comprehensive electrical and thermal machen den LTM4622 zucan einer ebenso flexiblen robusten lässliche zyklusweise Stromüberwachung, wasdes das ParallelschalSchalten wieder freigegeben. Das Schalten Wandlers wird features the other mirrored on the bottom side, minimizing PCB features and compact solution size make highly mischen Schutz vor überhöhten Spannungen. 10V/DIV RUN current reliable cycle-by-cycle current monitoring, allowing IOVRETRY falls below 0.5V, switching action can voltage, output voltage and temperature conditions. The LTM4622's mode architecture yields action is inhibited; when OVLO subsequently falls below protection from excessive voltage stress for loads such the other mirrored on the bottom side, minimizing PCB flexible and robust solution. reliable current allowing Lösung. androbust compact solution size make it aforhighly ten beider Ausgänge bismonitoring, zu 5 A an gestattet. action isunterbunden, inhibited; when OVLO subsequently fallsMarke belowfeatures auch danncycle-by-cycle wenn die Spannung OVLO die 10V/DIV für Lastströme protection from solution. excessive stress loads such area while increasing outputvoltage power and power density. flexible and EFFICIENCY (%)(%) EFFICIENCY POWER LOSS (W)(W) POWER LOSS dn546 F02 dn546 F02 dn546 F02 AN527 F02 AN527 F02 AN527 F02 dn546 F03 EFFICIENCY (%) CURRENT EACH CHANNEL (A) (A) CURRENT EACH CHANNEL EFFICIENCY (%) EFFICIENCY (%) dn546 F03 dn546 F03 CURRENT EACH CHANNEL (A) (A)(A) CURRENT CURRENT EACH EACH CHANNEL CHANNEL dn546 F02 dn546 F02 dn546 F06 dn546 F06 dn546 F06 dn546 F06 dn546 F06 dn546 F03 dn546 F03 dn546 F04 dn546 F04 DN527 F03 DN527 F03 dn546 F04 DN527 F03 resume. When action theaction OVLO pin exceeds 0.5V, switching Itarea can provide comprehensive electrical anddensity. thermal reliable cycle-by-cycle current monitoring, allowing 0.5V, switching cannot occur until thethe latch hashasflexible as processors, ASICs andand high endend FPGAs. while increasing output power and power and robust solution. 0.5V, switching cannot occur until latch as processors, ASICs high FPGAs. Figurewhen 4. 12V intobelow protection action is inhibited; OVLO subsequently from excessive voltage stress for loads such IN, 1.8V OUT Start-Upfalls Conclusion Figure 4. 12V IN, 1.8V OUT Start-Up Conclusion Prebiased Output Data Sheet Download 0.5V, switching action cannot occur until theinto latch has as processors, ASICs andmakes high end FPGAs. to put a applications help, The ultrathin For LTM4622 it possible Data Sheet Download Prebiased Output For applications help,it Data Sheet Download The ultrathin LTM4622 makes possible to put a Data Sheet Download For applications help, call (408) 432-1900, Ext. 2463 Bei technischen Fragen, www.linear.com/LTM4622 Data Sheet Download high performance regulator for single For applications help, For applications help, and multi-rail call (408) 432-1900, Ext. 2463 www.linear.com/LTM4622 Parallel Operation for Higher Current high performance regulator for single and multi-rail (408) 432-1900, Ext. 3979 www.linear.com/LTM4641 www.linear.com/LTM4622 Telefon +49 89 96 55 03979 callcall (408) 432-1900, Ext. 2463 applications on the backside of24 aExt. PCB, or into tight www.linear.com/LTM4622 call (408) 432-1900, Parallel Operation for Higher Current www.linear.com/LTM4641 Data Sheet Download Applications applications onDN546 the applications backside ofhelp, a• PRINTED PCB, orIN THE intorange, tight For LT/AP 1215 111K USA spaces on the topside. Its wide operating Applications DN546 LT/AP 1215 111K • PRINTED IN THE USA Linear Technology Corporation spaces on the topside. Its wide operating range, The LTM4622's current Corporation mode architecture yields features andcall (408) 432-1900, Ext. 3979 www.linear.com/LTM4641 546 dn527 LT/AP 0614 111K •make PRINTED IN THE USA compact solution size a USA highly Linear Technology DN546 LT/AP 1215 111K • PRINTED IN it THE dn527 LT/AP 0614 • PRINTED IN THE USA The LTM4622's current mode architectureallowing yields features and compact 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 Linear Technology Corporation solution size111K make it a highly reliable cycle-by-cycle current monitoring, Corporation 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 Linear Technology Corporation flexible and robust solution. ● FAX: (408) 434-0507 (408) 432-1900 www.linear.com reliable cycle-by-cycle current monitoring, allowing flexible and robust LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 2015 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA●●CA 95035-7417 ● FAX: 1630 Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 solution. (408) 432-1900 (408) 434-0507 www.linear.com LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, 95035-7417 dn527 LT/AP 0614 111K • PRINTED IN2015 THE USA dn546 F04 dn546 F04 Linear Technology Corporation ● ● www.linear.com ● FAX: (408) ● (408) 432-1900 434-0507 (408) 432-1900 (408) 434-0507 ● FAX: ● www.linear.com (408) 432-1900FAX: (408) 434-0507www.linear.com 1630Data McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 Sheet Download ● FAX: (408) 434-0507 ● www.linear.com (408)Data 432-1900 Sheet Download www.linear.com/LTM4622 LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 2015 2014 LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 2014 For applications help, LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 2014 For applications call (408) 432-1900, help, Ext. 2463