Hennig, E - Universität Duisburg

List of Lectures and Publications in Conference Proceedings and Journals (Hennig)
Hennig, E. M. Pedobarograph Assessment in Gait Analysis. In: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation: State of the Art Reviews,
PM&R STARs in gait analysis. A. Esquenazi (Ed.) Philadelphia: Henley & Belfus, 2002, pp. 215-229.
Hennig, E. M. Plantar pressures, shock and rearfoot motion during running - Are these meaningful quantities for the prediction of
running injuries ? In IVth World Congress of Biomechanics. Calgary: Omnipress-CD, pp. CD-5285.pdf, 2002.
Hennig, E. M. Pressure patterns under the feet of children, adults and overweight persons - the influence of gender -. In IVth
World Congress of Biomechanics. Calgary: Omnipress-CD, pp. CD-5316.pdf, 2002.
Hennig, E. M. Biomechanische Forschungsergebnisse zu Eigenschaften und Konstruktionsmerkmalen von Tennisschlägern. In
Workshop Sporttechnologie. Chemnitz: TU Chemnitz, Sportwissenschaft, 2002.
Hennig, E. M. Wei Lun Public Lecture: The human foot during locomotion - Applied research for footwear. In. Hong Kong: The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002.
Hennig, E. M. Wei Lun Internal Lecture: Shock absorption during running - the influence of footwear design. In. Hong Kong:
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002.
Hennig, E. M. Sportspezifische Biomechanik - Anforderungen an die Fußballschuhkonstruktion. In. Hannover: 51. Jahrestagung
"Orthopädieschuhtechnik", 2002.
Hennig, E. M. and K. Nicol. Druckverteilungsmessungen. In: Sportmedizinische Funktionsdiagnostik des Bewegungssystems. W.
Banzer (Ed.) Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer, 2002, p. in print.
Hills, A. P., E. M. Hennig, N. M. Byrne, and J. R. Steele. The biomechanics of adiposity--structural and functional limitations of
obesity and implications for movement. Obes Rev. 3:35-43., 2002.
Kimmeskamp, S., E. M. Hennig, and T. L. Milani. Effect of physical therapy and afferent stimulating insoles on motor abilities in
Parkinson patients. In IVth World Congress of Biomechanics. Calgary: Omnipress-CD, pp. CD-1229.pdf, 2002.
Pearsall, D. J., E. M. Hennig, and T. Sterzing. The use of skin pre-tension to modify tibial bone acceleration estimates. In IVth
World Congress of Biomechanics. Calgary: Omnipress-CD, pp. CD-1261.pdf, 2002.
Sterzing, T., E. M. Hennig, and D. J. Pearsall. Measurement of inversion and eversion movements of the foot by using a position
transducer. In IVth World Congress of Biomechanics. Calgary: Omnipress-CD, pp. CD-1239.pdf, 2002.
Wearing, S., A. Hills, N. Byrne, E. Hennig, and M. McDonald. The arch index: a measure of flat or fat feet? In. Melbourne: First
Australian Health & Medical Research (AH&MR) Congress, 2002.
Hennig, E. Gender differences for running in athletic footwear. In Fifth Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics. Zuerich: Dept.
of Materials, ETH Zuerich, pp. 44-45, 2001.
Hennig, E. M. A comprehensive approach of running shoe testing. In 1st Brazilian Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics.
Gramado: Sociedade Brasileira de Biomecanica, p. 3, 2001.
Hennig, E. M. Running shoe design for men and women. In 1st Brazilian Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics. Gramado:
Sociedade Brasileira de Biomecanica, pp. 9-13, 2001.
Hennig, E. M. Tennis racket biomechanics - an empirical approach. In XIX International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports.
San Francisco: Univ. of San Francisco, pp. 21-24, 2001.
Hennig, E. M., T. Sterzing, and R. Briele. Der Einsatz von Satelliten - Navigationssystemen (GPS, DGPS) im Sport. In DVS
Symposium - Sektion Biomechanik. Konstanz: Universität Konstanz, pp. 66-72, 2001.
Hennig, E. M. and T. R. Wenniges. Improvement of GPS Accuracy for the Tracking of Human Motion by the Elimination of
Selective Availability Restrictions. In XVIIIth Congress, International Society of Biomechanics. Zurich, Switzerland: ETH
Zuerich, pp. CD-Publication - S10, 2001.
Hering, G., E. Hennig, and H. Riehle. Innervationsmuster der Beinmuskulatur und ihre Bedeutung fuer neuromuskulaere
Anpassungsprozesse. In DVS Symposium - Sektion Biomechanik. Konstanz: Universität Konstanz, pp. 93-100, 2001.
Hering, G. O., E. M. Hennig, and H. J. Riehle. Relationship between sprint time and quadriceps muscle characteristics from four
subject groups, differing in neuromuscular performance demands. In XVIIIth Congress, International Society of
Biomechanics. Zurich, Switzerland: ETH Zuerich, pp. CD-Publication - O71, 2001.
Hering, G. O., E. M. Hennig, and H. J. Riehle. Mechanical properties of morphological different muscles interpreted as a
consequence of neural activation patterns - implications to specific training. In XVIIIth Congress, International Society of
Biomechanics. Zurich, Switzerland: ETH Zuerich, pp. CD-Publication - O523, 2001.
Hering, G. O., E. M. Hennig, and H. J. Riehle. Neuromuscular fatigue of athletes engaged in endurance and explosive contraction
type sports. In 6th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Cologne: Sport und Buch Strauss GmbH, p.
296, 2001.
Hills, A. P., E. M. Hennig, M. McDonald, and O. Bar-Or. Plantar pressure differences between obese and non-obese adults: a
biomechanical analysis. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 25:1674-1679., 2001.
Kimmeskamp, S. and E. M. Hennig. Heel to toe motion characteristics in Parkinson patients during free walking. Clin Biomech
(Bristol, Avon). 16:806-812., 2001.
Kimmeskamp, S. and E. M. Hennig. The influence of a laboratory environment on plantar pressure variability in young and older
adults during walking. In XVIIIth Congress, International Society of Biomechanics. Zurich, Switzerland: ETH Zuerich, pp.
CD-Publication - P151, 2001.
Machado, D. B., E. Hennig, and H. Riehle. Plantar pressure distribution in children: movement patterns and footwear influence.
Brazilian Journal of Biomechanics. 2:19-25, 2001.
Nass, D., E. M. Hennig, and D. Koslowski. The effect of intrinsic and extrinsic foot muscle exercises on the arches of the foot. In
XVIIIth Congress, International Society of Biomechanics. Zurich, Switzerland: ETH Zuerich, pp. CD-Publication - O366,
Nass, D., E. M. Hennig, and R. V. Treek. Eigenschaften und Schutzfunktion des Fersenfettpolsters in Abhängigkeit vom
Körpergewicht. In DVS Symposium - Sektion Biomechanik. Konstanz: Universität Konstanz, pp. 188-193, 2001.
List of Lectures and Publications in Conference Proceedings and Journals (Hennig)
Nass, D., E. M. Hennig, and R. v. Treek. Relationship between heel pad thickness and heel pressure in obese and normal weight
adults. Clinical Biomechanics, 2001.
Sterzing, T. and E. M. Hennig. Die Veränderung biomechanischer Kenngrößen während eines 10 km-Laufs – eine Feldstudie. In
DVS Symposium - Sektion Biomechanik. Konstanz: Universität Konstanz, pp. 61-65, 2001.
Bolte, C., E. M. Hennig, A. P. Hills, and M. Mcdonald. Pressure changes under the feet of obese adults after a weight reduction
program. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry. 108:70, 2000.
Hennig, E. The history of pressure ditribution technology - (Keynote Lecture). In VII Emed Scientific Millenium Meeting.
München, Germany, 2000.
Hennig, E. M. Tennis elbow. Encyclopedia of sports medicine and science, 2000:http://www.sportsci.org/encyc/index.html.
Hennig, E. M. Biomechanical methods for the evaluation of athletic footwear. In Pre-Olympic Congress: International Congress
on Sport Science, Sports Medicine and Physical Education. Brisbane, Australia: Queensland Univ. of Technology, pp. 285286, 2000.
Hennig, E. M. Biomechanik der Sprunggelenke - Primäre und sekundäre Prävention von Bandinstabilitäten. In 10. Internationales
Sportmedizinisches Symposium 2000. Insel Raichenau, Bodensee: (Eingeladener Vortrag), 2000.
Hennig, E. M. Satellite tracking of elite level soccer players. In 4th International Conference in Orthopedics, Biomechanics and
Sports Rehabilitation. Assisi, Perugia, Italy: Let People Move, pp. 69-71, 2000.
Hennig, E. M. Biomechanics of the foot and ankle. In 4th International Conference in Orthopedics, Biomechanics and Sports
Rehabilitation. Assisi, Perugia, Italy: Let People Move, p. 125, 2000.
Hennig, E. M. and R. Briehle. Game analysis by GPS satellite tracking of soccer players. Archives of Physiology and
Biochemistry. 108:44, 2000.
Hennig, E. M. and T. L. Milani. Pressure distribution measurements for evaluation of running shoe properties. Sportverletz
Sportschaden. 14:90-97., 2000.
Kimmeskamp, S., E. M. Hennig, and C. Lemmen. The influence of vision and proprioception perturbations on the balance control
in parkinson patients. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry. 108:222, 2000.
Milani, T. L. and E. M. Hennig. Measurements of rearfoot motion during running. Sportverletz Sportschaden. 14:115-120., 2000.
Nass, D., E. M. Hennig, and B. Fischer. The relationship of barefoot to inshoe pressure distributon. Archives of Physiology and
Biochemistry. 108:13, 2000.
Sanderson, D. J., E. M. Hennig, and A. H. Black. The influence of cadence and power output on force application and in- shoe
pressure distribution during cycling by competitive and recreational cyclists. J Sports Sci. 18:173-181., 2000.
Hennig, E. M. Gait analysis and the biomechanics of human locomotion. In VIII Congresso Brasiliero de Biomecanica.
Florianapolis, Santa Catarina: Sociedade Brasileira de Biomecanica, pp. 19-26, 1999.
Hennig, E. M. Defining the loads applied to the body and the bodies reaction. In 3rd International Course "Sports Rehabilitation
and Biomechanics". Perugia, Italy: (Invited Lecture), 1999.
Hennig, E. M. Plantar pressure measurement for prevention of injury during running. In 3rd International Course "Sports
Rehabilitation and Biomechanics". Perugia, Italy: (Invited Lecture), 1999.
Hennig, E. M. and T. F. Sterzing. The use of global positioning systems (GPS and DGPS) for the tracking of human motion. In
XVIIth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics. Calgary: Dept. Of Kinesiology, Univ. of Calgary, p. 193,
Hennig, E. M. and O. Zulbeck. The influence of soccer boot construction on ball velocity and shock to the body. In Fourth
Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics. Canmore / Canada: University of Calgary, pp. 52-53, 1999.
Kimmeskamp, S. and E. M. Hennig. Analysis of plantar pressures during gait of patients with Parkinson´s disease. In Fourth
Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics. Canmore / Canada: University of Calgary, pp. 60-61, 1999.
Machado, D. B. and E. M. Hennig. The influence of daily activity movement patterns on the in-shoe plantar pressure distribution
of children. In Fourth Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics. Canmore: University of Calgary, pp. 28-29, 1999.
Machado, D. B., E. M. Hennig, and H. Riehle. Analisa da influencia do calcado na distribuicao de pressaro plantar de uma
populacao infantil durante atvidades locomotoras. In VIII Congresso Brasiliero de Biomecanica. Florianapolis, Santa
Catarina: Sociedade Brasileira de Biomecanica, pp. 573-578, 1999.
Nass, D., E. M. Hennig, and R. v. Treek. The thickness of the heel pad loaded by bodyweight in obese and normal weight adults.
In Fourth Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics. Canmore / Canada: University of Calgary, pp. 74-75, 1999.
Sterzing, T. F. and E. M. Hennig. Measurement of plantar pressures, rearfoot motion, and tibial shock during running 10 km on a
400 m track. In Fourth Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics. Canmore / Canada: University of Calgary, pp. 88-89, 1999.
Hennig, E. The relationship between body mass and plantar pressure distribution - a review (Keynote Lecture). In VI Emed
Scientific Meeting. Brisbane, Australia, 1998.
Hennig, E. Measuring methods for the evaluation of soccer shoe properties. In Soccer Player Oriented Science and Technology
Congress. Lyon, France: Organisation Technique, Ontario, pp. 1-8, 1998.
Hennig, E., A. P. Hills, M. McDonald, and O. Bar-Or. Pressures under the feet of overweight adults. In VI Emed Scientific
Meeting. Brisbane, Australia, 1998.
Hennig, E. M. Measurement and evaluation of loads on the human body during sports activities - Keynote Lecture. In XVI
International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports. Konstanz, Germany: UVK - Universitätsverlag Konstanz, Germany,
pp. 399-402, 1998.
Hennig, E. M. and M. A. Lafortune. Technology and application of force, acceleration and pressure distribution measurements in
biomechanics. In: Three-dimensional analysis of human locomotion. P. Allard, A. Cappozzo, A. Lundberg, and C. L.
Vaughan (Eds.) New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1998, pp. 109-127.
Hennig, E. M., H. Moering, and T. Milani. Measurement of rearfoot motion during running with an in-shoe goniometer device. In
Third North American Congress on Biomechanics. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: University of Waterloo, pp. 323-324, 1998.
List of Lectures and Publications in Conference Proceedings and Journals (Hennig)
Hennig, E. M. and G. Schnabel. A method to determine impact location and its movement across the strings of a tennis racket. In
XVI International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports. Konstanz, Germany: UVK - Universitätsverlag Konstanz,
Germany, pp. 178-181, 1998.
Kimmeskamp, S., T. Milani, and E. M. Hennig. Relationships between perception scores and biomechanical variables for running
in different footwear constructions. In Third North American Congress on Biomechanics. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada:
University of Waterloo, pp. 327-328, 1998.
Nass, D. and E. M. Hennig. The influence of impact location on the racket head on ball speed and load transfer to the arm during
tennis serves. In Proceedings of NACOB'98 the Third North American Congress on
Biomechanics. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: University of Waterloo, pp. 323-324, 1998.
Naß, D. and E. M. Hennig. Ball impact location on a tennis racket and its influence on ball speed, arm shock and vibration. In
XVI International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports. Konstanz, Germany: UVK - Universitätsverlag Konstanz,
Germany, pp. 229-232, 1998.
Hennig, E. Tennisellenbogen - Biomechanische Betrachtungen. In Sport und Ellenbogen. Würzburg: Bayerischer
Sportärzteverband - Unterfranken, 1997.
Hennig, E. and T. Milani. New versus used running shoes - the influence of changes in shoe properties on foot function. Journal
of Applied Biomechanics, 1997.
Hennig, E. M. and T. L. Milani. Der Einsatz von Druckverteilungsmessungen in der Sportmedizin. In: Biokinetische
Meßverfahren: Einsatzmöglichkeiten in Sportmedizin und Sporttraumatologie. L. Thorwesten, J. Jerosch, and K. Nicol (Eds.)
Lit Verlag: Münster, 1997, pp. 75-84.
Meyring, S., R. R. Diehl, T. L. Milani, E. M. Hennig, and P. Berlit. Dynamic plantar pressure distribution measurements in
hemiparetic patients. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 12:60-65., 1997.
Milani, T. L., E. M. Hennig, and S. Kimmeskamp. Zusammenhang von biomechanischen Parametern und subjektiver
Belastungswahrnehmung in Laufschuhen (Relation of biomechanical parameters and the perception of load in running
shoes). Deutsche Zeitschrift fuer Sportmedizin. 48:139-144, 1997.
Milani, T. L., E. M. Hennig, and M. A. Lafortune. Perceptual and biomechanical variables for running in identical shoe
constructions with varying midsole hardness. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 12:294-300., 1997.
Podzielny, S. and E. M. Hennig. Restriction of foot supination by ankle braces in sudden fall situations. Clin Biomech (Bristol,
Avon). 12:253-258., 1997.
Rosenbaum, D. and E. Hennig. Veränderung der Reaktionszeit und Explosivkraftentfaltung nach einem passiven
Stretchingprogramm und 10-minütigem Aufwärmen (Reaction time and force development after passive stretching and a ten
minute warmup run). Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin. 48:95-99, 1997.
Hennig, E. and T. Milani. Testmethoden zur Beurteilung von Laufschuhen. Dynamed. 1:33-35, 1996.
Hennig, E. M. Welche Eigenschaften soll ein guter Laufschuh haben ? In Angewandte Biomechanik in der
Orthopädieschuhtechnik. Hannover: Studiengemeinschaft Orthopädie-Schuhtechnik e.V., 1996.
Hennig, E. M. The transfer of tennis racquet vibrations to the human forearm. In: Exercise and Sport Research Institute / Arizona
State University, 1996.
Hennig, E. M. and G. Schnabel. Biomechanical analysis of the tennis serve for casual and expert players. In IX-th Biennial
Conference of the Canadian Society of Biomechanics. Vancouver: Organizing Committee / CSB, pp. 186-187, 1996.
Hennig, E. M., G. A. Valiant, and Q. Liu. Biomechanical variables and the perception of cushioning for running in various types
of footwear. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 12:143-150, 1996.
Lafortune, M. A., E. M. Hennig, and M. J. Lake. Dominant role of interface over knee angle for cushioning impact loading and
regulating initial leg stiffness. J Biomech. 29:1523-1529., 1996.
Lafortune, M. A., M. J. Lake, and E. M. Hennig. Differential shock transmission response of the human body to impact severity
and lower limb posture. J Biomech. 29:1531-1537., 1996.
Milani, T. L. and E. M. Hennig. The influence of footwear construction on foot mechanics during running. In IX-th Biennial
Conference of the Canadian Society of Biomechanics. Vancouver: Organizing Committee / CSB, pp. 220-221, 1996.
Milani, T. L. and E. M. Hennig. Druckverteilungsmuster unter dem Fuß beim Absprung zum Fosbury-Flop Hochsprung.
Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin. 47:371-376, 1996.
Schnabel, G. and E. M. Hennig. Wrist angular motion, grip strength and vibrational arm loads of casual and expert tennis players
during forehand and backhand drives. In IX-th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society of Biomechanics. Vancouver:
Organizing Committee / CSB, pp. 188-189, 1996.
Anderson, D. L., D. J. Sanderson, and E. M. Hennig. The role of external nonrigid ankle bracing in limiting ankle inversion. Clin
J Sport Med. 5:18-24, 1995.
Hennig, E. M. Die Bedeutung der Konstruktionsmerkmale von Tennisschlägern für das Spielverhalten und die mechanische
Belastung des Körpers. In: Tennisvermittlung als Interpretation und Auswertung sportwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse. P.
Koch and P.Maier (Eds.) Sankt Augustin: Academia, 1995, pp. 81-92.
Hennig, E. M. Acceleration, force & pressure distribution measurement techniques and their applications in biomechanics
(Tutorial). In American Society of Biomechanics. Stanford University, 1995.
Hennig, E. M. Biomechanische Betrachtungen zur Entstehung und Prävention von Tennisarmbeschwerden. In: Tennis im
höheren Lebensalter aus interdisziplinärer Sicht. N. Hölting, K. Weber, and H. Funhoff (Eds.) Czwalina: Hamburg, 1995, pp.
Hennig, E. M., M. A. Lafortune, and M. J. Lake. The influence of midsole material and knee flexion on energy return in
simulated running impacts. In Second Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics. Köln: Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln, pp. 23, 1995.
List of Lectures and Publications in Conference Proceedings and Journals (Hennig)
Hennig, E. M. and T. L. Milani. In-shoe pressure distribution for running in various types of footwear. Journal of Applied
Biomechanics. 11:299-310, 1995.
Hennig, E. M. and T. L. Milani. Die Auswirkungen der Haltekraft am Tennisschläger auf Ballgeschwindigkeit und die
Vibrationsbelastungen des Unterarms. Z. für Sportmedizin. 43:169-173, 1995.
Hennig, E. M. and T. L. Milani. The influence of tennis racket characteristics and grip strength on the magnitude of arm
vibration. In: Tennis: Sports Medicine and Science. H. Krahl, H.-G. Pieper, W. B. Kibler, and P. Renström (Eds.)
Duesseldorf: Rau, 1995, pp. 22-27.
Hennig, E. M. and T. L. Milani. The perception of cushioning during impact loads of the human body. In Second Symposium on
Footwear Biomechanics. Köln: Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln, pp. 30-31, 1995.
Hennig, E. M. and T. L. Milani. Biomechanical profiles of new against used running shoes. In Nineteenth Annual meeting of the
American Society of Biomechanics. Stanford University: American Society of Biomechanics, Palo Alto, pp. 43-44, 1995.
Hennig, E. M. and S. Podzielny. Die Auswirkungen von Dehn- und Aufwärmübungen auf die Vertikalsprungleistung.
Physikalische Therapie in Theorie und Praxis (Nachveröffentlichung der Z. für Sportmedizin). 16:17-22, 1995.
Hennig, E. M. and D. J. Sanderson. In-shoe pressure distributions for cycling with two types of footwear at different mechanical
loads. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 11:68-80, 1995.
Lafortune, M. A., E. M. Hennig, and M. J. Lake. The roles of initial knee angle and interfaces upon lower limb stiffness and
impact loading. In Second Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics. Köln: Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln, pp. 6-7, 1995.
Lafortune, M. A., E. M. Hennig, M. J. Lake, and P. Belisle. Cushioning role of initial knee angle upon impact loading. In XVth
Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics. Jyvaskyla: University of Jyvaskyla, pp. 522-523, 1995.
Lafortune, M. A., E. Henning, and G. A. Valiant. Tibial shock measured with bone and skin mounted transducers. Journal of
Biomechanics. 28:989-993, 1995.
Lafortune, M. A., M. J. Lake, and E. Hennig. Transfer function between tibial acceleration and ground reaction force. J Biomech.
28:113-117., 1995.
Milani, T. L., E. M. Hennig, and G. A. Valiant. Perception of biomechanical variables for running in footwear of varying midsole
stiffness. In Second Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics. Köln: Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln, pp. 26-27, 1995.
Milani, T. L., G. Schnabel, and E. M. Hennig. Rearfoot motion and pressure distribution patterns during running in shoes with
varus and valgus wedges. J. of Appl. Biomechanics. 11:177-187, 1995.
Podzielny, S. and E. M. Hennig. Restriction of foot supination by ankle braces in sudden fall situations. In Second Symposium on
Footwear Biomechanics. Köln: Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln, pp. 46-47, 1995.
Rosenbaum, D. and E. M. Hennig. The influence of stretching and warm-up exercises on Achilles tendon reflex activity. J Sports
Sci. 13:481-490., 1995.
Schnabel, G. and E. M. Hennig. The effect of skin mounting technique on tibial acceleration measurements during running. In
Second Symposium on Footwear Biomechanics. Köln: Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln, pp. 34-35, 1995.
Schnabel, G., E. M. Hennig, and T. L. Milani. Einfluß von Laufgeschwindigkeiten auf die Fußmechanik. In Biomechanik und
Motorik. Jena: Czwalina, p. 81, 1995.
Hennig, E. The use of biomechanical instrumentation for determining impact loads on the human body and for the evaluation of
performance. In: Dept. of Exercise and Sport Science / College of Health and Human Development / The Pennsylvania State
University, 1994.
Hennig, E. Der Fuß als Stoßdämpfer - die Biomechanik des Fußes beim Laufen. Runners World. 2:34-39, 1994.
Hennig, E. Präventivmaßnahmen zur Reduktion von Tennisellbogenbeschwerden aus biomechanisch-technischer Sicht. In Tennis
im höheren Lebensalter aus interdisziplinärer Sicht. Queens Hotel, Frankfurt, 1994.
Hennig, E. M. Plantar pressure measurements and applications to footwear. In 8th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society
of Biomechanics. Calgary: Organizing Committee, pp. 318-319, 1994.
Hennig, E. M. Anwendungsbereiche biomechanischer Diagnostikverfahren für die präventive Orthopädie. In: Regulations- und
Repairmechanismen. H. Liesen, M. Weiß, and M. Baum (Eds.) Köln: Deutscher Ärzte Verlag, 1994, pp. 413-417.
Hennig, E. M. and T. L. Milani. Druckverteilungsanalysen in Sportschuhen. Med. Orth. Tech. 114:22-25, 1994.
Hennig, E. M. and T. L. Milani. The effect of tennis racket grip force on ball rebound velocity and vibration transfer to the arm.
In Second International Conference of Sports Medicine and Science in Tennis. Essen / Germany, p. 60, 1994.
Hennig, E. M., T. L. Milani, and G. Schnabel. Beispiele anwendungsorientierter Forschungsgegenstände der präventiven
Biomechanik. In: Jubiläumsband Prof. John, 1994.
Hennig, E. M. and S. Podzielny. Die Auswirkungen von Dehn- und Aufwärmübungen auf die Vertikalsprungleistung. Deutsche
Z. für Sportmedizin. 45:253-260, 1994.
Hennig, E. M., A. Staats, and D. Rosenbaum. Plantar pressure distribution patterns of young school children in comparison to
adults. Foot Ankle Int. 15:35-40., 1994.
Lafortune, M. A., E. M. Hennig, and T. L. Milani. Comparison of treadmill and overground running. In 8th Biennial Conference
of the Canadian Society of Biomechanics. Calgary: Organizing Committee, pp. 90-91, 1994.
Milani, T. L. and E. M. Hennig. Druckverteilungsanalysen im Sportschuh beim Weitsprung unterschiedlicher Leistungsklassen.
Deutsche Zeitschrift f. Sportmedizin. 45:4-8, 1994.
Milani, T. L. and E. M. Hennig. Restriction of foot inversion by trekking shoes in unexpected ankle turns. In 8th Biennial
Conference of the Canadian Society of Biomechanics. Calgary: Organizing Committee, pp. 96-97, 1994.
Milani, T. L., E. M. Hennig, S. Meyering, R. R. Diehl, and P. Berlit. Foot pressure patterns of patients with neuromotor disorders.
Gait and Posture. 2:246-247, 1994.
Podzielny, S. and E. M. Hennig. The Influence of warm-up exercise on vertical jumping performance. In 8th Biennial Conference
of the Canadian Society of Biomechanics. Calgary: Organizing Committee, pp. 228-229, 1994.
List of Lectures and Publications in Conference Proceedings and Journals (Hennig)
Schnabel, G., E. M. Hennig, and T. L. Milani. The influence of running speed on rearfoot motion, tibial acceleration and in-shoe
pressure distribution. In 8th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society of Biomechanics. Calgary: Organizing Committee,
pp. 24-25, 1994.
Amoroso, A., D. J. Sanderson, and E. M. Hennig. Kinematic and kinetic changes in cycling resulting from fatigue. In
Biomechanics XIV. Paris: International Society of Biomechanics, pp. 94-95, 1993.
Black, A. H., D. J. Sanderson, and E. M. Hennig. Kinematic and kinetic changes during an incremental exercise test on a bicycle
ergometer. In Biomechanics XIV. Paris: International Society of Biomechanics, pp. 186-187, 1993.
Hennig, E. Biomechanische Testkriterien für Sportschuhe. Sportverletzung / Sportschaden. 7:191-195, 1993.
Hennig, E. Biomechanische Diagnostikverfahren für die präventive Orthopädie. In 33. Deutscher Sportärztekongress. Paderborn,
Hennig, E. Biomechanische Aspekte bei der Konstruktion von Tennisschlägern. In DVS Symposium / Kommission Tennis. Köln,
Hennig, E. [Criteria for biomechanical tests for athletic shoes]. Sportverletz Sportschaden. 7:191-195., 1993.
Hennig, E. and T. Milani. Die Dreipunktunterstützung des Fußes - Eine Druckverteilungsanalyse bei statischer und dynamischer
Belastung. Z. Orthop. 131:279-284, 1993.
Hennig, E. M. Biomechanische Diagnostik in der Sportmedizin. In: Aktuelle Hauptforschungsrichtungen der Biomechanik
sportlicher Bewegungen. W. Gutewort, T. Schmalz, and T. Weiß (Eds.) Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag, 1993, pp. 47-54.
Hennig, E. M. Anwendungsbereiche biomechanischer Diagnostikverfahren für die präventive Orthopädie. 1993.
Hennig, E. M. and T. L. Milani. [The tripod support of the foot. An analysis of pressure distribution under static and dynamic
loading]. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb. 131:279-284., 1993.
Hennig, E. M., T. L. Milani, and M. A. Lafortune. Use of ground reaction force parameters in predicting peak tibial accelerations
in running. Journal Applied Biomechanics. 9:306-314, 1993.
Hennig, E. M., T. L. Milani, and D. Rosenbaum. The influence of tennis racket design on impact induced arm oscillations. In
Biomechanics XIV. Paris: International Society of Biomechanics, pp. 562-563, 1993.
Hennig, E. M., G. A. Valiant, and Q. Liu. Relationships between perception of cushioning and pressure distribution parameters in
running shoes. In Biomechanics XIV. Paris: International Society of Biomechanics, pp. 564-565, 1993.
Hering, G. O., E. M. Hennig, and H. J. Riehle. Force and EMG measurements at the quadriceps femoris of marathon runners
against sprinters and volleyball players under isometric explosive conditions. In Biomechanics XIV. Paris: International
Society of Biomechanics, pp. 568-569, 1993.
Milani, T. L. and E. M. Hennig. Belastungsanalysen des Vorfußes. In: Vorfußdeformitäten. C. J. Wirth, R. Ferdini, and N.
Wülker (Eds.) Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1993, pp. 31-35.
Milani, T. L. and E. M. Hennig. Pressure distribution under the foot at the take off in volleyball jumps and fosbury flop high
jumps. In Biomechanics XIV. Paris: International Society of Biomechanics, pp. 874-875, 1993.
Rosenbaum, D. and E. M. Hennig. Reaction time and explosive force development following stretching and warming-up. In
Biomechanics XIV. Paris: International Society of Biomechanics, pp. 1146-1147, 1993.
Schnabel, G., T. L. Milani, and E. M. Hennig. Rearfoot motion and pressure distribution patterns during running in shoes with
varus and valgus wedges. In Biomechanics XIV. Paris: International Society of Biomechanics, pp. 1208-1209, 1993.
Valiant, G. A., E. M. Hennig, and Q. Liu. Relating subjective measures of running shoe cushioning to physical measures. Med.
Sci. Exerc. 25:S68, 1993.
Amoroso, A. T., E. M. Hennig, and D. J. Sanderson. In-shoe pressure distribution for cycling at different cadences. In NACOB
II: 2nd North American Congress on Biomechanics. Chicago, Ill., USA: Org. Comm. of ASB & CSB, pp. 249-250, 1992.
Black, A. H., D. J. Sanderson, and E. M. Hennig. Effectiveness of force application in cycling. In NACOB II: 2nd North
American Congress on Biomechanics. Chicago, Ill., USA: Org. Comm. of ASB & CSB, pp. 245-246, 1992.
Hennig, E. Grundlagen und Anwendung biomechanischer Kraft & Druckmeßverfahren. In Jahreskongress der Gesellschaft für
Orthopädie und Traumatologie des Sports. München, 1992.
Hennig, E. Biomechanical procedures for comparative product tests. In. Vancouver, Canada: University of Brit. Columbia, 1992.
Hennig, E. Die Biomechanik des Fußes. In 2. Internationales Sportärztetreffen. Insel Raichenau, Bodensee, 1992.
Hennig, E. Präventivmedizinische Aspekte beim Sportschuh. In 2. Internationales Sportärztetreffen. Insel Raichenau, Bodensee,
Hennig, E. Biomechanische Eigenschaften von Laufschuhen. In Sport und Fuß (Bayerischer Sportärzteverband Bezirk
Unterfranken). Würzburg, 1992.
Hennig, E. M. Grundlagen und Anwendungsbeispiele von Druckverteilungsmessungen. In. Ulm: Abteilung Unfallchirurgische
Forschung und Biomechanik der Universität Ulm, 1992.
Hennig, E. M., D. Rosenbaum, and T. L. Milani. Transfer of tennis racket vibrations onto the human forearm. Med Sci Sports
Exerc. 24:1134-1140., 1992.
Hennig, E. M. and D. J. Sanderson. In-shoe pressure distribution for cycling at different power outputs. In NACOB II: 2nd North
American Congress on Biomechanics. Chicago, Ill., USA: Org. Comm. of ASB & CSB, pp. 251-252, 1992.
Hennig, E. M. and G. A. Valiant. The influence of run-up distance on ground reaction force and pressure distribution parameters.
In NACOB II: 2nd North American Congress on Biomechanics. Chicago, Ill., USA: Org. Comm. of ASB & CSB, pp. 163164, 1992.
Lafortune, M. A. and E. M. Hennig. Cushioning properties of footwear during walking: accelerometer and force platform
measurements. Clinical Biomechenics. 7:181-184, 1992.
Lafortune, M. A., G. A. Valiant, and E. M. Hennig. Skin and bone mounted acceleration signals. In NACOB II: 2nd North
American Congress on Biomechanics. Chicago, Ill., USA: Org. Comm. of ASB & CSB, pp. 103-104, 1992.
List of Lectures and Publications in Conference Proceedings and Journals (Hennig)
Milani, T. L. and E. M. Hennig. In-shoe pressure distribution in the triple jump. In NACOB II: 2nd North American Congress on
Biomechanics. Chicago, Ill., USA: Org. Comm. of ASB & CSB, pp. 285-286, 1992.
Rosenbaum, D. and E. M. Hennig. The influence of static stretching and a 10-minute warm-up run on reflex force development.
In NACOB II: 2nd North American Congress on Biomechanics. Chicago, Ill., USA: Org. Comm. of ASB & CSB, pp. 575576, 1992.
Sanderson, D. J. and E. M. Hennig. In-shoe pressure distribution in cycling and running shoes during steady-rate cycling. In
NACOB II: 2nd North American Congress on Biomechanics. Chicago, Ill., USA: Org. Comm. of ASB & CSB, pp. 247-248,
Hennig, E. Interaktion von Fußmechanik und Sportschuh beim Laufen. In. Münster: Institut für Bewegungswissenschaften,
Westf. Wilhelms Universität, 1991.
Hennig, E. Meßverfahren zur Belastungsmessung des Haltungs- und Bewegungsapparates in Orthopädie und Sport. In
Fachkongress Medtech '91. Berlin, 1991.
Hennig, E. Biomechanische Meßmethoden und deren Anwendung bei vergleichenden Warentests. In. Berlin: Stiftung Warentest,
Hennig, E. Biomechanical injury prophylaxis for athletic improvement. In Applications of Sport Science to the Field. Seoul,
Korea: Korean Sport Science Institute, pp. 19-29, 1991.
Hennig, E. Tibial bone acceleration and ground reaction force parameters during running. In. Seoul, Korea: Seoul National
University, 1991.
Hennig, E. Biomechanical product testing. In. Seoul, Korea: Korean Sport Science Institute, 1991.
Hennig, E. The influence of footwear and playing surfaces onto loads of the human body. In. Seoul, Korea: Korean Sport Science
Institute, 1991.
Hennig, E. Measurement devices and their practical applications. In. Seoul, Korea: Korean Sport Science Institute, 1991.
Hennig, E. Instrumentation in sport biomechanics. In. Seoul, Korea: Korean Sport Science Institute, 1991.
Hennig, E. Biomechanical procedures for comparative product tests. In. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Dept. of Kinesiology,
University of Ottawa, 1991.
Hennig, E. Biomechanical procedures for comparative product tests. In. Guelph, Ontario, Canada: Dept. of Human Biology,
Guelph University, 1991.
Hennig, E. Biomechanical procedures for comparative product tests. In. University Park, Pennsylvania, USA: Center for
Locomotion Studies, Pennsylvania State University, 1991.
Hennig, E. Biomechanical procedures for comparative product tests. In. Portland, Oregon, USA: Nike Sport Research Lab., Nike,
Hennig, E. Perception of cushioning and biomechanical parameters. In. Portland, Oregon, USA: Nike Sport Research Lab., Nike,
Hennig, E. Der kindliche Fuß im Lauflernalter. Orthopädie und Schuhtechnik:33-35, 1991.
Hennig, E. M. and M. A. Lafortune. Relationships between ground reaction force- and tibial bone acceleration parameters. Int. J.
of Sport Biom. 7:303-309, 1991.
Hennig, E. M. and D. Rosenbaum. Energieaufwand und Energy-Return beim Laufen. In: Triathlon: Biomechanik,
Trainingskonzeption, Verletzungsprophylaxe. D. Bremer, M. Engelhardt, R. Singer, and R. Wodick (Eds.) Ahrensburg:
Czwalina, 1991, pp. 17-28.
Hennig, E. M. and D. Rosenbaum. Pressure distribution patterns under the feet of children in comparison with adults. Foot Ankle.
11:306-311., 1991.
Lafortune, M. A. and E. M. Hennig. Contribution of angular motion and gravity to tibial acceleration. Med Sci Sports Exerc.
23:360-363., 1991.
Hennig, E. Anwendung biomechanischer Forschungsergebnisse im Langstreckenlauf. In: Triathlon: Biomechanik,
Trainingskonzeption, Verletzungsprophylaxe. D. Bremer, M. Engelhardt, R. Singer, and R. Wodick (Eds.) Ahrensburg:
Czwalina, 1990, pp. 17-28.
Hennig, E. [Pressure distribution pattern in relation to foot structure during muscular active and passive load impacts].
Sportverletz Sportschaden. 4:109-116., 1990.
Hennig, E. M. Anwendung biomechanischer Forschung für verletzungsprophylaktische Maßnahmen im Sport. In. Frankfurt:
Institut für Sport und Sportwissenschaften, J.W. v. Goethe Universität, 1990.
Hennig, E. M. Belastung der Haltungs- und Bewegungsorgane - Meßmethoden im Sport. In 38. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung
Süddeutscher Orthopäden e.V. Baden-Baden, 1990.
Hennig, E. M. Druckverteilungsmuster in Abhängigkeit von der Fußstruktur bei muskulär aktiven und passiven
Belastungsformen. Sportverletzung-Sportschaden. 4:109-116, 1990.
Hennig, E. M. and T. Milani. The assessment of lower extremity loads for different foot types during running on various track
surfaces. In: Biomechanics of Human Movement - Applications in Rehabilitation, Sports and Ergonomics. N. Berme and A.
Capozzo (Eds.) Worthington, Ohio, USA: Bertec Corporation, 1990, pp. 487-490.
Hennig, E. M. and T. L. Milani. Druckverteilungsmessungen in Straßen- und Sportschuhen. In 38. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung
Süddeutscher Orthopäden e.V. Baden-Baden, 1990.
Hennig, E. M., D. Rosenbaum, and T. L. Milani. Pressure distribution measurements in comparative shoe testing. In Human
Locomotion VI. Quebec, Canada: Canadian Society for Biomechanics, pp. 105-106, 1990.
Hennig, E. M. and C. G. Steinmann. Evaluation of different methods for the determination of jumping height as parameter for
judging athletic performance. In: Biomechanics of Human Movement - Applications in Rehabilitation, Sports and
Ergonomics. N. Berme and A. Capozzo (Eds.) Worthington, Ohio, USA: Bertec Corporation, 1990, pp. 423-426.
List of Lectures and Publications in Conference Proceedings and Journals (Hennig)
Hennig, E. M. and C. Steinmann-Milani. Dynamometrische Sprunghöhenbestimmung. In: Forschungsgegenstand Sport. H. J.
Menzel and R. Preiß (Eds.) Frankfurt: Harri Deutsch Verlag, 1990, pp. 179-188.
Milani, T. and E. M. Hennig. The behavior of anatomical foot structures on various sport floors at high mechanical loads. In:
Biomechanics of Human Movement - Applications in Rehabilitation, Sports and Ergonomics. N. Berme and A. Capozzo
(Eds.) Worthington, Ohio, USA: Bertec Corporation, 1990, pp. 491-494.
Milani, T. L. and E. M. Hennig. Prevention of athletic injuries in triple jump. In Techniques in Athletics. Köln: Sport & Buch
Strauß, pp. 753-760, 1990.
Milani, T. L., E. M. Hennig, and P. J. Stothart. Day to day-variability of pressure distribution measurements during walking and
running. In Human Locomotion VI. Quebec, Canada: Canadian Society for Biomechanics, pp. 57-58, 1990.
Miller, D. I., I. C. Jones, M. A. Pizzimenti, E. Hennig, and R. C. Nelson. Kinetic and Kinematic Characteristics of 10-m Platform
Performances of elite divers II - Reverse Takeoffs. Int. J. of Sport Biom. 6:283-308, 1990.
Rosenbaum, D., E. M. Hennig, and G. O. Hering. The influence of a ten minute warm-up run on muscle fiber conduction velocity
of the vastus lateralis muscle. In 8th International Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology.
Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Univ. of Maryland, p. 34, 1990.
Rosenbaum, D., E. M. Hennig, and P. J. Stothart. The influence of passive and contract-relax stretching on muscle fiber
conduction velocity of the vastus lateralis muscle. In Human Locomotion VI. Quebec, Canada: Canadian Society of
Biomechanics, pp. 149-150, 1990.
Hennig, E. Biomechanische und orthopädische Präventivmaßnahmen im Leistungssport. In 9. Sportwissenschaftlicher
Hochschultag der DVS. Freiburg, 1989.
Hennig, E. and H. Krahl. Biomechanische Untersuchungsmethoden in der Sportorthopädie zur Verletzungsprophylaxe und
Leistungsdiagnostik. In: Jahrbuch der Orthopädie 1989. K. F. Schlegel and K. Jahn (Eds.) Zülpich: Biermann, 1989, pp. 7381.
Hennig, E. M. Druckverteilungsmuster in Abhängigkeit von der Fußstruktur bei sportrelevanten Belastungsformen. In
Jahreskonferenz der Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie. München, 1989.
Hennig, E. M. Reduktionsmöglichkeit mechanischer Belastungen durch Auswahl geeigneter Sportgeräte. In Sportmotorisches
Lernen und Techniktraining. Saarbrücken, 1989.
Hennig, E. M. Verfahren, Ergebnisse und Grenzen präventiver Ansätze in der Biomechanik und Orthopädie. In: Leistungssport:
Herausforderung für die Sportwissenschaft. M. Bührle and M. Schnurr (Eds.) Schorndorf: Hofmann, 1989, pp. 178-179.
Hennig, E. M. Meßverfahren zur Bestimmung von mechanischen Belastungen im Sport. In 16. Ulmer Orthopädie-Kolloquium,
Biomechanische Untersuchungsmethoden in der Sportmedizin. Ulm, 1989.
Hennig, E. M. and A. Lafortune. Tibial bone acceleration and ground reaction force parameters during running. J. of Biom.
22:1043, 1989.
Hennig, E. M. and T. L. Milani Pressure distribution measurement techniques for the prevention of athletic injuries. In First IOC
World Congress on Sport Sciences. Colorado Springs, USA: International Olympic Committee, pp. 183-184, 1989.
Hering, G., E. Hennig, and H. Riehle. Measurements of muscle fibre conduction velocity at the m. biceps and m. triceps brachii
under isometric loads. J. Biom. 22:1021, 1989.
Hering, G. O., E. M. Hennig, and H. J. Riehle. Messung der Muskelleitgeschwindigkeit am M. Biceps und M. Triceps Brachii bei
isometrischer Belastung. In Sportmotorisches Lernen und Techniktraining. Saarbrücken: Sportw. Institut der Universität des
Saarlandes, p. 123, 1989.
Lafortune, M. A. and E. Hennig. Contribution of angular motion and gravitation onto tibial acceleration. J. Biom. 22:1043, 1989.
Milani, T. and E. Hennig. Pressure distribution patterns inside of a running shoe during up- and downhill running. J. Biom.
22:1056, 1989.
Milani, T. L. and E. M. Hennig. Prävention von Verletzungen und Beschwerden des Bewegungsapparates bei
Hochleistungsathleten in der Disziplin des leichtathletischen Dreisprunges. In: Leistungssport: Herausforderung für die
Sportwissenschaft. M. Bührle and M. Schnurr (Eds.) Schorndorf: Hofmann, 1989, pp. 184-188.
Miller, D. I., E. Hennig, M. A. Pizzimenti, I. C. Jones, and R. C. Nelson. Kinetic and kinematic characteristics of 10-m platform
performances of elite divers I - back take-offs. Int. J. of Sport Biom. 5:60-88, 1989.
Hennig, E. Piezoelectric sensors. In: Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation. J. G. Webster (Ed.) New York: J.
Wiley & Sons, 1988, pp. 2310-2319.
Hennig, E. Recent advances in instrumentation for human locomotion studies. In Vth. Biennial Conference of the Canadian
Society of Biomechanics. Ottawa: Spodym Publ., London, Ontario, pp. 6-7, 1988.
Hennig, E. Druckverteilungsanalyse. In Arzt und Athlet IV. Essen, 1988.
Hennig, E. and M. A. Lafortune. Tibial bone and skin accelerations during running. In Vth. Biennial Conference of Canadian
Society of Biomechanics. Ottawa, pp. 74-75, 1988.
Hennig, E., T. Milani, and D. Rosenbaum. Präventive Biomechanik in der Sportmedizin. Essener Universitätsberichte. 3:22-30,
Hennig, E. and H. Riehle. Loads on the human body during trampoline exercises. In: Biomechanics XI-B. G. d. Groot, P.
Hollander, P. Huijing, and G. v. I. Schenau (Eds.) Amsterdam: Free University Press, 1988, pp. 736- 739.
Hering, G., E. M. Hennig, and H. Riehle. Reproducibility of IEMG measurements on the M.Triceps Brachii. In: Biomechanics
XI-A. G. d. Groot, P. Hollander, P. Huijing, and G. v. I. Schenau (Eds.) Amsterdam: Free University Press, 1988, pp. 148152.
Lafortune, M. A. and E. Hennig. Effects of velocity and uphill slope on tibial shock during running. In Vth. Biennial Conference
of the Canadian Society of Biomechanics. Ottawa, Canada: Spodym Publ., London, Ontario, pp. 94-95, 1988.
Milani, T. L. and E. Hennig. Pressure patterns inside of a running shoe during walking and running. In Vth. Biennial Conference
of the Canadian Society of Biomechanics. Ottawa: Spodym Publ., London, Ontario, pp. 110-111, 1988.
List of Lectures and Publications in Conference Proceedings and Journals (Hennig)
Milani, T. L., E. M. Hennig, and H. J. Riehle. A comparison of locomotor characteristics during treadmill and overground
running. In: Biomechanics XI-B. G. d. Groot, P. Hollander, P. Huijing, and G. v. I. Schenau (Eds.) Amsterdam: Free
University Press, 1988, pp. 655- 659.
Rosenbaum, D. and E. Hennig. Lower leg EMG activity in walking and running with shoes of differernt elastic properties. In Vth.
Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society of Biomechanics. Ottawa: Spodym Publ., London, Ontario, pp. 138-139, 1988.
Hennig, E. Die laufende Belastung - Belastung durch Laufen ...aus biomechanischer Sicht. In: Verein für Gesundheitssport und
Sporttherapie Düsseldorf, 1987.
Hennig, E. Extreme Belastungen bei sportlichen Bewegungen. In. Münster: Institut für Bewegungswissenschaften, Universität
Münster, 1987.
Hennig, E. Sportschuhtechnologie zwischen Werbung und Wissenschaft. In: Langlauf in der Kritik. W. Kleine (Ed.) Aachen:
Meyer & Meyer, 1987, pp. 82-99.
Hennig, E. Neuronale Kontrolle des Stoßdämpfungsverhaltens der Füße bei Niedersprüngen. In. Essen: Alfried Krupp
Krankenhaus, 1987.
Hennig, E. Instrumentation in biomechanics. In Olympic Precongress Symposium of the Korean Society of Physical Education.
Seoul: Korean Society of Physical Education, pp. 15 - 32, 1987.
Hennig, E. M. Stoßdämpfung und elastische Kraftübertragung als Grundelemente einer funktionellen Anatomie des Fußes.
Berkemann Brücke:2-4, 1987.
Hennig, E. Meßmethoden und Ergebnisse der präventiven Biomechanik. In Arzt und Athlet II. Bad Homburg, 1986.
Hennig, E. M. Pronation des Fußes beim Laufen - positiv oder negativ ? Condition. 17:22-23, 1986.
Hennig, E. M. Die Belastung des Haltungs- und Bewegungsapparates beim Laufen. In 2. Sportmedizinisches Symposium des
Sportärzteverbandes Saar. Sigriswil, Thuner See, Schweiz, 1986.
Hennig, E. M. Kräfte und Belastungen des menschlichen Bewegungsapparates beim Gehen und bei sportlichen Bewegungen und
ihre Registrierung. In 1. Sportmedizinischen Symposium des Sportärzteverbandes Saar. Saarbrücken, 1986.
Hennig, E. M. Meßverfahren zur funktionellen Differenzierung von unterschiedlichen Fußarchitekturen. In Vortrag bei der
Jahreshauptversammlung des Bundesinnungsverbandes für Orthopädie Technik. Westerland/Sylt, 1986.
Hennig, E. M. Biomechanische Forschungsprojekte an der Universität Konstanz. In: Biomechanik Laboratorium der ETH Zürich,
Hennig, E. M. and H. Riehle. Biomechanik - Wissenschaft zwischen Wissenschaften. Konstanzer Hochschulblätter. 24:16-31,
Cavanagh, P. R., G. Andrew, R. Kram, M. M. Rodgers, D. J. Sanderson, and E. M. Hennig. An approach to biomechanical
profiling of elite distance runners. Int. J. of Sport Biom. 1:36-62, 1985.
Cavanagh, P. R., E. M. Hennig, M. M. Rodgers, and D. J. Sanderson. The measurement of pressure distribution on the plantar
surface of diabetic feet. In: Biomechanical Measurement in Orthopaedic Practice. M. Whittle and D. Harris (Eds.) Oxford,
England: Clarendon Press, 1985, pp. 159-166.
Hennig, E. M. Piezoelectric and capacitive pressure distribution techniques and their application in rehabilitation and industry. In
Application of Biomechanics. Linköping, Sweden: University of Linköping, pp. 25-27, 1985.
Hennig, E. M. Druckverteilung unter dem belasteten Fuß. Orthopädie Technik. 36:793-797, 1985.
Hennig, E. M. Studium des Sports in den USA. In: Institut für Bewegungswissenschaften, Universität Münster, 1985.
Hennig, E. M. Entwicklungsgeschichte und mechanische Funktion des menschlichen Fußes. In: Institut für
Bewegungswissenschaften, Universität Münster, 1985.
Hennig, E. M. Kräfte und Belastungen des menschlichen Bewegungsapparates beim Gehen und bei sportlichen Bewegungen.
Berkemann Brücke. 272:2-3, 1985.
Hennig, E. M. and P. R. Cavanagh. Pressure distribution under the impacting human foot. In: Biomechanics X-A. B. Jonsson
(Ed.) Champaign, Illinois, USA: Human Kinetics, 1985, pp. 375-380.
Hennig, E. Pressure distribution under the foot during expected and unexpected falls. Dissertation. The Pennsylvania State
Hennig, E. M. and P. R. Cavanagh. Ultrasonic quantification of the arch of the weight bearing foot. In: Biomechanics IX-B. D. A.
Winter, R. W. Norman, R. P. Wells, K. C. Hayes, and A. E. Patla (Eds.) Champaign, Illinois, USA: Human Kinetics, 1984,
pp. 211-216.
Cavanagh, P. R. and E. M. Hennig. Pressure distribution measurement - a review and some observations on the effect of shoe
foam materials during running. In Biomechanical Aspects of Sport Shoes and Playing Surfaces. Calgary, Alberta, Canada:
University of Calgary, pp. 187-190, 1983.
Cavanagh, P. R., E. M. Hennig, R. Bunch, and N. H. Macmillan. A new device for the measurement of pressure distribution
inside the shoe. In: Biomechanics VIII-B. H. Matsui and K. Kobayashi (Eds.) Champaign, Illinois, USA: Human Kinetics,
1983, pp. 1089-1096.
Hennig, E. M. Onset of gastrocnemius EMG activity during voluntarily controlled and unexpected falls. In. University Park: The
Pennsylvania State University, Biomechanics Laboratory, 1983.
Hennig, E. M. Biofeedback of heartrate for increasing the physiological efficiency during long distance running. In. University
Park: The Pennsylvania State University, Psychophysiological Laboratory, 1983.
Hennig, E. M., P. R. Cavanagh, and N. H. Macmillan. Pressure distribution measurement by high precision piezoelectric ceramic
force transducers. In: Biomechanics VIII-B. H. Matsui and K. Kobayashi (Eds.) Champaign, Illinois, USA: Human Kinetics,
1983, pp. 1081-1088.
Albert, H. and E. M. Hennig. Dynamische Druckverteilungsmessungen am Fuß - neue Impulse für die Verletzungsprophylaxe? In
Sport: Leistung und Gesundheit. Köln: Deutscher Sportärztekongreß, pp. 687-692, 1982.
List of Lectures and Publications in Conference Proceedings and Journals (Hennig)
Cavanagh, P. R. and E. M. Hennig. A new device for the measurement of pressure distribution on a rigid surface. Med. Sci.
Sports Exerc. 14:153, 1982.
Hennig, E. M. Piezoelectric and capacitive pressure distribution techniques and their specific advantages for biomechanical
applications. In Human Locomotion II. Kingston, Ontario, Canada: Canadian Society for Biomechanics, pp. 92-93, 1982.
Hennig, E. M., P. R. Cavanagh, H. T. Albert, and N. H. Macmillan. A piezoelectric method of measuring the vertical contact
stress beneath the human foot. J Biomed Eng. 4:213-222., 1982.
Albert, H., E. M. Hennig, and U. Aisslinger. Infrared emitting devices for telemetry application. In: Biomechanics VII-A. A.
Morecki, K. Fidelus, K. Kedzior, and A. Wit (Eds.) Baltimore: University Park Press, 1981, pp. 539-543.
Hennig, E. M., H. Hellmann, and S. Binder. Ultrasonic devices for kinemetric movement analysis. In: Biomechanics VII-A. A.
Morecki, K. Fidelus, K. Kedzior, and A. Wit (Eds.) Baltimore: University Park Press, 1981, pp. 483-488.
Hennig, E. M. and M. A. Lafortune. A new method for the calculation of jumping height of jumps onto or off a force platform.
Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 13:136, 1981.
Nicol, K. and E. M. Hennig. A capacitance-type measuring system for exterior biomechanics. Journal of Human Movement
Studies:63-86, 1981.
Hennig, E. and K. Nicol. Batteriebetriebene Laser-Lichtschranke mit einer Reichweite von 1000 Metern. In, Ballreich, R. und
Kuhlow, A., Beitraege zur Biomechanik des Sports, Schorndorf, Karl Hofmann, c1980, p:315-319, 1980.
Hennig, E., K. Nicol, and R. Preiss. Beruehrungslos arbeitendes akustisches Messverfahren zur Sofortinformation ueber den
zeitlichen Geschwindigkeitsverlauf von mehreren Koerperoberflaechenpunkten. In, Ballreich, R. und Kuhlow, A., Beitraege
zur Biomechanik des Sports, Schorndorf, Karl Hofmann, c1980, p:319-328, 1980.
Hennig, E. M. Application of ultrasonic velocity measurement and capacitive pressure distribution measurement in gait analysis.
In 4th Annual Conference of the ASB. Burlington, Vermont, USA: American Society of Biomechanics, p. 64, 1980.
Hennig, E. M., H. Albert, and U. Aisslinger. Meßstation zur Auswahl von Zellelastomeren für kapazitive Kraftaufnehmer.
Messen & Prüfen/Automatik:56-62., 1980.
Hennig, E. M., P. R. Cavanagh, and Macmillan. High resolution in shoe pressure distribution measurements by piezoelectric
transducers. In Human Locomotion I. London, Ontario, Canada: Canadian Society of Biomechanics, pp. 120-121, 1980.
Hennig, E. M. and K. Nicol. Batteriebetriebene Laser-Lichtschranke mit einer Reichweite von 1000 m. In: Beiträge zur
Biomechanik des Sports. R. Ballreich and A. Kuhlow (Eds.) Schorndorf: K. Hofmann, 1980, pp. 315-319.
Hennig, E. M. and K. Nicol. Demonstrationsverfahren für die kinematischen Größen Weg, Geschwindigkeit, Beschleunigung. In:
Beiträge zur Biomechanik des Sports. R. Ballreich and A. Kuhlow (Eds.) Schorndorf: K. Hofmann, 1980, pp. 334-339.
Hennig, E. M., K. Nicol, and R. Preiss. Berührungslos arbeitendes akustisches Meßverfahren zur Sofortinformation über den
zeitlichen Geschwindigkeitsverlauf von mehreren Körperoberflächenpunkten. In: Beiträge zur Biomechanik des Sports. R.
Ballreich and A. Kuhlow (Eds.) Schorndorf: K. Hofmann, 1980, pp. 319-328.
Nicol, K., E. Hennig, U. Aisslinger, and P. Kraffzyk. Einfache Messplattformen fuer Vertikalkraefte. In, Ballreich, R. und
Kuhlow, A., Beitraege zur Biomechanik des Sports, Schorndorf, Karl Hofmann, c1980, p:277-288, 1980.
Nicol, K., E. Hennig, and H. Alberta. Kapazitives Messystem fuer die aeussere Biomechanik mit Hauptanwendung im Bereich
der Dynamometrie. In, Ballreich, R. und Kuhlow, A., Beitraege zur Biomechanik des Sports, Schorndorf, Karl Hofmann,
c1980, p:265-277, 1980.
Nicol, K., E. Hennig, and V. Hamann. Messtation fuer die Aktionsschnelligkeit. In, Ballreich, R. und Kuhlow, A., Beitraege zur
Biomechanik des Sports, Schorndorf, Karl Hofmann, c1980, p:328-334, 1980.
Nicol, K., E. Hennig, and G. Huber. Messohle zur Vermittlung von objektiver Ergaenzungsinformation. In, Ballreich, R. und
Kuhlow, A., Beitraege zur Biomechanik des Sports, Schorndorf, Karl Hofmann, c1980, p:288-297, 1980.
Nicol, K., E. Hennig, and R. Preiss. Messketten fuer die Druckverteilung. In, Ballreich, R. und Kuhlow, A., Beitraege zur
Biomechanik des Sports, Schorndorf, Karl Hofmann, c1980, p:297-310, 1980.
Nicol, K. and E. M. Hennig. Goniometer auf kapazitiver Grundlage. In: Beiträge zur Biomechanik des Sports. R. Ballreich and A.
Kuhlow (Eds.) Schorndorf: K. Hofmann, 1980, pp. 310-314.
Nicol, K., E. M. Hennig, U. Aisslinger, and P. Kraffzyk. Einfache Meßplattformen für Vertikalkräfte. In: Beiträge zur
Biomechanik des Sports. R. Ballreich and A. Kuhlow (Eds.) Schorndorf: K. Hofmann, 1980, pp. 277-288.
Nicol, K., E. M. Hennig, and H. Albert. Kapazitives Meßverfahren für die äußere Biomechanik mit Hauptanwendung im Bereich
der Dynamometrie. In: Beiträge zur Biomechanik des Sports. R. Ballreich and A. Kuhlow (Eds.) Schorndorf: K. Hofmann,
1980, pp. 265- 277.
Nicol, K., E. M. Hennig, and V. Hamann. Meßstation für die Aktionsschnelligkeit. In: Beiträge zur Biomechanik des Sports. R.
Ballreich and A. Kuhlow (Eds.) Schorndorf: K. Hofmann, 1980, pp. 328-340.
Nicol, K., E. M. Hennig, and G. Huber. Meßsohle zur Vermittlung von objektiver Ergänzungsinformation. In: Beiträge zur
Biomechanik des Sports. R. Ballreich and A. Kuhlow (Eds.) Schorndorf: K. Hofmann, 1980, pp. 288-297.
Nicol, K., E. M. Hennig, and R. Preiss. Meßketten für die Druckverteilung. In: Beiträge zur Biomechanik des Sports. R. Ballreich
and A. Kuhlow (Eds.) Schorndorf: K. Hofmann, 1980, pp. 297-310.
Hennig, E. M. Sports injury prophylaxis by pressure distribution measurements under the foot. In IInd International Symposium
on Adapted Physical Activities. Brussels, Belgium, p. 51, 1979.
Hennig, E. M. and H. Habermann. Druckverteilung in Prothesenschäften. Orthopädie Technik. 30:1-4, 1979.
Hennig, E. M. and K. Nicol. Berührungsloses akustisches Geschwindigkeitsmeßverfahren und kapazitives Kraftmeßverfahren zur
Erfassung biomechanischer Größen in der Ganganalyse. In Pauwels Symposium - Biomechanik in Orthopädie und
Traumatologie. Berlin: Orthopädische Klinik der FU Berlin, pp. 93-97, 1979.
Hennig, E. M., H. Albert, and U. Aisslinger. Meßverfahren zur Erfassung von Vertikalkräften und zeitabhängigen
Druckverteilungen. Orthopädie Technik. 29:93-97, 1978.
List of Lectures and Publications in Conference Proceedings and Journals (Hennig)
Hennig, E. M. and K. Nicol. Registration methods for time-dependent pressure distribution measurements with mats working as
capacitors. In: Biomechanics VI-A. E. Asmussen and K. Joergensen (Eds.) Baltimore: University Park Press, 1978, pp. 361367.
Nicol, K. and E. M. Hennig. Measurement of pressure distribution by means of a flexible, large-surface mat. In: Biomechanics
VI-A. E. Asmussen and K. Joergensen (Eds.) Baltimore: University Park Press, 1978, pp. 374-380.
Hennig, E. M. and K. Nicol. Velocity measurements without contact on body surface points by means of the acoustical Dopplereffect. In: Biomechanics V-B. P. V. Komi (Ed.) Baltimore: University Park Press, 1976, pp. 449-455.
Nicol, K. and E. M. Hennig. Time-dependent method for measuring force distribution using a flexible mat as a capacitor. In:
Biomechanics V-B. P. V. Komi (Ed.) Baltimore: University Park Press, 1976, pp. 433-440.
Hennig, E. M. Kapazitives Kraftmeßverfahren und akustisches Geschwindigkeitsmeßverfahren zur Erfassung von
Bewegungsmerkmalen in der äußeren Biomechanik. Physik Diplomarbeit. Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität,
Hennig, E. M. and K. Nicol. Laserdiode als Sender einer batteriebetriebenen Lichtschranke mit großer Reichweite. Laser &
Elektrooptik. 7:22-24, 1975.