Prof Dr Nikolai Grube / Dr Barbara Göbel - UK

Globaler Umweltwandel – Ethnologische Perspektiven
Dr Barbara Göbel, IHDP, Bonn
Ethnologische Untersuchungen von Mensch-Umweltbeziehungen haben die Ursachen und
Auswirkungen globalen Umweltwandels bislang kaum berücksichtigt. Die voranschreitenden
Veränderungen des Erdsystems sowie sozio-ökonomische Globalisierungsprozesse lassen jedoch eine
Verknüpfung der globalen Dimension, mit der regionalen und lokalen Ebene als dringend erforderlich
erscheinen. Insbesondere die internationale Nachhaltigkeitsdebatte, in der indigene Akteure eine
zunehmend wichtige Rolle spielen, haben die Zusammenhänge zwischen globalem Umweltwandel und
verstärkter Vulnerabilität lokaler Bevölkerungen aufgezeigt. In der Veranstaltung soll anhand
beispielhafter Texte in die Thematik eingeführt werden.
Leistungsschein für das Grundstudium; kein Teilnahmeschein
Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung ([email protected])
Montag, 2. Mai 2005
Ziel und Struktur der Veranstaltung
Vergabe von Referaten
Samstag, den 18. Juni 2005
1. Blocksitzung
(1) 09.15 – 10.45
Einführung die Thematik der Veranstaltung
(2) 11.00 – 12.30
Begriffe Globalisierung – Globaler Umweltwandel – Nachhaltigkeit
(K. Stehr , HA)
12.30-13.30 Mittagspause
(3) 13.30 – 15.15
Internationale Konventionen zum Schutz der Umwelt
 Kyoto Protokoll – Klimaschutzabkommen (N. Steiner, HA)
 CCD – Desertifikationskonvention (M. Nedeltcheva, HA)
 CBD – Biodiversitätskonvention;
 CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
of Wild Fauna and Flora) (D. Link, HA)
(4) 15.30 – 17.00
Internationale Konventionen zum Schutz indigener Rechte und
 ILO- Int. Labor Organization; (D. Kröll, HA)
 WTO-World Trade Organization) ; (D. Kröll, HA)
 UNESCO World Heritage Programme (N. Barbov, HA)
(5) 17.15 – 19.00
Widersprüche zwischen internationalen Konventionen zum Schutz der
Umwelt und zum Schutz indigener Rechte und Interessen
Widersprüche zwischen internationalen Konventionen und nationaler
Samstag, 02. Juli 2005
2. Blocksitzung
(6) 09.15 – 10.45
Die Globalisierung der Forschung – Internationale Forschungskordination
(7) 11.00 – 12.30
Vulnerabilität, Umweltrisiken, Anpassung und Resillienz (A. Brillert,
12.30-13.30 Mittagspause
(8) 13.30 – 15.15
Landrechte, Landnutzung und Wandel der Landnutzung (T. Abel, HA;
Herden, KR)
(9) 15.30 – 17.00
Verstädterung (H. Luttermann, HA; K. Oepen, HA)
(10) 17.15 – 19.00
Institutionelle Dimensionen globalen Umweltwandels (A. Rück, KR)
Literatur (Auswahl)
Adger, Neil.2003. Governing natural resources: Institutional adaptatiom and resilience. In: Negotiating
environmental change, F. Berkhout, M. Leach, I. Scoones (eds.), pp. 193-208. London:
Berkhout, Frans 2003. Shifting perspectives in environmental social science. In: Negotiating
environmental change. New perspectives from the social sciences, pp. 1-31. London: Elgar.
Buttimer, Anne. 200. Sustainable development. Issues of Scale and Appropriateness, In: A. Buttimer
Sustainable Landscapes and lifeways. Scale and Appropriateness, pp. 7-34. Cork: Cork
University Press.
Downing, T.E. and M. Lüdeke. 2002 International desertification: Social Geographies of vulnerability,
In: J.F. Reynolds und D.M. Stafford Smith (eds.), Global Desertification. Do Humans cause
deserts, pp. 233-252. Berlin: Dahlem University Press.
Ehlers, E. und T. Krafft 2001. Understanding the Earth System – From Global Change Research to
Earth System Science, In: E. Ehlers and T. Krafft (eds.) Understanding the Earth System.
Compartments , processes and interactions, pp. 3-16. Berlin: Springer.
Engels, Anita. 2003. Institutionalisation of Ecological Risk Perceptions: The role of climate change
disourses in Germany. In: How Institutions change. Perspectives on social learning in global
and local environmental contexts, H. Breit, A. Engels, T. Moss et al., pp. 155-178. Opladen:
Leske und Budrich.
Fischer, G., M. Shah und Harrij van Velthuizen. 2002. Climate Change and Agricultural Vulnerability.
Vienna: IIASA
Hjort af Ornäs, Anders and Jan Lundquist. 1999 Managing the globalized environment: Local
Strategies to secure livelihoods, In: TiiaRiitta Granfeldt (eds.) Life, livelihood, resources and
security – Links and a call for a new order, pp. 1-8. London: Intermediate Publications.
IHDP. 2001. Update: Special Focus: Vulnerability
Meyer, William B. and Billie L. Turner II (2002): The Earth Transformed: Trends, trajectories, and
patterns. In: Johnston, Ron B.; Taylor, Peter J. and Michael J. Watts (ed.): Geographies of
Global Change. Remapping the world, pp. 364-376. Malden, MA, Oxford, Melbourne and
Berlin: Blackwell Publishing.
Moore, Berrien III. 2002. Challenges of a Changing Earth. In: Challenging of a Changing Earth, W.
Steffen, J. Jäger, D. Carson et al. (eds.), pp. 7-17. Berlin: Springer.
Paul Raskin, Tariq Banuri, G. Gallopin et al. 2002. Great Transition: The Promise and Lure of the
Times ahead. Stockholm: SEI. (über Internet erhältlich)
Reynolds, J. and D.M. Stafford Smith. 2002. Global Desertification. Do Humans cause deserts. Berlin:
Dahlem University Press.
Reynolds, J. und D.M. Stafford Smith 2002. Do Humans cause deserts?, In: J.F. Reynolds und D.M.
Stafford Smith (eds.), Global Desertification. Do Humans cause deserts, pp. 1-22. Berlin:
Dahlem University Press.
Shah, Mahendra. 2002. Food in the 21st Century: Global Climate of Disparities. In: Challenging of a
Changing Earth, W. Steffen, J. Jäger, D. Carson et al. (eds.), pp. 31-38. Berlin: Springer.
Turner, B.L. II 2002. Towards Integrated Land-Change Science. Advances in the 1.5 decades of
Sustained International Research on Land-Use and Land-Cover Change. In: Challenging of a
Changing Earth, W. Steffen, J. Jäger, D. Carson et al. (eds.), pp. 21-26. Berlin: Springer.
Victor, David, Kal Raustiala and Eugene B. Skolnikoff. 1998. The implementationa and effectiveness
of International Envrionmental Commitments. Theory and Practice. Cambridge MIT
Vitousek, Peter M. 1992. Global Environmental Change: An Introduction. Annual Review of Ecol.
Systematics 23:1-14.
Vogel, C. H. und J. Smith. 2002. Building Social Resilience in arid ecosystems, In: J.F. Reynolds und
D.M. Stafford Smith (eds.), Global Desertification. Do Humans cause deserts, pp. 149-166.
Berlin: Dahlem University Press.
Watson, Robert T. and Ian R. Noble. 2002. Carbon and the Science-Policy Nexus: The Kyoto
Challenge. In: Challenging of a Changing Earth, W. Steffen, J. Jäger, D. Carson et al. (eds.),
pp. 57-64. Berlin: Springer.
Young, Oran (ed.). 1999. The effectiveness of international environmental regimes: Causal connections
and behavioral mechanism. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Young, Oran 2002. Can new institutions solve atmospheric problems? Confronting acid rain, ozone
depletion and climate change. In: Challenging of a Changing Earth, W. Steffen, J. Jäger, D.
Carson et al. (eds.), pp. 87-91. Berlin: Springer.
Viele weitere Informationen findet man im Internet:
World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), Johannesburg 2002
Internationale Abkommen:
Kyoto Protokoll: siehe unter UNFCC
Desertifikations-Konvention: siehe unter UNCDC
Biodiversitäts-Konvention: siehe unter CBD
Internationale Global Change Programme: siehe unter; dort findet man die links zu den
anderen Global Change Programmen; aber auch zu den Kernprogrammen des IHDP (GECHS; IDGEC,
Vulnerabilität und Resilience, siehe unter: Resilience Alliance; Stockholm Institute on Environment,
Vulnerability Network; für Disaster-Studies in Lateinamerika siehe La Red; siehe auch GECHS (IHDP
Institutionen und Globalen Umweltwandel; siehe IDGEC (IHDP Webseite)
Nahrungssysteme, siehe GECAFS (IHDP Webseite)
Landnutzung: Siehe LUCC (IHDP Webseite)
Verstädterung: Siehe IHDP Webseite (z.B. auch Update Newsletter) und Megacities Task Force der
Weitere Literatur
Croll, Elisabeth y David Parkin (eds.). 1992. Bush base: Forest farm. Culture, environment and
development. London: Routledge.
Descola, Philippe and Gísli Palsson (eds.). 1996. Nature and society. Anthropological Perspectives.
London: Routledge.
Ellen, Roy y Katsuyoshi Fukui (eds.) 1996. Redefining nature. Ecology, culture and domestication.
Oxford: Berg.
Ellen, Roy, Peter Parkes y Alan Bicker (eds.) 2000. Indigenous environmental knowledge and its
transformation. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic.
Feld, Steven y Keith Basso 1996. Senses of place. Santa Fe: School of American Research.
Haenn, Nora. 2002. Nature regimes in southern Mexico: A history of power and environment.
Ethnology 41:1-26.
Internationale Organisationen und internationale Konventionen; indigene Rechte
Blake, J. 2002. Developing a new standard-setting instrument for the safeguarding of intangible
cultural heritage. Paris: UNESCO (kann von der UNESCO webpage heruntergeladen werden).
Daes, E-I. 1997. Protection of the heritage of indigenous people. UN, Geneva.
Muehlebach, A. 2002. „Making place“ at the United Nations: Indigenous cultural policies at the UN
working group on indigenous populations. Current Anthropology 10:415-448.
Posey, D.A. and G. Dutfield. 1996. Beyond Intellectual Property. Toward Resource rights for
indigenous people and local communities. Ottawa: International Development Research
Stephenson, D. 1999. A Practical Primer on intellectual property rights in a contenporary
ethnoecological context. In: V. Nazarea (Hrsg.) Ethnoecology. Situated Knowledge/Located
Lives, pp. 230-248. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
Varese, S. 1996. The New Environmentalist Movement of Latin American Indigenous People. In: B.
Brush und D. Stabinsky (Hrsg.) Valuing local knowledge. Indigenous people and intellectual
property rights, pp. 122-142. Washington: Island Press.
Indigenous and Local Knowledge
Antweiler, C. 1998. Local knowledge and local knowing. An anthropological analysis of contested
“cultural products” in the context of development. Anthropos 93:469-494.
Conklin, B. and L. Graham 1995. The shifting middle ground: Amazonian Indians and Eco-Politics.
American Anthropologist 97:695-710.
Ellen, R. and H. Harris 2000. Introduction. In: Indigenous environmental knowledge and its
transformations. Critical anthropological perspectives, R. Ellen, P. Parkes, and A. Bicker
(Hrsg.), Indigenous Environmental Knowledge and its Transformations, pp. 1-29. Amsterdam:
Sillitoe, P. 1998. The development of indigenous knowledge. A new applied anthropology. Current
Anthropology 19:223-252.
Weeratunge, Nireka. 2000. Nature, harmony, and the Kaliyugaya. global/local discourses on the
human-environment relationship. Current Anthropology ; 41. 2000, S. 249 – 268.
Biodiversität - Biopiraterie – Genetische Ressourcen
Brand, U. und M. Kalcsics. 2002. Wem gehört die Natur? Konflikte um genetische Ressourcen in
Lateinamerika. Wien: Südwind.
Brush, S.B. 1999. Bioprospecting in Public Domain. Cultural Anthropology 14: 535-555.
Conklin, Beth. 2001. Shamans versus Pirates in the Amazonian Treasure Chest. American
Anthropologist 104:1050-1061.
Orlove, B. and S. Brush 1996. Anthropology and the conservation of biodiversity. Annual Review
Anthropology 25:329-52.
Shiva, Vandana 1997. Biopiraterie. Kolonialismus des 21. Jahrhunderts. Eine Einführung. Münster:
Wolff, M.T. 1999. Indigenous people and the protection of genetic resources in Brazil. In: M. Blakeney
(Hrsg.) Intellectual property aspects of ethnobiology, pp. 173-182. London: Sweet and
Ballard, Chris and Glenn Banks 2003. Resource Wards: The Anthropology of Mining. Annual Review
of Anthropology 17: 287-313.
Nationalparks - Landrechte
Bertus de Villiers, 1999. Land claims and national parks: the Makulele experience. Pretoria Human
Sciences Research Council. AF/S 219
West, Patrick (Ed.) 1991. Resident peoples and national parks : social dilemmas and strategies in
international conservation. Tucson, Ariz: University of Arizona Press GES 792
Spence, Mark David 1999. Dispossessing the wilderness: Indian removal and the making of the
national parks. New York: Oxford University Press. AM/N 695
Umweltkonflikte und ethnische Konflikte: Literatur
Bates, Daniel G. und Lees, Susan H.
1996 Case Studies in Human Ecology. New York: Plenum Press
Brosius, Peter J.
Analyses and interventions. Anthropological engagements with environmentalism. Current
Anthropology 40 (3): 277-311 (als pdf)
Brush, S.B.
1993 Indigenous knowledge of biological ressources and intellectual property rights: the role of
anthropology. American Anthropologist 95: 653-671
Brush, Steven B. und Stabinsky, Doreen
1996 Valuing local knowledge: indigenous people and intellectual property rights. Washington:
Island Press
Bryant, Raymond L., and Bailey, Sinead
1997 Third world political ecology. New York: Routledge
Cleveland, D. und Murray, S.
1997 The World’s Crop Genetic Resources and the Rights of Indigenous Farmers. Current
Anthropology 38 (4): 477-516
auch als pdf unter
Croll, E. und Parkin, David
1992 Bush Base: Forest Farm. Culture, environment and development. London: Routledge
Crumley, Carole (ed.)
2001 New Directions in Anthropology and Environment. Thousand Oaks, CA: Altamira
Dunlap, Riley E. und Michelson, William
2002 Handbook of environmental sociology. Westport: Greenwood
Emanuel, Robert M. und Greenberg, James B.
2000 Lluvia enojada- tyoo kuasi’: the political ecology of forest extraction in the sierra chatina,
Oaxaca, Mexico. Journal of political ecology 7: 43-62 (als pdf)
Escobar, Arturo
1998 Whose knowledge, whose nature? Biodiversity, conservation and the politcal ecology of social
movements. Journal of political ecology 5: 53-83
1999 After Nature. Towards an antiessentialist political ecology. Current Anthropology 40 (1): 1-31
(beide Artikel als pdf!)
Glaeser, Bernhard und Teherani-Krönner, Parto
Humanökologie und Kulturökologie. Grundlagen, Ansätze, Praxis. Opladen: Westdeutscher
Hladik, C.M. et al. (Hrsg.)
1993 Tropical forests, people and food: Biocultural interactions and applications. Paris:
UNESCO/Parthenon Publishing Group
Huizer, Gerrit
1993 Saber indígena y espiritualidad popular: un desafio para los desarrollistas. América indígena
53 (2): 9-39
Little, Paul E.
1999 Political ecology as ethnography: the case of Ecuador’s Aguarico river basin (Série
Antropologia 258). Brasilia: o.V. (als pdf)
2002 Indigenous Peoples, Ethnic Groups, and the State. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon
Mooney, Patrick
1993 Aprovechando la diversidad: una nota sobre la diversidad biológica y el conocimiento
indígena. América indígena 53 (3): 41-55
Nahmad, Salomón
2000 El proyecto del fondo mundial para la protección del medio ambiente (Gef) en cuatro areas
naturals protegidas de México y su impacto social. Journal of political ecology 7: 19-42 (als
Pasquale, Sigrid et al. (Hrsg.)
1996 Lokales Wissen für nachhaltige Entwicklung: ein Praxisführer. Saarbrücken: Verlag für
Peet, Richard, and Watts, Michael (Hrsg.)
1996 Liberation ecologies: environment, development, social movements. New York: Routledge
Rappaport, Roy A.
Ecology, meaning and religion. Richmond/ Cal.: North Atlantic Books
Suliman, M. (Hrsg.)
1999 Ecology, politics and violent conflict. Atlantic highlands, NJ: Zed Press
Townsend, Patricia K.
2000 Environmental Anthropology: From Pigs to Policies, Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press
United Nations
2000 Systems and national experiences for protecting traditional knowledge, innovations and
practices. (TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD Commission on Trade in Goods and
Services, and Commodities Expert Meeting on Systems and National Experiences for
Protecting Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices Geneva, 30 October – 1
November 2000 Item 3 of the provisional agenda) (als pdf!)
Wolvekamp, Paul (Hrsg.)
Forests for the future. Local strategies for forest protection, economic welfare and social
justice. London: Zed Books
Biodiversität - Biopiraterie
Brand, U. und M. Kalcsics. 2002. Wem gehört die Natur? Konflikte um genetische Ressourcen in
Lateinamerika. Wien: Südwind.
Conklin, Beth. 2001. Shamans versus Pirates in the Amazonian Treasure Chest. American
Anthropologist 104:1050-1061.
Internationale Organisationen und internationale Konventionen
Muehlebach, Andrea. 2002. „Making place“ at the United Nations: Indigenous cultural policies at the
UN working group on indigenous populations. Current Anthropology 10:415-448.
Posey, D.A. and G. Dutfield. 1996. Beyond Intellectual Property. Toward Resource rights for
indigenous people and local communities. Ottawa: International Development Research Centre.
Varese, S. 1996. The New Environmentalist Movement of Latin American Indigenous People. In: B.
Brush und D. Stabinsky (Hrsg.) Valuing local knowledge. Indigenous people and intellectual property
rights, pp. 122-142. Washington: Island Press.
Stephenson, D. 1999. A Practical Primer on intellectual property rights in a contenporary
ethnoecological context. In: V. Nazarea (Hrsg.) Ethnoecology. Situated Knowledge/Located Lives, pp.
230-248. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
Wolff, M.T. 1999. Indigenous people and the protection of genetic resources in Brazil. In: M. Blakeney
(Hrsg.) Intellectual property aspects of ethnobiology, pp. 173-182. London: Sweet and Maxwell.