Mittelkettige Fettsäuren können grampositive

Literaturverzeichnis zu:
Hovenjürgen, M.:
Mittelkettige Fettsäuren können
grampositive Bakterien hemmen
List of Literature of:
Hovenjürgen, M.:
Medium-chain fatty acids can inhibit grampositive bacteria
7-8 /2016, S. 14 ff
Batovska, D., Todorova, I., Tsvetkova, I. &
Najdenski, H., 2009. Antibacterial Study of Medium
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Individual Effects and Synergistic Relationships ,
Sofia: Polish Journal of Microbiology .
Ferrara, F., 2012. Untersuchungen zum Einsatz von
mittelkettigen Fettsäuren und kurzkettigen organischen
Säuren in der Fütterung von Absatzferkeln, Berlin:
Freie Universität Berlin.
Kabara, J., Swieczkowski, D., Conley, A. & Truant,
J., 1972. Fatty Acids and Derivatives as Antimicrobial
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Tölle, D. K.-H. & Meyer, C., 2008. Einsatz von
mittelkettigen Fettsäuren (MCFA) in der
Ferkelaufzucht. Landpost, 16 02, pp. 50-51.
Literaturverzeichnis zu:
Ortiz, A.:
Nährwert von Probiotika
List of Literature of:
Ortiz, A..:
Nutrient value of probiotics
7-8 /2016, S. 18 ff
Cutting, S. M. (2011). Bacillus probiotics. Food
Microbiology, 28; 214-220.
Selvamohan, T., Ramadas, V., Sathya, T. A.
(2012). Optimization of lipase enzyme activity
produced by Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens isolated
from rock lobster Panlirus Homarus. International
Journal of Modern Engineering Research, 2; 42314234
Schallmey, M., Singh, A., Ward, O. P. (2004).
Developments in the use of Bacillus species for
industrial production. Canadian Journal of
Microbiology, 50; 1-17.
Zar, M. S., Ali, S., Haq, I. (2012) Optimization of
the alpha amylase production from Bacillus
amyloliquefaciens IIB-14 via parameter significance
analysis and response surface methodology. African
Journal of Microbiology Research, 6; 3845-3855.
Sánchez J., A. Quiles, A. E. Espinel, D. Díaz, M. I.
Gracia. 2006. Effect of supplementing a probiotic
feed additive on performance and digestibility of
broilers. Poultry Science Association annual
meeting. Abs. M 22