wedding dress Hochzeitskleid wedding suit Hochzeitsanzug bride Braut bridegroom Bräutigam bridesmaid Brautjungfer best man Trauzeuge Humans communicate with language (talk, speak,..) kommunizieren I don’t enter a room , I appear! betreten (appear- erscheinen) Piercing has become very fashionable (modern, trendy, ..) modern, modisch There are many reasons for my stud. Firstly, it looks cool erstens My neighbour’s funeral is on Friday. It is so sad that he died. Begräbnis Fast food is definitely a health risk Gesundheitsrisiko Don’t imitate stars! Just be yourself! (copy) imitieren They don’t have much in common. gemeinsam Piercings can cause bad infections Infektion What is the meaning of the Chinese letter on your arm? Bedeutung Some people are allergic to metal Metall A tattoo artist must use sterile needles Nadel Pierced ears have holes forever durchstochen, gepierct She has such a rebellious nature rebellisch Many wars have a religious background religiös All medical instruments must be sterile steril, Wearing a stud has become very trendy (fashionable, modern) modisch Bury your dreams, you will never become an actress begraben The opening ceremony of the ESC was pretty awesome Zeremonie The devil lives in hell (evil spirit) Teufel So how does this work? I am really confused now verwirrt Japan is in the Far East Ferner Osten Don’t point your index finger at people Zeigefinger You can say yes or just nod your head. mit dem Kopf nicken The palm is the area inside your hand Handfläche I can’t stand him, he is so rude. (impolite) rüde, unhöflich Darn, I have some chewing gum on my sole! Sohle Thumbs up is a positive sign in our world Daumen There are many words for unclean: dirty, filthy, polluted, messy, murky and even schmutzy! schmutzig, unsauber 3:0 versus Germany has been the greatest victory ever! Sieg George Clooney is definitely decentlooking. gut aussehend She was terribly embarrassed when she spilt the wine at the wedding verlegen, peinlich berührt Lots of stars wear fake eye-lashes Augenwimpern Teenagers giggle more than old people kichern She is not a vampire, she is a goth! Grufti Don’t eat so hastily, you have enough time hastig I hate being ignored. ignorieren That talk was way too long, shorten it a bit kürzen When her dad saw her new haircut, he only sighed seufzen The upper class have sitting rooms, the middle class have dining rooms and the working class have lounges Wohnzimmer A spider’s web and a cobweb are the same Spinnennetz Is this a permanent or a wash-off tattoo? abwaschbar Consider reading books! erwägen, in Erwägung ziehen Insult, offend and affront mean the same beleidigen The if clause type II expresses possibility Möglichkeit Gift is another word for present Geschenk