
Lesson Plan~The Academy for Technology & the Classics~Cultivating Fearless Learners
Instructor’s name: BETTINA DAVIS
Course/Grade: GERMAN II/III
Week of:
Unit Name:
Gesund Leben (nach den Winterferien). Living Healthy (after the
Holidays). Asking and telling what you may or may not do. The
auxiliary verb ”duerfen.”
Question(s): How do I talk about what I
can and cannot eat as part of a healthy diet?
Connections (prior/future learning):
Prior: Students will be conversing and expressing
themselves in writing and orally about what they can and
cannot eat to stay healthy.
Future: Students will learn about healthy food culture.
Common Core/State Standards:
B. 2: By listening, observing, reading, and discussing, students will comprehend and interpret oral, written, and
visual messages on a variety of topics.
D. 4: Students will understand other cultures, including such elements as their value systems, languages, traditions,
and individual perspectives.
(1E) Other considerations (modifications,
(1D) Resources/Materials:
accommodations, acceleration, ELL, etc:
Teacher: book, “Umfrage” surveys, video materials,
Extra days to reinforce/repeat learned material
grammar work sheets, online course material
Small groups, partner work, word walls, etc.
Students: notebooks, “Umfrage” survey, pencil, book,
grammar work sheet
(1F) Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes? What happens
when students understand and when they don’t understand?
Daily: DO NOW, Checks for Understanding, and/or “Umfrage” survey.
This Week: At the end of the week, students will solve an exercise around the Learning Target.
completely for all students
Lesson activities for instructor and students, (1F) Embedded
Formative Assessment,
I do: Prep: Pictures of vegetables and healthy diet
We do:
You do:
*All lesson activities follow the same I do, We do, You do pattern
 I do: Teacher introduces new vocab on healthy dietary habits by
(1C) Learning Target: I will be able to
showing images of healthy food items. Points to them and says name.
determine and apply vocabulary and
THEN: Ask Yes/ No questions and either /or questions. FINALLY:
grammar structures to speak about my
Ask Open ended such as: “Wie isst du die Karotten? Roh oder
healthy eating habits.
gekocht? Wie schmeckt dir die Forelle? Wie viele Eiere isst du pro
Woche? Was kommt denn so alles in eine gute Huehnersuppe?
Attention on S.108, Wortschatz
(1C) Do Now: Complete the following
 We do: Watch Kochsendung: either Muppet Koch or else. Students
incomplete statement: Meine Mutter sagt,
note down what goes into recipe Was kommt denn so alles in eine
dass ich kein… essen soll, weil…?
gute Huehnersuppe Seite 109, Wortschatz, Fuer jeden etwas, oder?
In Group work, Seite 109, exercise 32.
 You do: Students present their findings individually.
(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: We do
(1B)Closing Activity: You do.
 I do: Teacher uses Do Now to repeat Wortschatz and grammar
(1C) Learning Target: I will be able to
from previous day. Seite 109, Exerices 31, →CD 4, Tr.12. Was essen
determine and apply vocabulary and
grammar structures to speak about my
healthy eating habits.
(1C) Do Now: What do you eat
(1C) Learning Target: I will be able to
express orally and in writing what I am
able to eat or not, using kein/keine.
Do Now: Write down what you can’t
eat due to health concerns.
sie gern, was nicht? Audio comprehension exercise individually.
Teacher introduces: Wortschatz, Seite 110 Prep: Bring candy bars
of sorts & Carrot and Obst: Die Schokolade will ich nicht essen,
denn sie hat zu viel Fett, zu viel Zucker,zyu viele Kalorien. Check the
label: Lass’ mal sehen…500 Kalorien! Hold up KArotte: Was hat
weniger Kalorien, die Karotte, oder die Schokolade? Continue w/
nuts: Ich darf die Nuesse nicht essen, weil ich allergisch bin. Practice
w/ students.
 We do: Seite 110.Wortschatz. With learned Wortschatz and
vocabulary, students “SUCH DIR EINEN PARTNER &fragt euch
gegenseitig, was ihr essen duerft und was nicht.”Come up with
individual lists of at least 5 items.
 You do: Students share aloud individually.
(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: We do. Teacher collects for
(1B)Closing Activity: you do.
 I do: Teacher introduces kein/keine:Divide class into 2 equal
Mannschaften. Toss a coin to decide which goes 1. Ask a member of
that team a question such as „Magst/Isst du Aprikosen?“ The
student should use KEIN/KEINE in answer. Ih mag keine
Aprokosen (preteach). Go down the team, asking similar questions
until one memebr answers wronlgy. Switch to other team, do same.
Continue always w/ the student who answered incorrectly. 1. Team
who answers totally correctly wins.
 We do: Seite 110 Eine Wenig Grammatik & SSMD. Practice: →CD
4, Tr.13. Uebung in groups: Seite 116, 8.
 You do: Group discussion on solutions on Seite 116, 8.
(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: We do.
Activity: You do. (1F)
 I do: Teacher introduces the verb “duerfen,’ explaining first the
difference btw. DUERFEN & KOENNEN: “duerfen” implies
permission, “koennen” implies ability. Using examples in SSMA,
Seite 110, Provides practice by asking: “Was darf ein Diabetiker
essen/ nicht essen? Was darf ein Vegetarier essen /nicht essen? Jim ist
allergisch auf Orangen. Was darf er nicht essen?
 We do: Prep Index Cards: Pronouns, Nouns. Distribute index cards
in teams of two. Team members create as many “duerfen/nicht
duerfen” sentences as possible with cards. Winner: most sentences.
In groups of 4 and using verb constructions duerfen, nicht duerfen
 You do: Presenting sentences.
(1C) Learning Target: I will be able to
express orally and in writing what I am
able to eat, using “duerfen” und “nicht
Do Now: Write down 3 things you eat
and 3 things you don’t eat using
(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: We do
Activity: You do
 I do: Teacher repeats duerfen and conjugates the verb duerfen w/
help of students on board.
 We do: Watch Werbespot on du Darfst. In pairs, students draw
inferences on what this brand name implies. Seite 116, Aufgabe 9,
practice individually. Seite 117, practice in pairs.
 You do: Seite 119, Essay writing exercise, individually. Teacher
leads into and clarifies what to do but students do alone and submit
next Monday.
(1C) Learning Target: I will be able to
conjugate the verb “duerfen.”
Do Now: Write down 3 things you eat
and 3 things you don’t eat using duerfen
and nicht/duerfen.
(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: Seite 116 for grade
(1B)Closing Activity: You do/ sharing aloud how far we have come so
far. Conjugate the verb duerfen orally as whole group.
*Refers to NMTEACH Rubric:
1A-Demonstrating knowledge of content
1B-Designing coherent instruction
1C-Setting Instructional outcomes
1D-Demonstrating knowledge of resources
1E-Demonstrating knowledge of students
Formative Assessment includes, but is not limited to:
Exit tickets, white board response, consensagrams, red/green cards, formal or
informal student conferences, sticky note assessment.