Genetik: Stundenentwürfe - Bildung stärkt Menschen

Bildungsplan 2004
Allgemein bildendes Gymnasium
für Biologie
Bilinguales Modul für Klasse 10
Katrin Farian, Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium Ludwigsburg
Kirsten Heckelmann, Königin-Olga-Stift Stuttgart
für Schulentwicklung
und Evaluation
und empirische
November 2007
Genetik: Stundenentwürfe
Rot: Arbeitsaufträge, Fragen, Einleitungen
Grün: Tafelanschrieb
Blau: Neu einzuführende Wörter; Eventuell am rechten Tafelrand notieren.
Pink: Wörter, die auf Extrablatt definiert werden (Anlage 26)
1. Einstieg
AA: These baby pictures taken around the babies’ first birthdays.
The top row shows two sets of parents and the bottom row shows 4
children – each set of parents has one child. Now look at the pictures
closely and try to find out which of the four babies belongs to each
couple. You can discuss your ideas with your partner.
-Folie Eltern und Kinder
(Anlage 1)
-Gleiche Folie als
Schüler zeigen Lösungen an OHP.
F: How did you come to your result?
EA: hair colour, shape of face, nose etc. ….
F: Why do children often look similar to/ resemble their parents?
EA: because they get their genes/ chromosomes/ DNA
F: So why don’t brothers and sisters look exactly the same?
EA: because they have different genes/chromosomes/DNA
F: Are there other factors that determine your looks besides your
genes? (think of identical twins, hair dyeing etc.)
EA: environment
Weitere Wörter, die im Unterrichtsgespräch eingeführt werden
können: inherit, trait
1. Variation in plants and animals
Genetic variation
All organisms differ in looks and behaviour from each other
because their genes are a bit different.
exception: identical twins.
Environmental variation
= differences in looks and behaviour caused by differences in
environment (upbringing, food, scars, hair styles).
Example: identical twins with different hairstyles, weight, etc.
Folie mit Zwillingen
(Folie zeigen)
Environmental variation is especially great in plants because they are (gutes Bild siehe
Anmerkungen zur
strongly affected by temperature and sunlight.
2. Erarbeitungsphase 1: Genetic Material
With all this talk about genes, chromosomes, DNA etc. let’s have a
closer look at genetic material.
F: What is this and where can you find it? (Folie zeigen)
Folie mit Karyogramm
(gutes Bild siehe
Anmerkungen zur
Genetik: Stundenentwürfe
Erarbeiten, dass es sich um 46 Chromosomen handelt, dass man 23
von Mutter bekommt und 23 von Vater, und 2
Geschlechtschromosomen hat.
Sicherung: „Laufdiktat“
AA: Go to the posters and get information on genetic material. Make
sure you have understood everything (Otherwise ASK!!!!) and try to
remember as much as possible. Then go back to your seat and fill in
the worksheet I ‘ll put there in the meantime.
Überprüfung: Fragen zum AB:
F: What can you find in the nucleus?
F: How many chromosomes can you find in the nucleus?
F: Why are there pairs of chromosomes?
F: How is a chromosome built up? (Can you draw one?)
F: What is a gene?
F: Where in the chromosome can you find DNA?
Infoblatt Genes,
Chromosomes and DNA
(laminiert und kopiert;
Quelle siehe
Anmerkungen zur
Arbeitsblatt (siehe
Anmerkungen zur
Revision Mitosis (What is it and how does it happen?)
Wiederholender Einstieg:
Folie zeigen. Erst weibliches Karyogramm aufdecken, dann
Folie mit 2
(männlich und weiblich)
F: What is this? What are the components?
EA: Info zu chromosomes etc. (siehe letzte Stunde)
F: What is the difference between the two karyograms?
EA: one chromosome looks different, one is male one is female.
Short explanation of x and y chromosomes (names, “It’s the y that
makes the guy.”)
Erarbeitung Gameten:
Leserbrief (Anlage 2)
Leserbrief vorlesen; vorher heir und duty einführen
You might agree with John Stinemyer that this is indeed unfair to
Princess Masako, but to really judge this, one needs to know if men or
women are responsible for the sex of the baby.
Look at the diagram on the worksheet that will show you how the sex
chromosomes are passed on from parents to their children and find out
who is responsible.
vorher: gametes einführen
Arbeitsblatt: boy or girl
(Anlage 3)
an Folie zeigen lassen wie es zu einem Mädchen und einem Jungen
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Stundenentwürfe
Wdh Mitose
Hier bieten sich verschiedene Methoden zur Wiederholung an. Je nach
Einführung des Themas kann man schon bekannte (oder neue)
Tafelmodelle benutzen. Eine gute Möglichkeit bieten sicher auch
Chromosomen aus Draht an Hand derer die Schüler die Mitose
(siehe Bild in
Einstieg Meiose:
F: “All body cells have 46 chromosomes- true or false?”
Falls Schüler nicht auf das Konzept der Chromosomenanzahlhalbierung
bei Gameten kommen, Denkbeispiel anführen:
What would happen if both parents passed on all their chromosomes?
Erarbeitung Meiose
Die Schüler bearbeiten mit Hilfe von
das Arbeitsblatt “Meiosis- or how are gametes made?“.
Arbeitsblatt “Meiosis –
or how are gametes
made?” (Anlage 4)
Erarbeitung/ Sicherung/Vertiefung Meiose
Die Besprechungsphase (in dieser und der nächsten Stunde) sollte an
die jeweilige Klassensituation angepasst werden. Besonders der
Unterschied zwischen Meiose I und II sollte noch einmal verdeutlicht
werden. Die medialen Voraussetzungen im Computerraum können sehr
gut genutzt werden. So kann der Meiosefilm mehrfach gezeigt werden.
Eine interessante Vertiefungsaufgabe ist es zum Beispiel die Schüler
den Ton zum Meiosefilm selber sprechen zu lassen. Dies kann auch in
Partner- oder Gruppenarbeit erfolgen.
Erarbeitung/ Sicherung/Vertiefung Meiose
siehe Stunde 3
Vergleich Mitose/ Meiose
AA: Now that you have got to know both the processes of mitosis and
meiosis you should be able to compare them. Please write down
difference and similarities.(7 minutes)
• In both the nucleus and cell divides and new daughter cells are
• Both processes include the steps of mitosis (Meiosis II = a form
of mitosis).
• In both processes spindle fibres are built to pull chromosomes/
chromatids apart.
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
eventuell den Schülern
noch einmal eine
Zeichnung kopieren, die
beide Vorgänge zeigt.
Genetik: Stundenentwürfe
• Daughter cells in meiosis are haploid and diploid in mitosis.
• Meiosis 1 separates homologous chromosomes while Mitosis
separates 2 chromatids.
• In Mitosis the daughter cells have the same genetic information
as the “mother cell”. In meiosis the chromosomes are newly
combined = daughter cells (after Meiosis I) have different
genetic information.
Erarbeitungsphase 1 – 1. Mendelsche Regel
In dieser Stunde wird mit folgender Website gearbeitet:
Computer mit
Let’s breed rabbits.
We’ll take this beautiful white rabbit that comes from a family of white
rabbits (parents and all its brothers and sisters are white) and cross it
with a black rabbit that comes from a family of black rabbits.
Q: What colour do you expect their children to have? Why?
Die Kreuzung mehrmals vormachen am Computer (mehrmaliges
„Breed“ klicken). (Vielleicht schon Wörter für erste Mendelsche Regel
einführen – siehe unten)
Q: Since we get the same results any time we repeat the cross, there
seems to be a kind of rule. We call it Mendel’s first law:
Try and formulate it. (maybe with your partner.)
Hier bietet es sich an, kurz ein Bild von Gregor Mendel zu zeigen und
zu sagen, wann er lebte. Nähere Informationen bekommen die Schüler
in Stunde 7.
Folie: Bild Gregor
Mendel’s first law
In a cross of parents that are pure for contrasting traits (in this case
colour of fur), only one form of the trait will appear in the next
generation. Offspring that are hybrid for a trait will have only the
dominant trait in the phenotype.
Q: Which one is the dominant trait here?
EA: black fur
Remember the diagram (“Kreuzungsschema”) we drew when
determining the sex of the offspring. Let’s draw one for this cross:
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Stundenentwürfe
Folgendes Fachvokabular muss noch eingeführt werden (lässt sich gut
anhand des Kreuzungsschemas erklären):
genotype, homozygous, heterozygous, allele
1. Mendelsche Regel oder Uniformitätsregel:
Kreuzt man zwei Individuen einer Art, die sich in einem Merkmal
unterscheiden, das beide reinerbig aufweisen, so sind die Nachkommen
in der F1-Generation im betrachteten Merkmal uniform.
Erarbeitungsphase 2 – 2. Mendelsche Regel
Now let’s take two of the offspring and cross them. But first you (and
your partner) should predict the outcome with the help of a diagram
Demonstration am Computer und Anzeichnen des Kreuzungsschemas
an der Tafel.
Mendel’s Second Law
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Stundenentwürfe
In a cross of the hybrids of the F1-generation, the traits of the original
parents will appear in the F2-generation in a 3:1 ratio.
Definition: recessive
2. Mendelsche Regel oder Spaltungsregel:
Kreuzt man die vorgenannten Mischlinge der F1 - Generation
untereinander, so spalten im dominant rezessiven Fall in der F2Generation die Merkmale im Zahlenverhältnis
3 : 1 wieder auf.
Fragen auf HP: Vocabulary Review
Abfrage der HA
Einführung des Punnett Square:
In dieser Stunde sollen die Schüler das „Punnett Square“ als Alternative
zum Kreuzungsschema kennen lernen. Man kann es entweder im
Lehrervortrag ähnlich wie auf folgender Website einführen oder die
Schüler können es sich anhand selbiger Website selber erarbeiten.!/psquare.htm
Es stehen je nach Zeit und Interessenslage der Schüler folgende
Übungen zur Verfügung:
Review Question 1-14
2. Arbeitsblatt siehe Anlage 5
3. Genetic Eye colour calculator:
Who was Gregor Mendel – Listening Comprehension
Das Bild Mendels noch einmal auflegen und die Im Text markierten
Wörter einführen.
Text einmal vorlesen.
Beantworten und Besprechung der Frage
Text: „Who was Gregor
Mendel?“ Eventuell
Fragen auf Folie (Anlage
Erarbeituung dihybrider Erbgang:
AA: Today we are going to breed mice and we’ll have a look at two
traits like Mendel did with his peas. We have mice with white and black
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Stundenentwürfe
fur and mice with black and red eyes. The black fur and the black eyes
are dominant alleles. We’ll take two mice with black fur and black eyes
and we’ll cross them.
AaBb x AaBb (A= black fur, a = white fur; B= black eyes, red eyes)
Klasse für die folgende Partnerarbeit in zwei Gruppen einteilen.
Group 1:
Use a Punnett square to find out which genotypes and phenotypes the
children of these mice will have.
Group 2:
Take 4 coins. Label two with B on one side and b on the other and two
with A on one side and a on the other. One A and one B coin represent
the alleles coming from one parent. Now throw the coins at least twenty
times and record the different genotypes the “children” have. Work out
how many times each phenotype appears.
Ein Schülerpaar der Gruppe 1 stellt Ergebnis vor (auf Folie) und das
Verhältnis der verschiedenen Phänotypen wird notiert.
Anschließend stellen die Schüler der Gruppe 2 ihre Ergebnisse zum
Vergleich vor.
Folien, Folienstifte
The ratio of phenotypes determined by drawing a Punnett square shows
how high the probability is that the children will be of a certain
phenotype. The more offspring is produced during a cross the closer the
ratio of phenotypes is to the predicted number.
Erarbeitung Mendelsche Regel 3
One of the questions Mendel asked himself was whether two traits were
passed on to the next generation independently or dependent on each
other. By looking at the results of today’s cross, write down a short
answer for Mendel.
Mendel’s third law: The Law of Independent Assortment
Alleles for different traits are distributed to sex cells (&
offspring) independently of one another.
Dritte Mendelsche Regel oder Regel von der Unabhängigkeit
der Erbanlagen:
Die einzelnen Erbanlagen werden unabhängig voneinander
vererbt und bei der Keimzellenbildung neu kombiniert.
AA: Today we are going to find out how some specific traits we all
have or do not have are inherited. The first trait is rolling your tongue!
Schüler probieren, ob sie ihre Zunge rollen können. Kurz über Ergebnis
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Stundenentwürfe
AA: I have a letter written by a girl called Tanja. She tells her friend
Sandra about meeting her relatives and how they all tried to roll their
tongues. I will read the letter to you and two of you will put the pictures
of Tanja’s relatives on the board.
Brief vorlesen, Schüler heften Bilder an Tafel (eventuell vorher
Anweisung geben: für jede Generation von unten beginnend neue
Ebene anfangen)
AA: What we can see on the board is a family tree showing us who can
roll their tongue and who can not. Using pictures all the time would be
too complicated so there are symbols to represent men and women, who
carries the characteristic or not and so on. We are going to copy this
family tree with the help of these symbols!
letter (siehe Anlage 7)
pictures of relatives (zwei
Farben für
Merkmalsträger/NichtMerkmalsträger) (Quelle
siehe Anmerkungen)
Family trees
Erarbeitung: Art der Vererbung Zungenrollen und Form der
AA: There is a second characteristic some of you will have or not have.
It is to do with the shape of your earlobes.
Folie zeigen, long = angewachsen, round = frei erklären und
einzeichnen, eventuell Ergebnis festhalten, wie viele Schüler welche
Form haben
AA: We still do not know how we inherit these characteristics….
Lehrer teilt Klasse in zwei Hälften ein, Kleingruppen beschäftigen sich
entweder mit dem Erbgang des Zungenrollens oder der Form der
Vorstellen der Ergebnisse mit Folien, jeweils andere Gruppe übernimmt
den fehlenden Teil
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Folie: Shape of earlobes
(Anlage 8)
Arbeitsblatt: “Are you a
tongue roller” (Anlage 9)
und “What shape are
your earlobes?”
(Anlage 10)
Folien: wie Arbeitsblätter
und Folienstifte
Genetik: Stundenentwürfe
Mögliche HA:
Schüler sollen die jeweiligen Stammbäume für ihre Familie zeichnen
Vokabelblatt (Anlage 11)
Vorbereitende HA: Vokabelblatt „Hereditary diseases“ lernen
STUNDE 9 und 10
Thema: Hereditary diseases
Lehrer führt Wort ein und gibt bekannt, dass eine Tagung zum Thema
Erbkrankheiten stattfindet. Die Klasse wird in Vierergruppen (=
university teams, Stammgruppe) eingeteilt, überzählige Schüler werden
den bestehenden Gruppen zugeordnet.
Lehrer teilt den Gruppen einen Umschlag aus, in denen sich die
Einladung zur Tagung und das Material befindet und verweist auf
aushängende Zeitpläne im „Kongresszentrum“ (Pläne aushängen, wo
welcher Workshop stattfindet und in welchem Zeitrahmen sich die
einzelnen Schritte des Gruppenpuzzles abspielen werden). Alternativ
kann die Einladung, auf der der Ablauf beschrieben ist, auch
gemeinsam mit der Klasse besprochen werden.
Danach verteilen sich die Schüler auf die Expertengruppen
(=Workshops), erarbeiten jeweils eine Erbkrankheit. und stellen diese
anschließend ihrer Stammgruppe vor. Dafür liegen in den Workshops
auf A3 kopierte Stammbäume der jeweiligen Erbkrankheit aus. Wenn
nötig, können auch die Erklärungen der jeweiligen Erbgänge
nachgereicht werden. Alle Schüler haben am Ende die Übersichtstabelle
für die vier Krankheiten ausgefüllt.
Zum Schluss findet eine Live Show im Fernsehen statt. Jeweils ein
Experte aus den Workshops stellt sich den Fragen der Zuschauer
(=restliche Schüler, die Fragen vorbereitet haben), ein Schüler ist „host“
und koordiniert die Sendung.
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Umschläge (ev. mit
Namen bekannter
amerikanischer Unis)
- letter of invitation
(Anlage 12)
- expert sheets (Anlagen
- worksheets (table)
(Anlage 17)
- Stammbäume mit
Arbeitsaufträgen (Anlage
- nach Bedarf Erklärung
der Erbgänge austeilen
(Anlage 22-25)
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 1:
Which of these babies belongs to which set of parents?
Parents as babies:
Couple 1
Couple 2
The Babies:
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 2: Leserbrief
In your article on the birth of Japan’s new prince, Hisahito, you mentioned that he
is the new heir to the throne even though he is only the crown prince’s nephew.
His aunt, crown princess Masako – it is said – couldn’t perform her traditional duty
to give birth to a boy who can be the heir to the throne.
Don’t you realize that this is absolutely not Princess Masako’s fault. It was her
husband, Prince Naruhito, who determined the sex of their only child – a sweet
daughter. It is all his fault.
John Stinemyer
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 3:
BOY or GIRL? Whose “fault” is it? 1
This diagram shows the way the male XY chromosomes and the female XX
chromosomes are separated to form the gametes (egg cells and sperm cells). It also
shows the possible ways the egg cells and sperm cells can come together at
The lines between “possible gametes” and “possible children” show all the possible
Remember, only one of these can happen per child/ offspring.
ANSWER: The ______________ is responsible for the sex of the child
Slightly adapted from Parsons, Richard (ed.): GCSE Double Science Biology. Kirkby-in-Furnes: Coordination Group Publications 2001, p. 61.
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 4:
1. General Questions
With the help of the following webpage: answer these questions:
1. What is a diploid cell? What is a haploid cell?
2. Why do gametes need to be haploid?
3. What is the process called that produces haploid gametes? Copy the definition of this process.
2. The process of meiosis
Have a look at the photographs and drawn pictures below. They are taken during the process of meiosis.
They are not in the right order. Match them with the descriptions of the different phases below.
Dear teacher,
you can find a good photograph
showing the stages of meiosis on
this page:
(you will only have to scramble the
1. Prophase
The nuclear membrane starts to form and the chromosomes begin to coil up and move to the cell’s equator. There the homologous
chromosomes “lie” next to each other and form a so-called tetrad.
2. Metaphase
The spindle fibres begin to form and the chromosomes attach to the spindle fibres at their centromeres.
3. Anaphase
The tetrads are now separated that means that the homologous chromosomes of each pair move to two
opposite poles of the cell.
4. Telophase
Now there are 23 chromosomes at each pole and two haploid cells begin to form.
5. Prophase II
In the two daughter cells the 23 chromosomes move to the new cells’ equators.
6.Metaphase II
The spindle fibres begin to form and the chromosomes attach to the spindle fibres at their centromeres.
7. Anaphase II
The chromatids of each chromosome separate and are pulled along the spindle fibres to the opposite poles of the cells.
8. Telophase II
The membranes of the new cells form and we nearly have 4 new haploid cells with 23 chromatids each.
9. We have 4 gametes.
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 5:
In a very small area in a park there live many brown deer and some black deer. Altogether the black
deer make up 9% of the population. The male deer is the father of all the fawns (=baby deer).
a.) Is the black fur colour a
dominant or a recessive allele?
Give reasons for your decision.
b.) Give the genotype of the male
deer, female deer and all the
fawns. Back up your answer by
drawing the Punnett Squares.
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 6:
Who was Gregor Mendel? 1
Today Gregor Mendel is known as the “father of genetics”, but back in his days nobody
really cared about his experiments and certainly no one recognized how important his
findings were.
Gregor Mendel was born on July 22, 1822 in Austria as Johann Mendel.
Johann was a brilliant pupil and even though his family was poor and could hardly pay for
his schooling, he was able to attend the “Gymnasium” 36 kilometres from his home.
In 1841, Johann started studying philosophy in Olomouc (Czech republic). He studied
there for two years and then, one of his teachers suggested that Johann became a monk. So
Johann became a monk in 1843, at 21 years of age. As the tradition goes, he got a new
name, Gregor.
Every morning, Gregor got up at six o’clock and went straight to the library to study. He
studied religion and natural sciences. He also taught Latin, Greek, and mathematics to
pupils at school. But Mendel didn’t pass his exams and after studying in Vienna for two
more years he decided to start breeding plants instead.
Mendel chose the garden pea to experiment on. First he chose seven characteristics to look
at, for example the position of the flowers on the stem and the shape and color of the ripe
seed. Then he planted his first generation of peas and watched them grow. For two years
he kept planting the seeds to make sure they weren’t hybrids, that is, they always
produced offspring that had the same characteristics as their parent plants. Then he began
his experiments.
The first of the experiments that he carried out crossed plants with round seeds and plants
with wrinkled seeds. The resulting plants produced all round seeds! The next year he grew
plants from these round seeds and crossed them to produce more seeds. This time there
were 5474 round seeds and 1850 wrinkled seeds, making a 3:1 ratio of round to wrinkled
Mendel was fascinated! It seemed that the wrinkled trait, which seemed to have
disappeared in the first generation of offspring, reappeared in the second generation. He
called the round trait "dominant" and the wrinkled trait "recessive".
Mendel repeated the experiment with the other six characteristics and got the same 3:1
ratios. He also tried crosses looking at two different characteristics at the same time and got
very interesting results.
By 1863, Mendel’s experiments with peas were finally complete. He didn’t know what
genes or chromosomes were, but he knew that every plant had two factors that were
responsible particular trait and he knew that you inherited one factor from each parent. He
learned that these factors could be dominant or recessive.
Later on he didn’t have as much time for his plants, but he did carry out some more
experiments using for example beans to confirm the results of his experiments with peas.
Slightly adapted from's%20Mendel%20Web/Johann%20Mendel.htm
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
In 1865 Mendel gave two talks about his experiments, but people thought his talks were
boring because no one understood his findings . His results were published the following
year but few people read them.
On January 6, 1884 he died and his work was forgotten until in 1900 three biologists, Carl
Correns, Hugo de Vries, and Erich Tschermak, working independently, rediscovered
Mendel’s laws. They were surprised to find that a monk, who had died 15 years earlier,
had already published their discoveries. Today Mendel’s work is known all over the world
and has inspired generations of modern scientists. Mendel truly is the Father of Genetics.
Why did Mendel change his name from Johann to Gregor?
What was the first cross Mendel carried out? Which trait was dominant?
Name some disappointments in Mendel’s life.
What happened in 1900?
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 7:
Dear Sandra,
last week our yearly „party for all the relatives“ took place which I hadn’t really looked forward
to. I’m sure you remember how I annoyed I always get at Uncle Peter and the way he compares
everybody to himself and starts criticising people,.
This year, however, the party was really funny. It was already quite late when Jana, our youngest
started babbling nonsense and started to roll her tongue over and over again.
Her older brother Stefan then tried copying her funny tricks but failed even though he made every
effort to roll his tongue just like her. Watching him trying was so funny and inspired all the family
members to try to roll their tongues.
That was really amusing and got everybody in the right party spirit.
What was really strange though was that not everybody could roll their tongue.
Jana and Stefan’s mother Susi can not roll her tongue while their dad Peter is a real pro at it.
Maybe mother Susi comes after her parents Grandpa Berthold and Grandma Hanna, who both
just had their tongues hanging out flat as they tried to demonstrate a beautiful tongue roll to us.
This made Grandpa Berthold’s sister triumphant – she could roll her tongue and showed her
masterpiece to everyone. “Sure – Greatgranddad August and greatgrandma Therese said., “Bertha
is our daughter and we are both expert tongue rollers.”
Apparently the ability to roll one’s tongue is inherited as a gene. I don’t know how this
inheritance works and if there are any rules. Maybe you can help me?
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 8:
What shape are your earlobes?
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 9:
Are you a tongue roller?
Alleles: A
1. Is the gene for the characteristic “tongue roller” dominant or recessive? Find out
with the help of the family tree!
2. Give the genotype for each member of the family tree. For which members can you
not determine the genotype exactly?
3. Present your findings to the class!
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 10:
What shape are your earlobes?
Alleles: B
1. Is the gene for the characteristic “long earlobe” dominant or recessive? Find out
with the help of the family tree!
2. Give the genotype for each member of the family tree. For which members can you
not determine the genotype exactly?
3. Present your findings to the class!
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 11:
Vocab sheet: Hereditary diseases
cystic fibrosis
(the) Marfan syndrome
to affect
beeinflussen, beeinträchtigen, betreffen
ethnic group
ethnische Gruppe, Volksgruppe
life expectancy
to vary
abweichen, variieren, wechseln
Sehkraft, Sichtvermögen
to be sensitive to sth.
empfindlich auf etw. reagieren
to suffer from
leiden an/unter
short- or long-sightedness
to adapt to sth.
sich an etw. anpassen
(Körper)Behinderung, Unvermögen
Lupe, Vergrößerungsglas
Operation, Behandlungsraum, Sprechzimmer
mucus gland
Proteins that speed up reactions (e.g. in our
to require sth.
to be affected by
blood clotting factors
internal bleeding
soft tissue
genetic engineering
to donate blood
connective tissue
height /ηαΙτ/
to be more/less likely
to tear /τε≅/
X-rays, to x-ray
blood pressure
to raise
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
s.o. who suffers from a disease
hier: Medikamente, Arzneimittel
etw. erfordern
von etw. beeinflusst/betroffen sein
blauer Fleck, Bluterguss
innere Blutung
die Weichteile
Spritze, Injektion
Blut spenden
verunreinigt, verseucht, verschmutzt
mehr/weniger wahrscheinlich sein
Röntgenstrahlen, röntgen
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 12:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I´m happy to be able to invite you to our “Genetics Congress”. There will be several
workshops, all on different aspects of this year’s topic “Hereditary Diseases”. Your university can send a
team of four scientists to participate in the four different workshops which are “A: Cystic fibrosis”, “B:
Haemophilia”, “C: Albinism” and “D: The Marfan syndrome”.
Enclosed you find the material with all the information you need to participate in your particular workshop
successfully. Each of the four scientists of your university should decide on one workshop they want to
participate in!
Please read the schedule carefully to ensure the programme takes place without any disturbances:
1. You have to decide who wants to participate in which of the four workshops. Your university team
has to make sure it sends at least one specialist to each of the workshops.
2. You meet the other members of your workshop and discuss important matters of your topic. You are
asked to fill in a form you will find enclosed in this envelope answering questions on the disease, its
characteristics and way of inheritance, symptoms and treatment in keywords.
3. After the lunch break you are kindly asked to inform your university team about the outcome of
your workshop by explaining your results. All the scientists in your team should know about all the
four diseases discussed at this year’s congress.
4. Afterwards there will be a live programme on TV, featuring the outcome and results of our
congress. A group of four specialists will answer the questions put forward by the other scientists and
the audience. In your workshop you should decide on who will be this specialist. All the other
scientists please make sure to have two questions on the diseases ready each.
I hope you will have a nice stay and enjoy the congress!
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 13:
A common term to call someone with albinism is “albino”, but this word is not very nice
and the correct terms would be “albinistic” or a “person with albinism”.
People suffering from albinism have little or no pigment 1 and the disease can affect the
skin, eyes and hair or only the eyes. The disease is known in humans as well as in animals
like mammals, birds, reptilians, amphibians and fish.
People of all ethnic groups can have albinism and in Germany there are approximately
5000 people with albinism. If they don’t live in tropical countries they have a normal life
The word albinism refers to different kinds of the hereditary disease. While one type
affects primarily the eyes, the other one involves eyes, hair and skin. With both types the
amount of pigment produced can vary.
It is a myth that people with albinism have red eyes, most of them have blue or brownish
eyes. But an albinistic person’s eye might appear reddish because the coloured part of the
eye called iris can have so little pigment that it has almost no own colour and you can see
the blood vessels 2 at the back of the eye.
What all albinistic people have, though, are different kinds of vision problems. Normally,
the iris helps control the amount of light coming into the eye by making the pupil wider or
more narrow. But since the iris doesn’t have enough colour a lot more light can enter
which makes the eyes of an albinistic person more sensitive to light.
Other problems someone with albinism may suffer from include short- or longsightedness or “crossed eyes” 3 . This is due to an abnormal development of the retina 4
and nerve signals following wrong pathways from the eye to the brain.
The pigment melanin also helps protect the skin from harmful sun rays5 . For an albinistic
person whose skin is also involved this means that their skin cannot protect itself and they
don’t tan 6 .
So depending on how little melanin is produced, people with albinism can more or less
adapt well to their disabilities. They have to wear dark sunglasses, protect their skin
with sunscreen 7 and long clothes and many of them wear glasses. Some of them wear
coloured contact lenses and some have to use hand-held magnifiers or special optical
aids 8 that work like a telescope. For some eye surgery can help improve their disease.
Pigments give colour to plant or animal cells. They often function as a protection mechanism for the
organism, e.g. the pigment melanin in our skin protects us from harmful UV rays.
to be cross-eyed = schielen
braun werden
Sonnenschutz, Sonnencreme
optische Hilfsmittel
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 14:
Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
Cystic fibrosis, also called CF or mucoviscidosis, is a hereditary chronic disease.
Approximately 70,000 people suffer from CF worldwide and life expectancy has now
risen to an average of 37 years because of better research and medical treatment. In
Germany about 700 children are born with CF every year.
The disease is caused by a mutation1 in a gene that controls the mucus glands. This
defect makes the body produce very thick and sticky 2 mucus which affects the lungs and
the digestive system. It also causes very salty-tasting skin.
The body produces mucus to protect and lubricate 3 the linings of for example the
digestive and the respiratory system. If the mucus in your body is thick and sticky it can
block your airways. This leads to problems with breathing, a constant cough, bacterial lung
infections and if it is not treated to permanent lung damage.
The digestive system is affected by the mucus reducing the enzyme production in the
pancreas. These enzymes help to break down food, so if there is not enough enzymes
your body cannot use the food you eat properly. So you will lose weight and often you will
also suffer from poor growth, diarrhea and malnutrition.
So how does CF affect the daily life of sufferers and how can you treat it?
Since CF is a chronic disease it is impossible to cure it, but normally the progress 4 of the
disease can be slowed down. People suffering from it need a strict daily routine. First of all
they need to watch what they eat. They need a high-calorie, high-fat diet with extra
Another aim is to reduce lung infections, so sufferers from CF normally have to inhale5
drugs every day, using a special machine. Of course they are not allowed to smoke and
they have to keep their environment smoke-free because passive smoking is especially
harmful. But often this is not enough and they have to take antibiotics 6 as well.
Since bacteria can generally stay in the thick mucus a lot easier, they have to keep clean
everything they come in contact with, for example by wiping 7 door handles etc. This of
course requires a good general hygiene 8 .
A mutation is a change in the genetic information, they can be caused by mistakes in the DNA copying, by
environmental factors or when the chromosomes are not distributed properly. Mutations can cause harm or
give an advantage to an organism.
klebrig, zäh
fetten, ölen, schmieren
Fortschritt, Fortschreiten
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 15:
Haemophilia is a hereditary chronic disease. It is also known as the “royal disease” since
it runs in many European royal families such as the English, Spanish or Russian crowns.
Approximately 5000 people in Germany suffer from it. The disease occurs worldwide
(about 400 000 sufferers) and all ethnic groups are affected. In people with
haemophilia special proteins called blood clotting factors are either partly or completely
missing so they bleed for longer than normal. Since there is no permanent treatment
available to replace or increase the clotting factor level the disease often causes difficulties
with education or employment.
The symptoms of haemophilia vary depending on how much clotting factor a person has.
Normally any bleeding from cuts and injuries continues for much longer, a person with
haemophilia may also experience unexplained bruising or nosebleeds. The main
problem are not any cuts, though, but internal bleeding into joints, muscles and other
soft tissue which occurs with worse forms of haemophilia. These bleeds can occur
because of injuries or spontaneously. How bad the bleeding is- and the damage caused by
it- depends on the amount of clotting factor. If left untreated internal bleeding can cause
bad pain or even permanent damage of joints like arthritis 1 or stiffness of knees, elbows,
ankles 2 , shoulders and wrists 3 .
But also around one third of female carriers have low clotting factor levels and have
symptoms like males with mild forms of the disease. They might also suffer from heavy
periods and might need treatment in case of surgery or childbirth.
So how does haemophilia affect the daily life of sufferers and how can you treat it?
As mentioned above haemophilia is a lifelong disease which cannot be cured permanently.
To help prevent some of the bleeding the missing clotting factor can be replaced by
injections on a regular basis several times a week for bad forms of the disease. People
with more moderate 4 forms will have to carry around injections with them in case a bleed
occurs or immediately go to the hospital for an injection if they injure themselves. The
clotting factor for these injections is now partly produced by genetic engineering or the
blood is treated chemically. But until the late 1980s a lot of the blood donated was
contaminated. Thousands of people got HIV or Hepatitis C which affects the functioning
of the liver. Many of them died as a consequence.
Arthritis, entzündliche Erkrankung der Gelenke
gemäßigt, (mittel)mäßig
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 16:
The Marfan syndrome
The Marfan syndrome is a hereditary chronic disease affecting about 1 person in
10000. The disease occurs worldwide and among all ethnic groups. It is caused by a
problem with chromosome 15 which helps making connective tissue in our body.
Connective tissue provides support and shape to the body. In people with Marfan this
tissue isn’t formed properly and therefore not as strong.
The symptoms of the Marfan syndrome vary depending on how bad the case is. Almost all
people who have it have similar traits like long legs, fingers and toes. Often their arm
span 1 is bigger than their height while for most healthy people these are the same. Since
their connective tissue is weaker than normal their hands for example are a lot more
flexible and they can bend their fingers back very far. But this also causes their joints to
be loose and their spine to be curved from side to side as well which causes bad pain.
Apart from other symptoms like several different eye problems, a narrow face and mouth
and a caved-in 2 or pushed-out breastbone3 , people with the Marfan syndrome suffer
from less elastic lung tissue 4 causing the lung to collapse and also from heart problems
which are probably the most dangerous symptoms of the disease. Since the walls of the
main blood vessels are weakened they get wider especially when a lot of blood is
transported. This is the case for the aorta, the main artery leaving the heart. The more
blood is pumped through the blood vessels 5 the more likely the walls are to tear,
causing blood to flow through these tears which can be deadly.
So how does the Marfan syndrome affect the daily life of sufferers and how can you treat
Since it is a chronic disease it is impossible to cure it. Treatment involves regular visits with
a doctor to check the heart. X-rays of the chest may also be needed on a regular basis.
Some people with Marfan have to take drugs for their heart rate and blood pressure.
Sometimes heart surgery is needed.
The condition has also effects on your daily life since physical exercise 6 raises the blood
pressure and more blood is transported through the blood vessels. This might be
dangerous so sufferers should avoid too much exercise. They are not recommended to
play any team sports. For women with heart problems pregnancy and childbirth isn’t
advised because it also causes more stress to the heart.
körperliche Betätigung, Bewegung
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Hereditary diseases
Anlage 17:
name of disease, basic
way of inheritance
(dominant, recessive etc.)
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
causes and symptoms
treatment and effects on
daily life
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 18:
Use this family tree in your workshop to analyse how albinism is inherited and later to explain it to your university team!
- 21:
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 19:
Cystic fibrosis
Use this family tree in your workshop to analyse how cystic fibrosis is inherited and later to explain it to your university team!
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 20:
Use this family tree in your workshop to analyse how haemophilia is inherited and later to explain it to your university team!
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 21
The Marfan syndrome
Use this family tree in your workshop to analyse how the Marfan syndrome is inherited and later to explain it to your university team!
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 22:
Albinism: inheritance
Albinism is an autosomal recessive disease. Autosomal means that men and women can
have it. Most people without albinism have two correct copies of the gene that causes the
disease, but only one correct gene would be enough to prevent1 albinism. People with one
correct and one defective2 gene are called carriers, they have a normal pigmentation. A
recessive genetic disease like albinism develops when both genes don’t work normally, so
a child must inherit one copy of the defective gene from both its parents. When two
carriers have a child there is a 25%-chance of it either having albinism or not having
albinism and a 50%-chance of it being a carrier.
etw. verhindern
fehlerhaft, defekt
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 23:
Cystic fibrosis: inheritance
CF is an autosomal recessive disease. Autosomal means that men and women can have it.
Most people without CF have two correct copies of the gene that causes the disease, but
only one correct gene would be enough to prevent1 CF. People with one correct and one
defective2 gene are called carriers, they don’t have any symptoms. A recessive genetic
disease like CF develops when both genes don’t work normally, so a child must inherit one
copy of the defective gene from both its parents. When two carriers have a child there is a
25%-chance of it either having CF or not having CF and a 50%-chance of it being a carrier.
etw. verhindern
fehlerhaft, defekt
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 24:
Haemophilia: inheritance
Haemophilia is a recessive disease but the mutation1 is located on the x chromosome. Most
people without haemophilia have two correct copies of the gene that causes the disease,
but only one correct gene would be enough to prevent2 haemophilia. People with one
correct and one defective3 gene are called carriers. In this case it means that only males
inherit the disease while females can be carriers of the disease and can pass on the
affected gene to their children. Since a child inherits a sex chromosome each from its
parents the likelihood4 to be affected by the disease varies: If the mother carries the
haemophilia gene and the father is not affected, there is a 50:50 chance of a baby boy
having haemophilia depending on which x chromosome he will inherit from his mother. For
a baby girl it means she will have a 50:50 chance of being a carrier. If the mother is not a
carrier but the father has haemophilia a baby girl will be a carrier because she
automatically inherits her father’s x chromosome whereas a baby boy will not be affected
by the condition and cannot pass on haemophilia in the future.
A mutation is a change in the genetic information, they can be caused by mistakes in the DNA
copying, by environmental factors or when the chromosomes are not distributed properly.
Mutations can cause harm or give an advantage to an organism.
etw. verhindern
fehlerhaft, defekt
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 25:
The Marfan syndrome: inheritance
The Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant disease. Autosomal means that men and
women can have it. Everyone has two copies of the same gene. With a dominant disease
this means that only one affected gene, in our case the mutation1 for the Marfan
syndrome, will cause the disease. So if one parent has Marfan any child has a 50:50
chance of inheriting the disease. For two thirds to three quarters of sufferers this is the
case. This means that one quarter to one third of people had two unaffected parents. In
this case a new mutation in the egg or sperm cell has taken place and causes the child to
develop the Marfan syndrome.
A mutation is a change in the genetic information, they can be caused by mistakes in the DNA
copying, by environmental factors or when the chromosomes are not distributed properly.
Mutations can cause harm or give an advantage to an organism.
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
Genetik: Anlagen
Anlage 26:
© Katrin Farian und Kirsten Heckelmann 2007
describes the genes you have
describes your outward appearance (=looks)
“pure” e.g. BB or bb
“mixed” or hybrid e.g.Bb
(two) different forms of the same gene. E.g.
black “form” and white “form” for the fur
colour gene.
The dominant allele will determine the
characteristic you can see in the phenotype.
The recessive allele does not usually
influence what the organism will look like
because it is “dominated” by the dominant
A mutation is a change in the genetic
information, they can be caused by mistakes
in the DNA copying, by environmental
factors or when the chromosomes are not
distributed properly. Mutations can cause
harm or give an advantage to an organism.