Curricula Vitae in alphabetischer Reihenfolge Univ.

Curricula Vitae
in alphabetischer Reihenfolge
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Freissmuth
Persönliche Daten
29. Juli 1960
Baghdad, Iraq
1970 – 1978
1978 – 1983
1984 – 1992
öffentliches Gymnasium der Stiftung Theresianische
Akademie, Wien ("Theresianum")
Medizinstudium; Univ. Wien
Promotion "sub auspiciis praesidentis" Univ. Wien
Ausbildung zum Facharzt für Pharmakologie und
Medizin I, AKH-Wien
2010 –
2000 –
Leiter des Zentrum für Physiologie & Pharmakologie,
Med. Univ. Wien
Vorstand, Institut für Pharmakologie, (Med.) Univ.
Berufung als Professor für Pharmakologie, Univ.
Habilitation für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
1989 –
Arbeitsgruppenleiter am Institut für Pharmakologie,
Univ. Wien
Postdoctoral fellow bei Dr. Alfred G. Gilman,
Raymond & Ellen Willie Professor of Molecular
Neuropharmacology; Department of Pharmacology; UT
Southwestern, Dallas, TX
Wolfgang Schütz am Institut für Pharmakologie,
Univ. Wien
Novartis Preis für Medizin
1988, 1995, 1999, Hoechst Preis, Preis der Erste Bank, Aventis Award,
Billroth Preis (für einzelne Arbeiten)
Max-Kade fellowship
Listenplätze bei
1991 C3-Professur Molekulare Pharmakologie, Univ.
Tübingen, secundo loco
C3-Professur für Biochemische Pharmakologie,
Univ. Essen, tertio loco
Heidelberg, primo loco
Freiburg, secundo loco
Würzburg, primo loco
Frankfurt, secundo loco
1994 Professor für Pharmakologie, Univ. Wien, primo
1995 C4-Professor für Pharmakologie, Univ. Bochum,
secundo loco
1998 – 2002
1998 –
2007 –
1995 –
2003 –
2004 –
Associate Editor: Experimental Gerontology
Associate Editor: Molecular Pharmacology
Editorial Board Member: The Journal of Biological
DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft):
7 * SFB; 2 * SPP; 6 * Excellence Initiative; 2 *
INSERM: Unité 317 ; CNRS: UPR 415
Heilmittelevaluierungskommission des Hauptverbands
der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger
Mitglied des "Aufsichtsrat" Boehringer Ingelheim
137 Originalarbeiten; 23 Übersichtsartikel; 12
Buchkapitel; 1 Handbuch editiert; 1 Lehrbuch; [hfactor=43, ~ 5500-mal zitiert]
A) Originalarbeiten:
1. Freissmuth M., Steurer G., Tuisl E., Schütz W. (1984) Interaction of the
antihypertensive drug urapidil with cardiac -adrenoceptors in vitro. Eur.
J. Pharmacol. 104:169-172.
2. Hausleithner V., Freissmuth M., Schütz W. (1985) Adenosine receptormediated stimulation of low Km-GTPase in guinea pig cerebral cortex.
Biochem. J. 232:501-504.
3. Freissmuth M., Kraupp O., Hausleithner V., Tuisl E., Schütz W. (1986)
Alterations of the glomerular -adrenoceptor-linked adenylate cyclase
system in perinephritis hypertension. J. Cardiovascular Pharmacol. 8:60-66.
4. Schütz, W., Freissmuth, M., Hausleithner, V., Tuisl, E. (1986) Cardiac
sarcolemmal purity is essential for the verification of adenylate cyclase
inhibition via A1-adenosine receptors.
Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch.
Pharmacol. 333:156-162.
5. Freissmuth, M., Hausleithner, V., Nees, S., Böck, M., Schütz, W. (1986)
Cardiac 2-adrenergic receptors in guinea pigs and rats are localized on
the coronary endothelium. Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 334:56-62.
6. Hausleithner, V., Freissmuth, M., Schütz, W. (1986) Two saturable
recognition sites for (-) [125I]odo-N6-(4-hydroxyphenyl-isopropyl)adenosine
binding on purified cardiac sarcolemma. J. Receptor Res. 6:311-321.
7. Freissmuth, M., Nees S., Böck, M., Schütz, W. (1986) Binding of [3H]ouabain
to endothelial cells derived from various vascular beds. Bas. Res. Cardiol.
8. Freissmuth, M., Schütz, W., Weindlmayer-Göttel, M., Zimpfer, M., Spiss,
C.K. (1987). Effects of ischemia on the canine myocardial -adrenoceptorlinked adenylyl cyclase system. J. Cardiovascular Pharmacol. 10:568-574.
9. Freissmuth, M., Hausleithner, V., Tuisl, E., Nanoff, C., Schütz, W. (1987)
Glomeruli and microvessels of the rabbit kidney contain both A1- and A2adenosine receptors. Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 335:438-444.
10. Freissmuth, M., Nanoff, C., Tuisl, E., Schütz, W. (1987) Stimulation of
adenylate cyclase activity via A2-adenosine receptors in isolated tubules
of the rabbit renal cortex. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 138:137-140.
11. Nanoff, C., Freissmuth, M., Schütz, W. (1987) The role of low adrenoceptor selectivity of [3H]CGP-12177 for resolving subtype-selectivity
of competing ligands. Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 336:519-525.
12. Nanoff, C., Freissmuth, M., Tuisl, E., Schütz, W. (1989) A different
subtype desensitisation pattern of cardiac -adrenoceptor subtypes by in
vivo infusion of isoprenaline. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 13:198-203.
13. Graziano, M.P., Freissmuth, M., Gilman, A.G. (1989) Expression of Gs in
Escherichia coli: purification and characterization of two forms of the
protein. J. Biol. Chem. 264:409-418.
14. Freissmuth, M., Gilman, A.G. (1989) Mutations of Gs designed to alter the
reactivity of the protein with bacterial toxins: substitutions at arg 187
result in loss of GTPase activity. J. Biol. Chem. 264:21907-21914.
15. Nanoff, C., Freissmuth, M., Tuisl, E., Schütz, W. (1990) P2-, but not P1purinergic receptors mediate formation of 1,4,5-inositoltrisphosphate and
its metabolites via a pertussis toxin-insensitive pathway. Brit. J.
Pharmacol. 100:63-68.
16. Graziano, M.P., Freissmuth, M., Gilman, A.G. (1991). Purification of rGs.
Meth. Enzymol. 195, 192-202.
17. Schütz, W., Ströher, M., Freissmuth, M., Valenta, B., Singer, E.A. (1991)
Adenosine receptors mediate a pertussis toxin-insensitive prejunctional
inhibition of noradrenaline release on a papillary muscle model. Naunyn
Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 343: 311-316.
18. Freissmuth, M., Selzer, E., Schütz, W. (1991) Interactions of the
purified bovine brain A1-adenosine receptor with G-proteins: Reciprocal
modulation of agonist and antagonist binding. Biochem. J. 276:651-656.
19. Freissmuth, M., Schütz, W., Linder, M.E. (1991) Interactions of the
bovine brain A1-adenosine receptor with recombinant G protein -subunits:
Selectivity for rGi-3. J. Biol. Chem. 266:17778-17783.
20. Freissmuth, M., Selzer, E., Marullo, S., Schütz, W., Strosberg, A.D.
(1991) Expression of two human -adrenergic receptors in Escherichia coli:
Functional interaction with two forms of the stimulatory G protein. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88:8548-8552.
21. Schütz, W., Freissmuth, M., Tuisl, E., Blöchl-Daum, B., Eichler, H.G.,
Loew, D. (1991) Bioequivalence between two furosemide-spironolactone
formulations: a pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic approach. Curr. Med.
Res. Opin. 12:450-458.
22. McClue, S.J., Selzer, E., Freissmuth, M., Milligan, G. (1992) Gi3 does not
contribute to the inhibition of adenylate cyclase when stimulation of 2adrenergic receptors causes activation of both Gi2 and Gi3. Biochem. J.
23. Pyne, N.J., Freissmuth, M., Palmer, S. (1992) Phosphorylation of the
spliced variants of the recombinant stimulatory guanine nucleotide-binding
regulatory protein (Gs) by protein kinase C. Biochem J. 285:333-338.
24. Bertin, B., Freissmuth, M., Breyer, R., Schütz, W., Strosberg, A.D.,
Marullo, S. (1992) Functional expression of the human 5-HT1a receptor in
coli: Ligand binding properties and
recombinant G protein -subunits. J. Biol. Chem. 267:8200-8206.
25. Trieb, K., Selzer, E., Dorfinger, K., Neuhold, N., Wilfing, A., Czernin,
S., Gessl, A., Herrmann, M., Niederle, B., Vierhapper, H., Freissmuth, M.,
undifferentiated thyroid epithelial cells in vitro. J. Endocrinol. 134:5053
26. Pyne, N.J., Freissmuth, M., Pyne, S. (1992) Phosphorylation of the
spliced variants of the recombinant stimulatory guanine nucleotide-binding
regulatory protein (Gs) by protein kinase A. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm.
27. Selzer, E., Wilfing, A., Schiferer, A., Hermann, M., Grubeck-Loebenstein,
B., Freissmuth, M. (1993) Stimulation of human thyroid growth via two
subtypes of the inhibitory guanine nucleotide binding (G) protein Gi:
constitutive expression of Gi-1 in autonomous adenoma. Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. USA 90:1609-1613.
28. Voss, T., Wallner, E., Csernilofsky, A.P., Freissmuth, M. (1993) An
amphipathic -helical structure does not predict the ability of receptorderived peptides to interact with G proteins. J. Biol. Chem. 268:4637-4642.
29. Freissmuth, M., Beindl, W., Kratzel, M. (1993) Binding and StructureActivity-Relation of Benzo[f]isoquinoline-and Norcodeinone-Derivatives at
-Opioid Receptors in the Rat Cerebral Cortex. Brit. J. Pharmacol.
30. Hermann,
Reconstructive surgery after hemilaryngectomy for recurrent thyroid cancer
using a free jejunal patch graft. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 93:860-864
31. Hermann, M., Richter, B., Roka, R., Freissmuth, M. (1994) Thyroid surgery
in untreated severe hyperthyroidism: perioperative kinetics of free thyroid
hormones in the glandular venous effluent and peripheral blood. Surgery
32. Gessl, A., Freissmuth, M., Czech, T., Matula, C., Hainfellner, J.A.,
Buchfelder, M., Vierhapper H. (1994) Growth-hormone-, prolactin-, TSHsecreting pituitary adenoma in atypical McCune-Albright syndrome with
functionally normal Gs protein. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metabolism 79:11281134
33. Selzer, E., Wilfing, A., Sexl, V., Freissmuth, M. (1994) Effects of type
I-inferferons on human thyroid epithelial cells derived from normal and
tumour tissue. Naunyn Schmiedeberg´s Arch. Pharmacol. 350:322-328
34. Bertin, B., Freissmuth, M., Jockers, R., Strosberg, A.D., Marullo, S.
(1994) Cellular signaling by an agonist-activated receptor/Gs-fusion
protein. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91: 8827-8831
35. Jockers, R. , Linder, M., Hohenegger, M. , Nanoff, C., Bertin, B.,
Strosberg, A.D., Marullo, S., Freissmuth, M. (1994) Species differences in
the G protein selectivity of the human and bovine A1-adenosine receptor.
J. Biol. Chem. 269:32077-32084
36. Hohenegger, M., Nanoff, C., Ahorn, H., Freissmuth, M. (1994). Structural
and functional characterisation of the interaction between 2´, 3´dialdehyde guanine nucleotide analogues and the stimulatory G protein subunit. J. Biol. Chem. 269:32008-32015
37. Nanoff, C. Boehm, S., Hohenegger, M., Schütz, W., Freissmuth, M. (1994)
2',3'-dialdehyde GTP as an irreversible G Protein antagonist: disruption
and reconstitution of G protein-mediated signal transduction in cells and
cell membranes. J. Biol. Chem. 269: 31999-32007
38. Sexl, V., Mancusi, G., Parzer, S., Schütz, W., Freissmuth, M. (1995)
Stimulation of human umbilical venous endothelial cell proliferation by
A2A-adenosine and 2-adrenergic receptors. Brit. J. Pharmacol. 114:15771586
39. Nanoff, C., Mitterauer, T., Roka, F., Hohenegger, M., Freissmuth, M.
(1995) Species differences in A1-adenosine receptor-G protein coupling:
Identification of a membrane protein which stabilizes the association of
the receptor G protein complex. Mol. Pharmacol. 48:806-817
40. Hohenegger, M., Mitterauer, T., Voss, T., Nanoff, C., Freissmuth, M.
(1996) Thiophosphorylation of the G Protein -subunit in human platelet
membranes: Evidence against a direct phosphate transfer reaction to Gsubunits. Mol. Pharmacol. 49:73-80
41. Boehm, S., Huck,, S., A. Motejlek, Drobny, H., Singer, E. A.,
Freissmuth, M. (1996) Cholera toxin induces cyclic AMP-independent downregulation of Gs and sensitizes 2-autoreceptors in chick sympathetic
neurons. J. Neurochem..66:1019-1026
42. Freissmuth, M., Boehm, S., Beindl, W., Nickel, P., IJzerman, A.P.,
Hohenegger, M.., Nanoff, C. (1996) Suramin analogues as subtype-selective
G protein inhibitors. Mol. Pharmacol.49:602-611
43. Beindl, W., Mitterauer, T., Hohenegger, M.., IJzerman, A.P., Nanoff, C.
Freissmuth, M. (1996) Inhibition of receptor-G protein coupling by suramin
analogues. Mol. Pharmacol. 50:415-423
44. Boehm, S., Huck,, S., Freissmuth, M. (1996) A phorbol-ester-insensitive
protein kinase C mediates the 2-adrenergic inhibition of voltage-gated
calcium currents in chick sympathetic neurons. J. Neuroscience 16:45964603
45. Hohenegger, M., Matyash, M, Poussu, K., Herrman-Frank, A., Sarközi, S.,
Lehmann-Horn, F., Freissmuth, M. (1996) Activation of the skeletal muscle
ryanodine receptor by suramin and suramin analogues.
Mol. Pharmacol.
46. Sexl, V.,
Mancusi, G., Höller, C., Gloria-Maercker, E., Schütz ,W.,
Freissmuth, M. (1997) Stimulation of the mitogen-activated-protein kinase
(MAP kinase) via the A2A-adenosine receptor in primary human endothelial
cells. J. Biol. Chem. 272:5792-5799
47. Nanoff, C., Waldhoer, M., Roka, F., and Freissmuth, M. (1997) G protein
coupling of the rat A1-adenosine receptor - partial purification of a
protein which stabilizes the receptor/G protein association. Neuropharmacol. 36:1211-1219
48. Zezula, J., Sexl, V., Hutter, C., Karel, A., Schütz ,W., Freissmuth, M.
(1997) The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21cip1 mediates the growth
inhibitory effect of phorbol esters in human venous endothelial cells. J.
Biol. Chem. 272:29967-29974
49. Hohenegger, M., Waldhoer, M., Beindl, W., Nickel, P., Nanoff, C.,
Freissmuth, M. (1998) Gs-selective G protein antagonists. Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA 95:346-351
50. Waldhoer, M., Bofill-Cardona, E., Milligan, G., Freissmuth, M., Nanoff,
C. (1998) Differential uncoupling of A1-adenosine and D2-dopamine receptors
by suramin and di-demethylated suramin (NF037) Mol. Pharmacol. 53:808-818
51. Seidl, M.G., Freissmuth, M., Pehamberger, H., Micksche, M. (1998)
Stimulation of natural killer activity in peripheral bood lymphocytes of
healthy donors and melanoma patient in vitro: synergism between interleukin
(IL)-12 and IL-15 or IL-12 and IL-2. Naunyn Schmiedeberg´s Arch. Pharmacol.
52. Hermann, M., Roka, R., Richter, B., Freissmuth, M. (1998) Early relapse
after operation for Graves' disease: postoperative hormone kinetics of free
thyroid and outcome after subtotal, near-total, and total thyroidectomy.
Surgery 124:894-900
53. Mitterauer, T., Hohenegger, M., Tang, W.-J., Nanoff, C., Freissmuth, M.
(1998) The C2 catalytic domain of adenylyl cyclase contains the second
metal (Mn2+) ion binding site. Biochemistry 37:16183-16191
54. Hoeller, C. Milligan, G., Anderson, N., Freissmuth, M. (1998) Stimulation
of p70S6 kinase by the A2A-adenosine receptor in primary human endothelial
cells and CHO cells heterologously expressing the receptor. Drug Dev. Res.
55. Klinger, M., Freissmuth, M., Nickel, P., Stäbler-Schwarzbart, M.,
Kassack, M., Suko, J., Hohenegger, M. (1999) Suramin and suramin
analogues activate the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor via a
calmodulin binding site. Mol. Pharmacol. 55:462-472
56. Locker, G. J., Mader, R. M., Rizovski, B., Knapp, S., Domanovits, H.,
Muellner, M., Hoeller, C., Steger, G. G., Sterz, F., Freissmuth, M.,
Frass, M., Laggner, A. N. (1999) The negative chronotropic effects of
fentanyl attenuate the beneficial effects of dobutamine on oxygen
metabolism: hemodynamic and pharmacokinetic interactions. J. Pharmacol.
Exp. Pharmacol. 125: 43-50
57. Hermann, M., Roka, R., Richter, B., Koriska, K., Göbl, S., Freissmuth, M.
(1999) Reoperation as treatment of relapse after subtotal thyroidectomy in
Graves‘ disease. Surgery 125: 525-528
58. Mitterauer, T., Nanoff, C., Ahorn, H., Freissmuth, M., Hohenegger, M.
(1999) Metal-dependent binding nucleotide binding to the E.coli rotamase
SlyD. Biochem. J. 342: 33-39
59. Seidel, M. G., Klinger, M., Freissmuth, M., Höller, C. (1999) Activation
of MAP kinase by the A2A-adenosine receptor via a rap1-dependent and via
a p21ras-dependent pathway. J. Biol. Chem. 274:25833-35841
60. Roka, F., Brydon, L., Waldhoer, M., Strosberg, A.D., Freissmuth, M.,
Jockers, R., Nanoff, C. (1999) Tight association of the Mel1A-melatonin
receptor and Gi: precoupling and constitutive activity. Mol. Pharmacol.
61. Waldhoer, M., Wise, A., Milligan, G., Freissmuth, M., Nanoff, C. (1999)
Kinetics of ternary complex formation with fusion proteins composed of
the A1-adenosine receptor and G protein -subunits. J. Biol. Chem. 274:
62. O’Connor, V. ElFar, O., Bofill-Cardona, E., Freissmuth, M., Nanoff, C.,
Karschin, A., Airas, J.M., Betz, H., Boehm, S. (1999) Calmodulindependence of presynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptor signaling.
Science 286: 1180-1184
63. Bofill-Cardona, E., Vartian, N., Nanoff, C., Freissmuth, M., and Boehm,
S. (2000) Two different signaling mechanisms involved in the excitation
of rat sympathetic neurons by uridine nucleotides. Mol. Pharmacol
64. Bofill-Cardona, E., Kudlacek, O., Yang, Q., Ahorn, H., Freissmuth, M.,
and Nanoff, C. (2000) Binding of calmodulin to the D2-dopamine receptor
reduces receptor signaling by arresting the G protein activation switch.
J. Biol. Chem. 275: 32672-32680
65. Kudlacek, O., Mitterauer, T., Nanoff, C., Hohenegger, M., Tang, W.-J.,
Freissmuth, M., and Kleuss, C. (2001) Inhibition of adenylyl and guanylyl
cyclase isoforms by the antiviral drug foscarnet. J. Biol. Chem. 276:30103016
66. Schmid, J. A., Scholze, P., Kudlacek, O., Freissmuth, M., Singer, E. A.,
Sitte, H. H. (2001) Oligomerization of the human serotonin transporter and
interaction with the rat GABA transporter as visualized by fluorescence
resonance energy transfer microscopy in living cells. J. Biol. Chem. 276:
67. Klinger, M., Bofill-Cardona, E., Mayer, B., Nanoff, C., Freissmuth, M.,
Hohenegger, M. (2001) Suramin and the suramin analogue NF307 discriminate
among calmodulin-binding sites. Biochem. J. 355: 827-833
ElFar, O., Bofill-Cardona, E., Airas, J.M., O’Connor, V., Boehm, S.,
Freissmuth, M., Nanoff, C., Betz, H., (2001) Mapping of the calmodulin and
G binding domains within the C-terminal region of the metabotropic
glutamate receptor 7A . J. Biol. Chem. 275: 30662-30669
Hermann, M., Alk, G., Roka, R., Glaser, K., Freissmuth, M. (2002)
Laryngeal Recurrent Nerve Injury in Surgery for Benign Thyroid Diseases:
Effect of nerve dissection and Impact of Individual Surgeon in more than
27,000 Nerves at Risk. Ann. Surg. 235:261-268
Nanoff, C., Kudlacek, O., and Freissmuth, M. (2002) Development of Gsselective inhibitory compounds. Methods Enzymol. 344:469-80
Kudlacek, O., Waldhoer, M. , Kassack, M.U., Nickel, P., Salmi,
J.A.I., Freissmuth, M., Nanoff, C. (2002) Biased inhibition by a suramin
analogue of A1-adenosine receptor/G protein coupling in fused receptor/G
protein tandems: the A1-adenosine receptor is predominantly coupled to
Go in human brain. Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 365: 8-16
Breitweg-Lehmann, E., Czupalla, C., Storm, R., Kudlacek, O., Schunack,
W., Freissmuth, M., Nürnberg, B. (2002) Activation and inhibition of G
proteins by lipoamines. Mol. Pharmacol. 61: 628-636
Unterberger, U., Moskvina, E., Freissmuth, M., Boehm, S. (2002)
Inhibition of adenylyl cyclase by neuronal P2Y receptors. Br. J.
Pharmacol. 135:673-684
Scholze P, Norregaard L, Singer EA, Freissmuth M, Gether U, Sitte HH
(2002) The role of zinc ions in reverse transport mediated by monoamine
transporters. J. Biol. Chem. 277:21505-21513.
Klinger M, Kuhn M, Just H, Stefan E, Palmer T, Freissmuth M, Nanoff C
(2002) Removal of the carboxy terminus of the A2A-adenosine receptor
blunts constitutive activity: Differential effect on cAMP accumulation
and MAP kinase stimulation. Naunyn Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol.
Klinger M, Kudlacek O, Seidel M, Freissmuth M, Sexl V (2002) MAP
kinase stimulation by cAMP does not require rap1 but src-family kinases.
J. Biol. Chem. 277:32490-32497
Scholze P, Freissmuth M, Sitte HH (2002) Mutations within an
intramembrane leucine heptad repeat disrupt oligomer formation of the rat
GABA transporter 1. J. Biol. Chem 277:43682-43690
Kudlacek O, Just H, Korkhov VM, Vartian N, Klinger M, Pankevych H, Yang Q,
Nanoff C, Freissmuth M, Boehm S (2003) The human D2 dopamine receptor synergizes
with the A2A adenosine receptor to stimulate adenylyl cyclase in PC12 cells.
Neuropsychopharmacology 28: 1317-1327
Pankevych H, Korkhov V, Freissmuth M, Nanoff C (2003) Truncation of
the A1-adenosine receptor reveals distinct roles of the membrane-proximal
carboxy terminus in receptor folding and G protein coupling. J. Biol.
Chem 278: 30283-30293
Szremska AP, Kenner L, Weisz E, Ott RG, Passegue E, Artwohl M,
Freissmuth M, Stoxreiter R, Theussl HC, Baumgartner-Parzer S, Moriggl R,
Wagner EF, Sexl V (2003) JunB inhibits proliferation and transformation
in B lymphoid cells. Blood 102: 4159-65.
Hermann M, Freissmuth M (2003) Neuromonitoring of the recurrent
nerve: validation and merits. Eur Surg 35:228–235
Klinger M, Farhan H, Just H, Drobny H, Himmler G, Loibner H, Mudde
GC, Freissmuth M, Sexl V (2004) Antibodies directed against Lewis-Y
Antigen inhibit sinaling of Lewis-Y modified ErbB receptors. Cancer Res.
Hermann M, Hellebart C, Freissmuth M
(2004) Neuromonitoring in thyroid surgery: prospective evaluation of
intraoperative electrophysiological responses for the prediction of
recurrent laryngeal nerve injury. Ann Surg. 240: 9-17
Just, H., Sitte, H.H., Schmid, J.A., Freissmuth, M., Kudlacek, O.
(2004) Identification of an additional interaction domain in TM11/12 that
supports oligomer formation in the human serotonin transporter. J. Biol.
Chem 279:6650-6657
Farhan H, Korkhov VM, Paulitschke V, Dorostkar MM, Scholze P,
Kudlacek O, Freissmuth M, Sitte HH. (2004) Two discontinuous segments in
the carboxy terminus are required for membrane targeting of the rat GABA
transporter-1 (GAT1). J Biol Chem. 279: 28553-28563
Korkhov VM, Farhan H, Freissmuth M, Sitte HH. (2004) Oligomerization of
the GABA transporter-1 is driven by an interplay of polar and hydrophobic
interactions in transmembrane helix II. J Biol Chem. 279:55728-55736.
Stoiber, D., Kovacic, B., Schuster, C., Schellack, C., Karaghiosoff, M.,
Kreibich, R., Weisz, E., Artwohl, M., Kleine, O. C., Müller, M .,
Baumgartner-Parzer, S., Ghysdael, J., Freissmuth, M., Sexl, V. (2004) TYK2
is a key regulator for the tumor surveillance of B lymphoid tumors . J.
Clin. Invest. 114:1650-1658.
Seidel, S., Singer, E.A, Just, H., Farhan, H., Scholze, P., Kudlacek,
O., Holy, M., Koppatz, K., Peter Krivanek, Freissmuth, M., Sitte H.H.
(2005) Amphetamines take two to tango: An oligomer-based counter-transport
model of neurotransmitter transport expores the amphetamine action. Mol.
Pharmacol. 67:140-151
Calo, L., Bruno, V., Spinsanti, P., Molinari, G., Korkhov, V.,
Esposito, Z., Patane, M., Melchiorri, D., Freissmuth, M., Nicoletti, F.
(2005) Interactions between ephrin-B and metabotropic glutamate 1
receptors in brain tissue and cultured neurons. J. Neurosci. 25:2245-2254
Gsandtner, I., Charalambous, C., Stefan, E., Ogris, E., Freissmuth,
M., Zezula J. (2005) Heterotrimeric G protein independent signaling of a
G protein-coupled receptor: Direct binding of ARNO/cytohesin-2 to the
carboxyl terminus of the A2A-adenosine receptor is necessary for
sustained activation of the ERK/MAP-kinase pathway J. Biol. Chem.
Nanoff, C., Koppensteiner, R., Yang, Q., Fuerst, E., Ahorn, H.,
Freissmuth, M. (2006) The carboxyl terminus of the Gα-subunit is the
latch for triggered activation of heterotrimeric G proteins. Mol.
Pharmacol. 69:397-405
Milojevic, T., Reiterer, V., Stefan, E., Korkhov, V.M., Dorostkar,
M.M., Ducza, E., Ogris, E., Boehm, S., Freissmuth, M., Nanoff, C. (2006)
The ubiquitin-specific protease Usp4 regulates the cell surface level of
the A2A-receptor. Mol. Pharmacol. 69:1083-1094
Korkhov, V.M., Holy, M., Freissmuth, M., Sitte, H.H. (2006) The
conserved glutamate (Glu136) in transmembrane domain 2 of the serotonin
transporter is required for the conformational switch in the transport
cycle. J. Biol. Chem. 281:13439-13448.
Kovacic, B., Stoiber, D., Moriggl, R., Weisz ,E,. Ott, R.G.,
Kreibich, R., Levy, D.E., Beug, H., Freissmuth, M., Sexl, V. (2006) STAT1
acts as a tumor promoter for leukemia development. Cancer Cell 10:77-87
Farhan H, Schuster C, Klinger M, Weisz E, Waxenecker G, Schuster M,
Sexl V, Mudde GC, Freissmuth M, Kircheis R. (2006) Inhibition of xenograft
tumor growth and downregulation of ErbB receptors by an antibody directed
against Lewis-Y antigen. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 319:1459-1466.
Farhan H, Reiterer V, Korkhov VM, Schmid JA, Freissmuth M, Sitte HH
(2007) Concentrative export from the Endoplasmic Reticulum of the GABAtransporter 1 requires Binding to SEC24D. J Biol Chem 282: 7679-7689
Ott RG, Simma O, Kollmann K, Weisz E, Zebedin EM, Schorpp-Kistner M,
Heller G, Zöchbauer S, Wagner EF, Freissmuth M, Sexl V (2007) JunB is a
gatekeeper for B-lymphoid leukemia. Oncogene 26: 4863-4871
Chanrion B, Mannoury la Cour C, Bertaso F, Lerner-Natoli M,
Freissmuth M, Millan MJ, Bockaert J, Marin P (2007) Physical interaction
between the serotonin transporter and neuronal nitric oxide synthase
underlies reciprocal modulation of their activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S
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Schuster C, Fernbach N, Rix U, Superti-Furga G, Holy M, Freissmuth M,
Sitte HH, Sexl V (2007) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors--a new
modality for the treatment of lymphoma/leukaemia? Biochem Pharmacol 74:
100. Kabon B, Kugener A, Gruenberger T, Niedermayr M, Fleischmann E,
Freissmuth M,
Kurz A (2007) Effects of continuous remifentanil
administration on intra-operative subcutaneous tissue oxygen tension.
Anaesthesia 62: 1101-1109
101. Farhan H, Reiterer V, Kriz A, Hauri H-P, Pavelka M, Sitte HH,
Freissmuth M (2008) Signal dependent export of the GABA transporter-1
from the intermediate compartment is specified by a carboxyl terminal
motif. J Cell Sci 121:753-761
102. Zebedin E, Koenig X, Radenkovic M, Pankevych H, Todt H, Freissmuth M,
Hilber K (2008) Effects of duramycin on cardiac voltage-gated ion
channels. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 377:87-100
103. Charalambous C, Gsandtner I, Keuerleber S, Milan-Lobo L, Kudlacek O,
Freissmuth M, Zezula J (2008) Restricted collision coupling of the A2Areceptor revisited: Evidence for physical separation of two signaling
cascades. J Biol Chem 283:9276-9288
104. Korkhov VM, Milan-Lobo, L, Zuber B, Farhan H, Schmid, JA, Freissmuth
M, Sitte HH (2008) Peptide-based interactions with calnexin target
multilamellar bodies. J Mol Biol 378:337-352
105. Meißlitzer-Ruppitsch C, Vetterlein M, Stangl H, Maier S, Neumüller J,
Freissmuth M, Pavelka M, Ellinger A (2008) Electron microscopic
visualization of fluorescent signals in cellular compartments and
organelles by means of DAB-photoconversion. Histochem Cell Biol 2008
106. Steiner I, Errhalt P, Kubesch K, Hubner M, Holy M, Bauer M, Müller M,
Hinterberger S, Widmann R, Mascher D, Freissmuth M, Kneussl M (2008)
Pulmonary pharmacokinetics and safety of nebulized duramycin in healthy
male volunteers. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 378:323-333
107. Mazei-Robison MS, Bowton E, Holy M, Schmudermaier M, Freissmuth M,
Sitte HH, Galli A, Blakely RD (2008) Anomalous dopamine release
associated with a human dopamine transporter coding variant. J Neurosci
108. Zebedin E, Simma O, Schuster C, Putz EM, Fajmann S, Warsch W,
Eckelhart E, Stoiber D, Weisz E, Schmid JA, Pickl WF, Baumgartner C,
Valent P, Piekorz RP, Freissmuth M, Sexl V (2008) Leukemic challenge
unmasks a requirement for PI3K in NK-cell-mediated tumor surveillance.
Blood 112:4655-4664
109. Reiterer V, Maier S, Sitte HH, Kriz A, Rüegg MA, Hauri HP, Freissmuth
M, Farhan H (2008) Sec24- and ARFGAP1-dependent trafficking of GABA
transporter-1 is a prerequisite for correct axonal targeting. J Neurosci
110. Hermann M, Ott J, Promberger R, Kober F, Karik M, Freissmuth M (2008)
Kinetics of serum parathyroid hormone during and after thyroid surgery.
Br J Surg 95:1480-1487
111. Milan-Lobo L, Gsandtner I, Gaubitzer E, Rünzler D, Buchmayer F, Köhler
G, Bonci A, Freissmuth M, Sitte HH (2009) Subtype-specific differences in
corticotropin-releasing factor receptor complexes detected by fluorescence
spectroscopy. Mol Pharmacol. 76:1196-210.
112. Sucic S, Dallinger S, Zdrazil B, Weissensteiner R, Jorgensen TN, Holy
M, Kudlacek O, Seidel S, Cha JH, Gether U, Newman AH, Ecker GF,
Freissmuth M, Sitte HH (2010) The amino terminus of monoamine
transporters is a lever required for the action of amphetamines. J Biol
Chem. 285:10924-10938
113. Malaga-Dieguez L, Yang Q, Bauer J, Pankevych H, Freissmuth M, Nanoff
C (2010) Pharmacochaperoning of the A1 adenosine receptor is contingent
upon the endoplasmic reticulum. Mol Pharmacol. 77:940-952.
114. Sarker S, Weissensteiner R, Steiner I, Sitte HH, Ecker GF, Freissmuth
M, Sucic S (2010) The high-affinity binding site for tricyclic
antidepressants resides in the outer vestibule of the serotonin
transporter. Mol Pharmacol 78:1026-1035
115. Promberger R, Ott J, Kober F, Mikola B, Karik M, Freissmuth M,
Hermann M (2010) Intra- and postoperative parathyroid hormone-kinetics do
not advocate for autotransplantation of discolored parathyroid glands
during thyroidectomy. Thyroid 20:1371-1375.
116. El-Kasaby A, Just H, Malle E, Stolt-Bergner PC, Sitte HH, Freissmuth
M, Kudlacek O (2011) Mutations in the carboxyl-terminal SEC24 binding
motif of the serotonin transporter impair folding of the transporter. J
Biol Chem 285:39201-39210
117. Parveen Z, Stockner T, Bentele C, Pferschy S, Kraupp M, Freissmuth M,
Ecker GF, Chiba P (2011) Molecular dissection of dual pseudosymmetric
solute translocation pathways in human P-glycoprotein. Mol Pharmacol
118. Promberger R, Ott J, Kober F, Karik M, Freissmuth M, Hermann M (2011)
hypoparathyroidism after thyroidectomy. Thyroid 21:145-150
119. Sucic S, El-Kasaby A, Kudlacek O, Sarker S, Sitte HH, Marin P,
Freissmuth M (2011) The Serotonin Transporter Is an Exclusive Client of
the Coat Protein Complex II (COPII) Component SEC24C. J Biol Chem
120. Geetha N, Mihaly J, Stockenhuber A, Blasi F, Uhrin P, Binder BR,
Freissmuth M, Breuss JM (2011) Signal integration and coincidence
Concomitant activation of receptor tyrosine kinases and of LRP-1 leads to
sustained ERK phosphorylation via downregulation of dual specificity
phosphatases (DUSP-1 and -6). J Biol Chem 286:25663-25674.
121. Schuster C, Berger A, Hoelzl MA, Putz EM, Frenzel A, Simma O, Moritz N,
Hoelbl A, Kovacic B, Freissmuth M, Müller M, Villunger A, Müllauer L,
Schmatz AI, Porpaczy E, Jäger U, Stoiber D, Sexl V. (2011) The cooperating
mutation or "second hit" determines the immunological visibility towards
MYC-induced murine lymphomas. Blood. 2011 Aug 30. [Epub ahead of print]
122. Wildling L, Rankl C, Haselgruebler T, Gruber HJ, Holy M, Newman AH,
Zou M-F, Zhu R, Freissmuth M, Sitte HH, Hinterdorfer P (2011) Probing the
binding pocket of the serotonin transporter by single molecular force
spectroscopy on living cells. J Biol Chem 287:105-113
123. Schicker K, Uzelac Z, Gesmonde J, Bulling S, Stockner T, Freissmuth M,
Boehm S, Rudnick G, Sitte HH, Sandtner W (2011) A unifying concept of
serotonin transporter associated currents. J Biol Chem 287:438-445.
124. Promberger R, Ott J, Kober F, Koppitsch C, Seemann R, Freissmuth M,
Hermann M (2012) Risk factors for postoperative bleeding after thyroid
surgery. Br J Surg 99:373-379.
125. Alexander RA, Prager GW, Mihaly-Bison J, Uhrin P, Sunzenauer S, Binder
BR, Schütz GJ, Freissmuth M, Breuss JM (2012) VEGF-induced endothelial
cell migration requires urokinase receptor (UPAR)-dependent integrin
redistribution. Cardiovasc Res 94:125-135.
126. Bulling S, Schicker K, Zhang YW, Steinkellner T, Stockner T, Gruber CW,
Boehm S, Freissmuth M, Rudnick G, Sitte HH, Sandtner W (2012) The
mechanistic basis for noncompetitive ibogaine inhibition of serotonin and
dopamine transporters. J. Biol. Chem. 287:18524-18534.
127. Steinkellner T, Yang JW, Montgomery TR, Chen WQ, Winkler MT, Sucic S,
Lubec G, Freissmuth M, Elgersma Y, Sitte HH, Kudlacek O (2012)
Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIα (αCaMKII) controls the activity
of the dopamine transporter: implications for Angelman syndrome. J. Biol.
Chem. 287:29627-29635
128. Putz EM, Prchal-Murphy M, Simma OA, Forster F, Koenig X, Stockinger H,
Piekorz RP, Freissmuth M, Müller M, Sexl V, Zebedin-Brandl E (2012) PI3Kδ
is essential for tumor clearance mediated by cytotoxic T lymphocytes. PLoS
One 7:e40852.
129. Kastner S, Voss T, Keuerleber S, Glöckel C, Freissmuth M, Sommergruber W
(2012) Expression of G protein-coupled receptor 19 in human lung cancer
cells is triggered by entry into S-phase and supports G2-M cell-cycle
progression. Mol Cancer Res. 10:1343-5138.
130. Keuerleber S, Thurner P, Gruber CW, Zezula J, Freissmuth M (2012)
Reengineering the collision coupling and diffusion mode of the A2Aadenosine receptor: palmitoylation in helix 8 relieves confinement. J.
Biol. Chem. 287:42104-42118
131. Rosenauer R, Luf A, Holy M, Freissmuth M, Schmid R, Sitte HH (2013) A
combined approach using transporter-flux assays and mass spectrometry to
examine psychostimulant street drugs of unknown content. ACS Chem Neurosci
132. Schneider R, Bures C, Lorenz K, Dralle H, Freissmuth M, Hermann M (2013)
Evolution of Nerve Injury with Unexpected EMG Signal Recovery in Thyroid
Surgery Using Continuous Intraoperative Neuromonitoring. World J Surg
133. Sucic S, Koban F, El-Kasaby A, Kudlacek O, Stockner T, Sitte HH,
Freissmuth M (2013) Switching the clientele: a lysine residing in the Cterminus of the serotonin transporter specifies its preference for the
COPII component SEC24C. J Biol Chem. 288:5330-5341
134. Stockner T, Montgomery TR, Kudlacek O, Weissensteiner R, Ecker GF,
Freissmuth M, Sitte HH (2013) Mutational analysis of the high-affinity zinc
binding site validates a refined human dopamine transporter homology model.
PLoS Comput Biol 9:e1002909.
135. Hussain F, Freissmuth M, Völkel D, Thiele M, Douillard P, Antoine G,
Thurner P, Ehrlich H, Schwarz HP, Scheiflinger F, Kerschbaumer RJ (2013)
Human anti-macrophage migration inhibitory factor antibodies inhibit growth
of human prostate cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Mol Cancer Ther
136. Kollmann K, Heller G, Schneckenleithner C, Warsch W, Scheicher R, Ott RG,
Schäfer M, Fajmann S, Schlederer M, Schiefer AI, Reichart U, Mayerhofer M,
Hoeller C, Zöchbauer-Müller S, Kerjaschki D, Bock C, Kenner L, Hoefler G,
Freissmuth M, Green AR, Moriggl R, Busslinger M, Malumbres M, Sexl V (2013)
A Kinase-Independent Function of CDK6 Links the Cell Cycle to Tumor
Angiogenesis. Cancer Cell 24:167-181.
137. Bergmayr C, Thurner P, Keuerleber S, Kudlacek O, Nanoff C, Freissmuth M,
Gruber CW (2013) Recruitment of a cytoplasmic chaperone relay by the A2Aadenosine receptor. J Biol Chem., in press (published online 2013 Aug 21.)
B) Übersichten/Reviews:
1. Schütz W, Freissmuth M (1985) Adenosine receptors in the heart:
controversy about signal transmission. Trends in Pharmacol. Sci. 6:310311.
2. Schütz W, Nanoff C, Freissmuth M (1988) The fallacy of non-selectivity of
radioactive ligands. Trends in Pharmacol. Sci. 9:261-264.
3. Casey PJ, Graziano MP, Freissmuth M, Gilman AG (1988) The role of G
proteins in transmembrane signaling. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol.
4. Freissmuth M., Casey PJ, Gilman AG (1989). G proteins control diverse
pathways of transmembrane signaling. FASEB J. 3:2125-2131.
5. Schütz W, Freissmuth M, Nanoff C, Selzer E, Tuisl E (1990) Die Rolle der
durch G Proteine vermittelten Signaltransduktion in der molekularen
Pharmakodynamik. Wr. Klin. Wschr. 102:602-609.
6. Freissmuth M (1991) Mutations in Gs that alter the kinetics of guanine
nucleotide binding and hydrolysis. Biochem. Soc. Transactions 19:437-441.
7. Marullo S, Bertin B, Freissmuth M, Strosberg AD (1992) Quand les bactéries
nous montrent comment fonctionnent les récepteurs humains. Médicine
Sciences 8: 577-583.
8. Schütz, W., Freissmuth, M. (1992) Reverse intrinsic activity of
antagonists at G protein-coupled receptors. Trends in Pharmacol. Sci.
9. Nanoff, C., Freissmuth, M. (1997) Coupling cofactor – a novel regulatory
component in G protein mediated signalling. Physiol. Res. 46:79-87
10.Höller C, Freissmuth M, Nanoff C (1999) G proteins as drug targets. Cell.
Mol. Life Sci. 55: 257-270
11.Freissmuth M, Waldhoer M, Bofill-Cardona E, Nanoff C (1999) G protein
antagonists. Trends in Pharmacol. Sciences 20:237-245.
12.Roka F, Freissmuth M, Nanoff C (2000) G protein-dependent signalling and
ageing. Exp. Gerontol. 35:133-143
13.Klinger M, Freissmuth M, Nanoff C (2002) Adenosine receptors: G protein
signalling and the role of accessory proteins. Cell. Signal. 14:99-108
14. Sitte HH, Freissmuth M (2003) Oligomer formation by Na +-Cl--coupled
neurotransmitter transporters. Eur J Pharmacol. 479:229-236.
Gsandtner I, Freissmuth M (2006) A tail of two signals: the Cterminus of the A2A-adenosine receptor recruits alternative signaling
pathways. Mol. Pharmacol. 70: 447-449
16.Zezula J, Freissmuth M (2008) The A2A-adenosine receptor - a GPCR with
unique features? Br J Pharmacol. 153: S184-S190
17.Zebedin E, Freissmuth M, Sexl V (2008) Signal interception-based
therapies--a double-edged sword in Bcr/abl-induced malignancies? Leuk
Lymphoma 49:620-624
18.Sitte HH, Freissmuth M (2010) The reverse operation of Na+/Cl--coupled
neurotransmitter transporters--why amphetamines take two to tango. J
Neurochem 112:340-355
19.Gruber CW, Muttenthaler M, Freissmuth (2010) Ligand-based peptide design
and combinatorial peptide libraries to target G protein-coupled receptors.
Curr Pharm Des. 16:3071-3088
20.Steinkellner T, Freissmuth M, Sitte HH, Montgomery T (2011) The ugly side
3,4methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy'), methamphetamine and Damphetamine. Biol Chem 392:103-115.
21. Keuerleber S, Gsandtner I, Freissmuth M (2011) From cradle to twilight:
The carboxyl terminus directs the fate of the A2A-adenosine receptor.
Biochim Biophys Acta 808:1350-1357.
22.Nanoff C, Freissmuth M (2012) ER-Bound Steps in the Biosynthesis of G
Protein-Coupled Receptors. Subcell Biochem 63:1-21.
23.Prchal-Murphy M, Putz EM, Freissmuth M, Sexl V, Zebedin-Brandl E (2013)
Targeting PI3Kδ: One man's meat is another man's poison. Oncoimmunology
C) Buchkapitel (Lehrbücher/text books, proceedings of meetings) :
1. Schütz, W., Freissmuth, M., Hausleithner, V., Nees, S. (1987) Verteilung
von -adrenergen Rezeptoren im Herzen: In: "Beta-Rezeptoren und Rezeptoren Blocker" (G. Grosdanoff, ed.) pp 47-54. Walter de Gruyter,
2. Freissmuth, M., Gilman, A.G. (1990 & 1993) Chapter 68: G Proteins and the
control of second messenger systems. In: "Harrison's Principles of Internal
Medicine" (Isselbacher, K.J., Adams, R.A., Braunwald, E., Petersdorf, R.G.,
Wilson, J.D., eds.) Chapter 68, Mc Graw-Hill, New York.
3. Selzer, E., Schiferer, A., Hermann, M., Grubeck-Loebenstein, B.,
Freissmuth, M. (1992) Gi-1 expression in the human thyroid is regulated
by TSH: loss of regulation in thyroid autonomous adenoma. Thyroidology
4: 7-10
4. Freissmuth, M., Hohenegger, M., Waldhoer, M., Beindl, W., Nanoff , C.
(1997) G Proteins as drug targets. In: ”Pharmacochemistry Library 28:
Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry”
(Awouters, F., editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam; pp.71-80
5. Hohenegger, M., Freissmuth, M., Nanoff , C. (1997) Covalent modification of
G proteins by affinity labeling. In: ”Methods in Molecular Biology Receptor Signal Transduction Protocols; Chapter II/13” (Chaliss, R.A.J.,
editor), Humana Press, Totawa, N.J.
6. Hohenegger, M., Freissmuth, M., Nanoff , C.(2004) Covalent modification of
G-proteins by affinity labeling. Methods Mol Biol. 259:183-95
7. Klinger, M., Seidel, M.G., Platzer, M., Freissmuth, M. (2000) Activation of
MAP kinase by the A2A-adenosine receptor. In: ”Molecular Mechanisms of
Signal Transduction – NATO Advanced Series” (Bos, J.L., editor), IOS Press.
8. Just, H., Stefan, E., Czupalla, C., Nürnberg, B., Nanoff, C., Freissmuth M.
(2002) Beyond G proteins: The role of accessory proteins in G proteincoupled receptor signalling. In: Pharmacochemistry Library 32: Trends in
Drug Research III (H. van der Groot, editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam; pp.161172
9. Farhan, H., Freissmuth, M., Sitte, H.H. (2006) Oligomerization of
neurotransmitter transporters: a ticket from the endoplasmic reticulum to
the plasma membrane. Handb. Exp. Pharmacol. 175:233-249
Gsandtner, I., Gruber, CW, Freissmuth, M. (2010) Chapter 4. ReceptorMediated G Protein Activation: How, How Many, and Where? In: GPCR
Molecular Pharmacology and Drug Targeting: Shifting Paradigms and New
Directions (A. Gilchrist, editor), John Wiley & Sons, New York; pp. 88112.
Rabl U, Scharinger C, Hofmaier T, Freissmuth M, Pezawas L (2011)
Genetic regulation of emotion brain circuitries In: Neurobiology of
Depression (López-Muñoz F, Álamo C, editors) CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA;
pp. 75-95.
Weissensteiner R. Steinkellner T, Bulling S, Jurik, A., Sandtner W.,
Kudlacek O, Freissmuth M, Ecker G, Sitte HH (2012) Towards an understanding
of the psychostimulat actions of amphetamines. In: Sensory Perception:
Mind and Matter (Barrth FG, Giampieri-Deutsch O, Klein HD, editors).
Springer Verlag, Wien; pp. 183-204
D) Herausgeber eines Handbuchs:
Exp. Pharmacol. Vol. 175, Springer Verlag, 2006
E) (Co-)Autor eines Lehrbuchs:
Freissmuth M, Offermanns S, Böhm S. Pharmakologie und Toxikologie: Von den
molekularen Grundlagen zur Pharmakotherapie. Springer Verlag, 2012
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Freissmuth
Leiter des Instituts für Pharmakologie, Medizinische Universität
Währinger Straße 13A
A-1090 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 40 160 – 313 71
E-Mail: [email protected]
Prim.a Christa Radoš
Abteilung: Psychiatrie und psychotherapeutische Medizin
LKH Villach
Funktion: Abteilungsvorstand seit 1.3.2013
Promotion zum Doktor der gesamten Heilkunde 1983
praktischen Ärztin 1987
Fachärztin für Neurologie seit 1994
Fachärztin für Psychiatrie seit 2000
Zusatz Psychotherapeutische Medizin seit
Psychotherapeutin, eingetragen seit 1998
Universität Klagenfurt (1997 – 2005)
FH Joanneum Graz seit 2008
Weitere Arbeitsbereiche:
 Vorstandsmitglied
Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie (ÖGPP)
 Ständiges Mitglied und stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Ethik
Kommission des Landes Kärnten
 Mitglied des Lehrausschusses der Ärztekammer für Kärnten
 Wahlarztpraxis in Klagenfurt, Babenbergerstraße 64
Prim.a Christa Radoš
Abteilung für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapeutische Medizin
LKH Villach
Nikolaigasse 4
A- 9500 Villach
Tel.: +43 (0)4242 208 DW 3729
E-Mail: [email protected]
14 Margot Schmitz
Univ.-Doz. Dr. Margot Schmitz ist Psychiaterin, Neurologin und
Depression, ihre Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind Angst, Burnout-Prävention
und Alzheimervorsorge. Nach jahrelangen Aufenthalten in Washington und
Chicago ist sie heute Vorstand des Instituts für Psychosomatik und des
Brainlive Instituts für präventiven Gehirnservice in Wien. Sie ist
auch National Coordinator und Principal Investigator neuer Medikamente
der führenden Pharmaunternehmen. Margot Schmitz
Institut für Psychosomatik & Ordination Schmitz
Parkring 12
1010 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 504 27 40
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr. med. Georg Schönbeck
Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapeutische Medizin
Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Neurologie
Freie Facharztpraxis in Wien, Zimmermanngasse 1A
+43 1 406 13 48
+43 1 40 500 80
E – Mail: [email protected]
Geboren 1950 in Linz, Österreich, verheiratet, 2 Kinder
Matura 1968 in Linz, Promotion 1974 in Wien
Facharztdiplom 1982, Wiener Ärztekammer
Diplom für Psychotherapeutische Medizin 1994
Beruflicher Werdegang
1971-1972: Demonstrator in Pathologie, Pathologisches Institut der
Universität Wien
Turnusarzt in der Urologischen Abteilung im Krankenhaus der Barmherz
Turnusarzt in der Abt. für Innere Medizin im Krankenhaus der Barmher
1975-1976: Stipendiat der französischen Regierung (Assistant ètranger), Univers
Clinique des maladies mentales et de l’encéphale, Paris,
1976-1980: Vertragsassistent, Psychiatrische Universität Wien
Seit 1980: Assistenzarzt, Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Wien
1981-1982: Neurologisches
Universitätsklinik Wien
1985-1991: Leiter
Universitätsklinik Wien
Seit 1986: Berufstitel "Oberarzt", Privatordination
Seit 1990: Anerkennung der Privatordination als "Lehrpraxis"
Seit 1990: Mitbegründer
Prävention bei Burnout, Depression und Angsterkrankungen“
1991-1992: Freistellung (Karenzierung) von der Universitätsklinik für Psychiatr
der Bezüge zur eigenen weiteren Ausbildung in Systemischer
therapie (am Inst. für
Familien- und Systemtherapie, Linz).
Ende der Tätigkeit an der Psychiatrischen Univ.-Klinik
2004 / 2005:Lehrbeauftragter des Instituts für Ethik und Recht in der Medizin mi
1985: Theodor-Billroth-Preis
hervorragende wissenschaftliche Arbeit.
Etwa 60 wissenschaftliche Originalarbeiten und ca 40 edukative
Publikationen, zahlreiche wissenschaftliche und edukative Vorträge.
Besondere berufliche Interessen:
Krankheitslehre, Entwicklung ganzheitlicher therapeutischer Konzepte
in der Psychiatrie, Differentialtherapie in der Psychiatrie (Fragen
Systemische Familientherapie. Weiterentwicklung des Berufsbildes des
Arztes, Ärzteausbildung, Ärztefortbildung. Psychiatrische Versorgung,
Ethik der Psychiatrie
einige Beispiele:
European Fluvoxamine in Alcoholism Study
Venlafaxine in Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Escitalopram in Social Anxiety Disorder“
Fluoxetine and Olanzapine (as combination) in Therapie
Resistenter Depression
Agomelatin in Seasonal Affective Disorder
Duloxetin in Depression
Duloxetin in Anxiety Disorder
Aripiprazol in Schizophrenia
Escitalopram in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Bupropion in Depression
Wissenschaftliche Organisation von Fachkongressen:
 "Das Arztbild von morgen" Jahreskongreß der Internationalen
Mediziner Arbeitsgemeinschaft (IMA) in Grünau im Almtal,
Oberösterreich, März 1991
 "Medizin im Konflikt der Interessen" Jahreskongreß der
Internationalen Mediziner Arbeitsgemeinschaft (IMA) in Grünau im
Almtal, Oberösterreich, April 1992
 "Psychopharmaka - Konzepte, Kontroversen, Kulturen"
Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie Graz, November 1992
 "Machen Sie sich frei! - Zur Freiheit im therapeutischen Prozeß"
Jahreskongreß der Internationalen Mediziner Arbeitsgemeinschaft
(IMA) in Grünau im Almtal, Oberösterreich, April 1993
 „Medizin eine Heil(s)kunde- Dimensionen von Heil und Heilung“
Jahreskongreß der Internationalen Mediziner Arbeitsgemeinschaft
(IMA), 1995;
 „Familienmedizin-Wege zum Menschen“ Jahreskongreß der
Internationalen Mediziner Arbeitsgemeinschaft (IMA), 1994
Herausgabe eines wissenschaftlichen Buches
SCHOENBECK, G., PLATZ, T. (Hrsg): Schizophrene erkennen, verstehen,
behandeln. Beiträge aus Theorie und Praxis. Band I der Reihe: Aktuelle
Probleme der Schizophrenie. P. Koenig, T. Platz, H. Schubert
(Serien-Herausgeber) Springer Verlag Wien, New York (1990)
Dr. Georg Schönbeck
Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Neurologie
Praxisgemeinschaft Dr. Georg Schönbeck
Zimmermanngasse 1A
A-1090 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 406 13 48
E-Mail: [email protected]
11. November 2013