Schriftenverzeichnis – Markus Virgil Hoehne

Schriftenverzeichnis Hoehne
Schriftenverzeichnis – Markus Virgil Hoehne
Monographien und Herausgeberschaften
Manuskript: Political Orientations and Repertoires of Identification: State and Identity
Formation in Northern Somalia.
In Vorbereitung, mit Olaf Zenker (eds.). The State and the Paradox of Customary Law
in Africa. Ashgate.
Im Erscheinen August 2013. Between Somaliland and Puntland: Political dynamics in
the contested borderlands. Nairobi: RVI.
2013. (Hrsg.) The effects of ‘statelessness’: Dynamics of Somali politics,
economy and society since 1991. Journal of Eastern African Studies 7(2) (Special
2010. mit Dereje Feyissa (Hrsg.), Borders and borderlands as Resources in the Horn of
Africa. London: James Currey.
2010. mit Virginia Luling (Hrsg.), Milk and peace, drought and war: Somali culture,
society and politics (Essays in honour of I.M. Lewis). London: Hurst.
Somalia zwischen Krieg und Frieden. Strategien der friedlichen
Konfliktaustragung auf internationaler und lokaler Ebene. Arbeiten aus dem
Institut für Afrika-Kunde Bd. 113. Hamburg: Institut für Afrika-Kunde.
Begutachtete Zeitschriftenartikel
Im Erscheinen. Resource conflict and militant Islamism in the Galgala Mountains in
northern Somalia (2006-2012). Review of African Political Economy.
2013. (mit Mohamed Ingiriis), The impact of civil war and state collapse on the roles of
Somali women: a blessing in disguise. Journal of Eastern African Studies 7(2):
2013. Limits of Hybrid Political Orders: The case of Somaliland. Journal of Eastern
African Studies 7(2): 199-217.
2012: Herrschaft und politische Ordnung jenseits des Staates in Somalia.
Die Peripherie 126/127: 321-349.
2011. (mit Dereje Feyissa und Mahdi Abdile), Comparing Somali and Ethiopian
diasporic engagement for peace in the Horn of Africa. African Conflict &
Peacebuilding Review 1(1): 71-99.
Schriftenverzeichnis Hoehne
2010. L’État de facto du Somaliland. Politique Africaine no. 120: 175-199.
2010. Diasporisches Handeln in Bürgerkrieg und Wiederaufbau: Beispiele aus
Somalia und Somaliland. Friedens-Warte 85(1-2): 83-103.
2009. Mimesis and mimicry in dynamics of state and identity formation in northern
Somalia. Africa 79(2): 252-281.
2009. (mit Tobias Hagmann), Failures of the state failure debate: Evidence from the
Somali territories. Journal of International Development 21: 42-57.
2008. Newspapers in Hargeysa: Freedom of speech in post-conflict Somaliland. Africa
Spectrum 43(1): 91-114.
2006. Political identity, emerging state structures and conflict in Northern Somalia.
Journal of Modern African Studies 44(3): 397-414.
Buchkapitel und Artikel in nicht begutachteten Zeitschriften
In Vorbereitung. (with Olaf Zenker). Processing the paradox: When the state has to deal
with customary law. In Markus Virgil Hoehne and Olaf Zenker (Hrsg.), The State
and the Paradox of Customary Law in Africa. Ashgate
In Vorbereitung. When the state is too weak to deal with customary law: de facto legal
pluralism in Somaliland. In Markus Virgil Hoehne and Olaf Zenker (Hrsg.), The
State and the Paradox of Customary Law in Africa. Ashgate
Im Erscheinen. (mit Mohamed Hassan Ibrahim): Diaspora for Peace: Stabilising post-war
Somaliland trough investments in the economic and educational sector. In …
Im Erscheinen: Against the grain: Somaliland’s secession/dissolution from a collapsed
‘parent’ state. In Jordi Thomas and Wolfgang Zeller (Hrsg.): Secessionism in
Africa. Palgrave.
Im Erscheinen. (mit Dereje Feyissa), Centering Borders and Borderlands: The
Evidence from Africa. In Benedikt Korn and Timothy Raeymaekers (Hrsg.):
Violence in the margins. Palgrave.
2012. Somalia am Scheideweg? Inamo 71, p. 3
2012. Jenseits des Staates in Somalia. Inamo 71, p. 11-16.
2012. Al Shabaab in Somalia. In Wolfgang Braumandl-Dujardin and Walter Feichtinger
(eds.), Privatisierte Gewalt. Herausforderungen in internationalen
Friedensmissionen. Wien: Landesverteidigungsakademie, pp. 83-96.
2012. Les enseignements à tirer du Somaliland et du Puntland en matière d’édification de
Schriftenverzeichnis Hoehne
la paix et de formation d’État, Cahiers de L’IRSEM No. 13 (Special Issue on: Les
Defis Politiques Et Strategiques En Somalie): 46-60.
2012. Lessons from Somaliland and Puntland for peace-building and state-formation,
Cahiers de L’IRSEM No. 13 (Special Issue on: Les Defis Politiques Et
Strategiques En Somalie): 182-195.
2011. Die somalische Diaspora: Rollen und Chancen in (Bürger-)Krieg und
Wiederaufbau. In Walter Feichtinger und Gerald Hainzl (eds), Somalia: Optionen
- Chancen – Stolpersteine. Frankfurt/M, Weimar: Böhlau, pp. 57-82.
2011. Al Shabaab in Somalia: Von einer Terrorzelle zu einem
regierungsähnlichen Akteur. In Walter Feichtinger und Gerald Hainzl (eds),
Somalia: Optionen - Chancen – Stolpersteine. Frankfurt/M, Weimar: Böhlau, pp.
2011. Education and peacebuilding in post-conflict Somaliland: the role of
the diaspora. In Joschka Philipps, Kerstin Priwitzer and Heribert Weiland (eds)
Education in Fragile Contexts. Freiburg i. Br.: Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut 2010
(Freiburger Beiträge zu Entwicklung und Politik), pp. 75-103
2011. Somalia zwischen Bürgerkrieg und Hungerkatastrophe. Blätter für deutsche und
internationale Politik 9/2011, pp. 21-24.
2011. Not born as a de facto state: Somaliland’s complicated state formation. In Roba
Sharamo and Berouk Mesfin (eds.), Regional Security in the Post-Cold War Horn
of Africa. Pretoria: ISS, pp. 309-346.
2010. (mit Dereje Feyissa), State Borders and Borderlands as Resources:
An Analytical Framework. In Dereje Feyissa and Markus V. Hoehne (eds.),
Borders and borderlands as Resources in the Horn of Africa. London: James
Currey, pp. 1-25.
2010. People and Politics along and across the Somaliland-Puntland Border.
In Dereje Feyissa and Markus V. Hoehne (eds.), Borders and borderlands as
Resources in the Horn of Africa. London: James Currey, pp. 97-121.
2010. Somaliland. Un estado de facto en el Cuerno de África. In Jordi Tomas (ed.),
Secesionismo en Ãfrica, Edicions Bellaterra: Barcelona, pp. 365-404.
2010. (mit Virginia Luling), Introduction: Lewis and the remaining challenges in Somali
Studies. In Markus V. Hoehne and Virginia Luling (eds.), Milk and peace,
drought and war: Somali culture, society and politics (Essays in honour of I.M.
Lewis). London: Hurst, pp 1-15.
2010. (mit Muuse Cali Faruur and Axmed Cabdullahi Du’aale), Somali
(nick)names and their meanings. In Markus V. Hoehne and Virginia Luling (eds.),
Milk and peace, drought and war: Somali culture, society and politics (Essays in
honour of I.M. Lewis). London: Hurst, pp. 345-363.
Schriftenverzeichnis Hoehne
2010. Political representation in Somalia: citizenship, clanism and territoriality. In Mark
Bradbury and Sally Healy (eds.), Accord 21: Whose peace is it anyway?
connecting Somali and international peacemaking, pp. 34-37.
2007. (mit Tobias Hagmann), Failed State or Failed Debate? Multiple Somali political
orders within and beyond the nation-state. Politorbis 1: 20-26.
2007. From pastoral to state politics: Traditional authorities in Northern Somalia. In Lars
Buur and Helene M. Kyed (eds.), State Recognition and Democratisation in SubSaharan Africa: A New Dawn for Traditional Authorities? New York: Palgrave,
pp. 155-182.
2007. Die vorkoloniale Geschichte am Horn von Afrika. In Dieter H. Kollmer and
Andreas Mükusch (eds.), Horn von Afrika, Reihe: Wegweiser zur Geschichte.
Paderborn: Schöningh, pp. 15-27.
2007. Aktuelle Lagebeschreibung [Somalia] im März 2007. In Dieter H. Kollmer and
Andreas Mükusch (eds.), Horn von Afrika, Reihe: Wegweiser zur Geschichte.
Paderborn: Schöningh, pp. 98-101.
2007. Islam am Horn von Afrika. In Dieter H. Kollmer and Andreas Mükusch (eds.),
Horn von Afrika, Reihe: Wegweiser zur Geschichte. Paderborn: Schöningh, pp.
2007. Political identity and the state: reflections on emerging state structures and conflict
in northern Somalia. In Osman Farah, Mammo Muchie and Joakim Gundel (eds.),
Somalia: Diaspora and State Reconstruction in the Horn of Africa. London:
Adonis & Abbey, pp. 233-248.
2007. Staatszerfall, Konfliktregelung und Staatsaufbau. Zur Diversifizierung der
politischen und sozialen Realitäten in Somalia. In Melha R. Biel and Olaf Leiße
(eds.), Politik in Ostafrika zwischen Staatszerfall und Konsolidierung. Frankfurt
am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 75-101.
2005. Somalia – Ein Neubeginn? Entwicklungen und Perspektiven unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Verhältnisse in Nord-Somalia. In Walter Feichtinger and
Gerald Hainzl (eds.), Krisenherd Nordostafrika. Internationale oder afrikanische
Verantwortung? Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 41-63.
2003. Report on the recent situation in Somaliland. Identity, conflict and reconstruction
in a wartorn society. Ethnologik. Zeitschrift der Studierenden des Instituts für
Ethnologie und Afrikanistik in München, 1, 27-40.
2011. No easy way out: Traditional Authorities in Somaliland and the
Schriftenverzeichnis Hoehne
Limits of Hybrid Political Orders. DIIS Working Paper 18/2011
2010. (mit Dereje Feyissa, Mahdi Abdile und Clara Schmitz-Pranghe)
Differentiating the Diaspora: Reflections on diasporic engagement ‘for peace’ in
the Horn of Africa. Working Paper 124. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for
Social Anthropology.
2010. Diasporic engagement in the educational sector in post-conflict
Somaliland: A contribution to peacebuilding? Diaspeace Working Paper No. 5.
2009. (mit Brian Donahoe, John Eidson, Dereje Feyissa, Veronika Fuest, Boris
Nieswand, Günther Schlee und Olaf Zenker), The formation and mobilization of
collective identities in situations of conflict and integration. Working Paper
Nr.116. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
2008. (mit Dereje Feyissa), Resourcing State Borders and Borderlands in the Horn of
Africa. Working Paper Nr.107. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social
2006. Traditional Authorities in Northern Somalia: Transformation of powers and
positions. Working Paper Nr. 82. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social
2013. A rejoinder to James Ferguson. Wardheernews. Published online on 22 January
2011. Somalia: Konfliktporträt. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Published online
on 04 October 2011,0,Somalia.html
2011. A man-made disaster: How militant Islamism, the war against terror and famine
are connected in Somalia. Published on Hiiraan.Com, on 09 September 2011
2009. Counter-terrorism in Somalia, or: how external interferences helped to
Schriftenverzeichnis Hoehne
produce militant Islamism. Published online on 17 December 2009
2007. Puntland and Somaliland clashing in northern Somalia: Who cuts the Gordian
knot? Published online on 07 November 2007
2000. Das Verhältnis zwischen der VR China und der Republik China auf Taiwan gestern
und heute (
2006. Statehood as legal/political concept and empirical reality in the context of statecollapse and state-reconstruction: the case of Somaliland. Online paper for
Encyclopedia Artikel
2010. Somali ethnography. In Siegbert Uhlig (ed.): Encyclopaedia Aethiopica Vol. 4 OX, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 702-705.
2010. (mit Nicole Hirt), Somalia. In Siegbert Uhlig (ed.): Encyclopaedia Aethiopica
Vol. 4 O-X, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp.705-707.
2010. Somalia, political history. In Siegbert Uhlig (ed.): Encyclopaedia Aethiopica Vol. 4
O-X, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp.707-710.
2007. Mağeerteen. In Siegbert Uhlig (ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica, 3. Wiesbaden:
Harrassowitz Verlag, 631-633.
2013. (in Englisch) Jutta Bakonyi (2011): Land ohne Staat. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
im Krieg am Beispiel Somalias. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus. Africa Spektrum.
2012. Ioan M. Lewis (2010): Making and breaking states in Africa. The
Somali experience. Trenton: The Red Sea Press. Politique Africaine 127: 184186.
2012. (in Deutsch) Jutta Bakonyi (2011): Land ohne Staat. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
im Krieg am Beispiel Somalias. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus. Iz3w 333: 47.
2012. Mary Harper (2012): Getting Somalia Wrong? Faith, war and hope in
a shattered state, Zed Books: London/New York. African Affairs 111(445): 678680.
2012. Lindley, Anna (2010): The Early Morning Phone Call: Somali refugees’
remittances, New York: Berghahn Books. Nordic Journal of Migration Research
2(2): 200-201.
Schriftenverzeichnis Hoehne
2012. Eva-Maria Bruchhaus and Monika M. Sommer (eds.) 2008:
Hot Spot Horn of Africa Revisited: Approaches to make sense of conflict. Lit
Verlag: Münster. Africa 82(3): 496-497.
2011. Alice Bellagamba and Georg Klute (eds.) 2008: Beside the
State: Emergent powers in contemporary Africa, Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. Africa
81(3): 494-495.
2010. Ioan Lewis 2008: Understanding Somalia and Somaliland. Journal of Modern
African Studies 48(2): 343-346.
2009. Shaul Shay 2008: Somalia between Jihad and Restoration. Civil Wars 11(3): 386388.
2008. Mark Bradbury 2008: Becoming Somaliland. Journal of Modern African Studies
46 (4): 690-692.
2006. Magnus Treiber 2005: Der Traum vom guten Leben. Die eritreische warsayGeneration im Asmara der zweiten Nachkriegszeit. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 131
(2): 373-376.
2004. Bettina Beer (Hrsg.) 2003: Methoden und Techniken der Feldforschung. Zeitschrift
für Ethnologie 129 (2): 311-313.
2012. Somalia oder die Chance eines Neubeginns. Der neue Präsident Hassan Sheikh
Mohamud steht vor einer Mammutaufgabe. Neue Züricher Zeitung (22.09.2012),
p. 6.
2012. Nicht intervenieren! Ein möglicher Weg, die somalische Krise zu überwinden
Aktuell 26, Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst e. V. (EED),
2012. No intervention! The way forward in Somalia. Horn of Africa Bulletin, 24 (2), 8-11.
2010. Somalia – wo Menschenleben nicht viel zählen und externe Interventionen die
Lage nur verschlimmern, Pogrom 2/2010, 15-17.
2009. The current election crisis in Somaliland: outcome of a failed ‘experiment’?. Horn
of Africa Bulletin, 21 (10), 1-4.
2009. Somalia 2009: Eskalierender Bürgerkrieg, verpasste Chancen und
Schriftenverzeichnis Hoehne
internationale Ratlosigkeit. Internationales Magazin für Sicherheit (IMS) 4.
2009. Unbemerkte Erfolge: Somalilands Entwicklung abseits der Weltbühne. Afrikapost,
June, pp. 28-29.
2009. Struggle for education and development in Somaliland’s eastern periphery. Horn of
Africa Bulletin, 21 (5), 4-7.
2008. The bombings in Somaliland and Puntland – an attempt to drag the north into the
politics of violence of southern Somalia. Horn of Africa Bulletin, 20 (10), 4-6.
2008. Somaliland: between press freedom and limitation. Horn of Africa Bulletin, 20 (6),
2008. Somaliland vs. Puntland over the future of Somalia. Horn of Africa Bulletin, 20 (2),
Auftragsarbeiten und unveröffentlichte Reporte
In Vorbereitung 2013. Political actors and their views in south-central Somalia. Report
for Life and Peace Institute (LPI).
In Vorbereitung 2013. Security and Justice in (eastern) Somaliland. Report for
Department for International Development (DFID).
2012. Review of the January 2012 UK Border Agency Country of Information Service
Somalia Country of Origin (COI) Report on behalf of the Independent Advisory
Group on Country Information (IAGCI)
2012. Report on Radio Daljir. Report for Media Development Loan Fund, New York.
2011. Research Report to the National Defense University, Washington, on the conflict in
the Galgala Mountains (2006-2011)
2011. Indirect Threats to Peace in Somaliland: The fighting in the Galgala mountains
between Somaliland and Puntland. Report for the Rift Valley Institute.
2011. Threats to Peace in Somaliland: the contested borderlands and the rise of the SSC.
Report for the Rift Valley Institute.
2010. (mit Clara Schmitz-Pranghe und Andrea Warnecke), DIASPEACE Synthesis
Report WP2&WP3. Report to the EU within the DIASPEACE Project.
2008. Somalia Update (2006-2008), Report for the Swiss Refugee Council/Schweizer
Flüchtlingshilfe, Bern, Switzerland.
Schriftenverzeichnis Hoehne
2008. Traditional Authorities and Local Government in Southern Sudan. Report for the
World Bank, Washington, USA
2005. (mit Nina Glick-Schiller und Data Dea), African Culture and the Zoo in the 21st
century: The ‘African Village’ in the Augsburg Zoo and its wider implications,
Report to the MPI for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Germany.
2004. The capacity of local community leaders to involve in security sector policy
making. Report for EC/GTZ on the recent situation in Lasanod.
2004. Competence of local communities in peace building. Report for EC/GTZ on the
recent situation in Lasanod.