Lebenslauf - Columbia University

Curriculum Vitae
Christoph Schaub, M.A.
born June 12th 1981 in Bielefeld, Germany
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures
Columbia University
319 Hamilton Hall
1130 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10027
Email: [email protected]
Major Interests:
Aesthetic Experience and Metropolitan Cultures
German Literature and Culture since the 19th Century (emphases on
working-class literatures, history of the novel, Weimar Culture)
Politics of Memory in Post-war Germany
Critical Theory (emphases on Frankfurt School, Pierre Bourdieu,
feminist and postcolonial epistemologies, intersectional approaches,
post-positivist realist thought)
Popular Music (emphases on hip hop and techno)
Late 20th Century US-American Literature and Culture
German (native), English (very good), French (good)
09/2009 – present
Graduate Student, Department of Germanic Languages and
Literatures, Columbia University
Magister Artium, Comparative Literature, Freie Universität Berlin
(grade: 1,0 = A)
M.A. thesis:
Literarische Imaginationen Brooklyns im Rap Mos Defs und in Paul Austers ‚The Brooklyn Follies’
(graded 1,0 = A), advisor: Prof. Dr. Gert Mattenklott.
08/2006 – 05/2007
Non Degree Graduate Student, Department of Comparative Literature,
Emory University
Exchange Student (ERASMUS Program), Comparative Literature,
Université Paris VIII Vincennes-Saint-Denis
Studies of Comparative Literature, Philosophy and Modern German
Literature, Freie Universität Berlin
10/2004 – 02/2005
10/2002 – 02/2009
Curriculum Vitae
Christoph Schaub
Stipends / Fellowships
09/2009 – present
09/2006 – 05/2007
09/2006 – 05/2007
Faculty Fellow, Columbia University
Travel Grant of German-American Fulbright Commission
Graduate Stipend, Graduate School of the Arts & Sciences, Emory
Stipend of Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
Mobility Stipend of ERASMUS Program
10/2005 – 01/2009
10/2004 – 02/2005
Teaching Experience
Summer Term 2009
Summer Term 2008 /
Winter Term 2008/09
Winter Term 2005/06
“Einführung in die Cultural Studies: Kultur, Identität, Macht“ (teamtaught with Urs Lindner), Asta-Veranstaltungen, Technische
Universität Braunschweig.
“Konzeptionen von Macht und Herrschaft am Beispiel der Bildung“
(team-taught with Martin Valenske and Michael Maschke),
Projekttuorium (undergraduate course), Department of Social Sciences,
Humboldt Universität Berlin.
Teaching Assistant: “Einführung in die Allgemeine und Vergleichende
Literaturwissenschaft” (taught by Dr. Esther von der Osten), Peter
Szondi Department of General and Comparative Literature, Freie
Universität Berlin.
Articles and Book-Chapters
4. “Beyond the ‘Hood? Detroit Techno, ‘Underground Resistance,’ and African American
Metropolitan Identity Politics,” in: FIAR: Forum for Interamerica Reasearch 2.2 (September
3. “Mauer
erinnerungspolitischen Diskurs der Gedenkstätte Berlin-Hohenschönhausen,“ coauthored with Florian Kappeler, in: Inge Stephan and Alexandra Tacke (eds.):
NachBilder der Wende, Köln, Weimar, Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2008, 319-329.
2. “If Black Dante were to meet the Tupac Amaru of Stuttgart’s barrio: Political Poetics
and Global Society: Contemporary Rap-Lyrics in the U.S.A. and Germany,“ in: Wilfried
Raussert and John Miller Jones (eds.): Traveling Sounds. Music, Migration, and Identity in the
U.S. and Beyond, Münster, London, LIT Verlag, 2008, 247-263.
1. “Die Banlieue und das Feuer. Urbaner Raum und ästhetische Selbstbehauptung in den
Rap-Lyrics von La Rumeur,“ in: UTOPIEkreativ 189/190 (July/August 2006), 702-708.
1. Rev. of “Lisa Jandi: ’Vom »roten« zum »braunen« Gürtel? Rechtsextremismus in den
Pariser Vorstädten’,“ in: UTOPIEkreativ 194 (December 2006), 1148-1149.
Curriculum Vitae
Christoph Schaub
1. Trans. from English: “Boaventura de Sousa Santos: ‘Denken jenseits des Abgrunds.
Von globalen Grenzlinien zu einer Ökologie von Wissensformen,“ in: Urs Lindner et al.
(eds.): Philosophieren unter anderen. Beiträge zum Palaver der Menschheit (Festschrift Frieder
Wolf), Münster, Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2008, 399-431.
Short Critical Pieces
3. “Islamistischer Terrorismus und Fiktionalisierung. Literarische Produktion und
Ideologie in Romanen von Safran Foer, McEwan und Cleave,“ in Phase2 18 (December
2005), 68-71.
2. “’trying to maintain.’ Hip Hop und Möglichkeiten ästhetischer Praxis,“ in: Phase2 12
(June 2004), 67-69.
1. “Entleerung des Opferbegriffs. Erinnerungspolitische Motive in der Gruppe 47,” coauthored with Alexander Reutlinger, in: Phase2 9 (September 2003), 17-21.
4. “The Rhetorics of ‘Doppelte Deutsche Diktaturgeschichte’: On the Leveling of
Differences between National Socialism and GDR in German Commemorative
Practice,” 2009 Annual MLA Convention, Philadelphia, December 28th (upcoming).
3. “Beyond the ‘Hood? Detroit Techno, ‘Underground Resistance,’ and African American
Metropolitan Identity Politics,” International Conference “Cornbread and Cuchifritos”:
Ethnic Identity Politics, Transnationalization, and Transculturation in American Urban Popular
Music, Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Forschung, Bielefeld, May 18th -20th 2009.
2. “Negotiating Artistic Production: Travel Narratives in Derek Walcott’s ‘Omeros’ and
Christoph Ransmayr’s ‘Die Letzte Welt’,” Graduate Conference Literary Odysseys. The
Journeys in and of Literature, University of Colorado at Boulder, February 23rd and 24th
1. “Zwischen kapitalistischer Gegenwart und Utopie: Nichtaffirmative Narration in den
Lyrics von Mos Def,“ Undergraduate/Graduate Conference Imaginationen des
Kapitalismus, Brecht-Haus, Berlin, November 18th - 20th 2004.
Public Scholarship
“Einführung in Rassismus(theorie),” workshop (team-taught with Lotte Arndt),
Herrschaftskritisches Sommercamp, NFJ Berlin e.V., August 9th 2009, Lärz (bei Berlin),
Membership in Professional Organizations
2009 – present
Modern Language Association
Curriculum Vitae
Christoph Schaub