Population Reprints Collection of Alfred J. Lotka Volume XVIII 1. Talacko, Josef: Mathematical theory of growth with special regard to population problems. 2. Wicksell, S.D.: Teoretiska undersokningar over befolkningsroelsen vid constant dodlighet. III. 3. Dublin, Louis: Salvaging damaged lives. 4. Washington, Henry: Table of periodic classification of the elements. 5. Haldane, J.B.S.: A mathematical theory of natural and artificial selection. IV. 6. Hotelling, Harold: Review of “The present status of renewal theory”, by G. Preinrich. 7. Dodd, E.L.: Review of “Traite du calcul des probabilities et de ses applications”, by E. Borel. 8. Jacobson, Paul: A statistical study of cancer among diabetics. 9. Miles, Walter: Life-span of eminent ancient man, 2 tables, from “Age and human society.” 10. Merrell, Margaret: Time-specific life tables contrasted with observed survivorship. 11. Meo, G. de: Sulle nascite dei primogeniti in Italia. 12. Martin, W.J.: The recent trend of diphtheria in England and Wales. 13. Luykx, H.M.: Family studies in the Eastern Health District. Part IV. 14. Lotka, A.J.: Sterility in American marriages (correction). 15. Lienau, C.C.: Quantitative aspects of organization. 16. Lasker, Gabriel: Penetrance estimated by the frequency of unilateral occurrences and by discordance in monozygotic twins. 17. Knapp, G.F.: Theorie des Bevolkerungs Wechsels. 18. Glivenko, V.: Review of “Ricerche matematiche sulle associazioni biologiche”, by Volterra. 19. Goldziher, Karl: Beitrage zur theorie der Vermehrungsformeln. 20. Gause, G.F.: Uber die Kinetik der Akkumulation der organischen Substanz in aus zwei Hefearten bestehenden Kulturen. 21. Feller, W.: The fundamental limit theorems in probability. 22. Steinhaus, Heinz: Untersuchungen Uber den Zusammenhang von Presbyopie und Lebensdauer, unter Beruchsichtigung der Todesursachen. 23. Sorokin, Pitirim: Sociocultural dynamics and evolution. Chapter V. of Twentieth Century Sociology. 24. Solterer, J.: A sequence of historical random events: Do Jesuits die in three’s? 25. Dublin, Louis et al: Factors in the selection of risks with a history of gall bladder disease. 26. Dorn, Harold: The relationship of fertility and longevity. 27. Hersch, M.L.: Population et Chomage. 28. Hadwiger, Hugo : Ube reine Funktionalgleichung der Bevolkerungstheorie und eine spezielle Klasse analytischer Losungen. 29. Hadwiger, Hugo: Eine Formel der mathematischen Bevolkerungstheorie. 30. Bowerman, Walter: Years of schooling completed by U.S. adults.