Separable Prefix Verb Trainer

Name ______________________________________________________________ Datum ______________ Deutsch II
Extra Punkte • 10 pts • The exercises must be completed correctly for credit.
This worksheet is for private or classroom use only and may not be used in any publication or for-profit purpose.
Separable/Inseparable Verbs
I. Trennbar (separable) oder untrennbar (inseparable)? Sortieren Sie die Verben.
VERBEN: mitnehmen, empfehlen, kennenlernen, durcharbeiten, verdienen, mitbringen, beeinflussen, ausleihen,
einkaufen, bekommen, bezahlen, anfangen, wegfahren, besuchen, vorbereiten, fernsehen, beginnen,
zurückbekommen, erklären, zuhören
Trennbar (Deutsch)
to take along
Untrennbar (Deutsch)
to recommend
II. Create additional separable prefix verbs. Using the prefixes “weg”, “zurück”, “aus”, and „mit“, you
can create the following German separable prefix verbs:
1. to take away _______________________________________________________
2. to give back _______________________________________________________
3. to go out__________________________________________________________
4. to drive along ______________________________________________________
5. to run away_______________________________________________________
6. to go back________________________________________________________
7. to pay out________________________________________________________
8. to come along______________________________________________________
III. Some separable prefix verbs have meanings that are not 100% literal, but are similar to what the
verb suggests. Match up the German and English verbs.
______1. ausgeben
a. to ridicule (a person)
______2. einzahlen
b. to inquire
______3. zunehmen
c. to arrive
______4. abfahren
d. to spend (money)
______5. auslachen
e. to exclude
______6. ankommen
f. to choose
______7. vormachen
g. to depart
______8. aussuchen
h. to gain weight
______9. anfragen
i. to address (a person)
______10. ausschließen
j. to demonstrate
______11. einarbeiten
k. to deposit (money)
______12. anreden
l. to train (a new employee)
IV. Sagen Sie das auf Deutsch! Watch out for separable and inseparable prefix verbs. Underline the
verb and its prefix.
1. The professor prepares a test.
2. My friends like to shop.
3. Can you lend me your CD-player?
4. I start on Monday.
5. Please bring a bottle of wine along!
6. When does he go back to Germany?
7. She watches TV tonight.
8. The students must listen better.
9. Do they want to meet my parents?
10. Can you please go away?
11. I pay for the food.
12. The teacher explains the exercise. (exercise = die Aufgabe)
Write your own sentences:
1 separable prefix: __________________________________________________________________
1 inseparable prefix:_________________________________________________________________