Unit 6 - EnglishPage - Learn English Online!

Basic Course
– Unit 6 –
© 2007 Bernie Zöttl
Bernie Zöttl
Unit 6
Past Simple Tense
Negation (in the Past Tense)
Questions (in the Past Tense)
It wasn’t me
Detective Jerry Fox
Basic Course
– Unit 6 –
© 2007 Bernie Zöttl
Past Tense Simple:
Die Past Tense Simple ist eine Vergangenheitsform.
Sie drückt aus, dass etwas vorbei, also bereits abgeschlossen ist.
Sie entspricht somit dem deutschen Präteritum (Mitvergangenheit).
Bei der Past Tense muss das Verb in die 2. Verbform abgewandelt werden.
Man unterscheidet dabei zwischen regelmäßigen Verben und unregelmäßigen Verben.
Bei he/she/it wird KEIN „s“ mehr angehängt!
Regelmäßige Verben werden einfach mit der Endung „ed“ in die 2. Verbform gesetzt.
look (1. Verbform)  looked (2. Verbform)
Harte Mitlaute werden meist verdoppelt
stop  stopped
Unregelmäßige Verben:
Wichtige Unregelmäßige Verben sind:
be (am, is, are)  was/were
 went
 did
 saw
 had
 said
 took
 made
(I was, you were, he/she/it was, we were, you were, they were)
 came
 ran
 sat
 ate
 drank
 told
 bought
Basic Course
– Unit 6 –
© 2007 Bernie Zöttl
Read the text and mark all REGULAR and IRREGULAR verbs;
Then translate the text into German:
Yesterday, Jack visited his
girlfriend Stella in London.
He went to the train station at 7
o’clock in the morning.
There, he took the morning
He arrived in London at 8:15.
Stella was at the platform.
The two kissed and hugged.
Then, they went to the city
There were many tourists.
Stella showed Jack many sights.
They even saw the Queen.
In the afternoon, the two walked
around in Hyde Park.
They sat on a park bench, and
Jack said to Stella: “I love you!”
yesterday – gestern
hug (hugged) – umarmen
show – zeigen
sight - Sehenswürdigkeit
even – sogar
park bench - Parkbank
Stella is telling her best friend Claudia about yesterday;
Complete the text with the Past Tense Simple:
Yesterday (be) ______ a really wonderful day! My
boyfriend Jack (visit) ___________ me. He (come)
________ to London by train. The train (arrive)
____________ at 8:15. I (be) ________ at the
platform, and when Jack (see) _________ me he (run)
________ over to me and we (hug) ___________ and
(kiss) _________. Then, I (go) __________ to the city
center with Jack, and I (show) ___________ him
many sights. When we (go) _________ past
Buckingham Palace, we even (see) ________ the
Queen! Jack (be) ________ very impressed!
In the afternoon, we (go) __________ for a walk in
Hyde Park, and Jack even (pick) ___________ some
flowers for me. After a while, we (sit) ___________
down on a park bench. Jack (look) _________ me in
the eyes deeply, and he (say) ________: “I love you!”
by train – mit dem Zug
go past – vorbeigehen
impressed – beeindruckt
a walk – Spaziergang
pick (flowers) – pflücken
deeply - tief
Basic Course
– Unit 6 –
© 2007 Bernie Zöttl
That’s what happened after Jack told Stella that he loved her;
Translate the text into English:
eat  ate
trinken: drink  drank
als – when
See – lake
zeigen – show
einladen – invite (for)
Als Jack Stella im Park küsste,
war sie sehr glücklich.
Die beiden gingen zum See.
Dort kauften sie ein Eis.
Am Abend zeigte Stella ihrem
Freund ihr Lieblingsrestaurant.
Jack lud seine Freundin zum
Abendessen ein.
Sie aßen Fisch und tranken
guten Weißwein.
Die beiden hatten einen sehr
schönen Abend.
Nach dem Essen begleitete
Jack seine Freundin nach
Dort fragte er: „Willst du mich
Abendessen – dinner
Fisch – fish
Weißwein – white wine
nach – after
nach Hause begleiten –
walk + Person home
fragen – ask
heiraten - marry
Exercise: Put the sentences into Past Simple:
I go to work at 7 am.
Linda shows me her secret.
She is beautiful.
They see their friends.
We learn English.
The monkey eats bananas.
You run away quickly.
I like that song.
He does his homework.
They come from Spain.
We talk with our parents.
She says nice things.
She has got many toys.
I am very happy.
Basic Course
– Unit 6 –
© 2007 Bernie Zöttl
Negation; die Verneinung in der Past Tense Simple:
- Sätze mit am, is, are, will und have got werden direkt verneint.
- Bei Sätzen mit anderen Verben muss don’t oder doesn’t vor dem Verb eingefügt werden;
Das Verb wird in die Base Form gesetzt (das „s“ am Ende fällt weg).
- In der Past Tense werden Sätze mit was, were und had got direkt verneint.
Die verneinten Formen lauten was not = wasn’t, were not = weren’t und
had not got = hadn’t got.
- Bei Sätzen mit anderen Verben muss didn’t (= did not) vor dem Verb eingefügt werden.
ACHTUNG! Auch in der Past Tense muss das Verb in die Base Form gesetzt werden.
Das heißt, dass die 2. Verbform zur 1. Verbform zurückgewandelt wird.
(Bei regelmäßigen Verben fällt einfach die Endung „ed“ weg.)
I was in the supermarket.
They were happy.
She had got a car.
 I wasn’t in the supermarket.
 They weren’t happy.
 She hadn’t got a car.
You made a mistake.
We played cards.
 You didn’t make a mistake.
 We didn’t play.
Read about Amy’s week and mark all negated verbs:
Last week wasn’t a good week for Amy.
On Monday she didn’t catch the bus, so she wasn’t
in time for an important meeting in the office.
On Tuesday morning her toaster didn’t work, so
she didn’t eat any breakfast.
Wednesday and Thursday were rainy days, but
Amy hadn’t got an umbrella and got very wet.
Amy forgot to set her alarm on Friday, so she
didn’t wake up in time, and she didn’t have
enough time to have a shower.
On Saturday, her boyfriend invited her to the
cinema, but Amy didn’t like the film at all. After
the cinema, the two wanted to have a drink, but
their favorite bar wasn’t opened.
Amy hopes that next week will be better!
catch the bus – den Bus
in time – rechtzeitig
important – wichtig
umbrella – Regenschirm
get wet – nass werden
get  got (werden,
forget  forgot
(vergessen, vergaß)
set – (ein)stellen
alarm clock – Wecker
enough – genug
have a shower – duschen
invite – einladen
cinema – Kino
have a drink – etwas
trinken gehen
Basic Course
– Unit 6 –
© 2007 Bernie Zöttl
Here are more things that Amy didn’t do last week; write negations:
On Monday, Amy wanted to call her mother, but she didn’t find the time.
So Amy _____didn’t call her mother___________________________.
On Tuesday, Amy wanted to do her laundry, but she watched TV instead.
So Amy ________________________________________________.
On Wednesday, Amy wanted to buy some milk, but then she forgot.
So Amy ________________________________________________.
On Thursday, Amy wanted to be home early, but there was a traffic jam.
So Amy ________________________________________________.
On Friday, Amy wanted to meet her best friend Chrissy, but she was ill.
So Amy ________________________________________________.
On Saturday, Amy wanted to cook pancakes, but she ran out of eggs.
So Amy ________________________________________________.
On Sunday, Amy wanted to sleep long, but her neighbors were too loud.
So Amy ________________________________________________.
find the time – Zeit haben
do the laundry – Wäsche
instead – stattdessen
early – früh
traffic jam
ill – krank
cook - kochen
pancake – Pfannkuchen
run out of – nicht mehr
haben (ausgehen)
Negate these sentences:
Amy came to the office in time on Monday.
Amy had a toast with cheese and butter for breakfast on Tuesday.
The sun was shining on Wednesday morning.
On Thursday, Amy had got an umbrella.
She woke up in time on Friday.
On Saturday evening, Amy and her boyfriend were in their favorite bar.
Amy slept very long on Sunday.
wake up  woke up (aufwachen  wachte auf)
sleep  slept
(schlafen  schlief)
Basic Course
– Unit 6 –
© 2007 Bernie Zöttl
Translate into English:
(viel) Glück haben – be
(very) lucky
Bushaltestelle – bus stop
deshalb – so
hören – hear
Letzte Woche hatte Amy nicht
viel Glück.
Am Montag war sie nicht rechtzeitig bei der Bushaltestelle.
Deshalb hörte sie nicht die Begrüßung des wichtigen Treffens.
Am Dienstag hatte sie kein gutes
Frühstück, weil ihr Toaster nicht
Das Wetter war am Mittwoch
nicht sehr schön, und Amy kam
nicht trocken ins Büro.
Am Donnerstag war Amy nicht
früh zuhause, denn auf der
Autobahn fuhren die Autos nicht.
Amy wachte am Freitag nicht
rechtzeitig auf und duschte sich
nicht, bevor sie ins Büro ging.
Am Samstag sahen Amy und ihr
Freund keinen guten Film im
Kino. Nachher gingen sie nicht in
ihre Lieblingsbar.
Am Sonntag konnte Amy nicht
lange im Bett bleiben, weil die
Nachbarn nicht leise waren.
Begrüßung – greeting
weil - because
funktionieren – work
Wetter – weather
trocken – dry
zuhause – at home
bevor – before
nachher – after that
im Bett bleiben – stay in bed
leise – quiet
Basic Course
– Unit 6 –
© 2007 Bernie Zöttl
Questions; Fragen in der Past Simple:
- Bei Sätzen mit am, is, are, will und have got werden bei der Fragebildung einfach die ersten
beiden Teile des Satzes vertauscht.
- Bei Sätzen mit anderen Verben muss do oder does am Anfang des Satzes eingefügt werden;
Das Verb wird in die Base Form gesetzt (das „s“ am Ende fällt weg).
- Fragewörter stehen immer ganz am Anfang.
- In der Past Tense werden bei Sätzen mit was, were und had got die beiden ersten Teile des
Satzes vertauscht.
- Bei Sätzen mit anderen Verben muss did am Anfang des Satzes eingefügt werden.
ACHTUNG! Auch in der Past Tense muss das Verb in die Base Form gesetzt werden.
Das heißt, dass die 2. Verbform zur 1. Verbform zurückgewandelt wird.
(Bei regelmäßigen Verben fällt einfach die Endung „ed“ weg.)
- Fragewörter stehen auch in der Past Tense am Anfang.
- Wenn nach dem Subjekt (Person am Anfang des Satzes) gefragt wird, muss nur WHO statt
dem Subjekt eingefügt werden. Der restliche Satz bleibt unverändert.
I was in the supermarket.
They were happy.
She had got a car.
 Was I in the supermarket?
 Were they happy?
 Had she got a car?
You made a mistake.
We played cards.
 Did you make a mistake?
 Did we play cards?
She was in her room.
They left at 7 pm.
She drank tea.
Where was she?
When did they leave?
What did she do?
Tony saw my sister.
Who saw my sister?
Basic Course
– Unit 6 –
© 2007 Bernie Zöttl
There was a thief in Miss Marple’s house. Now, detective Jerry Fox is asking questions to
find the thief; Read the text and mark all the questions:
- Good evening, Miss Marple.
- Good evening, Detective. Thank you for coming so
- Please tell me what happened. When did the thief
- The thief came at 8:45.
- I see. And where were you when the thief came?
- I was in the kitchen.
- How did the thief get into your house?
- He climbed in through the window on the back.
- Was the window closed?
- No, the window was open. I opened it in the
morning because it was so warm.
- Did you hear the thief?
- No, at first I didn’t hear him.
- Why didn’t you hear him?
- Because the volume of the TV was so loud. But
then the dog barked, and I heard a loud noise from
the bedroom.
- What happened then?
- The thief quickly jumped out of the bedroom
window and ran away.
- Did you see where he ran to?
- No, I didn’t. He disappeared in the darkness.
- What did you do then?
- I was afraid, so I decided to call you at once.
- Alright… Let’s go to the bedroom and see what the
thief stole…
detective – Detektiv
thief – Dieb
thank you for coming – danke, dass
sie gekommen sind
happen – passieren
get into – hineinkommen
climb in – hereinklettern
through – durch
back – hinterseite
closed – geschlossen
open – geöffnet
hear  heard (hören  hörte)
at first – zuerst
volume – Lautstärke
but then – aber dann
bark – bellen
noise – Geräusch, Lärm
jump out – herausspringen
run away – wegrennen
disappear – verschwinden
darkness – Dunkelheit
be afraid – Angst haben
at once – sofort
let’s go – gehen wir
steal  stole (stehlen  stahl)
Now, translate the following questions into English:
Wie kam der Dieb ins Haus?
Wo waren Sie um 8:45?
Warum bellte der Hund?
Wann hörten Sie den Dieb?
Was tat der Dieb im Zimmer?
Wieviel Schmuck stahl er?
Wohin verschwand der Dieb?
Wie viele Ringe hatten Sie?
Wer war mit Ihnen im Haus?
Basic Course
– Unit 6 –
© 2007 Bernie Zöttl
Detective Jerry Fox wants to find out who the thief was. So he is asking the maid, the
gardener and the cook nosy questions. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs.
- Good morning, Mr. Hastings. I would like to ask you some questions. Where
(you/be) _________________ yesterday at 8:45?
- I was at home.
- What (you/do) _________________ there?
- I watched the football game on TV.
- Who (be) _________________ with you?
- I was alone. My wife wasn’t at home yesterday evening.
- Where (she/be) _________________?
- I think she was at her mother’s birthday party. She brought her a big parcel, but I
think her mother didn’t like it, because I saw the parcel today under the bed.
- When (she/come) _________________ back?
- She came back at about 11:15.
- Thank you, Mr. Hastings. I think that’s all. Please send in the cook now.
- Good morning, detective. You wanted to see me?
- That’s right. Are you the cook?
- Yes, I am Miss Morton.
- Miss Morton, (you/cook) _________________ for Miss Marple yesterday?
- Yes, of course. I cook for her every day.
- When (you/prepare) _________________ dinner yesterday evening?
- I prepared dinner at exactly 7 o’clock, like every day.
- I see. And what (you/cook) _________________?
- I cooked Roastbeef, Miss Marple’s favorite dish.
- (you/wait) _________________ until Miss Marple finished her dinner?
- No, I had to go home at 7:15, because my mother was waiting because it was her
- Ok, thank you. Please send in the maid now.
- So, are you the maid of Miss Marple?
- Yes, that’s right, my name is Elsa.
- (you/work) _________________ yesterday evening?
- Yes, I did.
- Until when (you/be) _________________ in the house?
- I was here until about 8:30.
- And what (you/do) _________________ after this?
- I went home.
- (you/go) _________________ straight home?
- No, I had to post a letter before.
- Where (you/post) _________________ the letter?
- I dropped it into the postbox in Main Street.
- (you/meet) _________________ anybody on the way?
- Yes, I met Mrs. Hastings, the gardener’s wife. I greeted her but I think she didn’t
see me because she was in a hurry.
- Thank you, Elsa. You can go now.
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Basic Course
– Unit 6 –
© 2007 Bernie Zöttl
Detective Jerry Fox already knows who the thief was. What do you think?
The detective is telling Miss Marple what he found out.
Try to write down the complete text on the next page.
New irregular verbs:
leave  left (verlassen  verließ)
meet  met (treffen  traf)
spend  spent (verbringen  verbrachte)
get in  got in (hineinkommen  kam hinen)
know  knew (wissen  wusste)
put  put (geben  gab)
hide  hid (verstecken  versteckte)
I wll tll y wht hppnd: Whn Elsa, th md, lft yr hs t hlf pst ght, sh wnt t Main Street whr
sh pstd n mprtnt lttr. n th wy thr sh mt Mrs. Hastings, th grdnr’s wf. Whn Mrs.
Hastings sw Elsa, sh quckly crssd th strt nd lkd wy, bcs sh ddn’t wnt tht Elsa rcgnzd
Mrs. Hastings told hr hsbnd tht sh ws t hr mthr’s brthdy prty, bt tht wsn’t tr. Hr mthr,
Mrs. Morton, spnt hr brthdy wth hr thr dghtr, yr ck. Th bg prcl tht Mrs. Hastings crrd
ws mpty. Mrs. Hastings wnt t yr hs nd gt n thrgh th bck wndw. Sh knw tht y wr ln bcs
hr sstr ws t wth hr mthr nd th md ws lrdy n hr wy hm. Sh pt ll yr jwlry n th prcl nd
quckly jmpd t f th wndw. Thn sh wnt fr a wlk nd cm hm t bt a qrtr pst lvn. Bt sh md n
mstk. Sh hd th prcl wth th stln jwlry ndr hr bd nd hr hsbnd, yr grdnr, sw t thr ths
Ich werde Ihnen erzählen, was passiert ist: Als Elsa, das Hausmädchen, Ihr Haus um
halb neun verließ, ging sie in die Main Street, wo sie einen wichtigen Brief aufgab.
Am Weg dorthin traf sie Mrs. Hastings, die Frau des Gärtners. Als Mrs. Hastings Elsa
sah, überquerte sie schnell die Straße und schaute weg, weil sie nicht wollte, dass
Elsa sie erkannte.
Mrs. Hastings erzählte ihrem Ehemann, dass sie auf der Geburtstagsfeier ihrer
Mutter war, doch das war nicht wahr. Ihre Mutter, Mrs. Morton, verbrachte ihren
Geburtstag mit ihrer anderen Tochter, ihrer Köchin. Das große Paket, das Mrs.
Hastings trug, war leer. Mrs. Hastings ging zu Ihrem Haus und kam durch das
Hinterfenster hinein. Sie wusste, dass Sie allein waren, weil ihre Schwester mit ihrer
Mutter aus war und das Hausmädchen war schon auf ihrem Nachhauseweg. Sie gab
all Ihren Schmuck in das Paket und sprang schnell aus dem Fenster. Dann ging sie
spazieren und kam um ungefähr Viertel nach elf nach Hause. Doch sie machte einen
Fehler. Sie versteckte das Paket mit dem gestohlenen Schmuck unter ihrem Bett und
ihr Ehemann, Ihr Gärtner, sah es dort heute Morgen.
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Basic Course
– Unit 6 –
© 2007 Bernie Zöttl
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Basic Course
– Unit 6 –
© 2007 Bernie Zöttl
I will tell you what happened: When Elsa, the maid, left your house at half past eight, she went to Main
Street where she posted an important letter. On the way there she met Mrs. Hastings, the gardener’s
wife. When Mrs. Hastings saw Elsa, she quickly crossed the street and looked away, because she
didn’t want that Elsa recognized her.
Mrs. Hastings told her husband that she was at her mother’s birthday party, but that wasn’t true. Her
mother, Mrs. Morton, spent her birthday with her other daughter, your cook. The big parcel that Mrs.
Hastings carried was empty. Mrs. Hastings went to your house and got in through the back window.
She knew that you were alone because her sister was out with her mother and the maid was already
on her way home. She put all your jewelry in the parcel and quickly jumped out of the window. Then
she went for a walk and came home at about a quarter past eleven. But she made one mistake. She
hid the parcel with the stolen jewelry under her bed and her husband, your gardener, saw it there this
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