Publikationsliste VIVIT-Institut Stand: März 2012

Publikationsliste VIVIT-Institut
Stand: März 2012
144. Saely CH et al. Type 2 Diabetes and the Progression of Visualized Atherosclerosis to
Clinical Cardiovascular Events. Journal of Cardiology (accepted 04032012).
143. Leiter LA, Lundman P, da Silva PM, Drexel H, Jünger C, Gitt AK; on behalf of the
DYSIS investigators. Persistent lipid abnormalities in statin-treated patients with
diabetes mellitus in Europe and Canada: results of the Dyslipidaemia International
Study. Diabet Med. 2011 Nov;28(11):1343-51. doi: 10.1111/j.14645491.2011.03360.x.
142. Saely CH, Drexel V, Drexel H. Herzinsuffizienz und Diabetes. WMW-Skriptum
141. Saely CH, Drexel V, Drexel H. Herzinsuffizienz und Diabetes. Ärzte Woche
2012;26.Jahrgang (2011) Nr.4.
140. Saely CH, Drexel H. Bewährte und neue Präventionsziele bei Kardiovaskulären
Erkrankungen, WMW-Skriptum 1/12: 31.
139.. Zeppetzauer M, Drexel H, Vonbank A, Rein P, Aczel S, Säly CH. Eccentric
endurance exercise economically improves metabolic and inflammatory risk factors.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2012; 10.1177/2047487312444236.
138. Lang A, Geller-Rhomberg S, Winder T, Stark N, Gasser K, Hartmann B, Kohler B,
Grizelj I, Drexel H, Muendlein A. A common variant of the MACC1 gene is
significantly associated with overall survival in colorectal cancer patients. BMC
Cancer 2012; 12:20
137. Steiner C, Othman A, Saely CH, Rein P, Drexel H, et al. (2011) Bile Acid
Metabolites in Serum: Intraindividual Variation and Associations with Coronary.
Heart Disease, Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes Mellitus. PLoS ONE 6(11):
e25006. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0025006.
136. Saely CH, Drexel V, Drexel H. The Fate of Fat: A Response. Gerontology 2011;
58(2): S123-125. DOI: 10.1159/000334658.
135. Hornemann T, Pinter G L, Porretta C, Saely CH, Rein P, Drexel H. Plasma
deoxysphingolipids - a novel class of biomarkers for the metabolic syndrome?
Diabetologia 2011; DOI 10.1007/s00125-011-2384-1
134. Muendlein A, Stark N, Rein R, Saely CH, Geller-Rhomberg S, Geiger K, Vonbank
A, Drexel H. Are AHSG polymorphisms directly associated with coronary
atherosclerosis? Clinica Chimica Acta 2011;
133. Geiger K, Leiherer A, Muendlein A, Stark N, Geller-Rhomberg S, Saely CH,
Wabitsch M, Fraunberger P, Drexel H. Identification of hypoxia-induced genes in
human SGBS adipocytes by microarray analysis. PLoS ONE 2011;
132. Lautsch D, Saely CH, Traindl O, Eber B, Pfeiffer K P, Drexel H. Is there a link
between non-HDL cholesterol and blood pressure? An age and gender directed
analysis of 7500 hypertensive outpatients. Austrian Journal of Cardiology 2012;
19(1-2), 11-16.
131. Steiner C, Othman A, Saely CH, Rein P, Drexel H, Eckardstein A, Rentsch KM. Bile
acid metabolits in serum: Intraindividual variation and associations with coronary
heart disease, metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus. PLoS One
130. Huber K, Madersbacher S, Eber B, Euler C, Glehr R, Graier W, Meryn S, Plas E,
Ponholzer A, Saely CH, Toplak H. Die erectile Dysfunktion als Prädiktor für
kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen – Evidenz aus interdisziplinärer Sicht.
Österreichische Ärzte Zeitung, Supplementum Mai 2011, Nr. 10: S 46.
129. Geiger K, Muendlein A, Stark N, Saely CH, Wabitsch M, Fraunberger P, Drexel H.
Hypoxia Induces Apelin Expression in Human Adipocytes. Horm Metab Res 2011;
128. Muendlein A, H Saely CH, Geller-Rhomberg S, Sonderegger G, Rein P, Winder T,
Beer S, Vonbank A, Drexel H. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of TCF7L2 Are
Linked to Diabetic Coronary Atherosclerosis. PLoS One 2011;16 e17978.
127. Winder T, Schuster A, Becherer A, Gasser K, De Vries A, Gruber-Moesenbacher U,
Muendlein A, Drexel H, Lang A. Advanced inoperable type B3 thymoma:
monitoring of a novel therapeutic approach with radio-chemotherapy and sorafenib
by FDG-PET and CT. Nuklearmedizin 2010;49:N41-3.
126. Saely CH, Drexel V, Vonbank A, Drexel H. Lipid management in Type 2 diabetes:
the case for combination therapy? Therapy 2011; 8 (2):129-141.
125. Gitt A K, Drexel H, Feely J, Ferrières J, JR Gonzalez -Juanatey, Thomsen K K,
Leiter LA, Lundman P, Da Silva P M, Pedersen T, Wood D, Jünger C, Dellea P S,
Sazonov V, Chazelle F, Kastelein J JP. Persistent lipid abnormalities in statin-treated
patients and predictors of LDL-Cholesterol goal achievement in clinical practice in
Europe and Canada. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and
124. Drexel H, Saely C. Lipidtherapie im neuen Licht – Medical Expert Input Forum
Atherosklerose - Wien. Wien Klin Wochenschrift 2011; Spezial 5-6: 1-8.
123. Drexel H, Chazelle F, Fauer C, Lautsch D, K Gitt A. Persistent dyslipidemia in
Austrian patients treated with statins for primary and secondary prevention of
atherosclerotic events - Results of the dyslipidemia international study (DYSIS).
Wien Klin Wochenschrift 2011; 123: 611-17.
122. Drexel H, Saely CH. Glitazone – Was jeder Kardiologe wissen sollte. Wien Med
Wochenschr. 2011; Skriptum 01/11:14-16.
121. Vonbank A, Saely CH, Rein P, Beer S, Breuss J, Boehnel C, Drexel H. Insulin
Resistance is Associated with the Metabolic Syndrome and is Not Directly Linked to
Coronary Artery Disease. Clin Chim Acta 2011; 412(11-12): 1003-1007.
120. Lang A, Drexel H, Geller-Rhomberg S, Stark N, Winder T, Geiger K, Muendlein A.
Optimized Allele-Specific Real-Time PCR Assays fort he Detection of Common
Mutations in KRAS and BRAF. J Mol Diagn 2011; 13: 23-28.
119. Rein P, Vonbank A, Saely CH, Beer S, Jankovic V, Boehnel C, Breuss J, Risch L,
Fraunberger P, Drexel H. Relation of Albuminuria to Angiographically Determined
Coronary Arterial Narrowing in Patients With and Without Type 2 Diabetes mellitus
and stable or suspected Coronary Artery Disease. Am J Cardiol 107(8):1144-8.
118. Saely CH, Geiger Kathrin, Drexel H. Brown versus White Adipose Tissue: A MiniReview. Gerontology 2012;58(1):15-23.
117. Saely CH, Vonbank A & Drexel H. HDL cholesterol and residual risk of first
cardiovascular events in JUPITER. Lancet 2010; 376:1738.
116. Saely CH, Drexel H, Huber K. Statin-Hochdosistherapie für kardiovaskuläre
Risikopatienten (High-dose statin therapy for high risk patients). Herz 2010; 35(7):
115. Fraunberger P, Drexel H, Walli A.K. Pathophysiologie der Sepsis und deren
mögliche Beeinflussung durch HMG-CoA-Reduktase-Inhibitoren. Dtsch Med
Wochenschr. 2010;135(43): 2128-32.
114. Saely CH, Rein P, Drexel H. Combination lipid therapy in type 2 diabetes. N Engl J
Med 2010; 363(7): 692.
113. Rein P, Saely CH, Beer S, Vonbank A, Drexel H. Roles of the metabolic syndrome,
HDL cholesterol, and coronary atherosclerosis in subclinical inflammation. Diabetes
Care 2010; 33(8):1853-5.
112. Sourij H, Saely CH, Schmid F, Zweiker R, Marte T, Wascher TC, Drexel H. Postchallenge hyperglycaemia is strongly associated with future macrovascular events
and total mortality in angiographied coronary patients. Eur Heart J 2010;
111. Rein P, Saely CH, Muendlein A, Vonbank A, Drexel H. Serial Decline of Kidney
Function as a Novel Biomarker for the Progression of Atherothrombotic Disease.
Atherosclerosis 2010; 211(1):348-52.
110. Saely CH, Drexel H. Lipid Therapy in Patients with Diabetes. Wien Med Wochenschr
2010; 160:25-9.
109. Saely CH, Eber B, Pfeiffer KP, Drexel H. Low Serum LDL Cholesterol in Patients
With Type 2 Diabetes: An Analysis on Two Different Patient Populations.
Int J Cardiol 2010; 144 (3): 394-398.
108. Saely CH, Rein P, Vonbank A, Drexel H. Serum Levels of C-Reactive Protein in
Patients With Stable Coronary Artery Disease: JUPITER in Perspective.
Int J Cardiol 2010; 144(3): 448-449.
107. Rein P, Beer S, Saely CH, Vonbank A, Drexel H. Prevalence of impaired glucose
metabolism in individuals with peripheral arterial disease. Int J Cardiol 2010; 144
(2): 243-244.
106. Beer S, Saely CH, Hoefle G, Rein P, Vonbank A, Breuss J, Gaensbacher B,
Muendlein A, Drexel H. Low Bone mineral density is not associated with
angiographically determined atherosclerosis in men. Osteoporosis International 2010;
105. Saely CH, Aczel S, Koch L, Schmid F, Marte T, Huber K, Drexel H. Diabetes as a
coronary artery disease risk equivalent: before a change of paradigm?
Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 2010; 17:94-9.
104. Drexel H, Aczel S, Marte T, Vonbank A, Saely CH. Factors Predicting
Cardiovascular Events in Statin-Treated Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patients With
Coronary Atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis 2010; 208:484-489.
103. Aschner P., Katzeff H.L., Guo H., Sunga S., Williams-Herman D., Kaufman K.D,
Goldstein B.J. for the Sitagliptin Study 049 Group. Efficacy and safety of
monotherapy of sitagliptin compared with metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 2010; 1:252-61.
102. Biebl A, Muendlein A, Kazakbaeva Z, Heuberger S, Sonderegger G, Drexel H,
Lau S, Nickel R, Kabesch M, Simma B. CD14 C-159T and toll-like receptor 4
Asp299Gly polymorphisms in surviving meningococcal disease patients. PLoS One.
2009; 4:e7374.
101. Drexel H. Glukose, Lipide, Blutdruck: Zielwerte beim Typ-2-Diabetes. Universum
Innere Medizin 2009; 06:51-52.
100. Drexel H. Herzinsuffizienz und Diabetes. Jatros (Kardiologie und Gefäßmedizin)
2009; 03:10.
99. Drexel H. Herzinsuffizienz und Diabetes. Jatros (Diabetes und Stoffwechsel) 2009;
98. Bochdansky T, Böckelberger M, Laube W, Solti K, Drexel H. Evaluation zweier
interdisziplinärer Nachsorgestationen. Phys Med Rehab Kuror 2009; 19:256-265.
97. Drexel H. Statins, fibrates, nicotinic acid, cholesterol absorption inhibitors, anionexchange resins, omega-3 fatty acids: which drugs for which patients? Fundam Clin
Pharmacol 2009; 23:687-692.
96. Saely CH, Risch L, Frey F, Lupi GA, Leuppi JD, Drexel H, Huber AH. Body-MassIndex, Blood Pressure, and Serum Cholesterol in Young Swiss Men: An Analysis on
56784 Army Conscripts. Swiss Med Weekly 2009; 139:518-524.
95. Muendlein A, Geller-Rhomberg S, Saely CH, Winder T, Sonderegger G, Rein P, Beer
S, Vonbank A, Drexel H. Significant impact of chromosomal locus 1p13.3 on serum
LDL cholesterol and on angiographically characterized coronary atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerosis 2009; 206:494-499.
94. Marte T, Saely CH, Schmid F, Koch L, Drexel H. Effectiveness of atrial fibrillation as
an independent predictor of death and coronary events in patients having coronary
angiography. Am J Cardiol 2009; 103:36-40.
93. Drexel H, Saely CH. Brauchen alle Hypertoniker ein Statin? Universum Innere
Medizin 2009; 08:23.
92. Winder T, Scheithauer W, Lang A. Comment on Karapetis et al. K-ras Mutations and
Benefit from Cetuximab in Advanced Colorectal Cancer. N Engl J Med 2009; 360:
91. Winder T, Muendlein A, Geller-Rhomberg S, Dirschmid K, Hartmann B, Knauer M,
Drexel H, Wenzl E, De Vries, A, Lang A. Different types of K-Ras mutations are
conversely associated with overall survival in patients with colorectal cancer. Oncol
Rep 2009; 21:1283-1287.
90. Muendlein A, Saely CH, Rhomberg S, Sonderegger G, Loacker S, Rein P, Beer S,
Vonbank A, Winder T, Drexel H. Evaluation of the association of genetic variants on
the chromosomal loci 9p21.3, 6q25.1, and 2q36.3 with angiographically characterized
coronary artery disease. Atherosclerosis 2009; 205:174-180.
89. Saely CH, Drexel H. Highlights – kardiovaskuläre Prävention. Wien Med Wochenschr.
2009; Skriptum 07/09:14-16.
88. Drexel H, Saely CH. Lifestyle versus Medikamente. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2009;
Skriptum 07/09:20-22.
87. Drexel H, Saely CH. Fettgewebe – diabetische Dyslipidämie als Schnittpunkt zur
Atherosklerose. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2009; Skriptum12/09: 10-12.
86. Saely CH, Drexel H. Strategien zur Verlangsamung der Atherogenese bei Typ-2Diabetes. Diabetes Forum 2009; 04:26-27.
85. Saely CH., Drexel H. Statement zum niedrigen LDL-Cholesterin bei Diabetes.
MEDMIX 2009;11:12.
84. Saely CH., Drexel H. Statine bei normalem LDL-Cholesterin. Arzt & Praxis 2009:63.
83. Saely CH., Drexel H. Residualrisiko bei KHK-Patienten unter Statintherapie. Journal
für Vaskuläre Medizin 2009; 03:9-11.
82. Drexel H. Dyslipidämie als Schnittstelle zur Atherosklerose. Wien Klin Wochenschr.
2009; Spezial 21-22:4.
81. Winder T, Muendlein A, Gasser K, Lingg G, Walser J, Karner-Hanusch J, Dirschmid,
K, Drexel H, Lang A. Challenges and pitfalls in HNPCC: A Pedigree of an Austrian
HNPCC Family Beyond four Generations! Memo 2008.
80. Muendlein A, Winder T, Loacker S, Drexel H. Einfluss von DNA-Variationen auf die
koronare Herzerkrankung. Journal für Kardiologie 2008. 11-12:342-346.
79. Toplak H, Drexel H, Hoppichler F, Huber K, Ludvik B. Hochdosis-Statintherapie
versus zaghafte Lipidintervention. Journal für Vaskuläre Medizin 2008; 2:19-21.
78. Risch L, Saely CH, Drexel H. The medical laboratory in preventive care.
Therapeutische Umschau 2008; 65:481-485.
77. Drexel H. Statine bei „normalem LDL-C“. Universum Innere Medizin 6/2008 (ÖGIMSonderausgabe): 46.
76. Drexel H. HDL-Cholesterin – ILLUMINATE-Studie, neue Subanalyse. HDLCholesterin und KHK. Universum Innere Medizin. 2008:4.
75. Drexel H, Saely CH. Diabetes und metabolisches Syndrom – Kardiovaskuläre
Auswirkungen und Therapieoptionen. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2008:2.
74. Drexel H, Saely CH. Dyslipidämie und Hyperkoagulabilität. Entscheidend für das
kardiovaskuläre Risiko bei Typ-2-Diabetikern. Wien Med Wochenschr.
Kongressjournal 2007 (anlässlich 35.Jahrestagung der ÖDG).
73. Rein P, Saely CH, Aczel S, Patsch B, Drexel H. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Significantly
Reduce Postprandial Triglyceridemia in Male Smokers: A Pilot Study. Nutrition,
Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases 2009;19:e3-4.
72. Saely CH, Dyballa T, Vonbank A, Woess M, Rein P, Beer S, Jankovic V, Boehnel C,
Aczel S, Drexel H. Type 2 Diabetes But Not Coronary Atherosclerosis Is an
Independent Determinant of Impaired Mobility in Angiographied Coronary Patients.
Diab Res Clin Pract 2008: 82(2):185-189.
71. Saely CH, Vonbank A, Rein P, Woess M, Beer S, Aczel S, Jankovic V, Boehnel C,
Risch L, Drexel H. Alanine aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyl transferase are
associated with the metabolic syndrome but not with angiographically determined
coronary atherosclerosis. Clin Chim Acta 2008; 397 (1-2):82-86.
70. Saely CH, Muendlein A, Vonbank A, Sonderegger G, Aczel S, Rein P, Risch L,
Drexel H. Type 2 Diabetes Significantly Modulates the Cardiovascular Risk Conferred
by the PAI-1-675 4G/5G Polymorphism in Angiographied Coronary Patients. Clin
Chim Acta. 2008; 396:18-22.
69. Saely CH, Drexel H. The Periscope Study. Journal für Kardiologie 2008; 15: 255.
68. Saely CH. Kongressbericht: "Modern Lipid Management". Journal für Kardiologie
2008; 15:95-99.
67. Drexel H, Saely CH, Langer P, Loruenser G, Marte T, Risch L, Hoefle G, Aczel S.
Metabolic and anti-inflammatory benefits of eccentric endurance exercise – a pilot
study. Eur J Clin Invest 2008; 38:218-226.
66. Rhomberg W, Eiter H, Schmid F, Saely CH. Combined Vindesine and Razoxane
Shows Antimetastatic Acivitiy in Advanced Soft Tissue Sarcomas. Clin Exp
Metastasis 2008; 25:75-80.
65. Saely CH, Drexel H, Sourij H, Aczel S, Jahnel H, Zweiker R, Langer P, Marte T,
Hoefle G, Benzer W, Wascher TC. Key role of postchallenge hyperglycemia for the
presence and extent of coronary atherosclerosis. An angiographic study.
Atherosclerosis 2008; 199:179-186.
64. Muendlein A, Saely CH, Marte T, Schmid F, Koch L, Rein P, Langer P, Aczel S,
Drexel H. Synergistic Effects of the Apolipoprotein E ε3/ε2/ε4, the Cholesteryl Ester
Transfer Protein TaqIB, and the Apolipoprotein C3 -482 C>T Polymorphisms on their
Association with Coronary Artery Disease. Atherosclerosis 2008; 199:179-186.
63. Drexel H. Nicotinic acid in the treatment of hyperlipidaemia. Fundam Clin Pharmacol
2007; 21:5-6.
62. Saely CH, Rein P, Drexel H. The metabolic syndrome and risk of cardiovascular
disease and diabetes: experiences with the new diagnostic criteria from the
International Diabetes Federation. Horm Metab Res 2007; 39:642-650. Review.
61. Drexel H, Rein P, Hostalek U, Kastelein J. Clinical Experience With ProlongedRelease Nicotinic Acid in Statin-Treated Patients Managed in the Usual-Care Setting
in Austria: An Analysis from Niaspan®-Induced HDL-Elevation for Optimizing Risk
Control (NEMO) Study. Journal of Clinical and Basic Cardiology 2007; 10:7-10.
60. Rhomberg W, Eiter H, Schmid F, Saely CH. Razoxane and Vindesine in Advanced
Soft Tissue Sarcomas: Impact on Metastasis, Survival and Radiation Response.
Anticanc Res 2007; 27: 3609-3614.Risch L, Saely CH, Hoefle G, Rein P, Langer P,
Gouya G, Marte T, Aczel S, Drexel H. Relationship between glomerular filtration rate
and the adipokines adiponectin, resistin and leptin in coronary patients with
predominantly normal or mildly impaired renal function. Clin Chim Acta 2007;
58. Risch L, Saely CH, Neyer U, Hoefle G, Gouya G, Zerlauth M, Risch GM, Risch M,
Drexel H. Prevalence of decreased glomerular filtration rate in patients seeking nonnephrological medical care – an evaluation using IDMS-traceable creatinine based
MDRD as well as Mayo Clinic quadratic equation estimates. Clin Chim Acta 2007;
378: 71-77.
57. Hoefle G, Saely CH, Risch L, Koch L, Schmid F, Rein P, Aczel S, Berchtold S,
Drexel H. Relationship between the adipose-tissue hormone resistin and coronary
artery disease. Clin Chim Acta 2007; 386:1-6.
56. Hoefle G, Saely CH, Risch L, Rein P, Koch L, Schmid F, Aczel S, Marte T, Langer P,
Drexel H. Leptin, leptin soluble receptor and coronary atherosclerosis. Eur J Clin
Invest 2007; 37:629-636.
55. Hoefle G, Muendlein A, Saely CH, Risch L, Rein P, Koch L, Schmid F, Aczel S,
Marte T, Langer P, Drexel H. The -11377 C>G promoter variant of the adiponectin
gene, prevalence of coronary atherosclerosis, and incidence of vascular events in men.
Thromb Haemost 2007; 97:451-457.
54. Saely CH, Risch L, Hoefle G, Rein P, Muendlein A, Marte T, Aczel S, Langer P,
Drexel H. Low Serum Adiponectin, the Metabolic Syndrome, and Angiographically
Determined Coronary Atherosclerosis. Clin Chim Acta 2007; 383:97-102.
53. Drexel H. Reducing risk by raising HDL-cholesterol: the evidence. Eur Heart J 2006;
8: F23-F29.
52. Risch L, Hoefle G, Saely CH, Berchtold S, Drexel H. Evaluation of two fully
automated novel enzyme linked immunosorbent assays for the determination of
human adiponectin in serum. Clin Chim Acta 2006; 373:121-126.
51. Gouya G, Hartmann G, Fae P, Tauber M, Holzmueller H, Benzer W, Lang A, Schuster
A, Drexel H, Offner FA. A case of fulminant post-transplant lymphoproliferative
disorder and septicemia. Clin Transplant 2006; 20:261-264.
50. Saely CH, Koch L, Schmid F, Marte T, Aczel S, Langer P, Hoefle G, Drexel H.
Lipoprotein(a), Type 2 Diabetes, and Vascular Risk in Coronary Patients. Eur J Clin
Invest 2006; 36:91-97.
49. Huber K, Baumgartner H, Darius H, Drexel H, Grimm M, Lang I, Metzler H,
Mulac K, Pichler M, Watzke H, Weidinger F, Weihs W, Weltermann A, Wojta J,
Zenker G, Christ G. Der Einsatz von Clopidogrel bei Patienten mit akuten
Koronarsyndromen, nach perkutaner koronarer Intervention und Stentimplantation.
J Kardiol 2006; 13:168-174.
48. Saely CH, Koch L, Schmid F, Marte T, Aczel S, Langer P, Hoefle G, Drexel H.
ATPIII 2001 But Not IDF 2005 Criteria Of The Metabolic Syndrome Predict Clinical
Cardiovascular Events In Subjects Who Underwent Coronary Angiography. Diabetes
Care 2006; 29:901-907.
47. Drexel H. Sekundärprävention des akuten Koronarsyndroms. Universum Innere
Medizin 2005; 6:21-22.
46. Drexel H. HDL- und LDL-Cholesterin als KHK-Prädiktoren. Diabetes Forum 2005;
45. Drexel H. Neue Argumente und Strategien zur Behandlung des HDL-Cholesterins.
J Kardiol 2005; 12[Suppl C]:12-14.
44. Drexel H. Ezetrol: Die Fakten. J Kardiol 2005; 12[Suppl B]: 9-10.
43. European Consensus Panel. Nicotinic acid in the management of dyslipidaemia
associated with diabetes and metabolic syndrome: a position paper developed by a
European Consensus Panel: Curr Med Res Opin 2005; 21:665-682.
42. Drexel H. Modern intervention strategies for managing dyslipidaemia: the case for
combination therapy. Br J Diabetes Vasc Dis 2005; 5[Suppl 1]:17-23.
41. Risch L, Drexel H, Huber AR. Differences in glomerular filtration estimates by two
cystatin C-based equations. Clin Chem 2005; 51:2211-2212.
40. Risch L, Drexel H, Huber AR. Cystatin C and the risk of death. N Engl J Med 2005;
39. Drexel H, Aczel S, Marte T, Benzer W, Langer P, Moll W, Saely CH. Is
atherosclerosis in diabetes and impaired fasting glucose driven by elevated LDL
cholesterol or by decreased HDL cholesterol? Diabetes Care 2005; 28:101-107.
38. Hoefle G, Saely CH, Aczel S, Benzer W, Marte T, Langer P, Drexel H. Impact of total
and central obesity on vascular mortality in patients undergoing coronary angiography.
Int J Obesity 2005; 29:785-791.
37. Saely CH, Aczel S, Marte T, Langer P, Hoefle G, Drexel H. The Metabolic Syndrome,
Insulin Resistance, and Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetic and Nondiabetic Patients.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005; 90:5698-5703.
36. Risch L, Saely CH, Reist U, Hefti M, Reist K, Huber AR. Course of glomerular
filtration rate markers in patients receiving high dose glucocorticoids following
subarachnoidal hemorrhage. Clin Chim Acta 2005; 360:205-207.
35. Hoefle G, Holzmueller H, Drexel H. Bisphosphonates routine in prevention of posttransplant osteoporosis? J Bone Miner Res 2004; 19:1919-1932.
34. Aczel S, Marte T, Drexel H. „Modulation der Blutfette durch körperliche Bewegung“
J Kardiol 2004; 11:399-402.
33. Marte T, Drexel H. „Lipidsenker bei Hypertonie – Was besagt die Evidenz?“
J Hypertonie 2004; 8:7-10.
32. Drexel H. „Niedriges HDL: ein koronarere Risikofaktor“ J Kardiol 2004: 11[Supp
31. Drexel H. „Hohes HDL schützt vor Atherosklerose“. Medical Tribune 2004; 50.
30. Hoefle G, Holzmueller H, Drexel H. Alendronate versus calcitriol for prevention of
bone loss after cardiac transplantation. N Engl J Med 2004; 350:2306-2308.
29. Hoefle G, Saely CH, Tautermann G, Aczel S, Holzmueller H, Drexel H. Relationship
between various measures of bone mineral density and vertebral fractures in cardiac
transplant recipients. Swiss Med Wkly 2004; 134:215-220.
28. Saely CH, Marte T, Drexel H. Lp(a) lipoprotein, vascular disease, and mortality in the
elderly. N Engl J Med 2004; 350:1150-1152.
27. Saely CH, Aczel S, Marte T, Langer P, Drexel H. Cardiovascular complications in
Type 2 diabetes mellitus depend on the coronary angiographic state rather than on the
diabetic state. Diabetologia 2004; 47:145-146.26. Hoefle G, Tautermann G, Saely
CH, Drexel H. Sex hormone-binding globulin is negatively correlated with femoral
bone mineral density in male cardiac transplant recipients. Wien Klin Wochenschr
2004; 116:170-175.
25. Hoefle G, Holzmueller H, Gouya G, Hergan K, Hubmann M, Langer P, Drexel H.
Lower serum beta-CrossLaps in male cardiac transplant recipients treated without
prednisolone. Transpl Int 2003; 16:523-528.
24. Drexel H. The Role of Hyperlipidaemia in Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease.
J Kardiol 2003;10:146-148.
23. Drexel H, Marte T. Gemeinsame Präventionsstrategien bei Herzinfarkt und
Schlaganfall? Panvascular 2003; 4:6-9.
22. Drexel H. Kardiovaskuläre Primär-/Sekundärprävention – Biographischer Blick nach
vorne. Diabetes Forum 2003; 3:33-35.
21. Lechleitner M, Drexel H. Diabetes und Lipide. Wien Med Wochenschr 2003; 153:469473.
20. Zuber-Jerger I, Drexel H. Aphthous colitis induced by non-steroidal antirheumatic
drugs. Swiss Med Wkly 2003; 133:544-545.
19. Drexel H. Expertenkommentar zur ELVA-Studie. Jatros 2002; 3:42.
18. Benzer W, Aczel S, Drexel H. A Clinical Practice Model to Estimate the Cost.
Effectiveness of Lipid Lowering Therapy With Statins in Patients at Risk for Coronary
Artery Disease. J Clin Basic Cardiol 2002; 5:179-182.
17. Geltner C, Lechleitner M, Föger B, Ritsch A, Drexel H, Patsch JR. Insulin improves
fasting and postprandial lipemia in type 2 diabetes. Eur J Intern Med 2002; 13:256263.
16. Kuster G, Amann FW, Neuenschwander C, Drexel H. High Density-Lipoprotein
Subfractions of Patients using Cardio-Selective Beta Blockers. Cardiovascular Drugs
and Therapy 2002; 16:127-131.
15. Drexel H. Lessons from the Hoorn Study: Schlüssiges Konzept der
Diabetesprävention. Diabetes Forum 2001; 3/01.
14. Drexel H. Kardioprotektion bei Diabetes - Welche Bedeutung haben die Statine?
Diabetes Forum 2001; 4/01.
13. Tautermann G, Ruebsamen H, Beck M, Dertinger S, Drexel H. R116C Mutation of
Cationic Trypsinogen in an Turkish Family with Recurrent Pancreatitis Illustrates
Genetic Microheterogenity of Hereditary Pancreatitis. Digestion 2001; 61:226-232.
12. Wiederin TBJ, Krings T, Vonbank H, Hergan K, Peschina W, Fritsche H, Mathies R,
Drexel H, Koppi S. MRI, Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Tcc-99m
HMPAO SPECT in a Patient with Transient Global Amnesia. Klin Neuroradiol 2001;
11. Drexel H, Schmid HR, Follath F. Effects of Bisoprolol on Lipoprotein Cholesterol
Subfractions and Apolipoproteins in Patients with Hypertension. Journal of Clinical
and Basic Cardiology 2001; 4:57.
10. Drexel H. Experten-Meinungen. Update, Internationale Zeitschrift für ärztliche
Fortbildung. Nr.20/September 2000.
9. Drexel H. Der multimorbide Patient. Ärztemagazin 21/2000, 27.Mai 2000.
8. Drexel H. Universum Innere Medizin, Ausgabe "Diabetologie", 02/2000.
7. Benzer W, Fritzsche H, Kargl M, Drexel H. Revascularization of residual viable
myocardium improves left ventricular dysfunction in patients after myocardial
infarction. Wien Klin Wochenschrift 1999; 111:636-642.
6. Drexel H, Gaul GB, Grimm G, Klein W, Kleemann L, Leisch F, Mlczoch J, Pichler
M, Sailer S, Slany J, Steinbach K, Tragl KH, Mori M, Kuhn P. Secondary prevention
following coronary intervention. Survey of 13 intervention centers in Austria. Wien
Klin Wochenschrift 1999; 111:643.
5. Drexel H. Treatment of Dyslipidemia and Influence of Lipid-Lowering Therapy on
Atherosclerotic Disease. Editorial; Critical Ischemia 1999.
4. Fuchs W, Wolber T, Wöss E, Neyer U, Drexel H. Leptospirose mit akutem
Nierenversagen, schwerem Ikterus, disseminierten Blutungen und Xanthopsie.
Schweiz Med Wochenschrift 1999; 129:847.
3. Benzer W, Bitschnau R, Gröchenig E, Aczel S, Drexel H. Regular physical activity
and risk factors for coronary heart disease. Circulation 1998; 21:2356.
2. Dertinger SH, Dirschmid K, Vogel W, Drexel H. Immunosuppressive Therapy of
Carbamazepine-induced Hypersensitivity Syndrome and Hepatitis. J Hepatol 1998;
1. Ritsch A, Drexel H, Amann FW, Pfeifhofer Ch, Patsch J. Deficiency of Cholesteryl
Ester Transfer Protein: Description of the Molecular defect and the Dissociation of
Cholesteryl Ester and Triglyceride Transport in Plasma. Arteriosclerosis and
Thrombosis Vasc Biol. 1997; 17:433-441.
81. Aczel S, Saely CH, Drexel H. Metabolisches Syndrom und vaskuläre Ereignisse bei
geriatrischen Koronarpatienten. Wien Klin Wochenschrift Suppl 05/08:3.
80. Kiene V, Saely CH, Vonbank A, Wöss M, Böhnel C, Jankovic V, Beer S, Rein P,
Drexel H. Assoziation zwischen körperlicher Aktivität und Metabolischem Syndrom
bei angiographierten Koronarpatienten. Wien Klin Wochenschrift Suppl 05/08: 11.
79. V. Kiene, C. Säly, A. Vonbank, M. Wöss, C. Böhnel, V. Jankovic, S. Beer, P. Rein, H.
Drexel. Essverhalten und Metabolisches Syndrom bei angiographierten
Koronarpatienten. Wien Klin Wochenschrift Suppl 05/08: 12.
78. Saely C.H., Vonbank A, Rein, Ph., Beer, St., Aczel St., Marte T, Drexel, H. (2008):
Adult Treatment Panel III Metabolic Syndrome Criteria More Strongly than
International Diabetes Federation Criteria Predict the Incidence of Type2 Diabetes in
Angiographied Coronary Patients. Diabetes, Vol 57 (Supplement 1): A655
77. Rein, P, Saely C.H., Vonbank A., Beer, St., Woess M, Boehnel, C., Jankovic, V.,
Drexel H (2008): Key Role of Low HDL Cholesterol for the Association of the
Metabolic Syndrome with Inflammation in Coronary Patients. Diabetes, Vol 57
(Supplement 1): A188
76. Drexel H., Vonbank A, Rein, Ph., Beer, S., Aczel S., Marte T., Saely C.H. (2008):
High Triglycerides, Low HDL Cholesterol, and Small LDL Particles Predict Incident
Type 2 Diabetes in Non-Diabetic Coronary Patients. Diabetes, Vol 57 (Supplement 1):
75. Saely C.H., Vonbank A., Rein P., Beer S., Aczel S., Marte T., Drexel H. High
triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, and small LDL particles predict incident type 2
diabetes in non-diabetic coronary patients. Diabetologia 2008 (Suppl.)
74. Sourij, H., Saely C.H., Aczel S., Jahnel, H., Zweiker, R., Marte T., Hoefle G,
Benzer, W., Wascher, T.C., Drexel H (2008): Impaired Glucose Tolerance Strongly
and Significantly Increases the Risk of Future Vascular Events Among Angiographied
Coronary Patients. Diabetes, Vol 57 (Supplement 1): A185
73. Rein, P., Saely C.H., Beer, S., Vonbank A, Woess M, Jankovic, V., Boehnel, Ch.,
Drexel H (2008): The Metabolic Syndrome, Angiographically Determined Stable
Coronary Artery Disease, and Subclinical Inflammation. Diabetes, Vol 57
(Supplement 1): A626
72. H. Drexel, S. Aczel, T. Marte, A. Vonbank, C. H. Saely (2008): Predictors of
cardiovascular events in statin treated patients with coronary artery disease; Eur J Clin
Invest 38 (Suppl 1):33
71. P Rein, C.H. Saely, L. Risch, A. Vonbank, S. Beer, S. Aczel, T. Marte, H. Drexel
(2008): Decreasing renal function significantly predicts consequent vascular events in
angiographied coronary patients; Eur J Clin Invest38 (Suppl. 1): 15
70. C.H. Saely, A. Muenldein A Vonbank, S. Aczel, T. Marte, P. Rein, L. Risch,
H. Drexel (2008): Presence of type 2 diabetes significantly modulates the
cardiovascular risk conferred by the Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1-675 5G/4
polymorphism in angiographied coronary patients; Eur J Clin Invest 38 (Suppl. 1), 31
69. C.H. Saely, S. Aczel, T. Marte, P. Rein, A. Vonbank, W. Benzer, H. Drexel (2008):
Left ventricular ejection fraction, the coronary angiographic state, and cardiovascular
risk in angiographied coronary patients; Eur J Clin Invest 38 (Suppl. 1): 33
68. P. Rein, T. Kathrein, A. Vonbank, C.H. Saely, H. Drexel (2008): Plaques in the
common carotid artery are independent predictors of coronary artery disease;
Eur J Clin Invest 38 (Suppl. 1): 32
67. C. H. Saely, L. Risch, C. Karli, F. Frey, G. A. Lupi, J. D. Leuppi, H. Drexel,
A. R. Huber (2008): Prehypertension, hypertension and associated cardiovascular risk
factors in 54,136 apparently healthy young Swiss army conscripts; Eur J Clin Invest
38 (Suppl 1):33
66. C. H. Saely, L. Risch, C. Karli, F. Frey, G. A. Lupi, J. D. Leuppi, H. Drexel,
A.R. Huber (2008): Distribution of Body Mass Index and associated cardiovascular
risk factors in apparently healthy young Swiss army men: an analysis on 57,916 army
conscripts; Eur J Clin Invest 38 (Suppl 1):34
65. P. Rein, C.H. Saely, S. Aczel, B. Patsch, H. Drexel (2008): Long-chain
polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids significantly reduce postprandial triglyceridemia
in male smokers; Eur J Clin Invest 38 (Suppl. 1): 54
64. C. H. Saely, L. Risch, C. Karli, F. Frey, G. A. Lupi, J. D. Leuppi, H. Drexel,
A. R. Huber (2008): Prevalence of impaired fasting glucose and its relation with blood
pressure in apparently healthy young Swiss army conscripts; Eur J Clin Invest; 38
(Suppl 1):34
63. Saely CH, Vonbank A, Rein, P., Beer, S., Woess M, Jankovic, V., Boehnel C., Drexel
H. (2008): Alanine Aminotransferase and Gamma Glutamyl Transferase are
Associated with the Metabolic Syndrome but not with Angiographically Determined
Stable Coronary Artery Disease. Diabetes, Vol 57 (Supplement 1): A713
62. Beer, S., Saely C.H., Rein, P., Vonbank A, Aczel S., Marte T., Drexel H. (2008):
Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference as Predictors of the Incidence of Type 2
Diabetes Among Angiographied Coronary Patients. Diabetes, Vol 57 (Supplement 1):
61. A. Vonbank, C.H. Saely, C. Boehnel, V. Jankovic, M. Woess, P. Rein, S. Beer, H.
Drexel (2008): Current cholesterol guidelines and clinical reality: a comparison of
coronary artery disease patients from now and from seven years ago; J Kardiol 15 (56):182
60. P. Rein, C.H. Saely, L. Risch, St. Beer, A. Vonbank, M. Woess, Ch. Boehnel,
V. Jankovic, U. Neyer, H. Drexel (2008): Albuminuria, the glomerular filtration rate
and angiographically determined coronary atherosclerosis; J Kardiol 15 (5-6):168
59. P. Rein, C.H. Saely, L. Risch, A. Vonbank, St. Aczel, St. Beer, U. Neyer, H. Drexel
(2008): Decreasing kidney function predicts vascular events independently from the
glomerular filtration rate at baseline: a prospective cohort study on men undergoing
coronary angiography for the evaluation of coronary artery disease; J Kardiol 15 (56):168
58. C. H. Saely, A. Muendlein A. Vonbank, G. Sonderegger, St. Aczel, P. Rein, L. Risch,
H. Drexel (2008): Type 2 diabetes significantly modulates the cardiovascular risk
conferred by the Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1-675 5G/4 polymorphism in
angiographied coronary patients; J Kardiol 15 (5-6):171
57. Dyballa, T., Saely C.H., Rein, P., Vonbank A, Beer, S., Woess M, Jankovic, V.,
Boehnel, C., Drexel H (2008): Type 2 Diabetes but not the Coronary Angiographic
State is an Independent Determinant of Impaired Mobility in Angiographied Coronary
Patients. Diabetes, Vol 57 (Supplement 1): A307
56. Drexel H, Aczel S, Marte, Th., Vonbank A, Saely C.H. (2008): Lipid Predictors of
Cardiovascular Events in Statin-Treated Coronary Patients with Type 2 Diabetes.
Diabetes, Vol 57 (Supplement 1): A254
55. Saely C. H., Drexel H., Sourij H., Aczel S., Jahnel H., Zweiker R., Langer P.,
Marte T., Hoefle G., Benzer W., Wascher T. C. (2008): Key role of postchallenge
hyperglycemia for the presence and extent of coronary atherosclerosis: An
angiographic study. J Am Coll Cardiol Suppl 1031(56): A228
54. Saely CH, Koch L, Schmid F, Marte T, Aczel S, Langer P, Hoefle G,
Drexel H (2007): Adult treatment panel III 2001 but not International Diabetes
Federation 2005 criteria of the metabolic syndrome predict future vascular events
among women undergoing coronary angiography; European Journal of Clinical
Investigation 37 (Suppl 1.): 66
53. Saely CH, Rein P, Schmid F, Koch L, Aczel S, Marte T, Hoefle G, Drexel H (2007):
Type 2 diabetes and the coronary angiographic state are mutually independent
predictors of future vascular events among angiographied coronary patients; European
Journal of Clinical Investigation 37 (Suppl 1.): 68
52. Saely C.H., Drexel H., Sourij, H., Aczel. S., Jahnel, H., Zweiker, R., Langer P, Marte
T, Hoefle G, Benzer, W., Wascher T.C., (2007): The association of postprandial and
fasting hyperglycaemia with angiographically determined coronary artery disease: a
cross-sectional study; European Journal of Clinical Investigation 37 (Suppl 1.): 66
51. Marte T, Saely CH, Schmid F, Koch L, Rein, P., Aczel S, Langer P,
Drexel H (2007): Atrial fibrillation is a strong predictor of death and cardiac events in
angiographied coronary patients; European Journal of Clinical Investigation 37 (Suppl
1.): 1
50. Marte T, Saely CH, Schmid F, Koch L, Rein, P, Aczel S, Langer P,
Drexel H (2007): The resting heart rate is a powerful predictor of future vascular
events among women undergoing coronary angiography; European Journal of Clinical
Investigation 37 (Suppl 1.): 1
49. Hoefle G, Saely CH, Risch L, Rein P, Koch L, Schmid F, Aczel S, Marte T, Langer P,
Drexel H (2007): Leptin, leptin soluble receptor and coronary atherosclerosis;
European Journal of Clinical Investigation 37 (Suppl 1.): 69
48. Hoefle G, Saely CH, Martinell M, Hullin R, Meier B, Carrel T, Seitz M, Villiger PM,
Mohacsi P (2007): Impact of posttransplant weight gain on cardiac allograft
vasculopathy; European Journal of Clinical Investigation 37 (Suppl 1.): 44
47. Saely CH, Koch L, Schmid F, Marte T, Aczel S, Langer P, Drexel H (2007): The
coronary artery state is essential to predict the cardiovascular risk of patients with type
2 diabetes mellitus; Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research 4 (Suppl. 1): S90
46. Drexel H, Aczel S, Marte T, Langer P, Schmid F, Koch L, Rein P, Saely CH (2007):
High triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, and small LDL particles: the main lipid risk
factors in type 2 diabetic coronary patients; Atherosclerosis 8 (1): 149
45. Hoefle G, Muenldein A, Saely CH, Risch L, Rein P, Koch L, Schmid F, Aczel S,
Marte T, Langer P, Drexel H (2007): The –11377 C>G promoter variant of the
adiponectin gene, prevalence of coronary atherosclerosis, and incidence of vascular
events in men. Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research 4 (Suppl. 1): 20
44. Saely CH, Hoefle G, Risch L, Rein P. Marte T, Aczel S, Langer P, Drexel H. (2007):
The metabolic syndrome and angiographically diagnosed coronary artery disease are
additive determinants of serum adiponectin levels; J Kardiol 14 (5-6): 178
43. Muendlein A, Saely CH, Marte T, Schmid F, Koch L, Rein P, Aczel S, Langer P,
Drexel H (2007): Presence of type 2 diabetes significantly modulates the
cardiovascular risk conferred by the plasminogen activator inhibitor-1-675 5G/4G
polymorphism; Diabetes 56 (Suppl. 1): A180
42. Saely CH, Risch L, Hoefle G, Rein P, Marte T, Aczel S, Langer P, Drexel H (2007):
Additive effects of the metabolic syndrome and of angiographically diagnosed
coronary artery disease on serum adiponectin; Diabetes 56 (Suppl. 1): A592
41. Drexel H, Aczel S, Schmid F, Koch L, Marte T, Langer P, Rein P, Hoefle G, Saely
CH (2007): Lipid risk factors for vascular events in statin-treated diabetic coronary
patients; Diabetes 56 (Suppl. 1): A180
40. Hoefle G, Saely CH, Risch L, Aczel S, Berchthold S, Drexel H (2007): Serum resistin
is neither associated with the coronary angiographic state nor with the incidence of
future vascular events among patients undergoing coronary angiography; Diabetes 56
(Suppl. 1): A187
39. Salzburger H, Saely CH, Vonbank A, Woess M, Langer P, Aczel S, Drexel H (2007).
Untersuchung des Ernährungsverhaltens von Koronarpatienten mit Diabetes; Wien
Klin Wochenschr (Suppl. 4): 21
38. Rein P, Saely CH, Langer P, Drexel H (2007): Effect of long-chain omega-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids on postprandial serum triglcerides in male smokers;
Atherosclerosis 8(1): 168
37. Muendlein A, Saely CH, Aczel S, Marte T, Schmid F, Koch L, Rein P, Langer P,
Hoefle G, Drexel H (2007): Synergistic effects of the cholesteryl ester transfer protein
TaqIB, the apolipoprotein E E2/E3/E4, and the apolipoprotein C3 –482 C>T
polymorphisms on the risk of coronary artery disease; Atherosclerosis 8(1): 214
36. Saely CH, Koch L, Schmid F, Marte T, Aczel S, Langer P, Hoefle G, Drexel H
(2006): Prospective evaluation of new and old criteria for the metabolic syndrome;
J Am Coll Cardiol 2006;47 (Suppl. A): 222A.
35. Saely CH, Marte T, Aczel S, Langer P, Koch L, Schmid F, Rein P, Hoefle G,
Drexel H (2006): Type 2 diabetes is not a coronary artery disease risk equivalent. Eur
J Clin Invest;36 (Suppl 1);2.
34. Saely CH, Marte T, Schmid F, Koch L, Aczel S, Rein P, Langer P, Drexel H (2006):
Type 2 Diabetes and the coronary angiographic state are mutually independent
predictors of future vascular events among angiographied coronary patients;
Circulation 114 (Suppl 2): I-435.
33. Saely CH, Sourij H, Aczel S, Jahnel H, Langer P, Zweiker R, Marte T, Hoefle G,
Benzer W, Drexel H, Wascher T (2006): Association of impaired glucose tolerance
and type 2 diabetes with angiographically diagnosed coronary artery disease in men
and women. Diabetes 55 (Suppl. 1): A493.
32. Muendlein A, Saely CH, Aczel S, Marte T, Schmid F, Koch L, Langer P, Rein P,
Hoefle G, Drexel H (2006): Synergistic Effects on the Cholesteryl Ester Transfer
Protein TaqIB, the Apolipoprotein E E2 / E3 / E4, and the Apolipoprotein C3-482
C>T Polymorphisms on the Risk of Coronary Artery Disease. Circulation 114 (Suppl
2): I-110.
31. Aczel S, Saely CH, Marte T, Langer P, Schmid F, Koch L, Rein P, Hoefle G,
Drexel H (2006): High triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, and small LDL particles
predict incident type 2 diabetes in non-diabetic coronary patients. Eur J Clin Invest 36
(Suppl 1): 7.
30. Saely CH, Aczel S, Marte T, Langer P, Drexel H (2005): Serum creatinine is a strong
independent predictor of Vascular events in women undergoing coronary angiography;
Eur Heart J 2005; 26 (Suppl.):1429.
29. Saely CH, Muendlein A, Hoefle G, Aczel S, Marte T, Koch L, Schmid F, Rein P,
Drexel H (2005): The –11377 C>G promoter variant of the adiponectin gene predicts
future vascular events in men undergoing coronary angiography; Circulation 112
(Suppl. II): 3763.
28. Langer P, Saely CH, Marte T, Schmid F, Koch L, Drexel H (2005): Cardiovascular
Risk Associated with type D personality is driven by negative affectivity; Circulation
112 (Suppl. II): 2066.
27. Saely CH, Aczel S, Marte T, Hoefle G, Langer P, Drexel H (2004). The metabolic
syndrome is independently and gradually predictive for vascular events both in
diabetic and in non-diabetic coronary patients; Diabetes 53 (Suppl. 2): A28
26. Saely CH, Aczel S, Langer P, Marte T, Drexel H (2004): Serum creatinine is a strong
independent predictor of death and of vascular events in patients undergoing coronary
angiography; Eur Heart J 25 (Suppl.): 2A3029.
25. Saely CH, Aczel S, Marte T, Langer P, Moll W, Drexel H. CRP, fibrinogen, and white
blood cell count in patients with stable coronary artery disease and impaired glucose
tolerance. Wien Klin Wochenschr 2004: 116 (Suppl. 1): A29.
24. Saely CH, Aczel S, Marte T, Langer P, Moll W, Drexel H (2004): Inflammatory
Markers in patients with stable coronary artery disease and impaired glucose
tolerance; Diabetes 53 (Suppl. 2): A186.
23. Drexel H, Saely CH, Marte T, Benzer W, Langer P, Hoefle G, Moll W, Aczel S
(2004): Prospective impact of triglycerides versus cholesterol in diabetic coronary
patients; Diabetologia 47 (Suppl. 1): A13.
22. Hoefle G, Saely CH, Aczel S, Benzer W, Marte T, Langer P, Drexel H (2004): The
waist-to-hip ratio is the most powerful predictor of the 2-year cardiovascular mortality
in patients undergoing coronary angiography; Eur J Clin Invest 34 (Suppl. 1): 37.
21. Marte T, Saely CH, Aczel S, Hoefle G, Langer P, Drexel H (2004): Insulin resistance
is an independent predictor of vascular events in diabetic patients with coronary artery
disease; Diabetes 53 (Suppl. 2): A183.
20. Aczel S, Saely CH, Marte T, Langer P, Drexel H (2004): Any amount of
hyperglycemia is predictive for vascular events; Eur J Clin Invest 34 (Suppl. 1): 8.
19. Saely CH, Aczel S, Langer P, Marte T, Drexel H (2003): Serum levels of
lipoprotein(a) are low and not predictive for survival and vascular events in coronary
patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 referred to coronary angiography; European
Heart J 24 (Suppl.): 578
18. Saely CH, Aczel S, Marte T, Langer P, Drexel H (2003): Characteristics of elderly
patients undergoing coronary angiography; Eur J Clin Invest 33 (Suppl 1): 24.
17. CH Saely, Aczel S, Marte T, Langer P, Drexel H (2003): Smoking modulates the role
of Lipoprotein(a) as a cardiovascular risk factor. Eur J Clin Invest 33 (Suppl 1): 2.
16. Saely CH, T Marte, S Aczel, P Langer, H Drexel. White blood cell count, fibrinogen,
and CRP in coronary patients with diabetes mellitus; Diabetologia 2003, 46 (Suppl
15. Drexel H, Aczel S, Saely CH, Marte T., Langer P., Moll W (2003): Low LDL
cholesterol in diabetic patients with coronary atherosclerosis; Diabetologia: 46 (Suppl.
2): A 352
14. Aczel S, Saely CH, Marte T, Langer P, Drexel H (2003): Characteristics of women
undergoing coronary angiography; Eur J Clin Invest 33 (Suppl 1): 1
13. T Marte, CH Saely, S Aczel, P Langer, H Drexel (2003) The combined effects of
diabetes and coronary atherosclerosis on the short term risk of vascular events;
Diabetologia 46 (Suppl 2): A370
12. Marte T, Saely CH, Aczel S, Langer P, Drexel H (2003): A two year follow up study
of patients undergoing coronary angiography. Eur J Clin Invest 2003; 33 (Suppl 1): 1
11. Langer P, Saely CH, Aczel S, Marte T, Drexel H. Serum levels of lipoprotein(a) are
low and not predictive for survival and vascular events in patients with diabetes
mellitus type 2 referred to coronary angiography. Diabetologia 2003, 46 (Suppl 2):
10. Hoefle G, Saely CH, Aczel S, Marte T, Langer P, Drexel H (2003): Body mass index
and waist/hip ratio in patients undergoing coronary angiography; Eur J Clin Invest 33
(Suppl 1): 24
9. Saely CH, Aczel S, Marte T, Langer P, Drexel H. The roles of white blood cell count,
fibrinogen, and CRP in diabetic coronary atherosclerosis. Diabetes 2002; 51 (Suppl 2):
8. Saely CH, Aczel S, Langer P, Marte T, Drexel H (2002): Characteristics of coronary
patients with a family history of atherosclerotic disease; Eur Heart J 23 (Suppl): 416
7. Saely CH, Aczel S, Langer P, Marte T, Drexel H (2002): Lipoprotein(a) in coronary
atherosclerosis: the impact of age, diabetes and smoking; Eur Heart J 23 (Suppl): 565
6. Aczel S, Saely CH, Hoefle G, Vetter Z, Marte T, Drexel H (2002): LDL-cholesterol in
Diabetic Coronary Atherosclerosis; Diabetes 51 (Suppl 2): A493
5. Drexel H, Saely CH, Langer P, Marte T, Aczel S (2002): Low Apolipoprotein(a) in
Coronary Patients with Diabetes Mellitus; Diabetes 51 (Suppl 2): A503
4. Aczel S, Benzer W, Saely CH, Langer P, Marte T, Holzmueller H, Drexel H (2002):
Characteristics of coronary patients who smoke; Eur Heart J 23 (Suppl): 701
3. Saely CH, Aczel S, Langer P, Vetter Z, Drexel H (2001): Fibrinogen and
apolipoprotein(a) in diabetic coronary atherosclerosis. Eur J Clin Invest. 31 (Suppl. 1):
2. Aczel S, Benzer W, Langer P, Saely CH, Vetter Z, Drexel H (2001): Any Amount of
Hyperglycemia is Predictive of the Presence of Coronary Atherosclerosis; Diabetes
Vol. 50 (Suppl 2): 148
1. Drexel H, Saely CH, Hoefle G, Langer P, Vetter Z, Schuler E, Aczel S (2001): LDL
Cholesterol is Significantly Lower in Diabetic Than in Non-Diabetic Coronary
Patients; Diabetes Vol. 50 (Suppl 2): 451.
Breuß Johannes: Current cholesterol guidelines and clinical reality: A comparison of coronary
artery disease patients from now and from seven years ago, 2008, Medizinische Universität
Schmid, Fabian: Electrocardiographic abnormalities in angiographied coronary patients – a
cross-sectional and prospective view, 2006, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck.
Vonbank Alexander: Lipid parameters in angiographied coronary patients : a cross sectional
study considering the hyperglycaemic states, 2006, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck.
Koch Lorena: The Impact of the metabolic syndrome on vascular events in coronary patients
– a comparison of the Adult Treatment Panel III and International Diabetes Federation
Criteria, 2005, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck.
Thomas Marte: Dyslipidemia in Coronary Patients with type 2 diabetes – a prospective view,
2003, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck
Christoph H. Saely: Metabolic characteristics of coronary patients with diabetes, 2001,
Medizinische Universität Innsbruck
Dr. Stefan Beer: Knochenstoffwechsel bei Herzkrankheiten, 2008, Private Universität im
Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Dr.Thomas Dyballa: Diabetes mellitus und Immobilität, 2008, Private Universität im
Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Dr. Patrik Marcel Fässler:Arteriosklerose der Halsschlagadern, 2008, Private Universität im
Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Dr.Tanja Kathrein: Diabetes und Arteriosklerose der Beinarterien, 2008, Private Universität
im Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Dr. Michael Christoph Knauer, Qualitätsbeurteilung in der onkologischen Chirurgie, 2008,
Private Universität im Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Dr. Axel Mündlein, Einfluss genetischerVarianten auf Herzerkrankungen, 2008, Private
Universität im Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Dr. Philipp Rein: Fettstoffwechsel bei metabolischem Syndrom, 2008, Private Universität im
Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Mag. Hannes Salzburger: Ernährungsverhalten bei Diabetes und Herzkrankheit, 2008, Private
Universität im Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Dr.ThomasWinder: Vererbte und sporadische Gendefekte bei Darmkrebs, 2008, Private
Universität im Fürstentum Liechtenstein