Bücherankäufe für das Wiener Institut für Iranistik. Stand

Teil des Buchbestandes des Wiener Institutes für Iranistik
Am Institut einsehbar bzw. kopierbar
ABRAHAMIAN, Ervand: Tortured Confessions. Prisons and Public Recantations in Modern
Iran (1999)
ADELKHA, Fariba: Being Modern in Iran (1999)
AHMADI, Nader/ Fereshteh Ahmadi: Iranian Islam: the Concept of the Individual (1998)
AKASHE-BÖHME, Farideh: In geteilten Welten. Fremdheitserfahrungen zwischen Migration
und Partizipation (2000)
ANDERSON, Benedict: Imagined Communities (1991)
ANDREW, Duncan, Shouleh Vatanabadi, Mohammad Mehdi Khorrami: Another Sea, Another
Shore. Stories of Iranian Migration (2003)
ANSARI, Maboud: The Making of the Iranian Community in America (1992)
APSEL, Roland (Hg.): Forschen, Erzählen, Reflektieren. Ethnopsychoanalyse 6. (2001)
BECK, Lois: Nomad
BERGER, Peter L. & Thomas Luckmann: Die gesellschaftliche Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit.
Eine Theorie der Wissenssoziologie (2003)
BERNHARD, Alan/ Jonathan Spencer (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology
BRADBURD, Daniel: Being There: The Necessity of Fieldwork
BRETTELL, Caroline B. & James Frank Hollifield (Ed.): Migration Theory: Talking Across the
Disciplines (2000)
CASTLES, Stephen & Alastair Davidson (Ed.): Citizenship and Migration: Globalization and
the Politics of Belonging (2000)
COHEN, Anthony P. (Hg.) Signifying Identities: Anthropological Perspectives on Boundaries
and Contested Values (2000)
COHEN, Robin: Global Diasporas
CONNERTON, Paul: How Societies Remember (1989)
DAVIS-SULIKOWSKI, Ulrike; Hildegard Diemberger; Andre Gingrich & Jürg Helbling (Hg.)
Körper, Religion und Macht. Sozialanthropologie der Geschlechterbeziehungen (2001)
DOUGLAS, Mary: Ritual, Tabu und Körpersymbolik. Sozialanthropologische Studien in
Industriegesellschaft und Stammeskultur (1986)
FAIST, Thomas (Hg.): Transstaatliche Räume (2000)
FASSMANN, Heinz et al.Abgrenzen – Ausgrenzen- Aufnehmen. Empirische Befunde zu
Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Integration (1999)
FELDMAN, Allen: Formations of Violence Narrative of the Body and Political Terror in
Northern Ireland (1991)
FORTIER, Anne-Marie: Migrant Belongings (2000)
FRIEDL, Erika: Children of Deh Koh: Young Life in an Iranian Village
GEERTZ, Clifford: Dichte Beschreibung. Beiträge zum Verstehen kultureller Systeme (2001)
GIESEN, Bernhard: Kollektive Identität (1999)
GINGRICH, Andre & Richard G. Fox (Ed.): Anthropology, by comparison: Literature and
Memory (2003)
GIROUX, Henry: Counternarratives: Cultural studies and critical pedagogies in postmodern
spaces (1997)
GOFFMANN, Erving: Stigma. Über Techniken der Bewältigung beschädigter Identität
GRINBERG, León & Rebeca Grinberg: Psychoanalyse der Migration und des Exils (1990)
GUPTA, Akhil & James Ferguson (Ed.: )Culture, Power, Place: Explorations In Critical
Anthropology (1997)
HARBOTTLE, Lynn: Food for Health, Food for Wealth: The Performance of Ethnic and Gender
Identities by Iranian Settlers in Britain (Anthropology of Food & Nutrition S.) (2000)
HECKMANN, Friedrich: Ethnische Minderheiten, Volk und Nation. Soziologie interethnischer
Beziehungen (1992)
HOBSBAWM, Eric & Terence Ranger (Ed.): The Invention of Tradition (1992)
HOSSEINI-KALADJAHI, Hassan: Iranians in Sweden: economic, cultural and social integration
JOHNSON, Allan G.: Privilege, Power and Difference (2001)
LIPPMANN, Walter/ Hermann Reidt (Ed.):Public Opinion (1997)
LOVELL, Nadia (Ed.): Locality and Belonging (1998)
MACKEY, Sandra: The Iranians: Persia, Islam and the Soul of a Nation (1996)
MCDONALD, Sharon (Ed.): Inside European Identities (1993)
MIR-HOSSEINI, Ziba: Islam and Gender: The Religious Debate in Contemporary Iran
MOKRE, Monika ; Gilbert Weiss & Rainer Bauböck (Hg.): Europas Identitäten. Mythen,
Konstrukte, Konflikte (2003)
MOSLEHI, Shanaz: A Look at the Psychology of Iranians and Iranian Immigrants (1988)
NAAFICY, Hamid: The making of exile cultures: Iranian television in Los Angeles (1994)
OPPITZ, Michael: Notwendige Beziehungen. Abriß der strukturalen Anthropologie (1993)
PILE. S & Thrift, N. (Ed.): Mapping the Subject. Geographies of cultural Transformation
PRIES, Ludger: Internationale Migration (2000)
RAPPORT, N. & A. Dawson (Ed.)Migrants of Identity: Perceptions of Home in a World of
Movement (1998)
SATRAPI, Marjane: Persepolis (2000)
SCHIFFAUER, Werner; Gerd Baumann; Riva Kastoryano & Steven Vertovec (Hg.): StaatSchule-Ethnizität. Politische Situation von Immigrantenkindern in vier europäischen Ländern
SHAVARINI, Mitra K.: Educating Immigrants: Experiences of Second Generation Iranians
SINGER, Mona: Fremd-Bestimmung. Zur kulturellen Verortung von Identität (1997)
SMITH, Michael Peter & Luis Eduardo Guarnizo (Ed.): Transnationalism From Below.
Comparative Urban and Community Research 6 (1998)
SPELLMAN, Kathryn: Religion and Nation. Iranian Local and Transnational Networks in
Britain (2004)
STRAUSS, Anselm L.: Grundlagen qualitativer Sozialforschung (1994)
STRAUSS, Anselm L/ Barney G. Glaser: Grounded Theory : Strategien qualitativer Forschung
TAGUIEFF, Pierre-André: Die Macht des Vorurteils (2000)
TAPPER, Richard: The New Iranian Cinema: Politics, Representation and Identity
TONKIN, Elizabeth: Narrating our Pasts: The Social Construction of Oral History (1995)
VERMEULEN, Hans & Cora Govers: The Anthropology of Ethnicity. Beyond 'Ethnic Groups
and Boundaries"
WALDENFELS, Bernhard: Der Stachel des Fremden (1998)
WEISS, Walter Fremde im Land (1990)
WERBNER, Pnina & Tariq Modood (Ed.): Debating Cultural Hybridity (1996)
WIEVIORKA, Michel: Kulturelle Differenzen und kollektive Identitäten (2003)
WODAK, Ruth; Rudolf de Cillia; Martin Reisigl & Karin Liebhart (Ed.): The Discursive
Construction of National Identity (1999)
Sowie (aus Privatbesitz)
MILANI, Farzaneh: Veils and Words: the Emerging Voice of Iranian Women Writers.
Syracuse University Press (1992)
SHAYGAN, Daryush: Cultural Shizophrenia: Islamic Societies confronting the West; Syracuse
University Press (1979)